BattleTech: Star League Command Lance
First Look: Premium Wolverine Miniature
BattleTech Clan Heavy Star Review
BattleTech IWM Marauder Review
BattleTech IWM Warhammer Review
New Years Mech Special
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Pax Unplugged Coverage
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Ep 404: Southern Assault III
@monostripeexplosiveexplora2374 16 сағат бұрын
I think it looks good
@Unicorn_Company 9 сағат бұрын
It is passable, but far below the quality of the regular plastic vulture, and honestly not worth it, when you can get a better quality vulture with 4 other mechs for like 25 dollars at your flgs
@GreenSpleenSubmarine 17 сағат бұрын
So what's the deal with these "premium" miniatures? Do you asemble them? I like the new Battletech minis, but I liked being able to build my ironwind Timby more.
@Unicorn_Company 9 сағат бұрын
They are multi-part minis, but so far the quality has been more miss than hit.
@GreenSpleenSubmarine 9 сағат бұрын
@@Unicorn_Company on a scale of one to forge world resin, how bad are we talking?
@Unicorn_Company 9 сағат бұрын
Lets just say, had the model not been gifted to me, I would've only purchased one to review it.
@GreenSpleenSubmarine 7 сағат бұрын
@@Unicorn_Company why.... do I still want one. I love multipart kits. Forbidden froot.
@FluttershyKess Күн бұрын
Hi, new to your channel. I had a look few your videos and could not find one on painting the colour scheme you have on the vulture. Do you have such a video please?
@Unicorn_Company Күн бұрын
I havent made a tutorial yet, but I would be happy to do so. Hopefully before the end of summer
@almostgoodvariant 2 күн бұрын
I was kind of considering this as my first ”premium” mini but I see I’m better off just getting a normal plastic one. These things are EXPENSIVE in Europe. Thanks for the review!
@Unicorn_Company 2 күн бұрын
Im glad that the review was helpful. I think IWM is doing good things, but that they really need to stop doing these premiums with MFC, and go back to premiums being an IWM thing
@nexusofice9135 2 күн бұрын
Buy the Mad Cat TC. Really fun to build. And it paints well. Wolfhound IIC is dun to build as well.
@richbaker8371 2 күн бұрын
The Eris & Hammerhead were nice as well, with the added bonus that you get a spare Hammerhead torso in the Eris pack, that lets you use the leftover Hammerhead limbs to create a second one if you kitbash a hip section for it 👍
@Unicorn_Company 2 күн бұрын
I definitely agree on the Wolfhound, it was probably the best one so far
@TheBoardGameKaptain 2 күн бұрын
They really should have gone with a configuration that doesn't exist in plastic like they did with the Black Knight premium.
@Unicorn_Company 2 күн бұрын
I agree, and I pointed out that I think they should be doing either the parts to do the prime and the C, said D in video in error. The premiums have been either feast or famine in the amount of parts you get with the mini.
@ANerdsNerd 2 күн бұрын
Always a huge disappointment when the reviews for these come in. Premium minis promised to be modular, high quality minis, but somehow the seem to be lower quality than normal forcepacks whilst also screwing up basic things like which arm is which, proportions, etc. You're doing a great service for the community!
@Unicorn_Company 2 күн бұрын
Im hoping that these end up being in the hands of Ironwind, who has done an amazing job in doing the new sculpt minis, sometimes even coming out with stuff before it is in plastic.
@ANerdsNerd 2 күн бұрын
@Unicorn_Company It feels strange that wasn't the plan from the beginning. And yes, IWM has nailed some sculpts. I got a Jade Phoenix coming soon, despite much preferring plastic minis in general.
@Unicorn_Company 2 күн бұрын
I have both of the variants IWM put out, plan on doing a review on those soon enough. I have the metal Locust and metal Arrow IV Urbie to do first though
@Robozeit 3 күн бұрын
I guess I’m the 11th view, and honestly I don’t know 💩 about this hobby but hell ya being a trans supporter with the color scheme! You’re a champ!!!
