@morganaagaard1741 2 жыл бұрын
gay af
@user-uw7lw7rg5g 5 жыл бұрын
я таких толпу просто одной рукой отпизжу)
@AndreaSacchi 9 жыл бұрын
The best part is the silence in the crowd.
@funnybunnystecher3173 10 жыл бұрын
no atemi, no kiai, o- sensei would be disappointed - real aikido is only in iwama!
@bigblue162 10 жыл бұрын
mr miyagi and daniel would destroy these guys
@MrQuest3 11 жыл бұрын
I would say above most other martial arts aikido because of its philosophy/ideology/spiritual insight heightens one's awareness to levels where one is able to sense danger/aggression/violence and move away, redirect, change the strategy and thus not participate in violence - which is a very base, low level human condition. There is a beauty, elegance and yes practical side to aikido that few martial arts can equal, from destroying to building/developing/promoting harmony. Very sophisticated.
@filthymcnastyazz 11 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the reply. I'm not picking at Aikido, just pointing out limitations cos there are some other "asshats" who seem to have undergone a religious conversion and are attacking anyone who doesn't appreciate their zeal. For instance. in honesty, how long do you need to train to achieve the level of effectiveness of Matsuoka Sensei. Is it 5 years or 3 months - cos to claim braggin rights as a self defence system (as some want to) then to become effective is also a fact.
@SpectreWriter 11 жыл бұрын
Nobody said "perfect". Most of these asshats are saying it doesn't work. Those of us who put real time into the art know better. I remember asking Matsuoka Sensei if it worked in the real world (after about a year of practice). He allowed me to try a real attack I got the first one in (as we practice to NOT hurt each other.) The second shot was met with what most perceive as flowery dance -- that split my lip on the way to the mat. I was already 3rd Dan in a hard style. It's just different.
@filthymcnastyazz 11 жыл бұрын
Wow, you really are just running around yapping at everybody. Of course it's their fault for not being as sensitive as you and not appreciating what you can see. It's just as easy for me to say you dont understand and you're so in love with the idea of aikido you can't see it's faults. No system is perfect, get over it.
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
Experience at what? Masturbation on the Internet? You don't understand what you're seeing. That's fine, but don't go disparaging it simply because you don't grasp what is being presented.
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
Believe what you want. Those of us who have practiced the art as more than a passing interest already know better.
@aikidoisthebombyeah 11 жыл бұрын
whether or not it's truly Aikido is not really relevant. What is relevant is that with a resisting opponent, Aikido doesn't really work... and therefore... a lousy form of self-defense... great if you want to learn dance coreography... but horrible if you want to learn to protect yourself from harm and develop self-confidence in yourself.
@Treedundee14 11 жыл бұрын
Mmmm'kay. Here is the email for the Aikikai foundation world headquarters: [email protected] Im fairly sure you should be able to contact Ureshiba through them, and im sure he would totally be willing to educate you on just how useful Aikido would be in a real fight. Or perhaps you should just visit the Aikido Hombu Dojo and challange him. Either way, let me know how it went when you get out of hospital. :)
@SpectreWriter 11 жыл бұрын
LOL! Troll, give it a rest. I was sparring at international levels in hard style before I came to Aikido. The past 20+ years have been in Aikido. So you, some faceless Internet troll with a vulgar mouth is more credible than someone who has sparred with Alvin Prouder, hung out with Bill Wallace? Yeah, whatever. Go wash your mouth out.
@SpectreWriter 11 жыл бұрын
Tomiki is total bullshit, not truly Aikido in the first place.
@filthymcnastyazz 11 жыл бұрын
I don't need to address your claims. Nobody asked you to counter-claim, you took that upon yourself, so the responsibility for it is yours not mine. Aikidi is a cultural artform, hence "Do"..and writing "FACT" in capital letters is hardly cogent objectivism...just FYI.
