Muslim Leadership Program 2024
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@shihabudheenk7046 2 күн бұрын
### An appeal to Muslim Leaders and Clerics Al-Qayyim Hijri Calendar - التقويم القَيِّم التقويم الهجري الموحد على توقيت مكة والهلال Unified Hijri calendar based on Makkah Time and Hilal. "جَعَلَ ٱللَّهُ ٱلْكَعْبَةَ ٱلْبَيْتَ ٱلْحَرَامَ قِيَٰمًا لِّلنَّاسِ..." "Allah has appointed the Ka'bah, the Sacred House, as standard for humanity..." - (Quran 5:97) **Assalamu Alaikum,** Happy New Year! Muharram 1st, 1446 H, will be on Sunday, July 7, Insha Allah. It is the right time to publish the new Hijri Calendar for 1446 H world wide. There are many proposals regarding the calendar criteria. Listing some of them below: a. After conjunction somewhere on the globe, at local sunset, the angle between the sun and the moon should be at least 8° and the moon should be at least 5° above the horizon. b. On the new moon day, if the moon is born before sunset at Makkah and the moonset is after sunset, then the month starts on that night. c. The month starts the next day of conjunction if the conjunction happens before 12 UT. d. The month starts the next day of conjunction. After many prayers and deeper analysis & research on the topic, both Islamically and scientifically, we reached the following conclusion: If conjunction (new moon, moon birth) happens before Makkah Prime Meridian (MPM, i.e., the longitude passing through Kaaba), the next day will be the first day of the new month. ### Equation in MT (Makkah Time). If (conjunction_time_MT < 12MT) first_day = conjunction_day + 1 else first_day = conjunction_day + 2 ### Equation in UT (Universal Time) If (conjunction_time_ut < 09:20:42UT) first_day = conjunction_day + 1 else first_day = conjunction_day + 2 ### Examples: **Eg 1:** If conjunction occurs on Monday at 9 UT, since this is less than 09:20:42 UT, Tuesday will be the first day of the month. **Eg 2:** If conjunction occurs on Monday at 20 UT, since this is greater than 09:20:42 UT, Wednesday will be the first day of the month. ### This is the most suitable criteria for an Islamic calendar: - This is the global version of the Umm al-Qura Calendar criteria, and most of the time, both dates will match. - The moon will be visible or will be mature for visibility due to the following reasons - The moon elongation will be around 9.15 degrees, i.e., [(18 / 24) * 12.2]. - The moonset lag will be at least 36.6 minutes, i.e., [4 x 9.15]. - The moon age will be at least 18 hours when it reaches the Qibla Date Line (QDL, i.e., the longitude passing through the Qibla Changing Point). - If the starting point of Tawaf is at the Hajar al-Aswad, we can start the month if the sun and moon come directly on or before the Makkah Prime Meridian. - This will provide a clear halfway point in the 24-hour day, balancing the day globally. - Here, conjunction is happening before the world enters a new calendar day. - This allows both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres to have a fair chance to observe the new moon on the same date; hence, the new moon will be recognized uniformly around the world. At least 75% of the Earth will experience sunset only after the conjunction, and the moon will set after sunset in major parts of the world, mainly at MPM. - The conjunction occurs before the Makkah Prime Meridian, the center of the Earth, i.e., before the Qibla Date Line crosses the Isha end time (Nisful-Lail) or before QDL enters a new astronomical day. So, we appeal to all Muslim leaders to take this proposal into consideration and publish the Hijri Calendar accordingly. Note: Please help us spread this message of unity to as many Muslim leaders as possible.
@LolaKoko-mr7zn 15 күн бұрын
I mean, we truly need to talk about quantum physics and worlds and manifesting and energy and vibrations...we have proof even that prayer changes water structure We as muslims have to go down the rabbit hole(become curious and ask questions) and ask Allah to give us beneficial knowledge in this topic
@thriving_muslim_home_education 19 күн бұрын
Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajiun Jazak Allaahu Khayran Allaahumma Aameen to all the Duas!
@retinadoc 29 күн бұрын
Khulla isn’t free. She has to pay the ex husband. So if the maher was fulfilled, she has to buy out of the marriage. It amounts to a similar outcome
@ameira2903 Ай бұрын
I'm a revert, and I am undergoing divorce right now after I deliver our baby. My emotions are like roller coasters. I don't know to whom should I ask for a support system in the muslim community because I just converted last year. May Allah reward you because this topic does help a lot.
