Earth - Live 2p arena playthrough
Drill Class Guide for Frosthaven
Shards Class Guide for Frosthaven
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@Kaskiaski Күн бұрын
I’ve played this class a few times and respectfully disagree with a lot of your card choices. This class is really meant to not finish scenarios. It has multiple abilities/cards that say “when you exhaust,” and getting negative conditions isn’t that difficult. I’m full condition build, and absolutely own with him. Allowing him to blast the first half of a scenario really can change the tone for the second half.
@phoenicksgaming Күн бұрын
@@Kaskiaski interesting! What player count do you play at?
@markusjagering7449 9 күн бұрын
In the German version the puzzle is harder, because there is no 1 letter word to start with and there are more than one form of the. But I started with the first 4 letters you started with. And I used some German patterns like c is only in ch or sch. And so on.
@phoenicksgaming 9 күн бұрын
@@markusjagering7449 oof, sorry to hear that. Well done!
@dblane1989 10 күн бұрын
One of my favourite games and loved seeing and hearing what high level play looks like. Found this channel thorough listening to the "Where are they now" episode of Friendly Ties and it's exactly the KZfaq content I've been trying to find (commentary and advice on high level play). Really appreciate all the work you're putting in to make this content Nick!
@phoenicksgaming 10 күн бұрын
@dblane1989 welcome to the channel! So happy you found it :)
@hansimgluck7672 12 күн бұрын
you could've placed your camera right over the commentator's camera, so we could see your tableau. also would mean that you didn't need to shift your camera around. apart from that, great commentary!
@phoenicksgaming 12 күн бұрын
@hansimgluck7672 true! With games like GWT there's just so much space to cover and it can be tough to pick the most important things to become visible to players. Usually the Tableau is pretty dull unless you're playing engineers which is why I landed on this (admittedly flawed) solution. Thanks for watching!
@dblane1989 12 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure Michael's play to abundance at 3:14:04 is illegal as his special pawn is down on the evolution action. That means that he can only place his orange pawns below it on domination, or he has to recall.
@phoenicksgaming 12 күн бұрын
@dblane1989 I'd have to double check the rules but I think you might be right! Long days make for clumsy errors. Incredible catch
@dblane1989 10 күн бұрын
@@phoenicksgaming I only spotted it because you'd drawn attention to the mistake of using his special pawn to go on evolution the turn before instead of one of his ordinary pawns! Of course, if he'd just played his orange pawn the turn before and then his special pawn on abundance it would all have been fine so I don't think it's a big deal!
@randybuehler 16 күн бұрын
I ALSO chose Ark Nova as my team game because I expect the field to be so big. Fight!
@phoenicksgaming 16 күн бұрын
@@randybuehler let's gooooooooo 😄
@Broockle 17 күн бұрын
w8 u couldn't use Death Spiral and Slipping into Darkness on the same turn could you? Permanents need a turn inbetween to be used.
@HexStarDragon 17 күн бұрын
We were talking to Chris about how WBC handles some of the "similar" games, like the different GWT games. It sounds like it varies by game/GM. Do you know (as an all-powerful board member) how the different GWT versions are handled (Base, New Zealand, and Argentina), and how they handle Wingspan/Wyrmspan?
@phoenicksgaming 17 күн бұрын
@HexStarDragon GWT, by GM fiat, has some rounds that play non base game. In something like 18xx the players get to vote. I suspect wingspan will be only wingspan and that wyrmspan should be voted in as a separate event as it seems unique enough, but an ambitious gm may try to do a hybrid format like what they do for gwt. In general, all these games have a "default game" that becomes the tiebreaker in any tough decision points.
@PatrickoftheIsles 17 күн бұрын
I think GWT and New Zealand should be separate events to spread the enjoyment around. I've been advised to give up any hope of that, as people say the convention leadership would not allow it. But I think any policy can be eventually changed if one works hard enough at it 🙂
@ChrisWildes 15 күн бұрын
@@PatrickoftheIsles Don't forget Argentina!
