SOUL POWER - The 5 Noble Truths
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3 жыл бұрын
@Mike-fx6fk 9 сағат бұрын
Interesting but I'm skeptical due to the fact that I'm ignorant and going off instinct alone. Anything that is either poisonous or prickly such as this plant means, stay away! Usually. Another tell is something that tastes bitter also equals bad, hence why it tastes bitter to us. Brightly colored frogs advertise, STAY AWAY! IM POSINOUS AF! Just like modern females with blue green hair. 🤔
@YaBonks 8 күн бұрын
@YaBonks 13 күн бұрын
Amazing work! 🙏💚
@YaBonks 13 күн бұрын
Incredible! 👏👏👏
@TheLukeblack83 20 күн бұрын
4000 quarter pounders
@andrewvassallo8489 20 күн бұрын
Thank you
@Allan-zx3yy 2 ай бұрын
I use goats milk products. Easier to digest and taste nicer. Besides. If krishna is protector of cows .how come most r mistreated and killed? If he can do anything. Then surely he can protect cows. I'm a devotee. But just wonder bout this. Haribol.
@user-mu8ns1gv2x 3 ай бұрын
In the name of Allah( Holy only one Deity )of merciful. Allah's peace, guidance, protection and grace be upon the holy believers. The Holy Quran( Thing should read )completely cures all illnesses of mind and body. Lord, please heal our illness. The Lord is the healer, and no healing can remove sickness except the Lord's healing. Holy medical is true medical. And it boosts immunity and maximizes healing power. And it also contributes to preventive medicine. Worship, pray, fasting, patience, clean, sleep, how to eat and drink, natural pure salt, honey, fruits and vegetables etc, there are more than 100. Good salt water, honey, etc are a panacea for cancer, leukemia, diabetes, nausea, toothache, and many other illnesses, and are good to apply directly to wounds, eye, skin diseases, etc. Pork, liquor, tobacco, narcotic, prostitution, homosexuality, random sex, interest rate, gambling etc, haram( Things forbidden by Allah )are source of sick. Salt is the food leader. Allah sent down four blessings from the sky: fire, water, iron, and salt. Fish die in a few hours in chemical refined salt water with the same concentration as seawater. But fish are fine in natural salt and water. If Allah wants. Seawater and blood have similar components, and natural salt is the best raw material for blood and can heal various diseases. About 120 years ago, French doctor René Canton noticed that seawater had very similar composition to human blood. He devised a treatment method using saline solution for drinking and intravenous administration, and became a pioneer in the use of saline solution in medical practice. Believing that seawater can cure all illnesses, he is said to have saved more than 500,000 people by injecting and prescribing seawater diluted with pure water to patients instead of blood transfusions. High blood pressure is a sign of health, not a disease. Especially when we are at high blood pressure during sports, etc, we detoxify, supply nutrients and oxygen, and become healed and healthy. Satan army spread a variety of lies, poison drugs, and medical fraud to lower blood pressure, make you sick, control, and kill. Most of their chemical fraud drugs are made from petroleum and alcohol (narcotics, stimulants). We should faith in the Holy Lord, warm the intestines, eat good food, reject bad food, exercise, circulate blood, purify, detoxify, and strengthen immunity. When it is hot, cool it down and balance it. [ Body temperature law ] 40.0℃ Most cancer cells die 39.6℃ Breast cancer cell die 38.0℃ Immunity becomes stronger, white blood cells fight disease 37.5℃ Strong against bacteria and viruses 37.0℃ Enzymes in the body are activated 36.5℃ Healthy body. Immunity is vigorous. 36.0℃ Increase heat production by trembling 35.5℃ Autonomic imbalance. Allergic symptoms appear. 35.0℃ Temperature at which cancer cells increase 34.0℃ After rescuing a person drowning in water, body temperature is at the limit of life recovery. 「Citric acid(of orange, lemon, pineapple, tomato, etc)is no good. If citric acid spreads to the world, doctors and hospital and chemist also go out of business. Naturally citric acid is the best. But it's cheap and doesn't become a business. It’s no way because you don’t need a doctor.」 Takemi Tarou of World Medical Association president, Japan Medical Association president. 「Patients, throw away your chemical pharmaceutical.」「Chemical pharmaceutical is poison. 」 Kodama Takashi of President of the Japan Pharmaceutical Association confesses his determination There isn't new corona virus. No one in the world can scientifically prove the existence of new corona virus. Psychotropic drug and painkiller etc of hospital in Japan and USA etc are same to stimulants and narcotics drugs. Indeed those and liquor etc are source of most heinous crime and suicide etc. These are trap of population cut and control by scam medical of satan group. And some their scam chemical drugs(All vaccines too)and medical(PCR test, Blood transfusion, marrow transplant, three major scam medical of cancer(Surgery, anti-cancer drugs, radiation.)etc.)to us are trap and deadly poison. Evidence of modern scam medical's scam doctor's fraud, crime, murder, etc is that they hide the instruction manual for the chemical drugs they prescribe from their patients. Most chemical pharmaceutical have dangerous phytotoxicity, and each drug has an instruction manual that tells the truth about its side effects. They hide them to people. There is no deity except Allah( Holy Deity ), Muhammad is Messenger of Allah. Holy Quran of Islam( Peace. Pure. Honest. Obedience. Obedience to Allah. )is positive proof of Gospel etc. Allah's peace and mercy and bless be upon Muhammad of last Prophet. Islamic countries should become a single holy community. Please come about worship and success. It has been reported that Hamas etc are frauds created by Zionist.
