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@gogomonstertruck 2 сағат бұрын
I find having other hobbies helps me not spend on micro transactions. I rarely if ever buy them. Unless it’s substantial/story DLC (like an expansion pack) or like character packs for a fighting game I don’t buy any of that stuff. It just doesn’t make sense to me to buy a skin for $20+ when I can buy a volume of manga, a game on discount, AND some food for the same price.
@HauntingPeace 3 сағат бұрын
Wow I'm the only person who doesn't spend money on mtx
@evilbob7597 3 сағат бұрын
A fool and his money is soon parted. Truth that stands outside time eternal.
@jakebocek2949 4 сағат бұрын
Lmao that didn't take long. So much for the fanboys
@_Mutt_ 5 сағат бұрын
I don't know that I've ever purchased a MTX. I grew up in the post-arcade, "golden age" home console era. We bought games for $60 and that was it. How did so many people forget?
@gutz4garterz735 5 сағат бұрын
it's star wars yay it's Ubisoft bollux not getting my money
@codmanout9861 6 сағат бұрын
I haven't paid a dime on microtransactions outside of Destiny 2 in over 2 years. And I only spent of D2 because I loved that game during it's first years (Only totally about $50, and not counting expansions). Outside of that, nothing has earned my devotion.
@Bennythejet55 6 сағат бұрын
Someone tell Lawrence he can just rent the series (one piece) via Libby so he doesn't even need to go into the Library to worry about it.
@cwrr2330 8 сағат бұрын
There's mtx and there's mtx. Deep Rock galactic sells cosmetics for a fair price with constant sales, usually i would buy those to support those great devs. Then, there's EA's football games that's basically gambling addiction for children.
@Jayleon72 11 сағат бұрын
Patreon blows up. OF channel "Brian's Glutes" launches and becomes top 1%. Forever. Inside Games brands as "Brian's Glutes" you tube channel Channel hits 10 million subs that day. 😂
@alenaalisakomendova 11 сағат бұрын
Lawrence did a full circle from being a laptop to being a laptop 💻
@GameSlayer41781 18 сағат бұрын
Microtransactions are 💩 cheap business tactics "they make a lot of money" the games would make a lot of money if they were worth a damn
@8TheBMAn8 19 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the news!
@Nodiee1 20 сағат бұрын
Mayyybe one day mobile will become a major platform for AA and AAA video games but before that ever happens I think phone manufacturers are going to have to contend with the major hurdle that is battery life. People rely on their phones for a lot of things. If playing a video game like RE7 or AC kills your phone's battery then you won't be able to use it for anything else unless you have a charger and outlet handy. Since people need their phones to keep in contact with people, to take pictures, to scroll social media, to listen to music and podcasts, for surfing the web (does anyone even say that anymore?), etc., most people aren't really going to be able to play a AAA game without losing the other important functions that their phones perform. I could see smartphone-like devices being used as mobile game consoles, but I have a hard time imagining any reasonably foreseeable future where smartphone batteries will be able to handle any kind of AAA game playing time without quickly draining the phone's battery.
@simple3d326 23 сағат бұрын
We buy them because we have too. Numb nuts. They don’t offer them for free…
@Grenglish91 11 сағат бұрын
You don't have to, though. There is always a choice. They're not free but they're also not mandatory.
@roguesoul6760 6 сағат бұрын
Yeah because you were gonna die without that fit peter skin huh?
@greencheese12 23 сағат бұрын
Laptop Law-Dog made me nostalgic
@Callingcascade Күн бұрын
I take Bruce's advice and speak with my wallet. You got a battle pass or microtransactions? I'll battle pass right over the game entirely. Don't care that Helldivers was popular. It's a live service game. I'm good.
@keylightsystems 12 сағат бұрын
I wish I could get my money back. I played that game for 4 hours and realized it was shit.
@d2cuadrados510 Күн бұрын
Laptop Lawrence is back baby!
@GundamGokuTV Күн бұрын
I legit haven't bought a MTX since Horse armor.
@joesashiify Күн бұрын
Most people hate microtrashsactions. The only ones that do are no lifers with too much money to even use it on more important things.
@BK-ku1zt Күн бұрын
Yup, almost all the money is from the whales
@GrubbJunker Күн бұрын
@Trozomuro Күн бұрын
To save our mother Earth from any alien attack!
@beak3331 Күн бұрын
Bollocks to microtransactions. I dont buy them but I'm old school and believe everything should be unlockable by playing the game. Look at crash 4 for a modern example
@serioussamd Күн бұрын
When you abuse addiction, you can trick anyone into thinking you're providing a quality product that everyone loves.
@uttblackboard Күн бұрын
I start every morning with a cup of coffee and by spending hundreds of dollars in microtransactions. Fake currency is way better than real ones.
@mountnstream Күн бұрын
That SpikeTV comparison when it comes to the Halo show, is painfully spot-on. It's like how in this age of superhero media, movies like Madame Web and Morbius that Sony makes, resembles the stuff that was made pre-2008, that comic book fans would blindly watch with their lack of options.
@JesusLopez-wc9jo Күн бұрын
Lawrence at the end said he can get manga at the library. In the Chicago libraries you can take out games. That's how ive finished new triple AAA games without spending a dime. Like persona 3 reload, Yakuza like a dragon infinite wealth, Yakuza like a dragon inshin and currently persona 5 royal. If i can't find it I'll probably just pirate it.
@tarttooth6022 Күн бұрын
Whoa. I haven't heard these voices in a long, long time.
