@Xingtian2023 8 күн бұрын
how is london is not a part of uk
@Stonewall89 12 күн бұрын
Central banking was created by some of the most evil people in the world. Specifically created out of GREED by the ancient J’&!s in order to control everyone’s finances and make them insanely rich at the same time. The amount of corruption by those high (evil) individuals in insanity. Publici used to exist in Ancient Rome when very wealthy men would auction of countries, tribes, and areas of land for a set price which the wealthy person then owns everything and controls everything that tribe/country earns as in income. This Publici has not ended and was just the wealthiest guys that bought America for a fixed price and then it made so much money that they were able to buy it again and again and again. Jesus will condemn you for what you have done. They also know Jesus is the messiah and is God. This is exactly why Roman Catholicism is completely institutionalized in order to make religion a money grab, and all their insane rules and taxes. Blasphemy, Greed, deception, they all commit the worst of sins, yea they kill people. They killed JFK the president specifically because he was going to interrupt the federal reserve and central banking system. So the psychotic people staged an “assasination” on JFK. No it was the secret owners of fed reserve and central banking that ordered the kill on JFK. Wake up world. If they think they will trick Jesus and att one for these kind of sins before your death then you are mistaken. You will have to learn and go through the trials that amount to the evils you have committed. Especially since you commit those sins against billions of people, man it would suck to be up against judgement in all of your positions. Just wait, you cant fool us and soon the popularity of the truth will explode as it has been. Two main religions in the world only 1 is correct. Jesus shows us the way. The other major one is actually satan himself who says in the ende he will come down and Slaughter everyone who doesn’t believe in him. He will slaughter Jesus, he will turn humans to his slaves and you will have to obey. Hmmmm which one sounds like Satan to you???? Hmmm really hard decision guys. Freemasons, Illuminatic whatever you idiots wants to call yourselves, the ones who think they have secret knowledge (which is just deception and the ability to lie and control- a joke) in reality the secret knowledge is that you are all slaves to your masters hahahaha and they have no secret knowledge to tell you. You are not a god and you are no parts divine. You think you rule stuff through lies and deception hahah that is pure evil guys. Your all slaves with money hahaha. All your secrets and evils are known and exposed. The war in the east is all a joke so the US can go in there and clean up making sure no treasures are found, that’s what they’ve always done in other countries. Same as on our own ground in America, all regulations are to prevent people from trespassing and searching or excavating things that actually matter. All you guys are a joke and your entire false religion hahah manly p y’all didn’t know squat none of them do besides lying to each and everyone of you every step of the way. More degrees you raise up the farther you descend into hell. You are not the light and you are not the truth. You will fall and end just like a civilization. Jesus is God, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
@Stonewall89 12 күн бұрын
Central banking was created by some of the most evil people in the world. Specifically created out of GREED by the ancient J’&!s in order to control everyone’s finances and make them insanely rich at the same time. The amount of corruption by those high (evil) individuals in insanity. Publici used to exist in Ancient Rome when very wealthy men would auction of countries, tribes, and areas of land for a set price which the wealthy person then owns everything and controls everything that tribe/country earns as in income. This Publici has not ended and was just the wealthiest guys that bought America for a fixed price and then it made so much money that they were able to buy it again and again and again. Jesus will condemn you for what you have done. They also know Jesus is the messiah and is God. This is exactly why Roman Catholicism is completely institutionalized in order to make religion a money grab, and all their insane rules and taxes. Blasphemy, Greed, deception, they all commit the worst of sins, yea they kill people. They killed JFK the president specifically because he was going to interrupt the federal reserve and central banking system. So the psychotic people staged an “assasination” on JFK. No it was the secret owners of fed reserve and central banking that ordered the kill on JFK. Wake up world. If they think they will trick Jesus and att one for these kind of sins before your death then you are mistaken. You will have to learn and go through the trials that amount to the evils you have committed. Especially since you commit those sins against billions of people, man it would suck to be up against judgement in all of your positions. Just wait, you cant fool us and soon the popularity of the truth will explode as it has been. Two main religions in the world only 1 is correct. Jesus shows us the way. The other major one is actually satan himself who says in the ende he will come down and Slaughter everyone who doesn’t believe in him. He will slaughter Jesus, he will turn humans to his slaves and you will have to obey. Hmmmm which one sounds like Satan to you???? Hmmm really hard decision guys. Freemasons, Illuminatic whatever you idiots wants to call yourselves, the ones who think they have secret knowledge (which is just deception and the ability to lie and control- a joke) in reality the secret knowledge is that you are all slaves to your masters hahahaha and they have no secret knowledge to tell you. You are not a god and you are no parts divine. You think you rule stuff through lies and deception hahah that is pure evil guys. Your all slaves with money hahaha. All your secrets and evils are known and exposed. The war in the east is all a joke so the US can go in there and clean up making sure no treasures are found, that’s what they’ve always done in other countries. Same as on our own ground in America, all regulations are to prevent people from trespassing and searching or excavating things that actually matter. All you guys are a joke and your entire false religion hahah manly p y’all didn’t know squat none of them do besides lying to each and everyone of you every step of the way. More degrees you raise up the farther you descend into hell. You are not the light and you are not the truth. You will fall and end just like a civilization. Jesus is God, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
@WESTERNLUKA1 13 күн бұрын
Loll more i study about mone more i relaize im surrounded by npcs 💀💀
@mauriziogandolfo9676 14 күн бұрын
Personaggio unico❤ immenso
@Aristosek 14 күн бұрын
One quote from wiki/Fractional-reserve_banking: 'Adair Turner, former chief financial regulator of the United Kingdom, stated that banks "create credit and money EX NIHILO - extending a loan to the borrower and simultaneously crediting the borrower's money account". Btw: an ordinary person goes to jail for the same thing.
