@rachelpage859 8 сағат бұрын
Rachel Dorset England I love this. blessings everyone.
@reformational 8 күн бұрын
a different and better perspective @Reformedlibertarians . Consider the alternative.
@wendymcdonald5145 9 күн бұрын
I’m a South African. We have huge incentives to pray here 🌈
@susandumbill8805 14 күн бұрын
💔 After nearly 40 years in the House Church, Pentecostal & Charismatic type churches in the UK I know what it is to be bullied & controlled by some leaders, who have over-extended their authority into too many areas of the lives of congregants, & been abusive. I believe 'heavy shepherding' is still happening here. However I agree that many pastors, elders etc do not go into ministry with this intention. It's something which creeps in gradually. Having so much influence, significant power over others, plus being up front, the focus of attention etc IS definitely addictive, & can turn a pastor into a predator, even a dictator. It's very easy to slip into threatening congregants that they are in rebellion against God if they do not submit to & obey you. It's also very easy to believe that the end justifies the means 🚨 💥 I believe it really needs to be emphatically stated too that outright abuse of power really does damage people, some of whom have had to remove themselves from church in order to survive. No one wants to go tell their doctor they're feeling depressed & suicidal because they've been abused by a pastor. How do you think that sounds to a GP or a Psychiatrist?! Do you want people to go missing from your church for weeks due to being hospitalized because of the effects of your abuse? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?! 💥 ♥️ I'd also suggest that pastors, elders etc who do this are damaged themselves & really need to become self aware & get help. And there IS help available. Ellel Ministries in the UK, for example, provides support for struggling pastors & there are retreats & discreet places pastors can go to for help or recharge. More mature congregants don't mind if you want to talk about a problem, if you're struggling. In fact it helps them feel you're 'human' & more approachable. They're happy to listen, to support YOU TOO. You should have adequate time off, holidays away, friends, all the help you need. No one has the right to expect you to be perfect, but they do expect you to be reasonable & to try to do the right thing ♥️ 📢 Please remember, if you want to be in this kind of position you have a solemn duty & responsibility before God & others NOT to damage those in your care. You're supposed to protect the flock from the wolves, NOT become one. Please - stop what you're doing. Get help. If you can't then it's time to step aside & let someone else take over ⚠️⛔
@JermaineBlake-rw7rk 22 күн бұрын
Keep waiting on jesus
@time2pray777 28 күн бұрын
I’m glad there are professional therapists who are trying to help the church, it’s not easy working with the church they have their own agenda and sometimes they are not very emotionally healthy with empathy for others so it can be very challenging to navigate, however thank you for trying Aimy! I actually think that there are many therapists and their practices are not full, so I don’t think the problem is that we don’t have enough Therapist. However, we probably do not have enough affordable cost Therapist because the agencies and insurance companies really burn out their Therapists and Therapists works so hard and sometimes get very little pay but have a lot of paperwork and a lot of stress managing the 30 to 40+ clients that these insurances and agencies want you to see, very high burn out rate. Thus Therapist are going into Private Practice but I understand it is expensive for clients. I’m not sure what the solution is. Perhaps the church with proper professional training can provide therapist interns who can be supervised to see some of the people for a shorter period of time, but for longer therapy and more severe needs, that should definitely go to a professional therapist. An important issue to keep in mind is that when there is therapy at the church clients and the pastoral staff need to understand the difference between Spiritual, Counseling, and Professional psychotherapy because they are very different and this has caused confusion in my past church - congregates, thinking that they were going to get psychotherapy, but they got more biblical counseling and didn’t feel that they were being empathized through their trauma , but just got a biblical scripture solution. Just a tip on communication Amy - you got a bit long-winded on many of the discussion points so I would try to keep some of it more concise, rather than repeating the same thing over and over. Appreciate the show!
@outofcreationjewelrybydave940 Ай бұрын
I’m Dave Hall from Gainesville, Florida. I’m a member of Servants of Christ Anglican Church.
