@FelaKuti8000 19 сағат бұрын
Are you receiving a 1099 from YT, or do they take out the taxes for each round of payments?
@TroubleChute 4 күн бұрын
Do you think this podcast would have more "success" or viewership on Podcastage? How have your experiences been with posting outside of hyper-focused niche (such as reviews only on Podcastage)? (I managed to post this on a much older video somehow so I'm resposting it here)
@Old_SnakeTwitch 11 күн бұрын
I think another thing that determines how much room noise will be picked up is the size of the capsule, bigger capsule will capture more noise? maybe? Also this sE sounds amazing, I feel like I'm there next to you and the room sounds amazing
@Old_SnakeTwitch 12 күн бұрын
sE X1a versus CAD E40
@BrentosTrivia 12 күн бұрын
I absolutely agree. I created trivia based content and have seen a FLOOD of trivia based AI content sweep the search results. They look all the same but are under different accounts, all released at the same time. Those of us who spend days on videos get pushed right down the search results. KZfaq needs to address this.
@HungryForTastyFoodAndComicArt 12 күн бұрын
That Sennheiser has a bit of "bassiness/fuzziness" compared to either of the competitors! Did not expect that against the Shure! Hoo-boy! All I can say is, that although you were testing for "reach" re "received input volume", there *was* a distinct difference regarding what I heard à la the "EQ" (perceived qualities of the mics) depending on the distance, most noticeably between the 6 inch distance and one-foot away where the 416 improved, but at two feet away the 416 was "the winner" for me" re the "texture". This might be nearly as important RE "purpose of use" as much as "volume". Anyway, fab video!
@TumpalManurung 13 күн бұрын
And today i learn something new. Because of your "stupidity".
@no-yj2cf 14 күн бұрын
Keep doing the distance test if you'd like. I just like seeing you gradually get further away
@tefrenatgmail 14 күн бұрын
UHF was pure gold. Thanks for wekkomending!
@jesse.mccune 15 күн бұрын
As a podcast editor, I understand where you're coming from with editing. It's something we all deal with. One thing I often ask myself when editing is, "Will someone stop listening or watching if I leave this in?" Usually, the answer is no. I do commend you, though, because you leave in enough imperfections to let your humanness and personality come through. Many will scrub out so much that there's no personality left. That is always the challenge with editing, and I'm never left thinking I wish Bandrew would've edited out this weird pronunciation and fun he had with it or that this video has none of his personality. This is the mark of a good editor, not a neurotic one.
@hannahshipman 16 күн бұрын
It is totally unfair. I want my YT Premium membership to be shared among those I watch and support. Ridiculous. Hope Rene Ritchie can understand and fix it...
@symbioticvenom 17 күн бұрын
I always thought that the various distances tests you did were to give the on-axis proximity effect characteristics of the mic, which I find valuable. The on/off-axis characteristics of the many many reviews I listened to on mics, I eventually landed on an Earthworks SV33; which hasn't disappointed at all. So thanks for the extra effort in doing the "microphone reach" for all these mics! XD
@andrewsallee6044 17 күн бұрын
Kevin, I thought mike #2 fits your voice best.
@michaelj.4187 17 күн бұрын
Kevin, I liked mic #3...just saying...
@michaelj.4187 17 күн бұрын
did I see a "Heritage" interface on the desk?
@lewko1 17 күн бұрын
Irrespective of what processing you did or didn't do, KZfaq will have further screwed things up.
@Lyvvie 18 күн бұрын
You are not dumb. The distance test is great for folks like me working from home. I have an idea how much house/road/ambient conversation/pet noise may interfere with recordings. Editing is a vague and nebulous black hole to learn and understand. Honestly, not knowing how to edit is the #1 thing holding me back from starting my own YT channel
@radiozelaza 18 күн бұрын
OMG I always thought the REACH was real... why would live sound engineers tell me to put my mouth closer to the dynamic mic when I was doing backing vocals? ;)
@bsp 18 күн бұрын
My guess is that they want your voice to be louder to the mic so they have to amplify it less and reduce the amount of feedback. But I’m not a live sound engineer or anything, so that’s a guess.
@radiozelaza 18 күн бұрын
@@bsp I always thought that if they used condenser cardioid mics in live situations, it would pick up even more background noise and feedback like crazy, that's why dynamic was the obvious choice and that the falloff depending on the proximity of the source was much steeper in dynamics than with condensers...
@bedykev1 18 күн бұрын
I appreciate the test, thanks!