@Zahra-su2qh Ай бұрын
the sound improves at 9:35
@yasminkhan6554 Ай бұрын
I have to stop within five minutes. The microphone sounds like a microwave Qadr Allah
@israacademy Ай бұрын
Sorry for that. The sound improves from 9:35 onwards
@toothcap66 Ай бұрын
does the isra course only cover ashariand maturidi theology or is athari / taymiyyan/ han ali also taught and studied?
@tariqsheikh5945 Ай бұрын
Avoid Islam. It's evil and takes away basic human rights.
@hydrumv2209 Ай бұрын
Online course?
@sherry-10z Ай бұрын
Ibn Sina, the renowned philosopher and physician, was an Ismaili Muslim, a fact that has been often overlooked or obscured in historical accounts. Despite his prominent role in the development of Islamic philosophy and science, Ibn Sina's religious affiliation remains a matter of debate among scholars. However, a closer examination of his life and works reveals that he was indeed an Ismaili, and that he practiced "Taqiya" (dissimulation) to conceal his true identity in a time of political and religious persecution. Born in Afshana, near Bukhara, in 980 CE, Ibn Sina was exposed to Ismaili teachings from an early age, as his father, Abdullah, was an Ismaili convert. This exposure had a profound impact on Ibn Sina's intellectual and spiritual development, shaping his approach to philosophy and his understanding of the nature of reality. However, as an Ismaili living in a predominantly Sunni society, Ibn Sina was forced to conceal his true beliefs and affiliations, lest he face persecution and ridicule. The reason for hiding his Ismaili identity was the political and religious climate of the time. The Sunni Abbasid Caliphate, which ruled much of the Islamic world, viewed Ismailism as a heretical sect and actively persecuted its adherents. In this context, Ibn Sina's Ismaili beliefs and affiliations made him a target for persecution and discrimination. To avoid this fate, Ibn Sina employed the doctrine of Taqiya, a practice condoned by the Ismaili Imam, whereby one conceals one's true beliefs and identity to avoid harm or persecution. Through Taqiya, Ibn Sina was able to present himself as a Sunni Muslim, while secretly maintaining his Ismaili beliefs and affiliations. This duplicity allowed him to move freely in intellectual and political circles, earning the respect and admiration of his contemporaries, while also protecting himself from those who would seek to harm him. Proof of Ibn Sina's Ismaili affiliations can be found in his philosophical works, which betray a distinctly Ismaili worldview. For example, in his magnum opus, "The Book of Healing," Ibn Sina espouses a metaphysics that is fundamentally at odds with Sunni theology. He posits the existence of a hierarchical cosmos, with the Imam at the apex, and a system of divine guidance that is mediated through the Imam's teachings. This is a quintessentially Ismaili conception of the universe, and one that is starkly at odds with the more egalitarian and scripturalist approach of Sunni Islam. Moreover, Ibn Sina's emphasis on the importance of reason and intellect, as well as his belief in the authority of the Imam, are all hallmarks of Ismaili thought. His use of Ismaili symbolism and imagery, such as the frequent invocation of the "Qaim" (the awaited Imam), further reinforces the notion that Ibn Sina was an Ismaili. Furthermore, Ibn Sina's connections to other Ismaili scholars and intellectuals, such as his mentor, Abu Abdallah al-Nasafi, and his association with the Ismaili court of the Fatimid Caliph, al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, demonstrate his deep roots in the Ismaili community. His philosophical works, far from being the product of a Sunni thinker, are in fact a testament to the intellectual and spiritual vitality of Ismaili thought in the medieval period. Through his use of Taqiya, Ibn Sina was able to navigate the treacherous waters of religious and political persecution, leaving behind a legacy of intellectual and scientific achievements that continue to inspire and influence scholars to this day. His story serves as a testament to the power of ideas and the enduring spirit of those who seek to understand and connect with the divine, even in the face of adversity and oppression. In addition, Ibn Sina's philosophical works contain numerous references to Ismaili concepts and themes, such as the importance of the Imam's guidance, the role of reason in understanding the divine, and the hierarchical nature of the cosmos. For example, in his "Kitab al-Najat" (The Book of Salvation), Ibn Sina writes extensively on the role of the Imam in guiding humanity towards spiritual enlightenment, a quintessentially Ismaili concept. Similarly, his "Risalah al-Arba'iniyah" (The Forty Treatises) contains numerous references to Ismaili symbolism and imagery, such as the use of the "Qaim" and the "Mahdi" (the guided one). These references, far from being mere rhetorical flourishes, demonstrate Ibn Sina's deep commitment to Ismaili thought and his desire to convey Ismaili concepts and ideas to his readers. In conclusion, Ibn Sina's Ismaili affiliations are evident in his philosophical works, which betray a distinctly Ismaili worldview. His use of Taqiya allowed him to conceal his true identity and move freely in intellectual and political circles.
