@leo_714 7 сағат бұрын
Change to android. 150% less problems
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 6 сағат бұрын
Phone that had issues was an android. There was a hole in the camera lense so water got in there. Got a new phone now with a waterproof case
@mtadams2009 8 сағат бұрын
I had a lot of issues with my iPhone last year on the Long Trail. The humidity and constant rain caused my phone to lock me out and do all kinds of crazy stuff. I ended up taking off my passcode. You have cleared the Whites. The AT section is Vt will be much easier than the Whites. After Vt you will definitely be able to crush some big miles. It’s not like you’re not putting in big days already but you will definitely hit mid 20s and low 30s. I actually can’t imagine going this fast. Great job
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 6 сағат бұрын
Yeah just wasn't careful enough with the water. Thanks man!
@mathfan0918 9 сағат бұрын
Very cool to see sunrise and a moose on top of Moosilauke! Glad you got a new pack cover! I hope you get your phone problems resolved. Hanover is a cool town! The bakery & pizza place (Ramunto's) give thru-hikers free food.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Ya the moose was awesome. Yup, some free food there was nice!
@ervinslens 14 сағат бұрын
Fantastic episode man, you edited this so nicely!
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Thanks! I put little effort into the editing ha
@suecox8355 Күн бұрын
Thanks 🦋❤️
@mathfan0918 Күн бұрын
Really enjoying your videos! I'm caught up now, so it will be interesting to follow your journey day-by-day. You are doing amazing!
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Thanks for all the comments and encouragement and for watching em all!
@mathfan0918 Күн бұрын
At least you got to see something this day. One of the Nobos that I watched last year went over Franconia Ridge when it was so socked in that it looked just like you were walking between white walls. Plus it was cold, windy, rainy AND sleeting. So it could have been worse. But yum! Leftover lasagna, yay!
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Yup it can usually be worse in some way
@mathfan0918 Күн бұрын
Well, at least you were lucky with your views in Maine. Really, it's unrealistic not to expect some white-wall days like this. It is a drag, but you just have to enjoy the misty fog as best you can. Too bad about the lack of breakfast leftovers! That had to have been a bummer. Also a real bummer to get off trail like that. Bushwhacking is really tough! But woot, trail magic! May you experience many more.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Ya for sure. I can see myself going back to the presidentials some day and experiencing them in nicer weather
@mathfan0918 Күн бұрын
I followed two Sobo pairs last year, and when both pairs finished their thru-hikes, they both said that they thought that descent from the Wildcats to Pinkham Notch was the steepest & worst one on the whole trail. It's rivaled only by the north side of Moosilauke, but luckily for Sobos that is an ascent rather than a descent. It's good that you had a chance to recharge & upload. I imagine it's harder for you since you stay in so few hostels that you don't have as much access to decent Wifi.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Ya it was steep for sure. McDonalds wifi is pretty good so they upload fast ha
@mathfan0918 Күн бұрын
Hopefully you were able to get the work-for-stay. It's kind of noisy in the huts, but at least you get good food.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Yup I did get the work for stay. And in that hut theres separate buildings so guests aren't walking through all night to pee.
@mathfan0918 Күн бұрын
Way to go! Maine is the state with the 3rd-most miles on the AT (281), following Virginia (550) and Tennessee (288, counting the border area it shares with North Carolina). So it is quite a victory to get through it! It's probably good that you didn't go to the next shelter because your body does need to rest and recover at least somewhat. Last year, when I saw the Rattle River in Nobo videos, it was flooding. Glad you didn't have to deal with that! And 300 miles is great!
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Oh wow. Ya it was good to have a more chill day for sure.
@mathfan0918 Күн бұрын
Wow, that view from near the top of Ol' Spec was gorgeous! Yikes, that slippery mud was so nasty! I'm so sorry that happened. Mahoosuc Notch is just crazy to get through. But you are doing fantastic. Careful with the wet rocks. On a section hike of Delaware Water Gap in New Jersey last year, I slipped on a wet rock and broke my leg.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Oh wow, hope you have recovered! The notch was awesome I loved it.
@user-SahmJuanElse Күн бұрын
This will be your record of your AT thru-hike. Wonder if you will want more Trail videos to look back on?
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
I feel like I have a fair bit so far but if your point is I should take more videos? Maybe
@dancesonlogs4208 Күн бұрын
The Presidentials and Franconia Ridge are two sections of the AT I drive 9hrs each way every year just to capture there majestic beauty during a clear day. This is why I section hike and give myself plenty of time to thoroughly enjoy the natural splendor.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 9 сағат бұрын
Wow. I can definitely see myself coming back some day to those two sections to get a better view.