@Unicorn_Company 3 күн бұрын
Thank you, not only am I a trans supporter, Im a trans person. :-) I plan on doing a series on how to play Alpha Strike, and if I can get a camera instead on just my phone, I plan on doing battle reports and painting videos.
@jasonames145 10 күн бұрын
thank you for the up close. little things got legs that run forever, just stick a skirt on it and it can be anime as hell. added to my wish list :)
@Unicorn_Company 10 күн бұрын
See, now Im thinking of doing another one, this one wearing a pleated skirth
@jasonames145 9 күн бұрын
@@Unicorn_Company go, go Sailor scout! :)
@mathewkelly9968 10 күн бұрын
The newest Iron Wind stuff is spot on scale wise . But I support MilSims and other Australian stockists
@AlxParrish 10 күн бұрын
While not as overtly homoerotic as space marines, battletech has always been a setting that celebrates diversity. Catalyst should just ignore the crazies. They will be angry no matter what.
@Unicorn_Company 9 күн бұрын
Thy are definitely trying to ignore them, the most vocal of the crowd that wants to "gatekeep" the hobby though have a way of not only harassing Catalyst, but also harass people who they don't like that enjoy the game.
@HouseMasterPoDing 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for your nuanced and welcome take on Hobby Tourism and the problems that are plagueing our community at the moment. Excellent video! Keep them coming!
@HouseMasterPoDing 10 күн бұрын
Nice review. I've never thought about using the OstScout, but the mini looks nice. I'm wondering what use I would have for it in force building, but yeah. Great review!
@ROTSTarge 11 күн бұрын
The section about hobby tourism was pretty well thought out I think <3 and distinguishing /actual/ hobby tourism like your experiences with Armada versus the cries of hobby tourism from those who wish to limit the type of person taking up space within our hobby is an important distinction to make
@Unicorn_Company 10 күн бұрын
Thanks. I felt it was an important distinction to make.
@EnbyKaiju 11 күн бұрын
Fantastic episode, and a perfectly measured discussion on the positive aspects of hobby "tourism", keep up the amazing work. BattleTech is for everyone!
@Unicorn_Company 10 күн бұрын
Thank you
@Plopiccolo 11 күн бұрын
Hobby tourism is Rem Alternis who has only played 3 games of BattleTech at the time of being interviewed, has no knowledge of the lore, and has been made the face of CGL. Their orchestration of the demo team leader who has been growing the BattleTech community for a long time brought me back into the ferro-fibrous folds. Then Catalyst banned a list of people who were perceived to be wrong thinkers, on Facebook and X. Your example is just one side, while Catalyst had to fire a trans demo agent who admittedly brought a gun to con floors and was making new players uncomfortable. That may be hobby terrorism.
@Unicorn_Company 11 күн бұрын
Ok, point by point Rem is a community manager for a company, not for a single game, she has to be able to manage, not represent, the community for all of Catalysts properties, licensed or in-house. The head of the Demo Team being let go was a long time coming, there were a number of things which led to her being let go. Catalyst banned people who had been known to violate the community standards, it had nothing to do with "wrongthink". Catalyst is not obligated to platform anyone who is either breakigg the community guidelines in their social media spaces, or who are openly calling for a boycott of the company and trying to get an IP owner to drop them. The person in question was not let go of because of guns, in fact she stated why she carries firearms, in her state, where it is legal to do so, and that reason has a lot to do with people who have been calling people "hobby tourists", "activists", and a number of things that I am not going to say here. I have seen the calls to violence by the people who claim to be gatekeeping, I have seen them call for violence against trans people in the hobby in general, and even seen a chat log where they planned on assaulting me at Southern Assault 3. There is no "one side". There is a side who is simply trying to live their lives, and enjoy the game, and a group of people who threaten violence, bully, intimidate, and attempt to ostracize members of the first group simply because of who they are, or who they love.
