Creative Insecurity
4 ай бұрын
Story Logic ≠ Real Logic
4 ай бұрын
@elizabethetienne1595 6 минут бұрын
Love your straight forward explanation with overtones of sarcasm because everything you say is so true. Thank you!
@EgotisticalPear 4 сағат бұрын
6:32 She's doing pretty well 6:32 Her ankles kinda swell 6:32 I'd rather not tell 6:32 Okay 6:32 Okay 6:32 Not so great, but she'll be better 6:32 She's knitting me a sweater 6:32 I don't think that you've even met her 6:32 She's okay. Please stop
@AnnihilatorCZ 5 сағат бұрын
Hey bro, I think you need to work on the ordering of content in your videos. Expecting a climax only to get an ad is really frustrating. I don't mind the ad but please put it somewhere else.
@PaulPrisbrey 6 сағат бұрын
I disagree on your stance about emotional attachment theory (or maybe the story I’m writing sucks) I don’t think people are somewhere on a straight line spectrum between anxious and emotionally distant; I think that these are more like two separate things that you can have different levels of - you can be anxious and emotionally distant (this is easier to grasp if you remember that the line itself was a simplification, you can have two people on the extreme on the same side be completely different - introvert/extrovert - and two on the different extremes that can be more similar.) I honestly thought saying that people on the opposite side of the spectrum attract was a very small thing and I’m surprised you didn’t list many more unhealthy dynamics that can be completely unrelated to emotional attachment theory. For example, I think most people in America don’t date because they love each other or for human connection at all, but for validation, for purpose, for responsibility/approval - “because they’re supposed to,” for treatment - it’s expected that a romantic partner gives unconditionally, and mostly for sex; just because people say they want love or even think they do, it’s clear they don’t because they put it second and expect it to just slow up after their real desires are fulfilled. Fictional character who are in a relationship “just because” are often the only healthy relationship in media because it’s the only instance where they love each other for who they are, just because they can see that the other is a human being worthy of love despite their differences, but even most “just because” relationships are unhealthy do have a reason that’s unhealthy, so the audience can be entertained and can see attractive people make out, those are my most hated characters. I’ve been writing a story all year now with one character, Maroon, who I’d say falls onto both extremes on attachment theory; Maroon isn’t looking to date because of love because he’s never been loved, he doesn’t know what it is so he just looks for the other things. He’s an obnoxious loud attention seeking character, who everyone hates because he’s wired, an extrovert if that word wasn’t too narrow or is too vague to mean anything. However, he meets Micheal (it’s a same sex relationship because gender roles would distract from the actual dynamic) who he actually has an emotional connection with because they have similar “trauma” in common that they don’t share with anyone else, social isolation. They can have a very deep and healthy friendship, but Maroon turns it sexual despite Micheal’s protest, because he thinks only a sexual relationship can have any deep connection and they’re both horny. This shows that Maroon is a anxious attachment - doing everything in his power to force the relationship- and Micheal is a self sufficient character with some avoidant attachment, however Maroon is spontaneously an avoidant attachment because he’s unwilling to be vulnerable, partly out of fear, partly because he doesn’t know a relationship requires work and won’t trust Micheal when told otherwise. And just because Micheal is more self sufficient doesn’t mean he’s a healthier character, nicer person, or even a better partner, he has other flaws unrelated to attachment theory (though most of it is anxious attachment). And attachment theory isn’t what brings them together, they have healthy and unhealthy attachments, but I wouldn’t say attachment theory is one of them, if anything, them being both anxious attachment allows them to relate in their social isolation and if anything appears like a anxious-social attachment it’s likely Maroon consciously trying to make their relationship more like a reality television one. Sorry for the rant, I just really like this story.
@Purple-ur2sc 12 сағат бұрын
When you said that there is no 'bad' or 'good' personality typing systems and only useful or not useful, it finally clicked why people like myself (who are interested in mbti) tend to look down upon enneagram and vice versa. Its because we dont find any use in the other. For me, i dont struggle to find the core motivation or with character arcs. I find it much more difficult to nail different character voices. Mbti, in my eyes, helps me understand how characters make every small decision along the way rather than the bigger ones which i usually attribute to trauma and other things in their past because im obsessed with actual psychology. And different systems are useful to different people so we should all really just figure out which one works for us and move the fuck on
@benevolence8804 14 сағат бұрын
that skill share integration was DIRTY.
