Nathan Reynolds   Podcast   Vidoe
Michael Anderson Podcast   final Video
@craigrs61 3 күн бұрын
She is just another con woman.
@blueweasel4527 6 күн бұрын
Here, champ, I'll throw you a bone. Have a 4th view.
@Tasarran 9 күн бұрын
Sovcit stupidity. Keep it up. Nobody has ever won a single case with this bent brain thinking. It's a lie they desperately wish was true...
@geoffsecombe 11 күн бұрын
This is utter nonsense and trying to drag anyone else down with her is indefensible. It seems to spring from an ugly combination of (among other things) selfish entitlement, inability to note up or understand case law, failure to take an holistic view of the law in general, desperation, attention starvation and flat out stupidity.
@TimothyHuffGuitar 15 күн бұрын
Laws and regulations protect ALL OF US! YES, sometimes it's annoying to drive a certain speed if there is absolutely no other traffic on the road, Yes, I hate having to pay to register my keep my drivers license keep car insurance. But incidentally it is all for the benefit AND protection of us of our safety, protection of our property! You people want the protections the Constitution affords you yet don't want to have to follow the laws a regulations. All your assumptions are absolutely wrong Kat! You can move to a different country if you don't want to follow the laws here...BUT, I can guarantee that wherever you go you will have to conform to the laws and regulations that govern that Country, wherever you may go! If you go to a bank and get a loan, you are bound to that contract and MUST pay the entire amount back WITH INTEREST!
@-VOR 16 күн бұрын
😂 oh the irony. Neither has the mental capacity to grasp it here 😂
@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm 16 күн бұрын
Oh the ignorance. She knew the outcome would likely be this since the courts are corrupt. Learn the law and graps the understanding that you're a debt slave even if you pay cash for your home or have it paid off through a mortgage. It's all illegal. You clearly don't understand what she is exposing and how there was no consideration from the bank. If you'll open your mind to listen to how we've all been scammed you may understand she's doing this to exposed the fraud. It has nothing to do with getting out of a constitutional lawful obligation.
@Tasarran 9 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm The irony of you advising people to know the law. What's more likely true? All courts are corrupt, or you are simply mistaken about what you think about the courts? SovCit BS is a lie you're either shilling, or have been conned into believing. Either way...
@blueweasel4527 6 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm She sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic on a bad acid trip. If there was no consideration from the bank, then her underlying purchase was invalid. Either way, she loses. But luckily for her, she's not smart enough to know how badly she's embarrassing herself, so at least she won't feel the pain of that shame.
@blueweasel4527 4 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm The courts aren't corrupt. They ruled exactly how the law requires. The law isn't some weird secretive thing with hidden meanings. Anyone who knows how to read a simple treatise and knows the meaning of the words in the codes and regs understands. What happened to her was a fair and just outcome. She just wants freebies that no one else gets, because she has this fantasy about the law being some kind of puzzle that only a few lucky people can solve. Reality is actually pretty straightforward.
@mjmorrill081 19 күн бұрын
I think you all need therapy. Something between your mouth and your brain has been disconnected.
@kamhedeen8340 20 күн бұрын
So when I was born, something or somebody put a couple million dollars into a trust that exists simply because I've graced the earth. (but money is fake). And when I'm an adult I can sign all kinds of promissory notes promising to pay back loans in exchange for goods like houses and cars. I don't have to make any payments because money has already been paid from my amazing magical trust account from when I was born. Those people that are giving me loans are bad people because they are trying to get double paid. I don't know the balance on my trust, but I know it is really big, I'm sure I haven't spent it all. More than likely a bunch of bad people stole money from my trust. oh...and frequency matters and I can project a 2000lb hunk of metal (automobile) down the road at any speed I choose and there can be no consequences because I haven't hurt anyone (yet). And I don't need insurance or to prove I can operate it safely. Cuz no one has been harmed...yet.
@AustinThinker79 20 күн бұрын
This is hilarious! Not only is she nuts, but her stupidity has cost her house and car!
@djkizel 20 күн бұрын
This lady took loans on a car and home, then after she got her properties, decided it’s fraud and refused to repay it. She is a fraud
@svede12 20 күн бұрын
She's no better than a bank robber. Don't want to participate in "fraud". Pay for your shit up front. She seriously needs mental help or at least separation from society.
@danettemain3705 20 күн бұрын
Delusional 🤯🤯
@aprilstar1682 20 күн бұрын
Yeah, she has an affidavit of truth that you can use to challenge your bank if you want to be living in a cardboard box next to her!
