When Helping Hurts feat. Dr. Brian Fikkert
The Insanity of OBEDIENCE by Nik Ripken
@kyrielovesthelord 22 сағат бұрын
Wow, I love this topic of participation. It's one of the aspects that draws me to the house church/micro church movement. I've never been in one but conceptually the community and interaction is really appealing to me.
@apolloswatered 10 сағат бұрын
@@kyrielovesthelord we love your insight and pray that the Lord will guide you in your heartfelt desire for Him!
@kyrielovesthelord 6 сағат бұрын
@@apolloswatered me too!!!!
@theposhhead6308 4 күн бұрын
You lost me with your picture of "Will Smith." Your question matters not when you use "the world" in attempting to attract Christians to your video. Very sad
@NubianJoy445-bl8vj 4 күн бұрын
I am going to disagree on that one with you. The world is the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:15-17). I am not sure that simply having a photo of Will Smith qualifies.
@theposhhead6308 4 күн бұрын
Why in the world would you bring the "world" into this video before even starting it? I'm talking about the filthy mouth Hollywood actor comedian Kevin Hart. Why do many of today's Christian leaders feel the necessity to get their point across with worldly unbelieving actors, so-called celebrities, sports "heroes" etc.. That is not being a leader! It is quite the opposite! You would do well to take this video down until you correct it and get out of the world! You have that same responsibility to those you teach and preach to! Lead them out of the world!
@ileensosa4406 8 күн бұрын
@thegreatsauna2347 8 күн бұрын
As I watch this video on social media 😂
@apolloswatered 8 күн бұрын
@jw-rz4hs 8 күн бұрын
When I learned the correct interpretation of Revelation.. ALL of my confusion from dispensationalism was IMMEDIATELY cleared up. Believing in that teaching causes mental illness. That is what I believe I saw in the spirit. It causes people to believe lies and conspiracy theories and demands a spirit of fear😢 It is dangerous for this country. As a 68 yrs old woman i know for a fact that we've already grown from out of a fascist leaning country since the early 1900's. May God help us.
@happyharryp 10 күн бұрын
Travis, I’ve been tuning in from time to time and still see your numbers are just not taking off…giving this much thought and am wondering if it’s due to your approach as the host. From my radio broadcasting classes in college, I remember our classes on doing an interview. My opinion would be that you might want to do some studies on How to be an interesting and effective interviewer. Your podcasts just seem to be lacking in this respect and just don’t seem to be drawing people in…me included. Hopefully this comes across as helpful and not critical.
@apolloswatered 10 күн бұрын
Harry, thank you for your comment and recommendation. We have gone back and forth as a team on the nature of things, which may be one of the factors at work, perhaps the most glaring. This specific interview you commented on is from two years ago when we didn't have a KZfaq channel and we are just now catching up and getting old content out (this is the last of our old content, so the newer stuff is decidedly different in style), so that maybe one of the other factors at work (putting out old content that is less in quality, style, specific direction, and for my interviewing style). Along with the interview format/type, there are other factors at work (SEOs, marketing, the platform itself, clear direction, more of an intellectual audience, professionalism, etc.). But your point is made and that is something we are going to keep looking into. We want to get the best content out to help the church at this critical moment, and if my approach is not working, well, we want to change that. Thanks for watching and commenting!
@humejephcott4543 13 күн бұрын
Nik, why ever do you call buildings in America 'the house of God'? Aren't the only objects called 'house of God' in the Scriptures - the tabernacle (tent)? - the Jerusalem temple? - the bodies of believers? - the gathered believers?
@KMLang007 14 күн бұрын
Many fall into this category. Mark 4 18 And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, 19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
@philosophyze 15 күн бұрын
My parents served as missionaries for over 50 years had no retirement plans and after they were forced retired at 75 by the mission they survived on Social Security and one or two churches, me, and a couple relatives who continued to support. When my mom passed her social security additional income was cut from my dad's income. Dad was renting and just forced to leave the house he was living in and is having trouble finding affordable housing. The problem is real. I don't live near his church or support circle so he didn't want to move. I'm single and have a one bedroom apartment and work from home so I couldn't take him as I don't have room and he's a fall risk.
@apolloswatered 12 күн бұрын
It is a very real problem and one that many people do not talk about. In one of the churches I served, we actually increased the money to our missionaries after they came off the field in retirement. We knew that others were dropping them, but that they probably didn't have much. We were right. There were so many missionaries just like your parents. You are in a very painful and difficult place.