@PatrickoftheIsles 17 күн бұрын
🎵 🎵 🎵 It's the most wonderful time of the year 🎵 🎵 🎵
@myrpok 18 күн бұрын
What about the great get-stupefied-and-play-jackbox-games tournament that occurs every night at the big house?
@phoenicksgaming 18 күн бұрын
@@myrpok off schedule content only impacts my sleep schedule xD
@whozeppelin224 18 күн бұрын
can't wait to get to WBC! got my schedule all set up as well
@phoenicksgaming 18 күн бұрын
@@whozeppelin224 can't come soon enough!
@lukeheinz2735 18 күн бұрын
Got my lunchtime viewing queued up, best week of the year not far away now! :)
@phoenicksgaming 18 күн бұрын
@@lukeheinz2735 so soon! I might even make a game of root!
@user-xi7de1gc4i 24 күн бұрын
Do a Frosthaven class rankings video
@phoenicksgaming 24 күн бұрын
@@user-xi7de1gc4i I should! I still haven't played all the classes yet...
@NazgulGamer1 25 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your strategy. I actually think they all very situational - there are so many cards that you need to be flexible in your decision making. I do always do the same first move - get the university with the 5 card hand limit. Usually second association move is a second uni for card upgrade options. I don't believe I flip in the same order ever. If I had to predefine an order I think it would be: 1. Association: get the 2/5 coin shields. So cheap for what they are and the second one unlocks next card upgrade or association worker on Con track. On m third round I can have 3 cards flipped (upgraded) or 2 and a second worker. 2. Cards: the extra draw is vital as you say - it's just not needed turn ASAP - it can wait a round. It is needed for hats track (eventually). I neglected to upgrade this card once and it hurt - so bad getting capped on that track. 3-4. (tough spot) This is where situation matters: Build - open up map spaces, extra builds, Avery or reptile house as may be needed, Animals - could have a level 2 worth playing or going down small animals route and want to put 2 out at a time from my third action (very handy to do) before the next break. Sponsors = maybe, only if i have a goal to play lots of sponsors, or need level 6 or off the top sponsors but this usually sits in last place for me now. It can be handy as a turn 1 upgrade and force lots of breaks for money - but that's a niche strategy prone to failing if poorly executed. Spot 3 and 4 should always remain flexible and dictated by the primary conservation project, your hand, your sponsors and your zoo goal and zoo map. If it stays fixed in your mind it can hurt what your trying to achieve. On a card flip (upgrade) rush early on it can be difficult to choose, so stay open to flipping the one you enjoy the most or think will give you the greatest benefit.
@phoenicksgaming 25 күн бұрын
@@NazgulGamer1 thanks for sharing your thoughts! You're right that being flexible is pretty key - knowing what you need is most important! The cheap association bonuses are nice, but sometimes the 5$ can really hurt if you're tight on cash!
@HexStarDragon 27 күн бұрын
I like the breakout into these categories, as I think people often conflate many of these categories into the descriptor when talking about games. I know in particular, Connie tries to design games that require high expertise but low familiarity, which doesn't align with some people's definition or understanding of "strategy". Good luck at the tournaments, Nick! We just ran through a few practice games with Chris W over the weekend.
@phoenicksgaming 27 күн бұрын
I played with him this weekend, too, so he must have been in full game mode this weekend! I'm also a fan of the high expertise, low familiarity- rewarding practice means that folks are spending time actually playing. Thanks for the well wishes and hope to see you soon!
@PurpleTrapezoidProds 27 күн бұрын
Loved playing this class. It felt weird, but this was the first class where if I didn’t like either level up option, I just didn’t take one. The level 1s were more valuable only costing 2hp!
@phoenicksgaming 27 күн бұрын
Yeah, sometimes having a cheap cycle was best!
