Helicóptero en Chascomus!
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Reaction Wheel Balanced Cube
@Prediction82023 5 күн бұрын
Can i buy this from you?
@acgaming1932 19 күн бұрын
I'm an atheist, but it's not fair to say that ALL Christians think like this. It's mostly those very conservative, Bible literalist, Christian fundamentalism types in America that have this view that Christianity and evolution(and science) are incompatible. Hell, even atheists in America usually think that faith and science are incompatible
@itsuzoma.5756 Ай бұрын
Jesus said if any man would humble himself like these little children they would please the Father. Its not that these children are brainwashed, it is that like a rebellious child, we are brought up by society to hate God and think were smarter than Him. For any Christians discouraged by the negative comments, remember the bible says the devil is the god of this world, so dont be offended by some negative comments. The King of the Universe will come to judge in the end and those who endure to the end will be saved. Do not be decieved. Jesus Christ is LORD.
@itsuzoma.5756 Ай бұрын
Crazy how creationism has just as much credence and evolution but one is brainwashing while the other is held as "fact".
@ScottFichterrRandom 2 ай бұрын
I guess that dude taking the video next to the rocket has never heard of the phrase "bomb on a stick".
@zigongosaurus5274 2 ай бұрын
Creationists wage war against science constantly, have done for the last few centuries, and every single time they lose.
@IIl_393 2 ай бұрын
This christian teacher doesn't know anything about revolution. Drwain theory didn't say humans are monkeys but they have similar DNA. And yes we do look like monkeys, and we have traits like them, they have high IQ comparisonto to other animals. While Abrahamic religions don't have a single evidence of their " holly books." ‏
@mihaleben6051 2 ай бұрын
Ah, i see my morals trying to escape. My empathy i mean. Come back here!
@mihaleben6051 2 ай бұрын
Oh yeah btw Here is the real story of evolution >man finds fossil that looks weird > ape like creature > also looks human > *realization* Pretty much that Also the man liked bugs
@nelsona3440 3 ай бұрын
Brainwashing? The secular imbecilics from the PhDs to the grunts are responsible for brain washing children. The philosophical false religion of evolution is the church responsible for that. The defunct Anglican Reverend Darwin who against his father's will stopped his training as a preacher went to the Galapagos Islands where his delusional mind came up with the philosophical false religion. Ape to man shows a loss of information, not gain of information. I can't believe you people push your religion on young children. I am deeply disturbed by the garage put for by the scientific community with this garage. I am proud to be a Christian and am proud to say that evolution is nothing other than an adult fiction story. I think it is illegal to subject children to the unproven, unscientific bunch of 'should have', 'might have', 'could have', and 'would have' false statements regarding the biggest lie told by the unscientific community. Let's see.... If a man is holding his chest, red in the face... It does not take a doctor to know he is having a heart attack. If a young women has a large stomach and is holding it like she does a baby, it is not hard to know she will give birth. If a person sees the dark clouds as well as hears the thunder and sees lightning, it is going to rain. If a person sees a person setting the table with food around 6 pm, it shows supper is getting ready to be served. If a person sees an individual getting into a car on the driver's side, it stands to reason that individual is getting ready to drive. If a person sees a man on his knees in front of a young lady, you know he is getting ready to propose to her. All those are evidences of something about to happen or has happened. Then, we look at evolution, then enters the lying, imbecilic, uneducated individual saying: "Evolution exists or fossils exists without any evidence. Now ... who is lying... looks like the evolutionist. I can probably guess that today the first question given to one who believes in the evolution religion is: "How good can you lie?" If he responses, "Very well." BAM.... he is accepted in the philosophical false religion of evolution.
@youtubehandlesstink 2 ай бұрын
@acgaming1932 18 күн бұрын
Creationism has been debunked time and time again. The Genesis part is NOT meant to be literal. Evolution is a fact and it's ongoing. And plus, of evolution was a myth, then why does technology evolve? That sounds like the works of evolution as well.
@user-sm4lm5fq2t 4 ай бұрын
but there is a dragon in revelations how about that ...if dragons existed then dinosaurs have
@daniokendo 4 ай бұрын
Thanks God people is awakening from the nonsense lies of evolution theory.
