WE GOT MARRIED (In Finland)!
10 ай бұрын
4 Top Reasons to Study in Finland
@Notrightnow6111 16 сағат бұрын
Looks like you might need a few more coats of paint
@couple_of_expats 15 сағат бұрын
For sure 😂
@just42tube 18 сағат бұрын
Official English translation of the Act has the title "Maximum loan-to-value ratio" in the section where the legal foundations for this financial regulation is defined. That is significantly different for me than the meaning of down payment. But that view comes from understanding Finnish better that English juridical or financial terminology so others migh understand it differently.
@just42tube 18 сағат бұрын
Extract from Laki luottolaitostoiminnasta / Act on Credit Institutions (2014/610) Enimmäisluototussuhde Luottolaitos saa myöntää kuluttajaluottoa, jonka vakuudeksi annetaan asuinhuoneiston hallintaan oikeuttavat yhteisöosuudet, asuinkiinteistö tai kiinteistöä koskeva käyttöoikeus rakennuksineen, enintään tämän pykälän mukaisen luototussuhteen mukaisen määrän, jos luotolla on tarkoitus: 1) hankkia asuinhuoneiston hallintaan oikeuttavat yhteisöosuudet, asuinkiinteistö tai sellainen asuinrakennus, joka sijaitsee kiinteistöä koskevan käyttöoikeuden nojalla hallitulla alueella; tai 2) tehdä asuinhuoneiston, asuinkiinteistön tai asuinrakennuksen peruskorjaus. Edellä 1 momentissa tarkoitetun luoton määrä saa olla enintään 90 prosenttia vakuuksien käyvästä arvosta luottoa myönnettäessä. Ensiasunnon hankintaa varten otetun luoton määrä saa olla kuitenkin enintään 95 prosenttia vakuuksien käyvästä arvosta luottoa myönnettäessä. Tässä momentissa tarkoitettuna vakuutena ei pidetä henkilötakausta. Finanssivalvonta voi rahoitusvakauteen kohdistuvien riskien poikkeuksellisen kasvun rajoittamiseksi päättää alentaa edellä 2 momentissa säädettyjä luoton enimmäismääriä enintään 10 prosenttiyksiköllä. Finanssivalvonta voi myös rajoittaa muiden vakuuksien kuin esinevakuuksien huomioon ottamista luototussuhdetta laskettaessa, jos se on tarpeen tässä momentissa tarkoitettujen riskien hallitsemiseksi. Finanssivalvonnan on vähintään vuosittain tehtävä päätös tämän momentin nojalla tehdyn päätöksen muuttamisesta tai voimassaolon jatkamisesta. Finanssivalvonnan on internetsivustollaan julkistettava periaatteet, joita se noudattaa tämän momentin soveltamisedellytysten arvioinnissa. Päätöksen valmisteluun sovelletaan, mitä 10 luvun 4 §:ssä säädetään muuttuvaa lisäpääomavaatimusta koskevan päätöksen valmistelusta lukuun ottamatta mainitun pykälän 2 momentissa säädettyä määräaikaa. Päätös, jolla tässä pykälässä tarkoitettua luoton enimmäismäärää alennetaan, tulee voimaan kolmen kuukauden kuluttua päätöksen tekemisestä tai sitä myöhemmästä Finanssivalvonnan päättämästä ajankohdasta lukien. Finanssivalvonta voi antaa määräyksiä tässä pykälässä tarkoitettujen vakuuksien ja niiden käyvän arvon tarkemmasta määrittelystä sekä niistä erityisistä tilanteista, joissa luottolaitos voi poiketa 2 momentissa säädetyistä rajoituksista.
@just42tube 18 сағат бұрын
I looked up some English sources explaining the term down payment. I found out that it is used loosely and can mean slightly different things in different contexts. Unfortunately terminology is often messy like that. Without a well defined context it can be misleading. Regulations specifically are sensitive to the exact meaning of used terminology. Financial regulations are no exception. In different jurisdictions, that means in practice in different states or countries, the actual meanings can be significantly different since the context is so different. Perhaps this is the root cause for the confusion.