@killitwithfire5377 Күн бұрын
I also think the approach depends on what kind of outcome you‘re hoping for. I think a plan is very necessary when you try to tell a plot/world heavy story, that goes on for some time. These ususally have a world that is meant to feel real and have tangible rules. But there‘s also stories like umbrella academy, where the world is just batshit insane. I have no idea what the rules are or of there are any, the characters superpowers are barely explained and there‘s time travel and space aliens. If that is the kind if story you want, I think it can be good to try to organically grow the emotional story you want to tell and then just bend the world to accomodate whatever needs to happen. Probably bad for tight sci fi, very fun for an unhinged family drama comic.
@justyoureverydaycasualship146 Күн бұрын
I’ve had a breakthrough in my ability to actually write recently because I stopped treating my world building from writing the story. Like, I don’t need to make separate documents detailing my world complex magic system. I’m going to need descriptions for all that stuff anyways. So just word vomit what I can, and then I can go back and break down the text and reorganize it so the world building is all in the right place at the right time. The first draft doesn’t have to BE the story. It doesn’t even need to be the story in order. But the world as to exist on a series of pages, and we need to know what is going to happen. And then I can figure out the WAY we want to tell those stories later. But the point of a first draft is that they are told, and that includes everything in your world.
@TK-vf2vy Күн бұрын
Sounds like Saul Goodman lowkey
@ConsecrationChronicles Күн бұрын
@dabicoptergaming1460 Күн бұрын
got an ad for euphoria while watching this 💀
@WhatRblurbs Күн бұрын
Great Video but while this was playing I got the worst cramps of my life and this was playing in the background while I was crawling and writhing on the bathroom floor like it was my death ost
@WhatRblurbs Күн бұрын
So sorry but I think I cursed you to a even lower ring of hell
@ConnorSid-mg3xt Күн бұрын
When introducing a character for the first time do you think it's better to establish the core belief/core urge first or to establish the stated belief first?
@XX-sp3tt Күн бұрын
1:00 We are always uncovering new uses about the universe we didn't know. Magic is therefore just rules we didn't know about yet.
@XX-sp3tt 2 күн бұрын
Adventure Time was both. It was composed of stand alone adventures. But every step of the way the characters and the world changed WITH those stand alone adventure.
@XX-sp3tt 2 күн бұрын
7:28 The list here can be tactfully summed up as, "Have their death MEAN something, not just 'you've served your purpose to the plot' now get out."
@XX-sp3tt 2 күн бұрын
There are plenty of "cool shit" works, where the plot exists just to give a stage for the characters to interact on. Where the purpose of the characters is just to see how they play off one another. If you don't have interesting characters you don't have an interesting story.
@vedantneema 2 күн бұрын
8:36 i hate you so much. unbelievable. that was so good. you just had to take the easy way out and end it with a sponsorship instead of properly finishing the scene You know what I like more than good writing? Good endings. Thanks for the advice. Motivated me to start writing again. Keem with tears starting to form in her eyes "I don't want it to be easy. I want it to be real. Please tell me if it was real" Philip head lowered, halfway between Keem and the doorway, speaks blankly "I don't think about it anymore Keem." "You shouldn't either." "It was nice knowing you." Keem hesitates before closing the door. She doesn't wait for his car to leave. [End]
@MrKINGMF 2 күн бұрын
what a way to put an ad on
@fireaya 2 күн бұрын
I'm a 4 just took the test!!! and ready to take notes hehe thank you for this vid!!!
@kelvingoce7587 2 күн бұрын
can i apply this to tv scripts?
@CtrlFTheBible 2 күн бұрын
I'm working on my second book. I'm about 20k words in, and after stumbling on your video, I've realized... I'm 0 words in (May contain hyperbole). I can do far better. My dialogue can be more engaging. Even if we're on different media, script writing can be valuable in the sense that: I can show, not tell. I can use words to describe the actions, sure, but I can use dialogue to speak between the lines so much more. Good work. Looking forward to learning as much as I can.
@garlic7191 3 күн бұрын
wait a damn minute- he's describing umbrella academy
@elseif5 3 күн бұрын
great video👏
@zachsutton6195 3 күн бұрын
I saw Every Line Counts and immediately thought of Anatomy of a Fall. Every moment was important and every line of dialogue came back in some clever way it was brilliant
@juno5756 3 күн бұрын
the "characters aren't people" rule is so interesting and so relevant both for fandom and for academic literary analysis, and it's one of the first things professors have to get into students' heads when teaching them how to analyse texts! fandom treatment of characters is so fascinating bc they're really treated as /people/ that you can pick up and plop into different stories, but of course every story is discourse constructed into a narrative, so the choices people make when transposing these characters say SO much about what is considered "vital" to the role of the character in the original story!! Sherlock, for example, is easily transposed, because he's an iconic figure: his role is Be Smart and Solve Mysteries. any other details--like his network of street urchins, his addictions, his violin--are flavor text, and can be adapted any way you please. but for characters that /aren't/ iconic, that are concretely thematically bound into the dynamics of the narrative, it often becomes character beats and certain events that are carried over!! for The Untamed, for example (Chinese fantasy drama), you'll rarely find fanfic that /doesn't/ include the protagonists exile from his 'foster' family, or his two disappearances from the world he inhabits. they are how the character thematically inhabits the story, and are thus commonly carried with him!! of course, there is fanfic that basically just slaps character names onto vague outlines of a character and calls it a day... but that also says a lot about how much power lies in a name and the knowledge behind it!! anyway. if anyone actually reads this, I hope it gives some insight into how the characters you write may be received! and how this video is extremely correct in arguing for the importance of theme BEFORE character! the best characters are hardly people at all, no matter how much fandom, after the fact, treats them like they are. but that's their job, not yours!
