The Autism Community
14 күн бұрын
Sleep Problems Growing Up Autistic
@Lady_Tism Сағат бұрын
lmao I love you lololol
@Frownlandia Сағат бұрын
Hey there's also 28-year-old autistic guys living in their parent's basement who spend all their time on the internet and believe that kindness is the most important thing to bring to the world. We can't shame people for being unable to meet a neurotypical standard for how an adult life looks and simultaneously assume they're the asshole. We have to deal with bad behavior in terms of the behavior rather than attacking people. (Not that that's what you're doing, I just see a lot of damage with this stereotype.)
@leslieloewen3502 3 сағат бұрын
@meganmisaki4429 4 сағат бұрын
I sometimes laugh when things are bad news and I don’t know why it just comes out of my body even tho I feel bad or sympathy or whatever
@meganmisaki4429 4 сағат бұрын
I’ve always loved Halloween but my favorite part is when I as a kid you get to sort through all the candy you got and sort them by type flavor texture and then gross 🤢
@meta5175 4 сағат бұрын
That’s why I have ponytail exclusively, and a hat to control baby hairs
@thesincitymama 6 сағат бұрын
Yeah, I feel like I can’t be an advocate because I can barely hold my own sh*t together on a daily basis so I haven’t got any spoons left for advocacy
@IceCreamSplat 13 сағат бұрын
I thought traits like RSD and auditory processing disorder were traits linked to having Autism or ADHD or both. Bc I definitely believe I have RSD because it's BAD how the slightest critique or disagreement makes my entire body drown in anxiety and elevated heartbeat. Same for APD, I feel like there was no explanation for my parents why I as a kid didn't hear things 100% but the things I did hear I heard perfectly. I've made people angry for asking them to repeat themselves, not because I didn't hear, but because the syllables didn't connect to a word in my brain. Sometimes I can even wait a few seconds and that's when the word clicks and I have to interrupt the person repeating themselves because "nvm I heard now" hahahah So like, are we supposed to get these traits in our diagnostic journal or are they just a package deal with AuDHD? bc I like to think of it as the latter part. Same with the spectrum, the severity of these traits can differ, but I do think they're way too linked to not be the same diagnosis.
@joetriccas 14 сағат бұрын
I think you have access to a level of empathy that most humans cannot fathom or comprehend tbh
@Arobloxandacatlover 17 сағат бұрын
I have been looking into autism because Ive felt I might have it and Ive been researching for about 2 years, I have a book full of things about it and all the traits you listed plus some of the other stuff will be added to it :)
@annica2732 21 сағат бұрын
This video convinced me to subscribe, thank you so much for this! I’m only recently starting to suspect I have ASD and with every video I watch, I see more and more falling into place. I have struggled with EDS and joint issues all my life. I have always had a high resting heart rate and low blood pressure. My posture with my neck has always looked exactly like yours. And the mouth breathing thing! I was made fun of as a child because I always had my mouth open with my tongue slightly out. I had to work on being conscious of keeping my mouth shut and breathing through my nose. Seriously, I have never felt so seen in my life. Please keep up the amazing content!
@JunisGiehl 22 сағат бұрын
Yesss! Absolutely nailed it, Paige! ❤
@MidMo4020 22 сағат бұрын
On physical idiosyncrasies, I can consciously move muscles that nobody is supposed to be able to. I can pick a particular muscle and relax that specific muscle. People don’t believe when I say I’m pretty in tune with my body.
@ASDmom-of-8 Күн бұрын
Watching this horrible “therapy” session and hearing your commentary has just confirmed my own fears and suspicions about my son’s experience with ABA… he is more like Abigail than not. And I want him to enjoy being who he is, loving what he loves and pursuing his own interests. ABA has helped me be able to communicate with him more effectively. But I’m upset with this mindless task-doing crap. His BCBA and I are only working towards those skills that will help him be able to receive an education. But I’m realizing more and more that all of this repetitive social skill and tolerance work is probably unnecessary and even damaging. I need to find a schooling strategy that works for HIM not force him to conform to the standard systems in place. But I need help with getting him an education. He’s SMART and he can learn but I’m being told that he’s not ready for a school environment and I’m thinking ‘Fine! Then how do I find a flexible school environment that will accommodate him!? My Bruce is nine years old and he still can’t read or write. But he shows me that he could! I just need someone better than me to teach him! l hope that I can find him a teacher like you. I’m not some fawning, coddling mother, I just know that his needs are his, specific to him. Forcing Bruce to conform to societal norms for the convenience of public educators is a waste of his time and energy. If that energy was spent teaching him to read and write, he’d be doing it right now! I do feel like I understand my son. I feel the dysregulation that transitions can cause and the overstimulation, and the meltdowns and the need for autonomy. I’m exhausted. I wish I could be free of this useless social pressure to assume the mask of “sameness”. I don’t want that for my kids! Three of my four sons have been diagnosed with autism and I think a couple of my daughters may be on the spectrum as well. I don’t want my daughters’ needs to be swept under the rug just because they look like they have the ability to “be normal”. That’s awful, that’s how I grew up. I stuffed everything so deep inside because it was unacceptable. It’s no wonder that I’ve always thought that I was the problem, that I am unacceptable. I so appreciate your perspective. I’m just going to focus on a flexible education and tell Bruce’s BCBA that his goal should be to have happy transitions, happy food experiences, happy interactions where the focus is making him feel understood. I want his differences embraced and his difficulties made EASY with the use of ACCOMMODATIONS. If that can’t be his ABA experience then we are done, “All done!” 😝My kids aren’t things to be controlled or made “aceptable”. They are people, who will grow up to be adult human beings, who should have the right to be who they are and be respected for it. You are a TRUE advocate and I love your passion 🫶🏼 Watching your reactions made me tear up as I realized that I made those same faces of disgust while watching Abigail be touched, ignored, micromanaged, HAVE HER VOICE BE TAKEN FROM HER… just straight up BULLIED. Sorry this got so long winded everyone 🫤 I guess I just needed to get these thoughts and feelings out.