@somashekarc540 2 ай бұрын
Hulagu lion of world❤
@Protect_all_Goats 2 ай бұрын
I will never be a Dimmhy to a sand rat.
@ebog4841 2 ай бұрын
Please consider reporting this video for promoting terrorism. (This is OBJECTIVELY what this video is doing- This is a form of Islamist Jihadism.)
@ebog4841 2 ай бұрын
No such thing as Islamophobia. Islam is an anti-human POLITICAL CULT.
@melm295 2 ай бұрын
Until Muslims acknowledge we have legitimate reasons to fear and forcefully denounce extremism, we have no choice but to assume the worst.
@prithvikumara 2 ай бұрын
It is not a phobia, it is rational fear.
@ebog4841 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. The majority of them believe that 0ct0ber 7th was good.
@ben11551 2 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for this valuable presentation and analysis 👍
@dkoz8321 2 ай бұрын
This is disgusting. This is codifying classes of citizenship. Muslims are top tier, Jews and Christians lower tier, then all others lower still. Thats revolting. There is only one level of citizenship. PERIOD.
@user-mm7gv5hf3o 3 ай бұрын
Muslims should be dhimmi
@ahmetg.2173 3 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for this lovely program and efforts to understanding the Holy Book of Qur'an
@AbdulJabbar-cw6fc 3 ай бұрын
The word “إِسْرَائِيلَ” is a combination of two-word Isra and El. Isra has root word “ا س ر” and from this root word it means prisoner and El is God so we can translate Israel as Prisoner of God or Prisoned for God. If we change this word in Arabic it will become “ISRA ULLAH” meaning “Prisoner of Allah”. We know that Allah SWT in His divine wisdom made his prophet Yusuf PBUH to be prisoned several years in Egypt. So, in my humble opinion the “Israel” in Quran is referred to Prophet Yusuf PBUH and Bani Israel is a reference to children of Yusuf PBUH not children of Yaqoob PBUH. There are some mind-boggling similarities and connections in the Quran in reference of Prophet Yusuf PBUH and Israel. There is only one Surah in Quran named Surah Yusuf and there is only one Surah by the name Surah Bani Israel. The individual person “Israel” named twice in Quran Surah Al Imran Ayat 93, Surah Maryam Ayat 58 and Prophet Yusuf PBUH name is also occurred twice in the Quran Surah Al Anam Ayat 84 and and Surah Ghafir (Momin) Ayat 34 besides Sura Yusuf and Aal e Yaqub is also appeared twice in glorious Quran Surah Yusuf Ayat 6 and Surah Maryam Ayat 6. And the most important fact is that Surah Bani Israel has 111 Ayat and Surah Yusuf has 111 Ayat as well. So, Bani Israel means “Children of Yusuf”. So AL ISRA does not mean NIGHT JOURNEY but it means THE PRISONER and the name of this surah is dedicated to the tribute of Prophet Yusuf PBUH. The other name of this surah is Surah Bani Israel which also means "Children of Yusuf" Jazak Allah kher
@AbdulJabbar-cw6fc 3 ай бұрын
First Ayah of Surah Al Isra is about night journey of Prophet Ibrahim PBUH and Mairaj of Prophet Muhammaf PBUH is a different event mentioned in Surah Najam and other places in Quran. Jazak Allah Kher
@AbdulJabbar-cw6fc 3 ай бұрын
And yes we are witnessing the begining of second corruption of Bani Israel. They are not past event. One was is past after the death of Prophet Sulaiman PBUH and second is now started to happen. Jazak Allah kher
@AbdulJabbar-cw6fc 3 ай бұрын
The biggest mistake of muslim scholars of past was they took Biblical refrences to understand Quranic history. Bible is being altered and changed many times in past as mentioned in Quran as well so It should have been other way arround. We should have learnt and known the history which Quran is telling us and then it must have corrected the Biblical history. The Quranic history is very different then Biblical. I hope and pray we muslims understand this as soon as possoble.
@humbertoreyes3433 3 ай бұрын
Khimar verse!
