Start Where You Live
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Peckham & Clark [Episode 3]
2 жыл бұрын
Peckham & Clark [Episode 2]
2 жыл бұрын
Peckham And Clark - [Episode 1]
A Story Can Change a City
2 жыл бұрын
Covid Didn't Do This
3 жыл бұрын
Buffalo: America's Best Designed City
Where Real Remains
4 жыл бұрын
Open Someday
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The Square Deal Towns
4 жыл бұрын
Better Cities Film Festival
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Alive and Well
5 жыл бұрын
Lift Every Voice
5 жыл бұрын
Brandwein Institute
5 жыл бұрын
A Place To Remember
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This is the new Buffalo.
5 жыл бұрын
Imagine Progress
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Buffalo Style
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Next Things Now
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Beer Town
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The Spirit of Detroit [TRAILER]
@OrlandoJChils 18 күн бұрын
Come on dude: Monessen is not resilience, it's a ghost town, and I do not love Monessen, I love money instead, I am a capitalist, an industrialist and an investor who will not drop a penny in a drug infested place like Monessen: Clean up your place honorable mayor Matt. China will collapse (basically they are the most brutal version of Capitalism ran by their Communist Party) just like the Soviet Union did, like Cuba... And the steel industry will come back, but it will be graphene type. Your code enforcement guy is a potential developer squeezing the life out of those who want to stay behind in Monessen... You are not John Wayne, I know people, I'm the kind of human who sleep well at night, and you only talk about yourself and what you want, and then, you talk like a squidzofrenic who creates his own reality, I bet that in your mind you speak to the collapsing buildings and landmarks as they become animated objects reaching out to you (their hero and saviour). If I was schizophrenic I would see you in a different way, I would see you walking towards some borealis lights while mumbling your favorite words I. I. I. I. I. Me. Me. Me blah blah blah
@OrlandoJChils 18 күн бұрын
You speak sweet words, eloquently spoken, like the poetry of an idealist, but you were elected to fight against poverty and crime, to save your town from neglect, If your neighbors want poetry, they go to a library... We had a guy like you here in Miami, practically a poet. Did you know Chairman Mao was a published poet, and hitler painted master pieces using oil on canvas (I actually have one in my cave du vin)... But do you want to make this part of America look like a Norman Rockwell painting again? (and I mean by this: your City of Monessen in all it's former splendor and beauty), and make it glorious again? and great again? patriotic again? Do you want to revive its middle class and its working class? Do you want to revive your tax basis again? CLEAN MONESSEN UP!!! If you Google the word Monessen it will come up with press statements such as "A man killed" "Police found a dead man...""Homicide on Chestnut Street" "Drug use and drug crime related numbers keep going up in Monessen, Pa" "Monessen is almost a ghost town" "Local politicians are fighting for bread crumbs that fall off Monessen's almost empty plate""Mayor of Monessen has been absent from his duties x amount of years" ... I am not blind, I have my eyes on your town for a long time, I would invest in it in a heartbeat, not in steel but in other products such as roof tiles, bricks, glass and pre-fabricated housing and industrial structures because that is the way of the future, down here we are building skyscrapers with glass and carbon fiber rebars, which is lighter than steel, and it doesn't require painting nor maintenance... Land in Monessen is cheap, I can get coal from W. Virginia at rock bottom prices (if you-know-who re-opens the W. Virginian mines), and with your river there I can haul it over to Monessen for next-to-nothing. I'm in Miami, and my friends and I would gladly invest there, but the drugs have to go. Eventually China will collapse if we stop buying their crap (they have no oil, we do), the south border will close again along with the Mexican cartels, it's only a matter of time, and the steel industry in Pittsburgh will return again, but it will be graphene type, why do you think China is importing to USA all the ingredients to manufacture fentanyl and the man who occupies the white house (our house!!!) is not imposing a strong import tax to China? Again, I am a rich man with my eye on Monessen, I want to invest there, I don't screw up people, it's not good for business, and I want to bring industry and employment there, I would gladly pay my taxes, I can do this, I am a capitalist, and I tell you: Your lefties, your globalists, your local yokels will not move a finger untill their pockets get filled, and they will sweet-talk you untill they get inside your heart, don't let it happen, we had a guy like that here (Congressman Carlos Curbelo) who raised the social security age to qualify for benefits, News flash: I will not give away my hard earned money to the Frank Lukas, the Nicky Barnes and the Ray "Bumpy" Johnson wannabes of Harlem governed by the new left who pack our cities with dope, nor to the three millions Puerto Rican single mothers who would have completely drained the New York economy if it wasn't for Guliani's intervention (he fixed the welfare system there). Keep the criminal element in jail for many, many years, and do not give your money to those who don't want to work. Take this to the bank: Novartis (the pharmaco giant wants to relocate their plant in Humacao PR to Monessen, the Governor Mr Rosello made a deal in 1995 with Novartis: 10 years of tax-free operation, why isn't it Novartis in Monessen yet? Vas (Vasant Narasimhan) the President and CEO of Novartis is from Pittsburgh, and he is not a Democrat, Why no one is talking to him? You figure it out... In 2016 you were visited by a US president that was going to help Monessen, but what happened? He got ripped off, so I heard. Do not look for help from the State (not because your boss is a Jew, because he is a Democrat)... My advise: If you ever clean up Monessen, give up politics and write poetry. Monessen reminds me of the lower east side of Manhattan, they were selling abandoned buildings for a dollar untill the mayor of NYC did away with the rent control laws, now the Lower East Side is like gold
@pauipo 5 ай бұрын
You guys are freaking awesome! It's as simple as that. Thanks for the work you do.
