@craignazia 54 минут бұрын
For the last 50 years of the 75 years he speaks of the U.S. was aided by the informal Petrodollar Agreement established during the Nixon Administration between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, which provided the U.S. with an enormous advantage as it required other nations to obtain U.S. dollars to purchase the oil needed to keep their economies running. This allowed the U.S. to not only dictate trade terms, but ensured the flow of good (imports and exports), the increased strength of the U.S. economy and military, and provided the U.S. with the ability to impose crippling sanctions on other nations, using the dollar as a weapon. That agreement ended this month, and Saudi Arabia announced it would now price and sell oil in other currencies. The need to obtain dollars to acquire oil no longer exists, and there is little incentive to acquire a currency backed by nothing but a printing press.
@ronniecozzi8385 58 минут бұрын
Reich is a phoney. Now he is on social media going on about Trump but Reich worked for Clinton who gave us more deregulation, NAFTA, no minimum wage increase and all the other pro corporation policy.
@kennethmarshall306 Сағат бұрын
Correct. The US seems ready to go to war with China rather than allow it to gain the upper hand economically
@verdatajmorus4308 Сағат бұрын
You’re getting my vote! I used to get caught up in the if you vote 3rd party you’re giving your vote to the republicans. No more!
@alanmcwha4899 Сағат бұрын
When I listened to his critique on the failures and fixes of capitalism, I thought it was quite telling how he completely avoided the role of politics in outling his somewhat stilted explain of economic shocks and inequality in America. How a worker co-op with one-vote decision-making power without equal ownership would work is beyond me. Is somebody going to tell Jeff Bezos he's just been devalued? Is Prof Wolff going to cancel your stock? Will investors have to guess at the brainpower of a group of workers? Will FASB have to draft new accounting rules? Sounds like a really out there explanation of why poor people exist to me!
@enagulanath4583 Сағат бұрын
Europe and US had for too long thought that they were the rulers of the world. They still that they still arm twist the rest of the world to comply their dictated terms. Those Daye are surely coming to an end.
@sairamarkovic6530 2 сағат бұрын
Helping Israel to destroy Gaza and Palestinian USA lost his respect all over the world
@JoeyAfrika 2 сағат бұрын
Free the land!!
@ranar1036 2 сағат бұрын
China is pro-Chinese, as should every country on the Planet. If all countries were involved in the peaceful betterment of their people, the world would be a much, much better place for all!
@jeanetteschweppe919 2 сағат бұрын
USA is a total mess and now they are starting world war 3 in Europe. F off and sort yourselves out first.
@brettg9481 2 сағат бұрын
A good topic for sure. This is how I define them. Historical materialism is Marx's theory of history. It explains how economic and political changes have occurred over time in human groups. It posits that a society's economic system i.e. it's relations of production can become dysfunctional over time and fetter it's productive forces i.e. it labor, tools and raw materials used to produce goods and services. This causes a decline of material well being of the population, political revolt, and a new and better economic system replacing the dysfunctional old one. History is progressive. Human societies get more productive and powerful over time. Ancient slave societies become feudal ones. Feudal ones become capitalist ones. Capitalist ones become socialist ones. Socialist ones become communist ones. Dialectical materialism is basically a theory of cause and effect and change in the world in general. All causes are also effects and react off of and re-enforce one another. Every effect is produced by multiple causes and every cause is produced by multiple effects. It is basically just a more complicated version of the simple and linear one cause leads to one effect presentation of things that we usually get as an explanation of what we see in the world around us. Now I am going to watch the video and see how close my explanation is to Richard's. I will delete this post if I failed utterly in comparison to my commie elder.
@clavo3352 2 сағат бұрын
Adam Smith predicted it when he said that capitalism without a really good judicial system will eventually commit suicide.