@evelynbarton6349 Ай бұрын
When you marry your politics with your religion it's called IDOLATRY. Thank you NT Wright
@toadcj Ай бұрын
The irony here is that NT Wright believes the church is in a position to positively influence a fractured political landscape while it, itself, is hopelessly divided. How about tackling the mess in Church of England before taking on politics and politicians?
@paulwilson41 7 күн бұрын
One can’t address more than one thing at a time?
@toadcj 6 күн бұрын
@paulwilson41 No doubt in principle, but in practice, the church has addressed neither. Politicians don't listen to bishops because, in the secular world, they have lost all credibility and moral authority. And the CofE is in a state of chaos and decline.
@darlameeks Ай бұрын
If N.T. Wright is on, I'm watching! Thank you! This makes me think of the U.S. election of 2000. During the campaign, the Bush camp partnered with faith-based charities and promised "compassionate conservatism". If elected, the Bush administration would funnel government funds to faith-based charities so that the church could administrate assistance to the widow, the orphan, the disabled, the elderly, etc. However, once Bush got into office, his administration stopped talking to these faith-based charities, refusing to make good on its promise. Instead, the resources were funneled to the war on Iraq (something they had planned to do before 9/11 ever happened). They even took money away from the Social Security Trust Fund for that war...and we are now living with the SSA under threat of financial collapse. I know for a fact that there is no church in America that is willing or able to take care of even one elderly parishioner to a dignified end. When I watched my mother's health start to decline in her 70's, how many times she had to be hospitalized and the medications she had to take, the long term rehab stays, etc...I knew that taking care of just one elderly person costs millions of dollars under our current health care system. Medicare shielded us from that cost. Social Security kept her in her home. Hospice was paid for, and allowed her to die at home. Not one church stepped up to offer her any financial help at all, even though St. Paul allowed for churches to provide such help to "true widows" like my Mom (she was a Baptist, and her church was down the street from her). The Church must rely on government help for this...every church has more than one elderly parishioner, and disabled people, as well.
@eleanorreyes6487 Ай бұрын
My church is Freedom Fellowship in Pearland, TX
@AustralianChristianFascists Ай бұрын
Lots of ridiculous psuedo-religious babble jardon.
@laraderksen4297 Ай бұрын
In order for a pastor to receive care from the church when they need it, they would have to be humble enough to acknowledge their need and receive care. Many pastors I’ve rubbed shoulders with can’t or won’t do this- even when their insecurity and woundedness is plain to the “sheep” around them.
@johntobey1558 Ай бұрын
You are talking to a man that dies ministry inside of a literal empire. He is ordained within an apostate State Religion. Unqualified to speak to the problem he has helped create.
@daneumurian5466 Ай бұрын
A House United "Jefferson said church and state need wallsof separation. But free expression cuts some windows of communication. And common interest opens doorways of cooperation. For less than this would be to pull shades of discrimination."
@daneumurian5466 Ай бұрын
A fellow student at Kent State University quoted Lao Tze: "To organize is to destroy." I responded, "To organize with care, love, wiisdom, and understanding is to preserve and enhance." He replied, "I like that."
@marktaylor4496 Ай бұрын
Tom is so right about how so many churches today are divided by race and economics, and we basically have accepted this as “normal.”
@marktaylor4496 Ай бұрын
I am a retired recently minister who meets with the White Oak Christian Church near Ross, Ohio.
@jeanne89 Ай бұрын
Excellent interview, especially now as we move into the election year in America. I’ve been trying to understand all of this since 2016. Thank you so much.
@pattyphillips5187 Ай бұрын
Patty Phillips from Valley Church, Vacaville, CA
@justinpeterburford Ай бұрын
Big fan of Tom Wright, but the Kyle Rittenhouse reference was a category error. Abortion, and the protection of personal property in the absence of an appropriate state response to a riot, cannot be contrasted.
@StandUp777 2 ай бұрын
There are several gifts Paul spoke of: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, and Teachers. Where is Pastor? And why is the "pastor" the most prominent and treated as the most important? Where does scripture teach or model this? Where does it teach that one person has authority over a group of people? Pastor gets a salary plus offerings, benefits, cars, homes, etc. Where does scripture teach that? It doesn't. THAT is the root of the problem. Organized religion and a booming business that has zero to do with the true church. Just read Acts. Bad root, bad fruit.