@t.n.21 3 күн бұрын
Opinion on the Bible as a story?
@debrachambers1304 4 күн бұрын
Any mental illness is still specific to a person. One depressed person might lash out at other, another might become demure.
@debrachambers1304 4 күн бұрын
I feel like a lot of commenters are not understanding what Lucas is saying when they respond with things like "Sometimes I don't want to worry about the real world and just have fun so I like basic archetypes" He's not talking about making things dark or gritty, just making sure characters have specific motivations and emotional issues. I can watch Community as my fun comfort show, but I can also explain the complexities and emotional baggage of the whole main cast.
@ProcessByM 4 күн бұрын
You’re not allowed to mention A:TLA without making a full video essay on it now, I don’t make the rules
@benedixtify 4 күн бұрын
I couldn't hold the camera and have a conversation with it, my arm would get so tired so fast
@aliseotmane6112 4 күн бұрын
hold the fkn phone, was that THE Schnee in your patron roll?! (tho i wont comment his appearance in the actual video cause im nonchalant and cool like that)
@allymadison8112 4 күн бұрын
Bizarre and unrelated to your main line of work, but your ability to create expressive little emojis as someone who advertises yourself as a writer is impressive
@gabea676 4 күн бұрын
This is definitely a very cold take. IMO The best authors are the ones who can write, develop, and create a rounded character. I think because it's too complicated, most people don't do it or do it incorrectly. It's truly a test of writing prowess to write a dynamic, well-rounded character to help your story write itself. Then again, some writers are great at characters. Others are better at scene descriptions or just trying to make a point with their work. The best writers can do multiple of those things at once. Art is subjective.
@sakurinorth8238 4 күн бұрын
8:36 hahahhahaha😂
@peanut3438 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for making these tools! This is awesome. I like how you explained things thoroughly; it really helped me understand how to use this sheet
@peanut3438 4 күн бұрын
Th-the Krabby Patty secret formula..! Thanks for the breakdown, you really helped me understand a major struggle I have in my writing process. Feels like I can see the items I can aim for now when writing
@ZedAmadeus 5 күн бұрын
Boy is such an excellent little film I'm glad it's getting some recognition
@graey8388 6 күн бұрын
what did i just watch bro what the fuck this was crazy
@CommanderFayne 6 күн бұрын
I've been watching your videos for a few hours now, but the hilarious transition to your ad reel while the girl was confused in the background got my subscribe lmao. Keep up the great work dude, you are a fantastic resource
@owo926 6 күн бұрын
I love your videos they are so helpful
@scaevolaludens679 6 күн бұрын
"your life doesn't have cliches and formulas" and that's supposed to be a bad thing?
@BigToody 6 күн бұрын
So what’s our homework?
@johnnykage3903 6 күн бұрын
“I made two short films in college and I’m not gonna link them” Challenge accepted
@inamabilis7423 6 күн бұрын
7:30 This is really important to remember but we usually forget it because we as humans are very social creatures and want validation. It’s your story man, fuck everyone else.
@inamabilis7423 6 күн бұрын
This is the first time I’ve ever laughed at an ad
@dado8467 6 күн бұрын
The fragrance of dark coffee in the background. Perfect.
@spaghet5700 6 күн бұрын
FUCK YES schnee and local scriptman in the same video, im eating GOOD today
@CeliseCritiques 6 күн бұрын
As a comic book fan, I feel like different superhero stories are actually good examples of this. The daredevil season 1 finale just ends with a fighty fight and it’s unsatisfying. But in the season 3 finale he beats up the villain because the villain no longer cares and even then there’s still character choice. The conflict of the season in the question of whether or not Matt Murdock is going to kill the villain and in the end he has the chance to kill the villain but chooses not to and finds another way to stop him. It’s a good example of the two versions of a climatic end in the same show.
@fishbones9396 6 күн бұрын
the skillshare caught me off guard