@aprilstar1682 20 күн бұрын
They are going after people who don’t pay their bills you loon!
@fluphybunny930 20 күн бұрын
She lost her car and now has lost her house. She belongs in a mental hospital.
@UnrealNarcissist 20 күн бұрын
She sees herself as some kind of savior however her actions cause only harm and her words mislead others who are facing foreclosures resulting in more harm. Her ignorance is a disgrace to our Lord Jesus as she has become the fool of Rom 1:22.
@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm 20 күн бұрын
You people have no context on the situation. She has paid on her loans for years and didn't stop because she couldn't. She like many have done the research to learn how the loans are fraudulent. Don't believe it and want to keep the comments about her being stupid or trying to walk away from some obligation because she signed for the loans just shows how lazy and ignorant the masses still are. This is exactly why we're in the position we are right now in this country! We've been poisoned, lied to about history and damn near everything. Go educate yourself on your birth certificate, the act of 1871, the US Corp and research what Contin ui ty of Go vern ment is. I'll bet each of you who are commenting about how stupid she is etc. all got the jabber too. WAKE UP AMERICA!
@UnrealNarcissist 20 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm She stopped paying money when she owed money. What a scoundrel.
@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm 20 күн бұрын
You’re totally unaware of your God given rights and common laws.
@UnrealNarcissist 20 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm You are the clueless one that ignores our Lord's commandments and does not understand that common law is nothing more than court made law, that is precedent created by courts. What a fool you are and what an embarrassment to our Lord to see you having become the fool of Rom 1:22 The courts have never taken your musings seriously as they are lies, misrepresentations, or total misunderstanding of law. You, my friend, our our Nation's worst enemy. But in our Nation, under our Constitution, laws are created by the legislative branch, executed by the executive branch and adjudicated by the judicial branch and while the Federal government has limited powers, the 10th amendment grants broad powers to the state. You have no understanding of the law. You make up facts, you blindly repeat known lies and you show no repentance for misleading people with your nonsense. May the Lord have mercy on your dark soul my friend. And God does not create the laws for those who reside on the soil of We the People, the true and only sovereign. And We the People reject your selfish claims and will expose your ignorance and cheer everytime foolish arguments like these are defeated in court. No court has EVER accepted your claims, and countless have rejected them as frivolous, false, lacking foundation in law. We laugh at your ignorance and will protect the innocent who may take your false claims seriously. Our Lord demands nothing more and nothing less. PS: Thou shall not steal... And yet you worship those who take money and refuse to repay it. Why is that? What makes you violate our laws and our Lord's commandments? Harding argues that the federal government and the court lack jurisdiction over him because (1) the Organic Act of 1871 created a United States corporation which does not have jurisdiction over him as a citizen; (2) the CHARLES JAMES HARDING named in the indictment in all capital letters is not a natural, living person; (3) there is no corpus delicti; and (4) this is a court of admiralty. Harding's arguments are akin to those advanced by proponents of the sovereign citizen movement who "believe they are not subject to federal or state statutes or proceedings, reject most forms of taxation as illegitimate, and place special significance in commercial law." United States v. Brown, 669 F.3d 10, 19 n.12 (1st Cir.) (citing Wikipedia, (last visited Jan. 13, 2012)), cert. denied, 132 S. Ct. 2448 (2012). Similar arguments raised by defendants in other cases consistently have been rejected as erroneous as a matter of law. United States v. Delatorre, No. 03 CR 90, 2008 WL 312647, at *1 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 30, 2008); see Quigley v. Geithner, No. 1:09-CV-293-REB, 2010 WL 3613901, at *1 (D. Idaho Sept. 8, 2010) ("The [sovereign citizen] legal theory (in all of its various forms) has been struck down consistently by the courts."); see also United States v. Jagim, 978 F.2d 1032, 1036 (8th Cir. 1992) (defendant's arguments, e.g., that he is a citizen of the "Republic of Idaho" and that the government in prosecuting him was acting on behalf of an agency controlled by a foreign entity, were "completely without merit, patently frivolous, and will be rejected without expending any more of this Court's resources on their discussion"); United States v. Sloan, 939 F.2d 499, 501 (7th Cir. 1991) ("Mr. Sloan's proposition that he is not subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States is simply wrong."). Because they are contrary to established law, Harding's arguments will likewise be rejected.
