16 сағат бұрын
14 күн бұрын
Borrowing mechanics: Dexterity.
21 күн бұрын
Do bag pulls in games ever work?
Carnage at UKGE!
Ай бұрын
More Solo mode.
2 ай бұрын
Pacific Command!
2 ай бұрын
Abstraction versus detail
2 ай бұрын
We have written a textbook!
3 ай бұрын
Simulation versus emulation
3 ай бұрын
Whatcha workin' on now?
3 ай бұрын
Why make it a Minis game? To grow!
Why make it a Minis game? To end!
@jameswilson3809 3 сағат бұрын
Have you considered a football esque scenario? Gaslands x rocket league. That could make something interesting happen with larger teams of vehicles?
@RuleofCarnage 3 минут бұрын
Yeah, its just a little tricky to figure out the physics of the ball.
@pauldaulby260 11 сағат бұрын
If the game is called gaslands XXL, surely you can just tell people to use a big table or floor. And not need the rolling road
@pauldaulby260 11 сағат бұрын
Wow Mike's dismissal of this is wild. You need to just try it one time and see if it actually is tedious or if you'd actually have fun
@pauldaulby260 11 сағат бұрын
Especially shocking considering billion sun's multiple tables
@LexTenebris 15 сағат бұрын
Here's kind of an elemental problem with Glenn's position. It doesn't really make sense for large groups of vehicles in a convoy. That is, there's no reason for convoys to start facing exactly the same direction and competing to achieve victory points by grabbing flags. There's no point in them racing. Why, you may ask? Because if I can drive my group fast enough to catch up with you, I can drive my group fast enough to go past you. I don't have to get near you. I'm already beyond you. It makes sense for small groups of vehicles to be able to start in close proximity, but it doesn't make sense for convoys to start in close proximity. Okay, with that established and stated, what games can we look at which can inspire some direction and understanding for us? Given this setup, it's absolutely worth looking at Old School Jovian Chronicles: Lightning Strike When you have fleets of spacecraft engaging in conflict, in what is effectively open space engagements, you almost never have anybody chasing somebody else. If they're ahead of you, they probably have more thrust than you. If you have more thrust than them, you can get ahead of them. Or among them as much as you want. Fine. Instead, there are other options that come into play. Head-on gets you the titular effect: a lightning strike. Things crash through one another head-on, and you get one exchange of fire or ramming or whatever, and that's it. Your turning radius is not going to bring you back around in order to get more damage on them, orbital mechanics doesn't work that way. You've got one shot, make it count. I can definitely see that being an interesting choice of Gaslands XL scenario. Alternatively, you can be coming into an intercept from the front. You are definitely not going to want to be going at full speed when you get into engagement range because it's going to take forever for you to swing around. But the target is going to want to be going full speed at engagement range to make it harder for you to maneuver to engage. Basically, this is two convoys approaching one another along the long axis of the table with one of them starting in one of the forward corners at zero speed and one convoy coming in from the middle of a short side full speed. Proceed appropriately. Alternately, you can be intercepting from the rear, at which point you are going to want to be moving as quickly as you feel that you can still maneuver as the target goes as fast as they can, or choose not to. Now, you have one convoy coming in from the middle of the short side. And one coming from one of the corners off their same side, both picking their initial engagement speed. At the scale of convoys, it really doesn't make sense for them to be starting in the same place, in the same space, unless they are literally set up within the context of somebody else setting the rules for a race. I have to be honest, that doesn't sound as interesting as convoys clashing to kill each other. However, since I do own Jovian Chronicles and Jovian Chronicles: Lightning Strike and Jovian Wars, my taste in tabletop war games may be fairly clear when it comes to mass combat. At least when it comes to high-mobility mass combat. Also, for the record, I love using floors as mass combat spaces because there is so much room for maneuver to actually make a difference. You might joust for a minute because it's reasonable to set up another group, another squadron, to do real damage to your target in a second pass. You can't do that when maneuvering is tight. You need space to do it. Floors are full of a lot of space. Plus, it's easy to find terrain to throw on a floor. Pretty much anything will do. Those are my thoughts anyway.
@dr.masquesretroelixir5360 3 күн бұрын
A lot of great general advice for setting up and demoing at a convention 🤘🏻💀
@RuleofCarnage 3 күн бұрын
Thanks, I have a lot of general experience demoing at conventions, so I'm glad if it comes across.