@user-mu8ns1gv2x 3 ай бұрын
慈悲あまねく慈愛深きアッラー(聖なる唯一の全知全能の主なる神)の御名により。 主の平安、導き、守護、恵みが、聖なる人々へありますように。 主よ、私達の病を癒(いや)して下さい。主が癒す御方で、主の癒し以外、どんな癒しも病を除けません。 聖なる医学は、人間の持つ治癒力、免疫力を最大限、高め、予防医学にも貢献します。 礼拝、祈り、断食、忍耐、清潔、睡眠、休養、天然塩、ハチミツ、青果等、100以上あります。 しかし、酒、タバコ、麻薬、豚肉、売春、ホモ、乱性交、利子、ギャンブル等は、病の源です。 はちみつ等は心身の万病の治療薬です。 ○ ○ ◯ 塩は食べ物の主人です。聖なる主は空から4つの祝福、火、水、鉄、塩を下しました。 輸血、血液透析、骨髄移植等は不要です。海水と血液成分は同様で、良い天然塩と水は血液の最良の原料で、蜂蜜共々、がん、白血病、糖尿病、風邪、吐き気、歯痛等、様々な病の特効薬で、傷、眼、皮ふ病には直接ぬります。 ◯ ○ ◯ ○ ◯ 高血圧は健康の証です。聖なる主を信仰し、体、腸を温め、良い物を摂り、悪い物を拒否し、運動し、血液を循環、浄血、解毒、栄養と酸素を供給し、免疫力を上げ、生活習慣を改善すれば癌や様々な病が治ります。 40℃で、ほとんどのがん細胞は死滅します。暑過ぎる時は冷やし、バランスをとります。ほとんどの化学医薬剤は石油、酒、麻薬、覚醒剤等が原料の毒、罠です。 ○ ○ ○ ○ 新型コロナウィルス等は存在証明が無いです ○ ○ 癌詐欺医猟等 ◯ ○ 慈悲あまねく慈愛深きアッラー(アラビア語で聖なる神)の御名により。平安がありますように。 ラー イラーハ イッラッラー、 ムハンマドゥッラスールッラー アッラー(聖なる唯一の全知全能の神)のほかに神は無く、ムハンマド(ほめるべき者)様は、アッラーの御使いです。 サッラッラーフ アライヒ ワサッラム 彼に平安と祝福がありますように。 以前の聖書(律法。福音。)の確証、イスラーム(平安。純潔。実直。従順。アッラーへの帰依(きえ)。)の聖なるクルアーン(コーラン。読唱すべき物。)は全人類への訓戒です。 良いイスラーム諸国は、一つの聖なる共同体となるべきです。礼拝と成功に来て下さい。 聖クルアーンは心身の万病を完治します。 ○ ○ マスジド(礼拝堂) サラート(礼拝) ハマース、アル・カーイダ、ISIS等の、ほとんどのテロリストはサタン、シオニスト達により作られた詐欺、自作自演だと報告されてます。 ○ ○ ○ ○
@venugopaldasvgd 5 ай бұрын
I have a doubt, when Prabhupada was there till 1977, how the temples ran with commercial milk where cow slaughtering was there that times also? One thing is sure that not all temples had goshala and definitely they used commercial milk and even that time also cow slaughtering was widely there?
@das_das108 6 ай бұрын
@basantsahoo.79 6 ай бұрын
Hare Krishna 🙏
@cosmoguarriellojr7822 8 ай бұрын
Can we do food for life in Brooklyn New York?