@lynnelawson9041 2 ай бұрын
Pastor Chuck Baldwin talks about it! And Gods people from Israel and Palestine and all over the world have started satellite church's. Many are coming to Jesus.
@burkyoungston5914 2 ай бұрын
Promo sm
@reja1309 2 ай бұрын
Pacific NW in USA. Until we get the Money out of politics and elections, we will only get the candidates that Money wants.
@davidcleroux9926 2 ай бұрын
A great faith building interview. Psa 34:10, Eze 38:13
@juditrotter5176 2 ай бұрын
It is so interesting to me how many Americans are on this channel seeking the way to go. What a blessing that you are here to help us find our way home!
@juditrotter5176 2 ай бұрын
Over here in the US we have the Trump people wanting to create a Christian Nationalist nation with Whites in charge based apparently on Hal Lynsey and the Left Behind crowd.
@peterandjoycevanbreemen600 2 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@mariakatariina8751 2 ай бұрын
There is no legitimate judeo-Christianity. All judeo-Christianity is of the evil one. INRIX
@dynamicloveministries334 2 ай бұрын
I am a south african and was Dutch Reformed during apartheid. Toms take on this is not really accurately yet I get what he wants to say
@dynamicloveministries334 2 ай бұрын
The thing paul told the powers was that Jesus was raised from the dead, that they need to believe on him and submit to him. You only do that once or twice and you find trouble.
@dynamicloveministries334 2 ай бұрын
This is life changing. Thanks.
@peterandjoycevanbreemen600 2 ай бұрын
@CarolCouper-xn8ic 2 ай бұрын
From St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church-San Jose, CA. I am a fan of N T Wright.
@sandywong1959 2 ай бұрын
Great discussion… thank you both!
@SamOgilvieJr 2 ай бұрын
I have yet to see an American politician proclaiming or in many cases screaming, "I know Jesus", that I feel has the perspective, wisdom and personality needed to lead a small municipality, much less the country. Furthermore, if you see the fruit or qualities of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and humility exhibited in any of these individuals, by all means, point them out. There are over 250 churches in my little community of less than 70, 000 people and they all claim to have the real answers, the answers to all the great questions of the faith and how this country must be administered. The USA was founded upon the best of principles and values and we have done a decent job of moving towards those in practice. History seems to indicate that, until Jesus appears, the best we can do is reflect Him to those around us and in power.
@farmergiles1065 2 ай бұрын
Those who guide themselves and their churches witness only to their own opinion. Christ's witness to politics is to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's. He proclaimed that His Kingdom is not of this world. And the Scripture warns us (Ps 145(146):3) "Trust not in rulers or in the sons of men". A Christian's center is not in politics.
@1754Me Ай бұрын
Amen. Jesus is King and He began God's eternal kingdom which, as Daniel said, started off as a stone which "became a great mountain and filled the whole earth....And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever" (Dan 2:35b,44). So those who are NOW obedient to the King's commands (whether Jew or Gentile) make up His Kingdom, just as the Israelites were God's kingdom as they wandered about in the desert 3 months after leaving Egypt (Ex 19:1-6). Jesus' Kingdom cannot be shaken (Heb 12:28) as it is not of this world as you pointed out. His Kingdom's characteristics consists of mercy and grace and peace and righteousness and love, things that we only could hope and dream that our earthly "kingdoms" would be characteristic of. And so now the people who have been born again by the Spirit (John 3:1-21) have entered Jesus' Kingdom and their "citizenship is in heaven" (Phil 3:20) but they are "ambassadors for Christ" (2 Cor 5:20) while residing on the earth. [Note--the term "Christ" has in mind of being a king as the religious leaders pointed out to Pilate in Luke 23:2--"saying that he himself is Christ, a king.”] And His followers are to reflect the Kingdom's characteristics to the world as we walk in the Holy Spirit, bearing the Fruit of the Spirit (Rom 14:17). On the LAST DAY (no other days following-Jn 6:39,40,44,54) when Jesus returns to earth and our faith is made sight, then those who have entered His Kingdom in this life, will inherit the kingdom and eternal life found only in Him. Those who have not entered the Kingdom (i.e. His enemies) will be cast into the Lake of Fire which is their second death.
