@matai2437 Күн бұрын
She was a friend not a girlfriend a young girl stressed what do you do cut your losses and back to work give my haters something to tslk about i csnt communicate in Australia they treat me like a criminal by most of them doesn't happen in the hood or country only around the superior race
@matai2437 Күн бұрын
I went through a car windscreen one day she was screaming i said dont worry about it i can always get a new car we are alive cut your losses and dont cry about it
@user-nb4ex5zk3w Күн бұрын
Peterson trying to dumb down to Rogan level.
@wstavis3135 Күн бұрын
This sounds like a movie plot... Can't Buy Me Love She's All That My Fair Lady
@embededfabrication4482 3 күн бұрын
Peterson is clueless, he doesnt even realize a geek like him got laid because hes tall. Dont listen to him
@dianakidd4219 3 күн бұрын
I have found that sharing the same faith matters more than someone who has more money than you do. I’ve known very rich people who had zero class or manners than the lower economic people I’ve known.
@DeborahH730 3 күн бұрын
Social media has caused us women to overvalue ourselves. We hate thinking that we are average. Most of us have to be average because that is what the word means. By us having delusions of grandeur- and there not being a real person to fulfil our expectations - simply means we are going to be disappointed in whatever it is that we can attract. We are cursing ourself into misery by our stupidity. By having no expectations you can appreciate the qualities you get. By having inflated expectations - you will feel like you have settled. What we think about ourselves makes no difference to what we can attract. Our foolish logic is guaranteed to make us miserable.
@1Thedairy 4 күн бұрын
Yes but don’t get verbal diarrhoea in the process just to impress.
@monster_gman. 4 күн бұрын
insane and sane is a concept of society, i dont see a single think that is bad about been single, if you need a relationship to be okay, then the mistake is already done.
@lucreciadiaz3636 4 күн бұрын
Precision in speech is precision in thought. Stanton Krauss, the early 1990s
@zoekarbe5448 4 күн бұрын
High EQ simply allows someone to assess dynamics, people's behaviours and sensibilties. If you have that, whether you care about your surroundings or not, it just helps you navgiate whatever social envirornment or interaction you're in.
@Kristal8808 4 күн бұрын
I dated a guy higher than my economic status. I would only say "economic", not "socioeconomic" because he lacks character. We met in the company where we work and we are of equal rank. He lives in the most elite neighborhood in my country. Yet, he easily says how to consolidate power in his hands and how to treat people according to their status. His mouth is full of swear words and sexual words, and he is always proud of his body count and says that's his attractiveness. According to him, his mom always says "No girl deserves my son." During the CSR program, he made fun of the mentally disabled people that our company was trying to help. I told him it was not funny at all but other colleagues supported him instead because where he lives makes him seem like he comes from a powerful family. After dating him for a while, I found out that he was just a new money and new-power family, that had no link to educated and well-mannered families of bureaucrats that one of my aunts got married into. There were great differences I can see although he always pretended to be one of them. In the conversation, I dropped a few names and a few events that he would have known if he came from that circle. But he didn't. That's why when I started dating him and my mom saw him for the first time, she judged the way he spoke and commented "He is rich, but of low status" LOL
@benhulme2863 5 күн бұрын
Party like it’s 1999 I say.
@LuisRios-pw4ig 5 күн бұрын
You are not articulate. You are obnoxious.
@leobramel5345 5 күн бұрын
If your not afraid of Islam you dont know anything about Islam.1,400years of war against the western civilization. Slave trade and beheading.
@altruism8637 5 күн бұрын
Spot on. We are not here to 'vibe' with everybody. Many people need to work on themselves and don't need your emotional intelligence.
@LegendCampbell 6 күн бұрын
It's social intelligence not emotional! And it's a prime focus in every pack animal species such as humans! It is ones ability to read minor changes in body movement and behavior to assess genuine emotions or actions, in other words to read the room! Psychology is built off of social intelligence, social ques, and human interaction! Usually common intelligent people lack social intelligence and are therefore socially awkward. It's primarily due to what your brain finds most important to survival at a young age... For example someone living in a dramatic household that yells and cries more than usual can pick up on minor changes in body language to assess whether someone bothered by something will be a future issue or a non starter! It's measured by experience and can not possibly be questioned. Brain scans even show the power of emotion and you can't tell me the part of your brain that retains basic information is any more capable of being stronger for lack of better word than the emotional portion. No less than even basic motor function, especially when you grow up where saying the wrong thing will be the end of the line.. social Constructs are barley present in a workplace beyond popular opinion due to restraining to do or say anything that could get you fired, causing most people to be pretty fake at work
@dannysullivan3951 6 күн бұрын
There’s a first step JP neglected, one he hasn’t yet mastered: critical thinking.
