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The way we vote is changing
2 жыл бұрын
Photo ID: Don't lose your vote!
@Col-ue3nu 2 күн бұрын
Vote reform🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
@jaexiusnem1267 7 күн бұрын
43:10 very well said here by John about that nob Nick Clegg.
@decimal1815 7 күн бұрын
Fix deliberate misinformation advertising, restore political education in schools and colleges, fix pay-for-power politics, then electoral reform. Otherwise you will just get populist parties shouting loud on social media, promising anything that will get them votes, and then yielding a dangerous level of power.
@decimal1815 7 күн бұрын
Really wish the audio levels on this were better. Need to compress the audio to make it louder..
@UncleMort 7 күн бұрын
Was going to watch but your polling data is from 22 days ago and as they say, a week is a long time in politics.
@mattdavis5453 7 күн бұрын
Great to see sangita myska, a true journalist
@barryholloway8565 7 күн бұрын
Notice how reform going after labour as they are the chasing group and reform figures going up and labour comming down the media as stopped pushing figures as refirm are galloping to labour abd when the leave family get up on the 4th of july they will get refirm over the line and the bbbc is going to colapse as it is a lab/tory backed by money contracts in there oarkinent circles but the people can stop this crap as the normal people vote reform over the line
@MaBaKar 7 күн бұрын
If you consider Cons and Reform as the right wing vote, Labour really has only an 8% lead? If there was an ounce of enthusiasm for Labour they’d would be closer to 50%. If the SNP hadn’t imploded Labour would be even worse off. There is no leadership, no telling the truth, and certainly no new ideas from any political party. It’s a dire situation and it’s a situation Reform could take advantage of. Of course a Labour victory is still likely but they have a mountain to climb to do anything that will fundamentally improve things in a way that is visible to all.
@user-wj7cv9hb5j 7 күн бұрын
Very Hard brexit 😂😂😂😂 we have basically not left 😂😂😂 it was an interesting talk until then. Shame to have the hard work of johns polluted like that. Had to turn off 😢
@user-wj7cv9hb5j 7 күн бұрын
Vote reform, the centerist party of the people ❤❤ i live in a labour stronghold and every person i ask is voting reform. I suspect there are a lot of shy reformers out there.
@ChristIsKing14 7 күн бұрын
I dislike the bigotry of the far left towards white people. The term "white privilege" is quite irritating.
@JelMain 8 күн бұрын
You STILL want to work in the existing Party system. Simply changing the mechanism doesn't address that. How you get to the finished bill is immaterial - the real question is if the population wants it or not. Replace Royal Assent with a plebiscite referendum, Swiss-style Direct Democracy.
@markreilly52 8 күн бұрын
This could have been much more informative with better preparation and ruthless editing. I have been eligible to vote for around 65 years, and I have been disenfranchised every time. Our electoral system is fundamentally unfair and encourages the worst of destructive tribal behaviour. We all suffer.
@adrianbrown6877 8 күн бұрын
Good to see Sangita again, after her somewhat sudden and strange departure from LBC. I enjoyed her show.
@user-wj7cv9hb5j 7 күн бұрын
@Baldnesz 8 күн бұрын
This is the immigration election Vote Reform
@tsuchan 8 күн бұрын
It's interesting what John said about the Conservatives in 2010 being very prepared for the coalition talks, because actually that's the opposite to the impression I had at the time. I remember that he LibDems were working off detailed lists and the Tories were (like in Brexit?) winging it. And I also recall that the coalition agreement allowed the LibDems to abstain on the issue of tuition fees exactly because of their manifesto commitment, but in the end they decided not to do that. It was justified by Vince Cable that he felt it would be an inconsistent position with the department he was running (Business, Innovation and Skills). Just as a reminder, the increase was from £3,290 to £9,000 per year; and their commitment was to abolish them.
@user-wj7cv9hb5j 7 күн бұрын
That increase was exactly why I went back to uni to do my masters while I could afford it.