@UnPlayableGames 4 күн бұрын
The more I test movement options for a game I'm developing (something like a more casual-friendly Dreadball) the more I get convinced that people dislike measured movement (be it with tape or sticks/templates) because the mentioned "degree of collaboration" feels like they are constantly engaging with "moral" choices that somehow always feel wrong: when advantageous they feel like cheating, when disadvantageous they feel like being cheated; and then should you speak up or let it go? and how about now? and this other time? and now? Not every movement/measurement is like this, but it happens often enough as to make the whole thing unpleasant. In my testing sessions with strangers this happens A LOT with people that are not players, or that usually play boardgames, ttRPGs or videogames. I literally see them make faces during the game :P Instead miniature wargamers, even relatively green ones, seem to not have this experience at all, or very rarely, and use movement-sticks (the current option I am testing) liberally and with no apparent attrition. This is starting to sell me on the idea of going for grid-play as it seems like it would (reasonably) remove these problems and (hopefully) improve the overall game experience and further lower the bar for entrance.
@RuleofCarnage 3 күн бұрын
Ultimately, the game experience is the most important thing. If your game doesn't have that much to gain from non-discrete movement, I don't think there's a massive amount to gain from it. I absolutely think that tape measure movement is its own barrier to entry, I just think that it can give a significant amount of gameplay in return, depending on the design.
@UnPlayableGames 3 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage makes sense. And now that I'm toying with the idea of hexagons, they seem to present their own brand of problems 😅 Still, it's fun to design around a different set of limitations 🤓
@RuleofCarnage 3 күн бұрын
@@UnPlayableGames They do have their own ups and downs, there are a few people designing around them in the Discord.
@danharris8805 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video. Its been very helpful, just ordered some of my own for my vampire counts 😊
@RuleofCarnage 5 күн бұрын
Glad it helped you out. Really lovely minis.
@istathar 5 күн бұрын
Nice job on the thumbnails lately.
@RuleofCarnage 5 күн бұрын
Thanks, they're pretty simple but I'm happy that they have a decent impact.
@Eurorack_Goblinmode 6 күн бұрын
Clank! It’s a board game… whenever your piece is pulled from the bag you lose a life point. Certain actions put more of your color pieces in the bag. It’s supposed to model making noise I believe hence the title and if you make so much noise the dragon gets you? With a deck it’d certainly be more cumbersome. Adding new things to a bag is easy! Adding new things to a deck would mean shuffling everytime.
@RuleofCarnage 6 күн бұрын
I'm currently working through Clank! Legacy. I'm not sure how a similar requirement for multiple identical increasing elements would translate into minis games.
@jameswilson3809 6 күн бұрын
Glen’s preference for a way to play Malifaux, sounds suspiciously like a really good argument for grid based movement in miniatures games. 😮 (edited for terminology)
@RuleofCarnage 6 күн бұрын
Only for the weak.
@gekalskip 5 күн бұрын
​ @RuleofCarnage haha but the thing is, there IS no way to make movement accurate and hassle-free as long as it is done by tape measures or templates, because there will always be occasions where you're gonna have discussions about what is just in, or just out of range. Even if you have a rule that says you don't have to make it to the enemy 100% of the distance but you've got a small margin, then the discussion will just move to measuring that margin. And if the actual measuring/templates aren't gonna cause discussion and hassle, then the players' actual physical interaction with the models and templates/measuring devices will. Think of people picking up their model to do a certain move, but then realizing they want to do something else and having to place them back in their starting position again. Or the actual placing of your units at the end of the measuring stick or template will not be 100% accurate as well (and then the next turn you might just be in range for a charge but both players know the movement of previous turn was so inaccurate that it will cause a discussion now that it is time to charge). There is no way to fix all of this without some objective abstract system of movement with hexes, right?
@RuleofCarnage 4 күн бұрын
@@gekalskip Or, alternatively, by the awesome power of not worrying about it. In all seriousness, everything has ups and down, positives and negatives, you can "fix" the negatives of non-discrete movement, but in so doing, you remove all its advantages.
@larkairn8842 7 күн бұрын
My favourite movement in wargaming at the moment is Star Wars: Armada. The maneuver tool, yaw values and navigational commands all lend themselves super well to representing both lumbering colossal masses and the smaller nimble skirmishing ships moving through space.
