@drakera 7 минут бұрын
Ganondorf was already spreading curses throughout the realms before the interfearence. Princess ruto woulda died inside jabujabu. Deku tree woulda died releasing the spider inside and other horrors anyway throughout korkiri. Dadaongo woulda probably destroyed the ecosystem of the gorons much faster. Eventually he wouldve found link and killed him as the child and everything woulda just been the same in the future but no link aka the "hero dies" timeline
@TM-45. 11 минут бұрын
Sakon is realy an awfull guy, stealing from the elderly is so pathetic. Sakon that now loser
@tomalator 13 минут бұрын
Are we only counting Ganondorf, or can Ganon count too? Alttp Ganon has the full triforce
@cormacbernard4845 15 минут бұрын
You can hold a sword but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re wielding it
@user-by9hw1te2o 17 минут бұрын
One thing I’ve never seen anyone mention is how the skyward sword map lines up perfectly with the map in BoTW. Faron bottom right, lanayru/gerudo desert bottom left, eldin/death mountain top middle, and skyloft and the great plateau! Super interesting!
@mailowmailow5207 23 минут бұрын
They never really flesh out his character so the fact that he is misunderstood kinda stems from horrible storytelling
@Ryan_Dye-r 24 минут бұрын
@bloog7832 26 минут бұрын
Well, you technically kill the Garo, they blow themselves up after Link beats them
@javiervasquez625 3 минут бұрын
They were already _dead_ when Link faces them. Their use of bombs to blast themselves into nothingness isn't for the intent of "sepukku" but rather to not leave their corpses behind after passing into the Afterlife.
@Swagg_Mistress 30 минут бұрын
Link is ruthless
@ChaosStar27 34 минут бұрын
Yeah but twilight princess was T rated and link stabbed Ganondorf plain as day in that game
@rodiceiarodrigues1147 39 минут бұрын
And then Nintendo will make a Zelda game where you find this guy, and we’ll find he travelled across dimensions.
@javiervasquez625 7 минут бұрын
Like the Happy Mask Salesman?
@matthewmoore6346 50 минут бұрын
Sakon deez nuts, I did it, y'all heard me
@tntkff9901 53 минут бұрын
A link to the past, the soldiers weren't monsters, just brainwashed, so.... Yeah, his body count is higher in that game.😊
@tel1723 Сағат бұрын
watch the black cauldron
@EvanBailey-wn6bx Сағат бұрын
Remember when gannon Dorf Exploded, In tears of the Kingdom I think that's dying.
@Steeldart Сағат бұрын
What the fuck is this game 💀
@majorasghost5690 Сағат бұрын
I remember accidentally doing that. Me and my sister just killed over laughing so hard i thought i was gonna piss myself from laughing too hard.
@TehSenate Сағат бұрын
Sakon deez nuts
@ThaSupaHeroReD Сағат бұрын
Ŵhy did they give Zelda caveman eyebrows though? A royal princess shoulf know how to trim them bushy brows at least
@Dav06_23 Сағат бұрын
In every way, shape, and/or form, deserved. He had it coming from a mile or two. I thank every programmer who gave me the chance to cause a man's untimely passing, in a Nintendo game. Bless those game devs
@javiervasquez625 17 минут бұрын
Yet it's more of an "easter egg" you can do as Sakon's survival up to the night of the Third Day is mandatory in order to complete the Anju-Kafei quest. I see the option to "dispose" of Sakon as more of a twisted sense of humor from Nintendo rather than them condoning vigilante justice in their games.
@jamesbanana007 Сағат бұрын
Sakon had it comin'
@aboxonmydesk319 Сағат бұрын
Yeah fuck sakkon
@victor100judo Сағат бұрын
Actually those two that got into Gerudo Town prove there are female Gorons, but even the Gerudo can't tell them apart
@H0n35t Сағат бұрын
"In the end, violence was an option." -Link.