@ROTSTarge 11 күн бұрын
Rem has spoken extensively about her long-standing love for Shadowrun. Shadowrun has just as rich of a history as Battletech does, and since both are run by Catalyst, it makes just as much sense for someone with a love for either IP to end up working with CGL. The Tuesday Newsday streams you see her in are about what /Catalyst/ is doing, it isn't a purely Battletech show. Which is why it's an hour long and not 6 minutes long. CGL is a massive company and it is a ridiculous standard to expect anyone at CGL to be just as passionate about every single IP they handle. Just because Battletech is my favorite IP that CGL runs doesn't mean I have the luxury of demanding that CGL only exist to pump out battletech content. Staying in a single lane is how companies die, and demanding that the focus be drawn further away of any so-called "secondary" IP is a disservice to the fans of those IPs, who have just as much of a stake in CGL doing well as we do. Grow up. Other people not like us get to play in the same playground. That's life. As much as I find those who think people like me shouldn't be in this game I've loved since middle school just because of what I think is exhausting, I'm not the one reducing my argument into disrespect into who they are. Calls of "wrong think" and such are just the cries of keyboard warriors on the front lines of a culture war that will leave them in the dust.
@Unicorn_Company 8 күн бұрын
I don't think trying to use your pitiful attempt at a hit piece is the best example for you to use.
@Xydarc 11 күн бұрын
The section on "hobby tourism" was well thought out and appreciated! Without tourists, without new players, how does your game grow?
@Unicorn_Company 11 күн бұрын
Exactly. With certain people vilifying the "hobby tourists" they don't seem to realize that those tourists are the ones who eventually find a home in a game they like. Hobby tourists are like bees, they go from game to game, and in he process the money that those games make from them help them grow, and help new games get off the ground.
@Rogue_kat 12 күн бұрын
The fed suns and capellans teamed up? This is truely the darkest timeline
@Unicorn_Company 12 күн бұрын
It truly is that
@mathewkelly9968 15 күн бұрын
Just one of these for me , the Atlas II and Thunder Hawk are too niche to need more than one of . I plan to leave the Orion as is for display purposes
@Unicorn_Company 15 күн бұрын
If you play Alpha Strike, you might be surprised to find out that there is a monster of a fire support version of the Thunderhawk the TDK-7Z that puts the longbow to shame
@HouseMasterPoDing 16 күн бұрын
Great review! I will get this box eventually. Good to see you putting out content! :)
@catoblepasomega 16 күн бұрын
I'm very impressed with how much cleaner the sculpts have been getting. That being said, not to thrilled with the phoenix hawk. It looks like they just deleted the top half of the right jump jet to get the shoulder weapon to fit instead of redesigning it, and even so the back half of the gun seems to be 'clipping' through the jump jet in a way that's very hard for me to ignore. Love the Thunder Hawk and Atlas II though, and I'll probably get this box at point, but the Phoenix hawk seems like a rather uncharacteristically low-effort modification of the original digital sculpt.
@Unicorn_Company 16 күн бұрын
If you look at the back of the gun, it looks like they integrated a set of vents just below what looks like a joint to allow the gun to swivel or to raise like the old Shadow Hawk stowage position for the autocannon
@fmailaender 14 күн бұрын
​@@Unicorn_Companyas far as I was told (i always might be wrong) That is an Hommage to the YF-1S/A Super Valkery from the Macross Series. I personally think that is cool but also bold, because the Macross Designs were the whole entry point for the Harmony Gold desaster. I think Harmony Gold is no longer allowed to file any claims because of that licenses but I personally would be a coward and wouldn't risk it.
@gundamzeta3447 8 күн бұрын
Remember the design is taken from Macross, this is the VF-1S Strike Valkyrie from Macross Do You Remember Love. The back packs are part thrusters and part missile pods. The Strike is a Super Valkyrie but they remove one of these missile pods and replace it with a double barreled beam cannon. That is what this phenix hawk is based off. Also note BT turned the missiles into intakes and the reason why Macross doesn’t have intakes is because these are rockets as they are used exclusively in space. The standard Valkyrie which is used in atmosphere is what BT calls the Wasp and in Macross rockets are detachable so a Valkyrie, Super Valk and Strike Valk are the same it’s just what modular components are added on the back. So a phenix hawk and a Wasp in BT are in theory the same mech but the PH has jump jets.
