2 жыл бұрын
4 жыл бұрын
@mowthpeece1 17 күн бұрын
Well, that could have ended nicely, but no, had to stick a knife in it. We're not forgiving the media for that. They acted like suddenly there were no fans. Big mistake.
@mowthpeece1 17 күн бұрын
They weren't supposed to talk too much at one point. Their accents were still thick. But DAMN these men were beautiful. My gaaawd. Nothing like them before or since. ❤❤
@mowthpeece1 17 күн бұрын
Neither looks into it. And I don't blame them, this was ridiculous. Though they did laugh at the two women. That was something, at least. They were rated 10 and 9.. Go figure.
@Benyahudah1999 21 күн бұрын
young janet. bring back memories
@viktorabel4676 22 күн бұрын
@glennbotes8937 22 күн бұрын
It's crazy to think Charlie was still in his teens when he recorded his debut album. With Keith Forsey as a producer here this album is still 80s gold.
@user-mg6vx9fy3e Ай бұрын
Always liked Craig ,wasn't the same, I think he got sick of their pranks on him,also always been the 3rd wheel,after a while you want your own identity not just been a passenger on the bros twin train,glad he's done well in his own right
@doctorcXanthophyll Ай бұрын
The enthusiasm at 5:12
@princessdiana50 Ай бұрын
Some kind of wonderful!
ROB & FAB, wollten begeistern. Den Fans Freude schenken, wundervoll die Entwicklung zu sehen. Wie sie zusammen, waren, im Einklang, so nah beinander um den anderen dann wieder Raum zu geben. Einer tanzt im Vordergrund und der andere tanzt ganz nah bei ihm, im Hintergrund. Die perfekte Illusion, zauberhaft. Rob war auch ein Entertainer, er hat die Fans zum lachen gebracht. Wenn die Menge tobte, fühlten sie sich geliebt und beschenkt. Rob war nicht labil und er dachte nicht, das es seine STIMME ist. Er war nicht paranoid. Er war Perfektionist, er hat wie ein Schauspieler seine Rolle als Sänger perfektioniert und abgeliefert. Er sang um sein Leben, er schrie in das ausgestellte Mikro, aber keiner hörte ihn. Er war TRAUMATISIERT. Endlich ging sein Wunsch in Erfüllung, aber Frank Farian legte ihn ein Maulkorb an. Angst, aufzufliegen, verstärkten seine PTBS. Traurig ! Warum sind viele Menschen so Hasserfüllt?! Ich war früher entsetzt, wie viele so geistesgestört abgegangen sind. Plötzlich, war alles nur noch eine Lüge. Warum? Rock Hudson z.B. war ein großer Frauenschwarm. Er hätte fast jede Frau haben können. Bis rauskam, das er Männer liebt. Oh, rubäh so ein Lügner, oder was?! Frauen waren in einen schwulen Mann verliebt. Körper-und Gefühlsverletzung ?! Seine Magie, seine Ausstrahlung, sein Sex-Appel, er wäre nie so erfolgreich gewesen, wenn alle sein Geheimnis gewusst hätten. Bei anderen Sängern ist auch schon das Playback ausgefallen und dann mussten sie selber singen. Live hörten sie sich nicht so toll an. Logisch oder? Playback, ist doch klar, wie soll die Stimme auf Tournee denn immer so lange durchhalten. Rob und Fab können singen, sie durften aber nicht. Das war schon demütigend und dann bestrafen die Fans, indem sie die Platten zerstören und wollen Geld zurück. Schön konsumieren und Spaß haben und dann Geld zurück verlangen. Nur weil nicht alles perfekt war. Ich verachte die Menschen, die Rob & Fab das angetan haben. Wie Michael Jackson, er hat nie einem Kind etwas zu Leide getan, er war doch selbst innerlich noch ein Kind. Das wurde zweifelsfrei bewiesen. Warum, hatte er Kinder und Tiere so gern, weil sie bedingungslos lieben. Er traute den Erwachsenen nicht, zu Recht. Darum hatte er auch einen Affen. Seine Erwachsenen Fans haben zugesehen, wie er an den Schlagzeilen zerbrach. Grauenvoll ! Frank Farian ist ein Machtgieriger-Zerstörerischer, maligner Narzisst gewesen. Rob & Fab könnten heute Weltstars sein, wenn sie hätten selbst singen dürfen, es war schließlich auch nicht seine Melodie. Für mich sind die beiden Mega-Stars ! ! Vielseitig haben uns beide reichlich beschenkt. Viele Generationen werden MILLI VANILLI noch feiern. Schade, das Rob das nicht mehr erleben darf. Er starb in der LÜGE, das wir ihn nicht mehr bewundern, lieben & voll abgehen ! Schrecklich, dabei liebe und verehre ich ihn mit dem Wissen, nun noch viel mehr. Geniale, Schauspieler. Top, das macht so schnell keiner nach ! Danke, Fab für die ganze Wahrheit ! 🎶🕺🏻🕺🏻🎶
@Kore-xh2nn Ай бұрын
Du bringst es auf den Punkt! 👌 "Wir gaben Ihnen was sie wollten" .... aber zu welchen Preis...😔💔
@adamdevere96 Ай бұрын
I think rob k ew he wasn’t going to be around in the future for some unknown reason. Such a shame that fame got to them with the unfortunate circumstances that they was forced to be in and the situation wasn’t there fault in the first place. They was used and abused and none of it is or was there faults. If this was now. Nobody would give to f@@ks. This not most musicians if it all do what they was forced into doing these days. Shame on frank farian. The dirty little weasel
@billyodamit8709 Ай бұрын
Does anyone remember the Tubes? They did it first.