@randywaldron2715 2 сағат бұрын
The argument that R. R. Is wrong because capitalism is moving in the wrong direction is rather thin since he, too, would agree with that much. The argument that any fix to capitalism can be undone is more persuasive. The problem is, a complete break from capitalism is not really a viable possibility, not if we're talking about the U.S. Hell, in the current climate, I don't really see the path to even reforming capitalism. Those who Adam Smith would have referred to as the Masters of Mankind are too firmly entrenched, pulling all the strings of power, and they seem intent on moving us even further down the road towards autocracy.
@clavo3352 3 сағат бұрын
Thank you American insurance companies who have moved your headquarters to Germany. You made medical care so inept and expensive that we quit having babies and now your funding anti-abortion laws because we don't have enough people to man the Navy !!
@melindamaxwell7923 3 сағат бұрын
Every time huge banks get in trouble the government rescues them. That’s the largest problem.
@joshanderson7358 3 сағат бұрын
Well done Prof Wolf. Good analysis. 👏🌹💯🇺🇸
@angelinejohnson9511 3 сағат бұрын
Very useful, getting more of the family story, understanding the role Wolff's father had played pre-WWII in his community, and how he strived to assure his son's education was as complete as possible. How TUTORING and real dialogue, the socratic method shapes an intellect -- and then, how teaching (in this case, an undergrad to high school students) helps solidify one's grasp. Then more tutoring as a graduate student, if short-lived. I would wish this level of involvement in education for just everyone. Nothing better than drawing out ideas from someone simply by using questions. It's really heartening work, and watching how inspired the learner becomes is SO satisfying. I appreciate how Wolff continually empahsizes Marx's role in economics is to connect the dots: connect human suffering -- AND human striving -- to behaviors, and then aggregate/social behaviors. Totally lacking in near all criticisms of Marx, as I suppose detractors don't grasp how much the non-charts-and-graphs actually matter. Wolff's weekly updates regularly pointing to how market movements CHANGE BEHAVIORS of individuals are important contributions to the continued unrest at how our current societies aren't working -- and how to create solutions that will drive societies forward, not backward -- or continuing to hover in a no-mans-land.
@ngandosambalundula8183 4 сағат бұрын
Two of my most reliable media stars!
@richardbryanesq 5 сағат бұрын
I am in New York State Senator Gonzales’ district and looking forward to this conversation.
@miriamsilata8498 5 сағат бұрын
Thankyou professor Wlf ❤
@lookingfordrama01 5 сағат бұрын
@lookingfordrama01 5 сағат бұрын
@Sammyli99 5 сағат бұрын
One WORD: Birthrate <<< Thank DOG at some point Is-Ra-Els social cheque runs out.
@JIMuser-vh3Zxx 6 сағат бұрын
Excellent excellent presentation
@ralf2528 6 сағат бұрын
to give somthing a certain name does not neccessarily mean it is that. communism, does not exist in reality, only in books. scialism, not existent. these two "systems" are more an illusion or an "ideal" for some. both of these systems do not combine with human nature and therefore cannot be executed. what is 100% in line with human nature is fascism. and when looking at the facts on the ground, the result, then all three have the exact same outcome. a few powerful and rich people, a small middle class, and the mass of people is rather poor without any power. this also goes for what they call "democracy". this is also just a show,, because the outcome is the same. it doesn`t matter which way to rome you take, because all ways lead to rome, and at the end you will be in rome. humans are not that different from each other, no matter where they are, what ethnicity, race, religion etc. greed, resentment, jealousy, stinginess, meanness and so on. that is human`s nature. very strong feelings. feelings are what drives humanity. socialism, communism...just thoughts, not worth talking about...
@RogueEconomist 7 сағат бұрын
All empires follow a script, they rise, they prosper, they over extend , they over spend, they morally rot, they fall over and break into pieces. The fall comes quickly at the end. Always happens, the US empire is very rotten
@jillfryer6699 8 сағат бұрын
looking forward to you.
