Yes...but there's a catch
14 күн бұрын
The 5 keys to a great D&D battle map
THIS is how I run CRAFTING in D&D
How to write a great D&D one shot
THIS is how I run GUARDS in D&D
How to do HORROR in D&D
4 ай бұрын
THIS is how you make D&D prep EASY
@markmurex6559 Күн бұрын
Why would a player who normally plays in-person have to play remotely for a session? Could they not just get in their car and drive to where the game is to play in-person?
@TalesArcane 23 сағат бұрын
The point is to remove barriers to long-term commitment. If players know that every second game won't involve a commute, for example, that can be pretty helpful for getting people locked in longterm. For example, on nights when I play, I have to spend just over two hours commuting to and from my DM's apartment. With work and other life commitments, doing that every week could be a bit draining. Doing it every second week? Much more manageable, for me and for the other players who have to cover distance to and from the game.
@EmethMatthew Күн бұрын
I think this is a tremendously helpful template! I will definitely be using this for more confidence in making sure i cover all the bases during a session 0. 😁
@storytime7408 Күн бұрын
If you have been playing with your group for a long time, then having a S0 that focuses on the campaign, style, and characters makes sense. However when ppl complain about the garbage that goes on in their games, and are told that a good S0 could have solved a lot of that, it's not the campaign, style or characters that are the issue. It is the behaviors. A good S0 should be able to bring a bunch of ppl who don't know each other on board to play a game with few behavioural problems. It should be able to on-board a new player into and existing group. A S0 that does not focus on the behavior expectations above all the rest, is likely just a campaign pitch.
@lwnasidh Күн бұрын
The maps that you have behind you are always amazing. Do you get them from a specific place or Patreon, or do you make them yourself?
@TalesArcane Күн бұрын
I make them all myself using a map making tool called Inkarnate! A lot of them are available through my Patreon, but I'd highly recommend trying out Inkarnate - they're doing a free summer-long trial of their premium tools, which I would highly recommend.
@lwnasidh Күн бұрын
@@TalesArcane Backed
@CaseyWilkesmusic Күн бұрын
DMs should conceive of the campaign/campaigns. The players choose which one they want and then each player should have a chance to “yes, and…” their ideas. Rarely the DM but “no, but…” any truly unworkable concepts
@joshuastebbing7408 Күн бұрын
I have my session zero for the new campaign next week. Thanks for the tips!
@Wasserbienchen Күн бұрын
I do most of this list in what I call the campaign briefing. It's a short document that describes the setting & premise of the campaign, themes, the length & even the rules and what kind of scheduling I expect to have. The actual session zero is usually fairly short, since only the players who were interested attend, with character creation and discussions on that. (IRL, I'd throw in the beginning of the adventure as well, but we often play online.)
@dario5178 Күн бұрын
Nice video. Personally I find players making characters individually can be problematic. The best parties I had, the characters were created together during session 0, and they "knew each other" before the game start.
@TalesArcane Күн бұрын
I get that! Give me "pre-formed party" over "strangers meet for the first time" any day of the week. I absolutely understand why some players prefer the latter approach, but as a DM I find the first few sessions are so much smoother and more natural if everyone is already acquainted.
@Doauwed Күн бұрын
About to start my new campaign in a week, this video was a good help for a session zero
@Jebster_ Күн бұрын
I've never played dnd before but have been wanting to get into it more and more lately, I wanted to write a campaign and ended up here, this has given me a couple of ideas and I'm super excited to get started, thanks!
@Ghazrin Күн бұрын
Cool ideas! But what do the players get for passing their exams? Proficiency in a related skill, language, or tool? Something else? What becomes of any unused learning points in excess of what they spend to buy additional exam dice? Do they carry over to the next term, can they be redeemed for something else, or are they just lost?
@dicewarfaregaming Күн бұрын
Loving your content! This came right in time for my return to DM'ing 5th edition next week and was reassuring to find your Session 0 list is pretty much the same as mine. Cheers!
@durff1232 Күн бұрын
My current campaign (a seafaring adventure) is about 10 sessions away from its end. Glad to have gotten this video to add to my collection of resources with the next campaign approaching. Session 0 is always the hardest part for me. I keep having topics come up mid-session that I realize, in hindsight, I should have covered in the beginning. Thanks for the help!
@samwisegamgee9482 Күн бұрын
Literally have a session zero in 5 hours, thanks
@redd_Jack Күн бұрын
How'd it go?