@RuleofCarnage 6 күн бұрын
I've watched lots of Armada, but never actually sat down and played it. I know Mike has a copy, but I don't think he's a huge fan.
@MansMan42069 7 күн бұрын
I'm reminded of Dream Pod 9's Heavy Gear Blitz's old movement rules where each model could "shift up/down" through different speeds and movement modes that changed movement distance and turning radius, alongside modifiers to shooting and defence rolls. So you have a single themed game that had multiple movement rules.
@RuleofCarnage 7 күн бұрын
I think you have more leeway when player agency can allow you swap between movement forms for certain. If you're stuck in one or another you have to be much more careful.
@MansMan42069 7 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage Oh definitely At least in the older Editions, your mech's movement "mode" could only be changed before any actual movement and stayed that way until you changed it the following turn. So if your mech was moving at Top Speed (sprinting), all rolls by it and against it would be against a sprinting model with all the associated modifiers until you make it drop down to Combat Speed (walking) but you can't immediately make it Stop. Funny thing is though the rules actually say you don't _have_ to move which makes it weird to have a mech moving at "Top Speed" de jure but moved 0" de facto.
@RuleofCarnage 7 күн бұрын
@@MansMan42069 That is one of the advantage of Gaslands in that if you qualify to move you must move.
@bryce7344 7 күн бұрын
What a horrible title... I came from an older episode that asked an interesting question in the title, and they hosts failed at answering it by not going more than surface depth, but it at least got me to click on the video. This title only made me click on it because it was so bad. Really "Movement" is the title you go with? Not at least "Movement in Tabletop Games" or something? Embarrassing
@grimskald 7 күн бұрын
Ah but you did click on it! A new KZfaq strategy emerges
@RuleofCarnage 7 күн бұрын
So your problem is that the title got you to click on it and you consider that a failure of the title?
@bryce7344 7 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage Uhh dude, did you think about this at all? I clicked on your channel to see more videos from you then I ended up not watching any because I saw how bad this title was, clicked on it for a second, paused it, made this comment, left, saw a recommendation of one of your videos (from 2 years ago with a better title.. huh I wonder why that was in my feed and not this one) and then clicked the three dots, and finally clicked "Don't Recommend Channel." Do you really consider that a win? Do you really consider getting the boost from my comment a win when I otherwise would've watched and liked and commented on more videos from you? Like yea I clicked on this video because it was the most recent one with a bad title, not because the title made me interested in the video. I'm assuming when you wrote it you weren't thinking "hurr durr this is so bad that I'm sure people will click on it" but hell, maybe you were. But if you weren't then you didn't actually accomplish your goal, you didn't get me interested in the video. Since you didn't accomplish your goal with the title (viewer retention) then you failed. Did you think about that at all? KZfaq hasn't rewarded clicking on a video and immediately clicking off for years, you didn't get anything out of your bad title besides some comments about how bad it is, if you consider that slight boost in the algorithm "not a failure" then that's just pathetic. Imagine this, you write a better more interested title, I don't click on it out of my need to write a comment at such a failure, I click on it because I'm interested in what's being discussed so I watch the video through like I did for your 2 year old video, I then go on to subscribe and watch more videos from you. Isn't that what you want? Are you genuinely too stupid to understand what my original comment was about or were you just trying to get some cheap win. Because either way it seems like you didn't think about it in the slightest which is just embarrassing. Have you literally never self reflected on the drop in views your channel has received which coincides with using objectively worse titles and thumbnails (not interesting, doesn't help the would-be viewer understand what the video would be about or like, doesn't give context for the actual topic, doesn't let the viewer see what kind of youtube video they'd be watching) and thought to yourself "maybe I made a mistake" ever? I'd go back to using a thumbnail from the video if I were you, I would go back to using the style of titles you used before if I were you. But you don't seem very intelligent so I'm going to guess that you won't do that out of spite even though I was hoping you would self-reflect after my original comment. I don't want to believe that you are actually this stupid, I don't want to believe that you read my comment and thought "well he DID click on the video though, I have no clue what his problem could be, it just doesn't make any sense to me" because you didn't actually register what I was saying. But I highly doubt you will. I doubt you will ever be able to see the difference between someone clicking on a bad video and watching it all the way through because the title promised a good video and someone clicking on a video because it had a bad title, to tell you that it was a bad title, and then clicking off of it without knowing if the video is actually good or not. Keep making horrible titles. Keep making horrible thumbnails that are worse than the lower effort screenshots from videos just because those at least let the would-be viewer know that they are about to watch a podcast. Keep not thinking at all. Because I know that you are too stupid to do otherwise.