@thegreatsauna2347 15 күн бұрын
So true a balance of social justice and the gospel of Jesus.
@ldwenzel1 21 күн бұрын
I am a big fan of Mark Nolls, so thank you for this interview. I was especially caught by Nolls’ comment of being: "nervous about making Lewis an icon pulled out of time." This has been a particular interest for me. In the early 1980s, I attended an evangelical college. The education I got there was very good, but I could hardly sit through a chapel service without one visiting speaker after another forcing in another a hands-down quote from C.S Lewis. I remember joking: "If one more chapel speaker quotes" C. S. Lewis, I'm going to scream." Of course, when the next chapel speaker again quoted Lewis, I didn't scream ;-) Ever since then, I have become sensitive to any iconization of Lewis that seems to be everywhere in the evangelical world. Personally, I have the greatest respect for Lewis, but I am put off by this. It seems to underline what Nolls calls "The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind." You don't need to read the book. The title says it all. By the way, not many talk about a backlash to Lewis' work, a kind of anti-idol, especially with his Narnia tales. Everyone knows a few Christian parents who do not allow their children to read the Narnia tales because of Lewis's free use of witches, fauns, and other Occult figures. In fact, no one talks about that there are fringe right-wing Christian groups who, on their websites, actually decry writers like Lewis and Tolkien for being Occult practitioners. I find this mainstream/fringe estrangement of adoration and demonization fascinating. In fact, (drum roll) I have written a book about this engaging subject and have woven it into an intense fiction thriller called “A Witch in the Wardrobe.” It is being published by Wifp and Stock and is due to be released in a few months-www.ldwenzel.com. Updates can come, and I will appreciate all comments and likes.
@betweentheditches316 23 күн бұрын
Solu Israel, Miqedem, Aaron Shust, and Joshua Aaron are incredibly blessed in the art of bringing psalms to modern music
@betweentheditches316 23 күн бұрын
Ever want to test community maturity or "bar codeness," preach on "our great ambition" from 2 Cor 5:6-10. It can go very poorly.
@KRashad 23 күн бұрын
Makes perfect sense. A christian historian on the desegregation of Dallas Theological seminary writes, "the commitment to biblical inerrancy ran across the color line...“We wanted to be well-trained in the Scriptures and our liberal friends were not offering us that opportunity, but our white segregationist friends were.”...In the end, black students enrolled for classes at the historically white school primarily due to their perception that the school was committed to biblical inerrancy" (Kidd, TGC). In other words, black theologians took the higher road historically to maintain biblical fidelity. This may explain how the descendant black church is more accustomed to the authority and engagement of the Scriptures we see waning in mainline churches of the west. It also means that black Christians are familiar with the high price of the cost of discipleship. In this country, we've always had to pay it.
@michaelkingsbury4305 24 күн бұрын
Where to start with Tom's 90+ books? Read Surprised by Joy, The Resurrection of the Son of God is beside me now, with E P Sanders. I am coming out as a Christian, as a gay man it's almost as difficult as coming out as a Communist. N T Wright, C S Lewis, George MacDonald and (surprisingly) the sermons of John Wesley are bringing me to a Faith and Life I never knew was possible. I would love to hear Tom play St James Infirmary with Hugh Laurie, liked Collins and Wright Genesis...
@apolloswatered 22 күн бұрын
I would recommend starting with "Simply Christian." But, it really depends on your level of knowledge and familiarity with Christian doctrine and scholarship. Wright is one of those very rare scholars/writers who can both write for the laymen and the smartest scholars and theologians. How much have you read already? How far are you on your Christian journey? How long have you been following Jesus? Sorry for so many questions, but its hard to recommend which book if I am unfamiliar with where you are at 🙂
@mrupholsteryman 25 күн бұрын
In my opinion...people that I share with tend to tell me I just don't know Calvinism.... and while I see this as a different "gospel" ... and we are told that all of Scripture is God breathed and useful for training in righteousness and doctrine and even loving rebuke... We tend to elevate certain things held by humans that arent Jesus in a higher place of "essential importance"... like TULIP. What have you two experienced in your walks?