@samwisegamgee9482 Күн бұрын
@@redd_Jack Good thanks for asking, didn’t have anytime for a combat encounter though
@WandersNowherre Күн бұрын
Environment REALLY matters in D&D. The closest my party has ever come to a TPK involved the party of 7 characters, at around 8th level, being trapped in a small subterranean shrine with a Dire Troll and an Annis Hag. The hag ambushed them on the first turn, grappled the cleric and crushed her into unconsciousness, then piked her on one of the iron hooks around her chamber like she was playing dead by daylight. On initiative 20 the next turn, she schlorped through the walls with her lair action and let the Dire Troll out of its cage in the floor. The party now had this gigantic multi armed mincing machine right in their midst, with nowhere to run to get out of range of its attacks. A failed Athletics check to break the locked portcullis wasted a turn from the barbarian. The healer was failing death saves on a hook. The frantic party focused all their fire on the troll, locking it down with Entangle and Slow, but that just meant nobody was watching when the hag schlorped out of the walls again on turn 4, granny-hugged the fighter to 0 and piked her on a hook. They only survived because the Dire Troll wasted a turn flubbing a roll to break Entangle, and the wizard nailed it with a critical Firebolt the turn before it would have regained its Frenzy attack (unaffected by Slow) and wiped the entire party in one move. The party had easily defeated the hag and a large horde of ogres and goblins before in a straight siege fight where they controlled the battlefield, so they went in cocky. This time, she was ready for them, and nearly TPK'd with only two monsters. In an open field, though, the party would have comfortably surrounded and whittled them down. Environment. Matters.
@WandersNowherre Күн бұрын
This is ultimately why I've committed to using Dungeon Blocks tiling system; I looked into a lot of other types of physical terrain but I don't just want to pretty up a flat map, I want the three dimensionality to matter tactically to the battles, because doing 3d terrain is an INVESTMENT. I have tried to do multi level, complex battlefields with my flat maps and to an extent it's worked, but I have a large party and some will always end up further from the map than others, where it's much harder for them to see what's going on. I'm hoping the elevated terrain will help with that.
@tacochaos5127 2 күн бұрын
Key session 0 rule for me is to make sure they start with a common reason for adventuring together. If everyone arrives with a separate and rigid character objective, it usually doesn't make sense for them to join together, and it's difficult for the GM to curate a cohesive story that addresses the players desires. Sometimes I give them the reason, like they each pick another player they're bonded to, or they all came from the same region, or there was some larger event that impacted them equally so they have a common motivation
@angelalewis3645 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for all the ideas!
@TalesArcane 2 күн бұрын
Glad you're finding the content useful!
@jrpipik 2 күн бұрын
What I like about this presentation is you frame it as the DM saying what he wants to do and the others players deciding whether or not that works for them and opting in or out. I've seen videos promoting Session Zero in the opposite direction, where the other players decide what kind of game they want to play and the DM being more or less obliged to provide it. While to some extent it goes both ways, of course, the decision about what kind of game you'll play should mostly lie with the DM, who after all has to spend a lot more time with it than everyone else. If the DM isn't playing a game he or she likes, nobody is going to have fun.
@TalesArcane 2 күн бұрын
100%! I've seen DMs present that kind of advice, and I always just wonder how sustainable that is. If you have a clear vision for a campaign, and you're excited about it, and then you take out all the defining features of that vision to make the campaign work for the maximum number of players, will you still enjoy running that game months down the line? I find it's better to get the right party for the right campaign, so everyone has a good time throughout.
@dalesmith8452 2 күн бұрын
Putting the ‘Master’ back into Dungeon Master… you will live and breathe this game for months, years… your investment and energy will far out way that of your players - even the super keen ones. If you don’t totally love your world and its story options, you won’t stay the course.
@cairocastillo5521 Күн бұрын
As a DM I whole-heartedly agree!! I think we should normalize DMs being a little more "selfish" (for lack of a better word) with our campaigns because we are the ones putting in countless hours of creative prep work into this project while the players just get to show up, have fun, and not think about it again until the next session. For some reason it's become culturally expected of us to do everything for the players' entertainment by providing them with personalized content at the expense of what we as DMs really want to do. Nah, I'm here to have fun too. I already have a full time job and being a DM isn't it. It's a hobby and it's a lot of work to sustain. Especially when nobody else wants to DM and they just wanna kick back and chill instead. Long story short: at my table I let them know what I wanna run, what I don't wanna include, and they need to decide for themselves if they wanna be a part of that or not .
@drkrakinzzky3466 2 күн бұрын
I'm starting my campaign in a month and wanted to see how i can introduce them to the campaign, it's a fallout style campaign and uses completely different mechanics, I'll keep this in mind once It begins, thanks a ton mate
@Teraclon 2 күн бұрын
I am about to start my new campaign in a post-apocalyptic, high fantasy dnd 5e game, that takes place after The Shadow Horde swept through the lands... could have used these tips for the session 0 I held two weeks ago xD Great advice as usual, so will keep them in mind for the next one, mate! :D
@TalesArcane 2 күн бұрын
I've never run a post apocalypse game, but that sounds like so much fun! How long do you envision it running?