@just42tube 19 сағат бұрын
Down payment can be misleading terminology in this context since the relevant regulations are about loan cap. What is a loan cap? Below we explain how to determine the loan cap. However, you can check the current loan cap here (fourth column in the Macroprudential decisions table). The amount of a housing loan may amount to a maximum of 90% of the current value of the collateral posted at the time of loan approval (maximum loan-to-value ratio or loan cap). Consequently, in accordance with the loan cap regulation, when buying your house/apartment you must have at least 10% in own savings or provide a sufficient amount of other collateral. An exception to this is the amount of a loan taken for the purchase of one’s first home, which may be at most 95% of the current value of the collateral posted at the time of loan approval. Accordingly, the purchase of a house/apartment cannot be financed in full by a loan if the only collateral is the house/apartment to be purchased. Of the house price, 15% (5% for first-time home buyers) must be covered by savings or other collateral. For the purpose of calculating the maximum amount of a loan, the following forms of collateral are acceptable: - primary housing pledge (shares in a housing corporation, mortgage deed of real estate, capital value of a right of occupancy agreement, capital value of a partial ownership agreement) - other housing pledges, including leisure time residences - deposit collateral - other real collateral (e.g. equity shares, fund units) - third party pledges. In principle, in calculating the loan cap, guarantees granted by a sovereign state or deficiency guarantees granted by an insurance company or another credit institution are not taken into consideration. Personal guarantees are also unacceptable as collateral.
@just42tube 19 сағат бұрын
FIN-FSA / Finanssivalvonta: Mikä on asuntolainan lainakatto? Alla kerromme lainakaton määrittämisestä. Kulloinkin voimassa olevan lainakaton voit kuitenkin tarkistaa Finanssivalvonnan sivustolta. Asuntolainan määrä saa luottolaitoslain mukaan olla enintään 90 prosenttia vakuuksien käyvästä arvosta lainaa myönnettäessä (enimmäisluototussuhde eli lainakatto). Lainakattosääntelyn mukaisesti sinulla tulee siis olla vähintään 10 prosenttia omia säästöjä tai riittävästi muita vakuuksia asuntoa ostaessasi. Poikkeuksena tähän on ensiasunnon hankintaa varten otettu lainan määrä, joka saa sääntelyn mukaan olla enintään 95 prosenttia vakuuksien käyvästä arvosta lainaa myönnettäessä. Asuntoa ei siis voi ostaa kokonaan lainarahalla, jos vakuutena on ainoastaan ostettava asunto. 10 prosenttia (tai ensiasunnossa viisi prosenttia) asunnon hinnasta on katettava säästöillä tai muilla vakuuksilla. Finanssivalvonnalla on oikeus alentaa näitä luottolaitoslaissa määriteltyjä lähtötasoja enintään 10 prosenttiyksiköllä. Lainan enimmäismäärää laskettaessa hyväksyttäviä vakuuksia ovat: - ensisijainen asuntopantti (asunto-osakeyhtiön osakekirjat, kiinteistön panttikirjat, asumisoikeussopimuksen pääoma-arvo, osaomistussopimuksen pääoma-arvo) - muut asuntopantit mukaan lukien vapaa-ajan asunnot - talletusvakuudet - muut reaalivakuudet (esim. osakkeet, rahasto-osuudet) - saadut vierasvelkapantit. Lainakaton laskennassa pankki ei käytännössä ota huomioon valtiontakausta eikä vakuutusyhtiön tai toisen luottolaitoksen myöntämiä täytetakauksia. Lisäksi henkilötakaus on rajattu hyväksyttävien vakuuksien ulkopuolelle.
@Paul-jz9st 2 күн бұрын
Lots of love ❤. Can't wait for your House/Home tour video 😊
@couple_of_expats 2 күн бұрын
Thanks! Coming soon. 💚
@couple_of_expats 2 күн бұрын
Watch next ➡How to Write a GOOD Resume/CV kzfaq.info/get/bejne/rtlnjJeUnsC2dpc.htmlsi=jChearfuqGfhP94y
@Kuningas99 2 күн бұрын
Oon suomalainen kiitos
@876girl8 4 күн бұрын
I can learn finnish and go to the gym. Love that! Balanced life. All professions are respected. relaxed summer
@cjeygitau6505 4 күн бұрын
Do you speak Finnish? Is it possible to get skilled jobs without Finnish language skills?
@couple_of_expats 3 күн бұрын
I speak Finnish well enough to participate in casual conversations, but I don’t use Finnish as my main working language. I do all of my work in English. Finding a job that requires only English is difficult but not impossible.
@cjeygitau6505 3 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats thank you
@just42tube 5 күн бұрын
Hmm. Weather gets depressing when the UV index stays above 4 for a significant part of the day and temperatures stay above 25 C⁰ with high humidity. It's possible we have slightly different preferences 😂
@just42tube 5 күн бұрын
For office workers it's as you mentioned. But in other kinds of jobs, where operations continue non-stop, getting vacations when you want isn't as simple. There are inevitably conflicts when most people would like to have their vacations at the same time and it's impossible to get competent and experienced summer help for this period. People understand this. Some kind of process is used to resolve the situation so that nobody gets too upset.