@jaggedstarrPI Ай бұрын
Agreed for the most part; but NT Wright points out elsewhere that the Greek text originally read that His kingdom was not "from" this world, meaning that it is very much intended for this world, "on Earth as it is in heaven," but that it's not from, or, it's not of the character of, or, it wasn't produced by this world; so don't expect it to look or act like this world of political violence and power. Still, again, I agree with your main point if I hear you properly.
@farmergiles1065 Ай бұрын
@@jaggedstarrPI It is neither from this world nor of this world, to put it in English. Between most languages, current or ancient, prepositions just don't translate perfectly. I'm not clear on what NT Wright is trying to say about it. But I think the meaning is clear enough if you look at the deeds of Christ Himself. Clearly, He had no earthly kingdom to be "from". And neither did He intend to bring the kingdom He was "of" here in the form of an earthly kingdom. That is what many ancient Jews thought He was doing on Palm Sunday, that he would free them from the yoke of Roman rule -which is why they crucified Him later in the week when it became clear to them that He had no intention to do that. As for millenialism, it is also clear that when He comes again, the Earth will come to an end. Sorry I didn't make myself clear the first time, but I was trying to be more succinct.
@michaelward7051 2 ай бұрын
Speaking truth to Power is to Vote for Trump. The democrats are lying and creating fear of man. This is not biblical. They are playing you...hahahaha "Why do people become Christians with the pesecution?" and the answer is reason? Really? It's the Holy Spirit
@Yellowblam 2 ай бұрын
Wise words. Many thanks.
@charlesyip9202 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Dr N.T Wright, your message is useful for some one like me even though I am not an Amercian.
@Rorixted 2 ай бұрын
Be still.
@Medietos 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for good talk together. What is teh limit for not good pastorship? I have been suffering from not getting engaged talks for 40 years, priests haven't dedicated themselves more than just during the talk,, not got to know me, not gone deeper where change and growth can happen. OK, normal ones can manage themeselves, but not when in dire need in harsher situations. But maybe it is I who am wrong in this respect? They themselves certainly have said they don't have to do anything further from some esae in the moment, support more superficially without engagement.MAybe itäs me needing sth outside their scope/task. And it should be the (Swed.) Diacon/helper (Idk the term of profession in English), since only they can interact with society..
@hapennysparrow 2 ай бұрын
I am not a pastor or leader, but these topics interest me greatly as I've watched our society unravel into polarized camps where to be on one side is to be the enemy of the other. This divide was created by a single issue and manipulated to gain power and control, leading to chaos and confusion, hatred, and the spread of violence as a means to force conformity to a toxic ideology akin to fascism. I so appreciate N.T. Wrights nuanced thinking about the Kingdom of Heaven being applied to political leadership to enact Christ's call for justice, rights of the poor, environmental responsibility, equity, and integrity in governance. Jesus is a King, not an elected official, but can call people of good character and service- minded priorities into position of leadership to create and enact laws that reinforce God's intentions to order society after His model given to man in the teachings of Jesus. I am looking forward to reading this book. The Holy Post guested Mr. Wright on last week's podcast, and I've since listened to two other fascinating interviews with this brilliant author. More of the same, please. This upcoming election in the U S. is fraught with danger. It has become a fight to remain a representative Democracy or a slide into authoritarian autocracy. God help us. The threat of violence over the outcome is very real. God bless.