@WolfoxxReactions 3 ай бұрын
No it's people waking up from the nonsense lies that religion is trying to implant in us.
@TheKingdomOfHeavenIsAtHand333 4 ай бұрын
what's wrong with telling kids the truth of reality?
@Dai9754 4 ай бұрын
Because it's indocrination, using scare tactics on children to get them to join an evil cult, like of course they have to go after children, because kids are inexperienced they don't know any better and grown ahh adults take advantage of that, thats why and how it's easy to manipulate humans
@DesignedAssassin 2 ай бұрын
@@Dai9754 Wonderful comment, glad there are still actual people out there like this comment section that aren't part of these cults destroying the world. I'm not sure how many of us are left but I know it's little.
@Dai9754 2 ай бұрын
@@DesignedAssassin Yea it's sad but people are waking up, only a matter of time, we gotta keep hope alive
@DesignedAssassin 2 ай бұрын
@@Dai9754 Don't know if you deleted your original comment or it got banned by KZfaq, but yeah, 100% agreed.
@zigongosaurus5274 2 ай бұрын
Dinosaurs living with humans isn't reality my guy
@RupertMay 4 ай бұрын
Simply put .....this is CHID ABUSE
@Jumpingonpaws 5 ай бұрын
4:47 “who told you that?” “My Parents.”
@snowy2951 5 ай бұрын
Its all just a written book from centuries ago and that's all there is too it. Not one person can prove anything Infront of you. Total cult
@tictac789123 5 ай бұрын
Do you wear any safety eyewear when using that laser
@blackswan5034 5 ай бұрын
Christian groomers stop indoctrination of kids bro let kids be kids 😡
@LILREMAlNS 5 ай бұрын
the kid at 00:50 👁👄👁
@sdafsdf9628 6 ай бұрын
Very nice, but don't hit it so brutally. It's quite a sight to see what movements are necessary to hold the tipping point without your help.
@maybe-arch 6 ай бұрын
Bro my school was chrisitan
@PortmanRd 6 ай бұрын
Mr Ham. Who else but?
@42fifty 6 ай бұрын
So if god created everything and everyone why did he create other religions who will never turn an eye to Christianity and know they are right if he wants everyone to know “him” religion is a brainwashing in every aspect. There is a god who cares about you and every single person on earth. A labeled religion will never do that for you. God is God.
@JohnTezlaNFS 6 ай бұрын
And they wonder why we leave.
@user-gu5pj7dv4l 6 ай бұрын
Ahh, when these kids grow up to read the Bible start to finish and find that God stopped the sun (before it was known that the earth orbits the sun and, as such, stopping the earth’s orbit would result in yeeting anything unanchored eastward to their mangled doom), that “For God so loved the world that he regretted ever creating it all and, in his fit, flooded the world for half a year and, in realizing that He overreacted, promised never to do it again but rather promised to toss it all in a fire eventually,” that God waged genocide, wars, pillaging, post-enslaving-marital rape, etc against the promised land’s inhabitants, that God profusely tortured Job over a bet with either the devil or one of his angels (and, as such, Satan is NOT in the Old Testament), that God “brings prosperity and calamity/evil, etc. All fun and games when you take humanity’s word.
@dreams_from_another_life 7 ай бұрын
I remember my last day of church dad taking us somewhere like this cuz of some new friends he had n they started saying sum stuff that me n my bros were just about to start laughing at n my big sister was looking down at me n my bro saying we dont have to believe any of this shit, (cuz we were into science n shit like that), so she walked us out to the car n our parents were like what the heck n she like stood up for us saying were not even religious n we’d rather be back in the car then in fhere, n then he gave her the kays all mad n then him n my mom went back in.. then they shortly came back out n in the car ride home they told us we can believe what ever we want so we dont have to come with them to church again. N me n my bros were like aww yiss.
