Gaylord National Harbor Waterfall
@Nardio Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I got a lot out of watching this. I was getting lots of third hand accounts this weekend. We were supposed to go and enjoy the con as regular guests but we were also up for providing a bit of coverage if things were interesting. That said, super glad we didn't go. I would have been a cranky miserable mess dealing with the heat and seemingly horrific air quality. I also never let my girlfriend suffer in situations that I can't stand so we probably would have left quickly. I would have been livid if I paid for a hotel and would have fought tooth and nail for a full refund. As far as the 21+ stuff, I was hoping for some interesting content aimed at adults but also glad it didn't turn into hentaifest. Sure, we are very sex positive, but adult panels can end up just feeling dumb. We were very disappointed that the panels seemed lackluster and shallow when they were announced. Even worse, the panels that we were interested in seem like they were cancelled before the convention weekend so that was a big loss. That said, I wasn't excited about Shenanicon for the 21+ content, I was excited for a con that was 21+. Not having to deal with a lot of the kids and the bucket loads of drama and noise they can and often times do bring to the cons was a huge draw. Sadly from what I've heard no one was checking IDs and some kids did make it in. I hope they are able to make a true 21+ event to keep the kiddies out and try their best to get in better programing. It would also be nice if they looked for some nerdnite thinking man panels to cater to the adults. My biggest issue with the convention was and still is the allowing of vendors to deal out of the hotel rooms. It just screams disaster in the making and I would NEVER stay at a hotel that allows that. It's my understanding that the con just didn't have enough room to fit all the dealers and cons that were needing table space. That's just bad event planning. Even worse, having all the vendors operate on all the floors scattered about is just insane. At the very least keep it to a floor but instead, like you said, you would had congoers going to every floor looking in peoples windows in the hopes of finding vendors. That's just stupid. From what was said at closing ceremonies this seems like something the con is going to continue to do in the future and I cannot at all be ok with it nor promote it at all. I took down my videos & shorts where I was pushing the con because it's just not OK with me. Hopefully they don't do the same thing with DerpyCon this year. If so I'm just going to stop going and speaking so highly of them. I hope they come back even better next year and either the hotel bs gets fixed or even better, they change locations. As is, I'm not excited about having to go to that location for a con. The many, many issues that I've seen and heard about the space makes it seem like it's just not worth visiting at all. That your room was as bad as it was is beyond inexcusable. Anywho, thanks for sharing. I'm glad you had a decent time in the end. Happy Friday.
@jasonbuffone237 4 күн бұрын
I'm the first one to watch your video
@AnimeGirl4891 4 күн бұрын
Hey dude. I re-watched your video about last year’s Otakon and I have a question. When you said they were going cashless, does that mean I can’t bring cash at all? Because I have used a card in the past, but it didn’t work half the time.
@esw01407 4 күн бұрын
Good question about Otakon - Anything sold by the convention center themselves is cashless IE the food and drinks. Dealers Room/AA almost all vendors (minus the food booths) still take cash but its up to the individual vendor. if you're registering on site at the con you'd have to check with them, that's the one item I don't know.
@AnimeGirl4891 4 күн бұрын
Ok. And I tried wanting to ask, but the Ask Otakon thing isn’t working at the time. But basically you’re saying that I can still use cash for vendors?
@esw01407 4 күн бұрын
@@AnimeGirl4891 For the most part, it should not be a problem.
@AnimeGirl4891 4 күн бұрын
@@esw01407 Thanks, man.
@AnimeGirl4891 4 күн бұрын
Thanks, man 😊
@Chocokaylarobin Ай бұрын
First year so I'm excited
@jasonbuffone237 3 ай бұрын
All true
@ThaGataNegrra 3 ай бұрын
Hi. One of the performers from the dance, here. I think you might've enjoyed it. 🐾
@gamingwithjoseph714 3 ай бұрын
I normally go to awesome con (Same convention center location) However i missed out this year do to college so I wanna try this con this year in August.
@standardsloshy 4 ай бұрын
From someone who stayed off-venue, getting off the bus at 9am and walking into the orchestra was kind of magical ngl
@osurpless 4 ай бұрын
Be it the circulator or the general, that’s a great affirmation to work against the whole “Gaylord or bust” mentality.
