@user-wm3bi4rt2m Сағат бұрын
Les organisateurs du concours Eurovision 2024 se sont synchronisés avec les connards , les fêtards et les chantârds hagards pour célébrer le wokisme , le sionisme , la fluidité du genre , l' obscénité , la bestialité , la transidentité , la transhumance du troupeau humain , le transhumanisme et l' instinct animalier primitif de l'Homme .Tout y a été présenté et représenté donc sauf la chanson . l'Eurovision est censé être et demeurer un festival de prestations artistiques . Pourtant , le grand absent était tout simplement l 'art . La bassesse et le politique l'ont dilué au point de le rendre imbuvable . Nul , sauf les idiots par nature et les idiots de service , ne s'attend à voir un spectacle plus honorable lors des Jeux Olympiques car ce n'est guère prématuré de dire que le grand absent y sera le sport . En fin de compte , ce soit disant rendez-vous artistique était juste un cirque dans lequel certains faisaient de leur mieux pour braire (il fallait les traire !) , coasser , hurler , bêler , beugler , aboyer et se contorsionner mieux que les autres . Bref , un zoo bruyant pour que les crétins aguerris d'un Occident condamné rivalisent dans des âneries pitoyables . Les ânes déguisés en ânesses et les ânesses en ânes y sont même offerts des trophées , sous les applaudissements d'un public ébahi . Quant à la France , elle est prise de transes parce que un de ses prêtres se présenta sur scène pour frémir , gémir et hennir à tue-tête , pleurnichant un amour perdu. La cérémonie vaudou a bien sur culminé par le grêlement des açons , le tintement des clochettes et les battements des tambours . La vedette , une femme à barbe mais toute coquette et chouette en chemise de nuit transparente , était le frère jumeau de la Deuxième Dame de France , Mr. Le Premier Ministre . Il faut dire que les borgnes sont rois au pays des aveugles . L' absurde , le nihilisme et la vulgarité se sont merveilleusement juxtaposés durant ce banal carnaval animal au point de ne pouvoir dire lequel de ces trois fléaux est la conséquence de l'autre .L' Europe est ainsi devenu la risée du monde et persiste même à se vanter être capable de montrer au monde entier comment présenter un concentré puéril mais forcené de tout ce qui est débauche , extravagance , exhibitionnisme , vulgarité et tendances contre nature . Il parait que la crétinisation s'est enracinée et l'art s' est auto piétiné . Le tout est prophétique d'un déclin omineux et imminent . Rien d'étonnant tout de même . Ça n'était qu'un symptôme de plus pour convaincre ceux qui doutent encore de la dégringolade civilisationnelle de tout l'occident . Elle est sûre et certaine , sans ignorer que le culturel est symbolique du civilisationnel . Il n'y a plus rien à envier ou à jalouser des Européens et heureux sont qui ont lors et déjà pris leur distance de tout ce qui est Europe , au moins culturellement parlant . Il serait tout à fait sage de ne pas s'approcher d'une personne qui est inéluctablement en train de sombrer .Elle risque de vous emporter avec elle .Inutile , Poutine , de déclarer la guerre au Européens ; ils sont déjà à mi chemin vers un suicide assisté collectif .Ils font même de leur propre décadence un rituel cérémonieux ! Je ne sais que faire . Rire ou pleurer ?!
@drazenbicanic3590 Сағат бұрын
If someone had said one word against the LGB... movement, he would he would be kicked out in the same second, and the performance of an Irish woman can offend and disturb millions of people and nothing to anyone. Let's face it, I'm an atheist, but I can understand the feelings of believers, offensive and disturbing.
