Brita Filter with Mike Maeshiro
Kevin Garcia: Deconstruction
Savannah Rae Carreno: Deconstruction
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Kim Daily: Stories of Deconstruction
Stories of Deconstruction
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Josh Scott: Christian Nationalism
April Ajoy : Christian Nationalism
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Surprising Dating Discoveries
"It was hard to hide"
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Jo Luehmann Part 3 of 3
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Jo Luehmann Part 2 of 3
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@giapetto2 Сағат бұрын
Listening to Kathy's story, I was very touched by her love and kindness and openness to the LGBTQ community. I'm a 76 yo gay man, an ex-catholic whose journey included exploring all the theological thinkers and writers of the 80s when I was a member of Dignity (a LGBTQ Catholic organization). Ultimately I have rejected all organized religion but even as an atheist I remain somewhat "spiritual" by nature if that makes any sense. I do not trust any religion at this point, no matter how liberal their theology. The hateful religions are openly hostile and the "kinder" religions are meek and mild, rarely, if ever, speaking out loudly enough, or condemning the teachings of their misguided associates, the ones who would, if they could, put us all to death in the name of their god.
@birdgirlpnw 3 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. I’m a lesbian who is exploring Christianity and have felt convicted of many things. Judging ppl for how they look, practicing witchcraft, pridefulness, but never being gay. Your work means a lot to me. Bless you
@Runguyt 4 күн бұрын
As a gay Catholic man, I very much enjoyed hearing your story/journey. Thanks for the video!
@NormaB-gu1wz 6 күн бұрын
@NormaB-gu1wz 6 күн бұрын
Yes your god the devil.
@SkyeTerrier2017 6 күн бұрын
Off topic, but I have mustache envy. Now I have committed a mustacium sin. 😂
@gentilejoshsaved1646 7 күн бұрын
Oh my goodness. I wont eaven watch. I will say, are rapists and pedophiles and murderers and thieves all good with Christ now also. Wake up mustache boy.
@Beulah44 7 күн бұрын
When you think about it, isnt it strange that we lead into a conversation with our sexual preference? Heterosexuality does not define me and neither should homosesexuality identify anyone else. It is literally telling people what your sexual desire is. And its a bit strange to claim what turns you on first time meeting people. Example: "Hi Im John and I'm gay" = "Hi Im John and my sexual preference is penis" Odd way to identify yourself isn't it. We should be identifying ourselves with Christ first and foremost. "Hi I'm John and I am a follower of Jesus Christ" If you put your identity in sexuality first and not in Christ first, you got yourself an idol.
@danielwilda8167 10 күн бұрын
You got it right , it’s been a great revelation to you and all our people thank you. Christian same gender love between men is acceptable by God ✝️🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸🙋‍♂️💙👍⭐️🌈
@samuelpenrod2856 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your deconstruction. Unlike most, I deconverted first. My internal BS meter kept going off when being instructed about Genesis and Exodus, and second, because I am gay. I rejected their religion because it rejected me. Due to the challenges of surviving and earning a living, I didn't begin deconstruction until I had time to devote to studying the Old and New Testaments as literature using literary criticism. I was quite shocked to learn that Moses didn't write the Pentateuch, and Jesus's disciples (Apostles) didn't write the Gospels.