@couple_of_expats 4 күн бұрын
Of course, that makes sense! Our experience has been primarily with office work in Finland for years, so we mostly discuss that. However, in positions where you work in a store, a warehouse, or deal with customers around the clock, or where there is shift work, holidays can vary.
@just42tube 3 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats There are also the complications arising from international organisations or markets. The vacation season in the middle and southern Europe is more around August than in July. And that affects some office workers in Finland who need to coordinate with the rest of the European or EMEA wide market and activities.
@couple_of_expats 3 күн бұрын
@@just42tube Of course, there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to holidays, whether in Finland or elsewhere. We have also noticed that in many small or even mid-sized companies, there are employees who have very specific work tasks requiring special expertise. When they go on holiday, nobody can replace them. Therefore, they are often advised to split their holidays into, for example, a maximum of two weeks at a time.
@just42tube 3 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats In a small business CEO and top management have often irreplaceable knowledge and authorisations, which means that they need to check how things are going and perhaps assist remotely on some matters during their vacations. Sales people have their unique customer knowledge and contacts, which also puts them in situations, where they need to monitor and help, if something comes up. Though they often can coordinate their own vacations with their customers and projects. Self-employed people, solo entrepreneurs, don't always have any clear separation of vacations and other times. They are just less reachable, less working during vacations. They also might not have clearly defined office hours or working hours since they need to do what needs to be done. In a world where many people are basically processing information, they can do it remotely with some exceptions. This means that taking vacations isn't technically necessarily a on/off decision. You can do just the most critical tasks in your vacation and delay or delegate to others other tasks. Legislation and labor agreements don't probably really support this, but these people often are in positions where they can themselves influence a lot or decide how and when they work.
@just42tube 5 күн бұрын
Since you mentioned learning finnish: Olet varmaankin nähnyt tutkimustuloksia joissa on listattu miten ihmiset arvostavat ammatteja. Ja toisaalta on olemassa palkkatilastot, jotka tarjoavat toisenlaisen mittarin työn arvostuksen vertaamiseen. Nämä kaksi katsantotapaa ovat selvästi ristiriidassa toistensa kanssa. Js sitten tietenkin on sekin, ettei ihmisen arvostaminen ja työtehtävien arvostaminen ole sama asia. Usein vain toisesta ihmisestä tiedetään vain ammatti, joten siksi se vaikuttaa laajemmin. Vain tutut tuntevat ne ihmisen muut puolet.
@couple_of_expats 3 күн бұрын
You’re right, there are various ways to assess the value of professions, including public opinion surveys and salary statistics, which can sometimes present conflicting views. While some professions may earn more than others, Finnish society generally maintains a strong respect for all professions and discourages judgment or ridicule. For example, if someone works as a cleaner, they are not subjected to mockery or gossip (at least not openly). Similarly, teaching is highly respected in Finnish society, whereas in some other countries, the profession might be associated with lower salaries and less respect. What we appreciate about Finnish society is that people can mind their own business, choose any profession they prefer, and earn money in their own way without facing undue criticism.
@just42tube 5 күн бұрын
Juniors in any case are more experienced and generally less knowledgeable. Others understand that and might allow more nonsense from them, if it seems to come with good intentions. But others also expect more justifications to support juniors opinions. They don't get the same weight and influence so easily. Some juniors are so eager to show what they can and with their opinions that they end up proving their inexperience and unsuitability to be without supervision.
@sruthimohan6495 5 күн бұрын
Your content is amazing. Your channel will boom soon ❤.One more thing, I need to know about the job market of network engineers and health management professionals in finland. Can you please guide me?
@couple_of_expats 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! Both network engineers and health management professionals are in demand, but securing a job in Finland can often depend on your proficiency in Finnish. For network engineers and other IT professionals, there is a strong market due to Finland's growing tech industry, especially in the capital region (Helsinki). For health management professionals, there is also a need, particularly in the public health sector and various healthcare institutions. However, interacting with customers will generally require knowledge of Finnish. If you want to explore job opportunities in Finland that require only English, you can take a look here for example: www.workinfinland.com/en/open-jobs/
@sruthimohan6495 4 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats thankyou so much ❤️
@OrdinaryManSisu 5 күн бұрын
Non glamours part of Social media 😂😂😂😂
@couple_of_expats 4 күн бұрын
But still a reality. 😅
@just42tube 5 күн бұрын
@couple_of_expats 4 күн бұрын
Kiitos, that is a useful term to know in Finnish! We have also noticed that many people who start entrepreneurship in Finland first begin as kevytyrittäjä and later transition to yrittäjä.