@ekadad 10 ай бұрын
how did this video hijack my youtube feed
@anandmenon7880 Жыл бұрын
🙏Hare Krishna Hare Rama 🙏
@KristiContemplates 2 жыл бұрын
@fflglobal 2 жыл бұрын
@adrianbernard2409 2 жыл бұрын
God bless
@fflglobal 2 жыл бұрын
The idea is to use the cow dung in your garden by allowing it to break down into soil and the plants will absorb b12. But yes, you can also breathe some b12 in.
@dolandas1284 2 жыл бұрын
Hare Krishna
@dolandas1284 2 жыл бұрын
Hare Krishna
@davidhooper259 2 жыл бұрын
Some cattle you want to eat, some you want to milk. This one you want as a your therapy bull for air travel
@edgarfrangao 2 жыл бұрын
FOOD YOGI CERTIFICATION LEVEL ONE Food Yoga Academy Learn how to use your diet as a tool for connecting to a higher level of consciousness.
@dolandas1284 2 жыл бұрын
Hare Krishna
@dolandas1284 2 жыл бұрын
Hare Krishna
@rhodamarie8859 2 жыл бұрын
There are still a lot of people worldwide that's battling against food hunger! Be involved in such cause just like FFL! Be part of the change! It's nice to see groups online doing stuff like this! - Janet
@janadden8762 2 жыл бұрын
😍♥️ He can't purr
@lekshmyram3729 2 жыл бұрын
Dandavat pranams prabhu. Krishna loves You Prabhu
@MadDefi 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic use cases w multiple charities that everyone can get behind!! Way to go Kindly. Is there a Pre-Sale we can get involved w?
@fflglobal 2 жыл бұрын
Join the telegram to stay up to date,
@veganonthemap 2 жыл бұрын
This is what the world has been waiting for; An economic revolution that will hold big corporations to account; Reward kindness which should be at the heart of every company mission statement; Food and shelter should be basic human rights; Corporate greed should be exposed and challenged. Together we are stong; We can be the change; Bravo !! Super exciting initiative; first of many;
@randifredelia1921 2 жыл бұрын
@arharshalpatwardhan1452 3 жыл бұрын
Great job you ladies
@user-jc9nv6lj9u 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. Some or most of these ISKCON guys are just thieves begging for money with their books and offering Prasad to lure you to donate. Ruthless creeps even rob college students under the name of Govinda food, example: Georgia tech , Atlanta. Coming to the point: I also think a lot of milk is wasted in washing idols and devotional service in addition to dairy products. Can I switch to soy milk or almond milk to avoid this dairy consumption? Please let me know.
@GajendrasinhOO7 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really happy to hear this...🙏🏻🙏🏻hare krishna ❤️🙏🏻
@luisrobertocotohernandez7033 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot for the information.
@luisrobertocotohernandez7033 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful 👍🙏
@missgq 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Juliana how can I get in contact with you?
@fflglobal 3 жыл бұрын
@maamatisanatan4478 3 жыл бұрын
Radhe Radhe ♥️🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
@vikasg989 3 жыл бұрын
Jai Shree Krishna Jai Shree Ram Jai Sanatan Jai Hindurashtra Hindu Sanskriti Amar Bharat
@maureennichols7509 3 жыл бұрын
that's not a bull, it's a steer.
@Handpicked1000 3 жыл бұрын
Krishna is not Indian???
@uditswaroopa5809 3 жыл бұрын
Yes Krishna is not Indian. As he is swami of entire cosmos. Hare Krishna
@tonyhedgewolf 3 жыл бұрын
But... vegans don't use dairy, so why would they have cows at all?
@borisdaanimal9038 3 жыл бұрын
Tax purposes
@endless_n1ght 3 жыл бұрын
oooooh god this is sooo cuuuute u.u
@maamatisanatan4478 3 жыл бұрын
Hari bol
@pravinchoubal4460 3 жыл бұрын
good work
@dj7068 3 жыл бұрын
@wolfofdalalstreet1841 3 жыл бұрын
Hare krishna
@harsha345155 4 жыл бұрын
This is so inspiring! Thank you so much for all the work you and your organisation is doing, and inspiring others like me. Hare Krishna 🙏
@gf.calabretta 4 жыл бұрын ✌🏽☮️
@wolfofdalalstreet1841 4 жыл бұрын
Hare krishna.. Learn more about Hinduism you will be surprised.. 🌹🌹🙏🙏😀😀