@ghettoteatv 6 ай бұрын
Love the story I was just looking into properties there but it seems like a ghost town I wanna start fresh but I must do more research
@Blokythebunny05 9 ай бұрын
Ooh! Yeah this place is great! As a resident (currently in middle school) it’s a great place to be, residents are some of the nicest in Washington, the nature is great, and the town center has some amazing restaurants!
@stretchlimo7275 9 ай бұрын
Were you the mayor that never showed up for work and basically treated your job and responsibility as a joke? Or am I thinking of someone else 🤔
@blemmerman 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for hosting this, Steve!
@DadOGofGirls 11 ай бұрын
Great Video and makes me love the community of Tenino even more after watching the video! Also the Tenino Pump Track is world class.
@debpatriot9557 Жыл бұрын
They always destroy the Old World buildings!
@32thomasneely Жыл бұрын
I love Monesson. I'm a Frezzell Northington from Marguerite St. I'm also connected to the Ree and Minnie family
@dano336 Жыл бұрын
I left Endwell for florida in 1978 ..have always stayed in contact....what a great resurgence.
@heatherspence3848 Жыл бұрын
This is great.
@brettmason351 Жыл бұрын
I grew up in Monessen as a child my family has a lot of history there my grandfather helped build Monessen back and its heyday with my father and all my uncles we was a well-known family and that little small City I still have a few relatives left there but most of us is gone it's always been my prayer that Monessen get rebuilt all it takes is someone with some great vision you have that beautiful River there maybe if someone would build a resort or something that would spark interest and bring Monessen back alive
@AllFallBeforeMe Жыл бұрын
Get rid of the drug addicts. Problem solved.
@paulscountry456 Жыл бұрын
Tenino is really quaint and the quarry pool is something.
@damianarroyo5445 Жыл бұрын
Simple stop building homes wise guys food more important Dam idiots
@coleclark6866 Жыл бұрын
what a scintillating video
@BoxMountainLLC Жыл бұрын forgot to include the rise of crime!! Ya that's a big one....duh!!!
@caracoates4834 Жыл бұрын
So sad to see the streets we walked down in the 80s completely in disrepair and beautiful historical buildings crumbling down. I remember all the cute stores that were there. One of my favorite places was Italian Hall. We go weekly to have dinner there. It is hard situation. They need some kind of industry to bring some life back.
@jeffulmer870 Жыл бұрын
@Odysseyvisualmedia Жыл бұрын
So awesome!
@beararms3507 Жыл бұрын
You couldn’t pay me to live downtown.
@christinabliss3680 Жыл бұрын
This is powerful. Thank you for sharing.
@libertychick3522 Жыл бұрын
Its a challenge in fixing things up…. When it starts happening developers become interested. But they build it up like every other place rather than restoring what it was. Then people start moving in, over paying, driving prices up to where the locals can’t afford to be there anymore. Be careful what you wish for and what you accept or you may find yourself trying to find your next unspoiled old time place to live, holding on til they come to destroy, I mean “develop” that area too…
@diane4549 Жыл бұрын
The car should not be king. I miss the Fulton Mall, I remember seeing the street being ripped up, in 1963, when they were constructing the mall, with my late grandmother, Viola Scharton. It makes me sad to see it gone. I'm hoping to move away from Fresno, before long, as this town has gotten too expensive for me in housing. I've had family here for over 125 years, but I've had enough!