@just42tube 3 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats Many start as ammatinharjoittaja. Mikä ammatinharjoittaja on? Ammatinharjoittaja harjoittaa sananmukaisesti omaa ammattiaan, joten hänen työpäivänsä yrittäjänä perustuvat ennen kaikkea oman ammatilliseen osaamiseensa. Usein ammattikuvat ovat vieläpä hyvin selkeitä, kuten lääkäri, puuseppä tai valokuvaaja. Ammatinharjoittajan toiminta perustuu pääsääntöisesti yrittäjän henkilökohtaiseen ammattitaitoon. Hän on toimii lähes aina itsenäisesti ja hakee pienimuotoisella toiminnallaan omia ansioita. Samanaikaisesti yrittämiseen ei usein liity merkittäviä pääomia ja esimerkiksi tuotantovälineiden osuus on usein pientä.
@just42tube 5 күн бұрын
A question occurred to me: Did you find it simple to get the information about the housing company and to estimate it's future economical outlook before you made the decision to become a shareowner?
@couple_of_expats 4 күн бұрын
The whole process was straightforward, but saying it was "simple" might not be entirely accurate. We had been actively discussing with our local friends in Finland for years before deciding we were ready to buy our first property there. By the time we started the process, we felt as prepared as we could be. However, dealing with important documents like esite, kunnossapitotarveselvitys, isännöitsijäntodistus, and asbestikartoitusraportti was challenging, as everything was in Finnish and understanding what each document meant took some time. Fortunately, our local Finnish friends helped us go through all the documents together. The same applies to the neighborhood we now live in - it is a great place for families, with many kindergartens and schools nearby, and the city also plans to expand its public transportation options. So, it is very likely that the property value will increase in the near future.
@just42tube 6 күн бұрын
Perfect time is often seen as a booming economy with plenty of demand. That is a trap. All kinds of costs can be also then high making starting more costly. Others see also the opportunity, so excessive competition can be a result of this timing. You also will be tempted to make too heavy investments and leverage your own capital too much. Better timing is in a more cool economical situation, which forces you to build a more robust and slim business, which will survive in difficult times and be already ready to benefit from better times.
@just42tube 8 күн бұрын
Many are buying their first home with a tight budget or with concerns of unpredictable additional costs they haven't been budgeting for. This makes them delay additional spending until they are sure it will not be needed for something else. But of course for some style and furnishing are so important that they see it as a priority. Getting help seems like a good idea. In some situations professional plans can even help keep costs in control and to achieve more finished results. People also usually already have furniture etc so it's more likely they use old furniture at least initially. Some also want to live in the apartment some time until they are willing to make decisions on how to use different spaces etc.
@couple_of_expats 8 күн бұрын
Indeed, working with the interior decorator helped us. We had a budget in mind, and she was able to follow it while recommending many new online stores we had never heard of. We were also able to include some of our old furniture in the design without any problem. We had a vision in mind even before we bought the place, and with the help of the interior decorator, it came to life.
@just42tube 9 күн бұрын
It is good business for the bank to maximize clients loan capital. Of course, staying within the parameters of the size of debt the customer can handle. Longer term it's more expensive for the customer, but perhaps minimizing the immediate down payment is more important for them. You seem to be happy with your choice. I am not criticizing it. I am just mentioning the longer term cost of that decision.
@just42tube 9 күн бұрын
Purchase price is important but the total cost of housing is what people should really be thinking about. It takes some effort to estimate what possible and predictable expenses there could be and have your longer term budget plans to include those too.
@just42tube 11 күн бұрын
I have moved more than 20 times my parents, my own and other homes. Only once I have used help from a moving company. But I have rented boxes and other equipments from them. I don't have a truck or van, so I have had to rent those too. Simple connections we have done ourselves, we have qualified enough people for that in the family. If you can afford it, buying services is recommended, if you're not used to handline everything yourself the way I am and have time for it. My family had to move several times already in my childhood at a time when all kinds of services weren''t so easily available. That had introduced me to handling moves by yourself or with the help of friends and family.
@user-mj5lh6eb8v 11 күн бұрын
@just42tube 12 күн бұрын
Perhaps the following is a bit too obvious, but I'll mention it anyway; It's becoming perhaps even more common that people have some complexity in their lives. People can have lives where they have different part-time or seasonal roles of which some can be entrepreneur-like activities or businesses. Everyone, well almost, can benefit from understanding and being able to take some entrepreneur roles. It can help them through their different circumstances throughout their lives.
@just42tube 12 күн бұрын
Perhaps I should give America a new opportunity. A long time ago I regularly visited the USA on business. Too often there were donuts or something equally stereotypical , though I did enjoy some cookies. The experience kind of made me look elsewhere for sweets. I also didn't like American chocolate. I might have become too prejudiced and missed something.