@miguelmaxime8814 16 күн бұрын
I have to give you 10 thumbs up on this topic. I am not here to judge anyone of these so-called profits here on KZfaq. I am from a spiritual background and I have seen many things being around my Grandmother may God bless her soul. She would say God loves everyone and he is always forgiving no matter who you are just ask for forgiveness for your sins not for who he created you to be. He knows the ones who will try their best to walk on the right path and the ones who won't. Jesus/God warns us that these false profits will take his word which is in the Bible and twist the scriptures to their likeness. Every time I try to listen to them preach is always about homosexuality and God doesn't like Gays and Lesbians who are these people to judge. I will say to God, who gives these people the authority to point fingers, it seems like they forgot the part in the Bible where God said Judge not because I am the only man that has the power and the Authority to judge his children. So I stop looking at them because I can feel the Holy Spirit in me knows what they are saying is not right. I have been Gay all my life since I know myself never attracted to women and had no desire to be with one and never had a problem with my family because they believed God created us in his image and likeness. For the Gay men and women out there I know it's very hard for your parents and friends to accept you but, live for God not them and you will ok see how God will set you free mentally. Love you all and may God continue to look after us and the ones who don't believe in him or us. I will leave you with this: they love to tell us and quote, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of us Gays but they left out the part where other things were going there, like murders, thieves, rapists, etc. Do not fall for this false profits 🙏 ❤️
@melvinmoore7230 17 күн бұрын
Thank you pastor mike for your video It was very informative, very uplifting with a side of confusion. But hopefully. The one seed that needs to be planted and grow is the fact you should not judge a book. By its cover, we're all the same and all deserve love and we all are expected to give love. Never. In the definition of love was there a description of who we should love and not love? A black man, a white woman, a gay man, a straight man. That's just the cover. The ones that judge are the same on the inside as the ones they're judging The shell just looks a little different. We need to learn to spread love. And not judgment.
@douglaswilkinson5700 17 күн бұрын
God's name is not "God." It's a title. God's name is *'ehyeh* [The first character is an ayin, transliterated as a *'* and is not pronounced in English (cf Exodus 3:14).]
@ThespianJ 17 күн бұрын
Before you come to your conclusion, you should confirm with God. Ultimately, he is saying you were dead spiritually, his dream is for you to no longer be dead. There is a demon stopping you that’s what that was when you were trying to enter, but could not. Remember Paul he prayed to God, because Satans angels were coming after him, and he had a thorn, God said no because you are your strongest when you are at your weakest. Sometimes overcoming struggles, helps us grow spiritually. When we are at our weakest we are at strongest with the Lord, like when you break down and cry out loud to the Lord that’s when you truly surrender to God. God wants you to fully surrender to him.
@technojunger5328 18 күн бұрын
@user-oi9ym7te1w 19 күн бұрын
Sir, you will be held accountable by God for teaching something that is not Biblical. A Christian cannot continue in sin. And Homosexuality is sin according to multiple scriptures.
@douglaswilkinson5700 17 күн бұрын
Specifically which Testament, book, chapter and verses.
@dailylight3652 13 күн бұрын
@@douglaswilkinson5700 Romans 1:26-27 1Cor 6:9 Leviticus 18:22 There are many other verses on sexual immorality which is exactly what using the poop hole for sexual pleasure is.. IMMORAL
@douglaswilkinson5700 13 күн бұрын
@@dailylight3652 Since I have been a celibate man for my entire life those verses do not apply to me. My Catholic parish officially funds our LGBTQ+ ministry with $10k per year for outreach, education, etc.
@kathylinerode402 20 күн бұрын
How sad to hear your story. You need to accept Jesus- that is the truth. If you turned your heart away from God- you were never truly saved.