@christianlansky5752 2 күн бұрын
Looking forward to watching you pull a couple 30s later on
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Haha, planning to go for 30+ tomorrow, one of my town / post office stops is currently scheduled for July 4 when post office is closed so I'm going to try to push to make it the day before.
@jbdavis2933 2 күн бұрын
What's your trail name?
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Guess I haven't mentioned it but its Snowman.
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
Glad you eventually got a ride, even if it was after an hour. Those rocks are really slippery when wet, so it's so good that it wasn't raining. Most hikers that I watch use a Cnoc bag with a Sawyer Squeeze & Smartwater bottles.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya I've heard good things about the cnoc bags and I've seen lots of people with them.
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
What a beautiful sunrise! I'm glad that you got to spend a night in a real bed and get a shower and do laundry. Nice that you got your tortillas! Tortillas & Nutella make such a nice trail lunch.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya I do a tortilla with peanut butter and pepperoni lol
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
The view from that highway is really pretty! Last year that stream before Bemis Mountain was having a flash flood, with water over the Nobo's head. Glad your weather was better.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Wow glad that wasn't an issue for sure.
@christianlansky5752 2 күн бұрын
dang, double digit thru hike in literal boots... you don't see that everyday. Start crushing those miles and avoid the various vortexes whenever possible.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya, didn't know what I didn't know when I got the boots. I have a pair of trail running style shoes for later on; was hoping to make it 1200 miles in the boots but not sure if that's gonna happen as they are already showing signs of wear.
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
7000 ft elevation, that's a lot! 20 miles is pretty great for Maine, actually. Most Nobos think they've done really well to go 10-15 miles there, and they've had over 1800 miles to get their trail legs. The rest of the states are easier (except maybe northern Pennsylvania with those pointy rocks).
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Funny you mention PA, some people have made it sound not too bad and some say it's really bad.
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
I think the Bigelows have some of the best views in Maine. It's nice that you had good weather for that day!
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya the Bigelows were nice though I was discouraged for a bit by how slow I was going lol
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
The danger with the Kennebec is not that it's not swimmable, but that the water level changes drastically at times due to dams upstream. Some of this year's Nobos did swim across even though it's not recommended. But they were lucky. Someone drowned in 1985. The goshawk seems to be attacking all of the hikers this year! 27 miles in Maine, wow!! 😮
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya that was a big day for sure but a lot of the miles were fairly 'easy' and not tons of elevation.
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
Really gorgeous views from the top of Moxie Bald! Maine has teeth, but a lot of beauty too! Where did you live in Texas? That's where I'm from.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
I lived just north of Houston in the Spring / Woodlands area and worked for HP Inc in Spring.
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
Wow, no stay at Shaw's Hostel in Monson? You're really rugged not taking a hostel day after the 100-Mile Wilderness 😯. You were lucky with the rides and the rain.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya, my original plan didn't include any stops in towns overnight but I've ended up staying overnight a few times already but oftentimes for free (I'm kinda cheap)
@user-SahmJuanElse 2 күн бұрын
You were on some of the most beautiful sections of The Appalachian Trail.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya unfortunate to have missed them.
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
Glad you were able to hang stuff up to let it dry out. It's really nasty when everything's wet! Wow, 25 miles is quite a big mileage day for Maine! Those rock scrambles are hard, whether you are going up or down.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Yup. The key to big miles is to just hike a long time I think lol
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
That's a good idea to hike while your oatmeal is cooling! So glad that you got a bug net! Maine has abundant mosquitos, gnats, and (in season) black flies. Maine is famous for rain -- actually the whole Appalachian Trail, but especially Maine. Last year's Sobos had 27 days of rain in a row.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Oh yikes 27 days in a row would be insane. But could happen to me I guess.
@user-lj5kw3hv6x 2 күн бұрын
A lot of hikers use a trash compacter bag as a liner to keep things dry. Also a pack cover when it rains.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya my original pack cover was old and crappy. I eventually got a trash bag for a liner and have a better pack cover now was well.
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
Maine has some pretty rugged terrain! 20 miles in Maine is no joke! You're doing great! And wow, you got a moose on camera! They like to run away fast. Cool view of Katahdin, too!
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya the first bit of the hundred mile wilderness wasn't too bad but still fairly rugged.
@mathfan0918 2 күн бұрын
So awesome! Wow, those views! And the flowers were nice, too.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting Күн бұрын
Ya views were incredible I got fortunate with the weather that day
@garrettphillips2729 2 күн бұрын
What sleeping bag do you have?