@The_Other_Horror 16 күн бұрын
Thanks for the close ups of the new models. So many mold lines on that Atlas II!
@Unicorn_Company 16 күн бұрын
To be fair, it's not the worst I have seen by far
@matthewpena3932 17 күн бұрын
I believe in the lore auto cannons are class sizes are just a range of weapons that does that damage output from various companies. This could be a single cannon or a multi barrel cannon.
@Unicorn_Company 17 күн бұрын
I understand that, looking at the visual language they have been using though, the waters have been pretty muddy when it comes to autocannons, as even in this more standardized system of minis, it seems to be the only thing that keeps changing. Overall though it is more of a personal preference thing over a matter of function.
@Xydarc 17 күн бұрын
Can't wait to get my lance!
@ThelemicPotter 17 күн бұрын
I generally don't like the Phoenix Hawk, but that's a super dynamic pose and decent fits.
@Unicorn_Company 17 күн бұрын
Im generally not a Phoenix Hawk fan myself, but they did pretty good on this one, especially considering they had to incorporate the side torso gun somehow.
@Condottiero_Magno 18 күн бұрын
AFAIK, they're okay with drama and interplanetary relations in the background. When they go on about not wanting politics in Battletech, we all know what they're talking about, yet they ignore mention of potential or actual rape and Danai Liao-Centrella is the result of incest.🙄If one tries to point this out, they lose it, claiming persecution.🙄A few days ago, my Facebook feed showed a Battletech for Conservatives group and the 'about page' and rules are a mess of contradictions, like the charters of dictatorships.
@youtmeme 19 күн бұрын
None of these premiums has been that good so far...😢
@Unicorn_Company 19 күн бұрын
Grinner was good, I am still a firm believer that Ironwind Metals should be making the "premium" sculpts in metal, as MFC hasn't had the best track record so far.
@mathewkelly9968 19 күн бұрын
Word up for covering one of Nova Cat favorites ...... Love the Sphinx
@Unicorn_Company 17 күн бұрын
Im glad you liked it
@youtmeme 20 күн бұрын
Ive heard they are different bc these premium models are coming from some random american company not the china company doing the plastic... Guess they need to get up to speed on mass production..
@Unicorn_Company 20 күн бұрын
The premium minis are from a company called Monster Fight Club in the US and I think use Siocast (sp?), which is a softer plastic.
@youtmeme 19 күн бұрын
@@Unicorn_Company oh, thank u
@Mojito465 22 күн бұрын
The back of this model is extremely rough. I'm going to a catalyst con booth soon, but I think I'll pass on this one.
@Unicorn_Company 22 күн бұрын
If Ironwind Metals is there, I'd recommend checking out their modern sculpts of this mech.
@BlUsKrEEm 24 күн бұрын
Dig the paint job. I agree the Iron Winds Model is the way to go. It's actually a pretty nice sculpt in person, and it doesn't look like she skipped leg day. The Premiums have been pretty hit or miss for me. Either they are incredible, or are duds and nothing in between.
@Unicorn_Company 24 күн бұрын
Thank you, as far as the quality of the minis, yeah, IWM is doing some of the same, or similar sculpts, and they are knocking it out of the park
@Kingofdragons117 28 күн бұрын
EE means Elemental Engine. Means when you take an engine hit, every time you shoot, you roll to see if you explode.
@Unicorn_Company 27 күн бұрын
Thank you, I generally see it so rarely in play that I dont think it has ever come up
@bruced648 28 күн бұрын
about a year late for me. I ran a train scenario last year. used HO scale train. simply because I don't own any N scale.
@Unicorn_Company 28 күн бұрын
Well, if you pick this up, it would be a good opportunity to get re-play that scenario with something in scale.
