Was This Disqualification Justified?
2 сағат бұрын
Could This Card Ruin The Pokemon TCG?
Gardevoir Can Beat Anything!
@mrphil123 35 секунд бұрын
02:10:00 sadly ive heard that if store owners write an email they can be accepted to TO/judge without passing the test.
@lulose-euw 48 минут бұрын
I think the best analysis we could do is if someone could replicate this shuffle?
@MrPrestiges 2 сағат бұрын
NO is not even a safe area lol literally one of the highest crime rates in America.
@jamesk8122 3 сағат бұрын
What you really missed Saturday was farming the side events for the crazy prizes they had booster box's of cosmic eclipse and unified minds ppl where walking out with multiple box's of each
@Mercurial2304 4 сағат бұрын
I have been a manager of an LGS in Australia since pre-covid, and we deal in all of the main TCGs as well many of the side ones. The biggest issue with running the Pokemon TCG from the store's perspective is how wide spread the Pokemon IP is. As such most people (collectors or players) can get the same item from basically anywhere and will just naturally choose the lowest price. Unfortunately as a location for League Cups/Challenges and other fun events our space costs rent and that cost has to be recooped somewhere. For other games the company themselves will offer exclusive promos/LGS support that are unique and popular and will incentivise players to play as they can profit from either gaining the winner's promo or they get a cool and unique participation promo. Often times the events can be slightly above rate (charging more than a regular weekly locals) and people are still happy to pay despite all of them knowing the promo support is free for the store. Pokemon is lacking this a long with some other slightly retailer benefits so that any store who wants to support organised play is always a step behind. There is no reason to pay slightly more at an LGS to support their play space, (most people just think its the store's problem) but as supporting Pokemon TCG gets less support from TPCi than other card games, and there fore gets put lower and lower on the priority of TCGs that the store would like to support, people start complaining and it ends up in a negative cycle. Happy to comment more as this issue is pretty deep and would take forever. Keep up with the content! Always informative and entertaining. 🥳
@jarredingersoll2772 5 сағат бұрын
Idc if Peoria was driveable im glad its gone.
@chriscobi634 5 сағат бұрын
Sorry about all the text but a subject this complicated isn't easily discussed or analyzed with one or two points. A point that I thought of later is that we can only go up to 1080 and only have this angle while Judges are there seeing it live which might not be the best indicator since it's in real time, but they also might have different angles that they just don't show to the public. We know for sure they have the angle where we see most of the stage (like when they do interviews after a match). They might also have it in 4K where they can count the cards easier. Add these two things combined, different angles and higher qualities, and I guess if they can have both of those AND slow it down then they probably had enough information to make the decision that they made. Especially when you add the fact that it was like 3 or 4 judges that made the call together (Azul brought attention to this point when someone brought it up on chat). So if 4 of the better judges (I assume they are the better judges, at least more experienced, because you don't give this kind of task to a rookie or even intermediate judge). Another point is if Azul and I were able to have a rough idea of where the card were able to have a rough idea but within 2-3 cards of where the Unfair Stamp was, then don't you think that Noah would have a better job at keep track of where they are at since he (I assume that's his pronoun, sorry if it's not) is the one doing the shuffling. Meaning he knows more or less where the card is at, and that's enough because he just needs it to be in the top 4 cards. Even in the very last mash shuffle you can see most of the cards go to to the middle but I can kind of spot that one or two go still to the top, and those that do go to the top have a very high possibility of being the Unfair Stamp and/or Super Rod since those 2 are kept in the 50% of the deck with all the previous shuffling that Noah did. Once you add these points and the previous ones I made, then there is a really good reason to believe that he cheated. I'll repost my other points from Azul's previous video. *When Noah "misses" the mash once and then twice it's him debating in his head whether he wants to cheat or not. You can say he is nervous, but yeah he is nervous because the thought of cheating is