@MansMan42069 7 күн бұрын
@@bryce7344 What a horrible comment. You came to provide nothing to the conversation and had to write a whole nothing burger when you got clowned on. Embarrassing. Bye, Felicia 👋
@demitrisioannou7730 4 күн бұрын
Hi I have no friends or a life please take notice of me too, oh wait I didn’t use text speak or emojis no one will ever understand me 😂
@TheCrimsonArchivist 7 күн бұрын
Have you guys considered a video about alternatives to “Wounds” i am contemplating a Survival mechanic where the more damage a model suffers the harder it is to pass
@RuleofCarnage 7 күн бұрын
We did a video about degradation mechanics if that's what you mean: they can be tricky to get right without ending up in a death spiral.
@TheCrimsonArchivist 7 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage i was looking to find something different from wound like a model has a roll to survive damage but every damage on it makes the roll hard like if they have one damage they roll a 3+ but if they have four damage they roll a 6+ on a D20 and then if they survive the damage is removed, showing the armor keeping the bullets or whatever from killing the model
@danielmiller1826 10 күн бұрын
Great littlw channel this!
@danielmiller1826 10 күн бұрын
Ok so here's my elevator pitch: Furious Firefights: a fast sci fi battle game based on 80's action movie style combat. Use any sci fi, cyberpunk and even some fantasy miniatures. Turns based on hidden orders revealed on activation and resolution mostly using a single roll per action with granular results. A coherent but open galactic setting where factions are flexible archetypes that do not lock you down to a paint-scheme or model range.
@RuleofCarnage 10 күн бұрын
Seems like a solid pitch. I'd like to know what grounds all those random minis into your specific world.
@danielmiller1826 10 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage Cool! the setting follws the end of previous Golden Age of Dispersion where humanity spread throughout the galaxy leading to a huge variety of cultural experimentation and almost no conflicts over resources or territory. At the end of this period encounters with alien civilisations, voracious xenobugs and sentient planets forced humanity inwards - once more people were fighting no only aliens but each other. So a lot of the factions can be represented with various minis - techno barbarians (who either aquired ech from outside ofr from a collapsed civilisation could use Mad Max or GW ork style minis), xenobugs might use Alien xenomorphs, GW 'nids etc...). And of course the galaxy is BIIG so all these variations can plausibly exist somewhere...
@fabiofileri2872 11 күн бұрын
Chit pull work better than a deck of card just you can mix it a lot faster than you can shuffle a deck. I dont like any activation order. Thing become interesting to me when there is something that balance the activation limitation in a simple, elegant whay that blend well whit the setting. I like the Neuroshima-ex example, especially if there is something a player can do gain his 'battle tile'.
@gav-gf7cr 12 күн бұрын
I honestly prefer the chess puzzle justification to the narrative one if there has to be a very specific set up. Not that I dislike narrative gaming, but I want the story to emerge out of play and do my own fictionalizing. It's not incompatible with your Incunabula idea of each player having several warbands, which does make sense from a purely practical gaming perspective. And is not that different from what you do in solo gaming. It would be nice to have a choice of baddies, just like you have for goodies so you don't have to collect and paint a warband you dislike. Twilight sounds incredibly railroady though, which even in an rpg is a terrible experience. Been there, hated it.
@MrLigonater 13 күн бұрын
So I’ve tried to design around the problem of allowing people to design their bands of heroes (or anti-heroes) and facilitate games that aren’t just those warband clashing against eachother over and over again. Once required a little pre-game, semi-collaborative mini game, where the player that had the story telling initiative would make a roll on 5 areas that would define the game. Who, what, when, where, and why. If they passed the roll in that section, they could make a choice about the conditions of the scenario or earn some sort of advantage, if they failed, the other player would get to make the decision. For example, when rolling for “where” the winner gets to set up the terrain, or something like that. I tested it out once with a friend and it was nice, but i don’t think it had enough structure for it to really stand in its own. The other idea was each player would make a decision about where there party would go. If both players picked the same destination, they would be fighting against each other, but if they ended up in a different location, the other player would build a thematic NPC army based on that location. And each player would play 2 games that round, once as the “player” and once with their NPC force. But that could get challenging the more people you add.