@user-zu9ew3ru4m 21 күн бұрын
U people r nuts lmfao
@UnrealNarcissist 21 күн бұрын
She is clueless about the law, she has presented nothing that amounts to evidence or fact, which is why she now has lost her house and car in court. I know, she will blame the court rather than accept that she was found to be clueless. She objects about how the court runs its business and 'ignores' her claims but the court did listen to her specious claims and found them wanting. She is what leads people down a path of self destruction. Her actions fail to abide by the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and run counter to the constitution and the laws created under it. She is ignorant and in excellent Dunning Kruger fashion, totally oblivious of it.
@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm 20 күн бұрын
The truth is that you are clueless about the law. What does the BAR stand for? Every attorney is under the crown who's part of the BAR association. Do you know what admiralty maritime law is? Do your research. Kat has balls that 99% of Americans don't. especially little keyboard warriors who sit behind a screen acting like they are so educate but have no clue what's gone on that they are a part of and never gave informed consent to do so.
@UnrealNarcissist 20 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm Your totally ignorant Bar has nothing to do with British accreditation and’s maritime law has no relevance in state court’s and only applies in limited cases at the federal level. Stop being so willfully ignorant. And you do not need to consent to our laws, you are free to leave. But until then we the people, the true sovereign demand obedience to all and you too are subject to our laws. Fool
@UnrealNarcissist 20 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm You are so clueless. Not only has no court ever taken your ignorant musings seriously but countless courts have rejected them as lacking in law, lacking fact, lacking in logic, lacking in reason Harding argues that the federal government and the court lack jurisdiction over him because (1) the Organic Act of 1871 created a United States corporation which does not have jurisdiction over him as a citizen; (2) the CHARLES JAMES HARDING named in the indictment in all capital letters is not a natural, living person; (3) there is no corpus delicti; and (4) this is a court of admiralty. Harding's arguments are akin to those advanced by proponents of the sovereign citizen movement who "believe they are not subject to federal or state statutes or proceedings, reject most forms of taxation as illegitimate, and place special significance in commercial law." United States v. Brown, 669 F.3d 10, 19 n.12 (1st Cir.) (citing Wikipedia, (last visited Jan. 13, 2012)), cert. denied, 132 S. Ct. 2448 (2012). Similar arguments raised by defendants in other cases consistently have been rejected as erroneous as a matter of law. United States v. Delatorre, No. 03 CR 90, 2008 WL 312647, at *1 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 30, 2008); see Quigley v. Geithner, No. 1:09-CV-293-REB, 2010 WL 3613901, at *1 (D. Idaho Sept. 8, 2010) ("The [sovereign citizen] legal theory (in all of its various forms) has been struck down consistently by the courts."); see also United States v. Jagim, 978 F.2d 1032, 1036 (8th Cir. 1992) (defendant's arguments, e.g., that he is a citizen of the "Republic of Idaho" and that the government in prosecuting him was acting on behalf of an agency controlled by a foreign entity, were "completely without merit, patently frivolous, and will be rejected without expending any more of this Court's resources on their discussion"); United States v. Sloan, 939 F.2d 499, 501 (7th Cir. 1991) ("Mr. Sloan's proposition that he is not subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States is simply wrong."). Because they are contrary to established law, Harding's arguments will likewise be rejected. Why are you spreading known lies? And why are you embarrassing our Lord Jesus with your words and actions? Fool
@thefirm9746 6 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm Admiralty or maritime law is the law that applies to disputes arising from activities on navigable waters that are used for interstate or foreign trade. It has fuck all to do with whatever conspiracy theory you fell for. Bar is not an acronym. It doesn't "stand for" anything. It's a reference to where lawyers go in the courtroom, and the reason it was popularized is similar to the reason judges are considered "the bench." The clowns who tried to sell you on the super duper secret "fact" that it means “British Accredited Registry” were either scam artists or trolls, and you bought it. Use some critical thinking skills, Steve. The real world actually makes sense. It doesn't have secret codes for idiots to crack so that they can game the system in ways that no one else can, and if it did, it wouldn't be mostly losers and loons figuring it out. It would be the wealthy and powerful people doing it to get out of paying their debts, and it would be them cashing in on all the cool free stuff that Kat thinks she's going to get at the end of her crusade. And that's not having balls, dude. Anyone who's read Alexander Pope's "Essay on Criticism" knows what it is, and it ain't balls.
@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm 5 күн бұрын
@@thefirm9746 go do your research. This post might help along with todays SCOTUS ruling.