@xmiloflox1834 Сағат бұрын
Biggest robberies for me: • Greece not getting Top 8 at least • Austria being second to last!?? (My personal favourite) • Malta and Georgia- both deserved MUCH more • Italy was kinda underrated! • Netherlands should’ve performed • Poland,Australia and Czechia should’ve
@sandrogigi5666 2 сағат бұрын
Somehow everybody got robbed
@sandrogigi5666 2 сағат бұрын
Biggest crimes Joosts (unfair) disqualifcation Aiko not qualifying margin only 5 points Malta nqing + dead last again Austrias camera dancebreak malfunction San Marinos technical issues Georgia bottom 5 Slovenia bottom 5 UK getting saved by juries (sorry but seeing bottom 5 now, its way worse!) Greece robbed!? Croatia not winning (we needed it so much:/) So many extremely low televoting points in the final
@sandrogigi5666 4 сағат бұрын
Aiko robbed queen
@sandrogigi5666 4 сағат бұрын
Sorry but imo its czechia being so close to qualifying yet not doing it
@sandrogigi5666 4 сағат бұрын
Biggest crime ever: malta finishing last AGAIN
@irinapilipchuk7479 5 сағат бұрын
Camera work issues during the most important moment in Austria performance in GF and 5 televoting points as a result((
@BSHCR2 5 сағат бұрын
Replay playing at the end 😍👍🏻
@belovamagic1749 6 сағат бұрын
Denmark and Belgium not qualifying, I kinda expected Denmark tho, but Belgium???
@abralodge3082 7 сағат бұрын
Thank you Joris! ❤
@inesekevere3558 7 сағат бұрын
❤❤❤❤dons music 🎶
@Notmihailo0110 7 сағат бұрын
As a serbian i was so angry abt the Chinese president
@GianniDN 7 сағат бұрын
The only country which was robbed was Belgium. The song was the best production, a masterpiece, pure art that should have qualified over all these fastfood songs.
@calvinryanthehorizon 8 сағат бұрын
joost should return with Euromama
@Revi0us 8 сағат бұрын
Imma say it switzerland wasn't a deserved win, that win was Joost's all the way and everyone knows it
@thrasherdave1428 8 сағат бұрын
No one learned anything from last year's shitshow. The public being shat on by the corrupt juries, again, and many more unforgivable crimes
@casviedaiserie7397 9 сағат бұрын
Can you do it but 2024 edition?
@peterandre364 10 сағат бұрын
Czechia a crime and not Belgium, bro
@ESCRolly 7 сағат бұрын
Belgium deserved to not qualify with that performance and those vocals I couldn’t even call it a crime I’m sorry 😭
@colossaltoad 11 сағат бұрын
2:35 sounded like a voice crack lol
@sjoerd0998 12 сағат бұрын
the fact that a if isreal didn’t compete this year, there would have almost 0 problems, no extra security, no pressurised artists, no disqualification of OUR GERMAN RAPPER and no problems for the EBU
@vilmerdavila6255 14 сағат бұрын
Biggest crime the jury decided over the public
@ButIamAStick 14 сағат бұрын
Fullen, EA EA and Ulevham didn't deserve it, but it makes sence, Folk songs seems to only be liked if its deemed "Exotic" enough, like the ones of eastern Europe, but weird for western Europe that is """civilazed""""
@hamzamian7320 15 сағат бұрын
My girl is Free Palestine❤❤. Free Palestine❤
@Eva-mp7xg 15 сағат бұрын
Biggest crime: politics being allowed into the contest by the EBU. Sponsors being more important than the artists and the fans. But money talks I guess.
@eurovisiondog8187 15 сағат бұрын
EBU putting Ukraine 2nd… thanks god they did amazing
@elanicim8055 16 сағат бұрын
@killerlord11 16 сағат бұрын
dofo joost bieng disqalified so dirty even if and sayign if the cold stil disqalyy him later not rob him of the chanse 2 peform that was very dirty and low
@bengeary96 16 сағат бұрын
Malta NQ and last place in the semi is definitely the biggest robbery of the year I'll never get over it 😭
@Tonii.. 16 сағат бұрын
portugal couldnt vote for iolinda if we did we could get her some points
@dochka 16 сағат бұрын
wait why did your ending give me chills
@JochenSchoenherr 17 сағат бұрын
The biggest crime is that the EBU allows social media “influencers” to spread hate and incitement from the press center in Malmö. People like you should be ashamed because you used the ESC to trample on everything Eurovision stands for (fun, party, unity, diversity, tolerance). And why? Because other people dare to disagree with you, because you don't accept other people's opinions and decisions. A shame. And to Joost: So none of us know what really happened and what the background is, I will certainly neither condemn the EBU nor Joost for it as long as I don't know more. But of course you see it differently: it's another template for you to continue spreading your hate.