@MaxAveli05. 7 ай бұрын
Good, go ahead and leave cause we do not want you here 😂
@Roadtripmik Жыл бұрын
The state should step in and restore these buildings
@firstmainfilms Жыл бұрын
Yes - historic preservation is a solid economic development strategy - proven time and again. Monessen actually has the "bones" to become a wonderful small town downtown.
@libertychick3522 Жыл бұрын
If the state steps in you’ll lose control and they will do what they want and attract many more people with much more money driving housing prices up so high the locals who make it a charming place to be will no longer be able to afford it. It will become a bedroom community for the people of Pittsburgh and other cities. It’s a very delicate balance. I bought into a town in NJ that had fallen into disrepair and was coming back organically from people buying and fixing things up. Then developers came in building 2-3 story condos. Now there are high rises along the beach front, prices skyrocketed and every street has paid parking. 24/7. They started advertising it as “the new Brooklyn “ and wealthy New Yorkers flooded the place. The small town is gone. The charm and locals are gone, replaced by the hip and groovy crowd. I left 8 years ago. Most of the Jersey shore is unrecognizable from when I was a kid. And back then (60’s-70’s) houses were $20-40k. The wealthy from NYC and Philly have bought up most of it.
@crp9985 Жыл бұрын
Your problem is you have no people with big salaries to make this all work.
@lionelbrown5846 Жыл бұрын
Bulldozer Time
@gregoryabbot420 Жыл бұрын
American business is, basically, a fast buck operation. It really always HAS been. But not to the extent it is now. It's scorched earth economics. Until stability and longevity replaces conquer, destroy and move on? We're stuck. No, actually we're fucked.
@zippymufo9765 Жыл бұрын
Get a new mayor.
@doeraymie3550 Жыл бұрын
Watch the other monessen story this one is all bs he did nothing at all
@erich84502a Жыл бұрын
Fresno you've got this, lotta room to get better
@MAJ44 Жыл бұрын
Who the hell wants to live in Fresno? I'm still puzzle by why my families still lives there. Tent city, high tax rate, limited water usage, no jobs, multi families per house, agriculture jobs only, high gas prices, no night life(if you think tower is nightlife, than you have yet to seen real nightlife), triple digit weather, meth and lets not forget the infested gang members between mexicans and southeast Asian. I'm so glad I moved out of Cali. There's so many states that have better quality of life. Believe me, I grew up in visalia and fresno. I've seen both sides of the spectrum. Lived Up and down east coast. Left and will never look back to cali. I understand that's there's pros and cons to every city, however, the cons outweighs the pros in san Joaquin. Unless your filthy rich, socal and norcal is out of the picture.
@emac543 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful architecture, beautiful town!
@candy-1236 Жыл бұрын
Visité Monessen por primera vez en enero de 1994 durante unas vacaciones de tres semanas. Lo sé, hay lugares mucho más agradables en los EE. UU. que Monessen para pasar unas vacaciones, especialmente después de una ventisca... jajaja Pero, como vivo en Essen, Alemania, la ciudad que da nombre a Monessen. Elegí Monessen para mis primeros viaje a los EE. UU. Hice buenos amigos en Monessen y los pueblos de los alrededores. Así que regresé en agosto de 1994 para una estadía de tres meses. 94, el centro de Monessen ya tenía la impresión de ser un pueblo fantasma. Y de visita en visita he visto más casas siendo demolidas, negocios cerrados que estaban abiertos una visita antes, y mucha decadencia en general en mi amada segunda ciudad natal. Me rompió el corazón, y todavía lo hace cuando escucho de mis amigos sobre la muerte de esa ciudad. Realmente espero poder regresar algún día para visitar a mi amado Essen con el Mon nuevamente. Extraño a mis amigos y los buenos momentos que pasé. He tenido allí... especialmente en el B`n `S y en el Slovak Home... loool Saludos cordiales desde Essen, Alemania
@candy-1236 Жыл бұрын
Una vez aclamada como una "ciudad de la época parecida a Aladino", hoy Monessen, Pensilvania, es un microcosmos de la lucha del cinturón industrial. A pesar de la fuerte pérdida de población y un centro histórico en decadencia, un joven alcalde está decidido a cambiar las cosas en esta ciudad en una colina en el valle de Monongahela. SMALL TOWN SPIRIT es una serie original de cortometrajes documentales, filmados en locaciones de comunidades de todo Estados Unidos. Cada episodio describe un pueblo diferente, descubriendo personajes locales e historias de resiliencia, innovación y coraje. Una historia a la vez, un pueblo a la vez, Small Town Spirit narra la lucha para preservar y revitalizar los pequeños pueblos de Estados Unidos.