@tomfrombrunswick7571 25 күн бұрын
Rather than hating religious people what is happening is people are becoming indifferent. In the world people are just drifting away. In Australia were I live 80% of people do not get married in a religious ceremony or have a religious funeral. The age structure of the Catholic clergy is 73. Most people who attend worship are in heir 60s. It is not hate it is a drift into irrelevance
@apolloswatered 25 күн бұрын
That's a fantastic insight.
@JamesRichardWiley 25 күн бұрын
How can you follow a first century Jew you have never met? According to the narrative, Jesus was a doomsday preacher who was executed as a criminal by the Roman and Jewish authorities. His followers wrote fantastic stories about a miracle working godman which became the New Testament.
@Shredhead 25 күн бұрын
Yet I'm willing to bet you follow eyewitness accounts of historical figures you never met? Sounds like faith Personally, I believe not only because of the historical evidence. But also because of the change I've experienced in my life. To God be the glory.
@adamantiumbullet9215 26 күн бұрын
"Christianity did not become a major religion by the quality of its truths, but by the quantity of its violence." - Michael Sherlock
@georgehenry0922 26 күн бұрын
Said the atheist. It is true that Christianity has at times grown by violence, as has Islam. But other atheists, such as Tom Holland in his book, Dominion, would disagree.
@adamantiumbullet9215 26 күн бұрын
@@georgehenry0922 Why does it matter who said it? Is it true, to one degree or another, or not? And, you were very quick to employ Whataboutism as a deflection. Criticism of Islam can be just as easily dismissed as irrelevant by saying, "Said the Christian". In other words, Tom Holland's view is legitimate, Michael Sherlock's is not. Why?
@georgehenry0922 26 күн бұрын
@@adamantiumbullet9215, forgive me for my sarcasm. That was unwarranted on my part. My point was Sherlock, if I am reading him correctly, has built an entire edifice against Christianity or any faith for that matter, which makes me wonder if he is being objective. Holland seems to be more objective in my opinion. In regard to Christianity growing by violence, that is a terrible truth. However, if I read the Bible correctly, then Christ would never have condoned such action, and for me, that doesn't disprove Christianity as much as it does show me that some Christ followers have done horrible things. I do so others living very differently than that, creating hospitals, orphanages, almshouses, helping the poor, etc. And if I am reading other historians correctly, in the first two centuries of Christianity, its growth was not because of violence, but because of how they loved. It wasn't until Constantine that violence came to the forefront. Do you disagree?
@adamantiumbullet9215 26 күн бұрын
@@georgehenry0922 Thank you for your gracious reply. That is a rarity in my experience with believers. In all fairness, I don't know the context of Sherlock's quote. Maybe that would answer your questions. But, taken on its own merits, in light of history, I don't think his observation is completely unwarranted. *"Holland seems to be more objective in my opinion."* It appears that is likely. We are all human, and we all have our own unique perspectives. *"In regard to Christianity growing by violence, that is a terrible truth...Christ would never have condoned such action"* Correct. *"that doesn't disprove Christianity as much as it does show me that some Christ followers have done horrible things."* I've heard Muslims use this same reasoning to excuse the violence of Islam. Didn't Jesus say that a primary identifier , THE identifier, of his disciples would be love? Not only love among fellow believers, but going so far as to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you? The parable of the Good Samaritan comes to mind. That being said, how can actions diametrically opposed to that foundational teaching not disprove Christianity as the true religion, when it doesn't adhere to a primary precept of Christ's core teachings? _Individuals_ who identify as Christian may be loyal to those commands, but the institution of Christianity lost that right of claim a long time ago. *"in the first two centuries of Christianity, its growth was not because of violence"* That means 18 centuries of Christian violence, or, said another way, Christians have been peaceful and obeying Christ's commands for less than 10% of the entire time Christianity has existed. Maybe that's why Sherlock said what he said. Regardless, your reply was much appreciated.
@mikewagner3088 26 күн бұрын
Very glad you reached out to Dr. Presley for this interview. Really got my mind racing…in a good way.
@apolloswatered 26 күн бұрын
Very grateful for the suggestion! Thank you! It was a phenomenal conversation. Tremendous overlap between his work and our own!
@mikewagner3088 25 күн бұрын
@@apolloswatered FYI, my high school buddy, Glen Schrieber pointed me to your podcast. At least you’ll know who to blame!
@apolloswatered 25 күн бұрын
@@mikewagner3088, lol! That's funny! Glen is a great guy!
