@study0world Ай бұрын
14:00 if the direction for the leadership given than the true purpose of the islam would fail. As it would be another imperialism not giving Muslims the responsibility to chose their caliphs. So, prophet (সাঃ) did not fail but rather choose not to take the step, as for Muslims from birth to death everything is greatly related spirituality, and thus is responsibility. For it is the absolute truth for Muslims as said in the holy Qur'an "s/he is the best who is God fearing". 👍
@jahone694 Ай бұрын
What about reason and logic?? I tried but I can't understand this. 😂
@zaynabansari1619 Ай бұрын
So happy I found this. A masterful treatment of spirituality, politics, theology, and activism. May Allah bless Dr Jackson.🤲🏽
@kanwalsial8996 2 ай бұрын
Kindly share profesor Antony black biography
@ogardner330 4 ай бұрын
00:00 - 10:51 10:51, 11:05 battle/expansion/jihad 14:11, 14:38, 15:04 17:00 Umayyad Caliphate, monarchy 24:40 Ismaili (Fatimid) Caliphate 27:00 role of Imam/ulema in Shiism after 10th century
@amandaa3713 7 ай бұрын
Umayyad rulers were of the Omayya clan of the Quaraish tribe. Hence, they took over. In a way, Islamic governence got established by them and then taken over the Abbasids.
@onedirectionlover08 11 ай бұрын
Excellent talk, read your book some 20 years ago, it was great eye opener and a joy to read the history of Muslim political thought.
@mjhang777 Жыл бұрын
Very well worded thoroughly enjoyed this lecture
@talhasiddiqui2280 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Sherman Jackson Preface: 3:29 Dr. Jackson's ideational context 5:35 Discussion disclosure Challenges: 22:41 The problem and promise of Liberalism 35:12 Belongingness 58:28 Muslims and the US constitution 1:10:31 Secular vs. Secularism 1:21:56 Epistemology 1:28:03 Theodicy 1:31:44 Cultural production 1:47:50 Imams 2:04:34 Lack of Islamic literacy 2:10:33 Gender equality and feminism 2:21:20 Mosques 2:25:23 Unity, not uniformity 2:29:27 Coalition building 2:33:58 Misconceptions about Shariah Dr. Akram Nadwi 2:39:02 Intro
@dustonpath Жыл бұрын
Great job. I learned a lot from it. May God further increase you in knowledge.
@yousufcajee Жыл бұрын
My country boykie! Im 🥰Loving Ebrahim Moosa's work!
@bred2k6 Жыл бұрын
Quoted in 'The Week', this guy thinks it is a good idea for Ukraine to give up on liberating Crimea, to let the barbaric Russians have their way. Best if Dr appeasement sticks to Islamic political thought rather than oozing his Putin apologism and ignorance of the Russian genocide of Ukrainians. Perhaps he also thinks it a good idea to let Putin take Dundee and murder and rape its residents, in the way Russia has done in Mariupol and countless other towns and villages in Ukraine.
@HueyPPLong Жыл бұрын
@airmax9094 Жыл бұрын
This guy is a bad orator. Not giving any examples, using arabic words with non muslims and non arabs. He is very vague and veers off of the current sentence often. Says "um" and "uh" too much. Sheesh. Also, modern sufiyyah is bid'ah.
@beastmode3010 7 ай бұрын
Even though he’s been a professor at a few universities and author of many books. Bid’a has become a loose term to brandish nowadays
@suwitowati 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Prof. The aim of Islam/Muslim is social justice. However anyone value or subscribe or believe; as long as its goal is social justice then it is Insya Allah the true act.
@Farxaan 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing lecture,
@hasananyabwile3538 2 жыл бұрын
@murad.fatihteacher3667 2 жыл бұрын
Ilgilenmeye deymezsiniz darbeciler simdi ingilterede darbe cigirtkanligi yapin .zaten bittiniz turkiyede dunyadada...uzatmalari oynayin bakalim
@murad.fatihteacher3667 2 жыл бұрын
Lan serrefsiz darbeciler size mi kaldi said nursi ? Kerim balci. Biraz utanda tevbe et nedamet getir ahlaksiz
@sumedh6211 2 жыл бұрын
जय श्री राम
@evergreen2475 2 жыл бұрын
Follow Ram, jump in the Sarayu river to achieve nirvana like Ram did.
