@thecynicaloptimist1884 3 күн бұрын
Some criticisms of this episode is that everything plays out for Walt a little too perfectly, and while I don't disagree and think that's perfectly valid, I actually think it ties into an overall theme of _Breaking Bad_ - truth. Throughout the entire show, Walt is lying, to himself, to his family and friends, and to his business partners, and because of that, everything around him goes wrong. People get hurt, physically and mentally, or they get killed. He rises to the very top only for it all to collapse in on itself just as fast. He always felt that nothing in his life ever went "his" way. It's only when he's completely honest with himself and everyone else by admitting he's a selfish monster that he's finally "rewarded" by everything going his way.
@Jwmd1 3 күн бұрын
This is 99.1% perfect, with an n
@stephenannese8228 3 күн бұрын
I'm late to the party.....never saw the entire show,.....I watched many episodes online, but did watch the final show on TV,....you did a beautifull job explaining everything in the Finale here,....what a great show, great cast, ....!!
@israelfreenation3469 5 күн бұрын
Talking as fast as you can in a video is annoying to the listener.. whats the rush
@xxarcangelxx143 6 күн бұрын
Cinema sins is so arse
@bigoltits1880 7 күн бұрын
I think you exaggerated walt's thirst for vengeance against the n@zis. There was an empty look in his eyes when he pulled the trigger on that guy. Whereas vengeance is usually expressed with rage. I think Walt just offed them because they were a threat to his family's safety, and because they were keeping jesse prisoner. SPeaking of whom, you were also wrong to imply that Walt wanted to off Jesse along with the N@zis. Where did you get that? I think walt always wanted to save Jesse
@TPMPharaohPhoenix 7 күн бұрын
Birdman eww cinemasins videos are funny asf
@foxinsocks4693 8 күн бұрын
2:08 I think I’ve heard that they shot the later scenes first and forgot to have him wear the watch, so he needed to take it off here for continuity. No idea if that’s true tho
@LaLaLand.Germany 10 күн бұрын
Mate, I watched "Felina" online when it was released- thankfully I could just watch without login or stuff. I enjoyed every minute and Breaking Bad as Better Call Saul I hold as beacons in a sea of shit that will stand the test of time.
@BroodykayBroodyfour 11 күн бұрын
Ok, so we just started, and I have a problem if you lived in a very cold northern area that is in a small village in a stupidly remote area you find that many people would "hide" the keys there or under the mat alo most people, even if they didn't, would in fact leave there car unlocked. I mean who's really going to steal it besides locks ice up as well as inlocked cars can be an emergency shelter to the ridiculous blizzrds that frequently and without warning strick. I live in a much bigger town than this and a lot of people just leave there cars running in cold weather to keep them from freezing up. Now admittedly this practice is slowly changing but odds are there are a few vehicles there and at least one would be unlocked with the key in it. The fact the police were that close to hom and that he found the keys so quick in the first car is well because TV drama suspence and no point dicking around wasting 15 extra minutes of screen time.
@liljanosjvj 12 күн бұрын
Im pretty sure cinema wins just says what he likes. I dont think he ever said he was an actual critic.
@Adam-bm7mq 14 күн бұрын
Ypur crazy if you think steve isnt as strong as proxima and the other guy with the spear.
@ladymarianne9680 14 күн бұрын
Amazing edit!
@Toesniffer813 14 күн бұрын
Your voice is so annoying
@ByDav1Zz 16 күн бұрын
You guys all comedians in the comment and deeply know in breaking bad netflix serie
@ByDav1Zz 16 күн бұрын
This is a reference to touch grass
@simple-commentator-not-rea7345 17 күн бұрын
I think this is one of the only two times where we see Walt lying on the ground and watch the camera pan away from him upwards. The first being the crawlspace scene. I always wondered if maybe THAT was the subtle signal on when Walt becomes Heisenber, because just as Heisenber dies in the finale of the show, all the remaining bits of Walt that were already draining, died in that crawlspace
@santiagosanchez7559 17 күн бұрын
A surprise to be sure , but a welcome one 😅
@josh11735 18 күн бұрын
Can’t watch this yet, but happy to see you uploading again! :)
@ileryon4019 19 күн бұрын
felina means feline in feminine in Spanish
@timewarpdrive77 19 күн бұрын
Boy, you upload something after years of nothing and then tell me I'm not allowed to watch it? Whats wrong witch chew?
