@zacschr1808 53 минут бұрын
fire arrow + boko horn = big damage fire damage no your right they could have the past games always had some very-ation 3:36
@CapricornGilbert 5 сағат бұрын
Just me stating my opinion even if I get some flack, Breath of the Wild is better than Tears of the Kingdom. Both are amazing games and I know ppl are gonna say Tears of the Kingdom is better and there’s one thing I know is that every video game has its pros and cons and I felt like Tears of the Kingdom was a bit too much in a way.
@TheEleventhDimension 5 сағат бұрын
@@CapricornGilbert I generally like to say each game has its upsides and downsides, and they definitely do, but all in all I think botw is a lot better
@AndyWitmyer 8 сағат бұрын
BOTW feels like a shallow, lazy, half finished demo with few incentives to do anything other than explore. TOTK's got so many additional layers of depth. It feels like everything BOTW should've been but never was. I mean, which game is objectively better is not even a competition imho - TOTK wins every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
@TheEleventhDimension 5 сағат бұрын
Which game did you play first?
@AndyWitmyer 2 сағат бұрын
@@TheEleventhDimension Played Breath of the Wild first, then Tears of the Kingdom. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think BOTW is fine, but after TOTK was released, I felt no desire whatsoever to play BOTW ever again. I tried jumping into it again recently and it literally feels like an early, unfinished tech demo for TOTK. BOTW feels like a world with loads of potential, but potential that, for the most part, never fully realized. TOTK on the other hand, feels like its setting exists in a much more fleshed out, lived in world that takes fuller advantage of the potential that the original game strongly hinted at but never delivered upon. Honestly, if TOTK was never made, I'd probably think BOTW was decent enough, even if - as a Zelda fan since 1987 - I found it somewhat hollow compared to most of the other games in the series. TOTK has since become my favorite entry. Fusions, Ultra hand engineering, and materials that are actually very useful were game changing for me. Again, jmo.
@PetDestroyer00 14 сағат бұрын
Great content, keep it up! Also, if you played totk first and then botw, you would definetly think totk was way better, its just because you've spent so much time in the game (like me) that you just get burned out of the same game... in a way
@PetDestroyer00 14 сағат бұрын
3:45 The arrow fusion things are annoying, and take a long time to use but it also makes it harder to get the arrows, instead of just spending a bunch of rupees on them.
@lukehalmrast7366 18 сағат бұрын
If I’m being honest, exploring the overworld in totk just wasn’t the same as botw, mainly because they just didn’t add enough new things or areas, could also just be my nostalgia for botw as I played that game the most when I was 11 in 2017
@vinzzzze Күн бұрын
Botw is just a better game.. totk is too big and feels tecycled. Also the world underground sucks...
@jamiecal11 Күн бұрын
The shrines are also just worse. So many are done in 10 seconds. They leave you going '....that's it?'. The combat shrines are better but there's just so many formulaic ones that you solve before you've gone in.
@jamiecal11 Күн бұрын
In hindsight the introduction should've worried me more. Because not only did TOTK just do BOTW again there, I really didn't want to be going in shrines, Korok hunting, swinging a sword in 2 ways, collecting memories, all these other things that made sense in BOTW, all over again. Made the game such a drag.
@scorpling22 Күн бұрын
Am I the only one who was bummed that the silver enemies in TotK didn't drop gems?
@dracul1984 Күн бұрын
If TOTK came before BOTW, you would realize that you are wrong. BOTW has a "first" bias, and it's not even a good Zelda game.
@coffeehead2726 Күн бұрын
Y'all are just hating
@saiklo7236 2 күн бұрын
Yeah totk abilities are too overpowered and "free" there has to be some restrictions. Puzzles can be solved and cheesed in so many ways so they feel a bit stupid. and botw abilities were just awesome.
@Hurtle885hu8bu 2 күн бұрын
Ultrahand and fusion are amazing features and add a lot to the gameplay, but the world itself does feel less developed than botw. I have to disagree about the bombs, though. They might’ve been infinite in botw, but they were also pretty much useless except for destroying black rocks. Also, I can’t tell you how many times throughout my play through of both games I thought “Damn, I wish I had a hookshot.”
@TheEleventhDimension 2 күн бұрын
Good point about the bombs, it's true they didn't do much in botw.