@user-nx6on2pt9n 9 сағат бұрын
When you are.. continents apart from the place of conflicts between.. Neighbours.. What is the necessary for you to involve Militarily.. when you are in great..DEBT.. 35 TRILLIONS $ ...Why don't you mind your business and help your people..in Homeless people.. students loan..Free health care..Free education... subsidised.. Food.. subsidised Gas... subsidised power.. Free housing... Why don't you concentrate in internal affairs.. uplift the AMERICAN POOR... Why you are running across continents and Create trouble among neighbours... PEACE.. SALAAM...
@richardbryanesq 5 сағат бұрын
US is often asked for help and we try to support freedom around the world. Yes we often get it wrong, but that’s the answer to your question.
@user-nx6on2pt9n 4 сағат бұрын
@@richardbryanesq .. sir.. when you forget your.. limitations and..gooooo...on In to troubled areas.. you get struck..you get bad name for excesses..colletral damage.. and you are wasting your money that belongs to.. American.. poor.. And ultimately what you get bad name... Do you think you are sooo power ful.. Look what is happening in.. Middle East Israel's war. With neighbours.. small Groups like..Hamas,youthis,Hisbullahs, Are becoming an nightmare to western world... small groups challenging the mighty..soooo called super powers.. You are exposed.. your military..short coming is exposed.. your..crew of Aircraft carriers are exposed.. becoming vulnerable...it is not.. George bush era..1990...it is..2024... Technology has creaped..in to every society... Technology Absorption is seen even in non state Actors... now you are to replace the Aircraft carrier from.. Pacific... what is the necessary..why don't you mediate and get good name... rather like.. president Bush...soo embarassing..to your Military, Marine, Airforce...why the presidents of America..act against the intrest of... American public...why not uplift the downtrodden.. poor.. AMERICANS.. who are..more than..11% ... Sooo sad always in war with the world... Between neighbours.. between.. cousins.. the Jews and MUSLIMS...thy are not only brothers by birth..(They all are children of ABRAHAM..).. they are neighbours..share same father.. same culture.. same lineage.. same history and Geography... both are...SEMITIES...semetic...why but division between.. cousins.... why.. why... PEACE... SALAAM... SHALOM.... peace to The children of.. Ishmael and The children of.. Israel.....who both are children of ABRAHAM....!!!!!!!!
@headsails 9 сағат бұрын
Yay ❤
@n.manasseh8615 9 сағат бұрын
What they’re not telling you is that you can track the decline of the USA to the decline of the Traditional Family.
@richardbryanesq 5 сағат бұрын
Also tracks with the decline in average number of innings pitched per start so obviously these are related.
@Huy-G-Le 11 сағат бұрын
I been trying to explains this to my people's in Vietnam, but they don't get it.
@dirtfirstracing3901 11 сағат бұрын
Did he just say we can appeal to the democrat’s moral values? The same democrats who are funding genocide right now? C’mon…
@amgguy4319 12 сағат бұрын
The Walton Family's $500 BILLION to China for cheap Chinese goods to distribute at their Chinese Distribution Centers across America hasn't helped much. Every single Republican CEO has worked their hardest to shut down jobs in America and ship them to China first, perhaps Canada & Mexico second - the only thing that seems to matter is the destruction of America jobs.
@HaldaneSmith 13 сағат бұрын
In 1990, 40% of the world's population lived on less than $2 a day and were constantly on the verge of starving. Today it's less than 8%. Do you want to go back to 40%? The rest of the world starves so the U.S. can have economic primacy? BTW, the U.S. is twice as rich as it was in 1990. You may not have noticed because 40% of the growth in U.S. wealth went to the top 1%, those worth over $10 million.