@esw01407 4 ай бұрын
Glad it was something good for you!
@jasonbuffone237 4 ай бұрын
It got an A
@kimberlyowen7600 4 ай бұрын
Great review. Great Con. Hotel - Staff is great and always helpful. Room our outlets were so loose to the point of being not useable. The TV had an issue with lines running down the screen ....on all channels...assume it was the TV not the connection ...
@cool_al7505 4 ай бұрын
The Bust-a-move tournament was a wild goose chase for me.
@BeccaMichaelson 4 ай бұрын
It's called the MUSIC and Gaming Festival and you don't like the music aspects of it?
@esw01407 4 ай бұрын
I feel I've given fair criticism to several parts of it. Also fair praise. Some of the concerts I saw were vastly underappreciated, like Glorified Magnified.
@christianarmstrong3659 4 ай бұрын
Hello Hello Hello. So i help run panels for magfest and i am looking for all the feedback i can for the Con. I can tell you right now i Can't do anything about Nando's. What i can do is what to select for panels. However saying they are bad is not good enough to really improve. i need more specifics. what you did not like and what you would like to see.
@esw01407 4 ай бұрын
Hi, Where I'd start is Saturday were the panel choices, try to add some more general content, and less deep cut panels. Almost everyone in my room felt the content on Saturday perhaps went too hardcore. The Otaku TV panel that was on Friday at 8PM might have done better on Saturday. Did attempt to attend the Saturday 4:30PM Military-Gaming panel, but they were basically full and it was too crowded in there for my taste (I'm a panelist at other cons, so I understand the struggle of trying to guess whats popular.) Throwing some compliments around, the Thursday 2:30PM State's Attorney Investigations panel was rock solid and the panelist knew what they were doing. Friday Swadge panel is usually interesting. I would have liked to see the game preservation/copyright panels more spread out as seems like they were concentrated on Friday. This is also the toughest ones, there was one specific content area that had two panels in the whole con that were repeats. Both I had seen before and I knew to avoid them, as the content wouldn't be interesting or good. Last year I hard to report the one for not being what was in the panel description, but this year they fixed that.
@BigCuddleMonster 4 ай бұрын
@@esw01407 Now this is the kind of feedback i can add to my spreadsheet of feedback.
@esw01407 4 ай бұрын
I did also attend a "how to get started in VA/equipment" panel that for the life of me can't find the title of by a single presenter. That panel was one of the best beginner in VA panels you could hope to have because he gave realistic information.
@GuyverProxy 5 ай бұрын
I found that Thursday was lacking in panels, but Saturday was back to back panels/shows/games ... wound up being the best day for us. The Shredventure was one of my most favorite moments in Mag in the 8 years I've attended.
@Tynted 5 ай бұрын
Regarding instrumental bands: Get the fuck outta here with that. Instrumental bands are one of the pillars this fest was built on, and VGM music is mostly instrumental as well. With the exception of Protomen, bands that add vocals are usually trash
@esw01407 4 ай бұрын
You seen one instrumental, you've basically seen them all. Were kinda at the opposite of this one, but I respect your opinion.
@NeonCowell 4 ай бұрын
@@esw01407huh?? So ZAKU and Bit Brigade are totally the same? Yikes
@StetchnikU 4 ай бұрын
Agreed, and I'd rather see Dom Palombi banging away on his drums or Rob Kovacs at the piano than some of the vocalists. These two acts were extremely well done and drew a huge crowd.
@piecesofeight_mashups 5 ай бұрын
For tech, I heard they started using new people instead of bringing on tech veterans. The lasers during Metroid Metal was/is a heated topic, esp.
@esw01407 5 ай бұрын
I only heard some rumblings about the lasers, what happened there?
@piecesofeight_mashups 5 ай бұрын
@@esw01407 The lasers tech, a professional who was doing it for free, was planning a HUGE extravaganza with the Metroid Metal team, then was told by upper brass somewhere down the line after a good majority of their set plans was finished that they were wanting to go with a new technician (I think in a move to use union-backed employees?). The lasers tech were told to wait, waiting got far too long, they brought it up on social media, then they were told outright that they weren't to do lasers anymore for MAG. That's the best I can regurgitate from memory.