@paperlionkid1787 19 күн бұрын
Is he back?
@revolversnake126 19 күн бұрын
oh interesting coincidence i was literally watching some efap highlight clip and wondered why you never come on anymore.
@GigaChadh976 16 күн бұрын
Because his boyfriend southpaw pitched a fit over efap not liking a shitty show he liked
@fraur001 19 күн бұрын
He has returned.
@X2Finest23 24 күн бұрын
I hate this comment section
@christmaldonado89 25 күн бұрын
Did anyone else expect Walt to FINALLY do his own meth and go out like Tony Montana???
@HarryNansen 25 күн бұрын
Thank you for doing this episode. I really liked it! Have you considered making one about El Camino?
@brenttauromusic 26 күн бұрын
23:00 "Walt died as a man who lost everything but cleared up all loose ends and died in the place where he felt alive." CHILLS
@sebastienjolicoeur2069 26 күн бұрын
The owner of the car is not negligent. The scene takes place in Alaska. Very common for folks to leave the car unlocked AND keys in the car because of polar bears. Cars are shelters. Keys allows you to start the vehicle and provide heat and or drive away if needs be
@ArashKarimpourghannadi 27 күн бұрын
Anyone else thinks the Cranston guy will die from bleeding after he was tortured and left alone? No one?
@rud69420 28 күн бұрын
Regarding the waterfall in A Quiet Place (16:30), even if we agree that they SHOULD move to the waterfall there are still reasonable people who disagree, and if not, it seems reasonable that the people in the movie may have not recognised the value. I don't understand why an arguably poor decision is necessarily a plot hole.
@zetsuvideos6264 28 күн бұрын
I don't think Walt should have been shot, atleast not with how things were set up. If you notice the bullet pattern from where the gun was spraying through the wall, it would have been impossible for any of those bullets to hit him. Considering where he is laying, and the type of bullet being fired, he also shouldn't have been hit by any ricochet, as those bullets should have went straight through everything in the house with not much change in direction. Had it been something flying around the house that broke due to the gunfire, that's one thing, but it wouldn't have had the momentum or velocity to punch straight through him as is seen in the show (he's laying on Jesse when he takes the hit, but bleeding from the front, indicating a full pass-through.) The only thing I could think of that would have been possible was if one of the others shot him, but I doubt that would have been what happened as they all died pretty quick, and any reaction would have been towards the sound.
@m4kim493 Ай бұрын
Metal Lithium Sodium
@venniedjr Ай бұрын
18:07 I watched this part like 10 times. So many small things like this throughout the show that I just love
@bernielomax4702 Ай бұрын
Walt hasn’t even gotten the vehicle or the gun yet when visiting Gretchen and Elliot. You’re analyzing an episode you appear to not even have watched.
@aceofheartzxaver1366 Ай бұрын
I can’t explain it but your voice reminds me so much of light yagami
@Nogui_Aramburo Ай бұрын
Baby blue was an incredible song to be chosen for this ending
@Khalcetines Ай бұрын
Narrator: El camino did in fact, *NOT* screw this up.
@martinal-almani3192 Ай бұрын
just get me home...
@AlexRN Ай бұрын
I like being surprised and challenged by the media I love. Say what you will but TLoU2 did not go the safe route. When Joel gets killed I was as angry as any but not to the point of harassing the devs or destroying my disc. I pushed forward wanting to know what and why this happened. Then I was forced to walk a mile in the shoes of Joel’s killer and I was uncomfortable. And goddamn was that boss fight against Ellie so fucking tragic and emotionally confusing. I couldn’t believe I was fighting Ellie as Abby. And yet by the end of the game when Ellie finds Abby at the pillars I realized… I had forgiven Abby. I didn’t want Ellie to go through. I don’t get the criticism of why Ellie let Abby go because I wanted to let her go myself! Abby had lost just as much, if not more, than Ellie did. Plus she spent two months as a prisoner and tortured to the brink of death. Whatever sins she committed (and she did) she already paid for them tenfold. She lost all her friends, her dad, her home. That’s it, they’re even. Let her go. What an incredible game. It’s not one I want to replay a lot since it’s so difficult to go through with a miserable setting and joyless story but man did it take me for an unexpected ride and for that alone it deserves my respect. In a span of 40 hours I met Abby, hated her guts, was forced to play as her, and ended up forgiving her. Bad writing doesn’t accomplish this.