@DistantSons 14 күн бұрын
Hey, I just found your channel great stuff. I'm working on making my own game and I had a question. Do you guys know any community where game designers can meet people for collaborations?
@RuleofCarnage 13 күн бұрын
Well, our Discord is a good start.
@DistantSons 13 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage I'll sign up for discord and take a look. Thanks.
@grimskald 14 күн бұрын
I think Space Hulk is a good example of good narrative vs miniature games. Arguably a board game, but the premise of Space Hulk holds.
@RuleofCarnage 14 күн бұрын
Yeah, boxed games give you more options I think, Space Hulk is a classic and of course Gloomhaven has a really strong narrative.
@grimskald 14 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage I don't think being a boxed game makes it much easier. I think that Space Hulk was designed from the ground up for adversarial narrative play. You could do the same with a minis game if your goal was set early.
@RuleofCarnage 13 күн бұрын
@@grimskald I think being a boxed game gets over the issue of providing what players need and laying out a specific narrative series of games. I mean, if I didn't have all the pieces to play Space Hulk when I first picked it up I don't know I'd have played it as much.
@elfbait3774 15 күн бұрын
Seems to me people are backing off the psychology because they feel there is a desire for more predictable, calculable play with fewer madcap shenanigans. I personally love the unpredictability of psychology rules and feel it adds to the realism. As you mentioned, it is entirely possible that a unit may not want to do what you want it to do because in reality that happens.
@RuleofCarnage 15 күн бұрын
I think psychology rules are in a tricky place in modern game design. For "competitive" players they contain a lot of output randomness, and for "narrative" players they're quite broad strokes. Personally I prefer psychology to be quite emergent, while crazy events do happen, en masse, the psychology of people tends to be largely predictable.
@elfbait3774 15 күн бұрын
Just discovering this video. The answer to a lot of these is just simply for the purpose of making a tighter game system. Many of these issues, if corrected, stack up to a huge pile of book keeping and nitpicking.
@RuleofCarnage 15 күн бұрын
I'm not sure how that follows. If the system is to only allow a single re-roll of a dice, surely allowing repeat re-rolls means there's one less thing to need to keep track of, rather than more.
@elfbait3774 15 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage I suppose it's a trade off. Easy enoughr to roll a re-roll on something, get the result, and move on. It could be that I am misunderstanding what your mean for re-rolls.
@nathanculver9252 15 күн бұрын
Game Hard Sci-fi 10mm Squad-level (7-14 soldier per base) Tabletop Miniatures Wargame. Hook Make pivotal decisions at every opportunity with unique game rules that blend strategic planning, meaningful tactical decision-making, brutal realistic consequences, real morale management and command & control elements, your every decision can be the difference between victory and total defeat; with no measuring, no turns or rounds - just focus on your options and the battle. Theme One-Liner With a hard sci-fi wargame that captures the gritty reality of futuristic ground warfare. Grounding/Anchor Point Your tactical choices and strategic planning are paramount. Experience the satisfaction of building armies your way, mastering complex scenarios, and outmaneuvering your opponent in a true test of wits and skill. Elevator Pitch Dive into this hard sci-fi miniature wargame that sets itself apart with its intricate blend of strategy and realism, where your decisions, focus, and skills are as critical as Units or firepower. Outthink your opponent with unparalleled depth and dynamic, high-stakes gameplay that other games simply can't match.
@nathanculver9252 15 күн бұрын
Bag pulling in the Battlegroup Wargame is used for Battlegroup Rating (force morale). Great game mechanism, my favorite implementation of force morale. The best continuous activation system, IMO, is definitely Crossfire.
@davidsheffmodels 17 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for your lovely comments about my stuff in your video!
@RuleofCarnage 17 күн бұрын
Well, thanks for making cool stuff to comment on.
@-ilustralia- 17 күн бұрын
It is an honor for ilustralia miniatures that you show our work again in your channel. A great pride for us Thank you Rule of Carnage 🙏
@RuleofCarnage 17 күн бұрын
You always make cool stuff so I love to be able to feature it.
@BishokDesign 17 күн бұрын
Thanks for the Sector AL-IX presentation!
@RuleofCarnage 17 күн бұрын
No problem, I had it bookmarked and then someone bought it up in the RoC Discord, so it seemed natural to mention it.