@piecesofeight_mashups 5 ай бұрын
Yeah Nandos was slammed. I think they had a shit ton of Uber eats or takeout orders.
@esw01407 5 ай бұрын
I wouldn't be shocked, but to a point it was almost like they didn't expect to be a major event in the Harbor on Wed/Thurs.
@TrashQueenAndKing 5 ай бұрын
We went Wednesday night, and the service was all over the place. Our friend got his food an hour after everyone else got theirs, and he just got a simple burger and fries
@osurpless 4 ай бұрын
@@TrashQueenAndKingMust’ve lucked out myself, as I ordered take out after meeting with a student on Thursday around 7pm, and the hour prep time was spot on. Planned for that time (after cautioning some attendees to be aware in the elevator) and it was waiting for me upon arrival?
@walterlewis1029 5 ай бұрын
I agree with what you are saying.
@itspeepohere 5 ай бұрын
i’m scoping out cons to visit for 2024 and have never been to zenkaicon, so this was super helpful and informative! great review
@esw01407 5 ай бұрын
Glad I could help! This year is going to be a another big year of change, they are getting a 2nd venue a few blocks away for Video Gaming and a few other events. There will be a shuttle bus going back and forth, but it's also within a reasonable walking distance.
@yaoi_freak_39girl 6 ай бұрын
Oh, so the hotel block is the reduced prices for the hotel I assume? For 2024 they said it’ll open on the 7th which is 3 days after the final day of the con?! That’s on purpose?
@esw01407 5 ай бұрын
Yes, they've been opening them really soon after the con for some reason, and it's a little painful.
@coreycoyle9548 6 ай бұрын
Wonderful Mall Fountain!!!! F+L, Corey
@sirbrickrock 8 ай бұрын
Great video as always, while I kind of agree they could diversify the dealers room and have more voice actors for fans around your age group might recognize more. At the end of the day a good majority of the attendees are going to be younger. Even me being 28 I kind of felt like the old one there, so I can't really blame them for that. My registration experience was a little bit of a headache compared to yours. Some of my Newgrounds friends were trying to register at 9 pm Friday to come to my Newgrounds Panel at 11:45 pm and this lady whos probably in her 40s who was staff came up to them telling them they couldn't because it was closed even though they already pre-registered and payed and the woman didn't really seem to care too much. It wasn't until the young lady with the curly brown-blueish hair helped them out. I brought that up at the closing ceremony and they actually told me it didn't close until 11pm. I also wasn't a big fan of the room they used for Karaoke. The one they used last year was way better. The music seemed kind of quiet and the room was too small. Other than that and the internet issues, this was a pretty good con, maybe even better than last year overall. Also for me personally parking seemed to be better. Both Friday and Saturday I was able to find a spot on the 1st floor very close, although I could've been lucky, and went at 6pm on Friday and 4:30 on Saturday, although Sunday I had to park on the 2nd floor but it still wasnt too bad. Last year I had to park in the garage down the street. Hope you had a great time at Derpy Con, and maybe I'll see you at Magfest lol.
@esw01407 8 ай бұрын
Interesting about that reg experience and I'm glad you brought it up to them, they would want to know about that. Our group survived the MAGFest hotel lottery and we will be there! Do we live though the whole con? Only time will tell...
@jasonbuffone237 8 ай бұрын
Overall it was a fair assessment. This is coming from a complete stranger on the internet He's never met you before.
@esw01407 8 ай бұрын
Totally don't know you. Nope. Not at all. Nopeeeeeeeeeeee never met.
@Konsuming_PlastiK 8 ай бұрын
I think a B is fair. Totally agree about the guest line up, wasn't the least bit interested. I do think if they had a little more space it would help - we kindof always felt like we were in peoples ways. Personally, as first-time attendees we found it to be disappointing and left early on Saturday because we weren't having enough fun to justify hanging around for the masquerade knowing someone would probably end up posting it online later. Not planning to go back anytime soon, but hope the con grows and does better in the future - maybe once it gets an 'A' we'll try it again ;)
@esw01407 8 ай бұрын
I hope you do make it back someday! The space issue will be a challenge for the con if they make any changes, hard choices will/might have to be made.
