Black Sails - Se2 Ep10 - Reaction
Black Sails - Se2 Ep9 - Reaction
Black Sails - Se2 Ep8 - Reaction
Black Sails - Se2 Ep7 - Reaction
@natewilkinson6887 14 сағат бұрын
It could be our anthem lol
@dannyhartwig7595 22 сағат бұрын
3 was sadly inferior to 1 and 2 and even orion pirates where way better.
@Logan_Zimmerman Күн бұрын
9:11 that was impressive
@samuelketner1391 3 күн бұрын
After all the recent news with Boogie, whats your take? The cancer faking stuff i find to be reprehensible. Below rock bottom I guess
@youdyed 3 күн бұрын
Biggest cliffhanger in the history of cliffhangers. :D
@lconten 4 күн бұрын
Yeah you're right you're a sheeple Biden is a great president
@knight-_-meh 4 күн бұрын
i argue if he is the richest he is proberly the most evil as well
@magustobias8827 4 күн бұрын
No chief, Canon can NOT be whatever you want it to be. You can have your own headcanon, for your own inner self. Canon are the rules and established mechanics and details of a thing; this usually, when it comes to an IP, universe, or series, is what defines it and sets it apart from other similar stories. It's what makes it unique. If that is constantly changing and being retconned and re-retconned, over and over, that makes its credibility and integrity less and less worthwhile of mental and emotional investment. If you don't care about that, that's fine. You do you. But stop perpetuating this propaganda-level idiocy that boils down to "Canon doesn't matter". It's pretty obvious that you haven't gone through the experiences of creatives who've put their work out there with any level of success, be they writers, filmmakers, showrunners, or musicians, etc. Because if you had, and you sold that material, and someone just kept changing it, and changing it, and changing it, and told everyone "This is mine now, this how it is now, this is the thing", and in your shock and horror of what you made that people loved and cared about, some grifter who loved every single new version that came out, tells everyone who will listen to them that "Yeah, the stuff that got changed doesn't matter, it can be whatever you want it to be." Then, you might begin to understand.
@dannybonett8349 5 күн бұрын
😅😅😅😅 He was probably better off on ice… that was a great line.
@Ethanpond42 6 күн бұрын
@GAIVSCALIGVLA 7 күн бұрын
It’s so weird to me how excited people get when they see Hulk when I used to bag his groceries lol
@John_Raiyder 7 күн бұрын
I honestly loved the Penguin-Cinderella Story, lot of fun
@dannybonett8349 9 күн бұрын
This finale really showcase two major things one we could stop here if needs be, since we’ve established where the direction of everyone is going, and we’ve pretty much killed off all of the extras, but on the other hand, as people who watch the show know we can always bring people back and dropping enough Easter eggs with enough and mentioning of other potential future characters to see where the rocks fell and to see what kind of interest that the fans and the viewers might have been thinking oh well, you know this is this is enough it wraps up everything nicely or no I want more thankfully we got more but it was. It was very much obvious at the time that that’s where they were going with it then we we can bring these people back and we will if you choose to let us continue, but if you don’t, then we’ve ended characters who are not in the comic book storyline, at least not so far as their characters are introduced here.
@bogdannastasescu5926 10 күн бұрын
Hey man, most things are made with rum essence, it's not actually alcoholic, it's because during the Communism there were not a lot of options, most things in this video are sweets that people who lived through communism had, some of them are kinda bad in taste, buuuuut usually romanian made sweets are not very unhealthy or with huge calories. There are far better romanian made sweets, but they are not as traditional or uncommon as these. If you have any questions let me know. Cheers!
@letolethe3344 13 күн бұрын
Gluttony is pursuing pleasure in food to the exclusion of loving anything else, including god. It's not just taking pleasure in food.
@letolethe3344 13 күн бұрын
SO glad you reacted to the seance scene--one of the funniest in the franchise!
@letolethe3344 13 күн бұрын
So I'm generally enjoying your intelligent appreciation of the series, but keep in mind that "America" has scores of different cultures, each with its own delicious cuisine, so reducing all US food to "chemicals with no nutritional value" is pretty ignorant. On the other hand, I've always heard that the food in the UK is pretty disgusting.
@FreshHeadsorg 14 күн бұрын
Nigel cough? I’d check your script
@dannybonett8349 14 күн бұрын
Wacky is a good word for this episode. I was absolutely elated when Penguin said “Always bring the right tools” then Butch blew him to smithereens. It was very fun.
