Everything You Need to Know About Jesus
This is What the Devil Looks Like
16 сағат бұрын
Are you Spiritual or Religious?
14 күн бұрын
Answering Questions From Atheists
Are You Afraid of Death?
3 ай бұрын
This is BIG! So Excited...
3 ай бұрын
Is There Proof God Exists? Yes
The Right Way to Evangelize
3 ай бұрын
8 Worst Popes in History
4 ай бұрын
Mediocrity is Killing Your Soul
Santa is NOT a Christian figure
New Teaching on Marriage? No.
You CAN Make a Difference!
5 ай бұрын
@rmglabog 34 минут бұрын
It simply means people are feed up with Christianity as a means to control and suppress the population, rather than promote intellectual inquiry. "Will of God" usually corresponds to one's political agenda and self-interest. As someone from Asia, Christianity has been used to colonize us. So no, I don't subscribe to dogma and other people's concept of "will of God".
@NeutronSpeaks 35 минут бұрын
There is no first hand accounts of Jesus so y’all all lying or guessing
@clairelariviere3122 54 минут бұрын
Open mindedness without discernment is a road to ruin in my opinion.
@danielfernandezpeinado6294 55 минут бұрын
Not like they'd say amen when the priest tells them "Body of Christ"
@DawngaHmar-dl1ic Сағат бұрын
I hear a lot of excuses.
@user-hg9oi7mp1c Сағат бұрын
Starting a confession with 'bless me, father, for I have sinned'...
@jakobymaster Сағат бұрын
Dude just said that god cannot exist without believers.. so lets get it over with?🙂
@Grandlett 2 сағат бұрын
I am open to being close minded
@TCM1231 2 сағат бұрын
I have been thinking this for months you put it perfectly
@elizabethking6395 2 сағат бұрын
But as Christians, are we not seekers? Do we not spend our lives seeking out how we may deepen our faith and understanding of God, what it means to life our faith in our own lives and communities, and many more questions? Even if you have faith, life should never not be about seeking. Being a person of faith doesn’t mean having all the answers. That is exactly the problem with all the ultra conservative priests in my area, preaching to the ultra conservative community about how gay people are evil. All they are doing is affirming those people’s beliefs, and as a result, those people are not growing in faith and understanding. When instead, the priest should preach on a topic challenging the community to look to their own sins and consider how they can do better and grow in their faith. Seeking is an integral part to faith life.
@tickedoffnow 3 сағат бұрын
great video :)
@ThatIndianCatholic 3 сағат бұрын
It's an American left wing value says my Hindu friend. 😂 I'm indian 🇮🇳 in our country we have a value to love our culture ❤
@sebastianyoon8051 3 сағат бұрын
Problem I faced when talking with my 30 year old nephew, a science master degree holder from the Imperiel College, London is at a point he just said, "Ultimately, we just popped out of nothing, made by nobody". Any further discussion on God ... he is "just not interested"... finds "irrelevant." Seemed to have made his decision and conclusion on God already???
@jimmycarrollgodblesspoland5521 3 сағат бұрын
You should mention the eras they served
@sagemcallister4822 4 сағат бұрын
Begging the Question Fallacy -- begging the question or assuming the conclusion (Latin: petītiō principiī) is an informal fallacy that occurs when an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion (Wikipedia, 2024). Christians choose to start with a premise and then seek post-hoc justifications to support it instead of beginning with "I don't know" and then gathering unbiased data in research. They are epistemologically dishonest.
@susanhsiang2197 4 сағат бұрын
Be open-minded on a solid ground !
@TheMaster3782 5 сағат бұрын
One of my coworkers had a bumper sticker on his car. The sticker said: "A mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open". My retort was: "Unfortunately an open mind, like a parachute, does not know if it's filled with pure air or polluted air".
@dutchthenightmonkey3457 5 сағат бұрын
you might not be the most logical (though you are quite logical) or who I was truly looking for when I was searching for a sensible theist, but your somehow better in a way I cant describe, good luck to you in your yt journey
@whatshatnin4572 6 сағат бұрын
Did Moses even exist?