@lestutosfrenglish 20 күн бұрын
I see myself in you, I remember crying at night in my bed wishing I was dead, and crying even more knowing even dying wouldn't set me free. I was trapped, and these days I still feel trapped but not the same way. Doubt keeps coming back, whispering that everything I fight for is a lie and I am an agent of the devil without realizing it. But then I find people like you and others, I see that all I try to give is love and understanding, that I try to fight for people like us that are condemmed for being born this way. But then I also realize how my life was much more simple when I never tried fighting for it, staying far from the bible even though I love Christ and want to follow his steps. It reminded me how our lives are easier when we actually do not try to be more like him. It is when we want to do good and follow God's principle that the enemy fights for us to give up again because otherwise he has lost. I will not go as far as quotin how sometimes he comes as an angel of light for that would be a huge accusation, but rather I would say like you said it's about research and not taking the words for only what they are. I don't remember the verse but I know there is a passage in the scripture than encourages us to be critical and not to follow blindly. On a more human level I cannot imagine how literally millions how people are supposed to experience the same miracle of God turning them straight just to glorify his power like so many tend to say. It just makes no sense. I think most believe we are trying to corrupt and twist everything starting with acceptiong gay christians. But it's not the case, we are just trying to open their eyes on the fact we are loved, we are meant to do something more, and we are not us anymore if we change. I am starting to realize how different my life would be if I hadn't accepted myself, the good I would not have experienced, the people I wouldn't know now. It feels like they believe we can't be or do good and be gay at the same time. And it's a really weird fixation to me too, that people living their lives want to ruin others so bad, when it gives them nothing, except a feeling of "superiority" or "purity". That feels wrong. I may not have experienced God like you did, but I know he speaks to us in ways mwe understand. But I also knw that my tears and the love I felt through you as I listen to your story and that of others isn't fake or "provoked" by something else. I want the world to feel that love, I want them to see the world through Jesus' eyes and heart. When I am alone in nature I see God in his creation and I feel welcome, I see his actions through people around me even if they do not realize it. Why do we humans try so hard to define him and put him in a specific box and deny everyone's feeling and testimony about him is beyond me. I know I am not perfect, I will never be. I will always try to be a better me and keep my eyes open just like my ears. The fact it's hard doesn't mean it's not right. On the contrary. I will never abandon God just like he never abandoned me. Even when I was stupid and did things I regret now. Why would he abandon me and wait for me to change ? I abandon him, just like you I listen to what I want to hear and live in fear, a fear that prevents me from connecting with him truly. I know what my cross is, even if I sometimes forget. It's not being gay, not at all. It's doubt. Doubting him, doubting what I feel, what I hear, or not hear for that matter. It always feel so daunting when I hear pastor begin a sentence saying "I need to talk about something wrong in our society" and feeling like a finger is pointed at me. I just want to run away, like I have something to hide, or that I am a criminal. I will never say I am a good Christian, nor that I have only done good. Buy my experiences with people and their testimony of me is not my doing. I do not make them say I am a good person, I am just grateful they did. I am not doing anything "wrong" (As in to others, like I said I made mistakes and regret things) but I feel like I am a criminal for trying to be who I am. It's funny in a way too, how I realized the more I suppress my "gayness" the less "me" I feel and the less good I become. Even with people I enjoy. I lie, dodge questions, and try to flee again. I do not want to anymore. I am not a mistake, my legacy is not to be "an example of the grace of God". I will do good, stay as true to the way Jesus lived as it is exactly what we are meant to do. I know one day I wil see him and thank him for never giving up on me. And if he permits hug him, as silly as it sounds. But I would hug my brother on earth, why not hug my big brother in heaven too. Are we not God's children too after all ? Sorry for the long comment, but the tears felt good. Also, nice moustache my friend, God bless you. (Sorry if I missed some mistakes)
@Flicky669 21 күн бұрын
May God reveal Himself to you and reveal who you are as well
@mikemaeshiro3965 20 күн бұрын
I feel like someone wasn’t listening…
@Flicky669 20 күн бұрын
@@mikemaeshiro3965 I listened to the whole message. I hope that on your journey towards truth, that you would experience a deeper awareness of who you are created to be and who God is.
@tonykunz5982 22 күн бұрын
After the verses of Paul, which is cited for sexual immorality. Later……Paul’s chief idea was this, as found in Galatians 3:28: “In Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free man, neither male nor female. In Christ, all of these are one.” For me, this is the key verse in the entire New Testament.