@nataliequintin9378 7 ай бұрын
Promo SM
@liamutcclan9633 7 ай бұрын
Ridiculous religion really is a disease that makes the population sick with ignorance of facts
@87vikk 8 ай бұрын
Hahah not religious but it's redicules that we came from monkeys 🙈 lol😂
@emilija1363 8 ай бұрын
@emilija1363 8 ай бұрын
Poor kids, now they are brainwashed. Literally religion is so messed up. Believing in nothing. Hallucinating anything that isn't natural and real. I hope that kids don't fully learn creationism. It's a false information. God doesn't create a life, only cells, sperm and the egg create us. These kids need to learn biochemistry, not this bullshit
@charleswest6372 8 ай бұрын
Y i quit school and church. It's ALL bogus. 😮
@puggy4528 8 ай бұрын
This needs to go viral to show the truth about religion. It’s disgusting and a brainwashing cult.
@WolfoxxReactions 3 ай бұрын
I agree that it is sickening that they brainwash people to take fairytale myths as truth and act like complete nut jobs about it.
@2l84me8 8 ай бұрын
The truth should have nothing to fear. That’s why creationists indoctrinate and brainwashed wash children as young as possible because they know kids will just follow whatever an adult tells them and aren’t mentally developed enough to offer a counter argument.
@cowardtopower 8 ай бұрын
I don't see what is wrong with this. Whatever area you live in, you teach the culture you believe.
@KennethSloan 9 ай бұрын
Wow, these kids are going to have serious mental health problems when they get older.
@ThomasButler-sp4ro 9 ай бұрын
Religious faith prevents people from grasping the significance of scienctific findings.
@n.n.5286 9 ай бұрын
We do this with everything. It's all good as long as critical thinking and doubting everything is encouraged. Obviously, the only problem with faith then is lack of doubt
@amany247 9 ай бұрын
No god but Allah Islam way for peace and real monotheist Search about the truth with honest heart
@freedominchrist23 9 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ said that he is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but through him. Islam is a false religion
@WLWLWLW 9 ай бұрын
Ur deliousonal Allah means God and Jesus' teachings are part of Islam.
@amany247 9 ай бұрын
No god but Allah Islam way for peace and real monotheist Search about the truth with honest heart
@D_waters 9 ай бұрын
"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future" -Adolf Hitler
@killerDIRK1 9 ай бұрын
#ReligionLastLegalformofChildAbuse !!!
@Picklethatiswild 9 ай бұрын
You know what’s child abuse? The current school system.
@Malmorious 9 ай бұрын
​@@Picklethatiswildyou don't know what abuse is
@Picklethatiswild 8 ай бұрын
@@Malmorious Forcing people to do stuff against their will. That’s the school system
@beeinthehive 10 ай бұрын
Oh yeah? God created a "perfect world"? Then why was he displeased with it and destroyed it? Wouldn't he have known ahead of time?
@FreeSoloPCgamer 10 ай бұрын
ignorance causes this... go study physics and engineering kids
@Edk3689 10 ай бұрын
Disgusting to brainwash kids like this….
@briannacoppolino798 10 ай бұрын
This represents the tragic distortion of tender minds and an insult to the insatiably inquisitive and infinitely innovative human spirit. I mourn for the children deprived of their freedom to pursue the breathtaking sublimity of the universe.
@freddenker9537 10 ай бұрын
the fact that you became a christian was due to the low iq of your parents....that you still believe in the humbug today is due to your low IQ..that is very unfortunate...but maybe reading the bible will help you too.. the easiest surest way to become a happy atheist..
@racerx4152 11 ай бұрын
the public school system gets to be brainwashed with your stupid unproven evolution from kindergarten through college. so why are you crying about the christians? can't take a little competition? very few people ever get to even hear the alternative. nothing is ever good enough for the unstable atheists. they want to rule everything, and yet everything is going to hell because of the religion of atheism.
@ArinMathew-ul5tb 11 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ is the only true living God and only through him you will receive salvation and redemption. So repent and ask for forgiveness in the name of lord our saviour Jesus Christ. Everything else will only lead you to eternity of pain in hell. Amen ✝️ Jai Yehoshua messiah. Bible is the only word of god.
@ArinMathew-ul5tb 11 ай бұрын
Bible is the word of God. Evolution is a lie and just a fantasy never happened.
@Dai9754 4 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 says the person who believes in an invisible man in the sky and thinks a human can walk on water