@PatrickoftheIsles 28 күн бұрын
I've come to think player count is quite significant for most games when considering variance. It's a bit similar to how games with more random elements require a longer series to feel confident that the more thoughtful and experienced player will come out ahead (for example, in chess I might feel confident that the result of a best of 3 series would usually reveal the more experienced player, while in heads-up poker I might feel the need to run a larger number of matches to have a similar level of confidence). With some euro games, I think the same is true of player count. I often feel fairly confident that a best of 9 match would reveal the more thoughtful and experienced player at 2-player count. But in 4-player matches I think I'd need to see the result of a best of a longer series of games to feel a similar level of confidence distinguishing between closely skill-matched players.
@phoenicksgaming 28 күн бұрын
I mean, this is just math. I need to win 51% of times to be best in 2p and 26% of times to be best in 4p. The latter has more variance definitively. In 9 2p games, if you won 5, would you say you're definitively the better player? I suspect not. In 9 4p games, if you won 5 times, you're almost certainly the better player. The comparisons are just not equivalent.
@PatrickoftheIsles 27 күн бұрын
@@phoenicksgaming ‌Hmm, perhaps would have to discuss in person to fully understand your perspective. There are a few games (like GWT) that I've played in a number of tournaments at both 2p and 4p in recent years, and I definitely feel subjectively that the result is correlated to taking the wisest moves in 2p more consistently than at 4p. Just to pull some numbers out of the air to illustrate, maybe an "expert vs master" matchup might result in 75% win rate (25pp above even) in 2p but only 35% (10pp above even) in 4p. It's quite an interesting topic, and of course I'm open to the possibility there's an angle I'm not fully considering.
@zivpesso6293 28 күн бұрын
Your comment regarding “Heat”, that it is a game that you can table with gamers and non-gamers, what are some of your current favorite games that have that medium-medium/light ratio, but also have great depth/replayability?
@brainofjikir 28 күн бұрын
I'm a bit surprised by the Brass variance discussion. My experience is that because of how the levels of the buildings work, you kind of have to commit your strategy early on, and what ends up being good really depends on what the other players are doing. There are a lot of tactics and stuff, but for example if 3 people are really trying to dog the beers/rails than someone going Cotton will run away with it. However, cotton can only support one person, so if someone decides they want to undercut you, they can basically throw your game (at the cost of them probably not winning either). I haven't gotten to a very high level though because it's hard to get my group to dig deep into a game, so maybe I'm missing something
@phoenicksgaming 28 күн бұрын
I agree with what you're saying here. I may have misspoke in the video but the community (and i) feel that BB is on the low variance side of things - what you described matters a lot but is player controlled so I'm less inclined to describe the experience as "random" for that reason.
@PatrickoftheIsles 28 күн бұрын
I agree with you @BrainofJikir that 3-4 player games can fairly be described as substantially more random than 2 player games. I think this is true of all games at higher player counts, whether multiple players cause "strategic randomness" as in the Brass example, or "tactical randomness" as in an area control game like El Grande. In either case, one player having a very different valuation of the game state than you can lead to them taking actions that cause another player to get ahead of you.
@phoenicksgaming 28 күн бұрын
@PatrickoftheIsles hmmm, interesting. I'd say they are more chaotic and less controllable for this reason - you only touch 25% of the game rather than 50% of it - so I can see how that could be "variance." But it doesn't much impact my interpretation of how variant a specific game is - I guess I could conjure a few examples of where the delta variance from 2 to 4p is more dramatic in that game than in other 2 to 4p differences.
@brainofjikir 28 күн бұрын
​@@phoenicksgaming I see what you are saying. I guess I see the other players as a source of "randomness" since I have no control over the actions. You can still get an idea of what they want by looking at their board state, but it's sort of akin to counting cards or something where you can know what a good play is but it's still very probabilistic. Maybe a better way to think of it is as having a high degree of player interaction, such that you can't "raw skill" your way to victory against a table of medium skill players, the same way you could in like Scythe or Gaia Project or Great Western Trail or something. Those games are also pretty deterministic after the setup, but I feel like you can tactic and pivot your way through them a lot easier, or the player interaction is low enough that you can kind of do your plan and if it's the right plan people getting into the same strategic lane as you after the fact don't impact you as much. I feel like in Brass the "right plan" is so dependent on what the other players are doing, I think it's a prime example of a game that has a lot of local maxima/minima depending on the groupthink.
