@al69420 14 күн бұрын
Venus is dope. I’d date her
@mercurytoad 20 күн бұрын
Kenzie already sees Maria's evil vibes 😂
@SC-qd1nq 20 күн бұрын
Trashy. I would not trust her installing a car seat. Her PR tour isn't working. She is a very shallow person. Trashy.
@cloudnoctis666 22 күн бұрын
Maria should've been thankful to Charlie for playing with her and making her his number 1. There is no mutual respect in Maria for Charlie. She might have played with her head, but she voted with her heart. She was inconsistent in the game, and towards Charlie.
@johnbrewer62 28 күн бұрын
Yoah cousin, froam Buaston
@137mango Ай бұрын
She's amazing. I love Venus. She always speaks her mind.
@ferdinandl3709 Ай бұрын
Saw in her eyes BS!!! Booooooo
@emilyjune3157 Ай бұрын
Leslie starting fire and needing money…that’s bullshit! Maria was a bitter bitch, that’s the bottom line! Shame on her! Her kids should not be proud of this 😡
@joniblue7475 Ай бұрын
If Charlie brought Venus rather than Kenzie in final 3, then he wins. He was stuck under Maria's thumb for so long. The jury did not even recognize his gameplay at all. Maria claimed those moves.
@user-bu6kq8hm6j Ай бұрын
Love you lots, Liz!!
@ClueFinderDirtDigger Ай бұрын
Honestly I just wish she’d take a little more accountability. We all fuck up, say things or do things we regret, hurt people unintentionally, etc. Her FTC vote is a hard pill to swallow, and I don’t blame Charlie at all for feeling betrayed - but ultimately it was her choice, and I can’t fault her too much for it. What I’m really uncomfortable with is the way she spoke to Ben in that secret scene. Even with the “context” she provided here, I still feel that her dismissive and condescending tone was super uncalled for. I can’t think of anybody else in the cast who was out there talking to other people with that level of disrespect (except Liz, whose behavior was also way out of line, if you ask me). Even if she didn’t mean for it to come across that way, claiming that it was just “unfairly edited” seems to lack some self-awareness. That said, some of the internet piling on has been unnecessarily hateful. She made some really bad social choices and will have to face the consequences of that in her personal life, and her answers here aren’t great. But she doesn’t owe anyone an apology except the individuals who were hurt by her actions out there. That’s my two cents, at least.
@maggie198333 Ай бұрын
I think the 3 finalists have the most creditable source of game information. Every juror minus Hunter doesn't have credibility imo with all the drama going on.
@maggie198333 Ай бұрын
Load of BS from Maria
@cococalypso9890 Ай бұрын
Such a bad excuse. She just didn't want to come across as bitter and petty, but she wasn't really good at hiding her facial expressions when trying to explain that during the show. Sore loser.
@GregK97 Ай бұрын
I was actually rooting for Maria to win, but I’m definitely glad she got voted out now. Crazy how she could’ve been beloved by all of us had she voted for her number one “ally.” What a shame. 😪
@astrickland897 Ай бұрын
For someone who started out by saying "i dont want to be known as the mother of the tribe" She sure did mention the word "Mother" wayyyy to many times
@lyndasalazar184 Ай бұрын
Charlie is the real champ of survivor 46(mind you I was rooting for Hunter more) even his view counts compared to Kenzie say it all. SMH This is why Survivor Australia beats US.
@gambizzle Ай бұрын
She is a little delulu, def do not think respect is what she got after her meltdown, but she made great tv this season
@AnnaE1500 Ай бұрын
It's too bad that Charlie chose Maria as his "ride or die." I found Maria's behavior in so many ways to be offensive, such as when she acted so wounded ("daggers") by Venus at tribal council on account of her simply showing the courage and integrity to call Maria out on her beyond appalling, transparent and fake behavior in picking Q for the food reward, claiming her decision was based upon whose body was "breaking down" the most. Then she proceeds to leave the two who are literally STARVING and picks Q, the guy who just ate but whom she previously stated she wanted to "use" for his vote, i.e., to serve her own purposes. In reality, she should be ashamed of her behavior. I'm really glad she will see for herself the episode that airs during which virtually EVERYONE in the cast views Maria's behavior the exact same way as Venus did! She relentlessly badmouthed Ben prior to tribal council in a desperate attempt to avoid being voted out and then tenderly touches his shoulder during that same tribal council - so two faced and fake. While Kenzie had a great social game, I feel Charlie had the best all-around strategic, physical and social game. I guess it was too quiet a game for people to take note of. It was obvious that Maria withheld her vote for Charlie at final tribal out of spite and jealousy. If I were him, I would not have anything to do with her after her betrayal of him. I do not consider her the wise pillar of morality she envisions herself as being.
@AnnaE1500 Ай бұрын
It was offensive when Maria acted so wounded ("daggers") by Venus at tribal council on account of her simply showing the courage and integrity to call Maria out on her beyond appalling, transparent and fake behavior in picking Q for the food reward, claiming her decision was based upon whose body was "breaking down" the most. Then she proceeds to leave the two who are literally STARVING and picks Q, the guy who just ate but whom she previously stated she wanted to "use" for his vote, i.e., to serve her own purposes. In reality, she should be ashamed of her behavior. I'm really glad she will see for herself the episode that airs during which virtually EVERYONE in the cast views Maria's behavior the exact same way as Venus did! Plus, all the condescension she exhibits towards others is nothing short of nauseating and then withholding her vote for Charlie out of spite and jealousy. I do not consider her the wise pillar of morality she envisions herself as being - far from it.