@mrdoginabog5499 6 сағат бұрын
As far as I'm aware that's not really the agnostic view. I'm certain some agnostics would fall under that category but I'm pretty sure most would just say that they're agnostic because it's impossible to know for sure. Not because of a direct hesitancy to come to a conclusion, but rather that the conclusion itself is not present. What I mean by this is that they would believe that if there is a god, that he has not directly revealed himself in a form like religion but rather that he just sits back watching or something along those lines. Not that there isn't a conclusion eventually possible perhaps, but with the knowledge currently at our disposal it is simply not feasible to reach it. I wanna specify that I am in fact a believer in God and not an agnostic but it's important to for our arguments as believers to be sound in their scope. If the arguments we raise are illogical, we're just making our cause harder no?
@user-wu3sj7id1n 6 сағат бұрын
I'm Roman Catholic my children and my grandchildren are to. Armenians ❤❤❤
@russellmiles2861 6 сағат бұрын
I imagine Father Casey believes in a God and is a priest in Roman Catholic church as his family were Roman Catholic. If he'd been born in Malaysia, Aboriginal Australia, whatever: he'd be saying the same about the predominant faith. On a logical basis: odds are he is wrong and is best converting to another faith - any World view and be more likely to be correct. He is unable to choose: his life has constrained his decisions. What is the big deal if someone where to feel I am unsure if Father Casey is correct so I'll remain open on the topic. For myself I know there is no God as an obsolete certainty. I am happy for Father Casey to practice his belief: this doesn't bother me. I stridently believe my duty in a liberal democracy is to protect Father Casey's human rights to worship his God. Can I ask, Father Casey are you willing to support my rights to hold private beliefs regarding a deity or none? I assume you are; I appreciate your consideration and duty within Western culture and countries. And that you see this as far far more important than your personal views on indifference about a god.
@Joseph-JMJ 6 сағат бұрын
If you ask me to, "pass you the salt".....and I pass you the, Pepper....Be open-minded ! .....objective Truth exists- and has been revealed by God through His Son, Jesus
@pjperdue1293 7 сағат бұрын
"Side effects include regularly being confused for a Star Wars character" -- I had to slow the video down to hear that! You're hilarious. 😊
@pjperdue1293 7 сағат бұрын
Thought-provoking video. One of my dearest friends is an atheist. When it comes to religion, he doesn't have an open questioning mind at all. He's also one of the finest human beings I've ever known (and I'm 65). He's committed to being kind to others, to rejecting judgement (it's harder than it sounds) and to living his life to a high moral standard while remaining playful and creative. I realize that he's rare but he's an example of how one can be a very decent human being without religious beliefs.
@Aerykian 7 сағат бұрын
My faith is shaken by the Pope's LGBTQ slur.
@BreakingInTheHabit 6 сағат бұрын
Don't put your faith in a human being, especially not in what human beings say in private conversations. Do you worship Jesus Christ or do you worship the pope?
@Aerykian 6 сағат бұрын
@@BreakingInTheHabit True but isn't the Pope Christ's vicar on earth?
@Aerykian 6 сағат бұрын
@@BreakingInTheHabit I converted knowing I would have to be celibate. And I have been. And now this. I'm not upset just disappointed
@pjperdue1293 7 сағат бұрын
Wow. Your insights into the human psyche are incredible.
@MegMulvey 7 сағат бұрын
Great video, could we have more about women of the church including Mary MacKillop- the only Australian saint and a great woman of education and social justice.
@emmitbrown5631 7 сағат бұрын
When was the last time God spoke to someone? Or there a documented miracle? Im supposed to devote myself Holy on rumors or pass down stories? I'd love to follow him who is i am, but.... Give me a legit reason. Not just a promise of an afterlife, that no one can confirm.
@BreakingInTheHabit 6 сағат бұрын
There re literally documented miracles all the time.
@emmitbrown5631 6 сағат бұрын
@BreakingInTheHabit Alright. I'll investigate this. I hope it's not just testimonials, though. I've heard those. But I'm definitely up for having my eyes opened. Trust me. With the way the media & modern entertainment act towards Jesus. You're playing with house money in my book already.