@just42tube 12 күн бұрын
Sweets and the Finnish style voileipäkakku are the opposite of each other in the editable spectrum. (Disclosure: I don't enjoy voileipäkakku. Too many funerals in my childhood where I had to try to have some.)
@just42tube 12 күн бұрын
It sure sounds all good to make your hobby into a professor career, but it isn't always. I have experienced it. It's easier to become good at something when you're truly interested in and enjoying it. But longer term you'll notice that business realities, customers etc. are likely to have other priorities and conflicting interests to your hobbyist self. It can spoil your fun. Having a hobby and job to be the same thing comes also with the risk of too much intensity and focus to one aspect of life. It can take over your life totally and if you experience burnout, it's a bad situation. If you have the tendency of being obsessed about something so much that your whole life balance gets out of shape, this is something to acknowledge and watch out for.
@couple_of_expats 11 күн бұрын
We agree that turning a hobby into a professional career is not for everyone, but we are very happy about Nichole's journey and everything she has achieved so far. What we have seen in Finland in recent years is that many internationals struggle to find jobs, whether in their field or not, and are often advised to become entrepreneurs and start their own businesses. Many begin as light entrepreneurs (kevytyrittäjä) and then transition to establishing their own businesses with a Y-tunnus. However, there is much to learn along the way. Navigating Finnish bureaucracy, taxes, and finding customers takes time.
@just42tube 11 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats It isn't just internationals. There have been trends for some time where traditional employment type jobs have been replaced with people having to become self-employed entrepreneurs sometimes doing pretty much the same actual jobs where the old employer has become a customer or a business partner. Companies have reduced their own workforce and outsourced jobs and some of the business risks to small entrepreneurs. Some people have even benefitted from the change. I don't say it's been bad for all. The concept of non-standard forms of employment is used to describe fixed-term paid work or so-called new forms of doing work, including work in the middle ground between entrepreneurship and paid work. But some micro entrepreneurs can also be very close to this category. For international people, who haven't had previous careers in Finland it is different, since they're just entering the local labor market, which doesn't have enough suitable opportunities for them. Building your own business is then clearly a possibility worth considering and can be a success for some. Taking business risks isn't for everyone. Some business models include smaller risks and less investments. Worth trying for more people.
@bostonblackman6336 12 күн бұрын
How are the home prices and home sizes out there? Are they better or worse than the northeastern US?
@whatifschrodingersboxwasacofin 12 күн бұрын
Supply/demand US/Finland You have to ask?? The whole world isn’t trying to move to Finland based on misrepresentations of golden opportunities. 🤦‍♂️ And it’s not a housing crisis, it’s a population density crisis. There is plenty of room to house everybody at low cost in North America, but people demand short commutes and refuse to live (and find work) where they can afford to. It really, in fact, is a transportation crisis. If we could get people from outer environs of cities into the core efficiently, nobody would need to pay a zillion dollars to live downtown in order to have a life outside of work/commute. Econ 101 - the financial world is a pyramid, and if you’re not already in the upper tier, you’re VERY likely never going to be. Those are called capitalists, and the people with capital, who generally inherit it, will always outbid you. Because they want what you want and they have more to offer for it. And zoom go the prices. Even under communism, where (theoretically) nobody owns assets and the state dictates asset distribution so everyone is in a ‘commun’ fiscal position, people with better non-fiscal assets (contacts, leverage, etc.) will be better positioned than those just shlupping through their daily existence. It’s just a matter of what constitutes effective daily currency - gov’t money or back scratches. Sometimes the lessons of the universe are … um… universal. The ‘bright lights big city’ mystique is a falsehood perpetuated by mainstream media. I lived in the middle of a large city. Moved out. Make more money now. Pay less in expenses. *Planned* well. Too many people don’t plan and find themselves in the ‘here and now’ without a clue. Set a target, make a plan, follow through, and you’ll be far ahead of the masses. You might have to take some courses. You might have to network some industry people. You might have to go sit on a stump for a year or two. But at least you’ll have a plan and be *going* somewhere, not just reacting (too late) to the market and asking ill-informed questions. Find the neighbourhood that is most likely going to be improved next and embed yourself. Then, when everyone is whining about the cost of all the newly reno’d homes and the rate of home price inflation, you’ll be the one sitting back comfortably and giggling at the misguided. My house went from under $300k to over $800k in less than 5 years because I was ahead of the market. I couldn’t afford it now! Here’s the algorithm: gays find the hoods first and fix them up, being ‘the creative class’; heteros then move into the ‘lovely’ neighbourhood while prices are still middling; once the lesbians find the hood and buy the leftover super-crappy homes the jig is up and that hood is over. Gay realtors can be your best resources! 😮 TL/DR: they’re not better or worse, but they are lower. I notice you didn’t ask about income levels… which determine whether prices are ‘good’ or ‘bad’, as they dictate spending power. I fully expect that household revenues vs housing prices yields a ‘better’ result in Finland. They have a completely different social benefits structure (think health care expenses). So, apples and oranges, but the apples are better. And they have no Orange Man, so … much, MUCH better, all things considered. 😂 This was fun to write. NO offence intended if some of it seems a little terse or condescending; I’m just having fun with you. Not everyone has the same knowledge about how these things work. It’s a complex world, and I know for sure that you can talk circles around me in a whole bunch of other areas of life. I’ll bet you can even change a tire. I have to call for help. Tooly things are just not part of my aptitude or skill set. 🤷🏼‍♂️😊 Have a great day!