@epimetrius7348 18 күн бұрын
I was thinking about using a deck of tarot cards for some campaign stuff for a game I was working on. As the base rules, there are no mages, but if your Warband has a mage, then your opponent also gets a mage, then there's kinda this drafting minigame before the battle, where the Minor Arcana cards are spells that can be cast during the battle, but the Major Arcana cards are scenarios/alternate rules, such as the Devil making the person with the most objective points lose the scenario, or the Lovers making two units on opposite sides unable to attack each other, or even attack friendly units over their "love."
@RuleofCarnage 18 күн бұрын
Tarot cards are certainly an interesting choice, they open up a whole bunch of options.
@Uselesswizard 19 күн бұрын
This was a great episode and exactly what I needed to help me develop a good elevator pitch! I'm working on a pulp/dieselpunk sky pirate themed aerial dogfighting game focused on fast movement, judging risk vs reward, and outwitting your opponent. Players control two or more customizable aircraft with varied pilot skills and abilities with the objective of stealing and fighting their way to infamy and fortune. This is a diceless game that uses Blackjack as the core resolution mechanic and fits miniatures like Crimson Skies, Blood Red Skies, Aeronautica Imperialis (with some kitbashing), etc.
@John_does 21 күн бұрын
Every d6? can I use non cubical d6?
@RuleofCarnage 21 күн бұрын
Currently, yes.
@MansMan42069 21 күн бұрын
What's the legality on using dice as actual projectiles and yeeting them at models and dicestacks?
@RuleofCarnage 21 күн бұрын
Currently, absolutely fine, and becoming an increasingly powerful meta.
@MansMan42069 20 күн бұрын
​@@RuleofCarnage Nice! What do you think of Blast weapons where the area of effect is defined by the boundary of the thrown dice (at least 3 to be able to draw a 2d shape)?
@RuleofCarnage 19 күн бұрын
@@MansMan42069 I think that's a really nice idea.
@TheRichardErickson 21 күн бұрын
My favorite dexterity game is Clout. It's Magic the Gathering with the added challenge that all of your cards are poker chips that you have to toss onto the table. The area they land on determines what they can hit. If they fall off the table the chip is dead.
@zargonfuture4046 23 күн бұрын
Could you play the game as a solo one faction against the drones and a "bot" faction?
@RuleofCarnage 22 күн бұрын
With a bit of tweaking I should think so.
@fireflydice 24 күн бұрын
One question that seems to always be causing debates due to how ots worded in the rulebooks, when setting down the veer and swerve templates, the name on the template must be towards the car? I believe that I have read that turns may be rotated. However, those 2 templates in specific must be flipped when choosing directions, not rotated 180°.
@RuleofCarnage 24 күн бұрын
They can be flipped or rotated. The intention is absolutely that you can choose the placement of the exit arrow as well as the direction of the curve.
@fireflydice 24 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage Cool. Thanks for the reply. I believe that the FAQ on the website is wrong then.
@RuleofCarnage 24 күн бұрын
@@fireflydice I've just looked at the FAQ for Refuelled on the Gaslands website and can't see anything referencing templates. Can you let me know what you're referring to?
@fireflydice 23 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage Of course. Its under movement, the 3rd question. "The turning templates only go one way: can vehicles only turn right? No. The turning templates may be rotated 180 degrees to allow for left turns. The swerve and veer templates can be flipped over to allow for left-wards motion."
@RuleofCarnage 23 күн бұрын
@@fireflydice Sure, but that's just saying that the Swerve and Veer can be flipped over to go left, not that they can't be spun 180 degrees, since spinning the Veer and Swerve 180 degrees wouldn't change their direction so it wouldn't be an answer to the question about changing direction. On page 22 of the Refuelled rulebook it clearly states that the template may be placed with either short edge against the front of the vehicle.
@user-xx1jd5et5q 24 күн бұрын
I just discovered your channel, excellent discussion. As someone fairly new into the world of miniature games, I was always confused by this whole competitive vs narrative dichotomy. For now, the difference for me is a competitive game is focusing more on balance, on the expense of having blander scenarios, while a narrative game is focusing on having more wild/whacky scenarios, on the expense of having a tight balance. Very interesting discussion, I would like to hear of it more.