@Andrew-rz6hh 21 күн бұрын
Shame on you for giving this psycho any kind of platform. Shes a theif. Steals loan money and then make up excuses for why she shouldnt pay. Nothing she said has any basis in actual law. Hopefully people stop listening to her crap after seeing shes lost every single court hearing.
@mikev4373 21 күн бұрын
Yes take advice from a person that lost both her car and her home because she’s a nut. Good luck folks
@dwaynebburns 21 күн бұрын
Debt is fraud. Why is taking the money in the first place not larceny?
@mikev4373 21 күн бұрын
This lady is mentally ill. She lost her vehicle and her home because of it. Sad
@dwaynebburns 21 күн бұрын
Ain't it awful! What happened to your animals? Apparently, you got your horse's face.
@jimkimball5125 21 күн бұрын
Sorry, she's batshit crazy. She's defrauding the credit union, she never intended to pay them. She's going to jail, plain and simple. Nutjob...
@ima9173 21 күн бұрын
Did she take a loan to buy her car ? Did she take a loan to buy her house. Was she paying the loans ? Those are the only two questions which need to be asked and answered
@ryanr3071 21 күн бұрын
The entitlement of this woman is astounding. “I’m alive, therefore i don’t need to pay my bills!” Where in the constitution does it say you can do that?
@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm 21 күн бұрын
Where in the constitution does it say you have to pay taxes? They are voluntary yet so many still pay them out of ignorance. There’s a few great Ex IRS agents who go over this in detail and one hasn’t paid since he learned the truth in 1999 and quit his job. We the people have so many false beliefs through the indoctrination of the central banker, Dee p st ate ca bal. The great awakening is in full swing yet so many are still under the spell. You better buckle up because it’s coming and it’s coming to jar you out of the psychosis you’re under
@ryanr3071 21 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm taxes are in place for many many reasons. We wouldn’t have a lot of the things we take for granted if we didn’t pay for them in some way. I’m not in any delusional state but you are failing to see the ridiculousness of what this woman is saying. It’s not unconstitutional in any way for her property to be repossessed if she refuses to pay for it. If you sold something to someone under the agree to at they needed to pay you X amount of payments to add up to the value of what you sold and they didn’t pay, how would you feel. My point in mentioning the construction is because you and her brought it up as a relevant factor in this argument. It has nothing to do with it. She defaulted and thus her shit was ceased. Rightfully so. I’m taking a guess here, but I’m sure you’re not in business for yourself like i am, otherwise it would make sense. But if you choose to believe that simply because someone finds themselves in the unique position of being alive that they are entitled to stuff they didn’t pay for, then you are the delusional one my friend…. Stealing is what she is doing. Simply put….
@mikev4373 21 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xmYou sir are insane and broke for a reason.
@mudman6156 21 күн бұрын
The only fraud that’s going on here is your unwillingness to pay back the loan you gladly accepted. That’s NOT fraud on the bank’s part, however, it’s well beyond FRAUD on your’s. ITS OUTRIGHT THEFT. People like this wacko here should be arrested and charged with theft. Her failure to make her payments was a calculated, DELIBERATE ACT. THAT MAKES IT CRIMINAL. These idiots think that they’re entitled to have whatever they want and use other people’s money to pay for it without having to pay for the use of that money. I for one, don’t let people use my money without paying me interest on the money they borrowed. That’s how life really works. Kat, if you don’t want to pay to use someone else’s money, then you need to pay CASH UPFRONT.
@djlancematthew 21 күн бұрын
Holy crap! This sovereign citizen is off her rocker! To make matters worse, she’s a sovereign citizen, and a Trump supporter!
@neonwired4978 21 күн бұрын
she uses a lot of words without knowing what they mean. sovcit salad.
@GeriatricHippo 21 күн бұрын
She entered into a legally binding contract voluntarily. You don't get to change the rules after just because you don't want to pay up. It's not free house time for everyone. She didn't find the secret loophole everyone didn't know about. Straw man, maritime law all of it is hogwash. she is a fraudster trying to baffle with bullshit and will never win anything in court.
@karenneill9109 21 күн бұрын
This woman just lost her house because she didn’t pay her mortgage.
@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm 21 күн бұрын
That does not mean she wasn't standing in Truth up against the deep state. She knew the risk even though she was right and had all the documents to prove it. When corruption at all levels works together it's a long shot but she's willing to do this to expose the corruption. If we did it in mass it would end but to many live in fear
@karenneill9109 21 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm And what economic system do you propose?