@phoenicksgaming 28 күн бұрын
@brainofjikir really like the citing of local maxima and minima in this context. I'd argue a definitively better player should be able to suss out how people are playing and adapt accordingly. But you're right that you'll play games of brass where some players are being incidentally gifted and it can be hard to come back from those circumstances
@misomiso8228 28 күн бұрын
Sad no Twilght struggle.
@phoenicksgaming 28 күн бұрын
I didn't tackle the war game side of the event because it conflicts with D1 of wsbg. Are you planning on playing?
@macc.1132 Ай бұрын
Just started playing this game recently and it is so fun! Now I've been devouring Ark Nova vids ... good stuff and I'm learning a lot =) As a beginner, I do find it odd that biodiverse North America and very biodiverse South America are represented together, yet Europe gets its own partner zoo despite having low biodiversity. If anything, it makes it difficult to scrape together animals when expansions come out, perhaps? Europe's going to have to default to farm animals and dog breeds at some point the the Americas still have some crazy sh*t to include. I'm joking of course, but I do find it funny. This game is brilliant and I see why it's so popular.
@phoenicksgaming Ай бұрын
Classic bias from a German designer! ;) I'm glad you found this game!
@user-xi7de1gc4i Ай бұрын
Definitely use Death Spiral (Level 5) and Hasten The End (Level 7). Using the top action of Death Spiral and bottom action of Hasten The End is the most broken thing I've ever seen in the Gloomhaven/Frosthaven world. Stunning and Baning everybody around you while also throwing basically the whole deck of curses into the monster deck is extremely overpowered. There is also an item that lets you negate the ten damage you would take making this combo even more broken. Definitely try this combination out!
@phoenicksgaming Ай бұрын
Ooooohhhhh using an item to negate the damage is a VERY clever way of activating this combo. Love it! That's pretty insane!
@aloric711 Ай бұрын
Veil of Protection is much better with the sword summon build, because it more than doubles the sword's HP.
@phoenicksgaming Ай бұрын
Good callout!
@Nialltube2 Ай бұрын
New house in the house! Congrats on that, and nice TM winsights.
@craigrussell7542 Ай бұрын
Thanks for your insights!
@eduardrindt3376 Ай бұрын
This bloody thing... I think the only big flaw of this class is that my teammates might get bored and stop playing with me. The invisibility build is just way too powerful at high levels. Thanks for the guide, that's great analysis and after playing a bit with my Kelp (lvl 8 invisibility build now), I agree on like 95% of what you said. I especially appreciate your comments on the Sucumb to Fear top being super conditional and Dark generation being pretty big problem, it really helped me focusing on saving my money to buy Dark enhancement rather than some conditions and I must say, it's worth every penny and it made my build click a lot better. Thanks again :-) That being said, I made some level-up choices you've discouraged a bit and it paid off big time for me, so I'm going to elaborate on 2 of those (wall of text incoming, sorry for that). Lvl 3 card, Crippling Terror, is amazing in the hands of stab crab. It gives the whole team solid option to deal with shields, which is sort of a big deal for this class. Doing most of my damage through multiple low attacks, I hate those shield, and giving my whole team pierce 3 at initiative 15 pretty much solves the whole problem. It's not hard to add a condition through some item (btw. Kelp solo item has an incredible synergy with this action, there are exactly 0 muddle-immune enemies with shields in the entire game), so pairing it with some heavy attack is much better option to kill shielded enemies than Hollow Aura. But the importance of the initiative 15 teleport just can't be understated. With bottoms of Lie in Wait, Sucumb to Fear and Skewer the Flesh (initiatives 98, 20 and 86), I can completely control my initiative weaving with the teleporting cards, and I don't have to care for initiative on the cards past lvl 3. And it also has the enhancement slot for the Dark infusion, which (while pretty costly) makes this just a very versatile bottom I want to bring every time (simply because of the initiative, teleport and dark