@LevelZeroSage1 8 ай бұрын
I got mine at Walmart for 5 bucks 😂 I wanna watch Little Prince
@trent5501 10 ай бұрын
the red blazer staff there was trash and that one annoying guy who kept yelling
@Sparrow779 10 ай бұрын
First and only previous Otakon was 2012 in Baltimore. Liked it overall but had so many complaints about it that I was very ambivalent about ever returning. Glad I did this year, just to give it another try. I was surprised to see they still had some of the same communication issues as they had over a decade ago. But line management has certainly improved over the years. Honestly think the photoshoot area would have been better done if the shoot spaces had been spread out - there was a LOT of empty space toward the far end of the gaming hall, near the stairs up to the food - that's where the dining tables should have been placed. Would have allowed more spacing for the photoshoot backings, which would have helped with the crowding.
@esw01407 10 ай бұрын
You picked a good year to come back. Last year you would have been very unhappy with the line mess. Moving the shoots towards the back would be a idea.
@caroulsrex201 11 ай бұрын
This year was my first otakon and convention in general , didn't really see too many problems but I can agree with most of this.
@esw01407 11 ай бұрын
You picked a large but good con to start with, this was one of Otakon's smoother years. Last year would have been a different story with the line problems.
@AnimeGirl4891 11 ай бұрын
I didn't go to Otakon this year since I already went to another Con in early June. But do you know when they'll start doing the countdown on their website for next year? The days for next year are August 2-4.
@esw01407 11 ай бұрын
I don't sorry, but everyone should expect the hotel block to go up sometime shortly.
@AnimeGirl4891 11 ай бұрын
Ah. What exactly is a “Hotel block”?
@esw01407 11 ай бұрын
@@AnimeGirl4891It's the reduced rate hotel rooms the con offers to attendees.
@AnimeGirl4891 11 ай бұрын
Oh, ok. Thank you
@revmannix138 Жыл бұрын
He's awesome.
@tcschenks Жыл бұрын
Also enjoyed seeing him in the Prelude to Axanar fan film on KZfaq.
@timothyheck3377 Жыл бұрын
That paper schedule was useless. Alot of people who used them complained. Even I notices alot of the times that got messed up. They also didn't have many things labeled for the photo ops. No one knew where the lobby stairs meet up were supposed to be. I went to my photoshoot and and everyone went to different stairs in the lobby. There was honestly alot more wrong with the con this year but I dont want to post a bunch of paragraphs. I've been going to this con for 8 years now and this one was the worst year yet tbh. Although I do 100% agree with you on the game room.
@esw01407 Жыл бұрын
I respect your opinion. Suggestion - If you don't usually, write that up, and when the feedback form is released, fill it out. The con 100% reads those, and will find what you saw valuable.
@timothyheck3377 Жыл бұрын
@esw01407 ok thanks for the advise ill do that
@homealone931 Жыл бұрын
@macaramen1344 Жыл бұрын
It's a festival... It's in the name I was having serious trouble with cell coverage, on TMobile. Otherwise great video, glad you had an overall good time. I look forward to next year. I'd like to share some information i learned as a contributor to the PC museum this year since that may interest you on the arcade side as well. Apparently they had a few key contributors that were either usually staff or vendors drop this year. The PC museum suffered the most this year because of it, but the arcade was affected too. MAGfest is actively working to own more of their own equipment now because of this and is hoping to make a bunch of acquisitions over the year between then and next Mag
@_kaboom826 Жыл бұрын
Oh nice
@johnsierra3537 Жыл бұрын
I love the stories you hear from the actors of the show, even after all these years you can tell that ds9 was a really special time in their lives, in a way im jealous. These guys and ladies made something great together.
@NLaertes Жыл бұрын
Rene vs. Avery arguing was priceless
@naginocturnal9143 Жыл бұрын
Brass Tap ain't that bad. They just have man power issues IMO
@esw01407 Жыл бұрын
That's fine, but the server I had could have at least pretended to care? Oh and the food has gone downhill.
@naginocturnal9143 Жыл бұрын
@@esw01407 idk, we just did bar food. Getting a spot somewhere on Saturday night was a blessing on its own. We were at the bar amd the bartender was good. The kitchen was fn slow tho
@Personarose Жыл бұрын
Honestly I don’t see the restaurant prices around the Harbor ever going down so if you going to pay then may as well go for quality. I would recommend Succotash if you are in the area as both times I went there wasn’t a line, you have the option to make a reservation and the food and drinks although a bit pricey are certainly worth it.
