St Mary's Church, Wendover
4 ай бұрын
Starling Murmuration
5 ай бұрын
Durham autumn aerial view (drone)
Lightning in Slovenia, July 2023
Whickham windmill ruin
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Wendover Juniors Squash
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Angel Of The North
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Thorpeness aerial view
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DJI Mini 3 POI test
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Whiteleaf Cross
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Wendover High Street 6am
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Coombe Hill drone test
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Long-tailed tits?
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Walking the Positive Path
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Happy New Year from Wendover 2022
The Ghosts of Oxford Street's shops
@martinthatsall1518 Ай бұрын
His licence should be revoked !
@ianm4316 6 ай бұрын
And here we are in 2024 . And still the goverment have failed to even upgrade this road to dual carriageway even to inverness🤦‍♂ Although they think that instaling distance cameras will make it safer🤣. The thing that causes accidents is not just speed but frustration. Having a tractor trundling along a road that always bends away from the driver so makes it difficult and dangerous to try over take.
@dadpa1 9 ай бұрын
Accidents are nothing to do with the road its the twats driving the vehicles
@gazsm1 10 ай бұрын
Except for very rare instances, it is never the fault of the road. It is people speeding, overtaking dangerously, driving too close to other cars, and just not paying attention to the road ahead. Having driven the full length of the A9 loads of times, I would say I've seen a dangerous overtake, normally on a blind bend, at speed, and near misses almost every trip. The other factor is those drivers that just have to get in front.... coming from a dualled section to a single carriageway, they just have to get ahead.
@GordyFin 10 ай бұрын
That's no reason to do nothing though. While it's true that no road is ever dangerous per se, the design of a road leads to certain types of human behaviour such as the ones you cite. A poorly designed road will therefore have more accidents than a road that's designed to minimise these. While many A9 accidents may indeed be due to bad judgement, we still need to reduce the chances of these incidents occurring, and it's up to road designers and authorities to minimise the likelihood of dangerous manoeuvres and collisions whatever the cause. In the case of the A9, increasing the standard single-carriageway legal speed limit of HGVs from 40mph to 50mph has reduced the urge for car drivers to make risky overtaking moves, while installing average speed cameras along stretches has dramatically reduced the numbers of cars being driven above the speed limit. Dualling the A9 the whole way (while removing any junctions requiring drivers to turn right onto the A9) would take away the chance of head-to-head overtaking collisions completely.
@gazsm1 10 ай бұрын
@GordyFin dualling the A9 is sensible, and I never said it wasn't. But irrespective of how 'safer' a road is designed there will always be idiots that drive aggressively, too quickly and take stupid risks.... this is borne out the multitude of accidents on all British roads, dual carriageways and motorways. As you correctly stated, human behaviour is the problem.... not the road! There are very few roads that are so badly designed that the road itself causes accidents. 99.99999% of the time, any traffic accident is down solely to human error.
@GordyFin 10 ай бұрын
@@gazsm1 Yep. And that's why roads like the A9 need to be designed to minimise the chances of human error.
@gazsm1 10 ай бұрын
@GordyFin driving well over the speed limit or overtaking unsafely, well above the speed limit is not human error.... it is human stupidity. And it won't matter how well the road is designed to mitigate human error, it will never mitigate human stupidity!
@GordyFin 10 ай бұрын
@@gazsm1 The average speed cameras seem to have mitigated excessive speed considerably and dualled sections have mitigated unsafe overtaking on those sections that were previously single-carriageway.
@370DatsunZed Жыл бұрын
Driven the A9 thousands of times...I actually used to enjoy the road...I'm not convinced average speed cameras are the correct answer...the road should be dualled....incidentally, a couple of years ago I took as much as I could of what's left of the "old" A9 from Inverness was fabulous!! Roof down and sunshine!
@maxasaurus3008 Жыл бұрын
As an American I would say that those highway crossings look very dangerous, then again we seem to be okay with hundreds dying on the roads every day so 🤷🏼
@stevied8855 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video. I have driven this road from Fife to Inverness regularly in the past month in a Rigid HGV. The only offenders i found were Artic Drivers tailgating and flashing their lights at me because they were running out of driving time. You would let them pass where their exceeding the speed limit only to pass them a couple miles later when their on a break in a layby. The road is fine, only some of the drivers are the problem. Steve in Fife.
@kooral6959 Жыл бұрын
I am a cyclist, and I’m also a motorist, and I also recognize that a lot of cyclists are just overgrown Karen’s. I get it things aren’t perfect but then what is things aren’t perfect in life or even as a driver. As a driver, I have to put up with some twats. But when a cyclist has something that’s not right my God some of them don’t off go on. I’m not all about dangerous situation that’s understandable. A car should always back off because cyclists or four more vulnerable. But a lot of the cyclists I see, are moaning over trivial items or looking for trouble or complaining to the wrong people. I get on my bike. Yes, I get fed up with some near misses. Ive had punchers through bad road surfaces. But sometimes instead of having a chip on your shoulder just have to suck it up. Come on already fellow cyclists come at me By the way, I say this as someone with disabilities that can now only ride a e-bike because of a car that drove into the side of me that put me into a wheelchair for four years and subsequently Still has disabilities 15 years later. Life changing disabilities that forced me to lose my career and my lifestyle but yet I’m here still moaning, less than the average cyclist, And the average car driver. Excluding this rant, of course please people just get on with your life and stop moaning.