@timureren12 3 жыл бұрын
When did "Kuran" & "Evolution" lie each other? No evolution means simply "static" universe... Deniying "evolution" is "stupidity" Reading "Kuran" as it is a "Daily newspaper" is beyond "stupidity" Said Nursî was "not" a relugious figure... He never had a "İslamic" metodology or "Tarikat" ... He was a "rebellion" of his time: He was a "I will not wear what you want me to wear" kinda man... Serving society if any were; "Reminding" people İslam & Ayetullah "does not have" peculiar way of "selecting" the "Emir"... He had travelled city by city; whats left after WWI; simple definitions like "sultanate" & "Rebublic" & "Demicracy" & "Secularism(s) plus if they can have a living in İslam plus level of existance in İslam if they have... He as a human had also some "bad"... * He joined the İ.T party after they took Hamid II down... * So...? He did business with "treators" in islamic perapective... * How...? In "Yasin" it clearly says a muslim has to obey his "Emir" as long as rules by "Ayetullah"... *He simply was with "Enver" "Talat" "Cemal"(İf you add their İQ still < 0) *He was with thee multiplied Empire by *0" in 6 years... * He was with thee whom had 3M Turkish / Muslim & 980,000 Armenian Blood in their hands... * Finally WTF is "Said Bediülazzam Nursi Hz" In İslam "holiness & nicknames" dont have a linear correlation... Allah ✔️ Resûl ✔️ Nazım ✖️ Sheikh Muhammed Nazim Kıbrısî al Haqqani ar Rabbani... ✔️ Nursy ✖️ Bedî-üz-Zaman Hz Rahmetlullah Ecmain ✔️ "El-esmâ ve's Sıfat" "Bedî??". Exra info...You aint get from anywhere / anyone even if you may be Turkish President... Like "Mehmet Akif" he also served "Teşkilat-ı Mahsusâ" of The İ.T Party... He was a man of "Dünya business" You know what Allah defines "those" hide under zahir appearance... Deapotizm ??? Dictatorship ?? Which country are we talking about ?? Before Hamid II was there Tony Blair ?? "Emir-ül Müminin" ?? "Emir" is the Ruler & Man on charge... (İslamic way) So Murad IV ?? can you go back in time call him "Despot" ?? I respect "honesty" & "courage" You find it in true servants of "Devlet-i Âliyye" who inspire Siddik' s obediance / Omers Justice / Dirayet of Osman / İlim of Ali Holding Sword of Halid & Bow of Sadr BTW ?? "Tanzimat" is not "Cumhurihet" and is not your cousin... It is a "Ferman-ı Sherif" by "The Emir" and cannot be argued nor judged...
@timureren12 3 жыл бұрын
Nursî ?? Rumî ?? Ümî ?? Mî?? Î ?? Turkish we call it "Ayaklar baş olmuş"... Please... You realy could not find any better "İslamic Role Model" ?? Who is next ? Cübbeli Ahmet ? Adnan Oktar "Makhdî" Hz ?? "Honesty" died in Turkey with the Honest İmams... Simly if a muslim scholar had a head on untill 1930s... ; He simply cannot be a muslim...
@DukeFalkher 3 жыл бұрын
very good lecture
@h.m.nazmulhuda8956 3 жыл бұрын
আরব আর নন আরবের ব্যবধানটা উমাইয়্যা যুগে খুব প্রকট ছিলো। ফলে আব্বাসীরা উমাইয়্যাদের বিরুদ্ধে বিদ্রোহের প্রপাগান্ডা চালানোর সময় এই বৈষম্যের উপর ফোকাস করছে।
@h.m.nazmulhuda8956 3 жыл бұрын
তাইলে উমাইয়ারা নিজেদের মধ্যেই যুদ্ধে লিপ্ত হয়েছিল। ফলে অন্যরা সুযোগ পেয়েছে ।
@h.m.nazmulhuda8956 3 жыл бұрын
জর্ডানের এক নদীর নিচে আমির মুয়াবিয়ার বাসভবন পাওয়া গেছে।
@h.m.nazmulhuda8956 3 жыл бұрын
উমার ইবন আব্দুল আজিজ ছাড়াও হিশাম একজন আল্লাহওয়ালা লোক ছিলেন।
@h.m.nazmulhuda8956 3 жыл бұрын
আসলে একবার যখন আলীকে (রা) হত্যা করা সম্ভব হইছে সব ঝামেলা খতম করার জন্য, এরপর আর মুসলমানদের ইউনাইটেড থাকার প্রশ্নটাই অবান্তর হয়ে গেছে ।
@h.m.nazmulhuda8956 3 жыл бұрын
বেসিক্যলি ইরাক আর সিরিয়ার হাজ্জাজ বিন ইউসুফের মধ্যে ঝগড়া চলতেছিলো ১ঃ৪৭ঃ২১
@h.m.nazmulhuda8956 3 жыл бұрын
যা বুঝলাম উমাইয়্যারা ক্ষমতায় আসার কিছুদিন পরেই চারদিক থেকে বিদ্রোহের ঝাণ্ডা উত্তোলিত হইতে থাকে। 1:45:50
@retnadewayani6917 3 жыл бұрын
Did he say insha Allah in 2:33:20
@dogan_yasar 3 жыл бұрын
when did this meeting take place?
@johnleake5657 3 жыл бұрын
What was the occasion of these lectures? Where? When? For what audience?