generation). I tried to generate Dark with the bottom of Soul Hunger, but that left me with 3 very slow teleports and I didn't like it. I tried to experiment with Lacerating Stabs teleport, but the Wound is just not fitting well with this build - I'm aiming to kill everything pretty fast, so the wound will more than likely do just 1 dmg. If I'm going to spread some conditions, I think muddle is the best just to help my teammate survive a bit more (cause I'm not helping tanking while invisible) - so, since I enhanced my Crippling Terror with Dark infusion, I've always brought along with Lie in Wait, Sucumb to Fear and Skewer the Flesh as my teleporting cards and it works like charm. Lvl 8 card, Unseen Horror - let's talk about the second type of enemies that the stab crab hates to face - Retaliates. Those are probably ever worse than shielded enemies, retaliate hurts me even when I'm invisible and trying to kill something like elite frost demon through a lot of small attacks is just not going to work - it hurts way too much. Enter Unseen Horror - spend Dark, hit that enemy once and Brittle it at initiative 19. Then, one of my teammates comes in with a big hit and kills it right away. I just eat 1 retaliate which I can heal next turn with Lie in Wait or something and the problem is gone. Or I can go late, brittle and then go fast and finish the enemy off with something like the top of Extra Decorations. At this point, I kind of divided my attacks into 2 categories - finishers (things you want to play to kill an enemy, Extra Decorations, Dire Frenzy...) and openers (things you want to attack with to weaken the tough enemy, preparing for the finisher next round) - and by scenario lvl 4 (which you are going to hit most likely by lvl 8), things like Ink Cloud or Black Scythe won't cut it as the openers. Claw of Doom is an amazing thanks to that Stun, but I wanted 1 more effective opener and Unseen Horror top action fills that spot really well, far better than Haunting Brutality. The best part is that it actually works well in tandem with the above mentioned Crippling Terror - if we're facing elite Steel automatons or something like that, I can go at initiative 15, teleport in with Crippling Terror, do chip damage and Brittle with Unseen Horror, giving my teammate pierce 3 (it has the brittle now), and my teammate than goes for the strongest attack possible, doing easily something like 18 damage if boosted a bit with items, and killing the automaton right away. And when I don't need that opener anymore, I can use the bottom persistent to boost the Dire Frenzy + Grim Trophies shenanigans to clear the final room or 2 - it's not terribly difficult for the stab crab to do about 11-14 attacks if you consume a bunch of items in 1 brutal round (or 7-8 without those items), so having +1 to all attacks is definitelly worth the loss card and 1 trophy if you're going for that. I understand that the bottom of Rip from the Bone is amazing, but as I said earlier, I have my bottom teleports already solved with lvl 2 and 3 cards, and Unseen Horror just brings another super versatile weapon into my arsenal that fits so well I simply couldn't pass that up. At this point, I'm just curious how much damage I can pump out with that 1 brutal round when I reach lvl 9 (which brings an amazing card as well as extra small item capacity). The threshold I'm aiming for is 120, though I think with a bit of luck it could go even higher. But we're playing 2p game and I don't think there will ever be that much hit points worth of monsters on the map with me, so it becomes just a big red nuclear button that can kill everything in range. It's hell of a fun though.
@phoenicksgaming Ай бұрын
Wow, amazing comment. Looks like you've figured out how to unlock the full potential of this class!! I really like the concept of distinguishing openers to finishers, I think that approach is probably great on many different classes. Thanks again for this detailed comment!!
@djskype020202 Ай бұрын
I just started this character and this will definitely help when I get higher levels. We are still a little early in our game and I've only retired one character but I am looking forward to playing this
@abigailleavitt5839 Ай бұрын
@Ogrecrusher Ай бұрын
There are counts of the cards played in the header of the section heh. You don't need to count manually.