@letolethe3344 15 күн бұрын
I don't think the look the show creators and crew chose for heaven and hell had anything to do with budget. In numerous interviews and in the authorized Good Omens TV Companion, Neil Gaiman said that the set designer's original concepts were for a fire-drenched, "traditional" hell, but that he asked for a more tawdry, sordid, damp, ugly, dingy basement design to show to make a certain point or statement about hell. Hell isn't grand or exciting or thrilling; it''s just sad and uncomfortable and shabby and painful.
@charlied2449 15 күн бұрын
The best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be. And it’s not Brett hart.
@Djanck000 17 күн бұрын
I really super really REALLY just like people to remember that the show was rushed and done without love, but both Martin and the producers said the show is based on what Martin has already written and the general big facts are all directly from the mind of the writer. I don't care if he started denying it after the show bombed, before it aired they were all "on the same team" and working together.
@dannybonett8349 19 күн бұрын
I don’t know if you read these years later but I’ve started watching your reactions to this show and it’s been fun revisiting Gotham. But your laugh with Butches handmallet was hysterical. And your tagline was spot on.
@JacobTheAmish 19 күн бұрын
This is pathetic. Andy Plumbs a moron but the last thing we need are some IQ75's making videos like this tredging through some divs Tweets. Grow up
@theovincoletoonishi744 20 күн бұрын
Im here to say starwars theory is a winner and his detractors are losers.
@user-ne5gy4rf4n 21 күн бұрын
Congratulations on not allowing the Tories to win! lol But my God, Simon, nearly 7 hours of streaming? I hope you have a very pleasant sleep after this! Take care, friend. And rest well knowing that the Tories got a can of whoop ass!
@juliedaviesw5042 21 күн бұрын
You must be knackered 🤪😱xx
@steveblease 22 күн бұрын
Putting all that junk in your brew is not gonna give you the taste of the product
@dannybonett8349 28 күн бұрын
There is nothing cartoony about getting lifted by a weather balloon that dangles your body in mid air breaking bones and scaring the piss out of you until you fall to your death
@dannybonett8349 28 күн бұрын
I actually like the Alfred who goes from Butler to father in a single day and doesn’t know what to do or how to behave. Sean portrays that well and really develops into a teacher, father, trainer and guardian.
@IDONTCARE1313 Ай бұрын
P.S. Nobody cares it’s your Birthday grow up!
@IDONTCARE1313 Ай бұрын
He is a Disney shill who defends the woke-lyte and its use of idiotic pronouns.
@priyonjoni Ай бұрын
Let’s not forget that Star Wars Conspiracy Theory also praises Andrew Tait and think Star Wars isn’t for women.
@MR.GOAT. 28 күн бұрын
Nope, Fake news. You’re just a Disney shill. Go watch the sequel trilogy & dry your tears.
@TerellHayward Ай бұрын
Thinking too much into it Barbra nowhere near stronger than ras he simply just wanted to test her and surprise her he's literally centuries old and a master in multiple martial arts.
@muldoone6920 Ай бұрын
I see you removed your Acolyte videos, not entirely sure that ignoring the problem will fix it, but you do you. I loved you before your comments about "bigotry" and "people being incapable of accepting diversity".. despite me being a bisexual trans woman with a boyfriend who's also bi..
@juanrodriguez-deluca8820 Ай бұрын
Have you had your booster??