@stellarobado4269 Ай бұрын
That is some peak 80s CGI right there.
@robertforster6749 2 ай бұрын
saw should write our next Eurovision song . that would see how good they are if we won.
@barrybristow4646 2 ай бұрын
brilliant song.
@martachaves508 3 ай бұрын
Ray Horton needs to shut the hell up, f... Liar didn't sing a freaking note, before or after ..
@DrLauraRPalmer 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if he’s gifted Asperger’s. He really reminds me of one of the artistic Aspergers.
@user-wr5zi9ct7p 3 ай бұрын
Oops steve forburt
@user-wr5zi9ct7p 3 ай бұрын
Just like steve for urt
@user-wr5zi9ct7p 3 ай бұрын
I just cant get over he was only 17
@NeuroAst-eg9cg 3 ай бұрын
This era of comedy was so unhinged and im so here for it
@blueg8731 3 ай бұрын
Tasteful interview. I'm sure Janet appreciated that.
@MarleneShelton-rt8bi 3 ай бұрын
He did a good job rating other artists.I think he was very fair Thanks for the input TTD.😊🎈
@epistle_og 3 ай бұрын
Rip my uncle he is was the guy on the drums.
@tammi3121 3 ай бұрын
Empty vessels
@tammi3121 3 ай бұрын
Empty vessels
@tammi3121 3 ай бұрын
Empty vessels
@AdoptmeDayz 3 ай бұрын
I hate when people say they did nothing..they worked hard doing all the performances, interviews, they still had to learn all the lyrics and make videos.
@ashleyhyne7027 4 ай бұрын
Never received a Brit. Bewildering.
@wingo44 4 ай бұрын
@dorotheebeudaert7620 4 ай бұрын
I am a fan❤
@nellitaleva9709 4 ай бұрын
@labrat2069 4 ай бұрын
Sigue Sigue Sputnik is spot on!
@katjajentsch4276 4 ай бұрын
Interesting how Fab tells the made up story of how the name Milli Vanilli was conceived again and again. 😅
@chinwenduchinwe586 5 ай бұрын
That producer FARIAN set up the biggest lies in music history...not one time (boney m), not two times (millivanilli), not three times (the real millivanilli) and who knows who else.
@IndiesoulMusik 5 ай бұрын
😂"You guys can really sing" 😂 No ma'am they can not. Still love Rob and Fab tho.
@plapen5209 5 ай бұрын
donna - mnogo qko parche!!
@Neil-yh8uu 5 ай бұрын
Deggy beechdale boy
@IndiesoulMusik 5 ай бұрын
Damn, Fab's face during the Shark Attack Girls @ 11:02 😂😂😂😂
@ajasen 5 ай бұрын
she sometimes has this sly and confident smile that reminds me of being on acid.
@ShaniTrahan-sv3dc 5 ай бұрын
Wow! I’m so proud of them they won 3 American music awards and I have to say Rob and fab Congratulations! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@dorotheebeudaert7620 5 ай бұрын
I will Sleep with you❤
@princesslawrence8101 5 ай бұрын
This is my mf idol my girl die hard Janet Ms. JACKSON FAN
@cjmesq 5 ай бұрын
Nice Fripp-like riff and solo.
@user-pw4qf8nm8o 5 ай бұрын
@JustAnAnonymousViewer 5 ай бұрын
The biggest irony is that we now live in a digital "futureworld" far beyond anything SSS could have desired or imagined.....but because of the nature of the societal and cultural fragmentation caused by digitisation the SSS masterplan just wouldn't work today. It wouldn't gain traction in the same way. Hiding away from the world with secret gigs and refusing to allow demos to circulate etc would in the 21st Century be entirely counterproductive rather than seductive. They'd be just another band amongst the millions on bandcamp, soundcloud, spotify etc.... but in a world of "likes" and "upvotes" where those screaming the loudest for publicity are the most successful. And shortly after this video was made SSS built upon their self-created mystique to gain blanket mainstream in the UK press which really kicked them to the forefront of Pop Culture expectancy with scandal/shock "clockwork orange" type news stories. Today that just wouldn't happen because even the nature of the mainstream press and their status in society has changed so radically. Weird to think, that. How times change....
@garythomson4702 6 ай бұрын
So easy according to many yet not one person has managed to replicate it in over 30 years 🤷🏻‍♂️
@Copasyetic 6 ай бұрын
This was a hit when it came out.
@livinghere1972 6 ай бұрын
they looked so ridiculous lol
@MartyMcDoubleFly 6 ай бұрын
Ray horton did nothing who is he to speak