@OhSoSnake 7 күн бұрын
To answer your question: the dominant vampire billionaire
@cakephone7893 8 күн бұрын
Nothing wrong with the meaning, it just people can't accept the naming since it's "Emotional Intelligence" Sigh, the terms of "Intelligence" itself is already complex and subjective, for now there are IQ,EQ,and SQ and there is actually more than those 3 because it's simply subjective, most people are just theorizing and never explore and analyze outside them... IQ is the most concrete part, EQ,SQ, and any other similar to it are having their abstract parts, that's why it is normal that most people can't see it... the best thing about it just... don't think about those, use your experience to move better
@georgeworthmore 8 күн бұрын
he's a crackpot
@DS93336 9 күн бұрын
The biggest lie we tell ourselves as opposed to what the older generations told themselves is that we are equal/we should aspire for equality. If this equality is true, then why does an imbalance in earnings-where the male earns less for a longer period of time- almost always lead to troubles and divorce in marriages? Isn't it funny how women adopt previously "macho/toxic male" features when they get into women's soccer, high paying positions, police, army and so on?
@user-nd4lr5tg1j 9 күн бұрын
This man is the devil
@Sukisunn 10 күн бұрын
Hey Jordan... Hate to break this too you... Every word is a made up word... If you had any intelligence what so ever... You would know this... With out humans no words would exist... There for all words are made up by us... Duh
@marshal1808 10 күн бұрын
Not true, you need to learn have special communications skills. Not this, been articulate is useless, if don't have the communication skills.
@LuisRojas-wu2ng 7 күн бұрын
You might have social skills but being still not articulated when speaking. There are out there millions of people speaking with social skills but at some point they dont know what they are talking about
@jldeshayes3109 11 күн бұрын
@alibarron7558 11 күн бұрын
Many times status and happiness are two separate goals. Usually status doesn't bring happiness with it.
@RS-ov2st 12 күн бұрын
I think there are good and bad at any age in either gender. I think we all have experiences in life that can wound us. Some people heal, change and grow and some do not. They become bitter and judgmental. I see people meeting later in life and discovering a meaningful relationship, as well as , younger generations. I still believe in love, forgiveness of self and others. I believe that there is someone for everyone. It just depends on where we are within ourselves and when our heart is open . All people can have baggage. You don’t live life without scars, sacrifices and struggles. These experiences either break us , or grow us. We can remain bitter ,or learn to embrace growth and change. I believe looks and attraction is exclusively in the eyes of the beholder. Otherwise , everyone would look and be the same. Some people do not look at the superficial aspects of our physical or outward appearance , as much as they look to the inward aspects of our soul. Some people actually appreciate a little natural imperfection. Some people desire more. I don’t think we should stigmatize every man and woman by every other . I think it’s important to get to know yourself and the other person and decide what really matters to you in the longevity of your life? None of us stay outwardly youthful forever. As we mature , looks become less vain and the soul becomes gold. Trust, compatibility and softness and comfort, trump in successful companionship. Keeping healthy and fit is important, but there are people out there that are enjoying really great sexual relationships with spouses that may not ring up to be really great looking , or model like in physical attributes, but yet, really know how to fully delight their partner. People enjoy different things. It’s that simple. It’s sad to see and hear all this venom being hurled at men and women the like. Underneath all this hurt, pain, hostility , etc., are a lot of hurt, scared people, who all want and need the same thing , but have lost the ability to connect because of whatever hurt or failed them , or mistakes they themselves have made. We all should be encouraging one another to find happiness and love again , instead of tearing each other down and apart. Yes, everyone has a story. That the harsh reality of life, but we can choose to be better people than we ourselves were before and learn to be more observant in the new other people we may hope to find companionship with in our futures. If we continue to to tear others down, raise the bar too high , then that just proves that we have not grown and we do not allow room for others to grow , forgive or be forgiven themselves. We then remain in a perpetual state of disbelief and disappointment because we become to impossible to satisfy ourselves or others. That doesn’t say good things about the person you are allowing yourself to become. It’s very negative and superficial. You no longer see people as human beings, but as objects to objectify.