@johngibson4341 8 күн бұрын
Ìf we have had a "hard Brexit" from the EU, was our 1973 entry to the EEC soft or diamond hard? Ding-dong.
@sfactory8253 8 күн бұрын
On voter ID you neglected the issue of women who use their maiden names for whatever reason. They are disenfranchised . Scandalous .
@jeangenie5807 5 күн бұрын
Why? If they have ID in the name they prefer to use or are known as, and they ensure their voter registration matches with that, then what is the issue please?
@sfactory8253 5 күн бұрын
@@jeangenie5807 they don't that's the point .
@jeangenie5807 4 күн бұрын
@@sfactory8253 They don't what? You are not explaining the point you are trying to make. Help us out here to understand what problem you are trying to highlight!
@johnharding9634 8 күн бұрын
Is it possible to turn up the volume? I am not deaf but can barely hear anything at all. Thanks.
@sisiphas 8 күн бұрын
This was deeply depressing. John Curtice must be very patient to listen to two of the three women on the panel talking data free nonsense. I am left of centre but find it really interesting that Reform are referred to as far right, extrdme right etc. why are the msny crazies on my side of politics never called ‘far left’???? The far left of the party I support (Labour) is more likely than the right of Reform (and certainly than the right of the Tories) to be totalitarian, racist and especially anti-Semitic. It is the greatest irony. . I often wonder why I am still in Labour. . … :(
@eightiesmusic1984 8 күн бұрын
There is no hard left in Britain. In case you have not been paying attention the left has been purged by the Starmer project. Labour candidates who stood in 2017 and 2019 agreed with the manifesto; if it was hard left they should not withdrawn their candidacy. Both manifestos were to the right of the 1945 manifesto. While clearly Corbyn's moderate social democratic prospectus lives rent free in the mind of the Labour right and always will, there are right wing parties in the rest of Europe that would not bat an eyelid at the policies it contained. Stop wondering why you are in Labour and leave- the Liberal Democrats would welcome you. Justify your assertion that the ( non existent) far left of Labour is more likely than the right of Reform to be 'totalitarian, racist and especially anti semitic'. Don't think you can make claims like that without being challenged. Perhaps the Liberal Democrats ( Thatcherite on economic policy) would be too left wing for you. Labour sold out to Thatcherism under Blair and the Starmer project has no meaningful answers to the crises facing Britain. You should reflect on your own comments before criticising others without substantiating your arguments.
@jackkaraquazian 8 күн бұрын
The left of Labour is frequently referred to as the far left in the mainstream media.
@peterdollins3610 8 күн бұрын
A Reform candidate says 'Hitler inspired people.' How true. An Uncle on my mother's side shot down 13 Hitler inspired Nazi planes before he was shot down by another Hitler inspired plane. My beloved mother died a terrible death at least partly from a Hitler inspired war in December 1944. Another Uncle lost his leg in Italy from Hitler's inspired tanks. Another was tail-gunner on a Lancaster bombing Germans from the Hitler inspired war. Another fought in Burma against the Hitler inspired ally of Germany--loved India swore his life on the Ghurkas. My Father ran the Steam Trains through the Blitz many times nearly killed by Hitler's inspired bombs & fire. (Ran over three bombs sabotaged by the German workers,) My Steam Engine Driver was in the Dunkirk reguard then walked across France to get out fight in the 8th Army with Big Sam became a Driver also in Didcot.) If D-Day could be called back Fascist Toad Farage will be shooting UK & Allied soldiers down in ecstasy with all his Reform buddies. Another effect of the German/Italian Far Right were many children in my generation being cared for by their aged grandparents as more mothers left to care for a child/children at the killing of fathers in the war. It blighted my life and many in my generation. But who wants to vote for the Nazi German future from 1939 to 45?
@rackellar 9 күн бұрын
This panel needs to take a look at the definition of “far right”. It was an incredibly biased panel with the exception of John Curtice, who refreshingly just looked at the facts. Just listen to the comment “is letting far right parties get seats a price worth paying”. This just sums up the arrogance of those on the left, and precisely why centre right parties like reform are doing so well. It is not “far right” to control immigration. Full stop.
