Genomics and TBI
2 ай бұрын
Patient Recovery Stories 7
7 ай бұрын
Neuro Acupuncture
9 ай бұрын
Quantum Neurology
10 ай бұрын
Patient Recovery Stories 6
10 ай бұрын
Misdiagnosis in Brain Injury
11 ай бұрын
Understanding Concussions
11 ай бұрын
Toxic Metals and the Brain
11 ай бұрын
11 ай бұрын
Patient Recovery Stories 5
11 ай бұрын
@hmmspfx 3 күн бұрын
I am a 65 y/o female. Since I was a young child, I would jump out of bed with extremely painful calf muscle cramps. I finally have a diagnosis: Dystonia. It has gotten progressively worse to the point where I get painful spasms in most of my muscles, including my diaphragm. My Dystonia is genetic (mother and 1 brother) but my spasms are far more often (daily) and painful than theirs. I get them almost everywhere now, except my neck, arms (although I do get them in my hands, fingers, and thumbs) and very rarely in my back muscles. Most of the spasms I get in my legs are extremely painful; I am talking crying out loud and begging for them to stop as I walk and walk and walk non-stop to help the leg and/or toes and foot spasms from taking over complete control as my spasms will eventually make their way up from my toes, feet, ankles (which turn my feet outward or inward), shins, and the worst of the worse are my thigh muscles; front quads, the back of my thighs, and the most painful of them all - my inner thigh muscles. Sometimes, my thighs will just go into full spasms in a flash. My neurologist has me on muscle relaxers Trihexyphen 8 mg and Baclofen 20 mg AM & PM, Soma 350 mg, Diazepam 10 mg every PM, and Qunol Magnesium Glycinate 420 mg AM and PM. Sometimes, I am able to catch a spasm as it is just beginning, and if I jump up to my feet I am sometimes able to walk them out of my toes, calves and shins, but much less so, my thigh muscles. Through experience, I have learned that if the spasms start in my thighs, I take 350 - 700mg of Soma and cry and walk and cry and walk for the 25 to 30 minutes for the Soma to kick in. About a month ago I woke up with both of my thighs (quads) in full spasms. I could barely get up and was unable to walk. I have never gotten spasms anywhere other than my feet and calves while sleeping. I couldn't even make my way to my Soma supply in my purse or kitchen cabinet. I had to literally punch both of thighs as hard as I could to release the spasms enough to walk to get to my Soma bottle. I took 2 (=700mg) and was able to walk until the Soma took effect. I went back to sleep. In the morning, my thighs looked like I was hit by a truck. HUGE, dark purple bruises all over the front of both of my upper thighs. I was desperate to get to my Soma. I took pics with my phone to show them to my neurologist. I was about 3/4 of my way home from my neurologist's office last week when I felt the beginnings of a thigh spasm coming on at the top of my right thigh. I took my left hand and pressed down on the muscle as hard as I could to try to keep it from progressing until I made it home and then immediately popped a Soma from my purse. Most of my thigh spasms hit me as full-blown spasms and are more painful than any labor pain I've ever had. I wish I could post a pic of my bruised thighs here. I feel sympathy for all sufferers of this disorder!
@ruvimbogwagwa2192 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so informative
@lordbertos8124 4 күн бұрын
I get it in my entire body and when its a bad one it messes me up for days after. Currently im on day 4 of it playing up, im exhausted uncomfortable and it hurts.
@atramto 5 күн бұрын
Dr. Do you have any focal dystonia videos?
@2663540 7 күн бұрын
I got great gripstrength. With that said.. this new hypetrain is Just bullshit. Ive worked 30 years with old people. As soon one article comes out everyone talks about. And here we have some asshole doctor hopping on this hypetrain.
@jillipoo1 9 күн бұрын
Doc, have you been to a gastroenterologist lately? They know pretty much nothing and have been unable to diagnose or solve my gut issues since they surfaced in 1996. Could be this, could be that. It's exhausting to seek "help" from these so-called professionals.
@glasss1978 10 күн бұрын
How about ADHD?
@sheenahorn9205 13 күн бұрын
What was the therapy
@robertcunningham9626 13 күн бұрын
Really nice summary of Ketones, exogenous Kotoes, and how that feeds the fuel to the brain.