@Sammyli99 5 сағат бұрын
your first sentence is the reason why its changing, essentially Farming has enough Knowledge now, to make every country self-sufficient in Food and export-specific cash-cow surpluses. Bikino Fasso, I think just bought 500 tractors instead of tanks. We know the REST buddy, because the Z-banksters are controlling which top 20 families sit at the hight table real flows IMF/World Bank, UN programs, and Direct Investment are all controlled via a Kabal. If you are a good boy nation and trade on their TERMS you get loans to buy tanks you don't need in a foreign currency ($) that auto-devalues your own currency. I like and prey<<<<< That Africa wakes up from this slumber of "self-inflicted-leveraged-controlled" supression. Africa still has too many leaders and happy families on the TAKE its is exactly this MENTALITY that has allowed the ROT to continue and SEED for so long. It must stop or the YOKE will never be removed. Luv from a White Brit in X-ailse since 89. For example, Botswana supplies Is-Ra-El with Diamonds, not a word of sanction EVER, and like it cant import its own laser tech and learn how to AI-cut the glass......come ON.
@sergiotornel5 13 сағат бұрын
@sidengland6302 13 сағат бұрын
It's the destruction of private property.
@Lpm100 13 сағат бұрын
This is probably just some idiot academic who does not know what events are like on the ground. If you read even just the last century of Chinese history, it has been pretty bad. Great leap forward. Great famine. Cultural revolution. So, you might also ask the question how is it that somebody who lays claim to 5,000 years of civilization has not come up with anything better than the events of the last century?
@macrograms 14 сағат бұрын
It's a short term terminal finite process that leaves us with poisoned soil, poisoned water, and poisoned reservoirs of underwater carcinogens that will surface long after humans have gone extinct. What's not to love..
@OdinakaMirabel-dx2pl 14 сағат бұрын
I'm favoured financially, Thank you Jesus. $32,000 weekly profit regardless of how bad it gets on the economy.
@PromiseWisdom-oq8zd 14 сағат бұрын
Please how do I go about it, am still a newbie on investment trading and how can I make profit?
@Emmajesus-ks9by 14 сағат бұрын
It's Elizabeth Regina Nelsen doing she's changed my life. A BROKER-like her is what you need.
@EmmanuelOkechukwu-nf6sl 14 сағат бұрын
YES!!! that's exactly her name (Mrs Elizabeth Regina Nelsen) so many people have recommended highly about her and I'm just starting with her from Brisbane Australia🇦🇺
@Lpozeegaue 14 сағат бұрын
Wow. I'm a bit perplexed seeing Elizabeth Regina Nelsen been mentioned here also Didn't know she has been good to so many people too this is wonderful, I'm in my fifth trade with her and it has been super
@EmekaOkechukwu-pe1vn 14 сағат бұрын
I'm a long term investor, I withdrew my profits of over £61,000 during the covid-19 pandemic.
@choops321 15 сағат бұрын
I need more to this explanation
@ranar1036 15 сағат бұрын
Gentlemen, in time the military primacy will also decline for it depends on the economic primacy!
@user-db2ob2jc2f 15 сағат бұрын
USA needs a IIIrd Regime! Enough of DEMS n GOPS!
@Delmar-to6ny 16 сағат бұрын
Thievary by politicians and their backers is the reason for the Worst economic Crash in history is at the door!
@bluewater454 16 сағат бұрын
If I didn’t know any better I might get the impression that the professor actually celebrates the decline of his own country. The left has always despised this country and the principles it was founded upon. It has never really been shy about saying so. Meanwhile, the good professor praises anti democratic, authoritarian regimes like China every chance he gets.
@domfordoom3651 16 сағат бұрын
Why would a company hire someone just to lose money?
@alsurendra 16 сағат бұрын
@esmailgholamhosseinnejad9474 17 сағат бұрын
USA Never decline or losses, because can empower his Allies with Gega Atom Bons just liked/ Poland and Albanischen Etc....
@asifalibaluch4968 17 сағат бұрын
Europe also miscalculated the end point if in event of Russia sinking it will Also sank Europe with the support of their milliltery power..it least elder brother/ uncle Sam should have told them
@ZaamiAzoumi 17 сағат бұрын
Zoinism is a threat to peace in the world
@manie3232 17 сағат бұрын
By definition China is NOT communist as most businesses are "privately" owned.