@sleepysam2015 9 күн бұрын
Putin benefits from Brexit a lot.
@user-wj7cv9hb5j 7 күн бұрын
Stupid comment
@sleepysam2015 9 күн бұрын
I hate to ask this, but is Prof Curtis' calculations on swing seats being done by AI?
@sleepysam2015 9 күн бұрын
Apologies. I thought it was today. I will watch it and then post the questions later on.
@Casual_laughter 2 ай бұрын
Voters should be just for those who where born in that country.. not made available for asylums and no other religions that are not bound to that country
@Madonsteamrailways 4 ай бұрын
Very interesting video!! I’m sorry to say that I absolutely agree that we need proper democracy.
@jullietmakhapila5235 7 ай бұрын
More needs to be done by all UK Political Parties. We need better accessibility and good better governance. Sadly so many reports have not been addressed and 'White Supremacy ' continues in a different way and it's sadly a slave mentality in my view . The main solutions is really being inclusive in London especially and the one thing that we can do is implement the Blac Policy document.
@MySteaming 11 ай бұрын
It's amazing how the media 'Head Cases' herd together isn't it. AC Grayling, Alastair Campbell, James O'Brien, Anna Soubry! They believe the herd keeps them safe. 😂
@PeterHirstClrDr 11 ай бұрын
I especially liked the broad range of topics discussed.
@indricotherium4802 Жыл бұрын
I analysed FPTP countries to compare turnouts with PR countries. Roughly speaking they're 10% lower ignoring outliers. Also, I found only fifteen that had sizeable populations. The big majjority who retain the Westminster FPTP model are small island and low population states. With some caveats, FPTP can be less unfair for small electorates. Thanks Prof for your customarily logical and lucid insights so sadly lacking in the UK political class's discourse.
@MySteaming 11 ай бұрын
PR creates muddled & ineffective Government. Can you imagine the Libdems having a regular input into Policy! 😂
@indricotherium4802 11 ай бұрын
@@MySteaming : whereas my comment is concerned with enfranchisement and ensuring each voter has a vote that counts under PR you, like all defenders of FPTP,, claim to be concerned about the politicians elected changing their behaviour for the worse. The things you say they may do under PR already happen in reality under FPTP or hadn't you noticed?
@MySteaming 11 ай бұрын
@@indricotherium4802 Of course they do! You always get ineffective people in charge of our Society no matter what system of Government. Dictatorships like China also have the same problem. The Human Race is full of useless Arse Lickers & Toady's who always get to the top. Surely you must have met the type in the Work Place. Scheming Arse Lickers ALWAYS get to the top. Some get found out, most don't.
@Madonsteamrailways Жыл бұрын
I would only add that it’s nice to see the faces of the people to whom I have written emails and see the people I hope to help by joining the organisation after July.
@Madonsteamrailways Жыл бұрын
Great video of a great man talking about how things SHOULD be. What we need is a government that is a Grand Coalition.
@MySteaming 11 ай бұрын
Nutter talking to fellow nutters....
@johnh9449 Жыл бұрын
It was Jo Swinson who called a general election out of hubris and with the SNP also agreeing Labour had no choice but to back the call as they were then in a minority with the Tories wanting one all along. We had Johnson over s barrel but cut him free. If only she hadn't done that.
@indricotherium4802 Жыл бұрын
I spotted that too. The opposition capitualtion to the Johnson election happened while the oaf had no majority. The blame for that must fall to Labour, as the major opposition party and by far the most powerful, not making the so-called GNU a reality. Corbyn and his leadership's egos were the principal cause of where we are now.
@MySteaming 11 ай бұрын
HaHa, Poor judgement by Swinson. Imagine what other POOR JUDGEMENT she would have unleashed on the British voter if ever she'd got power. As with all Libdem Polititions, they are total opportunists.