@anthonysadeghi9795 3 жыл бұрын
Persians kept their language alive ,though they had to utilize arabic for few centuries subsequently with the great effort of ferdousi the persion language survived as national literary language .
@ranro7371 3 жыл бұрын
Modern persian is 30% Arabic in vocabulary.
@ismailkhan3591 3 жыл бұрын
@@ranro7371 aaaaaaaaaaawawwaawaaaaaaaàwawaaaaaaAaAwawwawaaaaaawAawaawaaawazaaaaaaawaaAaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawasaaAaaaaawawaaaaawaaAaawaaaAaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaawaawawaaaAÀWAAAAaaaàaaazaaawZaAaaaaaaàaAàaaaaaaawaaawawawaaaawwwwawAaaaaaaaWaaaaaawawaaaawwaaaaaaaaaaawwaawaaaawaaawaaawaaawawaawaaaawasaaaaaaaaawaawaaaaaawaaaaaàaaAaaaaazwaaWaaawawaazawaaaaaaaasaaaaaaAwaWaaaaAAaaazaaaaaaawasaaaaAAaàaaaawaaaaasaaaAàwaaawawawawaaAaaaaaAaAaaaaAAAÀAAAAAAAAAAZAÀAAAwasaaaaaaaaaawwawaaaaawaaaawaàaaawàaaaaaawaaaaaawaaaaaaaawawaaaaaaàwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaasaAzaaAaaawaaaawaaaawasAaaaaaaawawaaawawaaaaaazaaaaaaaàwaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaaaaaaaazaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawasaaaaaaawawaazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaawawaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaàaaawwaaaaaaaaaaazaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaàawwwaawaààawaaaaaaaawaaaaaasaaawaaaaàawazaawaAaAwaaaaààazaaaawaawààaàaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaawaaaàaaawàwaaaaAAAAAaaaàààwzaaàwawAaaaaaààaaaazaaaaaaaaawawwAawaaazaazàaawaaaaaaaaawaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaasaaaaAawawaaaazaaàaaaaaaawaaaaaaaawaaAàAwaaaàAaAaaaAaaaàawàààaàaaàzaàaaaaaaaaaaaààAàaaàwàaaaàsàaaaaAàaaàaawawaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaZaaààwàsaàaàAàaààààaàaaaaaàaaàaaaaaàààasaaààaààaààaààaaààaàaaàaàaààaàaaaaààààawàaàààà@@@@@@@@@••°°••••••@!°•••@@!@@@!••••••••••~•@@@•@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@-••°°•••••@•••••••••••••°••@@@@@••••@@@@@•••••••••@•••@@@@@@@@•°@!@•àaaààaaaaààààààaÀaaàaàzààaaaàaaàààaÀàaAaàaàzààaàaaAàæaww
@HamzaTheHistorian 3 жыл бұрын
فَيْء : - غَنِيمَة - Advantage or increase in amount - The act of gaining or increase in wealth - Goods taken from an enemy or goods that have been stolen
@HamzaTheHistorian 3 жыл бұрын
For him being such an amazing academic of Islamic history and a guy very proficient in Arabic, I find his overtly British pronunciations of Arabic words charming
@projectnoonindia 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for uploading all this content here. Hope its not going to be taken down after the lockdown :)
@mqamzi4048 8 жыл бұрын
He said peace be upon him ' from the east ' not from Hind ... just a correction
@mahmoudalamin9170 9 жыл бұрын
Jazakom #Allah Alf Khair #thanks
@JungleePunjabi 12 жыл бұрын
Moghuls or muslims?
@GudMuzlim786 12 жыл бұрын
@pastet2x2 Is that what people like you are!?
@Dambis0 13 жыл бұрын
1000 years- Muhammads mama's ass ! The real history tells how the brave Rajputs right from Bappa Rawal, PrithviRaj Chauhan to Maharana Pratap fought against the injustice of the mughals in north India--they never gave up. Also google 'AHOMS’ and find out how they kicked mughals out of north-east India-The Sikhs fought fiercely in punjab again & north-west India--forget about the south of India--the Marathas virtually created a border to stop the invaders entering into further south in 16&1700's.
@wazwaz9771 13 жыл бұрын
@dewan357 foreign
@butterchicken4 13 жыл бұрын
@FreedomResistance I wouldn't say THAT. Islam has played an important part in Indian culture and history. Just sayin man.
@MrJazzy1983 13 жыл бұрын
They are Indian because they called themselves India, spoke Indian langauges and ate and dressed Indian food. This happens everywhere. Migrants come to another land and after generations adopt that land as their motherland. like the Britishers who went to Australia or the US and now they call themselves in Americans or Australians in just 100 years. These people came to India over a thousands of years.
@safeeralathur 13 жыл бұрын
they were foreign but they came to India after living for Indian people