@just42tube 12 күн бұрын
​​@@whatifschrodingersboxwasacofin Since information of homes for sale or for rental are online in both places, you could do your own research about it. The results will depend on what samples you choose to compare. Also what all costs you include in your calculations. Things like real estate tax systems are very different and if you include those in home prices, comparisons can change again.
@shreyarajeevan6213 14 күн бұрын
In the 5th step ( add document ), they are asked to attach few documents. And there is a mandatory field to attach a document that "Response to possible denial of admittance or stay and to entry ban" , and it's already mentioned in the website that "you need to fill in and add the form only if you are already are in Finland and are applied for a first residence permit." I'm currently in India, so I don't want to fill the form and at the same time, this field is mandatory so, I can't skip the step. What i have to do?
@couple_of_expats 15 күн бұрын
Watch next ➡We Bought Our First Home in Finland I Tips for Immigrants kzfaq.info/get/bejne/frueZq2I3LC3n2g.htmlsi=7qWIYD6xkL2Z8f0m
@just42tube 15 күн бұрын
Why did you use a bank to register the ownership or the apartment on your behalf? Was it just more convenient for you? From the National Land Survey of Finland price list: Registration of ownership upon application of the owner or notification of the housing company, EUR per apartment 69,00
@couple_of_expats 15 күн бұрын
Thanks, this is a good question. To be fair, we were never informed that this was something we could do ourselves. Once we placed the bid, won the bid, and started the paperwork on DIAS, the bank and the realtor pretty much took care of all the other important matters. Apart from signing the papers and paying the fees, we were not instructed to do anything else. But yes, the whole process for us went rather smoothly.
@just42tube 15 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats It's understandable that when you use a realtor, or someone else selling their services, they prefer to take over the process and make it simple for them and customers. They don't encourage people to take care of things by themselves unless it's something they cannot handle as part of their services.
@just42tube 15 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats A smooth process has been one of the key goals driving the many legal chances over recent years in the apartment and ownership registration system. Many years ago I was reading the justifications for these proposals, which have now been implemented. Good to see that people experience it as something positive even though it has added new fees and was clearly driven by the interest of realtors, banks and other professionals in this field. I was representing the interest of non professional homeowners and housing companies.
@couple_of_expats 15 күн бұрын
​@@just42tube Yeah, although we have no experience with how things were done in the past, navigating this whole process for the first time in 2024 was a pleasant experience. Additionally, being able to receive service and complete most paperwork in English was a great benefit. We didn't want to sign any papers unless we could fully understand them.
@just42tube 15 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats What languages does your housing company use for official purposes and for other purposes. It used to be that housing companies themselves maintained registers of their shares, share owners and apartments as specified in Asunto-osakeyhtiölaki. If you read the previous versions of the act, you'll see the difference. It was the housing company's task to verify the documents made about the change of ownership of a group of shares and verify that required tax is paid and then update its own register.
@adventurepreet 15 күн бұрын
Total cost of housing how much in Finland?
@just42tube 15 күн бұрын
Surely you realize there is no simple fixed cost for housing in any country. It all depends on the quality of housing and the exact location and the market price at the location. It's also a market price, meaning it will change as the market conditions change. You need to specify a location and what kind of housing you're looking for anyone to be able give you relevant answers.
@couple_of_expats 15 күн бұрын
@adventurepreet The total cost of housing in Finland can vary significantly depending on the location, type of housing, and other factors. It also depends if you want to buy or rent a property. To get a better understanding of the housing market in Finland, you could explore housing options available on Oikotie for example: asunnot.oikotie.fi
@abhinavkrishna3669 15 күн бұрын
Is Finnish language a huge barrier 😢
@couple_of_expats 15 күн бұрын
Yes, as in most countries, knowing the local language is very important. In Finland's case, if you do not know Finnish, finding a good job becomes very challenging. While students can still find some jobs using English only, it is still quite difficult.