@TheDracolordian 2 күн бұрын
I think the techno theme in botw was better (green is my favorite color but the ancient shekia stuff looks way better) and the way they did the companion abilities is so much better in botw, each being mapped to a button rather than having to walk up to them then press a which could lead to accidentally using it (as I have done repeatedly)
@Bobisthebestperson 2 күн бұрын
@chrisrey0018 2 күн бұрын
botw better
@lukasguziur4229 2 күн бұрын
totk is amazing did not enjoyed botw but loved totk botw felt so bland and boring
@chrisrey0018 2 күн бұрын
both are bland and boring
@ZeldPro 2 күн бұрын
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Dash
@TayRich93 2 күн бұрын
I beat both and now have 90+ hours in totk i like it better than botw honestly im extra close to thev end of the game tho lol
@CammyCookies 3 күн бұрын
Just found this channel today and I gotta say I’m really enjoying it. I gotta agree with most of the stuff that you said, for me I think the reason why botw was breath taking (pun intended) was because it was new and intriguing. Totk has a lot of things to do, but it’s overfilled with content. I think that’s the main reason why a lot of people like botw more than totk, botw was more compact. But I love both games and I hope Nintendo does more like these games in the future, but hopefully it isn’t just another botw.
@TheEleventhDimension 3 күн бұрын
Dude I totally agree Thanks for watching the video!!
@KingOppSanti 3 күн бұрын
TOTK is the game plus we wanted but not for $70!
@zekrom34 3 күн бұрын
Look, I can agree on everything about quality, but many of these points are... dumb or very superficial. For example nobody can deny that BOTW's introduction is more iconic than TOTK, but Great Sky Island level design is something beyond human comprehension, a full tridimensional space that manage to teach maybe three times the stuff we learned in the Great Plateau. And it remains incredibly useful even after because it's a great spot to take off with planes. BOTW's Shrines compared with TOTK's Shrines are just a bunch of disconnected stuff. I always defended shrines, but BOTW Shrines seems blatantly belong to a different game because what you do inside them is completely different from the overworld's activities. TOTK blessing shrines have better (FAR BETTER) sections, the proving grounds destroy the tests of strenght, and the ordinary shrines teach you how to use effectively the zonai devices and build many things. TOTK's abilities are by far the best set of power ever seen in a Zelda game, with nothing remotely capable of standing a chance: Ultrahand is inarguably the best main gimmick of the series, a technological marvel and one of the best game mechanics of the last 20 years at least; Fuse fixes the breakable weapon problem, adds a massive combat variety to an already rich component, makes everything useful and adds a great combat progression; Ascend change the traversal, and a mastered recall ability it's like the perfect speedrun ability.
@Twixtar 3 күн бұрын
Imo botw is overall a beter game.
@AndyWitmyer 8 сағат бұрын
@atheaoll 3 күн бұрын
Love this video! You should also make a "10 things Tears of The Kingdom did better than Breath of The Wild" Would put the ganon fight being better in TOTK.
@TheEleventhDimension 3 күн бұрын
That’s the plan!!
@gamingdudedonal3312 3 күн бұрын
The bow fusion is genuinely painful to use
@yehoshua6328 4 күн бұрын
Does anyone recognize the music being played in the background starting at 1:40?
@TheEleventhDimension 3 күн бұрын
The songs Lanaryu Sand Sea from Skyward Sword Hope that helps!!
@yehoshua6328 3 күн бұрын
@@TheEleventhDimension​​⁠​​⁠​​⁠​​⁠​⁠It does! I had heard this in another video and started digging through 3D Zelda soundtracks, to no avail (and I thought I knew my Zelda OSTs). Thank you! Also, I thought your video was great, love how quickly you got into the topic. Clearly expressed and succinct points.
@TheKritken 4 күн бұрын
When BOTW came out everybody tried to be like it. Lets see how many try to be like TOTK
@thatguyinthevoid 4 күн бұрын
Honestly, I think my decision to play TotK before BotW was a good decision (I had seen so many gameplay videos and more stuff so I knew the plot) because it allowed me to see TotK from a fresh perspective without BotW bias. Some may hate me for that, but that’s just how I feel. Plus, the abilities are better in TotK in my opinion 😂
@FieryRed_BE 4 күн бұрын
everyone is shitting on totk, why
@HungryWarden 4 күн бұрын
Probably because the recency bias is starting to wear off and people are starting to see its flaws.