@otismack 26 күн бұрын
So why are there so many religions all claiming their unique route to God? The answer is that they are all man-made fairy tales mostly written in an age when world literacy was low and the knowledge of science, mathematics and the universe was much less than it is today. Even today we know very little about it, but enough to debunk many of these so-called religious myths. There is obviously a creative force at work which is beyond human comprehension. Everything in our world is finite; it must have a beginning; and end; a boundary. We cannot grasp the concept of infinity which underlines our insignificance in the universe. So why do most religions try to imagine God/Gods as super-human(s), living up there in the sky somewhere? Absolutely ridiculous. Did you realise that the first Christian bible was published 400 years after Christ’s death? All the multifarious stories were passed along by word of mouth. No one knew anything about Christ until he was 30 years old and 3 years later, he was crucified. All the stuff about 3 wise men, being born in a stable, a guiding star, Angels coming down and all of the other tales are man-made fairytales. For humans, love is natural and has no boundaries or human control. We all look for love, and when it comes it is magic, irrespective of gender. Hate is taught.
@gabrielagabyrodriguez72 26 күн бұрын
I shared this with my son because he is experiencing a similar situation and the word loyalty is being thrown around
@annettebaskerville1582 26 күн бұрын
it's ridiculous to say you "got saved" when you were 4 years old. It makes the meaning of "salvation" meaningless.
@ZizouXan4801 27 күн бұрын
Don’t be foolish to satisfy your lies and desires.
@tomlambert4369 27 күн бұрын
so when U gonna repent,poser
@090909Xavier 28 күн бұрын
I did not write this but the Holy Spirit brought me to this and I would like to share this with you so that it can encourage you. "Some of the most spiritually gifted people of GOD that I know are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender Christians. The persecution they have endured at the hands of their own Christian brothers and sisters has had two predominant effects: they are pushed away from the church and GOD, or they are forced closer to him. In the closeness, that is often in isolation, they have developed an intimacy that is enviable. In my toughest times, I default to a full-body lean on GOD. Imagine a sustained closeness, a life-dependence-survival stance and the resultant communion". That is the hidden blessing.
@eduardomerino8098 28 күн бұрын
God bless you. And omg youre so gorgeous 😍
@mrericrossify 29 күн бұрын
The first time i literally felt Gods love was when i realized that anything we do pales in comparison to His love. Can we love like that? What would it be like if i could love you with a fraction of that love and if you were to act the same way. Nothing you do could ever seperate you from that love. Nothing ever. How bold is it to say God loves me as i am not as i could be. Boldy come to God as say I am xxxx and You love me fully as I am
@walterjones2665 Ай бұрын
I wish your talk wasn't so long. Get to the point. Paul who wrote most of thr New Bible had mutdered christians in his past AND forgiven. Peter denied JESUS but is the rock of church. The theif on the Cross was saved the last minute HOWEVER a gay person is less then and called bad. Now what?? Straight women who marry several times , are they ok? Answers. Tired of being just bad** as Pious ministers who never were gay look down on us.
@walterjones2665 Ай бұрын
And No one sees God and lives. We can hear Him & we can see JESUS.
@walterjones2665 Ай бұрын
Jesus ascended to Heaven. However He sent His Holy Spirit a Comfortable. So JESUS is present. Im gay. What bothers me is the part in this Bible where God says men with men is an abomination. That makes me helpless. So according to that, being gay is a sin. Do i jump out of my skin? Out of myself??? What is the answer? Who wants to be considered bad because i was me. A whore or easy woman was forgiven but being gay was hopeless? Answers. PLEASE. WALLY
@thomassandoval8025 10 күн бұрын
It's not helpless! But yes, you must jump out of your self/skin. Christ's message was to die to your flesh and be born again. That doesn't mean that you’ll never sin again, but your new heart will guide you as to what God prescribed as the order for His creation. Thats the key point, it's His so he sets the rules if we choose to believe. Anyone who chooses to follow Christ must do this as we were all born with innate flaws we struggle with. Homosexuality is no different than any other sexual sin, but it is unique in that gay people would like it affirmed by the church, when as you said, it is clearly against God's word. Jesus clearly told us it will be incredibly hard, "narrow is the path", and that the world will hate you for following Him, "if the world hates you, know that it has hated me forst." But if we believe in the God of the Bible we believe he knows better than us and we seek as hard as possible to be obedient. If you are feeling the Spirit calling you back, then give into that. We are all one in Christ!