@jackdunbar9571 Жыл бұрын
Reasoning for people over taking lorries, is the speed limit for lorries is 50 but for cars it is 60. I could imagine it is frustrating driving 10 mph below the speed limit
@robinholland9423 Жыл бұрын
@jamesrussell7775 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t entirely agree. Although most collisions are caused by the driver’s stupidity, there are parts of the A9 that can cause confusion. If you aren’t used to the road, it isn’t always completely clear that you are on a single track section rather than a dual carriageway. As for dualling the Perth - Inverness stretch by 2025, that seems a pipe dream!
@mistofoles Жыл бұрын
"Did ye see whit happened ?" "Ooh, no, no, no !"
@mistofoles Жыл бұрын
LOL ! Fraser and McDonald......What stereotyped names !
@Spica1000 Жыл бұрын
I’ve heard about this road quite a lot however, I’ve never been that fat north living in the midlands in England. Looking at this, maybe it might be an idea to upgrade the A road to a motorway? Seem to have enough traffic to warrant it!
@zdavis4222 Жыл бұрын
Despite the comments in the programme about people driving too fast, I was pleasantly surprised on my last visit when it was pelting down with rain on a single carriageway stretch near Blair Atholl that cars were only going at about 40 mph and no-one was daft enough to overtake. I am more familiar with the A9 between Dunblane and Perth though and, having travelled along that stretch since the 1970s, the frequent cross-over junctions still give me the creeps, even with the speed cameras.
@sr7791 Жыл бұрын
Surely it’s time for a public enquiry into the safety of road transport,how many more need to die EVERY DAY before something is done
@ABPhotography1 Жыл бұрын
The American tourists asking about the Arnold Clark sticker on the back of a car, "is it a politician?"
@charlesmcwilliam8727 Жыл бұрын
Drove it 3 times a week for work and it doesn't deserve the reputation it got although there have been many bad accidents mostly due to complacency
@TheEliteCoachDriver Жыл бұрын
@15:00 she starts to talk about the coach crash. That was my best friend that drove the coach. She is a fantastic girl and a beautiful person. Glad she has made a 90% recovery from it. Plus I also knew the two guys in the van that actually died on scene. 😢😢😢😢
@Indigo4711 Жыл бұрын
There is no A9 south of Perth...
@arod9998 Жыл бұрын
Yes there is. The A9 starts in Falkirk!
@lynnewman3649 Жыл бұрын
Notice most of the people who objected to the dualling are English!
@Manorfarmdenton Жыл бұрын
I was sad to see the HGV driver not holding the steering wheel properly. I once had a front tyre blow out on my 6-wheeled tipper, and also a front wheel bearing seize up on my loaded artic when my wife was driving, (at 56mph heading S on the A1 motorway). On both occasions the result of not having both hands on the wheel doesn't bear thinking about! John.
@alexanderdonnelly424 Жыл бұрын
Its the arsehole, no Dalwhinnie?
@alexanderdonnelly424 Жыл бұрын
And a freezer full oh venison?
@BeasleyStreet Жыл бұрын
I've driven the A9 about eight times and always got overtaken by speeding vehicles not happy with me adhering to the speed limit...
@lllucky13 Жыл бұрын
This is the best thing that comes out of jock land🤣
@alistairbeveridge2753 Жыл бұрын
Good road , simply bad drivers all day long , humanity is the problem, humans built the damn thing , but it’s human inability to adapt , we’re not all the same which’s the issue 💯🤷‍♂️
@palemale2501 Жыл бұрын
No U turns or right hand turns and only left turns with a long on-ramp are a necessity (but this incurs occasional expensive over or under bridges), dual carriageways rather than an alternating 3rd lane is preferred, both must have a median barrier anyway. Almost motorway standard but without an emergency lane - and no SMART roads.
@proper90s43 Жыл бұрын
House of Bruar, usual stuff...not owned by Scots, or if it is; plastic Scots, educated in England with no clue of Scottish culture. Scotland is a commodity to make money to some.
@proper90s43 Жыл бұрын
I've never understood what the issue is with the A9. Yep, it's long, so it will have a higher accident count. Unless you're an ahole then you can drive it well, but it appears many drivers are aholes and i've seen them often. It's Darwinism, but unfortunately these idiots kill other people.
@whoarewe7515 Жыл бұрын
We've been travelling up the A9 for years. The road must be massive or does someone want to tell them they are going round in circles.