@ejp99 21 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xmShe stated that the bank provided no consideration. How did she walk out of a car dealership with a car without paying for it? How did she own a home without paying the prior owner? It sounds more like she is the one committing the ‘fraud’ than the bank.
@UnrealNarcissist 21 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm There is no such thin as the deep state. Her documents prove nothing, in fact the only thing it proves is her ignorance. There is no corruption other than the corruption of her mind, and yours apparently. She is clueless about the constitution, the law, makes misleading claims that have no foundation in law and behaves in a selfish manner. She is a great example of Rom 1:22, where she has become a fool believing herself to be wise. I understand that some people need people like this fool to tell them what to believe but they become fools themselves when they willingly embrace these lies and misrepresentations. The simple fact is that she voluntarily engaged in a contract with the bank with her house and car as collateral and then refused to pay back what she owed. The only fraud was hers when she hoped to get away with such behavior. May the Lord have Mercy on her dark and ignorant soul.
@UnrealNarcissist 21 күн бұрын
@@ejp99 Indeed, she pretends that she has 'proof' which allows low information thinkers (sic) like TurhTalk to embrace and spread further ignorance in the hope to enslave more people with this ignorant nonsense. They should be ashamed of themselves but alas. they lack moral compass.
@ericlee1055 21 күн бұрын
I feel sorry for anybody that is even remotely related to this lunatic. She gets worse, the more she talks. Q anon material for sure.
@robertvarela3345 21 күн бұрын
You’re an id$&t lady! Pay your bill like everyone and you can keep your house
@chriskosonen4897 21 күн бұрын
I understand when you get a loan the interest is crazy, but if you don't want to pay the rates dont except the loan
@ryanr3071 21 күн бұрын
Or pay your bills on time and don’t get into debt you have no way of paying for.
@ericlee1055 21 күн бұрын
Just awful
@guitarguy1551 21 күн бұрын
Doesn’t want to pay her bills. Deadbeat.
@AEB72112 21 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂 ... What an idiot...
@scottrudner8834 21 күн бұрын
Sovereign Citizens are clueless and this one is Insane. There is no money attached to anyone's U.S. birth certificate, if you sign papers to borrow money you owe that money and YOU have to pay it back. This " living person" shit is silly. Newsflash anyone here watching and participating are living people. Also, cut it with the bullshit about admiralty law and common law being the only law but all you crayon eaters don't realize that there is a thing called STATUTORY LAW which involves motor vehicle law and criminal law among others. These fools probably say they HATE communism yet what they subscribe to is a big part of communism. What they are against whether they know it or not is CAPITALISM. This is how it is, money rules and if you don't have money you better follow the rules or you'll end up in jail. Example, if anyone else was charged with what Trump was charged and convicted of in NY, would have been taken into custody upon conviction, only the rich, like Trump supposedly, get to stay out of jail till an appeal is adjudicated. Lastly, when these fools say they have "affidavits of truth" it means nothing. Whose truth? Who decides what is true you? No a judge does and when you fools defend yourselves you are held to the same standard as a lawyer so when you do things like ask the judge improper questions or questions at the wrong time, he/she is not obligated to answer. It would be giving you legal advice which a judge cannot do, this is why you hire someone that knows the procedures and rules of the court. I wish this shit was true, I'd be all over it but it's all bullshit and while it might get lots of KZfaq views I fear the damage it does to people who follow it. Just pitiful. This lady is now homeless and careless. Is that what you want for your kids? Pay your bills and don't take out loans you can't afford. If I can't buy it with cash, I can't afford it. PERIOD.
@burtonmoore996 21 күн бұрын
Translation: I want free money, gimme gimme.
@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm 21 күн бұрын
That has nothing to do with it. Educate yourself. You’re paying for the home in the first place from your cestui que v Trust and then paying back that loan plus interest. Until you learn about your birth certificate, maritime law vs common law you’ll believe what you have been taught. America is in the position she is right now because we’re to busy, to lazy or don’t care to search for truth. Be part of the solution instead of the problem
@mikev4373 21 күн бұрын
@burtonmoore996 21 күн бұрын
@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm well, you must surely have a long list of cases won against the current laws of the land, because I don't see how cosplaying as Dale Gribble is going to do anything for anyone.