@shahlaosman8043 3 ай бұрын
Your voice is not the right echo
@shahlaosman8043 3 ай бұрын
It is very fast can’t understand maybe something wrong with ?
@thriving_muslim_home_education 3 ай бұрын
Jazak Allaahu Khayran Allaahumma Aameen to all the Duas!
@thriving_muslim_home_education 3 ай бұрын
Al Hamdu Lillaah 🕌🌏🕋
@marthalong6962 3 ай бұрын
Mastering Gratitude...been Grateful for the Clean water we can drink and the Clean Air we can Breath in Australia. I added on my everyday Gratitudes to Allah swt...❤
@marthalong6962 3 ай бұрын
Shoukran.. for your lessons. I thank Allah swt for this Beneficial Knowledge...❤
@marthalong6962 3 ай бұрын
I am Grateful for this Beneficial Knowledge lessons. May Allah (swt) reward your good deeds. ❤
@basnation7769 4 ай бұрын
Very interesting insight regarding the verse on capacity of burden
@osmanbodur1387 4 ай бұрын
Sadık kardeşimi görmek çok güzel. tebrik ederim sizleri
@AlphaSibelltd 4 ай бұрын
We would like to thank all our imams who contributed. Could you please review the microphones used? We would like to listen to such a useful program with better quality sound.
@byilmaz72 4 ай бұрын
Ramadan Mobarak
@DotheRightthing-st1yr 4 ай бұрын
What about the secondary trauma you caused your staff when you didn't pay them after they worked for weeks for you before you just liquidated the business and walked away? How useful is your pioneering community work and "authority" on psychology when you caused so much anxiety and stress and ignored pleas for answers? The hypocrisy is just deafening. You are not what you appear to be. Shame.
@hikmetturan4514 4 ай бұрын
@muhammadaliarif-artist6543 5 ай бұрын
Masha'Allah Beautiful narration
@user-cd3yb9wp2e 5 ай бұрын
من الافضل ان تکتبون الجملات الانجلیزیة
@javohir2912. 5 ай бұрын
Where can I learn Maturidi kalam?
@Usman-vr8hk 3 ай бұрын
Search about book Abu Mansoor maturdi books
@mjog7463 5 ай бұрын
😂😂 you know why the wastrwn people just call her rabya balkhei BCZ WE DUMB-ASS sold her to DOMB-ASS Arab just like we sold our caltuer and history
@charliedurham4248 7 ай бұрын
"touchy issues....". Yeah.... Interesting way to describe humiliation and injustice....
@sharktv3307 7 ай бұрын
if human is evolve from animals wy no animal has the abality to talk?
@user-ht4rw7sm6e 7 ай бұрын
hmmm i am appiy
@timothyavants5827 7 ай бұрын
@johngurvan8279 8 ай бұрын
Religion, mans worst invention
@msmnaser 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for explaining the contexts and impacts of the battle in easy to understand. It would be more useful if you share some maps and arrows to connect events with places. Well presented.
@MahaKhanED 8 ай бұрын
Excellent 👍 thank you. The most ludicrous money making field in our world. Making money out of people's misery. Their weaknesses and their inability to cope with changing mechanisms of life. I'm curious to know yes Islam mentions mental health but haven't you taken the whole thing out of context. The hardships and horror prophet Muhammad saw and his people endured and then what his family in Karbala endured, they can never be compared to what we are going through now. So how come they didn't get depressed had OCD , insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts and Eating Disorders and addictions and anxiety and stress and trauma and panic attacks. Karbala was the most tragic and brutal part of Islam , how come the survivors didn't have PTSD? How come they were able to function and do their work despite carrying the grief and pain of Karbala in their hearts? Can you please kindly give me examples of cases of prolonged anxiety cases from those times where they had to use psychotropic drugs to deal with these conditions. Also examples of companions after they lost their loved ones in Uhud and Badr if they locked themselves up in their rooms and slept and never came out of the depression and melancholic state. And why one session of therapy which is simply someone is talking and your listening costs an extreme amount. Prophet Muhammad saw was the best councillor, why didn't he charge this amount to simply convey the message of wellbeing given by Allah to people.
@6Oko6Demona6 8 ай бұрын
Arabic science as the beginning of western science is a complete myth. Western science started with philosophy or maybe earlier and works of philosophers have been known to Europeans with no need to use Arabic translations of their works. "Arabic science" hasn't really contributed a lot to the development of the science at the time.