@Teraclon 2 күн бұрын
@@TalesArcane roughly to level 10-12, so maybe 1,5-2 years. it will take place only 20 years after the end of the war, so the land is still trying to stabilize, so the land will be in chaos, since the war tore open the veil between planes, so rifts appear every so often, letting strange forces and creatures through. they can be walking throught he forest when an ifrit appears. nowhere is safe xD
@mikeb.1705 Күн бұрын
@@Teraclon very cool! I grew up on D&D, Gamma World and Thundar the Barbarian, so pretty much every game I've ever run has had "post apocalyptic" flavors. I tend to set mine FAR after the "apocalypse" (like 1000 years or so), so that the buildings and bunkers of the past are now dungeons, while the mutations and "genetic experiments" of the past are now the monsters / monstrous humanoids. My current party did battle with a Wight Monk with a cybernetic eye that fired scorching rays as a reaction. Good times >:-]
@lore_shards 2 күн бұрын
I'm really interested in the DC20 system Dungeon Coach is kickstarting right now. I love 5E but I'm kinda done with WOTC and their money grubbing ways, I want to support a company that cares about the game and treats me like a customer not a consumer. Great video!
@SnowWolf9999 Күн бұрын
DC20 looks interesting, I have some players that didn't want to move to Pathfinder or C&C and don't really want to learn a new system (DC20), So I ended up getting them to try Level up Advanced 5e, it's close enough to 5e (Same way Tales of the Valiant is super close to 5e) so they don't have to re-learn the system, I can use all my 5e adventures, but they added so much into combat, Character creation/progression, exploration and monsters it feels like a well homebrewed better 5e and you don't have to give WOTC any more money.
@travisdonaldstanley6420 2 күн бұрын
You should buy this if you are brand new to D&D, or if you haven't already spent months or years perfecting 5e. From what I've seen so far, I will pass. I just looked at the Fighter changes. I've already tweaked and peaked it. For example, there are two fighters Jacked fighters who add their strength modifiers to their intimidation skill checks. And athletic fighters who get to reroll a athletic skill checks once a short rest. Once you choose at season zero you can't change. Additionally, you can use second wind to automatically pass a constitutional saving throw if you fail one during a chase. Also, if you are making a physical ability skill checks you can use it to automatically pass. Champion already had big improvements at my table. I don't need this PHB. What I do need is more campaign material with great maps. Sadly WoTC no longer makes great campaign books anymore.
@thementalitydisturbedcolli7430 3 күн бұрын
Sweet, more Pathfinder Content! Always loved Earthfall, a short campaign set during that dark age of Earthfall would be so interesting
@ViktorLoR_Mainu 3 күн бұрын
100% agree, its not very fun for the DM to fudge, but its also very unfun for the players to have to deal with a less engaging combat session because of poor prep or because I'm inexperienced in running combat as a DM. I recently allowed a bard player to give disadvantage to a dispacer beast's attack by using minor illusion as a reaction, conjuring a mirror image of their face, and ducking below as the beast struck this air. My lowest roll was a 16, and I want to encourage my players to think creatively like that, so I fudged the roll. I think it was a good decision, especially with them being a new player.
@mushuable 3 күн бұрын
Judging by your two latest shorts, it seems the money you've not invested in the new DND books has been well used to buy the DM Core :D
@cadenceclearwater4340 4 күн бұрын
I'm considering playing a gnoll. Nice timing 😊
@bobbytwoshades9986 4 күн бұрын
Thank you for this, soon I will get the Knolls Epic Encounters 😎
@williamobraidislee3433 4 күн бұрын
Fun fact: this mythos is inspired by Kieth Parkinson’s famous illustration of the gnoll necromancer. I don’t remember which TSR publication it’s from though
@Fade_NB 4 күн бұрын
thanks for the tips!
@thementalitydisturbedcolli7430 4 күн бұрын
More pathfinder 2e content please! If you want to.
@Lukasafer 5 күн бұрын
I'm still in the rookie year of DMing but I have a succubus that's been homebrewed I didn't mean to but when I set up a tournament, by the rolls of the dice a different reoccurring enemy (that almost TPKd them) was one shot and dead from the succubus They were all afraid of her and I realized I had something They DESPISE her and I love throwing her at them
@cadenceclearwater4340 5 күн бұрын
Cool, that's sooo 70s 😎
@mushuable 5 күн бұрын
Yeah Pathfinder content 🎉🥳🦄 the Golarion world/setting is so interesting
@TalesArcane 5 күн бұрын
It is! The detail of the history is so rich - a GM's dream.