@RuleofCarnage 24 күн бұрын
Well, its a pretty ongoing subject for us. I think the balanced vs narrative argument isn't super helpful to either side to be honest, I think both can be either. My personal take is that its about how the game is trying to be socially transformative. I think that competitive games are trying to intercede between us socially as we play while casual games are trying to intercede between each of us and the play experience.
@kdhlkjhdlk 24 күн бұрын
1. Rerolling and being able to keep the original is equivalent to roll two dice and drop the worst, which is just a separate mechanic - so you don't see reroll and choose, because it's always worded as roll an extra dice and drop the worst, because that makes it easier to do. 2. Rerolling multiple times is heading off stacking rules, which can lead to unintended consequences - mostly by people who know they are stacking one particular thing - and it's better to cap accuracy at a certain point.
@RuleofCarnage 24 күн бұрын
1) Well, the difference is that a re-roll with a keep option can be saved and only used after seeing the first roll while rolling two and keeping one has to be activated before rolling, its an input vs output randomness difference. 2) I really think that closing down the design space in fear of stacking, particularly for small independent games, is a mistake. It makes sense for something like GW who want to allow multiple designers to create multiple things in the same space, but for a single individual creating a single closed system its just not necessary.
@artistpoet5253 24 күн бұрын
This was my first time viewing...I think. I've been sifting KZfaq for talks and takes on dice systems. No surprise I'm faffing about with my own game. I'm pretty secure in using d6 dice pools. Like Mike, I'm familiar with buckets-o-dice; the 'o' is for Orks. So, my question is: How many D6s are too many for a dice pool using numbers of success to scale the degree of success? We've been pretty set with 5 as an upper limit. If your 'hits' are 6s for instance.
@RuleofCarnage 24 күн бұрын
Personally, I'd say that 5 is quite low, at that point its still impossible to get a full spread of results so, maybe counter intuitively, things get less chaotic with more dice. Of course, if you're scaling success a lucky result can seem quite spikey, but I'd be inclined to cap that on the degrees rather than on the number of dice.
@MrLigonater 24 күн бұрын
I think I like the idea of the stones in the bag being a gamified version of the Commanders span of control. So a more skilled commander might take 6, but a particularly bad one may take less. So if players want to take a lot of units, then they have to buy a better commander, or maybe buy lieutenants or 2nd in commands, who can activate multiple units around them to pick up the slack.
@pauldaulby260 25 күн бұрын
I played troika (the rpg) which has a bag pull of, 2 of each players character, 1 of each enemy, 1 that ends the round and you put all chips back in. the idea is its meant to be more randomised. its fun, and mostly fine in rpg because there's a lot more you're doing than worrying about skipping a couple turns every some number of fights. we just used a deck of cards. The other bag pull i'm aware of is epic 40k 3rd edition. where there's 5 chips total, 3 for the side with "higher initiative" and you pull for each phase, to see who's entire force goes first in movement, then which small unit detachment fires first, then which war engine fires first, then who gets do do all melee combats and charges first. then you reshuffle
@RuleofCarnage 25 күн бұрын
The thing is, that you ended up using a deck of cards is sort of my point. I always have a deck of cards in my gaming bag, I have since the first time I played Malifaux if not before, so if a bag pull can just be a deck of cards, I think it should be.
@ruckandmaul5018 25 күн бұрын
One "issue" with bag pull is that you cannot form a plan, there can be no plan from turn to turn, its total luck. It goes against the grain of command and control, what's the point of junior officers and NCOs if they have no function?
@RuleofCarnage 25 күн бұрын
Yeah, well that's the issue with random activation. Maybe some sort of manipulation of the bag pull process would be appropriate.
@davidwasilewski 25 күн бұрын
I used a bag pull system (like Bolt Action) for my 6mm miniature wargame rules ‘All Hell Let Loose’ because I feel it matches the violent, jerky, unpredictable nature of the fighting of the period. A platoon, a company, or a battalion are all roughly the same size in each army too. I wouldn’t use it for some other periods. E.g. in the American civil war, confederate divisions were often significantly larger than the union ones, but the union would have twice as many divisions on the battlefield. I’m not sure the game would work well with say 6 confederate dice in the bag but 10 union ones.
@peterplayingwithleadbrian5464 26 күн бұрын
I like the cube/ball pull idea. It could be a large impact unit type, like artillery. Do you risk choosing artillery when it could be your game changing artillery, or your Opponents? A great risk/reward decision.