@withyoctopus Күн бұрын
Epidermolysis bulosa is SUCH a horrible connective tissue disorder. I've been angry that I need to have that in addition to the AuDHD. This video actually helped me with that. At least it makes sense now. It's ONE instance of bad luck, not several.
@cattailsfun7042 Күн бұрын
There was this boy in our pe class who is autistic and my friend referred to autism as an illness. I will never be able to forget that.
@jeongin_wife628 Күн бұрын
I have a nest without realizing that's what it is! I always feel bad for "getting stuck" there, but it makes sense that it's my safe space. Like everything with autism, perspective makes such a big difference. Thanks!
@aleksandermikoajczak983 Күн бұрын
I mean, Carlie Fleischman, does, by the way she is portrayed in the video, look like a savant; at least to me.
@Shockalace1326 Күн бұрын
I love that you said “good” ABA. ABA can 100% be abuse. The field needs to change. However I also 100% agree that you said people in the field are in it to help (hopefully). I’m in to help. I don’t want to change any of my kiddoes, I only want to help them to help themselves. I want them to be able to advocate for themselves with life skills and not be a danger to themselves and others( I once had a kiddoe who would punch others and punch themselves out of no where). Also I love that you highlighted talking about children like they’re not in the room. IT IS GROSS AND DISRESPECTFUL!!!!! Limiting breaks, are you kidding me? I’ve taken three breaks just typing this comment. My point is, I 10000% agree with the autistic community, ABA is abusive when focussing on goals that are inhumane. However I also know it can help. The question is though, for what? We don’t need to change those that are autistic, we need to be better and give them tools to advocate for themselves now and in future and be independent (writing name , exchanging currency, etc). Overall, I’m in the field to help and want to change how things are done to not cause harm to others (you have to treat others the way you want to be treated).
@Shockalace1326 Күн бұрын
God I could comment all day. I’m 30 minutes into the video and it just keeps getting worse. This is what scares me with ABA, there’s really people that do things like take someone’s voice. I could never imagine doing this but it’s just sad man.
@wendylea1859 Күн бұрын
Thank you, Paige! Your videos are fantastic!!!
@bjrnleonsrenriedel8585 Күн бұрын
What is PDA Autism? Please explain such terms real quick
@lost_boy Күн бұрын
Reminds me of that Malcom in the Middle episode intro where Hal has to change the lightbulb, and the process of doing that leads him on a never ending journey of side quests culminating in working on his car 😂
@sineadrooney480 Күн бұрын
I have POTS and ADHD and I think my ADHD meds have improved my POTS symptoms! I have all the postural/muscle situations going on... my friend ones affectionately told me I looked like a tortoise who's shell had been stolen 😂 (it really was affectionate and not mean, this friend doesn't have a malicious bone in her body) Also...I'm diagnosed ADHD.... But my god do I resonate with AuDHD people... When I watch and listen to AuDHD creators it confuses me because I experience so much of the stuff that's attributed to being Autistic but I feel like my hatred of routine and my extrovert-ness kick me out of the club... Could it be a thing that my ADHD is so super charged that it's overridden some of my Autistic nature? Or am I just a bit of a sensitive sausage who also has ADHD (for reference, I have multiple cousins that are late diagnosed autistic and both my kids are Autistic) Anyway... That's my brain vomit for the day!
@graceblackett-mullin7721 Күн бұрын
I'm Autistic and I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and POTS which is disabling for me. Super common! Thanks for covering it 😅
@Danisa14 Күн бұрын
what about aba sessions that tech important life skills such as writing your name, signing words, eating, basic life skills, etc.,?You would be surprised to see how many parents do not teach their children these skills.