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
Carol seemed to reveal that Mercer used Trump as a Poster Boy, the whole Trump Image was apparently provided by the Mercer organization...... The fact that Mercer abandoned the Trump Campaign appeared to prove in 2020, that Trump was a nobody, without the correct Marketing Team. Mercer moved on to recover his initial investment and i attempt to find his fingerprints on Ursula Van Der Loon...... Mercer did what he did for the profits that the work could provide. Trump clings to his brief moment of fame...... Democracy has suffered from the digital marketing of stupidity......
@gerrijacobs8426 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for an informative conversation. “Democracy” is on my mind a lot. I recognise the failure of our existing system, but have trouble in putting my feelings into words. So I’m very grateful to hear your explanations of the failings and possible remedies.
@jasonteam2057 2 жыл бұрын
It would be really great if Unlock Democracy checked their emails and sent replies.
@becmckinlay5073 2 жыл бұрын
You stole my daughter. No amount of self serving morality discourse makes you and your dead wife honourable. Victorian child thieves the both of you. Still laughing at comparison of Jane in her palid, swiss chalet facade wedding dress versus mine and my daughter's version. Her's red and pink, mine, pea green and purple. Your lecture on morality?????
@gerrijacobs8426 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Fantastic talk.
@deanjames2476 3 жыл бұрын
How old is this film cause nothing has changed ,its getting worse and more like the corrupt EU everyday and the torys couldn't wait to leave that yet all the major parties support this system of looking after your m8s
@vincentmcgrath4179 3 жыл бұрын
A non job
@davidcraddock1537 3 жыл бұрын
Great initiative
@nomore6939 3 жыл бұрын
Tom Brake doesnt even undersand what democracy means ... he got kicked out of parliment and is another failed politician who gets another none job ... whatever you are paying him its too much .. He was a Joke MP of a Joke Party
@MARTINA-gc3tq 3 жыл бұрын
This is the bloke who wanted to unilaterally overturn the Brexit Referendum result which happened to be the biggest democratic exercise in the history of the UK. Fortunately his former constituency decided to unilaterally make him redundant along with that other anti liberal non democrat Swinson.....
@UnlockDemocracytube 3 жыл бұрын
Not unilaterally as you know. Through either a referendum or a General Election.
@kandacelombart8056 3 жыл бұрын
Congratulations, Tom Brake!
@deborahclarke5127 3 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your new post. If you need any help shoring up your democracy, I can give you Trump's mobile number..... That way, you can learn what NOT to do! In all seriousness, how do you plan to form a Constitution? Is part of UD's plan to eliminate the House of Lords? How do you think a Constitution will prevent foreign influence in your elections because our Constitution hasn't stopped it here, nor is there anything in the Constitution itself that prevents such interference. We rely on statutes passed over time that criminalize foreign aid in elections, as you well know. But we didn't account for a Department of Justice "Memorandum" stating that a sitting president cannot be indicted while in office. Who would've thought that an administrative memo would take precedence over a statute? I guess Robert Mueller did. And of course Bill Barr. But nowhere else in the law would such a memo supersede a statute. And we've seen how Trump and his administration have literally ignored the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, despite multiple pending lawsuits almost 4 years into his administration. Did the Founding Fathers anticipate that our legal system would proceed at a snail's pace even in the face of such a national crisis? We've seen just how weak our Constitution is against tyranny, dictatorship, Executive Branch power grabs, and constant criminal conduct in the Executive Branch of our government (including by the president himself, but also many of his Cabinet members who are merely appointed and confirmed with majority Senate approval). "Norms" and "traditions" have been blown out of the water by a maniacal, egomaniac, narcissist at the top, with massive trickle down effect giving permission to all those who work for him to partake of the office's offerings and privileges. Without norms and traditions, substantial damage has been done to the office of presidency, the cabinet, and the process of governing. But can one codify norms and traditions? Is it wise to try to do so? Are Trump and Johnson one-off's, or are we being naive to even consider such a question? Our Founding Fathers thought they had accounted for essentially every circumstance. But they had not met (or contemplated) someone like Donald Trump or the