@ravermunky1 27 күн бұрын
To my mind the decision to use a bag over a deck of cards comes down to the physical element. A bag is better at handling small (4-8) number of items and is quicker to swap items into and out. A deck is quicker to do a single draw or series of draws if the configuration isn't going to change very often past the initial randomisation. A game where you are putting things in the bag as often as they come out would be quite tedious as a deck, due to constant shuffling.
@leesweeney8879 27 күн бұрын
Yes bag pulls do work. The bag can do more than just who goes next. Events, weather and other things that used to be a chart can be done with the bag, like an Age of Sail game that the wind direction matters, can have some pulls that call the shift. Bags opens up many options.
@Geoff-wh5vr 27 күн бұрын
Glenn's reaction, to the thought of a colon being refuelled, tickled me.
@OldenDemon 28 күн бұрын
I’m not sure for bag pulls for player turns but check out the board games Village and Quacks of Quedlinburg for bag pulling mechanics, also Arkham Horror LCG for bagpulls to resolve combats.
@misomiso8228 28 күн бұрын
Miniwargaming's new game uses a bag pool and that seems oretty well done. I don't really like it as a mechanic though.
@GrandNagusEli 28 күн бұрын
Loving your content. I'd love to hear your take on the Trench Crusade rules.
@RuleofCarnage 28 күн бұрын
Thanks. Its hard to tell since TC is still in development but personally I'd have liked to see more personality put into the core rules rather than the faction system.
@GrandNagusEli 28 күн бұрын
​@@RuleofCarnage Think KZfaq ate my reply. Or I'm about to double reply. Shrug. I can see your point. Personally, I adore the brutal simplicity of the core rules. I like how easy it is to learn and reach but still heals good depth. I think it's the best ruleset I've read in ages. There is a campaign system as well if you go to the Discord. Finally, the anime style game you were talking about with the stacked activation mechanic was Relic Knights
@RuleofCarnage 27 күн бұрын
@@GrandNagusEli I'm glad you're liking it. It seemed fine to me, I just felt as though by the time it started showing off I'd kind of drifted away. To be honest, with the pedigree behind it I'd have been pretty shocked at anything left. Mostly, I think I just wanted something more Trenchy.
@GrandNagusEli 27 күн бұрын
@@RuleofCarnage @RuleofCarnage that's fair. I like rules that are fast and intuitive before getting out of the way. I also love all the fiddly gear and kitbashing opportunities
@RuleofCarnage 27 күн бұрын
@@GrandNagusEli I hear that, I just feel like things can be fast and intuitive but characterful as well. My personal taste is about 60% less gear options and 20% more unusual core rules.
@TheJoyofWargaming 28 күн бұрын
The Gates of Antares, which I believe is the same bag pull system as Bolt Action, has the advantage that the stones you pull double as markers that show that the unit has activated and what it did (thus allowing a record of that unit's status, individual reminder of potential modifiers when shooting at it). Although that moves the discussion outside of the activation discussion, it is worth observing the efficiencies that provides. Once you pull a stone, you don't have to fumble around for another token to show orders and status.
@RuleofCarnage 28 күн бұрын
Sure, cards would still perform the same purpose though.
@gernwind9262 28 күн бұрын
​@RuleofCarnage They wouldn't, as the status of the unit isn't determined by the activation pull. So if the unit runs, the die gets turned to the 'run' side etc. So effectively the playing piece you have in your hand from the activation pull serves as six-markers-in-one. And that is an "elegant" system. Bolt Action does the same btw. Bag pulling is sort of the Warlord house style. They have it in the 2000AD games as well, just without the dice, opting for plastic markers instead. Special effects markers part of the bag.
@RuleofCarnage 27 күн бұрын
@@gernwind9262 Cards have at least four sides they can be turned to. If they're custom made, eight actually.
@MansMan42069 28 күн бұрын
Personally, it would seem less "solitaire"-y if, after both Combat stones are pulled, the player who pulled fewer (or no) stones automatically get stones equal to the deficit before the round then ends. At least then, the player who potentially had gotten swarmed and attacked would have a chance to do something in the aftermath. Narratively, a retreat and regroup after a deadly assault or a countercharge that turns the tide.
@RuleofCarnage 28 күн бұрын
I agree, its why I find it so baffling that some of these games put in mechanics to force more uneven activations than would happen naturally.