@AndyWitmyer 8 сағат бұрын
I dunno, it's better than BOTW in every conceivable way.
@HungryWarden 8 сағат бұрын
@@AndyWitmyer You poor, confused thing. The story is contrived garbage, the Shrines are mostly just tutorials with a few good ones (which is even worse because there are more Shrines), here and there, the building mechanics are a bit janky, the characters are idiots, the once beautiful world has been littered with random stones from the sky, and the ending is cheesy.
@Charltonnn 2 сағат бұрын
Your just falling into the cycle again where at first the newest zelda game is the best thing, But NOW the previous game is an underrated masterpiece and the newest sucks. No it doesn’t both are great games stop letting commentary youtubers make your opinion. Also be honest story was never Zelda’s strongsuit, gameplay was.
@AndyWitmyer 2 сағат бұрын
@@HungryWarden Hey, if you can still enjoy your unfinished Tears of the Kingdom tech demo that Breath of the Wild is, then I'm happy for you! I tried replaying BOTW recently after beating TOTK and it was so hilariously empty, unrewarding and shallow compared to its successor that I had to call it quits after a few hours. TOTK literally made BOTW obsolete. For me, anyway - I know that stubborn and pretentious "Teh oRiGiNaL iS aLwAyS BeTtEr!!!" types will always find some reason to nitpick the latest and greatest thing, regardless of its improvements, so, I mean, I get where you're coming from, even if I disagree 😉
@robenvilla1500 4 күн бұрын
Botw was exciting because you had an introduction to characters and places you never seen, different combat mechanics so it felt so fresh. In Totk it just felt recycled. The champions and their abilities were so much better too
@Xeno911 Күн бұрын
The sage control sucks in totk
@artagle_14 Күн бұрын
@@Xeno911They did Sidon dirty. With that amount of water attack his sage ability has I could easily replicate it at home with a glass of water…
@Xeno911 Күн бұрын
@@artagle_14 yeah they did sidon super dirty guess they ran out of ideas
@thecrimsonpool 5 күн бұрын
If Ganon from Tears was the final Boss in Breath, it would have made Breath almost Perfect imo
@PetDestroyer00 14 сағат бұрын
@Wormhole_content 5 күн бұрын
I started crying when there was no guardians I loved going around and fighting (a hard enemy) I never really tought of them as difficult but when I just went on a guardian killing spree anyone around me was like how
@Chris-gx1ei 5 күн бұрын
The Shrines in TotK have some deeper lore. You can do the Anchient Stone Tablets Quest and in one of these stands after you translated it that the shrines were once prisons for Demons that Rauru and Sonia defeated and captured to prevent them from resurecting
@Chris-gx1ei 5 күн бұрын
The Monsters in Tears of the Kingdom use their new horns as weapons, no shit, they sprint towards you or swing their heads around to attack you with their blade-horns, which they never did before because there they just had regular horns that are worthless even to them. And heck, they even came up with completely new ones like the Horrorblins or the Bossblins which only appeared in Hyrule Warriors before, or even brought classic ones back like the Like-Like or the Gibdos.
@burra007 3 күн бұрын
Boss Bokoblins aren’t necessarily Big Blins. Also, Big Blins aren’t Hyrule Warriors exclusives, they’ve actually debuted in Spirit Tracks
@JeromyBranch 5 күн бұрын
The bessing shrines in both are a slap in the face to everyone playing the games. Lazy coders, lazy producers, lazy lazy. But I agree the shrines in botw are better. However, there is no place in totk where you are forced to use a specific ability besides maybe a couple of the ability shrines. Teh Cactus Plant solved all of them without if I remember correctly. Anyway, I'd like to bless the lazy Nintendo turds right between their legs. Why create a fun puzzle when we can just DO NOTHING.