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
I wrote ILL-informed, and I stick by that. You didn't argue a word of what I wrote to counter your claim, you just added more ignorance to the fray. What you're missing is the very essence of AiKiDo, what it's all about, which is agreement with the MOVEMENT, the MOTION of the attack. Yes, Aikido requires timing (as does any other martial art). But that doesn't make it "nothing more." That's FACT, and, just FYI, I've got about 10 years on you. Open your mind, you might learn something.
@filthymcnastyazz 11 жыл бұрын
Uhmmm, no, very well informed (ssshhh, 34 years of experience)...Hand grabs just don't work. During brawls fine motor skills break down so you won't snatch someone's fist out of mid-air. 2nd, nobody holds you by the wrist and then tries to hit you. Neck, throat, back of the head maybe, or else just smashes you from behind, sucker punch etc. These displays are fine, but recognize what they are, art demonstrations, like ballet, that require timing, skill and dedication. Nothing more.
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
ROTFL! You're an Internet troll. Your'e not going to make anyone crap his pants, let alone someone like this, no matter what. What makes you think Aikidoka aren't trained fighters? Most of us come to Aikido after being ranked in another style. All you show is your rudeness and ignorance. Go learn some respect, child.
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
Just briefly, I've seen you trolling and am not going to indulge you in it... but it's necessary to point out that what you cal "pre-arranged forms" are no different than any other martial art. Or did you not spend many hours practicing the same kicks, punches, etc. in hard styles? Same as you don't actually see a knife-edge strike crushing someone's throat, you don't actually see an aikidoka breaking his partner's wrist, etc. But he's not letting ANYTHING happen. Go, learn, know, in a dojo.
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
Uhm, no. You remain ill-informed. If someone hands an aikidoka a haymaker, we'd agree with that motion (definition of Aikido) and guide (or plant) him to the ground. Somebody throwing that sort of punch just makes it all the easier.
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
It certainly has helped me more than once. In particular, coming off of a motorcycle onto concrete, from 65 to zero instantly, it was ONLY learning to roll/fall in Aikido that allowed me to walk away from the incident with nothing more than a bit of soreness, even though the 1100cc bike bounced across 3 lanes of traffic in downtown L.A. But thanks SO much for sharing your particular brand of clueless bullshit. Have a nice day.
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
Geez, you're full of crap. Aikido was founded by O-Sensei, who passed on within my lifetime. It incorporated his swordsmanship, to be certain, but (as John Espling writes below me) it was one of two branches (the other being Judo) to come from the same source. You know nothing, just running off at the fingers.
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
And also that if Aikidoka were to go full out, there'd be broken bodies, and that's not how we choose to live or train. O-Sensei said that we have the right and responsibility to defend ourselves but, as Aikido is a loving art, we have the responsibility to do our best to catch them before they break their heads open on the concrete as well. From a strictly practical standpoint, if we weren't going along WITH TECHNIQUES THAT WOULD WORK, we'd be broken up, run out of partners quickly. Capiche?
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
As an all-state level wrestler in school, I'd always choose Bottom, then grab their hand with my right hand and roll to the right. It works every time, because I can grab and drop/roll a lot faster than they can do anything else from that position. But understand, it's not using anything "against" them in Aikido. There is no Opponent, though there may be an Attacker, because we are all one. Accordingly, there is no "against," unless you aim to be against yourself.:) Good luck & skills!
@Gyrkin59 11 жыл бұрын
Understand that Aikido is not something one can generally "incorporate." It is a system unto itself, inherently disharmonious with hard styles. Your movement must harmonize with that of the attack(er) for it to work. If you find that they don't work well together, it's not that Aikido doesn't work, but that the two are not good together. Good luck!
@Ghostieke 11 жыл бұрын
@ darkwaterincor , i see you are clueless about the real art of aikido , before you speak with a mouthfull you should try it first and then we should talk again.
@Toophless1 11 жыл бұрын
How long has this argument been going on? Does anyone really think they are going to either win the argument or convince others of their point? Childish!