@bruced648 28 күн бұрын
@Unicorn_Company it is a really good setup. the mission the players had, was to delay the trains cargo from reaching it's destination for 7 days. there were several missions involved to complete the assignment. both interesting and fun. the players had to solve some interesting problems.
@bruced648 28 күн бұрын
@@Unicorn_Company the video mag-lev is really cool. I may be getting it before the end of the year.
@steffangordon6444 29 күн бұрын
I love igMakes stuff! I bought a number of items a while ago, but haven't seen the train yet.
@isaacc1230 29 күн бұрын
Imagine reviewing terrain and not even putting it on a map or near a mech for scale.
@Unicorn_Company 29 күн бұрын
Im sorry that you feel that way, each train car is a little over a hex long. I was filming this in a hotel post con, and so I didn't have all the resources normally available to me. The train scales very well with BattleTech miniatures, and the cars when in the track come up to what would be roughly level 1 in Alpha Strike.
@Xydarc Ай бұрын
Is the quality as good as the Hextech stuff?
@Unicorn_Company Ай бұрын
The quality is amazing
@RobertNowagarski Ай бұрын
lol I liked the stab at the North American rail companies keeping high speed rail out of the country nice
@MechanicalFrog Ай бұрын
@missjayspeechley9213 Ай бұрын
Great looking monorail, but I am curious if there's enough room on the flat bed carriages for a mech to stand.
@Unicorn_Company Ай бұрын
Unfortunately there isn't enough room for a Mech to stand on it, but you can definitely put a smaller vehicle or two on it easily
@ricks4348 Ай бұрын
I am so glad that I correctly sized all of my vehicles that I 3D printed. And I know quite a few people who are gonna be upset when they see the size of these vehicles compared to the ones that they made for themselves.
@Unicorn_Company 3 күн бұрын
While I think they all went up in size some, I dont know if everything got the same level of enlarging.
@almostgoodvariant Ай бұрын
These seem to look perfectly fine out of the box and could be made to look even better with a bit of painting work, This is a pretty fab tip, certainly going to consider these if/when I end up wanting plastic trees!
@youtmeme Ай бұрын
Love it!!!
@GrinningSmile Ай бұрын
Seeing the rotating turrets makes me wonder if we will ever get torso twist from cgl. Not necessary by any means but I have a few of my mechs pinned to twist and it is fun, and makes for good battle pics.
@Unicorn_Company Ай бұрын
I don't know if CGL would consider making Mechs with twistable torsos . I do know that it would make the production process a bit more complicated.
@qwads Ай бұрын
A bit late to the party but when you say hard plastic do you mean they no longer use the semi-soft/rubbery plastic ? That would be great news to me!
@Unicorn_Company Ай бұрын
It is the same plastic as the current minis line, I was referring to the fact that they arent 3d printed prototypes, but pre- first run proofs
@thetyrantofsyracuse Ай бұрын
Ever checked out the Insane kangaroo website? I've gotten a bunch of metals from them and they are the favorite part of my mini collection.
@youtmeme Ай бұрын
Nice! Finally! I have so many from 3rd party sellers!! But id rather buy from cgl they just better make sure the price point is not scaled too high! They need all the vehicles, aerospace infantry and battlearmor as well!! To at least catch up to the iwm stuff!!
@quilledbeast Ай бұрын
I dont think there's ever enough Jade Falcons! I cant wait for that Jade Hawk either!
@arinthel Ай бұрын
Got my copy earlier. I'm trying to like it but it's just very boring to me.
@Unicorn_Company 3 күн бұрын
I hope you have had the time to read it and would like to hear your thoughts.
@Zematus737 Ай бұрын
Is there a way to add multiple units to the list at one time rather than one by one?
@Unicorn_Company Ай бұрын
It is done one by one
@Zematus737 Ай бұрын
@@Unicorn_Company rough. I've been trying to collect or organize data by technical readout and have been doing it one by one by unit type. Taking forever. Hoped there was a better way.
@Sexyunicorn93 Ай бұрын
Aw the ending of that was so calming! Love it