@ESCRolly 17 сағат бұрын
literally what did I say that was spreading hate please enlighten me
@elanicim8055 16 сағат бұрын
what did he say that was hateful??? why are you so mad???
@JochenSchoenherr 15 сағат бұрын
@@elanicim8055 As I already mentioned. The things he has written about the EBU and Joost are completely one-sided, blaming only one side for the things that happened in Malmö. But the reality is not that simple. There is a lack of tolerance and acceptance of other opinions (or even just the willingness to listen). Things Eurovision should stand for.
@elanicim8055 15 сағат бұрын
@@JochenSchoenherr but he’s right? multiple delegations like RTVE, RTP and rtvslo have come out with statements and called for emergency EBU meetings as a result of the stuff that happened in malmo. The EBU is largely at fault here. As for the joost situation the Dutch broadcaster made a statement saying that the situation was blown out of proportion and they don’t believe they should’ve been disqualified
@JochenSchoenherr 7 сағат бұрын
@@elanicim8055 Is he right? I have heard allegations that several delegations (Ireland, Greece, Lithuania were mentioned) tried to bully and intimidate others. Is that true? No idea. Are the allegations against the Israeli delegation true? I do not know either. The fact is: The EBU wrote that several delegations violated the rules. Let's just wait and see what the investigations reveal. In addition, a member of the Norwegian jury appears to have intentionally broken the rules. NRK itself reported this to the EBU. Regarding Joost: There are statements from people who have worked with him in the past that he tends to react very aggressively under stress. Is that true? No idea, but that would explain why the Dutch broadcaster downplays everything, as it would raise the question of a possible duty of care. Same here: Just wait and see what the investigations reveal. Maybe Joost is innocent, then I'll be the first to regret his disqualification. You should also not forget: If the allegations turn out to be false, Joost could also demand compensation. So in the end it's not that easy.
@imogensullivan2210 17 сағат бұрын
Biggedt crimes in my opinion: • Joost Klein • Norway, Austria, Georgia, Spain, and Slovenia all coming in the bottom 5 • Aiko not qualifying • Sarah coming dead last • Megara not getting a second chance after the technical difficulties and then not qualifying (i was rooting so hard for them)
@thrasherdave1428 8 сағат бұрын
Yeah Megara should have qualified for the final at least. What happened to them was criminal
@fabriziobigatti6490 17 сағат бұрын
Perfect video, bravo! The most robbed remains Joost
@goldust27 18 сағат бұрын
No 12 points to Italy from juries
@ifsplus 18 сағат бұрын
Belgium, Portugal, Lithuania and Norway were the biggest crimes I have ever seen in Eurovision...
@martina2932 18 сағат бұрын
Croatia... Great video btw
@gainorwood1716 18 сағат бұрын
Europe is awful, just awful
@harry69007 18 сағат бұрын
Lithuania needed to be top 10 for me arguably. My hot take from this Eurovision is I didn't like Greece's entry. Keep up the great work Rolly!
@johnoflaherty9105 2 сағат бұрын
Yes and yes.
@annakobuk3618 18 сағат бұрын
THE Shade towards UK 🤪 Also, Slovenia is another big r*bbery. And I wonder if RTS (Serbian broadcaster) will face any consequences. Probably not
@NiconD80 19 сағат бұрын
But all those songs are boring. Especially Norway - it doesnt even have melody or words to sing, it doesnt stuck in head and you easily forget it right after performance. And Jost received what he deserwed for his behavior
@bloodthristyvalentines 2 сағат бұрын
Im still like the last year songs to me.