@joldc5123 Ай бұрын
I didn’t even finish listening to this interview, she discussed me
@joldc5123 Ай бұрын
Omg Maria, you are such a hypocrite, hope you never return to survivor, by the way you were always selfish,
@Sakuraa3398 Ай бұрын
What a bitter women. I think Venus had her absolutely clocked just mean. Season was wild start to finish.
@eatchiIdren Ай бұрын
8:04 SEVERAL and on
@modmoxgoods Ай бұрын
Maria was bitter and sought vengeance. Not a nice look on Maria.
@savannahcat386 Ай бұрын
@KarmaIsARealThing Ай бұрын
The delusion is real. Bring her back.
@IndoorIntrovert 3 күн бұрын
@afullchalicevlogs7979 Ай бұрын
@jackkolero Ай бұрын
I had no idea Mike Bloom is handsome ❤
@hafizhadi8185 Ай бұрын
Kenzie is a fake person..after jess fake tribal idol, i pray that tiffany,kenzie,q got voted out ..bcos i hate how they treat bully jess ..and i justdont like kenzie fake character..shes not a nice person...worst survivor winner.
@astrickland897 Ай бұрын
Thank you!! Kenzie was a mean girl in the beginning! They all sucked at challenges but kept blaming it on Jess! Constantly they yelled at her for making mistakes. I wanted them to go one more day before merge to see who they'd blame losing immunity on now that they were down to their bff group.
@asian6oy Ай бұрын
Hunter is so stinkin' pretty 🥹
@Elsa4U Ай бұрын
Marie is Grasping at straws trying to pick the reason that sounds best.
@Elsa4U Ай бұрын
This vote was a bitter vote. Nothing to do with fire or Q’s question. She promised him her vote to get his help when she was on her way out. BS I hope Charlie never forgives her. She said oh I played such an honest game. 🙄. KARMA IS A B. She begged him to help her find an idol. That’s why she promised him her vote.
@Stylepoints71 Ай бұрын
So incredibly unlikable. Completely lacking self-awareness.
@californiadreaming567 Ай бұрын
It would be interesting if Survivor would go back and edit with his mives
@leandromv170 Ай бұрын
Even though I think Charlie played a PERFECT game (his only "mistake" was that Maria was cast), I'm absolutely happy with Kenzie winning. I loooove her! Then again, I was sad for Charlie during the after show. Please bring him back for S50!
@theshow1269 Ай бұрын
Bitter. Jealous. Vindictive player….. Spin your reasons, we know the truth.
@vincentmaestas3396 Ай бұрын
She's always been fake Charlie just took long to find out and at a very big cost.
@cloudnoctis666 22 күн бұрын
I thank Maria for showing how the real world is. Sometimes we forget about fake people living in it. Charlie should learn a million dollar lesson there.
@robcostigan8757 Ай бұрын
Love the Persian Princess
@BarbaraHoward-uy8fq Ай бұрын
Setting such a good example for her kids! NOT. All lies ….as well one of her reasons being “ giving up things for herself” all her life….did she get all her education and persue business adventures just for others …again just a selfish bitter woman..shame on you
@happygarden7111 Ай бұрын
Bring Venus back on a second chances! She’s got great reads on people and the game in general. With what she learned this season she will be a contender for the win.
@Highwind452 Ай бұрын
I think it worked in Kenzie's favour that she wasn't included in the Tiffany blindside. She got to keep a cheerleader on the Jury.
@lapaylor4039 Ай бұрын
maria was not and continues not to be a friend. She is opportunistic... we saw it in game play, using Q to get ahead for instance Ben is a friend
@Kyler.Mellen Ай бұрын
The fucking walk hard a dewy cox story reference 🤣🤣♥️♥️
@campwonderwander Ай бұрын
Great interview! Insightful info. It's amazing that survivor really is that social experiment where people fall into the similar lanes as real life. Kudos to Ben for everything he did and literally survived. Thanks Mike!
@cjsmith5787 Ай бұрын
One of the worst survivor contestants of all time. I’m sure her kids will be thinking the same thing
@cloudnoctis666 22 күн бұрын
Well said.
@helmeyb Ай бұрын
Felt really bad for C.. he was expecting a win and got really disappointed.. bitter Witch
@billjohnson104 Ай бұрын
i've watched most of her interviews now and its funny that every time she blames someone else "Venus runs around" Ben was shady with Tim" "Gem changed that day" its never her fault. GASLIGHTING ladies and gents
@annrodriguez2891 Ай бұрын
Ben ... Americas favorite player❤❤❤❤
@NankerPhelge65 Ай бұрын
@cindym5896 Ай бұрын
Thanku for allowing Ben to tell us more about his gameplay here. Really feel for him n he was always so bubbly n gave off good vibes, regardless. Im sad about how petty n bitter the jury was, n i knew they would be that way. The next season of players has just started, n i hope there are sum rule changes, n they give them more food rewards or hidden food rewards, n they actually try to fish / forage more. Coz it doesnt make for entertaining TV to watch people slowly breakdown .. wen they throw them into Physical Challenges aswell. I really hope Survivor takes Fans' criticism coz they have such a great show to work with n such a huge fanbase.
@sharonshiel Ай бұрын
Hidden food rewards!! This is brilliant!!