@bobnixon8744 2 күн бұрын
It seems that in today's culture those at the top both in Canada and south of us are doing their best to extinguish Christianity and replace it with their own form of worship. Worship of abortion (Molech), perverted sex (Ishtar), and sex slavery. Is this not the same as or worse than the golden calf ? There are people in our churches that support the LBGTQ 2+ movement and abortion and it seems to me they can't be very serious students of the Word.
@bobnixon8744 18 күн бұрын
There have been many instances where men have made bad choices but the results turned out to be part of God's plan. In addition to the one in this lesson some other notable examples come to mind. Abraham trying to help God out in producing a son resulted in the birth of a nation that has forever given Israel grief even up until today. But God has used them to exact the punishment on Israel that God warned would happen if they worshipped other gods. I think of Jacob stealing Esau's blessing and God used him to form the great nation of Israel. I could list many others but probably the biggest of all was the decision to crucify Jesus. Just think of what would have happened if Israel had acknowledged Jesus as Messiah and treated Him accordingly we Gentiles would have been hung out to dry unless God had a plan B for this. Thanks for the lesson, Ken
@diggingforscripturalgems 18 күн бұрын
Excellent examples of this happening, Bob. It is interesting to sit up back and reflect on the "what if" -- what if this hadn't happened? Good points. We are blessed even in our mistakes in that sense. God still loves us, still has a plan which He will carry out. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 Ай бұрын
Decisions have consequences. Sometimes the results cascade down generations, decades, centuries and even millennia. Starting with Adam , then Abraham/Ishmael, David and Bathsheba, Saul and the Amalekites, Solomon and the foreign gods, Rehoboam, etc. we see the tragic results continuing down through history to today in some cases. Going for advice without seeking prayerful direction from the Holy Spirit can be a dangerous gamble. When we go advice shopping we tend to seek something pleasing to our ears, though not always. Sometimes when we are trying to find God's will we will consult deeply spiritual brothers and sisters to try and determine what God expects of us. They may give us differing advice at times but that doesn't mean we throw our hans in the air and give up. It simply means we continue in prayer and perhaps fasting and wait on God to give us positive direction. Patience also p[lays into the mixture. Thanks for the lesson, Ken
@diggingforscripturalgems Ай бұрын
Great points Bob. We need to be in sync with God's direction -- even in our advice seeking. Blessings. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 Ай бұрын
Like the leadership we have here today, Solomon and his successors lived in a bubble where they neither felt nor appreciated the hardship they imposed on the people. As they do today, he taxed them heavily with impunity.As you point out the taxation issue is only a consequence of the real problem idolatry and turning away from God. Had Solomon followed God's commands and led Israel accordingly Jehovah would have blessed themm abundantly without the unnecessary burden. We, today, have neglected to put God first in our lives influencing our family, our community and finally our culture and now we suffer the consequences. Thanks for showing us this, Ken.
@diggingforscripturalgems Ай бұрын
Sadly, you point out a real valid similarity to our leaders today. We are being taxed heavily and our freedoms and choices are being limited every day. All because our leaders have lost their moral compass and think they have a "new world" solution. Wrong. Thanks for sharing, Bob.
@bobnixon8744 Ай бұрын
That is indeed a difficult question and I must say that I don't know the answer either. Nor do I feel I can make a strong case in either direction. However, I can share how I lean in my thought process. This is not to convince anyone but only to pass on my thoughts. I believe Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes near the end of his life. He seems to be taking an objective look at his own attempts to find meaningfulness during his life outside of the fact that we were created to please God. He concludes Ecclesiastes with these words in Ecclesiastes 12:13 " Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." This resembles a death bed confession to me. Many have gone astray in life , some for many years, and yet have comeback to their first love. Is this perhaps what happened to Solomon ? I compare this path with that of Charles Templeton who, having won many souls for Christ , not only walked away from his faith but spent the rest of his life denouncing it and trying to convince people that the Bible wasn't real. I highly doubt if we will see Templeton in heaven just like we won't see Simon the sorcerer up there. We don't read anywhere in scripture where Solomon renounced Jehovah although worshiping the false gods and leading the Israelites astray were wicked actions for which he is responsible and will answer for someday. Personally I think that will take place for Solomon at the Bema not at the great white throne. That is my thinking on the matter but the bottom line is we will never know this side of heaven.
@bobnixon8744 Ай бұрын
History's smartest person fails yet again. The lesson for modern man is that the greatest intelligence whether human or computer cannot defeat God's plan. Period.
@diggingforscripturalgems Ай бұрын
And that is so important to accept as a fact given our modern age of "smarties" in government as well as the emergence of AI. ThANKS Bob.
@bobnixon8744 2 ай бұрын
All I can say is Amen ! to that well delivered admonition, Ken. Thank you.