@robertramsay5963 Ай бұрын
Thanks for posting these three interviews, Mike.I wish I'd had this man beside me in the 1980's. Actually, I did have his clone with me when I was booted off the organ bench and out of the church. What a blessing to have these three interviews available for Christian young people who are struggling with their affectional orientation.
@zircon7634 Ай бұрын
I got to the same conclusion on an only marginally different journey. God bless your ministry. God has a future for you if you're gay. You can marry and love unconditionally so that you can focus on helping others instead of changing your sexuality. You can adopt. There is much good fruit for you to show from your journey to the church. They prop up gay people who are still suffering afraid to lose their friends and family in the church. No one should ever have to live in fear of their own church disowning them, its rotten fruit.
@MrTKSKT Ай бұрын
Hi. I saw this video last night. I was crying last night because i feel this turmoil about being gay and wanting to follow Christ. I’ve met a man whom i deeply love yet this fear gets to me and then there’s videos on yt that deny homosexuality and their reasoning makes sense and then i find videos like this that makes me feel hopeful…
@mikemaeshiro3965 Ай бұрын
Email [email protected] for support :)
@RandomDay247 Ай бұрын
Pride before falls
@RandomDay247 Ай бұрын
Trans are not on the same planet and that's the answer don't try to push that to rhe rest of us.
@RandomDay247 Ай бұрын
They need their own sports and stop stealing from women and girls.
@RandomDay247 Ай бұрын
Why do trans want children when they are so confused as it is this is messed up!
@RandomDay247 Ай бұрын
Yeah that was a demon disguised as light just as Muhammad saw an angel and had a vision and started Islam. Everyone who changes scriptures are deceive from Satan.
@douglaswilkinson5700 17 күн бұрын
Yes, I've heard the blue light indicates a demon.
@romanticandperky Ай бұрын
My Pastor's wife is named Tara, and she kinda looks like this woman; glasses, brunette. My earliest childhood friend worked for Prince, and was with him when he made 'Purple Rain'. I've known him since I was five years old. We never discussed sexuality, but I'm fairly certain he considers himself to be 'gay'. Do any of you remember "I Would Die For You" from the 'Purple Rain' soundtrack? He was there for that. He showed up at my brother's deathbed the day before he died, while I was reading from The Bible. We both had a childhood friend who once worked for David Bowie, back in the 80s, when he publically renounced 'being gay'.
@romanticandperky Ай бұрын
I spent 12 years of my wayward youth in the same town as Linda Blair (true). Mike, you can't be 'gay' and be in the clergy. What you need first is to have the demonic 'gay' spirit exorcised from you, followed by a tasty bowl of split pea soup (my favorite). When I was a kid, I had a psychiatrist who had a son who is 'gay'; and yes, we all lived in the same town with Linda Blair. The Exorcist is based on a true story about a demonically possessed young man who, to protect his identity, was identified as 'Roland'. This psychiatrist: His 'gay' son is named (you guessed it): Roland! For the movie version, they changed the character to that of a young girl. There's more to this story, and it's all true! Do you want to hear it?
@aganese4030 Ай бұрын
Satan want you to be a guy,
@romanticandperky Ай бұрын
There is no such thing as a 'gay' Christian. Mr.Mike, you are not a Christian. God possibly did make you 'gay', but NOT to accept or endorse it, but instead to overcome it in His Name. The Body Of Christ possibly needs those who have been through same sex addiction, with first hand knowledge of it, to lead others in overcoming it in His Name and by His Holy Spirit. Btw, when you serve Jesus (and hopefully someday you will), you serve a jealous God. He (Jesus) is the only man who will likely ever truly love you, and He has no intention of sharing you with any other man (especially a mortal one). If you are with another man, you are not with Him! Amen.
@lesleybw1 Ай бұрын
It’s unfortunate that you think by writing on here as you have you will impact people. Only love truly impacts people. I stand with you Mike.