@gerardjohn123 11 жыл бұрын
Have you ever trained in aikido waterincor?
@gerardjohn123 11 жыл бұрын
If you are negative about aikido so much why are you commenting on one of its videos , you my friend are an imbecile , what do you train in that makes u so opinionated , there is no such thing as a bad art just a bad practitioner , but I fear your attitude would never comprehend that !
@gerardjohn123 11 жыл бұрын
Darkwaterincor you are full of it , what do you have ? a black belt in bullshit perhaps ? Lol
@supergacela 11 жыл бұрын
ataques PRE-ESTABLECIDOS, no tiene chiste
@gerardjohn123 11 жыл бұрын
Poetry in motion
@xiealic 11 жыл бұрын
Few, somebody who knows what they're doing... As far as I know, at my own meager level of training, the slap is there to reduce the impact of the roll by acting like a spring or shock absorber, reducing the momentum without damaging yourself by placing whatever energy that wasn't cancelled out by the slap's impact into the muscle/tendon complex instead. Those heal better than broken bones. Sometimes, like in jumping back breakfall, the slap is all you have to stop yourself from dying on the mats
@NathanCox 11 жыл бұрын
Another who doesn't understand Aikido at all trying to pass judgement. A "training partner" in aikido (and other martial arts) is called an Uke (receiver). There is a lot of philosophy regarding being Uke, and it is paramount that during Ukemi you never "give" a technique to your partner. If your Uke is letting you have the move, they're doing it wrong.
@NathanCox 11 жыл бұрын
You know absolutely nothing about Aikido, that is very clear. Aikido is all about harmony and peace (aikido = "the way of the harmonious sprit"). The style was specifically designed to be able to stop an attacker without being required to break them in the process. There is no machismo, and therefor no need to go on tv proving how tough you are. Aikido is incredibly effective because it uses an opponent's own force against them, it is no more or less effective than any other MA.
@ArianErviti 11 жыл бұрын
sounds like someone hasn't practiced henka-waza enough...
@jonnythunder75 11 жыл бұрын
@apryor2006 11 жыл бұрын
I would agree with your comments except where you mention that it was developed to end conflict without harming your opponent. The uke's are not harmed because they know how to fall. Aikido's throws are very circular and therefor an uke can roll out of them easily. If you are not trained in how to fall though you would most likely be hurt from hitting the ground.
@apryor2006 11 жыл бұрын
With their obvious skill level I'm kinda surprised the Uke's are slapping the mat. I was told to get away from that at about the 6th kyu. It's usually a practice for beginners.
@tech67ify 11 жыл бұрын
Excellent execution and technique, the timing is excellent.
@9470330749 11 жыл бұрын
Why are the uke's attacks so predictable for the nage?
@robson30103 12 жыл бұрын
congratulations Moriteru Ueshiba
@jashmac2306 12 жыл бұрын
It may look like a silly dance, but that's because it's a demonstration. This is a great fighting style for anyone willing to give it a shot. As for why aikidokas don't fight in competition, you need to understand that aikido philosophy frowns upon violence. It is better to solve a dispute with solid communication.
@mateusteixeirinha 12 жыл бұрын
@minilymo 12 жыл бұрын
Kick him in the bollocks
@JoshTheSonOfBethIsaacs 12 жыл бұрын
Im an MMA fighter who also trains Akido, by a 66 yr old master. Im not one to opinionate but I wouldn't be half the fighter if it wasnt for Akido. No style is worthless. Knowledge is power. Any real / experienced mma fighter will tell you this. Remember the days you felt this way for when you walk the path of a fighter it will be a most humbling journey:) gr8 journeys ! (no disrespect meant via comment.)
@bythar 12 жыл бұрын
Beautiful Aikido.
@XEV0X2 12 жыл бұрын
WoW. He's amazing!
@kotorminator 12 жыл бұрын
Jest jebany dobry!