@certifiedbum8889 Күн бұрын
Laptop Lawrance is great!!
@ZeusTheIrritable Күн бұрын
I have a friend who is a normal, sensible guy in every other way, but he spends hundreds of dollars on bulls**t mobile game micro transactions. He's like the perfect customer for them; show him a free-to-play game with 17 different currencies and he's hooked. The worst part is that he's broke. I'm not sure if it qualifies as a gambling addiction, but dude will spend his last twenty bucks, knowing his electric bill is past-due and his fridge is empty.
@OneRandomVictory Күн бұрын
I have bought exactly 2 microtransactions in my entire time of gaming. Bought lootboxes for Overwatch (granted, Sony gave me free $10 credit to do so and I also bought Psychonauts so no loss on my end) and the Overwatch 2 early access deal. I have yet to spend money on any of the free to play games outside of this.
@Bruce00 Күн бұрын
Laptop Lawrence forgot to Friday!
@jimgarrison9084 Күн бұрын
Patreon is a micro transaction for people.
@MechaMan3451 Күн бұрын
I’ve bought plenty of microtransactions. Usually battlepasses and the occasional skin. Was a lot worse when I first got money, but these days, if I play a Free to Play game, like Pokemon Unite, for a while, I’ll pay a bit for something fun. My Umbreon looks great now.
@_Mutt_ 5 сағат бұрын
Part of the problem^
@TheThenewdiabolic Күн бұрын
My weakness is Steam badges. I have spent dollars of my money buying cards to complete badges. That is my shame.
@craaig9118 Күн бұрын
How halo got a season 2 in the first place, I will never know.
@wnbetv Күн бұрын
That cicada sounds exactly like Lawrence. Crazy.
@Dr.Deagle. Күн бұрын
That halo show sucked
@transformerstuff7029 Күн бұрын
whenever a person admits they do microtransactions I just make a mental note about that person not having any intelligence and self control.
@Username_CC_ Күн бұрын
Same goes for sports gambling and lottery tickets. Same exact thing.
@DaapDaap22 Күн бұрын
Seeing Lawrence on the laptop takes me back to the old days of Inside Gaming ! :P
@BrockCollins Күн бұрын
"Freemium" I'm assuming is counting "free" mobile games? Not exactly an apples to apples comparison. I don't count Candy Crush and Monopoly GO in the same vein as Assassin's Creed and Halo. Talk about a warping of optics. T-Mobile had to sign a 3 year deal to not raise prices after merging with Sprint. Stupid guardrail but at least that M&A had rules. We openly let MSFT gobble up a massive publisher in the industry for no reason other than letting shareholders watch the line go up.
@nielsmichiels1939 Күн бұрын
The ftc had the easiest case. It just had to say the M was trying to monopolise gaming AGAIN. They just had to revisit the many MANY times that M tried to monoplise somthing. They tried to do it with OS', they tried to do it with the search engine market, they tried to monopolise PC gaming with Games for windows, then tried to take over nintendo (and got laughed out of the nintendo boardroom), and then when they put their hand in the xonsole space with the xbox and xbox360 they forced exclusive 27 thir party AND former titles that launched on ps
@louisdellalucca8969 Күн бұрын
I look forward to these uploads every time. As for Micros, if it’s a free to play, I might buy a couple things, like in Star Wars Hunters. But I will never buy a pay to play game with micros
@Kaltsuwhite Күн бұрын
I don't mind microtransactions, if the game is good, like Diablo4 is for me. The cosmetics have no effect on power, and you can just leave them there in the shop if you don't want them. I see no reason to complain.
@vortexmdk6776 Күн бұрын
If the product is free, then you are a cun*
@acechappers Күн бұрын
I didn't realise I was in the minority in terms of microtransactions, that last one I bought was in 2015-16 for Fallout Shelter, I think I spent about £30 in total
@ZeusTheIrritable Күн бұрын
Me too. I bought a pack of some kind of power-ups for my daughter for a Kirby game she was playing last year, and that's about it. I'm sure I've bought one or two things in the past, but it's been so long I don't remember what. I always assumed that most of the money being spent was little kids with their parents credit cards or a small group of rich idiots.
@RH1812 Күн бұрын
When will they start being called transactions? Or just, buying stuff
@Gobzer5526 Күн бұрын
Brian: "I don't want to play Triple A games on mobile" Do people actually play Triple A games on mobile?
@aniondeathsticks8175 Күн бұрын
Performence issues shouldn't be a thing, yeah Elden Ring is good, but that is not an excuse for one of the top selling games in last years. You guys sway a lot with your opinions on games and you acuse "redditor gamers" for excaly that. You shit on some games because they don't perform well, but Elden Ring is so good you can excuse the poor performance? It's not even a new realse, it's a dlc, there shouldn't be issues like that. I'm not saying that to be mean or anything, just something I noticed.
@l.ron-tusk3583 Күн бұрын
Why don't you wanna support Microsoft? : ( They are number 3 in a multi-billion dollar industry. : ( They need to rise the price of gamepass because they will be left in the dust of the other 2 multi-billion dollar companies in market share. : ( They needed to buy Activision-Blizzard so they can compete with the main other two multi-billion dollar companies in the space. : ( How do you expect them to make a profit for their investors if they can compete for market area in a multi-billion dollar space : ( It seems you don't understand the rock and a hard place they are in. : (
@cmdrdisulfiram Күн бұрын
Was there a controversial topic on this episode? Why is disliking disabled.... I find this disturbing