@SoundSpeeds 18 күн бұрын
OK, I didn't comment on this last week but I'm going to now... All of your tests were level matched and on axis therefore the acoustic properties of each mic are maintained as you back off the mic. You know how I'm constantly saying that frequency response graphs can't be trusted because they are measured at 1 meter away as a rule? At that distance most mics have similar impulse response graphs and as you get close, proximity effect comes into play on some mics moreso than others. Level match in the close position and then back off and you are losing the proximity effect but the sound in the real world is the same to each mic at the same distance. Self noise would be one of the biggest factors that could cause a difference in sound picked up. Again, this is ON AXIS. Is the mom yelling at Timmy to get off the computer on axis or off axis? Is she in another room? You might need to add more tests if you want to be really thorough in your testing that idea. Is "reach" a real thing though? It is a name given to a concept for understanding but it's basically a microphone's ability to reject out background noise off axis thus making the on axis sound more easily heard. If you listen again to my test of the Rode NTG8 32 1/2 feet over my head, you'll hear the background noise level very high but you're still able to hear me far better than short shotgun microphones because of the long interference tube pickup. Many times long shotgun mics also have a big time bass boost so they sound more normal and balanced farther away. Reach and rejection are both terms that sometimes people reject.
@fredoverflow 19 күн бұрын
Plot twist: "microphone reach" is real, but the SM7B and MKH416 and U87 just so happen to have the same "reach"...
@zazoomatt 19 күн бұрын
Your a Champion doing this test. You KNOW So Much More than You DID Before ! FAN since 2017
@typicalbooks 19 күн бұрын
Nice! You answered a question before I could even ask it! How psychic. I recently quit Spotify and another certain video streamer and gave in to the KZfaq Pro world (it is so nice to not have ads, like, woah) and was wondering what the share for creators was - if you could see that one little bump of one more viewer using ad-free KZfaq. My true question was have you seen that number grow over the last two years that they have improved and pushed Premium. Guess the answer is no - haha. I can see the KZfaq Premium income in Studio for me and it is very very tiny. Great show! ‘Reach’ was on my mind too when I saw ‘mic zoom’ as an option on my phone. Have a good time on the panel. Hopefully it will be online somewhere afterward.
@srenkrabbe2991 19 күн бұрын
the best thing to be able to is admitting being wrong - and you are doing that just right :-) And I so agree with you on your view on social media :-) Though I am on facebook, but I simply avoid all the bad shit in there, and just hang out with me pals :-)
@rainycajun 19 күн бұрын
Love the “vintage look” of the old podcast that’s only a week old. 😂
19 күн бұрын
32:45 @Kevin I loved 2! 3 is okay but rather bassy, 1 does nothing for me i must say.
@homestudioacademy 19 күн бұрын
Completely agree with social media being combative these days. People should be able to express their opinion without chaos breaking loose…
@LTPottenger 19 күн бұрын
It's technically not true but true in practice since some will thin out much more quickly than others. But a couple feet is probably not going to make this easy to see. Try ribbon from 10 foot compared to dynamic 10 feet away.
@meistudiony 19 күн бұрын
A little support to make up for YT premium jerkin your chain.
@meistudiony 19 күн бұрын
Dude, you're not stupid! STAHP!!! Its a common thing that is easily misconstrued and the idea of mic reach is older than either of us, started by people who were supposed to be more knowledgeable than any of us. We all get caught up with something at some point. This test was pretty cool. The 416 had a little more "direct" sound even at 4' distance. Love it! The distance test with the fun filters is always a good time. There was no misleading anything here, you showed what the mic sounds like from a distance. The reasons, right or wrong, moot point all things considered.
@bsp 19 күн бұрын
I know I’m not really stupid, it’s just self deprecation mixed with being hard on myself to remember that I still have a LOT to learn.
@nickglover 19 күн бұрын
The distance test in this video (not really in the others since it's just one mic at a time) is actually a great demonstration of another common myth, which is that the low sensitivity of the SM7B has anything to do with it being "good for untreated rooms." If that was the case, you'd see those levels drop off more than other mics, but that's just not how sensitivity works. It just has a suitable polar pattern and high frequency roll-off for rejecting off-axis noise, that's it.
@giuliano8031 19 күн бұрын
17:09 100% agree on that, talked about that already on my KZfaq Channel but it's indeed a thing that always was on the internet and just slowly manifests IRL and on X too.
@willcarter7079 19 күн бұрын
Our president is only brain dead because our voting population has brain rot.
@willcarter7079 19 күн бұрын
No cap dawg
@SoundSpeeds 19 күн бұрын
You mentioned that you dont want to go on X, Facebook, TikTok, etc... but you didnt mention Only Fans. Does that mean we can find you there?
@bsp 19 күн бұрын
I plead the 5th…also, god no.