@just42tube 7 күн бұрын
Not if you speak the other official language, swedish, and work and live in places where Finnish is not so needed. If you intend to use just English, it will limit your employability significantly. But such jobs do exist when English is all you need. Integration to the greater society will however not be fully possible, since you cannot really become part of culture and life using foreign languages.
@shreyarajeevan6213 17 күн бұрын
What to do for paper application
@couple_of_expats 16 күн бұрын
Hi, you can check here: www.vfsglobal.com/one-pager/finland/India/residencepermit/english/#Application-form
@shreyarajeevan6213 16 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats thank you
@AA-ms3be 17 күн бұрын
Is it true that we need to know the Finnish language in order to get good jobs and to get a PR?
@couple_of_expats 16 күн бұрын
Knowing Finnish helps but there's more to getting a job then just Finnish language skills. It's not a yes or no answer, there is a lot to take into consideration such as industry, skillset of individual, location in Finland and more. I have not heard of language skills affecting permanent residence permit, it's necessary for passing yki for Finnish citizenship.
@just42tube 19 күн бұрын
I am sure you have done a good job in analysing your financial situation from the interest rate fluctuations point of view. I don't bring up the following because of that. I think it's worth discussing what kinds of expectations people have for mortgage rates longer term. Have you noticed the following and do you have any thoughts to share about it? "Markets think inflation will be too high for the next 20 years Posted by Jesper on June 30, 2024" Jesper Rangvid is a Professor of Finance at Copenhagen Business School. You can find the whole text from his blog site.
@user-go6ow8zr2k 20 күн бұрын
Can I study masters in physiotherapy in fin land??
@couple_of_expats 19 күн бұрын
Hi! You can see what programs are offered based on your interest here opintopolku.fi/konfo/en/
@user-ef8tq2ml1i 22 күн бұрын
stop laying Finland is bad country
@OrdinaryManSisu 22 күн бұрын
Congratulations on your home purchase. Looks like very few properties are for sale in certain areas of Parainen.would you know how long does it take to build a house in Finland . I am interested in buying a home in Finland.
@just42tube 22 күн бұрын
Do you include in the building time also time for making the required plans, getting a building permit from the municipality, hiring constructors, buying materials and getting them delivered to the building site, preparations at the lot, everything..? Or do you just want a factory build house, which gets delivered to your site as a set of modules.
@just42tube 22 күн бұрын
If you are willing to pay more you can have a lot of builders and site managers at your site to speed up construction, if you just have the plans and materials ready. At the moment finding builders or contractors to your site shouldn't be very challenging.
@just42tube 22 күн бұрын
If you're seriously asking, I suggest you contact companies, which sell turnkey ready homes with the promise of speedy delivery.
@couple_of_expats 22 күн бұрын
Thanks! Sorry, no idea about that. I assume you're asking about an omakotitalo? I know that people who are interested in new housing projects, such as a new rivitalo being built, could buy straight from the project developers while the project is still being built, but that's as far as my knowledge goes. But building your own home sounds really lovely, good luck with that!
@just42tube 22 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats Actually I thought that the question was about building by themselves, which almost always means that they plan to buy or rent a building plot and handle the constructive project or even the construction themselves. Do you know the concept known in Finnish as hartiapankkirakentaminen? It is the cheapest way, but also for most people the most challenging one. It can be combined with founding a housing company, where the owners also manage the project and even construction on behalf of their housing company, which is the judicial entity owning the building. It doesn't have to be an omakotitalon, which has dual meanings. As a building type it means a single apartment building or a detached house. But the word is also used to mean a single apartment building with a plot.
@newname7042 23 күн бұрын
HI, my name is Ali from Morocco; thanks!
@just42tube 23 күн бұрын
Some people experience owning a home just as a financial arrangement,. more affordable in the long run. Some see it as a way to force themselves to save and to invest. For some it's the way to get more control and permanence to where they live. And for some it's also a sign of commitment and of emotional importance. Since the location of a home is often important in many ways, people sometimes have to buy or live elsewhere. Rentals are not always available everywhere.
@couple_of_expats 23 күн бұрын
Watch next ➡ How Much Does Buying a Home and Moving COST in Finland? kzfaq.info/get/bejne/Y96VjMKGq5m6kps.htmlsi=s0IdtRUoGB_spWe6
@just42tube 23 күн бұрын
It can be, and is, a big step for everyone. I don't really see it to be more so for immigrants, unless theire is some emotional additional angle. Might be. Not many can afford to move from their parents home unless they rent a dwelling for themselves. At least through their study years people rent homes. Some students can earn and accumulate enough savings, and/or get money from their parents, to buy a home during their study years funding it mostly buy a mortgage. Mostly people need to work and save many years to reach enough financial stability to buy a home. They must be a minority.