@phoenicksgaming Ай бұрын
Maybe I, uh, like to count them? Haha thanks for pointing that out
@rustymcrobot Ай бұрын
Grats on the house!
@phoenicksgaming Ай бұрын
@Orwellis Ай бұрын
A question on “UNMI is best in a four player game”: Fewer players usually means more generations to take advantage of the 3MC for a TR action. Is there a perspective I’m missing?
@phoenicksgaming Ай бұрын
You are correct that it is extra turns to get the extra points for. However, UNMI is pretty bad economically while other factions are stronger. So yes, more turns for you to use your power but also more turns for stronger economic starts to start cashing in like crazy. What UNMI specializes in, in my opinion, is getting out to an early start. If I have an early start, I want the game to end sooner. Rephrase, the relative per turn strength of UNMI s power is not as high in the last few turns of the game because folks have more cards and cash available to convert into pointa.
@Orwellis Ай бұрын
​ @phoenicksgaming Appreciate the response and vary fair point! It may be lower level play, but occasionally I'll see the high MC generating players run out of cards in the later gens and close out the game with expensive standard projects (negating their income advantage with poor resource to point conversion). Forgoing the UNMI ability early to keep up with economy and leveraging the cheap TM middle and late game seems to have worked for me in the past. At any rate, nice win against Biubangboom!
@phoenicksgaming Ай бұрын
@Orwellis very true! They definitely need gas in the tank to be end game threats. Usually that comes in the form of jovians or a bazillion plants
@andre10236 2 ай бұрын
Put a poison enhanancement on launch pad, start in machine gun bolter mode, attack 3 target 2 with poison on turn 1, summon arcing generator, pair grant attack +1 with initiative 12 on turn 2, things die, switch into arcing gerator with bottom move 2, transfer, move 2 to save it, stamina potion and reasemble some time during first card cycle for longevity
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
Very nice round1 sequence!
@Rofflemywaffle 2 ай бұрын
Just wanted to say every time I want to learn a new game on BGA, your page always has something super helpful on it. I've used your videos soooo much across so many different games. Appreciate it so much and keep it up!
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
That's wonderful! I'm so glad to hear that and thank you for the positive comment
@ManhNguyen-mt8ve 2 ай бұрын
I still don’t understand when the round ends
@ManhNguyen-mt8ve 2 ай бұрын
Can someone please tell me how can I know whenever the round end
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
When everyone has passed- take as many turns until you're out of gas!
@abigailleavitt5839 2 ай бұрын
@abigailleavitt5839 2 ай бұрын
@abigailleavitt5839 2 ай бұрын
@abigailleavitt5839 2 ай бұрын
@abigailleavitt5839 2 ай бұрын
@scottdevries6670 2 ай бұрын
Awesome. Just what I was looking for!
@myrpok 2 ай бұрын
Statistics are I really need that 6 and by god I'm going to roll it.
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, this is the best approach for maximum "hell yeah"s
@otavianobarneschi4731 2 ай бұрын
Definitely what I was looking for
@bjrn2010 2 ай бұрын
7:28 might be more efficient to return a level 3 than 2, but cost isn't the same, since a level 1 is 2 health a level 3 should be 3, while level 2 should still be 2. Level 2 more efficient than level 1, 3 might be more efficient than 2, but 4 is for sure more efficient than 3 since it's the same cost
@Acriwix 2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry but your math is wrong. Note that the calculation is 2+(lvl/2), where you first need to count inside the bracket, then add 2, and finally the end result is rounded down, not up. The exact numbers are also shown in the character sheet, the point in video that you refer to. So lvl1 = 2dmg, lvl2 = 3dmg, lvl3 = 3dmg, lvl4 = 4dmg etc.