running though his head. If you see his actions before this, he is cheerfully chatting and seems like having a fun time. I highly doubt a "high skilled" (I put this in parenthesis because if he is doing this on stream just imagine what he is doing off stream. Which would neglect his winnings or at bare minimum put an asterisk by them but in the eyes of extreme spirit of the game players such as myself it would cancel them out), would miss that badly not once but TWICE. Further more you if you see it in real time, you see the hesitation because he is compilating whether to do it or not. You can even see that he "misses" a 3rd time but forces the mash anyway. You can say that he completely missed it, but why didn't he miss any other shuffle this whole match besides this one??? Another key thing we have to notice is that Noah has R. Greninja, Kirlia AND an Iono in his hand. I've stop the video on the frame when you can see that Noah has an Iono in it, you can see the sleeve of Iono's illustration. imgur.com/a/TgEWQqE Sorry if you can't blow it up to see, but the Iono is towards the bottom part of his hand it's like the 3rd or so card before we can't see what anymore cards if their are any left. So he knows he can get to the top 8 cards with just these cards alone. So he doesn't need to know exactly where the Unfair Stamp/Super Rod are, he just needs to know they are near the top. The thing that I also find suspicious is that the Super Rod near the top (I believe 5th card before the shuffle and as he deck searches with Ultra Ball) and gets pushed to the top after the shuffle. And if you continue the clip you can see that Noah needed that super bad probably even more than the Unfair Stamp because 2 of his Ralts were in the discard pile, and a Kirlia which he shuffles back in with the S. Rod before he stamps. Now notice how he shuffles before and after he plays Unfair Stamp. It's significantly different than when he shuffled when he played the Ultra Ball and saw that the Super Rod and Unfair Stamp where near the top. Now add to the fact that Noah only took 8 seconds (45:55-46:03) = 8 seconds in the shuffle after he spots the Unfair Stamp/Super Rod near the top versus 29 seconds (46:45 - 47:14) once he plays the Unfair Stamps and shuffles for that. Now you can argue that when someone plays cards like Judge or Unfair Stamp most players do take a little longer, and that's warranted, for me it's the fact that Noah is done shuffling before Henry that adds to the suspicion. I've gone back and looked at other times when he is shuffling and here is what I found: 33:20 - 33:30 = 10 seconds shuffling after a Vessel for 2 Psychics 33:53 - 34:11 = 14 seconds (- 1 or 2 seconds for putting away/discarding TM EVO in between his shuffling) 57:13 - 57:19 - 6 seconds (Noah's deck was super small at this point) So I think it's the inconsistency that gives hints to the judges. You're only going to shuffling 2 seconds more (compared to when his deck is super small) in such a crucial part of the game when you need to hit 2 very specific cards like Super Rod and Unfair Stamp (I went back and Noah discarded an Super Rod, I believe when he was playing a Vessel) Lastly, Noah already had his play on the board and in his hand besides the Unfair Stamp/Super Rod. Because he Boss's Henry's Kirlia and Unfair Stamps to leave Henry in a tough position just from that play alone (Unfair to 2 and KO the Kirlia to limit the draw). If he doesn't get the Unfair Stamp he needs to Kirlia/Iono to try to help him get it AND disrupt his opponents hands. Also the thing about the Super Rod where he is able to Super Rod 2 Ralts and Kirlia, and Artazon the Ralts back in play that same turn. If he doesn't get the Super Rod than he obviously has to wait another turn or wait to see if the Kirlia gets it for him before or after the Unfair Stamp, which is another point in itself. If the R. Greninja draw doesn't get it for him there than he still knows he has 2 more cards to look at and bare minimum Iono if he doesn't want to just Iono and KO Henry's Screaming Tail. Which going for Kirlia is the better play since Noah has Manaphy in play and his Kirlia is safe from Screaming Tail just being able to snipe it back. Add in the fact that the Unfair stamp gets Henry to 2 and it's less likely for it to be Gusted up. So once you add all these points combined, I think the Judges made a great call weather Noah intended it to be exactly in the top 2 cards or not, he should do a better job of shuffling like he did once and not have stuff look suspicious.* Sorry for typos and grammar errors, I'm a bad proof reader and English is my 2nd language. Even thou I've been in the US for over 25 years some things my brain still of 1st in Spanish or structures sentences in Spanish.