@Squallkicks 26 күн бұрын
Jerks, but only the conservative evangelicals. They're salesmen for mythology, fight against things that are true, and want to take away the rights of those that are different than them. No one has a problem with non-proselytizing Christians because they're not going around telling others how to live.
@Csorbanorbertjanos 26 күн бұрын
When you understand that Jesus never condemned anyone. If you need to say that you dont want to judge, then you are already judging. The only people Jesus condemned was the pharissees and the scribes. To illustrate, when I got saved I didnt even feel like I have done anything wrong in my life. I did not have to confess anything He came to me saved me. Jesus was hated because of His love, not because of Him condemning people. In short, condemnation creates guilty feeling in another person. Christians think they have moral superiority because they know God exists. If you preach like that, you will be hated and not because of the good reason.
@Yakkityyak248 27 күн бұрын
Being jerks. Apologetics is just a fancy word for lying. It's make believe cos you have to make yourself believe it. And you're adults, sheesh!
@georgehenry0922 26 күн бұрын
I would disagree with you. Lying about what exactly? Historical records are historical records, even among non-Christians such as Tacitus and Josephus, who testified about Jesus. Your insult assumes that adults do not believe in such things, but what do you believe?
@Yakkityyak248 26 күн бұрын
@@georgehenry0922 Josephus's entries regarding Jesus are accepted forgeries inserted later. There is actually no evidence to suggest Jesus existed but I'm willing to accept it. I'm a lifelong atheist. I've studied the Bible and Qur'an more than the majority of adherents. Faith is believing in something which you cannot prove. If you insist it's true, you by definition are lying. Indoctrinating children is appaling. Believe what you want just don't lose sight of the fact that it is make-believe.
@AndreMirand 25 күн бұрын
@@georgehenry0922 The human heart is naturally against God unfortunately, may God reveal himself to them
@QuantumMaple 25 күн бұрын
@@georgehenry0922Those essential just say that Christians existed and what they were claiming and Josephus’s notes about Jesus are likely later edits. We have no first-hand accounts of the life of Jesus and the four gospels we have contradict each other irreconcilably. God as described in the Bible is a moral monster who condones slavery and commands genocide. Apologists’ whole job is obfuscating all this and giving believers the false sense of security that their faith has logical backing.
@williambranch4283 27 күн бұрын
Jerks for Jesus ;-)
@paxcoder 25 күн бұрын
Are jerks for Jesus? Are they for Jesus like Judas was maybe? If we have a log in our eye, how do we remove the specks out of others'?
@user-kt5jj2ue1z 29 күн бұрын
I'm dwelling on this one and am working my way through "The Other Half of Church" planning to apply it in my corporate contexts.
@apolloswatered 27 күн бұрын
You should also check out “Escaping Enemy Mode.” Jim wrote that with Marcus Warner and it’s got pretty good traction, especially in the business world. We did an episode on it too with Jim.
@apolloswatered 27 күн бұрын
@findbridge1790 29 күн бұрын
what STUPID questions!! disgusting
@robertthompson5116 29 күн бұрын
The Catholic leader Tom Wright referred to in the last two minutes was Francis cardinal George of Chicago.
@Miroslaw-rs8ip 29 күн бұрын
Yes the world is facing major problems with tyrants like Putin & Xi.
@txdeadhead 29 күн бұрын
It's not my mother's faith I hate, it's her attitude and condemnation of others... and her deification of Trump.
@berean700 Ай бұрын
Yay! The full interview! Love this man! Just listened to the whole thing. Convicting and encouraging.
@timg7627 Ай бұрын
It’s mainly because y’all are holding back societal progress by using Iron Age superstitions as justification for your actions.
@ryanthomastew Ай бұрын
Ahhh classic persecution complex. Christianity is the largest religion in the world and always falls back to oh woe is me. Nobody hates you because you’re so “good” or because you’re “Christian”. You guys exaggerate the level of “hate” you endure. Modern humanity wants to progress towards more communal living, social fabric that provides food, housing and education to those in true need. Yet in America so many Christian conservatives cry out against socialism because Marxism because communism. And none of them want to notice that perhaps blending socialism into our society is truly Christian.
@MrRezillo Ай бұрын
Christians love to fantasize about how "the world" hates them, and how they're just like the early christian martyrs. Ridiculous. Yes, Christians are being persecuted, particularly the Copts in Egypt, but evangelicals in the the western countries would rather not talk about the real persecution that goes on in Egypt and other Islamic countries. It's just more fun to think you're being persecuted in your own democratic country. And underneath the persecution complex lies a superiority complex: I'm better than you because my faith is better than yours (and I'll get more brownie points for it in heaven).