@NB-hr1tn Жыл бұрын
if the A9 was in Engladn this wouldve been upgraded to motorway many years ago but whilst we have SNP idiots in the scottish control this will NEVER BE UPGRADED . STOP Kidding your selves SNP and wasting more of out money on another UNWANTED referendum. The public spoke and SAID NO, but there again apparently we do not have democracy here while STURGEON comments negatively on UK Demoracy...what and itot she is. We pay millions on road tax and nothing gets repaired or upgrraded in many years..WELLL DONE SNP!!!!!!!|
@NB-hr1tn Жыл бұрын
full of idiotic drivers who havent a clue about drving and take the most rediculous chances and have no respect for other drivers on this road!!!
@huwzebediahthomas9193 Жыл бұрын
Roads don't kill, people do.
@whoarewe7515 Жыл бұрын
Same with guns.
@sandrahinder4054 Жыл бұрын
Nothing about the hundreds of potholes and dipps that wreck your car, but very good documentary
@scottirvine121 Жыл бұрын
Even took Americans to call out the absolute morons that leave Arnold Clark on the back of their car. Yeah pay a fortune for it and give them free advertising taking the shine of your lovely car, idiots
@sunnybnk Жыл бұрын
Over the last 40+yrs, I've driven the A9 on various motorcycles, in vans and by car and even towing a caravan. There is nothing or at least not much wrong with the road. As for dangerous, I have yet to see a road jump up and hurt anyone. It is the nutters on the road who are dangerous. Get a grip folks.
@garybarker9139 Жыл бұрын
Polices attitude remains the same.
@yourrightimsooosorry884 Жыл бұрын
I'll call your A9 and raise you the A1 north of Newcastle
@whoarewe7515 Жыл бұрын
The A6.
@pablosearth Жыл бұрын
Most of the problems here because the speed limit for a HGV on single carriageway in Scotland is 40 MPH and in England and Wales its 50 MPH.
@SG-yf6dk Жыл бұрын
It’s 50 for HGVs on the A9. They introduced a “trial” years ago and it’s been in place ever since
@paulgreen758 Жыл бұрын
its 50 but they all foot to the floor at 56
@malr1975 Жыл бұрын
SNP are incompetent and should be held criminally liable for A9 accidents. Recent A9 upgrade plagued by contractor bandits. Serious fraud was alleged but no reporting by the media? Not just ferry contracts. SNP keep spending money on Environmental reports, that were previously carried out, but lapsed because of zero work done. Is that misappropriation of public funds, procurement fraud or incompetence? Roads are developed around the world every's not a new concept so developing them shouldn't take long, and people aren't generally so incompetent they can't run a road construction project so the delays seem very, very irregular. Insanity? Auchterarder Junction was supposed to be closed to crossing over after the Ryder Cup. Perth Council and the SNP for some unknown reason, and against all logic and advice from road safety design consultants, decided to keep it open. We should give out awards for the level of incompetence and lack of productivity of the SNP government and Perthshire Council. And the award should be...drumroll: Public Misappropriation investigations and criminal charges for any fraudulent activity by public servants and/or contractors.
@therealrobertbirchall Жыл бұрын
A disgrace Scotland is an oil rich nation we should not have to put up with this.
@1701enter Жыл бұрын
I worked on two of the "new" sections way back then (mid-seventies) and most I spoke back then working on it or as a residents felt its whole length should have been duel carrageway and underpasses but in Thatcher's world that was never going to happen
@stephentaylor8843 Жыл бұрын
All fantastic actors and they all got on together in real life RIP to all of them
@mikejohnson4010 Жыл бұрын
I had the absolute honour to drive this road thankfully without issue its a beautiful route
@SimonJones-iv5zh Жыл бұрын
This has not aged well regarding the duelling. The scottish government as usual is a pound short and a day late (a few billion and a few decades) In 3 years they will unlikely be past Dunkeld let alone Pitlochry and beyond.
@karlejnarch Жыл бұрын
Very good and thorough documentary on the famous road. I've driven the A9 numerous times for over 20 years, towing my 8 ft. wide danish caravan. The road is slowly being improved introducing more places with overtaking lanes, and is meant to be fully dualled between Perth and Inverness by 2025. At the same time they avoid the level crossings, which is a good thing. Nice to see so many familiar places along the road.
@kennethtalbott2233 Жыл бұрын
to be fair, my Ducati's front brake was binding. literally like slamming the brake on, and just had it serviced!!!
@johnmayberry7669 Жыл бұрын
I travel the a9 every week and l have no problem because l drive with patience and at the correct speed
@juliogonzo2718 Жыл бұрын
40mph 64km/h for heavy trucks would be terrible. No wonder four wheelers do stupid things out of frustration. A speed differential of 20mph will do that.
@heygoodlooking Жыл бұрын
Was travelling on this road in September, I don't like this side of Scotland, scenery is deed also a very dangerous road especially when it's teeming with rain