@linneanelsonvlogs 16 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing all of this. My heart goes out to you with all that you go through 💜 I’ve been looking for a new book to read, if you have any suggestions 🙂
@itsnikkiautumn 16 күн бұрын
I’m always happy to help 😊 I’m not sure what your favourite genre is, but mine is fantasy/dystopian! I really loved fourth wing, it is definitely worth the hype! One of my other favourite series is the iron fey 😊
@linneanelsonvlogs 18 күн бұрын
@kristyhilt7317 19 күн бұрын
I too can not eat much.
@davyzacharias Ай бұрын
such a relaxing vlog to watch!! love the skincare products ;)
@kat5937 Ай бұрын
Was just thinking Nikki has a moustache and beard lol
@WavePaper 2 ай бұрын
@linneanelsonvlogs 3 ай бұрын
I’m glad to hear you have some direction. I appreciate all the updates. I hope you and your GI can make the call about medication/tube feeding soon. I know it’s tough, but I also understand wanting nutrition ❤ Will be looking forward to hearing more and thinking positive thoughts for you.
@linneanelsonvlogs 3 ай бұрын
I love Simple Mills crackers! The chocolate mint are my favorite. Go Lytley is so awful. I could hardly keep it down during my colonoscopy prep. I’m glad they were kind about how much you had to drink! I hope you get the results soon ❤
@itsnikkiautumn 3 ай бұрын
I was very grateful I only had to do 2 cups! And I haven’t tried the chocolate mint, I might have to try those sometime!
@AprilLeighchronicallyme 4 ай бұрын
Really enjoy your videos. You’re such a classic beauty. Hoping you get some answers soon❤
@linneanelsonvlogs 4 ай бұрын
Cute jeans! I have been meaning to buy some jeans. I haven’t owned jeans in years.
@SarahDB94 4 ай бұрын
Love your new haircut. Did your stylist wash and blow out your hair or just cut it dry? xo Sarah
@itsnikkiautumn 4 ай бұрын
Thanks! She just cut it dry and then styled it 😊
@AprilLeighchronicallyme 4 ай бұрын
If you don’t follow Maddison strong you should check her out. She’s 25 and so sweet and does chronic illnesses vlogs ,shopping hauls and book reviews and she’s a sweet Christian too. I did an interview with her where she shares about her conditions she has gastroparesis and pots abscess as well.
@itsnikkiautumn 4 ай бұрын
Thanks, I’ll check her out!
@AprilLeighchronicallyme 4 ай бұрын
Besides you being half my age we have so much in common lol I lead worship for years until my symptoms got worse and my husband plays guitar on the worship team and we love Jesus. My heart goes out to you and I really pray that you get a good medicine and supplement routine that helps you feel better. The lord has literally guided my every step that has helped me improve or get diagnosis correctly. Still praying for healing but until then listening closely to him for how to feel my best while encouraged others.
@itsnikkiautumn 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this encouragement, it was so needed 💕 My husband and I lead worship for our young adult group but that’s all the energy I have to lead, so he plays bass on other worship teams for Sunday mornings. My health has definitely been a journey, and without Jesus I could not manage any of it! I’m very thankful that we have found some answers but I am hoping and praying that the Lord guides us to some kind and knowledgeable doctors soon 😊
@AprilLeighchronicallyme 4 ай бұрын
@@itsnikkiautumn he will! I was basically told I was nuts but I went to 3 of my drs with what the lord said I had and I tested positive for all 3 and they are rare. It’s so mentally difficult sometimes but the fact that I can say sometimes is a miracle in itself.
@itsnikkiautumn 4 ай бұрын
@@AprilLeighchronicallyme this makes me feel less alone, thank you!
@AprilLeighchronicallyme 4 ай бұрын
@@itsnikkiautumn you are welcome. That’s why I started vlogging. It helps me cope while helping others and watching other vloggers as well.
@AprilLeighchronicallyme 4 ай бұрын
You need more subscribers! You are so sweet and sharing helpful Information. I just subscribed ❤
@itsnikkiautumn 4 ай бұрын
Awe! Thanks so much 🥰
@AprilLeighchronicallyme 4 ай бұрын
When I say help I say help narrow down a diagnosis to possible take to your dr. I’ve been living with chronic conditions for over 12 years and I’ve learned so much and had to fight to get answers and better
@HannahEliseMcNabb 5 ай бұрын
I don’t know if this will help you feel a little better or not about all of this, but this video makes me feel so much less alone. I have some GI issues but nothing to your level, most of my symptoms are neurological, cardiological, and other types of symptoms. Tons of pain and fatigue, the pain is pretty much untreated, used to take meds for it but they took me off of those and I had no choice in the matter.. I live in the US, our medical system is total crap as well. I have a neurology appointment on the 2nd and I have an mri showing one brain lesion but I’m so afraid since it’s only one and not more that they’ll say it’s mild and send me on my way, and I had multiple messed up (mildly) valves on my echo but they said it’s no issue because it’s mild, all of my elevated or low labs are mild, not enough for any dr to pay attention to, and I’m 23, I feel like logically a 23 yr old should not have any messed up valves let alone five or six like I do even if they’re mild.. I have hEDS too. I am still fighting for that diagnosis and others but I know for a fact I have it my dad has all the same issues and I’ve ran through the diagnostic criteria on my own and I meet the criteria it’s just a matter of getting to a doctor who knows about hEDS and listens to their patients.. it’s so hard to find doctors who listen and validate what you’re going through.