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 2 күн бұрын
Sea to summit TKII. Nothing special and isn't super light but its worked great so far for me
@suecox8355 3 күн бұрын
@suecox8355 3 күн бұрын
@suecox8355 3 күн бұрын
@fishntools 3 күн бұрын
March on, damn the torpedos!
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 2 күн бұрын
@user-SahmJuanElse 3 күн бұрын
Sucky views. Too bad. You never know. I’m Just A Section Hiker and hut hopped through the Whites. It was very difficult but in retrospect, very enjoyable. I had muscle cramps in places I never had them before. You are hiking The Trail your way. I’ll bet you will want to rehike and get to enjoy The Trail.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 2 күн бұрын
Ya it'd be cool to go back over Washington at some point in my life on a nice day ha
@TheCheetosam 3 күн бұрын
Good luck.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 3 күн бұрын
@RhondaHawkes 3 күн бұрын
It breaks my heart to hear "they were out of breakfast" - not having enough food must be a tough thing to deal with! You are sure burning the calories.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 3 күн бұрын
Lol well it would've just been extra food. I am getting plenty of food for sure.
@lauriehepinstall2636 3 күн бұрын
Hi looks like you are enjoying yourself. Is there a reason you chose 100 days?
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 3 күн бұрын
Not particularly. Seemed like a nice round number and something that was doable but would be a challenge for me.
@stattravels8109 3 күн бұрын
Enjoying your journey! You are crushing it! Love the Tribe hat!
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 3 күн бұрын
@SovereignAdventures 3 күн бұрын
That terrain looked difficult today but you did great! Glad you made it to the hut. 🙂
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 3 күн бұрын
Yup terrain in the morning and late afternoon was tough. Was grateful for the work for stay for sure. Thanks!
@baskets8429 4 күн бұрын
👍 enjoy the adventure 100 days is Awesome Great video to start
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 3 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@juliecurtis4045 4 күн бұрын
Just curious, i noticed on day 16 video, it looks like a hiking pole is bent? Any plans to replace it if so?
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 4 күн бұрын
Yes one of the poles got bent but it's working fine so no plans to replace lol
@jeremiahallyn4603 4 күн бұрын
Absolutely gorgeous scenery! I'd really love to visit that part of the country one day. However, thanks to you, people can at least vicariously be there. Safe hiking, and I can't wait for the next one ✌️😀
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 4 күн бұрын
Yup it's really awesome up there. Thanks!
@eddiemathis412 4 күн бұрын
I found that the bags that come with the Sawyer squeeze are trash I use CNOC bags which are easier to use and more durable, you should still be able to use the coupler. Hike on bro, good luck.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 4 күн бұрын
Funny you say this, a few days ago my sawyer squeeze bag got a hole near the mouth. Luckily I was headed to a hostel the next morning for resupply so I got a platypus bladder there. It's used but is working for me so far.
@mbirkett 4 күн бұрын
I'm enjoying living vicariously through you. You're making awesome progress. At some point, I would love to see the electronic gear you're using. Phone, camera, charging, altimeter, watch, apps, editing, etc.
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 4 күн бұрын
Thanks! Good idea, just got a new phone actually bc mine got water damage lol
@barlowwe 4 күн бұрын
I’m loving your videos so far! I’ll follow you as long as you keep posting. I’m curious though, how are you going to handle all of that heat traveling south all summer? Do you think you’ll just acclimate to it eventually?
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 4 күн бұрын
Not sure lol. We'll see how hot it gets. I did live in Texas last summer and ran and rowed in 80-100 degrees with high humidity.
@barlowwe 4 күн бұрын
@@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting well I’m sure you’ll be fine; you’re young. Good luck!
@BaltistaniBoys 5 күн бұрын
Absolutely amazing nice sound. Guys I recommended you visit the himalayan mountains k2 and Nangaparbat view point from one place moses peak. Add this amazing sound in your bucket list. At moses peak you can see the magnificent view of k2 the world second highest peak
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 4 күн бұрын
Those sound like amazing places
@mtadams2009 5 күн бұрын
I hiked that section 32 years ago and you made quick work of it. Funny thing is I am doing bigger miles now than I did back then, all because the gear is so light. My old tent weighed more than my base weight does now, which is about eight pounds. You’re doing great. The hike off of the Wildcats is steep for sure. Take care
@frankmularcikbeyondinvesting 4 күн бұрын
Thanks! The Carters were fun and yeah Wildcats were steep