@emmitbrown5631 6 сағат бұрын
@BreakingInTheHabit Our lady of Fantima, that I knew about. Possibly the best case of evidence. A pope kissing the dried blood of a former pope, and it liquefied. Statues & crosses crying/bleeding. The bleeding/crying seems like BS, like the religious version of crop circles. I'd say Fantima is the best possibility of a legit documented miracle. Though I know others of medical instances of healing. These are tough new times we're in, with so much good & bad information. Who the heck knows what's the truth? I know it's called faith for a reason. Good luck to everyone struggling with faith. We got enough on our plates to struggle with. Might as well add eternity to the list. P.S. I really enjoy your content father.
@uteme 8 сағат бұрын
Broadmindedness, when it means indifference to right or wrong, eventually ends in a hatred for what is right. ~ Bishop Sheen
@wordsfindme 8 сағат бұрын
I disagree that it is bad to live as an agnostic. I see it as being quite different to how you describe it. I do not believe that there is a deity for many reasons, and nothing that I have come across yet has convinced me otherwise, but I am open to being convinced to the contrary and I hope that if there is one that this convincing will come to me. If you asked me to stand for something, I would stand for no deity, but I think it's better to be open to the possibility that I am wrong. I don't dissent your belief and I think it's a straw man argument to say that the existence of agnostics somehow belittles believers.
@GabyWilsonSierralta 8 сағат бұрын
For me having an “open mind” means being attentive and no dismissing of other people’s opinions or beliefs.i It doesn’t mean that I accept them as truth. II there is an institution more intolerant in the history of mankind is the Catholic Church. Of course, the Catholic Church has made amendments which is greatly appreciated, but Jesus’ doctrine was “love thy neighbor and you enemy”, and the Catholic Church became an institution of power, regulation, rites, formalities and dogmas. Please, father, get to the point of what Jesus taught instead of pointer fingers at your neighbors and brothers.
@AsterTea 8 сағат бұрын
When will you address faithful Catholics and our deepest disappointment about Fr. Patrick. Your earnest videos have lost all substance and certainly lack any sense of Christ. All you are doing is sweeping all facts under the rug. This is an example of why my daughter has not baptized her children.... so much unpredictable filthy abuse... she couldn't risk exposing them to disgusting sexual abusers who have the unconscionable nerve to hold the Eucharist in their filthy hands. You, a young priest, have been trained so well in disingenuous rhetoric that you continue to post your videos without any acknowledgement at all of the pain and disappointment of all of us
@wordsfindme 8 сағат бұрын
I would like to point out that, at one point, the church DID believe that the earth was flat, this was dogma. And it did eventually change its position. Dogmas SHOULD be open to challenge as new knowledge is obtained. Hopefully one day the Catholic Church will open its mind to the beautiful natural variation in humans, rather than sticking with its current dogma.
@BreakingInTheHabit 8 сағат бұрын
If you have a source for this please share it, otherwise I believe this is wrong. For one, dogmas are reserved to statements about the mystery of God divinely revealed in scripture, so a scientific observation would never be considered a dogma. Beyond that, don’t believe there is a single official teaching promoting the idea that the earth is flat. Ancient people knew that the earth was round, and we have plenty of evidence of medieval theologians speaking of this. It seems like you’re presenting something that sounds like it could be right but has no evidence to support.
@Gjaimes586 8 сағат бұрын
You’re misrepresenting agnosticism. If I think I don’t hold the truth it does mean I look down on people who have strong feelings about what it is truth. Moreover, as a catholic when I was young I don’t recall having space to think outside the church imposed me.I have no problem with people who believe in talking snakes, but this is religious and has nothing to with reason, but faith. Do not mix up apples with pears.
@valinorean4816 8 сағат бұрын
What about Eternal Hellfire?
@Dominick-ub3so 8 сағат бұрын
I became Catholic last year. I was Seventh-day Adventist before converting. Yay!
@kentd4762 9 сағат бұрын
Well said, Fr. Casey!
@davidhill2691 9 сағат бұрын
i think agnostics are just hopeful athiests
@dgeos4740 9 сағат бұрын
Everything you've said can be used to justify the intransigence of O.J. Simpson and Trump supporters. Facts and truth don't matter; only belief and tribe association do. Apologetics is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Just ask the women in Church leadership- oh wait, there aren't any. Jesus would be so proud....