@bjrn2010 2 ай бұрын
@@Acriwix then it's not 2 health at level 1 with it increasing by 1 every other level after. Which is what I was going off of. Never read the card.
@Acriwix 2 ай бұрын
​@@bjrn2010Ah true, I missed that part where he said it wrong, was more focused on looking at the video/card myself 😅
@bjrn2010 2 ай бұрын
Riot Games class?
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
Haha it does look it
@jankogo 2 ай бұрын
I just found out that you are the guy on the friendly Ties podcast. Mind blown! 😮
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
One and the same!!
@colingoldberg9688 2 ай бұрын
Great video, really helps to visualize what you're talking about here. I really like the point about limitations on the use of expected value in a single play of a boardgame. In poker, when you make a bet that has good EV you know that, over the course of multiple poker hands, you will come out a winner on enough of those hands that you *should* make a profit on a long enough time horizon. The calculation would have different weight if you knew that this one hand right now was all or nothing. EV would still be informative, but maybe not the only driver of the decision.
@colingoldberg9688 2 ай бұрын
I also did some fun thought experiments about the complexity of EV when it comes to Lost Ruins of Arnak. I think its possible to play Arnak without ever adding a card to your initial deck (maybe not a winning strategy, but for the sake of argument it is technically possible to play that way). My question is this: if you never add a single card to your deck, could you say that that your EV of drawing 5 cards is the same each round? I think the answer is technically no, given that the card remaining on the top of the deck is effectively a known value. Practically, the answer is yes bc you're talking about a range of EVs from 3.2 - 3.4 so it won't really feel that different. The act of adding just one additional card to the deck (in this case, the dog) changes these calculations a lot. tl;dr if you're playing a deck building game, EV changes with every card added to the deck and you could spend a whole evening recalculating it every round and not necessarily win the game.
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
Yeah overcalculating EV isn't going to help you that much or be worth your brain cycles. And you're right that board games often lack "the long run" that poker or investing does!
@arthasthelichking6213 2 ай бұрын
I think that easier way to calculate in any game when you are looking for, will I draw at least 1 of X is to calculate the odds that you won't draw any and then just know that all other evens mean you drew at least one. So in case of 2 draws from a 2/5 sucess deck you will calculate 3/5*2/4=6/20=30% 100%-30%=70% This way it's very easy to do memory math in the middle of the game. However a big downside to this method is that it's much harder to calculate odds for drawing at least 2 cards.
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
Love this trick! I use it all the time especially when trying to figure out worst vs best case scenarios
@PatrickoftheIsles 2 ай бұрын
@10:33 - You really think it isn't intuitive? I would have imagined that in the universe of people who enjoy economic/euro board games the portion who'd find branching paths fairly apparent would be high?
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
Hmm maybe I'm underestimating folks, and you're right that games have a huge sampling bias but in my experience as a teacher and a student, this is something that many folks struggle to mentally math.
@ShaneARichards 2 ай бұрын
Woohooo! As a statistician, I approve of the video, just wish it translated into me being better at Gloomhaven.
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
Ha! Well I'm sure you know the odds that your attack modifier deck is going to spit out something you're happy with?
@yannisguerra 2 ай бұрын
In regards to your Arnak example, would the evaluation of futute turns always lead to the conclusion that you have to draw cards as long as you have at least 1 card with higher value than the base cards? Usually deck builers have the draw card cost integrated (if they don't, they become "broken" like old school MTG draw cards), so we should have the expectation that the extra benefit of having the high value card in the deck would be balanced by the game's cost of drawing a cqrd
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
I chose dog because it's one of the most powerful and versatile cards - when the relative value of your other cards goes down then the cost paid for drawing a card probably becomes a more significant drawback. So in brief, no, it's not always worth drawing because you might be giving up too many other bennies
@yannisguerra 2 ай бұрын
Now for the religious question...frequentist or bayesian?😂
@phoenicksgaming 2 ай бұрын
Fortunately I don't have to answer this question in my day to day but I'm closer to a bayesian :)