@kennethdarlington682 13 күн бұрын
‘‘I am not only happy am alive but also glad that "DrMadida" was able treat and cure me with his herbal medication of my parosmia, Meniere disease and Parkinson disease(PD) with their herbal treatment. My smile is so bright because I am happy 😊😊😊’’
@marianna6733 15 күн бұрын
It doesn't take a genius to prove it's them who spell: skeptical people could just ask them a question the Communication partner doesn't know the answer. Any question. Send the CP in another room, very far, and then tell the boy something about yourself that only you know. Something very personal. Then call back the CP and ask the boy the question. That's it. No need for eye track! Those skeptical are the worst people. Against the truth and progress. They want to keep these kids down so ABA can rule and earn money. Time will tell.
@obumnemeokenwa3237 18 күн бұрын
Thanks for mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 2 years ago but before then she had neuropathic pain for about 28 years and hence her symptoms were misdiagnosed.Is neuropathic pain also a symptom of Parkinson’s disease?
@kennethmoore3783 18 күн бұрын
Headache is more common and severe after mild or minor head injuries versus moderate or severe head injuries. Why? Physiogenesis or psychogenesis?
@belindacassidy6541 21 күн бұрын
The music is too repetitive, and gives me anxiety. Loose the music, can’t finish watching the video
@caryfox8908 23 күн бұрын
My Ochratoxin A was 15.55. I've now lost the ability speak. I have a stutter now. this took place May 1st 2024 . About 3 years ago I told my landlord was feeling sick and I think I have black mold in my garage. Took him months to fix then it was behind my fridge. Landlord said it wouldn't make me sick. I've moved out and lost so much. health is still bad. Anyone know of help i can get in OKC? My symptoms are more than my speech. My body had shocks going through me. Vertigo, anxiety, shortness of breath. I first noticed how sick I was when I went on my first vacation for 10 days. By day four I felt better. I could breathe better. My brain fog wasn't as bad.
@DeanMartinson-ci3lk 24 күн бұрын
I just subscibed great video
@DeanMartinson-ci3lk 24 күн бұрын
hello Doctor can it help with candida overgrowth??
@tammievannatta614 24 күн бұрын
My ent dr suggested to ride a bike and drink 3 20 oz Gatorade that's a lot of Gatorade. I'm not sure I should drink that much . What do you think ?
@jsongs6843 24 күн бұрын
@Augfordpdoggie Ай бұрын
this lady has a serious bakery
@huki-rw9os Ай бұрын
nem egeszen idevago a kerdes de !!! miert pislog az eloado olyan surunn ?????????????????
@keithrogers9741 Ай бұрын
Is O2 pumped into the chamber or breathed through a mask for the soft shell therapy
@ElisabethDonati Ай бұрын
Question: best gut test in your mind.
@ElisabethDonati Ай бұрын
There is no such thing as parkinsons. There are only underlying causes of the symptoms that are classified under the medical industry labels. There are many things that cause these symptoms and I'm sure gut issues are one of them, mostly caused by food-like crap people eat and all the antibiotic use. Remember, labels aren't diseases. Also, did you know that lyme disease and all of the co-infections are known to cause RLS and lyme mimics all sorts of things, as can parasites. it's all bugs of one sort or the other.
@realMartinHamilton Ай бұрын
I eat a 39 cent potato and fuel my brain with glucose which is the preferred fuel. If I am in ketosis and eat a potato then if the brain preferred ketones it would avoid the glucose. Humans aren't efficient at de novo lipogenesis like cows and other animals thus humans get fat by eating fat. Natural carbohydrates (complex carbs) like the potato are a must never eat refined carbs (bad carbs).
@jameshallsy2332 Ай бұрын
For people suffering from this horrible illness right now, invest in infrared sauna’s the only thing keeping me alive right now
@mballer Ай бұрын
Do you know anything about EWOT, exercise with oxygen therapy?
@user-cb9je6oj7u Ай бұрын
If you refuse to humble yourself before Jesus Christ and call upon his name and ask him to save you with contrition, you will be cast into the lake of fire with no rest, day or night. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Heb 9:27) The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15)
@patriciaherlevi6217 Ай бұрын
I once had a bull's eye rash from a spider bite.
@theunconciousmind7314 Ай бұрын
After i turned off my wifi yesterday i almost felt asleep imediatly, after not beeing able to sleep for hours! Then in top of that i had EXTREMLY vivid dreams, and guesswhat. In my dreams i had an abnormal ammount of DOPAMIN RELEASE. i felt as if i took the drug mdma. Not only that, i dreamed it aswell. And it was very heart touching and insightfull. I have only experienced such abnormal amount of dopamin release and relaxation when i took that drug. There was no other way i could reach such a high level. And during sleep i was completly aware of that. I was blessed with this super wakefulness and sensitivity. Everything made perfect sense.