cult he created. Were they naive? Or did they think the checks and balances they established would function properly to reign in tyrannical power? Did they rely too much on the Electoral College approach to elections? Did they fail to consider the demographic changes across America over the long term? If they were alive today, would they be horrified at that lack of a true representative government in the Senate given that every state, no matter the population, has 2 senators? And the fact that 12% of the population controls approximately 60% of the Senate, largely as Republicans? In 2013, as an example, 6 Senators from the 3 largest states at that time (California, Texas and New York) represented the same number of people as 62 Senators from the smallest 31 states. Hardly democracy if one defines it as popular control with a representative government. Democracy is still in its infancy, in my view. There is still much work to do to achieve the goals of a true representative government, equality and impartiality. But I am glad you are on the front lines in England trying to make that happen. I, on the other hand, just filled out my Mail-In Ballot (which is not a "hoax" or fraudulent). I am driving it to an official Drop Off Box so that our US Mail Service can't delay it or throw it away upon orders from the stooge at the top. Biden-Harris 2020 is our only hope of turning things around and beginning the long road of recovery. Nice kitchen in the background, by the way! DJC
@maurice 3 жыл бұрын
He talks of protecting liberty. "depend on a strong + vibrant democracy" ... "under increasing pressure". UD's form on that is bad. Is he going to changd UD's course? Break with how his predecessor ran ir? That is the test of credence for his message. National centrally led campaigns too often want to put out a centrally devised slick campaign judged as a good sell, + have followers rather than supporters, who just follow action instructions + give money. That of course is more top-down led politics of elite lead + grassroots voicelessness, not leading to participatory democracy at all. Leading to out of touch careerist leaderships the same way as has happened to the overseas aid charities. How do you tell whether a national campaign is that way or is the decent listening way? Obviously, by actual cases of seeing whether they listen. So see whether he listens to an item that UD before him would not make any campaigning use of, or even explain why. An item affecting civil liberties + illustrating perfectly the case for electoral reform giving you a choice of MPs instead of just 1. In Scotland we have PR, of a type that still includes a FPTP seat, so the MSP who would be our only one under FPTP us always still elected + we can see how they perform. When the member who would be the only member under FPTP, does bad, but an extra member who is only there thanks to PR does good, that proves the case for a multi member system. I suffered a street civil liberty infringement at South Queensferry's 2017 annual town fair. A new local brewery was promoting itself, + the police stopped me catching a bus with the same type of closed beer bottle as you could have in ordinary shopping, + told the bus to drive on unless I binned a newly bought item. No power was in force for them to do that, no street byelaws or bus rules. The bad FPTP MSP even misrepresented a constituent's case, asked 2 written questions on my supposed behalf but that were about OPEN containers!, and from the answers claimed to conclude that the police had been within their powers + he held that no more challenge to that could be made. When I saw him his worker had kept trying to work dodgy reinterpretations of how closed the container was, into her notes. There is no parliamentary standards penalty on an MSP for asking parliamentary questions pejoratively of his own constituent's case. Then, the good MSP, with a party list seat, represented my case accurately + directly to the police, + succeeded in getting their apology + acknowledgement of not having the power. Anyone is corrupt who wants to avoid saying that the bad MSP was corrupt, + acted actively anti civil liberty. UD may not welcome that he is a Lib Dem, but it should care cross-party about parliamentary standards too. The written constitution process needs informing by exactly such a case.
@julietsolomon2444 3 жыл бұрын
glad he has got this increassingly important position.
@andrewryder3779 3 жыл бұрын
I definitely believe the UK is desperately in need of a written constitution. While this government has promoted the idea of it being a democratic one. I fear the only freedom gained when leaving the EU will be for the government to remove what democracy we have piece by piece. It seems ridiculous to me that a supposedly democratically elected government has very little regard for ordinary people's lives, freedoms or democracy.
@axisb8618 3 жыл бұрын
Simple but cool =D