@_Baleful Күн бұрын
Great video. We must protect her at all costs
@chuzzbot Күн бұрын
I agree Paige, you're great, maybe don't be too mean to '54 year old losers' though. Most people wo make it that old will identify with that at some point, wait and see. If it wasn't for youtubers like yourself and others, I would never have woken up to what my own symptoms add up to. The more information the better, especially the details about the lived reality. Sure some people will lump to conclusions or be delusional, it's just par for the course. Thanks Paige, don't stop talking, it does help people.
@rigelestbit Күн бұрын
If anyone spoke to me with the voice they use for their dog I'd just ignore them forever, and I'm pretty sure my opinion wouldn't be different when I was a kid.
@user-ni3ic7df1y Күн бұрын
@PerksJ Күн бұрын
I’m sorry but autistic groups are the worst! We’re constantly fighting each other. I’m sorry if Income across as tone policing Shawna Aû but you can’t just be a bitch and blame your autism.
@theedgeofoblivious Күн бұрын
I feel like you're not centering the correct group with this video...
@waynepalumbo8917 Күн бұрын
We argue it's what we do. That and innovation. 😊
@sirbradfordofhousejones Күн бұрын
Your taste section was basically word for word what I would say. What the heck
@milesp2295 Күн бұрын
You have no clue just repeating someone else idea...lost clueless
@meganmisaki4429 2 күн бұрын
I’m that way with playing music 👀 I can’t play anything that I wrote because I can’t read or write music 👀 but I can play by ear the bass guitar, but only other folks’ songs
@gabbyy__ 2 күн бұрын
One of my best friends went work at a place that does ABA, and after two weeks (or something like that idk), she quit. Thank goodness! She is the reason why I know that ABA is bad, that and also FatheringAutism’s videos. Also, 7:45 7:54 wtf??
@zaramel4694 2 күн бұрын
Paige, I'd love to talk to you about autism honestly ❤ I'm really glad I found your channel
@waynepalumbo8917 2 күн бұрын
I can drive but its SUPER stressful at first.
@jonasandersen8204 2 күн бұрын
I could'nt agree more!
@beccasflyingrainbow7886 2 күн бұрын
For awhile I saw it as him face palming at how stupid the puzzle piece is 2:01
@jessicacorrine2085 2 күн бұрын
@DocTrower1980 2 күн бұрын
Can't we all just get along?
@cindymauck4047 2 күн бұрын
Would this be why I have so much shoulder/neck/facial soreness/stiffness? 😩 Music teacher “Your head is crooked” when I’m straight as possible lol.
@asher-xp 2 күн бұрын
Yup. I was told by someone with ADHD that I couldn’t be autistic cause I’m not like their two autistic friends. Then tried to defend their words by saying, “autism is a spectrum”. I was flabbergasted and asked, “then if it’s a spectrum how come I don’t fit in it? Cause I’m not like your friends.” Then I called him a few choice words. All cause I did an info dump on a subject and apologized for being too wordy… 😵 I brought up that it’s important not to discount those of us on the spectrum with very different support needs that require more than us “high functioning”. These men, women and children do exist and do need others sometimes to advocate for them. I find it irresponsible and a disservice to ignore them for our own personal narratives of what we think. Cause some propose things like they’re way is the only right way to think and it silence a chunk of those who are also autistic. Thats harmful to me. Cause I’ve noticed an increased narrative of it not being a disability and that alarmed me for those that it definitely impacts their day to day like one. These discussions would remove very important supports and protections, so I wished they’d stop saying stuff like that as an end all be all. But I was awful for that take. Screw me for thinking of ALL autistic people and not just my personal story. Really bugs me that there are so many forgetting about empathy and fitting into the stereotype that we don’t have any. I had to really step out of the community cause it wasn’t kind anymore.
@FirekeepersBonfire 2 күн бұрын
This is exactly what is happening within each marginalized group in this society. We need to focus on the REAL PROBLEM people, and it ain’t us!
@SimoneDePascalis 2 күн бұрын
Envy | Contrapoints @ 41:46 ✨
@jonmars9559 2 күн бұрын
As someone far older and with less time to argue about anything, I'd say I have less interest in advocacy and more interest in simply performing my best and getting the most out of my strengths.
@lordred9122 2 күн бұрын
Just love
@hammiarts 2 күн бұрын
really stung when he said Jacksepticeye. He was an idol and role model for me as a child but he didn't bother to further research the charity he was donating to. it makes me feel like he doesn't care about me and other autistics like us as much as he cares about his neurotypical audience (especially painful since he himself is neurodivergent)
@PotatoQueen1989 2 күн бұрын
please keep educating, it's been so helpful to me i'm a late diagnosed autistic and i'm learning so much ♥