@bd2916 Ай бұрын
Nattokinase, SSRI for neuroinflammation, Gluthathione, Phosphatidylcholine, Wheat germ Oil, minerals and vitamins, peptides like bpc, thymosin and epitalone, NAD+, reservatrol, coq10, NAC - thats what helps me.
@ellastar78 Ай бұрын
It's a non-negotiable urge to move your legs 😂 Bane of my life, until u started treating my gut & using magnesium gel under my armpits, to help it go straight to the lymphatic system. 👍🏼
@andre1987eph Ай бұрын
Yes. It makes me drowsy.
@Mark-wb8dv Ай бұрын
Makes me really depressed and physical anxiety
@karinastrzelczyk1828 Ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with lyme 6 month ago. At first I got treated with 3 diffrent antybiotics over the period of 3 months. After that my doc had put me na a special herbs from Buhners protocol, and it works wonders. With lyme you have to be constantly on a non sugar, no gluten, no alcohol diet, eat plenty of veg, and kefir. Witamin D od also essential as well as other minerals and vitamins that will boost your immune system. If you live like so, you will see that lyme can be under control
@taylordouglas Ай бұрын
I had probably 30-40 symptoms by the time I figured out mold was my issue.
@MartonyTae Ай бұрын
My life story isn’t sweet because all my life i have been suffering, even when i properly got diagnosed with Parkinson Disease everything changed and complicated but all through the journey and the person I must thank is Dr Madida Sam i later found on KZfaq who changed my life for good, He cured my neurological disease(Parkinson Disease) completely with their Parkinson herbal medicine. I recommend them 100% to anyone sick, they will help you and cure you…Again they’re so caring and loving…
@nikolaytitov7636 Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this information,. I'm a retired Army paratrooper and I have all the symptoms you described. For the past few years I have put multiple VA requests to send me to a special research facility in order to get to the bottom of my issue. But as you know all they do is prescribed medications. After being diagnosed with ADHD, early Alzheimer's, and PTSD, they still don't seem to realize the complexity of tbi's. I found your video because I had Googled "why does my brain feel like it's on fire after I wake up". Again, thank you so much. I will review the sanitation you provided, pass it on to my doctors and hopefully they will listen and do their own research.
@truthtriumphant4015 Ай бұрын
Dear ole willie did a number on us...the book Bitten is an eye opener on just how evil that man was...working to create what he "discovered" convenient.
@andrewfinlay5160 Ай бұрын
Throw the kitchen sink at the problem .. don't expect any help from your primary care physician.. ivermectin take with fat and hydroxychloquine and zinc bisglycinate or picolinate .vitd get levels up to 50-80 ngml.magnesium glycinate . Nac lysine glycine..try this
@lacharmer441 Ай бұрын
Great information- thank you!
@gltam1057 Ай бұрын
Is creatine beneficial and/or safe with Dystonia and Atrial Fibrillation ?? Thank you.
@094340 Ай бұрын
More practical information, less credentials and symptomatology. People need to know what helps them to HEAL, we already know we are sick, the extreme details of why we are sick are useless.
@jesseclarke9077 Ай бұрын
Has this ever been tested with people with schizophrenia?
@ilisenoelle7789 Ай бұрын
@kesterhoward5942 Ай бұрын
More children have RLS than epilepsy, I am one of 10 in my family 4 grandchildren have it , a We all suffered since childhood
@shubhajittrfdr654 Ай бұрын
Do you give SSRI for concussion
@oakleafmoose9632 2 ай бұрын
I have a concussion now.😮 I'm fasting and drinking water. But thank God for auto correct. Otherwise, I'd be here day's correcti g my paper. 😅
@benjamincrooker2533 2 ай бұрын
I take 12 mg of ivermectin once a month to prevent infections. Because I just love being in the woods sport hunting. 😊
@thriftysurvivor6117 2 ай бұрын
Can this be a particular persons voice. There's a particular person in my family who's voice really irritates me or when they cough, snore or clear their throat. I'm also irritated by the sound one one of the dogs when I hear them tapping across the floor while others don't bother me? This is a very strong physical sensations and irritability I feel towards them when they make sounds. I feel very uncomfortable being around the person when they speak for instance, to the point that I might desire to leave the room or plug my ears. If for some reason I can't leave the room while this person is speaking or making one of the sounds described above I may also tense my muscles, have facial ticks or even make grunting sounds... Somehow those physical responses gives me some partial relief, but it embarrasses me as well as the rest of the family if we're in public. I guess the main reason I left this comment is to see if others have had similar experiences.