@berean700 Ай бұрын
We need the full version! This is very challenging stuff.
@apolloswatered Ай бұрын
It will be at June 14th!
@hanzohasashi607 Ай бұрын
Most times its the latter. No use pretending its the former
@berean700 Ай бұрын
Her books are fantastic! Deep reading.
@Grayraven777 Ай бұрын
The world has never been fond of religious people killing other people for god, the Roman's never adopted Christianity, they invented it, the early Christians weren't Christians they were jews, these stories about martyrs are as fictional as the ones about Jesus, Christians are not the good guys, all one has to do is look at all the torture devices used by the church, and you'll realize who was doing the persecuting.
@john211murphy Ай бұрын
I ONLY hate Xtians when they insist that Governments and Schools MUST teach the Christian FAIRY TALE as Science and Morality. You are entitled to belive in any FAIRY TALE that you like. JUST KEEP IT OUT OF SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENT.
@patriciajohn8196 Ай бұрын
Seriously: dear Podcasters and KZfaqrs, can you PLEASE balance the two microphones. I have to turn it up to hear Tom Wright, and get my ears blasted out when the host chimes in, particularly with a shrill laugh I will have to turn this off if it Continues; either turn your mic down, or turn his up. And stop the raucous earspliting laughter- it's like a spike I an old ear. 17:11 Im off to find another discussion with better SOUND
@User28870 Ай бұрын
It’s the latter. The sooner Christians recognize this, the better the world will be. Enough of the persecution complex and salesmanship; there needs to be more charitable living, where you are actually loving others and respecting others' rights.
@georgehenry0922 26 күн бұрын
I think that Christians have been jerks, but I do think that there is persecution, although less in the United States.
@BLZ231 23 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@georgehenry0922and by less, you mean none, right? Christians make up 63% of the population, but get 87% representation in Congress, and the current president and Supreme Court are also Christian. Meanwhile, those of us who are religiously unaffiliated make up 29% of the population, and yet we get less than 1% representation in Congress. Across the country Christian lawmakers are trying to strip away abortion and LGBTQ rights and push anti scientific nonsense into schools, forcing us to have to fight for basic things that are necessary for a functioning secular society where everyone is treated equally, rather than one where Christianity is given special privileges and Christian values are forced on everyone, even non Christians. And you seriously think that Christians are the ones who are being persecuted? Give me a break.
@berean700 Ай бұрын
i do have a question about that though. In Acts, the Ethiopian eunuch was baptized right after his profession of faith in Jesus. So did many others. Is it because they already had a belief in the one true God and biblical practices, or something else? Great discussions by the way, Definitely makes you think things through! Planning to get Dr. Presley's book.
@ButConsiderThis Ай бұрын
Mostly I would say it comes down to the militant ignorance.
@georgehenry0922 26 күн бұрын
Militant ignorance about what?
@alabamapilot244 Ай бұрын
No one cares. No one. Believe what you want. Believe nothing. People hate jerks. If you're pushy, judgy, annoying, and busy bodies, people will hate you. You can be a Muslim, Jew, atheist, Christian, and no one cares. People dislike jerks, religion is irrelevant.
@DanielRodriguez-zj5il Ай бұрын
Personally, I don't dislike or hate people for their beliefs, I resent those who attempt to impose their unfounded beliefs on others and victimize themselves when others reject those unfounded beliefs.
@airkami Ай бұрын
They don’t even know our name
@chadtyrone Ай бұрын
Do they know about gods smelly farts ?
@tomfrombrunswick7571 Ай бұрын
You make some interesting points. One observation of a lot of apologetics is a sense of victimhood and also hatred of those outside the bubble. Some of the people I admire most are Christian. One guy is the smartest person I have met. Yet a good deal of what he does is to read obscure books by religious figures and spend time at Church round easter and other religious holidays. He is a deeply religious person but this does not stop him operating in the secular world. He can be funny wise and committed. The other person I know is one of the most decent people I have ever met. She works as a lawyer and spends her time with the less fortunate. She fights as hard as anyone I have seen to protect those people. Sometimes she is the one thing which can lead others back from the brink to living a normal life. By comparison large numbers of apologists I see online are biter people who struggle to understand others or to operate in any setting except the protected one of their own community