@michaelward7051 2 ай бұрын
If you think the upcoming election in the U S. is fraught with danger, doesn't that say something about your already decided views? Why does it have to be viewed as a "fight to remain a representative Democracy" ...OR..."...Slide into authoritarian autocracy."? Representative democracy would be allowing people to vote, of course there is a good possibility that the democrats are working to permit 10-12 million people that entered the country illegally to vote for Joe Biden. That would not be "representative democracy". Is that the danger you fear? The alternative is to have fair elections, where only citizens vote, that is representative democracy. I assume you would agree, so yes, I suppose I would agree that that is the danger. As for "sliding into authoritarian autocracy"....well, if the people vote for Biden, we will continue in that state. We are already in a democratic authoritarian autocracy, it's the current Biden administration, so it's really a win win here. We will either continue in this authoritarian autocracy of the Biden Crime Family, or we will be free once again, and have Trump returning law and order, and actually the World will be better off. Biden brought us Ukraine, Gaza, it's all on that Biden authoritarian autocracy you fear, it's already here. Somehow, I don't believe that is what you think, but hey, being vague is the plague, and being specific is terrific!
@reja1309 2 ай бұрын
I'm really sorry for you if you think we still have a representative democracy under the Democrats (or Republicans). Neither one acts in the interest of the people they supposedly serve. It's all about the Party, not the People. Every last bum needs to be thrown out. Will you be voting for more of the same destruction caused by the open border?
@krustysurfer 2 ай бұрын
Careful what you wish for in Kingdom theology because only Messiah Jesus is the Savior of Earth and humanity, the true King worthy of reigning over the vineyard because, Jesus warned that this world is running under Satan's sway for the time being and it culminates with the crowning of a false messiah a false savior a man made king and kingdom masquerading as the real thing!(heaven on earth) Hence the warning against THEOCRACY created by the minds hearts and hands of fallen man ruled by powers and principalities in high places. No thank you to a theocratic ruled planet by any other means than Messiah Jesus himself!(add emphasis) The inquisition/crusades/witch burning/ indigenous genocide under the banner of God is enough of a witness to say NO and HE11 NO!
@noelhausler2911 2 ай бұрын
Trump has changed his mind over the issues. Why should Christians tell nonChristians that their worldview is only one to accept.. The fasest demographic group in religion is that of the "nones"
@williamoarlock8634 2 ай бұрын
The 'younger generations' that are as grey and drab as their elders.
@williamoarlock8634 2 ай бұрын
Being 'Christ-centered' which is of-the-world-but-not-in-it power serving as usual.
@thewrightoknow 2 ай бұрын
I wonder is there any one issue that Christians could ever think would be the deciding factor on who to vote for? Would it be slavery, abortion, lowering the age of sexual consent to 4 years old, etc…..
@kellyrhoads1067 2 ай бұрын
Yes, voting has been hard for me, because I feel like I have to choose 1 things above all else at times. I am from Texas, but lived in Austria, where there were 3 major parties and one was definitely more in the middle, that always had majority of votes. We have independents here that seem to be more in the middle but don't get much traction. Honestly, voting gives me a sickly feeling but I am still compelled to do it. I love wrights take on being political activists by using the sermon on the mount as our guide
@phillipsugwas Ай бұрын
​​@@kellyrhoads1067 The question about who to vote for is only capable of being answered by one within the context wherein you find youself living. All this superficial stuff which passes for grounded decision making ( usually manifesting as "I can't vote for X , because this person/ party does not restrict abortions/ increase social spending etc etc" misses the point by a mile. 1. There is NO party/ person/ political organisation which is going to be "at one" with the gospel "requirements".( read into this th values/ BEHAVIOURS spoken of in the sermon on the mount) 2. The question, given the most basic role of the state, to protect its citizenry, provide basic services , etc is only answered by asking and answering " which person/ group will, onbalance do the most good( and the least harm!!) for the people affected by my vote.? Somewhat unsatisfactory? Yes. Of course. But no government will crack Kingdom requirements - until the King returns Oh and yes, hold power to account. Speak to it when it requires to be spoken to. The church down through the ages, Barth, Bonhoeffer, Tutu, etc etc spoke to power. Power hates it. We have to do it.
@marilynstaley7256 2 ай бұрын
Marilyn Staley Cherry Street Wesleyan Ottawa KS
@PastorServe 2 ай бұрын
Praying for CHerry Street Wesleayan, Marilyn. Blessings!