@UnrealNarcissist 21 күн бұрын
She is the only slave, a slave to her selfish ignorance of the law. Such a fool
@user-jh1mq2ih2u 21 күн бұрын
She’s a nut bag
@raymondcaylor6292 22 күн бұрын
It's a tough blow to society. Signed, No One
@denisethomson815 22 күн бұрын
Aren't you the same nutter who bought a house through a mortgage and then thought you had the right to not pay said whose the monkey now 😅
@denisethomson815 22 күн бұрын
Crazy sovereign cit 😂😂😂
@burtonmoore996 21 күн бұрын
What you just said was redundant. Crazy and sovereign citizen, are the exact same thing. No average citizen has ever encountered a sovereign citizen and unironically stated "wow, that totally sane person talking about contracts and admiralty law should totally represent me in my legal troubles."
@K4OSR 23 күн бұрын
The amount of idiocy in flowing from this woman is overwhelming. Follower her advice if you want to be homeless. Pay your bills or face the consequences.
@stevecloward 23 күн бұрын
She speaks absolute Truth. If the rest of us had the balls that she does their fraudulent Ponzi scheme would be over. She’s willing to stand in honor and truth against an cabal and central bankers who give unconstitutional loans to the masses to busy to See the con. Do your research and it ought to piss you off. Humans are nothing more than debt slaves
@raymondcaylor6292 23 күн бұрын
Nut Case is too kind. Like other Poster's said : Listen to her and you'll be homeless:☆☆☆Here's the deal and you may not want to listen or you may not want to comply but Homelessness Sucks / Foreclosure Sucks / Eviction Sucks SO pay your rent, lease, or mortgage in full and on time every month. Help yourself out by not ever spending more than 25% of your take home pay including escrow for housing costs but even if you have to only eat beans & rice, have no phone or cable, or drive a $500 beater to work your 2 jobs pay for housing first because homelessness is life changing. Good Luck
@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm 22 күн бұрын
You obviously haven't done your research about how every loan is illegal, how taxes are unconstitutional and are voluntary. Humanity is nothing but a de bt slave to the Ca bal cent ral ban kers. The I R S and Fed eral r eserve are not US Government agencies. It's time we the people wake up, learn about to the Act of 1871. This is when The United States of America Corporation was created. All under the Crown. Come on people we have got to stand up and unit. Kat may lose to this cabal but she sure as hell is setting an example of what standing up for truth and honor means. Read about the act of 1871
@burtonmoore996 21 күн бұрын
​@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xmthat's nice Steve, but do you have anything that works in the 21st century? These SovCit notions don't seem to work in the modern era.
@scottrudner8834 21 күн бұрын
​@@TruthTalkwithSteve-es3xm good luck with that.
@FollowingAfterJesusChrist 25 күн бұрын
LOL still waiting on that answer Kirwin LOL
@dominick6230 Ай бұрын
😆 *promosm*
@sultanciarra11 2 ай бұрын
Like how she can help with the Missing people. What a good thing to do for people.
@lheiser2 2 ай бұрын
Nice to meet June. Thank you for your teachings. Just found you. Thank you Steve for this video.
@stevecloward 2 ай бұрын
You’re very welcome. Thanks for watch 🙏🏼
@andyolsensovereignbeing.6211 2 ай бұрын
I don't think America every knew its way as its always been hijacked. All of them in charge are criminals. Just the last 4 years show they are all in a big club and All worked lockstep to close the world and push the intervention that's causing harm. Mr T even still pushing it and calls himself the father of the intervention.
@grayman7208 3 ай бұрын
LOL, complete nonsense. here's the truth what every other human thinks is irrelevant. god knows his own. easily refuting anti-mormons. anti-mormons do not understand basic biblical christian doctrine. here's the big problem for you, and all so-called christian churches, that you refuse to acknowledge ... jesus founded his church on prophets and apostles. the scriptures clearly tell us that, many times. and there is only one church today that has prophets and apostles. the restored church of jesus christ. "the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints" which you refer to as mormons. not any of yours. and the fact that you do not use our real name, proves your dishonesty. consider yourself schooled. the church of god in the time of the prophets, was built on the foundation of the prophets, i. e. upon those doctrines and doctrinal truths deliver'd by them. the church of god under the new testament, is built not only on the foundation of the prophets, but of the apostles, Rev. 21:14. this is precisely what paul affirms in ephesians 2:20 where he says that the church is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, christ jesus himself being the cornerstone” (cf. rev. 21:14; also 1cor. 3:10-11 in context). the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints is the ONLY church today built on a foundation of apostles and prophets. anti-mormons are teaching a false gospel (just like all protestants). for that matter, catholics as well.