@claudiamanta1943 13 күн бұрын
Peterson. Am I bothered to concoct clever speeches? No. I am a simple girl who likes things to be clear. Therefore, if I have something to say, I say it without embellishments. Take for example, ‘Fuck off’. It’s short, simple, and very to the point. Easily understood by any English speaking audience, too. You know, you reminded me of a scene in the movie Minions- the King Bob’s speech.
@user-go1uf7vi5v 14 күн бұрын
Noble character can be found in people of any status.
@tonyragoonanan 14 күн бұрын
Emotional intelligence is not a real thing? That's like saying a 20 story hotel doesn't have a 13th floor. Yes it does, but people dont like to call it that. Call it "Alice" if you want but emotional intelligence is the name given to the ability to understand and manage your own emotion and to recognize and Influence the emotion of others. People who are skilled at this understand its value. The skill exists. It is not whether you believe in it or not.
@jeffreycheng5984 15 күн бұрын
The Unabomber Manifesto.
@ola_vii 15 күн бұрын
Let me articulate: Please stop adding music on these sort of videos.
@danhalo1 15 күн бұрын
He fails to mention the dangers of being in relationships. Especially toxic ones. Also there’s a difference between being alone and being lonely.
@scotttheo3711 18 күн бұрын
If only people would make excuses for men like they do for women
@mrretired2715 19 күн бұрын
Articulate. Ego.
@jptwentyfour887 19 күн бұрын
Everything about this video is over analytical garbage
@nashtele 20 күн бұрын
This is the dumbest and most ill-informed argument against emotional intelligence I've ever heard. In the words of Bill Engvall, "Here's your sign!"
@Valgeir-nj4sf 20 күн бұрын
I really want to absorb what Jordan is saying. This corny sound piece in the back makes it impossible
@rrickarr 20 күн бұрын
I thought Jordan was becoming the latest champion of Christianity!!!!!! How Christian is this?
@susang.8549 21 күн бұрын
My boyfriend of 70 drinks..tries to.bring us down...he owns bar..lower class thinks hes a god..doesn't see hos isdues
@paulemile4933 21 күн бұрын
I hate the hocus-pocus background music. Please leave the music out.
@habitsnmoney 22 күн бұрын
It's not a fear statement to say EQ does not exist. One of the things we talk about in marketing, is market intelligence. One of the things market intelligence enable us to do is to gain a better understanding of the ideal client. You are able to relate to people based on their "Psychographic" need. This heighten awareness of people specific needs, helps marketers to become sensitive to people, their motive and emotional drivers. In other words, this body of knowledge enable you to be more sensitive, emotional and intelligent when responding to market needs.
@rhinoskin7550 22 күн бұрын
Credit the original content ya bozo. People, we need to block channels like these to preserve the quality of content
@keifer7813 23 күн бұрын
Emotional intelligence is a misnomer. Intelligence is based on logic. Being socially savvy or understanding others has nothing to do with logic. It's about feelings and not based on objectivity. It's like saying "taste intelligence" to describe food tastes. No logic involved
@Lauradahl-creations 24 күн бұрын
I disagree. Worldly status is NOT important! How humble amd secure you are in God is the most important thing for me at least. I'm seeking a (Catholic) man who is a sinner but who strives to be a Saint.... He doesn't have to be gorgeous, or rich. In fact, those who have the most Worldly goods tends to be arrogant, prideful and selfish. I'd rather date and marry someone who has confidence in God and proud God first, then his family and then himself... Way more important than lots of earthy money or things, even looks only get you so far in life.
@Goku65027 24 күн бұрын
Jordan petroson is hypocrite person
@Truth_Teller1111 24 күн бұрын
Let’s be honest, all of us remember when we were kids we used to make up those terms that adults would not understand, say things and mean something completely different or the opposite to test others if they can catch our intention, and act in a covert way to seem dark, unique, special and highly intelligent. The only thing here is, men grow up and reality slaps us on the face to force us to mature and be direct, women however don’t which is why they act the way they are nowadays and never hold accountability. Emotional Intelligence is a made up term feminists “created” to “prove” that they’re “unique” and more “intelligent”than men, and that men don’t understand what that made up term is and the rest of wom3n ran with it. This proves the level of immaturity wom3n have these days compared to wom3n only 80 years ago.
@Firegrizzly5679 25 күн бұрын
The worse thing is when your bottle nosed into thinking your actually lower then your status
@natashanonnattive4818 25 күн бұрын
Don't rely on opinions of society. Stay in your heart