@romanticandperky Ай бұрын
@@lesleybw1 Oh, you speak falsefully, Leslie. Hate makes a very real and lasting impact on people and between people. Through out history there have been more instances of war then of peace between the people of the world. You are under the mistaken conviction that if guys get together and wear each other's feces on their penises that that remedies the situation and makes it a more loving world. Leslie, you didn't get that idea from Jesus, and you stand with Mike because he doesn't love you in return.
@douglaswilkinson5700 17 күн бұрын
What is God's name? The word "God" is a title.
@romanticandperky 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for this question, douglas. Some folks might call Him Abba (Father), some might call Him Adonai; while some others may call Him Edonai, and others call Him El Shaddai. Well, I can tell you His name is not 'gay'!
@marissants1164 Ай бұрын
Beautiful moustache Xx
@heinmolenaar6750 Ай бұрын
People their neurotic and bigoted religion is the real problem.
@lesleybw1 Ай бұрын
Not true. Many good Christians oppose oppressing gay people. We can’t blanket statement groups of people. Why? Because it’s a judgment and actually not true. But I hear you… man, we have a long we to go as a society!
@myqueerview1987 Ай бұрын
really enjoyed hearing from you Mike and your team all but the one guy I believe his name is Ian who used a very hateful nasty homophobic slur 3 different times [ @48:51 @49:00 @1:11:39 ] was very disappointing to me as a Gay christian who has grown up in a very small ultra conservative mid-western town that slur has been used to bully and dehumanize me on a near daily basis I would hope and pray He ( Ian ) learns how to share his past of what he says was full of shame and guilt without continuing to engage in that kinda language. I understand that it does take us as humans time to retrain our brains to be better more compassionate allies.
@mic44449 Ай бұрын
Tysm for sharing your testimony. I myself, am a Bisexual Christian and I know deep down inside that if I fall in love with a woman that it is not wrong for me to be in a relationship with said woman. But the church makes me doubt this time and time again EVEN if I know this is what god wanted for me. But this video will definitely help me and others like me to feel less alone and guilty and bad and shamed for being gay. I can’t not put into words how much this video means to me. Ty so so so much.
@myqueerview1987 Ай бұрын
thank you so so much for sharing your story I have had somethings with God over the years with the lord affirming me and the LGBTQ people i've been in tears almost this whole video I truly can feel the holy ghost pouring out as you were sharing
@jdcastuera Ай бұрын
How to be part of your community?❤
@mikemaeshiro3965 Ай бұрын
@jordanfairley5688 Ай бұрын
I am trying to stay neutral on this topic, and here is my legitimate question: how is being gay a sin, logically? If you look at other sins, its evident that they cause harm: lying destroys communities, sex before marriage increases risk of spreading disease, violence physically hurts people. If you tell a liar to stop, they don't want to kill themselves. If you tell a person to wait until marriage, then they get married, sex isn't an issue. Telling someone they shouldn't be violent doesn't cause an identity crisis. All of this happens when people address homosexuality: people have killed themselves over this issue. My question is: is it that homosexuality is inherently caused by God and is not a sin, or the way we address it as a society is the sin, and we should more gently, kindly address the issue with love? I am ashamed of the way "Christians" have treated homosexuals over the years, but I don't know if I also want to jump on the recent bandwagon that homosexuality is totally okay, and go against what's written in doctrine (if it is correctly translated).
@scottmoore7588 28 күн бұрын
Spoiler alert: it is not in fact correctly translated. No one that speaks the same language as the people that wrote the original manuscript say that it condemns homosexuality. Looking at all the verses that modern theists claim condemn homosexuality, the people that speak the same language as the writers say that all it actually condemns is incest and pedophilia. Just like how theists today are using the verse about how god created man and woman and interpreting that to mean that he's against trans people, theists did all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince people that the Bible spoke out against homosexuality, when in fact the people that wrote it had never heard of homosexuality because it wasn't public knowledge at that time. It's all bs.
@stephenrogers7042 14 күн бұрын
This is spot on.
@user-wb9db1tx1x 3 күн бұрын
Yes the Bible is right