@chriscobi634 4 сағат бұрын
Was trying to put this as an edit to my 1st post but it didn't let me. Edit - Just thought of another way to easily explain this: We know 110% where the two cards are when Noah searches with Ultra Ball, and we know 110% where they end up after he is done shuffling which are Super Rod 1st and Unfair Stamp. So what we had to break down and we did with Azul is being able to track the cards as much as we could, and even when we were doing we could still track the Unfair Stamp and only be off by 1 or 2 cards maybe 3 at most. So now let's just do the basic math of where they started and where they ended. Super Rod went from 5th to 1st, that moved 4 slots. Unfair Stamp stayed at 2nd the whole time, so that didn't move at all. So even if we are wrong about 1 of the cards like Super Rod we can still be wrong by about 4 slots, and if we were able to track it Unfair Stamp by 3 slots than we were doing a pretty good job at tracking it, even if it's not Super Rod. Now add to the fact that Noah can use both Greninja and Kirlia to get to the top 4 cards in his deck and then he can be off of Unfair Stamp by 2, from 2nd to 4th. So even thou we can't track exactly where they are at, there is room for error. Not only this but as I mentioned before, we aren't doing the shuffling as Noah is, and we don't have all the angles and best quality like the judges do. The only part that left me in doubt is the very last shuffle that Noah puts a big stack towards the middle, and then does it again. I went back and reviewed it once more to see if I could spot anything that would give more concrete evidence and I did. If you slow it down to .25 after Azul already slowed it down to I think .5 you can clearly see that Noah grabs his stack from his left hand (which is where for sure the Unfair Stamp is and most likely Super Rod as well. I word it like this because at this point we don't know exactly where they are but we know where they end up) and pushes a whole bunch of those MIDDLE cards towards the top of his right hand. Key thing to note is he never pushes the top of his left hand to the middle of his right hand. When you see it in real time it does SEEM like he pushes top cards from his left hand to the middle of his right hand but that is not what happens. This is as close as you can get to go frame by frame without it taking hours to actually go frame by frame. And not that you really need to, the evidence is there when you slow it down to .5 and then .25. He always keeps Unfair Stamp and Super Rod near the top. Once again super sorry for what it seems like I was flip flopping back and forth while I was on the call with Azul, but it's hard for me to understand what he was saying while also trying to keep my own thoughts straight while also doing a very difficult task of tracking a card. It's difficult because I'm bilingual and most bilingual people will tell you that it's harder to understand what someone is saying to you than it is to explain it, as least when you are proficient enough to be able to explain most things.
@ethan37066 6 сағат бұрын
No research is trolling fr, arven is so mid especially if you’re playing town store
@UncalibratedAimbot 6 сағат бұрын
What does this mean for Uncommon Energy’s legacy?
@AzulGG 4 сағат бұрын
@emilands3635 Сағат бұрын
Hello and welcome to the Uncommon Legacy Energy Podcast. I'm chip Richey and I'm here as always alone, an old man yelling at clouds" just kidding of course
@jakehr3 6 сағат бұрын
This is now like Yapping episode 3 or 4 if we are counting the Yapping from the world invite stuff
@manleyfgc7981 7 сағат бұрын
I was all fine watching this series until your guest shit on columbus. Columbus has a lot of great shit and is a great city. I'm proud of where I live. Probably passing on the rest of the series when this dude is already being an ass.
@boxkid759 6 сағат бұрын
Damn. Chill. It's not that serious. Lmao
@manleyfgc7981 6 сағат бұрын
@@boxkid759 i completely agree. if youre going to be an ass 3 minutes in, i wont watch. its not serious at all. lmao
@boxkid759 6 сағат бұрын
@@manleyfgc7981 I don't think they were being an ass. It's just their opinion of the city. Columbus is far from perfect, and far from having more culture than alot of cities here. Not sure how you can disagree with that I guess. 👎
@viciousisanerd 6 сағат бұрын
Lol what did he say that was that bad?
@Zutang777 5 сағат бұрын
@@viciousisanerdhe said the city didn’t have much to offer for people outside the country. The take away for me can be two things. One the city just lost it’s sauce. And two other places are just more active and booming in contrast.
@coffee323 7 сағат бұрын
First :)
@georgegotjokes 9 сағат бұрын
They should just have the judges shuffle the deck every time. Prevent any type of cheating. Also, the UF never left his left hand. He just kept in the top 2 cards the whole time if you watch it carefully. Even though, the fact UF was STILL in the top 2 after all that shuffling is not right. That means 1 of 2 things; it was done intentionally or his shuffling wasn't adequate.
@EggsForDessert 12 сағат бұрын
💯cheating. Ban, shun and move on
@mth4456 13 сағат бұрын
I bridge and mash randomly. I feel like everyone should do this. Just play Lowest rarity or don't cry about your cards so much. Pokemon Judges are pretty bad with this stuff honestly. It doesn't impact them so why would they care.
@Aaron0000014 13 сағат бұрын
Am i crazy? It looks like the top cards stay on top for the entire shuffle, not sure what there is to dispute here
@Barkas247 13 сағат бұрын
7:21 Just wanted to mention: There is no hindu shuffle happening at all. That is an overhand shuffle. The hindu shuffle is when you pull out the cards vertically, i. e. you pull them towards yourself. When you pull the cards out sideways like it is happening here, then that is a simple overhand shuffle. The hindu shuffle is much more common amongst japanese players. In the West it's a comparatively rare sight and the overhand shuffle (as well as the riffle shuffle) is much more common.