@drew413 5 күн бұрын
I designed my HB campaign around this exact premise!
@TalesArcane 5 күн бұрын
It's such a cool mystery to embed in the world, I love it!
@nathanh2664 5 күн бұрын
I won’t buy them. I don’t like what they did to paladins and I don’t have a lot of disposable income
@SomeRandomGuy1098 5 күн бұрын
Nahhh I think if wotc doesnt significantly change how they operate or put out something undeniably amazing, I'm not gonna be doing business with them again
@fammnak852 5 күн бұрын
Our table just got familiarised and comfortable with 5e.. to be honest I think it will take us a while to go to 5.5. However we already start to talk about it, and just being excited and discussing it, but nothing too serious. I will be buying the new books nevertheless, because I'm just a sucker for nice illustrations, and I'd love to add them to my collection. But for the whole table to move on, I guess it will take a sweet while!
@travisdonaldstanley6420 2 күн бұрын
Indeed. The new books are really for the hard core fans who are bored after playing for 10 years with 5e. Thanks for sharing
@lugzgaming5074 6 күн бұрын
@THECMIASTER1 6 күн бұрын
Another great video!
@dapra06 7 күн бұрын
Hi, as a bossfight for a 1v1 what can a level 17 paladin kill in terms of CR? Can he kill 20/21 CR for example?
@ronzaebarron2195 7 күн бұрын
I like how it a real game, doesn’t feel over done with the social interactions and filler 👍🏽💯 really great to watch to learn for my own games
@13thTemplar718 7 күн бұрын
You said you wouldn't buy the books because it would be expensive but then mention that it would be available on still have to pay them for access to the digital version of the books unless i missed an announcement for these three
@TalesArcane 7 күн бұрын
While you can buy the books on DndBeyond, I'm just talking about the core information and updated rules needed to run this version of the game. DndBeyond hosts all the core rules for playing D&D, along with a large selection of monster stats, items, and so on, for free - if you Google "Half-orc 5e", for example, one of the top results will be a DndBeyond page with all the essential info for building a Half-orc character - and all of this info will gradually be updated to reflect the new rulebooks, as the old ones are phased out.
@joshuajones8050 7 күн бұрын
Damm bro this is my first time watching a video of yours but your voice is not at all what I expected you to sound like but it’s also really cool
@Apeiron242 7 күн бұрын
No. You should get DC20.
@TheExhaustipatedBookworm 8 күн бұрын
But can I make my character a lich? Not the enemy but a character. My character willingly chose to become a lich. Is it possible? You know be a good lich? Hunt down criminals and bad people and take their souls. Sort of an antihero. But I never heard anyone make their character a lich. Is it possible?
@TalesArcane 8 күн бұрын
There's no reason why you couldn't make a character who was a lich! I'm sure you could find an undead homebrew race, match it with a wizard class, and flavor it with a phylactery. However, in the official lore of 5e, liches are typically extremely powerful spellcasters, so the tricky bit would be coming up with an in-world reason for your lich character to be depowered to whatever your starting level is (assuming you're not starting at a high level).
@TheExhaustipatedBookworm 7 күн бұрын
@@TalesArcane yeah no I’m starting completely new. Like lever 1.
@torturedpoet1022 8 күн бұрын
I will certainly be buying the PBH asap but probably not the MM & DMG because I practically never use the DMG and make my own monsters and if I needed rules I can always reference my 2014 DMG or MM, or I can just google the book using online anyflip which I already do. I’m excited to see what the new character sheets look like even though I use dnd beyond for all my characters 😅. Congrats on the success with the channel recently ❤!!!
@pawsen9 8 күн бұрын
I honestly love everyone of your videos, and have probably watched them all several times. Such a huge help and ressource for a first time DM homebrowing a campaign. Thank you so much for your content. Its really great
@snobgoblinDK 8 күн бұрын
I will buy them, but I don’t like what I hear. I think the weapon abilities will get old really fast, especially if they involve saving throws. An action surging fighter using these features 4 times in a turn will be annoying. The restriction on ability score distribution in backgrounds are stupid and a downgrade from Tasha’s. Humans with two feats will be the best choice again for species (and I am now forced to deal with the “skilled” feat which is often banned in my group of sometimes 6 players).
@tomgartin 9 күн бұрын
My group is pretty strongly 5e based so I’ll buy the book. We’ll give the PHB a fair shake with Vecna Eve of Ruin, then probably sculpt everything into the homebrew version of the game that works best for us.