@Hilipinapixili 6 күн бұрын
Enemy variety is technically better in TotK. However, this comes with fine print. First off, the amount of new enemies added is not that big and the improvement is kinda negligible. But the real problem is that due to the whole monster material fusion mechanic, the player is much more pushed towards combat with the enemies, and this makes the lack of enemy variety actually EVEN MORE NOTICEABLE in TotK than it already was in BotW despite it having been improved. Also, as a tangent, in my opinion the heavier focus on combat has also made the weapon durability system even more of a pain in the ass than it already was in BotW. Players avoiding combat to conserve durability in BotW was indeed a symptom of problematic game design, but they did this not because combat was hard or boring, but because weapon durability was obnoxious. This still hasn't changed, the problem is still there, if anything they've made it harder to ignore.
@zekrom34 3 күн бұрын
Completely disagree. 1) TOTK has an insanely high combat variety then BOTW, so you can always make your own fun 2) Fuse progressively removes the problem of weapon durability because stronger (and rich) you become, easier you will replace weapons.
@k1ngkaos252 2 күн бұрын
You're wrong about everything you said lmao
@TayRich93 2 күн бұрын
​@@zekrom34 ikr
@Hilipinapixili 2 күн бұрын
@@zekrom34 I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree then. It's cool if you find the changes in TotK satisfying to you. I wish they were for me, so in a way I envy you. I could also have gone into the problems with the actual combat system of BotW/TotK as well and how that too despite being pretty much the same is felt more in TotK because of the heavier focus on it, but I was only referring to the issue of enemy variety in my post. Also, the weapon durability system has A TON of problems, not just the issue of having to replace the weapons (which is not that big of a deal in either game IMO). Chief amongst them being that it was put in place in order to turn finding new weapons into a reward for exploration, yet what it actually does is making it so finding those weapons feels underwhelming and mundane, so the system kinda self-sabotages its own purpose. Then again this in particular is one of the issues I DON'T think was made worse in TotK, as it's pretty much equivalent. It's just disappointing that they ignored it. The stone octoroks were nice though, I'll give TotK that.
@UltimateVideos12376 6 күн бұрын
I agree on the most part but imo the combat in totk is MUCH better. Instead of avoiding combat to save durability you want to fight in totk for new horns to fuse onto you weapons. Also a lot more life has been breathed into the enemies with new attacks
@ThatGoober 6 күн бұрын
Pretty cool :>>
@PoliteTia 7 күн бұрын
You are not alone in your assessments
@chrisd6287 7 күн бұрын
December 😂
@Stiffmeister_ 7 күн бұрын
Here’s one thing the only thing the best thing botw has totk don’t … WOLF LINK 🥲
@bluezaton 7 күн бұрын
Guardians were missed by me, I was hoping for more variety or upgraded ones and instead for none, not even a cameo boss fight
@scorpling22 Күн бұрын
Me too. Tbh I thought it'd be in the coliseum under the korok forest. When the Yiga gave their little intro about how I'd never see the light of day again, I thought it'd be the last working guardian that they had somehow gotten their hands on. But no. Just a hinox, and not even a stal one at that.
@howabtjoe8 7 күн бұрын
They said in an interview they wanted to exhaust this version of hyrule to its limits. I think they did that and I’m exhausted 😂 I’m ready for the next game to be completely different with a new vibe
@prettyoriginalnameprettyor7506 7 күн бұрын
Tokt is a terrible sequel
@AndyWitmyer 8 сағат бұрын
@WimplePlays 7 күн бұрын
Bro they’re similar cos it’s a sequel
@chrisrey0018 7 күн бұрын
Terrible sequel
@WimplePlays 7 күн бұрын
@@chrisrey0018not rlly I may be biased cos it’s my first Zelda game but I think it was rlly good
@WimplePlays 7 күн бұрын
Never played botw tho
@jinyboi 6 күн бұрын
That's the thing tho. Totk is an excellent standalone title but a terrible sequel (not really a sequel since it's full of retcon)
@chrisrey0018 6 күн бұрын
@@WimplePlays oh that’s why, LUCKY
@Killtrobal 7 күн бұрын
Weapon breaking was better in BOTW... Tears just added more steps making it even more tedious-
@XanderVJ 7 күн бұрын
BotW makes TotK look like a tech demo. No, I didn't write it in the wrong order.
@Imagetbricked 7 күн бұрын
Yes you did😂😂😂😂
@RevaliHeeHo 2 күн бұрын
BotW feels like a more cohesive and complete experience, TotK is more like a lot of random stuff that was put together.