@nobheadize 22 күн бұрын
@tomcriscenzo7333 26 күн бұрын
5:47 seconds is the time stamp for what banks do
@user-qp5pb5hi9q 29 күн бұрын
[Honest question] How much of it is applicable and true, as of today?
@taryn2736 27 күн бұрын
It is 100% true and applicable. Look into, as Werner says, the City of London being a separate jurisdiction.
@Innomen Ай бұрын
So money creation needs to be proportional to collective demand for exchange, not individual demand for money. Money is lubricant, not fuel. The proportionality is measured by buying power and denomination having broad coherence. I.E. Prices reflecting denomination and overall numbers being in the realm of the human ability to picture, so you don't need 4 trillion, or (4 trillionths of a) credits to buy an apple. Good luck getting the "government" (each of which are owned by banks) to enforce that.
@jsc3417 Ай бұрын
Remember, in 2009, Bruno (Sacha Baron Cohen) did a dirty prank on Ron Paul in one of the Bruno show. Now looking back at how this unfolds, it became clear Cohen is part of Israli's psyop.
@serrena18ica Ай бұрын
power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
@michelebecciu9698 Ай бұрын
Il governo Berlusconi è caduto per molto, molto meno … Insetti come fubini sono da soffocare nellammerda.
@CaliToTheCrowd Ай бұрын
This is brilliant.
@sharoneicher7895 2 ай бұрын
I am a new fan of Werner!
@Enlevar 2 ай бұрын
Silvio Gessell/Proudhon Bank for comunity!
@jardona 2 ай бұрын
"Brilliantly explained." I couldn't agree more.
@nicklm99 2 ай бұрын
The City of London's military unit - the H.A.C. swears an oath of allegiance to the UK Monarch and their family; which is weird because the City of London is not part of the UK.
@deflorenca8 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant guy. Huge fan.
@mandalorianjedi2288 2 ай бұрын
The guy on the right. His uncomfortable body language is very telling. 😂
@AmehaTefera-th6dw 2 ай бұрын
Have you ever seen Aircabs banking system which can have a lot answare for prof. Concens.
@jonlaban4272 2 ай бұрын
"It's not value added its value extracted "
@JLDJR 2 ай бұрын
Ignorantly people still do not understand the world we live in and what his role is on the world stage. He is allowed to play his part in the show by revealing truth. It's called "revelation of method". Like many other people. His son, Tucker Carlson and so many more. They tell you the truth, but they do not give you any solutions. And in Tucker Carlson's case he giggles the whole time. The system has to tell us the truth. And when we refuse to believe it, or do nothing, that literally releases the system of all karma debt. Basically, allowing it to happen using our own free will. Because many of us did not have eyes to see or ears to hear, did not believe him or did nothing. But "revelation of method" it's not always 100% truth. They are allowed to mix in deception and promote the agenda directly or indirectly while doing.
@JLDJR 2 ай бұрын
So Israel created its own enemy? And of course they went "rogue" and then America push for the Palestinian to be able to vote them into power -democratically? Oh, how convenient for Israel. Create your own enemy fund your own enemy, weaponize your own enemy and blame it on the people you hate!! Keeping the Palestine and Israelis in constant division, fear, anger, hatred, confusion, etc. And of course, keeping Israel/the Jewish people, the perpetual victim/race card to use as a tool against the entire world. Nothing new under the sun. These tactics go back hundreds if not, thousands of years.
@andrewmcmahon9232 2 ай бұрын
Why do I need to get paid into a bank? When I first started working I got paid in a wage packet an envelope with money in with tax deducted. Then I choose to either spend it as I wanted or keep it where I wanted. The only reason for a bank is safe keeping. Since technology changed we are now reliant on banks because there is no other way of being paid. I don’t trust banks and I don’t trust governments.