@itsnikkiautumn 5 ай бұрын
Hi Hannah, I’m so sorry to hear that your struggling too. It’s so hard living with that feeling of “I’m not sick enough” for a doctor to take you seriously, while being too sick to function 😣 I hope you get a good doctor and answers soon!
@linneanelsonvlogs 5 ай бұрын
I love the Christmas decorations! The hip brace looks so intricate. I’m glad it helps. I put starchy vegetables & lots of olive oil in my soups to help with calories. High calorie drinks like hot cocoa & mocktails also help. In addition to pudding and nut butters.
@itsnikkiautumn 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the suggestions! My dietitian has said the same things, I just get tired of eating the same thing all the time, so I need to get better at that! The hip brace has been great! It’s surprisingly low profile so people don’t even notice it under my clothes 😁
@linneanelsonvlogs 6 ай бұрын
I’m sorry your results are taking so long! Nice tips about dealing with disappointment. I totally get what you mean about test results and worry about not getting an answer. I hope your results come soon. I hope they can get your new referral to go through more quickly. Waiting for specialists is so frustrating.
@itsnikkiautumn 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@linneanelsonvlogs 6 ай бұрын
I hope you get your results soon. I’m sorry they cut it short! Thanks for sharing :)
@itsnikkiautumn 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for all of your encouragement! It helps a lot 😊
@savannahp4427 6 ай бұрын
I just want to say thank you foor your discussion about finding a doctor that cares. I recently found a specialist who is more holistic and felt more understood and cared for than the five other traditional specialist doctors over the course of 9 months or so of waiting for referrals and waiting and not having a plan to having a holistic specialist who had a literal diet plan, supplement plan, hair and blood tests ordered, have her personal phone number if I have any questions and that 1 hour appointment. Felt so relieving and just cried because I felt listened to. It's such an important topic so thank you.
@itsnikkiautumn 6 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you’ve found someone who listens and makes you feel cared for! It’s so important, and so sad that finding someone like this in the medical field is so hard. I felt like crying happy tears after this appointment as well!
@kat5937 6 ай бұрын
Just wanted you to know I’m praying for you-it’s auntie Tina ..if you didn’t know lol
@itsnikkiautumn 6 ай бұрын
Thanks 😊
@elisewiebe8044 6 ай бұрын
The onesies are adorable! Oh, and I call it winter decor 😘 I put it up after Nov 11, and leave it up till March 😊 (not the tree and nativities, though). I hope the appointment went well.
@itsnikkiautumn 6 ай бұрын
That’s perfect! I’ll have to find some winter related items I can keep up after Christmas 😊
@Dani-ICU-RN 7 ай бұрын
Snow!? Its 89° kids in pool..lol.😢.trade ya♡
@itsnikkiautumn 7 ай бұрын
Lucky! We consider this year to be a warm fall because we got to see the leaves change before it snowed 😂
@linneanelsonvlogs 8 ай бұрын
I'm glad to hear that you have next steps planned! Glad that the scope went well. I hope you can get some answers from the gastric emptying scan <3.
@itsnikkiautumn 8 ай бұрын
Thanks so much! I hope this leads to some answers as well 😊
@EmilyJane20 8 ай бұрын
I’m sorry you are struggling with your chronic illnesses.I get how hard it is as I have M.E and POTS. You have a beautiful voice.Sending love x
@kat5937 8 ай бұрын
Praying for you
@jillanascharfenberg1698 Жыл бұрын
So glad to hear the answers have come! It's been SUCH a long journey ❤️
@itsnikkiautumn Жыл бұрын
Yes it has! I’m so thankful!
@pistachio6016 Жыл бұрын
Saying that you really like your cardiologist is truly a miracle. I've seen 4 different ones in the same office and they just confuse me. Happy for you.
@itsnikkiautumn Жыл бұрын
Thanks! I’m very thankful to have found a good one, I hope you do too!
@mattfriesen3915 Жыл бұрын
Your husband is a bit of a goof sometimes 😜