@miketartaglia8431 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for joining us once again!
@estefez Жыл бұрын
The Potomac District Cafe and Market is a major game changer: eating around town is overcrowded, cold and annoying, so not having to leave the convention area was great!
@esw01407 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, though I still like getting down to a few other places.
@breakdown2218 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it was nice not having to leave and the prices were still less than any restaurant.
@BigCuddleMonster Жыл бұрын
Hello I know you don't have any clue who i am because i really do work for MAGFest in the shadows. Overall thank you for y our feedback. I would like to know what panel you attended that was not the subject listed. As in I work in the panels department and schedule the whole thing so i need to know what went wrong and who do i have to add to the "do not invite them back" list.
@esw01407 Жыл бұрын
I made sure to report it day of, person at the desk had me write down the information about the panel. Real shame, I've attended easily hundreds of panels over the years at all types of conventions, good and bad, but one that was never just almost totally off on the description.
@BigCuddleMonster Жыл бұрын
@@esw01407 But what was the panel Name! PLEASE i want specifics. maybe i will hear about it when i go look at feedback and maybe i wont. at least can you tell me when was the panel. What panel room was it in. ANYTHING?
@8BitCristopolis Жыл бұрын
Back in 2015 or 2016 they did do a food truck. It was fried chicken. It was really not good. They never brought it back. I was lucky to eat at Nandos twice this year before it got rocked in Friday with a 3 hour wait. I always hit up Potbellies which is satisfying if you know what to get and what to put on the sandwich. Never had the pleasure of going to the bars in National Harbor, but this year I was at the Westin and drank there. The Gaylord killing off the hot buffet “Pienza”. 30 bucks all you can eat… just to make the grab n go food section bigger along with a huge coffee bar. Ahh it is what it is. The Gaylord National is always changing
@rjcmonzon82 Жыл бұрын
The cell phone coverage was not a problem for our group. Maybe a Verizon issue.
@UnmemorableHam Жыл бұрын
I had so many fucking issues with the hotel booking process and even with general hotel fuckery once I checked in at the Gaylord. I would be writing a novel if I put it all in this comment so I'm not gonna do it. But I have never been more angry in my life. Because I was getting ping pong'd around and gaslit at every step. And it ended up costing me an extra almost 400 CAD that I need to chargeback on my CC. It was so fucked. As far as coverage goes, I found there were only a few incredibly dead spots. I would drop connection while streaming somewhat frequently but that might be due to congestion with 19,000 people all being in the same, singular area. I'm honestly surprised I was able to do what I could with that many people there. But they need like a DAS or something in there. Or at the very least have those providers roll out COWs for big events. Especially in the lower areas where signal has more difficulty penetrating. I obviously can't know for sure what those carrier's engineer coverage maps would look like. I don't know where their towers are and I don't know what their tilts are like or even what their full list of carriers available on those sites are. Given they are city sites, I would assume they have many carriers and spectrum in all directions with good overlap. But even at the telco I work for we find the odd inefficiency once in a while that requires some tilt changes and modifications to configurations on our site equipment.
@esw01407 Жыл бұрын
Wow that's a mess, and $400 extra...yikes. I come from an rural area, and even places where you'd think we are good signal wise...were not, so I'm not always surprised, but this is the first year I've had some real bad issues at MAGFest with it.
@jabbadac Жыл бұрын
Did you visit the arcade Museum? Had a lot of retro arcade machines there and almost all them were operational.
@esw01407 Жыл бұрын
Yes I did, was a little disappointed this year, it was even a touch over retro for what I was looking for.
@luissluis2838 Жыл бұрын
muy poderosa la tarjeta... aun la uso... le gana a la rtx 4090 le da paliza, lo unico malo no cargar ni el gueishin impact...
@lordmalachite Жыл бұрын
I cannot help but imagine Andrew Robinson waking J.G. up with one of his charismaticaly threatening Garak expressions.
@KY0UJlN Жыл бұрын
I could listen to him for days and not get bored
@tandy5811 Жыл бұрын
both are good