@MrALBERTX Жыл бұрын
Hola Seria interesante reconstruir esta ciudad , buscar alternativas de inversión encontrar actividades que hagan que la gente lo visite y genere inversión como ciudad turistica y de entretenimiento
@elveguero2.0 Жыл бұрын
Hello, I am Venezuelan, I am currently on my way to the US by land. by chance there is work on something in that city or nearby my wife and I are in love with the city I would not like to know if there is any temporary shelter for even a week while I work and gather to be able to remodel a house I am from the countryside of my country no I really like big cities that city is beautiful. What sources of employment are nearby? this is my youtube channel and i am going to document my trip i would like to get to the usa and get to your city any information is appreciated.
@stephenpaulovich9815 Жыл бұрын
What a Gem..
@baddriversofcolga Жыл бұрын
I love how grass lawns are banned. I wish it was that way everywhere.
@timpete78 Жыл бұрын
I live here. It's a nice little town, very quiet, despite its proximity to Olympia and other larger places. The people who live here are also more down-to-earth. With many parts of Western Washington losing their minds, it's nice to live in a community with good values and a sense of community.
@miahmuffly4261 7 ай бұрын
Just a sprinkle of racism 🤩
@timpete78 7 ай бұрын
@@miahmuffly4261 because everything has to be about race, right? There are idiots from all races and backgrounds.
@bravewave2084 Жыл бұрын
I like your town.😊
@cartergreen289 Жыл бұрын
Awesome work
@peterfitzpatrick7133 Жыл бұрын
The Triple Cities has great history, and great bones. I thank those of you that still believe in the promise of a great future for our valley....
@anitacordelllivinginkansas9052 Жыл бұрын
I just watched this at a film festival. Great job.
@TheLopsidedobject 2 жыл бұрын
I'm excited to find out how this ends!
@nomaambundy9989 2 жыл бұрын
Just the WORST non-native yuppie destruction of a community in North Florida History. Non natural community's built to invite out of state money'd vacationers. Overpriced non authentic living. It's a damn shame what has happened to the area, and no one seems to understand that all of the charm is being squeezed out of the area.
@loganstroganoff1284 3 ай бұрын
Tell me about it. For so long the panhandle went unnoticed by the rest of the country. Now its being overrun by yankees and other outsiders. They are the absolute worst. They dont fit in at all and think that we should change to accommodate them.
@chloecrayk8535 2 жыл бұрын
This is so cool! I grew up in tenino!! That’s my stompin woods!!!
@lisaspikes4291 2 жыл бұрын
My great aunt and uncle both worked at Endicott Johnson! They lived in Endicott. I used to love to visit them! They had a cute little house in a lovely neighborhood. And my aunt Dot was a great cook!
@suewinter3693 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who grew up going to these beaches 60 years ago, I'm amused by the fact that he refers to the NATURAL landscape as ugly. NOW the place is wall-to-wall people, traffic, and PRIVATE PROPERTY signs. I understand that the owners rule, but it sure offended us locals when we could no longer walk across to the sand at Seaside after shopping and dining there.... because they blocked off the obelisk. On a more positive note, the shuttles are marvelous!
@loganstroganoff1284 6 ай бұрын
It's sad how much of our gulf coast home has become commodified for the benefit of rich outsiders and tourists. My formerly quaint town has almost no true locals left. It's all been sold off, mostly to California and Yankee transplants who know nor care for nothing beyond their condos and beach homes. Many are surly and rude and complain constantly about things being different from "back home". That is a good note about shuttles. Where do they run from? I've been pushing the idea for shuttles or even a light rail line to come on to my little island from the mainland for several years. No one is receptive in the least so with each new hotel and condo development comes more traffic. It's just a shame.
@evgeny04 2 жыл бұрын
Lived in monessen most of my life and moved far away a few years ago. Best decision I’ve ever made. Monessen is a shit hole and will always be a shit hole. There are far better places to live!!!