@johnwilsonwsws 2 ай бұрын
It is an interesting discussion and the clarity on the fiction of "deposits" and "loans" in the banking system is welcome. Also welcome is his rejection of any notion that finance capital creates value. Only the production of goods and services does that. He doesn't say it but implicitly he seems to agree that money does NOT beget MORE money and labour is the only source of value. - What is Professor Werner's assessment as to why finance capital became so dominant? - Why do other sections of productive capital put up with it? - Is it really possible for the capitalist state to control finance capital? Didn't the Bretton Woods system try this, and fail? I hope he addresses these questions elsewhere. The full answer to these are likely to be in a direction Professor Werner does not wish to follow. I was half expecting him to quote Lenin. "... It is characteristic of capitalism in general that the ownership of capital is separated from the application of capital to production, that money capital is separated from industrial or productive capital, and that the rentier who lives entirely on income obtained from money capital, is separated from the entrepreneur and from all who are directly concerned in the management of capital. Imperialism, or the domination of finance capital, is that highest stage of capitalism in which this separation reaches vast proportions. The supremacy of finance capital over all other forms of capital means the predominance of the rentier and of the financial oligarchy; it means that a small number of financially “powerful” states stand out among all the rest. The extent to which this process is going on may be judged from the statistics on emissions, i.e., the issue of all kinds of securities. ... " Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism A POPULAR OUTLINE III. FINANCE CAPITAL AND THE FINANCIAL OLIGARCHY (available in full online for free)
@christinemassey7127 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this!
@citizen1163 2 ай бұрын
Quantitative Easing, what Germany did that led to the rise of Hitler & ww2!
@patrickduffy2744 2 ай бұрын
End of shore accounts through the City of London as its total gan
@ibrahimkallaysheriff1608 2 ай бұрын
I’m lucky enough to be here today to watch from Sierra Leone 🇸🇱. So educative 😢
@stanleynnaemekaorajiaka8109 Ай бұрын
Africans are just so far behind on finance. True
@stevenmarcato 3 ай бұрын
Cossiga la toccava piano 😅
@got2bharmony 3 ай бұрын
How ironic this was broadcast by an organisation banned by the UK government. Who's fooling who?
@mrantipatia1872 3 ай бұрын
European State's greatest enemy providing the EU with a solution able to solve our problems... fantastic
@doodlegassum6959 3 ай бұрын
Well worth watching twice
@MrRenix1990 3 ай бұрын
Cossiga non si lavava, porco gelli quanto puzzava
@Cafe3ke1234 3 ай бұрын
This is so fucking good and profound.
@coperezroman 3 ай бұрын
Someone please elaborate and provide detail with respect to his answer to the question "Has the UK have a finance curse?" (14:50) because he says "Is this a trick question? Because the UK doesn't have finance. The City of London has and it's not part of the UK."
@AnnaStoller 3 ай бұрын
I Tell you how. The people who have the Money dont know how it Works because they are dumb ans get it handed to them
@star-ed7fj 3 ай бұрын
German man teaching English man how to ran the country 😂, Thanks for tea teaching us
@thecaptain8773 4 ай бұрын
Physical gold and silver bullion coins and bars are the only off ramp from this Global Debt Ponzi, which is what GDP actually stands for.
@RichardKing-sx6xc 2 ай бұрын
@tardifvirginie5261 4 ай бұрын
"I suggest to you Michael that you go away and read a beat more" Bonne solution !!! Toujours écouter les contradicteurs et faire une recherche documentaire, une vraie recherche documentaire avec des références bien sourcées sur ce que le contradicteur affirme. La compréhension des sources des problème ne se fait pas du jour au lendemain
@dakotadak100 4 ай бұрын
She is confusing currency for real goods and services. When the government collects 90 but spends 100, it merely collects the other ten using inflation by printing extra currency.
@healingescape3319 4 ай бұрын
Count 5.47-8.31 basically means the banks have been legally not lawfully scamming the people for decades and decades
@lwandilesimoni2153 4 ай бұрын
Where is the full video?
@chshahzadali 5 ай бұрын
It all started @14:35 😮
@oes5060 5 ай бұрын
@frankisawesomee 5 ай бұрын
So who profits from all our money and what is the purpose of them profiting while choking society to poverty?
@MrRsmit113 5 ай бұрын
richard really exposes the Zi0nist playbook and how they destroy people with usury
@OddWoz 5 ай бұрын
Ron Paul is who first lit my revolutionary fire in 2004.
@HK00088 2 ай бұрын
Me in 2008 ☝🏽
@2salukimum 5 ай бұрын
In the light of what we know is happening now, Jan 2024, this sounds so en point.... Great interview. The banks are coming down, not before time. Debt based finance. is corrupt. I'd love to hear his update now. Gold backed system incoming will bring the corruption down. Blockchain finance. BRICS is the right starting point. Real trading power. The dark system started when the Titanic (Olympic) went down. Followed by Kennedy assassination, and then 9/11. What did happen to the $2trillion missing that Rumsfeld announced on 9/10?.....