@Wxyver_n Сағат бұрын
As what the great Kaz Miller once said "They played us like a damn fiddle"
@eikofire5244 Сағат бұрын
I guess he sacked off 😅
@RaphBlade7 Сағат бұрын
Actually there is no indication that Link is commiting bank fraud! This is just a fan theory! Termina is not the real world and like Hyrule magic exists there! Rupees have always had something of a magical component to them especially in the case of the Rupoor which is a cursed black rupee that causes Link to lose an amount of Rupees if it is collected (usually -10) and was referred by Miyamoto as one of the most evil items in all of Hyrule and how Rupees seem to change size at times! It would only be considered bank fraud in the real world if that was what going on in the game, as Termina is a different world and may have different banking laws! Its one of those things you aren't really meant to think about too deeply and should just be thankful that there is a place to store your Rupees! Also Link is trying to save Termina from destruction, so anything that makes that job easier and less time consuming can be seen as a necessary evil including bank fraud (that is if it is actually a crime in Termina like in the real world) which would only be considered fraud cause Link is traveling through time! Certain events during a three day cycle just seem to become part of the next cycle like Masks Link has obtained, Items (Bow, capacity upgrades, approval to utilize Powder Keg, Hookshot, Elemental Arrows, etc), Songs, & Boss Remains are retained! In fact, the game's endings imply that Link's actions within various cycles some how become part of the New Day timeline (presumably via the power of the Goddess of Time which is suggested as the reason behind Link's ability to control time using the Ocarina of Time, Song of Time and its variations! Its never really explained in game how the bank keeps track of his Rupees or how the balance is accurate even after rewinding time! Its possible the stamp is magical as its invisible to the player and seems to record the exact amount regardless of the three day cycle or time travel! Its a game mechanic that doesn't really try to provide an explanation for why it works in-universe! For all we know the Vault is made of some material that resists changes in the flow of time or ensures the deposited Rupees remain! Heck it could be blessed by the Goddess of Time herself! Heck in the remake its location behind the Clock Tower could indicate the properties of the Clock Tower's interior (as time ceases to flow while Link is inside possibly due to it being connected to the portal that leads back to Hyrule) are involved!
@aboxonmydesk319 Сағат бұрын
The oopsies of Zelda
@sobblegaming350 Сағат бұрын
Majora's mask has so many little mechanics that really make the game not seem rushed in the slightest. I love it.
@RaphBlade7 Сағат бұрын
Actually, it only makes the side quest lines impossible for that three day cycle! Rewinding back to the first day resets the event, allowing Link the opportunity to stop Sakon without killing him or letting him steal the bag for the Couple's Mask side quest line (which is also connected to the quest line for the Postman's Hat as the Priority Mail can be given to the Postman on the last day so he can deliver it to Kafei's mother to ask her if he can flee, which she grants and if Link talks to him outside the Milk Bar afterwards he will hand over his hat to Link which is a "MASK" that allows Link to check Postboxes for Rupees and a Piece of Heart)! So Sakon's "death" isn't actually permanent and note he brought it upon himself trying to steal a bag of explosives from a weak old lady! Also Sakon is by no means an innocent victim and is pretty evil for your average thief! Besides Link killing thieves like Ganondorf and Blind isn't anything new (Link kills Ganondorf at the end of Twilight Princess, while The Wind Waker is debatable as its possible the sword just sealed him in stone) though BLIND wasn't completely human due to the effects of the DARK WORLD!
@SerpentBornOfficial 2 сағат бұрын
Two children made a plan to save the universe guided by a ambiguous owl spirit and a fairy that flys into fences.
@amongusgamer-fw2mn 2 сағат бұрын
In a link to the past's light world link mows down brainwashed soldiers left and right
@javiervasquez625 10 минут бұрын
True, yet it's worth noting they all "poof" into nothing without leaving any blood or corpse behind after they're "defeated". Combine that with their revival as shown at the end of the game and it's no longer explicitly violent.
@linklinksson6885 2 сағат бұрын
@kashinimeyo 2 сағат бұрын
“The buttons for attacking are on the right side so he should be right handed” THEYVE ALWAYS BEEN ON THE RIGHT TF YOU MEAN DUDE
@jaspermckelvey3404 2 сағат бұрын
I eat doors
@aspie-anarchist9854 2 сағат бұрын
Yeah but at least the guards were armed and trying to kill him. Majora link blew an armed human running away from him. I guess sakon pushed over an old lady and robbed her.
