Ryvelations Episode 6 Other MMOs
Ryvelations Episode 5 FIGHTERGASM!
Ryvelations Episode 1
3 ай бұрын
@barrywhite1770 Ай бұрын
Epic intro lol man love it. ❤❤
@toas1 Ай бұрын
Great stream - but you did need three words. LOL
@Penumbra-AoC Ай бұрын
Corrupted items will be used as a component during the crafting process, but it's a component that can be one of MANY others. IF you have this material available, you'll be able to use it for its' properties, but if you do not, you'll just use something else instead. It's not like you WON'T be able to craft your item, just that maybe you only get +10 instead of +12, or maybe this material focuses on Str Agil, instead of the normal item which does Str Stam or something. Corrupted materials will most likely just be better versions of what you would normally use.
@toas1 Ай бұрын
Great show as always - please keep them coming. 👋
@toas1 Ай бұрын
Nice shirt - where can we get one ?
@RyveGenesisLivestreamVOD Ай бұрын
Over on my main channel. www.youtube.com/@RyveGenesis/store
@Penumbra-AoC 2 ай бұрын
The best part of the Sky Box is how the position of the stars will coincide with the position of the Dungeon Corridors. Dungeons will literally change as the seasons change. So being able to see the stars will not only allow you to know when to plant and harvest your plants for farming with the seasons, but will let you know which corridors in the dungeon are open, and thus which boss is presently available. Hard to know what the party needs without knowing what you're going to be fighting in the dungeon. The dynamic aspect of Dungeons is VASTLY under rated.
@tonydalimata 2 ай бұрын
Yah , could of gone deeper into the subject matter in the last live stream, wasn't a bad stream, just short. And regarding getting younger players into AoC ..... My kid is going to be farming mats for me , whether he likes it or not , I'm going to be breaking all sorts of child labor laws in game !
@RyveGenesisLivestreamVOD 2 ай бұрын
Hell yeah 😂
@eyawnz 2 ай бұрын
I think having a tavern would be cool for a social aspect.
@RyveGenesisLivestreamVOD 2 ай бұрын
@Penumbra-AoC 2 ай бұрын
Stay Hard !
@RyveGenesisLivestreamVOD 2 ай бұрын
@Penumbra-AoC 2 ай бұрын
it is my understanding that as nodes level up, more freeholds are made available for auction in the node. when you get one, you are free to place your freehold anywhere in that node or its' vassal nodes. like placing the raft caravan from land, it's a thing, you place the layout of the freehold anywhere on the map that it lets you (POI and towns will be building blocked) terrain permitting. The ground will level out in a few spots as needed and create your "X" number of spots where you can build things. For creators you guys need to $.$ attention more :D
@RyveGenesisLivestreamVOD 2 ай бұрын
They have to be placed in an estate within a Barony according to the Freehold stream... Clearly not anywhere except POIs and Towns...
@Penumbra-AoC 2 ай бұрын
ok... so there's predetermined parcels of land in each node. Once you win a Freehold Permit (by auction) you'll be able to lay claim to any available Parcel Of Land anywhere in your node (or its' vassals). After claiming your Parcel of Land you'll be able to place your freehold (with a top down view) anywhere inside that parcel of land as you see fit.
@RyveGenesisLivestreamVOD 2 ай бұрын
Yes... Knew that already. I don't get your point or how you think I need to do more research. Or maybe you missed my point.
@Penumbra-AoC 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I don't think I said you need to do more research O.o I think we both missed the point :D 100% I was wrong the first time though, and I had to do some more research. The last one was just me correcting my stupidity tbh.
@Penumbra-AoC 2 ай бұрын
yeah, nodes and castle sieges don't "Need" to be instanced. They do need to have a limited number of participants. If you're not signed up for the siege, then you're not able to affect the battle in any way. Those participants need to be limited to prevent Zerg'ing, although doc's idea of a server vs a bad guild is good, an Asmongold Zerg would just watch the world burn. We don't need our friend "The Invisible Wall" stopping people from entering the siege, we don't need everyone to be in a parallel dimension fighting while other people are business as usual, crafting in the node while everyone else fights for its life. Walking by a node under siege and stopping to watch for a time would be cool.
@RyveGenesisLivestreamVOD 2 ай бұрын
"If you're not signed up for the siege you're not able to affect the battle in any way" This just isn't true based on what Steven has said in the past.
@tonydalimata 2 ай бұрын
Good point on node vs castle sieges .
@okeydoke7011 11 ай бұрын
Asmon is trolling. He hates almost everything this game is and stands for. He's not a dumb person. He knows full well that the things he proposes like mega servers would not work. And then he proposed a prison system for cheaters and racists. You ban cheaters and racists, not put them in an in game prison. He's 100% trolling, literally just spouting off silly nonsense to belittle the game. His silly propositions are jokes, because he thinks the game is a joke. Those are just examples from this video of his. He's been doing this for some time now.
@RyveGenesisLivestreamVOD 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, it is not a game I think he would ever like. But I also don't think he has ever played a game like it. He never touched Archeage or any similar game.
@klimaluky 11 ай бұрын
Megaservers are bad even with themeparks. They destroy community builded on every single server, there is no connection with others on your server, no one knows you after single instance run. You have no reputation, its just one of reason why moderns MMO and also WoW is so weird single player experience because there is no difference between bot and your companions as you never met them again.
@RyveGenesisLivestreamVOD 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, Megaservers bring more problems than they bring solutions. Agreed.