@chimosgameclub9765 14 сағат бұрын
The issue with worlds invite now, is that another person likely has that spot. I dont think you could do that unless it was seen right after
@Xhadp 14 сағат бұрын
What tipped me off is the fan of cards after bringing out the Jirachi. Not sure if that is in-line with his previous shuffles he did but that would tip me off. The opp also needed to do inconsistent cuts as a last line of defense. I'm not sure how experienced the person is in high-level play. But that isn't usual behavior. You should be moving right into shuffling after grabbing your cards in order since you have no reason to check you should be doing it when obtaining the card or in a previous turn. So I'm not going to say 100% justified since it doesn't line up with an obvious cheat attempt but it is greater than 50% so I don't think any party is wrong here. The person seems to be a good sport about it as well. One thing I would like is more transparency in cheating in high level of Pokemon play though, no matter the format.
@Swiss-nj3uo 15 сағат бұрын
I have seen several different ways players have tried to stack decks, most are usually obvious. The fact that he kept looking at the specific card he wanted, the method of shuffling and missing, and knowing that his opponent likely wouldn’t cut leads me to believe it was intentional. As a judge, you have to use judgment calls. If it looks like cheating and smells like cheating, you gotta say it is cheating. As a player, you have to do your best to avoid that look. I get he may have been playing nervous, but learn and do better next time. It looks too fishy.
@daviebroy9174 16 сағат бұрын
How can Noah pull the 1 card he needed out of a 20 card deck! What are the odds?? He had to be cheating... Is what I would say if I were an idiot on Twitter.
@daviebroy9174 16 сағат бұрын
Noah got hosed and whoever made the original tweet about it should think twice about accusing people of cheating moving forward. You have to be extremely dumb to stack on stream. The judges shouldn't be able to DQ without undeniable proof.
@ChaosWheel0407 16 сағат бұрын
I still don't see how this was cheating to be honest.
@BrandoMan 17 сағат бұрын
A bunch of PTCGL warriors in your chat. They've probably never shuffled a deck in their lives.
@mono4617 17 сағат бұрын
Very disappointed in you Azul. Was a fan and a watcher from my beginning with tcg. I feel that your views which you display in this video are harmful for the community and straight up fake. It seems like you were involved with Noah, or you may have some connections with him. I hate it that you turn a blind eye to cheating and indulge in lying to your viewers to keep the game infested with cheaters. I've never seen you cheat, or even do something suspicious during your live games, so why are you defending a person who does? You and Noah's friends try to push the narrative that he doesn't know how to shuffle correctly, HE HAS BEEN IN THE GAME FOR OVER 8 YEARS STOP LYING FOR F SAKE! And you can straight up see he shuffles the stamp differently to the way he does genuine shuffles. I just don't like the feel of this video, compared to others, where you just ditch logic for the sake of creating this 35 minute peace of toxic propaganda. I will still keep my fingers crossed for you in the worlds, but I can't watch your channel anymore, cheers.
@AzulGG 16 сағат бұрын
I’ve never met Noah in my life I just don’t think he cheated
@20eyesmisfit 17 сағат бұрын
Compare this shuffle to the shuffle after using unfair stamp, should tell you enough.
@akarionkozma6999 18 сағат бұрын
Bro definitely cheated! I do magic and bro was obviously manipulating the card. He knows what he was doing! The more I watch the more I see it’s possible he didn’t stack! But if he did, I got to say it’s impressive that he was able to change the top card and leave the stamp.
@raipanda133 18 сағат бұрын
1:05:30 This is how I’ve felt with every deck on PTCGL since the last update. Unplayable hand after unplayable hand. Went from a 80% WR with Garde/Munku to barely a 50%. If I have a playable hand turn 2, I usually win, but I can’t seem to get a remotely playable hand anymore.
@Fir3shad0wdr 18 сағат бұрын
Yeah this boy cheating, hope it just this time and not how he got those 8 wins, I trust you haven’t done this before AZ but can’t be giving everyone the benefit of a doubt, cheaters cheat sometimes
@royalred611 18 сағат бұрын
When you speak on these topics. You’re speaking like it’s 100% Fact. You should be saying “in my opinion”. Get a Pro card player opinion on this.
@AzulGG 17 сағат бұрын
Obviously it’s my opinion I’m the one saying it
@prcngnpkmn 18 сағат бұрын
Nah Azul. This is 100% cheating
@AzulGG 8 сағат бұрын
@fmradio9728 18 сағат бұрын
Minneapolis is humid AF whoever suggested that is out their damn mind
@calebmullins3577 19 сағат бұрын
Azul are you still the same guy that told us declumping is cheating? And now literally stacking the deck is NOT cheating?? This is so wrong!!!