@couple_of_expats 22 күн бұрын
I think the big step is especially because it's a sort of commitment to live in a place long term. But big step for everyone - agreed!
@just42tube 22 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats In many places the housing market is fairly liquid, meaning selling at a reasonable price doesn't take very long. But sure it is likely to take longer than the termination of the lease. But if you make modifications to the home to tailor it to your needs and style, that kind of additional investment can be difficult to get back when you sell it and even delay selling. Too personal interiors can make potential buyers hesitate and devalue the home, unless you happen to have someone who likes it too. More bland homes are easier to sell. They are like blank canvases to future owners. I still suspect that the commitment is more emotional than actual resulting from owning a home and the additional steps it requires compared to changing rental homes. I have personal experience of both. I have bought and sold my home several times. I didn't find it as a longer term commitment until I had lived more than 20 years in one location.
@dkarhu 23 күн бұрын
Congratulations! Such a big step in cementing your future in your new home country :)
@couple_of_expats 22 күн бұрын
Thank you! It really is.
@adventurepreet 23 күн бұрын
I am interested home buying process @couple_of_expast
@just42tube 23 күн бұрын
I don't know about the differences of pro-immigrant attitudes between banks. I suspect you might be getting confused by the difference in risk management and financial stability measures in different banks. The financial market supervisory officials have made some results public last year, which showed Nordea had prepared better for financial turbulence than for instance OP pankki. Different banks have different business strategies, emphasis on different customers perhaps and also different fundamentals in their business. They might be even driven by different economic goal settings.
@couple_of_expats 22 күн бұрын
Yes, at the end of the day banks have a long rulebook to follow. But it appears that Nordea is stricter, so at least as an immigrant we thought it's best to share with others (most of who may be immigrants as well) about our experience. And personally, I'm happy to take my business elsewhere.
@just42tube 22 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats Have you thought about the history and background of Nordea? It has its head office in Finland but the roots and operation are Nordic wide. It's a result of mergers of banks from different countries. The Finnish side of history is also interesting. It can be strict and not the cheapest alternative, but it has other strengths which is why it has remained big. Roots dating back to 1820 Nordea family tree of around 300 banks includes some of the oldest banks in the Nordic region. These banks were pioneers in the establishment of a commercial banking industry. Sparekassen for Kjøbenhavn og Omegn Denmark 1820 Wermlandsbanken Sweden 1832 Christiania Kreditkasse Norway 1848 Föreningsbanken i Finland / Suomen Yhdyspankki Finland 1862
@just42tube 22 күн бұрын
@@couple_of_expats Remember that people from another EU country can be immigrants in Finland. My understanding is that banks they are not allowed to discriminate between EU citizens on the basis of nationality. They can however set some limits to customers from countries where they don't have operations. The rules for giving loans to people who aren't EU citizens are even less clear to me. I suspect that your comment about stricter rules for immigrants was actually intended to mean immigrants from outside EU. Am I guessing right? Personal experience from a very long time ago: Getting my first mortgage was a bit strange banking experiment since the bank office didn't seem to know the banks own rules for handling my specific case. I got the banks internal instructions for such a situation from their local head office and with that material convinced my own local bank office to give me the mortgage. It was the first ASP mortgage loan in this local office and they where a bit ignorant of how ut should be handled. This was a longtime ago. But ever since then, I have been very aware that not everyone in a bank knows or can everything. Them local bank office manager or director gave me that lesson.
@houseman7315 23 күн бұрын
Maam if you don't mind me asking, what types of interest rates did they offer you? I know in the US it's extremely high at 10% currently.
@just42tube 23 күн бұрын
The most common mortgage loan rates are using Euribor 12 months as the base rate with some bank margin, which depends on how risk free and good customer you are for the bank. Usually the margin is in the range of 0.5 to 1.1 %. Euribor 12 months is today 3.567%
@houseman7315 23 күн бұрын
@@just42tube 3.5% that's terrific
@just42tube 23 күн бұрын
@@houseman7315 Terrific in which way?
@just42tube 23 күн бұрын
@@houseman7315 Euribor 12 months history by year Rate on first day of the year 1/2/2024 3.532 % 1/2/2023 3.316 % 1/3/2022 -0.499 % 1/4/2021 -0.502 % 1/2/2020 -0.248 % 1/2/2019 -0.121 % 1/2/2018 -0.186 % 1/2/2017 -0.083 % 1/4/2016 0.058 % 1/2/2015 0.323 %
@houseman7315 23 күн бұрын
@@just42tube Compared to the United States at the moment, where interest rates are more than double that.
@AjaeroElizabeth Ай бұрын
Thanks for the idea u share.
@couple_of_expats 28 күн бұрын
You’re very welcome! 😊