@CrowVWade Ай бұрын
I love a good red dwarf reaction. This was fun. But there’s no series playlist to feed on? Disappointed I can’t binge
@Highfeverbro Ай бұрын
I like the how he immediately realized when someone calls Oswald penguin they get killed
@Dr.JRemington Ай бұрын
At some point, Simon, you are going to have to decide which side of history you want to be on. As with so many things on the internet, your videos and words will be etched in permanent “internet history”. People will be able to look back and see what you said, when you said it, and then they will judge for themselves whether or not you should be grouped with social media personalities who could have done the right thing, but didn’t. If you feel 100% confident that you will be remembered as being on the right side of history, then by all means continue what you are doing, because if this is the case, I don’t believe any quantity (or quality) of evidence will be enough to impact your understanding. But if you are not 100% confident that no matter how much time passes you will be eternally vindicated for your steadfast stance on Covid vaccines; I implore you to hedge on the side of safety. Meaning, if you have this whole Covid vaccine issue wrong, it’s a tragic thing to be wrong about. You seem like a kind, well-meaning person, and I get no impression that there’s any amount of malice or bad intention behind your stance… so it’s probably a good idea to just make sure that when you weigh *all* of the evidence (and more is coming out literally every day), that the probability of your steadfast stance being accurate is demonstrably exceedingly high… again, because if you are wrong (and after personally conducting thousands of hours of research I am 100% confident you are), you’ve chosen to cement yourself (if you continue the course) with the most catastrophically complicit participants in history. I have faith that upon serious self-reflection, and *massive amounts* of research- - of which I will be more than happy to help you if you have any questions if/when you dig into the thousands of pages of published studies- - you will see that you are on the wrong side of history. I hope you reverse course, because it is not too late 🙏
@BigFarang Ай бұрын
No taIent. Bad video. Bad face.
@joeyklemenko948 Ай бұрын
6:29 even worse than a stalker she’s a fan girl! A crazy fangirl to be precise
@joeyklemenko948 Ай бұрын
4:41 she got aged up because she got touched, by the man who can age of people
@joeyklemenko948 Ай бұрын
11:13 are you sure this is the sane part of the episode? Because he seems pretty insane to me.
@goodtvchanal3269 Ай бұрын
Death star Destroy starkiller base closing video
@ReymundoCortez Ай бұрын
Best part is Barry is trying to get back in time to see the particle accelerator being turned on.
@ReymundoCortez Ай бұрын
Hate him or love but Malcom is definitely a bad ass and has been trained by to be super elite.
@suicidal_loner Ай бұрын
((WARNING!)) ((INCOMING TRUTH NUKE!)) @thexslayer820 okay, not really a "commenter" by any means BUT I'll make and exception juuust this once and intervene because this one is truuuly irking the hell outta me lmao 🥲😅 the only one that is mainly to blame here would be keishara/lauren because she didn't even TRY to help and was only worried about herself which was pretty selfish as seeing that this is a team, yes, you don't have spells that could necessarily help but if you wanted to just bolt and be the first one out you at LEAST could've asked Simon like "hey, can I reach my hand out and possibly try to catch whoever jumps?" or "hey, can I try and tie a string to an arrow and try to aim it at a rock so that someone could grab onto it just incase the floor gives?" or EVEN "hey, since I'm out of the cave already can I go and get help or even yell for help to see if there may or may not be a slight chance that someone who could help would hear and assist in anyway..?" OR all three! but NOTHING..?? 😩🤦‍♂️ lol like it just truly bothered and irritated me how she just dipped and sat there without trying to bug Simon into to seeing if she could or couldn't do anything to lend any form of help from the outside, and you know Simon is very kind and more than fair and also a FANTASTIC dm might I just add so we already know he gladly would have allowed at least something to happen IF she had only cared enough to ask I mean he was even looking back at the rolls praying he'd miscalculated as he stated at the end of the session like c'mon not trying to be mean but it is just basic human decency and mindfulness man which it would sadly seem like she's lacking a "bit" of both yikes! 😬... all I'm saying is I just wouldn't play that way and don't believe anyone should for that matter and I wouldn't play with her or anyone like her, like in this game you just have to be more caring if even a little period-point-blank about your fellow group members/players because we're all in this together and truly do care for one another as friends and companions, and with that being said, I would have done all I could for liam, spells/actions the whole nine EVEN if I had already made it out before everyone, THAT my friends? Is what type of player you'd like to play with and be proud to do so, but ahh well, who'll listen to me anyway. smh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in terms of Cassi all I could say about baby girl is that I know her and mark are together but all I'd say is I would have split up both of the spells she used (guidance, haste) between both mark AND mira, like either mark gets haste and mira gets guidance or mark guidance and mira haste that's kinda all I'm sayin' regarding her like I know mark was struggling but by golly mira was STRUGGLING struggling lol, feel bad for liam but as Simon did mention (who's to say that this is the end of mira's story...?) which I truly believe gave liam some measure of comfort and Hope which I thought was very thoughtful of him because I believe he is most definitely being genuine. 😊💙
@claydecker1454 Ай бұрын
Didn't this vid used to be blocked? I'm so happy it's back