@AzulGG 19 сағат бұрын
I’ve never said declumping is cheating
@calebmullins3577 19 сағат бұрын
@@AzulGG maybe you should watch your older videos! I remember it clearly because my shop has a talk about it and I couldn’t figure out why none of them trusted anything you say.. sadly I understand now
@AzulGG 15 сағат бұрын
@@calebmullins3577 I've said there's no reason to declump because if you sufficiently randomize ur deck all ur doing is wasting time by declumping but I've never said declumping itself is cheating If you can find a clip of me saying declumping is cheating I'll concede that point but it doesn't change how I currently feel about it
@Nitron2097 19 сағат бұрын
So, if you offer a cut and the opponent declines, can you request they be forced to cut?
@calebmullins3577 19 сағат бұрын
Dang I honestly used to respect azul but after him defending this OBVIOUS cheating…. Yeah I now understand why all the top players in my area find like him…. Literally unsubscribing, this is so gross how you defend cheating I could see with my own eyes
@calebmullins3577 19 сағат бұрын
@AzulGG 17 сағат бұрын
Did you watch the full video and see the shuffles after the riffle?
@joshlleyo2122 19 сағат бұрын
Painted nails is crazy gng 🙏🏼💀
@Mysticalzelda 20 сағат бұрын
Its a bit sad that they don't go back on actions, I understand why at first they judged that he cheated because it looked sus. But not going back on this looking closer it's tough. Also theres instances of people cheating on stream (on accident or w/e) and not being punished, not even after. Lack of communication is the real issue though
@voldo123 20 сағат бұрын
Just got back from vacation so I'm fresh on this, first time seeing it, and dude is def cheating. If you know anything about anything when it comes to card tricks it's glaringly obvious what he's doing, not even good sleight of hand to hide it. Always cut your opponents deck folks, and change it up sometimes to not always be close to center.
@sporkisfaster88 20 сағат бұрын
Yes, dude cheated with a really obvious trick "shuffle". Worked poker houses, played TCGs for years. This is blatant. Next question.
@cesar.g.8543 20 сағат бұрын
azul, why dont you watch videos on how to stack hands and compare it, its the best way to identify it. Otherwise, you're shooting in the dark with this one. your opinion is subjective and not factual. your justification is invalid here
@AzulGG 8 сағат бұрын
Yea it’s my opinion
@PlotArmorHero 20 сағат бұрын
Why can't they just put an automatic card shuffler on the table?And let the judge handle the cards back onto the table.He forces the opponent to cut the other person's deck
@RikkertGamed 20 сағат бұрын
His Shuffle in this moment was very different style of shuffling he did throughout the rest of the match. He never did it this way again, that seems very suspicious to me and that's why I think this was intentional.
@brianfreeman3355 20 сағат бұрын
I feel like every year we are watching a video like this. I personally dont feel like Noah cheated.
@sh1nypantsgaming661 20 сағат бұрын
Basically what’s happened is he got the card he needed thus he’s a cheater People are stupid.
@Saythra 21 сағат бұрын
I've never even played a live event to know... But if there was an issue with the shuffle... Couldn't the judge paused the game, shuffled the deck again, then continued play? Or is that not a thing?
@VinceO-ec9rd 20 сағат бұрын
If you saw someone stealing something would you go over to them and put the item they stole back and let them continue, or would you call the cops so they wont steal anything else? It’s a very rough comparison, but the point is if there was suspicion of cheating you would want to get to the bottom of it instead of simply correcting something suspicious and moving on. Hope this helped
@Saythra 19 сағат бұрын
@@VinceO-ec9rd that's fine. Like I said, I've never played a live event to know what the processes are for stuff like this. All I saw of how the particular occurance was what Azul played in the vid. Idk if gameplay continued beyond that point of the shuffle or not. That's why I'm curious. Like if that turn played out or whatever, then I somewhat understand the DQ. I've only ever played ptcgo and live, so I've never had any experience with all this.
@nickfanzo 22 сағат бұрын
Pokémon judges are cringe as f
@MazterP28 22 сағат бұрын
Proof the internet and mob mentality can destroy peoples life
@Knsy 23 сағат бұрын
If Noah is cheating, then all of PTCGL is cheateing because every time I Iono or unfair my opponent ALWAYS gets their out. Randomised shuffling pays off in live but not in real life 😂
@SolitaryDust 23 сағат бұрын
there are card tricks with practice lets u setup a card where u want it. this is hella sus but the card is kinda easy to track when u slow it down