@GigaChadh976 Ай бұрын
You seem challenged in a different way
@AlexRN Ай бұрын
@@GigaChadh976 oh no! I have a different opinion and like being surprised! How can I cope with this?!
@doctorseuss5349 Ай бұрын
In a small town we dont need to lock doors. Secondly, during Winter, its advisable to not lock the doors. (Things freeze up)
@chrispykreme4288 2 ай бұрын
20:50-21:01 “Going so far as to kill an innocent man on Walt’s orders” Sorry but in no way was gale innocent 😂 yeah he was kind hearted and one of , if not the nicest guy in the show, but if he was caught before he died he’d be spending decades if not life in prison
@aliajackson5527 2 ай бұрын
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” -John 3:16 God loves all of us God loves everyone with an everlasting love. He is the father of our spirits. We are His children. He loves each one of us individually and wants us to come to know and love Him. He sent His Son Jesus Christ God knew that this life would be full of challenges and uncertainty. He knew that we would fall short and make mistakes. So He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life. He taught His gospel and showed us the right way to live. He willingly gave his own life as a sacrifice for our sins. He is our loving Savior and Redeemer.
@AK-47Outlaw 2 ай бұрын
Now that's a Teacher who Really Cares about His's Favorite Student 😢
@Sam-hk7xt 2 ай бұрын
First off, I love and adore the show. From the amazing acting, directing, and just the whole scenery/dedication to muddy realism. But the show has massive continuity flaws especially with the main characters, Jessie being the most consistent. It also kinda drags by the third season, but it was still good and believable then. It started in season 2 for me with Skyler. She for a couple episode is completely 180 who she was in s1 and for no good reason. Overreacting when at this point she knew nothing. Their son even turning weird like Walt had done something after everything was blamed on cancer at this point. To where Skyler hid Flynn's name change and threw her smoking in Walt's face when she didnt know anything and after Walt was begging on hands and knees trying literally everything to make up for it, but for some reason she never wanted to hear it and gave her sister more of a chance to apologize for a crime she knew for sure about and almost getting arrested for it than she did to Walt.. for having a medical problem... It picks up from there and Skyler comes back into character. Then S5 happened, completely ruining and insulting the audience, changing the characters. It starts off with Walt saying theres gold in the streets and starts selling again, which literally makes no sense in his character. He starts getting careless and greedy which i believe is the point and what eventually I believe what gets him caught even though I havent seen the rest of the season. Completely debasing his motive which was his family and since he couldnt quit selling before cause of working under someone, his character would stop, especially since he literally put his family in danger. Throughout the series he didnt want to sell, he didnt want the money but for his family. S5 completely removes this motive for no good reason. Jesse breaks up with his girlfriend on a whim, not even showing anything just a mention to walt, despite his character would not do that and wanted to stop selling altogether. He learned his lessons in the show, otherwise there would be no reason for those scenes of him caring for kids just to eventually care for his own, getting clean cause of his other gf od'ing. All those scenes are just thrown out the window here and for what? Am I the only person who feels like this?
@danielsmith9476 2 ай бұрын
I love the memes but breaking bad is such a beautiful and clever show the writing is so strong its good too see a video analysing it
@chuckplainview4085 2 ай бұрын
Sometimes people just.. Idk. Take off there watch sometimes?? I take mine off to eat often so the scene where he left it on the payphone didn't need to exist
@This-is-a-commentt 2 ай бұрын
TLDW: cinemasins nitpicks and cinemawins picknicks