@steventhepotionhoarder2107 2 сағат бұрын
It's almost like she was a literal child
@SHAD3-qf8qi 2 сағат бұрын
The hero of Legend had the right to defend himself by all means
@madestmadhatter 2 сағат бұрын
He was already working on getting the gems, had musocal talent, and from how he looked at zelda was plotting something with her, I think we may have accelerated his plans, but he was always going to get to there
@robwar1992 2 сағат бұрын
I think zelda was ignorant to the sword being the prison if she known this it would of been better not to take the journey in the first place plus phantom Ganon is very weak eventually aging zelda would reveal who Ganon really was and the phantom would of been delt with and save the kingdom alot of problems
@KnightTimeLuigi1397 2 сағат бұрын
Not to mention most of the monsters in A Link to the Past were originally humans.
@RyanNerdyGamer 2 сағат бұрын
Sounds like the plot of Super Mario Bros.
@crim50nr8er 2 сағат бұрын
So uhhh...first time watcher of this video here...Well this claim to fix TotK aged poorly, didn't it? Echoes of Wisdom? lmfao
@mashleyden 2 сағат бұрын
Link to The Past is my #1 favorite Zelda game. It was the first video game I ever beat on my parents Super Nintendo. I’ve replayed it many times throughout the years. Each bringing my back to more innocent days. I never noticed his hair was pink.
@Arkenen 2 сағат бұрын
Maybe he's left-handed because that's how you hold a sword an shield... Your strongest hand bears the shield to resist knock back, your weakest hand bears the sharpness of the sword, you don't need to swing hard to cut someone at all..
@Undomaranel 2 сағат бұрын
I disagree completely. Zelda laid out how she could get her and Link in there, aka a princess shoo'd away from politics and a forest orphan with a couple toys. She had no way of knowing if there were other methods, or if Ganondorf could draw the sword, or if her father (aka the king) had methods of contacting and controlling Rauru or priests of the temple. Link saw firsthand the death of the Great Deku Tree and knew Ganondorf was behind it, and upon going to the Gorons and Zoras learned all sorts of horrible works. Ganondorf could have beguiled and forced his way in after usurping Hyrule, and had Link and Zelda not got the keys and magics he would have had the Triforce of Power, with the other two Triforces sent to the children who had no preparedness nor way of escape from the Gerudo tyrant. The plan didn't work from Zelda's goal, short sighted as she was in her childhood ignorance. But her wisdom to get Link involved despite the adults refusing to listen and to give both of them a head start (plus Impa)? That is why the plan worked. Hyrule was destined to fall, and thanks to the official timeline we know how Zelda's plan affected her people and the artifacts.
@lyretxx134 2 сағат бұрын
Sometimes we cause our fates, when doing our best to avoid them. Makes for a good story
@braedyn5890 2 сағат бұрын
Twilight princess is pretty violent Because they do add blood
@javiervasquez625 20 минут бұрын
Ocarina of Time had Ganondorf literally vomitting _blood_ in the original version of the game before Nintendo censored it to "green vomit" to appease concerned parents so technically one could argue that Ocarina of Time was already pretty mature with its tone before Twilight Princess came along.
@LittleAl016 2 сағат бұрын
Real talk: How often are you going to even need those Rupees, given how plentiful they are anyways? Heck. All of the 5 treasure chests hidden in Clock Town alone, outside of the Treasure Chest Shop, have 420 Rupees total. For each time cycle. And there's a respawning vulture near the Milk Road that drops 200 Rupees each time he's beaten. And there's a multitude of enemies at night that drop 50 Rupees each time they're defeated by Light Arrows.
@WildGardevoir 2 сағат бұрын
Also in Hyrule Warriors you can fight Goron. Even human soldier and they poof like monster yeah but if it count as death for monster it's probably the same here so Link and other character can kill Goron. I think we can even talk about mass genocide at this point
@kazekamiha 2 сағат бұрын
In fairness, she was ten