@Alexandra-Rex 19 күн бұрын
Very cool that you're going to be on that roundtable thing! Good job! 🥳
@bobbob123ful 19 күн бұрын
I was going to applaud you last week on remaining quite apolitical for the last several months, but once again, it's back.
@bsp 19 күн бұрын
What can I say? 🤣
@SoundSpeeds 19 күн бұрын
Making fun of Presidents is an American past time. At least since the colonies were formed and the king was made fun of.
@enriquekahn9405 19 күн бұрын
ABSOLUTELY DO NOT STOP WITH THE DISTANCE TEST. Look I get the inverse square law and all that but a demo of how a mic works at different distances is still super useful for people who are looking at mics they might want to have off-frame or otherwise not right up in their face. On a related note I suspect off-axis behavior and frequency response are going to have a strong influence on the *subjective* quality of a mic at different distances (call it "reach" or whatever, I'm not hung up on semantics) even though *objectively* they are all equally subject to the inverse-square law. My working theory (and I know this is verging on fringe maybe) is that off-axis distortion is going to become more and more important the further you get away from a mic due to more of that distorted reverb getting into your audio file.
@Alexandra-Rex 19 күн бұрын
I'm not sure about the wrongness of the Premium revenue sharing, cause Premium is payed to pay for watching instead of watching ads to pay for watching. Does that make sense to anyone else?
@bsp 19 күн бұрын
I understand that stance, but I still think creators who are in YPP but choose not to have watch page ads enabled should get a share of the premium revenue. If youtubers make content that premium members watch and their channels are monetizable, I think they should get it. Because even videos that have the yellow icon earn premium revenue. EDIT: This isn’t about the money really, I’m sure I’ve lost only a few bucks over the last 10 months. I just think that’s the way it should function.
@Alexandra-Rex 19 күн бұрын
The evolution of _"You have been listening to it"_ to now just _"some light sound"_ is fun.
@luciusblackmail8129 19 күн бұрын
Being wrong is one thing but correcting it is a clear sign of not being stupid. And today I learned something new. Thanks Bandrew.
@GoTellJesusSaves 20 күн бұрын
As most of us can tell by how many views the videos get, I think the editing is working and appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to make good quality videos! And thanks for sharing with us creators your process.
@bsp 19 күн бұрын
That means a lot, thank you so much.
@IcecalGamer 20 күн бұрын
Nooo! Don't stop testing "reach" Bandrew ! The 4ft away gag is Gold (in YT terms, it works for viewer retention). Plus, being done early in the video, on GREAT gear (interface and aux) And by someone credible, shows the normies (Jayz2Cents) that no matter how much dosh you throw at a problem the SM7b-likes do NOT work as boom mics.
@ThatLazyyGuy 20 күн бұрын
My life is a lie after seeing the microphone reach test/demonstration Edit: Idk the distance test is fun. Where else will I get to see Bandrew in dumb video filters. I need that fix in the review somewhere
@bsp 19 күн бұрын
Yeah. I had completely misinterpreted what people meant when they discussed a microphone’s “reach”.
@dinixo 20 күн бұрын
Are you going to do a full review on the sE x1 A? If im not mistaken you only have a review on the sE X1, which is discontinued. I got this mic a few weeks ago and im in love with it.
@bsp 19 күн бұрын
Yup. going to review it in the next month or so.
@krazywabbit 20 күн бұрын
April 1, 2025. The four foot away podcast. For the entire episode.
@bsp 19 күн бұрын
I was pretty surprised by the 416 at 4 feet away compared to the others. It’s still GARBAGE because I’m in a spare bedroom, but was way better. So maybe to make everyone suffer, I’ll do that.
@fluphybunny930 20 күн бұрын
Amendment: Your current and future President is braindead.
@senpos 20 күн бұрын
I wish you had tested an actual “Jimmy, enough playing your computer, clean your room!” yell from the other room! We need real scenarios to be tested! jk, this was interesting!
@KevinHollingworth 20 күн бұрын
Thanks for answering my “Ask Bandrew” question.
@bsp 19 күн бұрын
Thank you for sending it in. Really enjoyed hearing the different mics and choosing the one I enjoyed.
@floor.mp3 20 күн бұрын
I've watched like most of your videos and I always love the distance test, I don't care if its cold hard objective facts or not but i find ive found it helpful and entertaining
@Boojakascha 20 күн бұрын
I wonder how KZfaq Premium revenue is handeled when it comes to Israelian viewers. They have ads still on Premium, just fewer. My gut feeling is that Google ignorantly still keeps the money whole. On Android 9 I get ads too some times btw albeit Premium. There it more seems like a bug/bad code.