@YDdraigGoch1 9 сағат бұрын
This is awesome! Thank you, Father! God bless you. 🙏
@user-wu3sj7id1n 9 сағат бұрын
The Eucharist, as the presence of the cross, is the abiding tree of LIFE which is ever in our midst and ever invites us to take the fruit of true LIFE. Jesus, daily bathed in the waters of the Roman's Church
@dgeos4740 9 сағат бұрын
I was raised Catholic and am in recovery. I saw my Church taken over by Rad Trads who think ecumenism is the worst evil ever conceived. To believe that only your tribe has the right answer is a sure sign of a cult. When you scribes and Pharasees drop the dogma and find what Jesus was really teaching, we'll talk. In the meantime, I'll keep searching. Good night and good luck.
@BreakingInTheHabit 8 сағат бұрын
Rad Trads, while vocal online, make up a very small minority of the Church. Why throw away your faith because of a few extremists. Seems like you’re hurting only yourself.
@chrishellize 9 сағат бұрын
Being mature person who's just begun the conversion process (been going to mass a year and started RCIA last month) I can agree that the destination matters. Ive spent a lifetime questioning and wondering, having an open mind...it doesnt really go anywhere. Its also a bit lazy, you can 'kick tyres' and pretend you are 'doing the work', but you're just fooling yourself. Once I found the beauty of the mass, the ritual, the tradition, the room for questions but also some answers (at last!!!!) I felt as though I had solid ground under my feet, finally!! I also want to say that when I fist discovered this channel I assumed it was for the younger generation and perhaps a bit glib, but I was so very mistaken. Dont judge a book by its cover huh?!!! This is now one of my favourite channels, thank you Father Casey :D
@abrilzb6677 10 сағат бұрын
He’s right though… 🙄 how are YOU contributing to the church on an individual, daily basis? Catholicism consists of single individuals who make choices every day.
@davidshepley8803 10 сағат бұрын
At 5:53 we are told the bad pope is Pope Paul VI (that is the 6th). He is really talking about Pope Paul IV (the fourth). Big misstatement. Pope Paul VI died in 1978 and, of course, should not be on this list.
@videoDemon 10 сағат бұрын
_O D D • A R G U M E N T_ _don't you need an open mind to become Catholic in the first place?_ _if i'm jewish, don't i need an open mind to convert to Catholicism?_ _aren't you asking others to have an open mind/ strange logic_
@shaber9 10 сағат бұрын
It would be interesting to see Casey Cole address the thinking of David Hume in a “steel-manning”, genuinely epistemically humble way. Alternatively, he might engage with Stephen Woodford (aka KZfaqr “Rationality Rules”), a living contemporary of similar youthful age. Their honest conversation could be fascinating.
@zachbills8112 10 сағат бұрын
This is why I call my self an atheist and not an agnostic. I came to the conclusion that God or something similar probably doesn't exist so I identify that belief with the label of atheist.
@russellmiles2861 6 сағат бұрын
I prefer indifferent; I don't care what anyone else beliefs or what religion or not they practice. That is Father Casey's private business
@atlantaguy6793 10 сағат бұрын
We are reincarnated many times into the physical universe for the purpose of learning and understanding. In Heaven all is good and loving. How can a soul existing only in Heaven understand sadness, grief or suffering, except by experiencing it in the physical universe? Why would God make a "big splash" to intervene in an obvious way in the physical universe, when it is how we respond to or create events that form our lessons? We are free to create a Garden of Eden on earth or a Hell. The choice is ours to make. Souls are reincarnated many times into the physical universe and may be religious in one life, but an atheist in another life. We are not allowed to carry memories with us from one life to the next and the form any specific life takes is set up the circumstances of the lessons that we come here to learn. We all like to think that the physical universe and our lives are so very important, but it is the eternal that is actually important. Human civilizations come and go ....... religions come and go ..... catastrophic events occur .... but the eternal never ends and the spirit/soul that is the true person and one with God never ends.