@diggingforscripturalgems 2 ай бұрын
Thank Bob. I accept that although I didn't think of it at that. I was really pleasantly surprised at what God was teaching me in that study. Thanks as always for your for your comments. Ken.
@darlaaddams7169 2 ай бұрын
I was studying this passage today, your video was very helpful thank you! 🙏🏻
@diggingforscripturalgems 2 ай бұрын
Wonderful! I hope you'll join us on all our studies -- hope you've subscribed to our KZfaq channel: "Digging for Scriptural Gems". If I can help with any question, do let me know. Blessings. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 2 ай бұрын
This is a very sad turn of events in the life of Solomon and of Israel. Do we know where the 10 "lost tribes" of Israel are today ?
@diggingforscripturalgems 2 ай бұрын
Indeed it is a very sad time in our HIS-story. As far as the Lost Tribes and their current locations -- that is a very big topic and issue. There is much on the internet about it. Anyone can search for "where are Israel's lost tribes?". Some sites are secular, others Jewish, and a few Christian. Here are three I looked at: www.biblestudy.org/prophecy/where-are-the-lost-ten-tribes-of-israel-today.html aish.com/the-search-for-the-ten-lost-tribes/ www.jpost.com/judaism/article-729707#google_vignette Happy reading. Blessings. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 2 ай бұрын
It is sad to see those who have fallen in their latter years and there are quite a few, well known Christian leaders among them. It is puzzling though we have never stood in their shoes and faced the temptations they have faced . Nevertheless, the advice "Take heed lest you fall" applies to us all because we never know what unseen circumstance could befall us and take us down in our arrogance. Some commentaries I have read suggest that Solomon died at about 62 years of age. I can see that with his life style which we would probably see as unhealthy today. I wonder if we will see Solomon in heaven. Hopefully the conclusions he reached in Ecclesiastes point towards a reversal of his downslide but scripture doesn't indicate one way or another I don't believe.
@diggingforscripturalgems 2 ай бұрын
And some may have faced similar temptations, fallen, and then repented, one would think. The advice you quoted applies to all -- beforehand, during, and afterwards -- having repented or not -- it is advice to our dying (on earth) day. And hopefully we'll find out about Solomon one day. Be blessed, brother. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 2 ай бұрын
It is impossible to know the mind of God in giving Solomon all those riches since His ways are higher than ours. Maybe it was to show us down through history how a man endowed with wisdom beyond our imagination and given everything he could ever want was nothing without God and would eventually give in to his fallen nature unless he strove to do otherwise. Ecclesiastes sums it up rather nicely. Man by himself is as useless as the wind. We were created to serve God.
@diggingforscripturalgems 2 ай бұрын
I like your thinking Bob. God gave him everything so there would be no excuse and yet, we see what happened. Thank you. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 3 ай бұрын
Well done, Ken. As you have pointed out, we are tasked with carrying the message. God will look after the results. That is not our responsibility. Noah preached for 100 years and had no converts. Zero. Jonah preached for several days and had hundreds of thousands of converts. Neither profit gets credit or blame for the results.
@diggingforscripturalgems 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for pointing these two situations out Bob. Just talking to a couple tonight whose married daughter and her family don't go to church. One of the couple says we have done our job -- she knows God's Plan of Salvation, the other says we need to do more until she does go. I side with the "leave it to God" approach and keep on your knees. Blessings. Ken.
@obg7 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for this message brother. Praying with you
@diggingforscripturalgems 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Ljay. God is good. Appreciate your words and prayers.
@bobnixon8744 3 ай бұрын
For the guy who was the smartest that ever lived, Solomon made some stupid decisions. I guess it proves that no matter how much God gifts us with we can sure mess it up when we don't call on His wisdom to guide us. Also, it has been sad watching the US force Israel's hand over the years to surrender portions of the land that God gave them supposedly to gain peace. The Us suffered natural disasters following each one of these and Israel strengthened her enemies by surrendering these territories. That was a good study lesson, Ken.
@diggingforscripturalgems 3 ай бұрын
Thanks Bob. Yes, had the political or government-ruling Israelis stuck with God, kept their land, sought His protection by turning and seeking His Face, we would not be were we are today. The same is true of the United States and other western countries who seek peace in the Middle East without considering God. True Peace is Conditional -- it's conditional on recognizing, accepting, and serving God. We press on.
@bobnixon8744 3 ай бұрын
We notice that God's conditional promise to Solomon and by extension, Israel is a 2 sided coin - blessing on one side and discipline or withdrawn blessing on the other. If we look at some of God's conditional promises to us -i.e. the beatitudes, the reverse side of the coin is not so much punishment as it is the lack of blessing. Of course there are times when He has to slap us on the side of the head so to speak to get us back on track. Proverbs 3:12 tells us "For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth." However, this is a demonstration of love as opposed to Israel's case where worshiping other gods.brought severe punishment. We should be thankful that the Lord treats us the way He does without taking Him for granted. If we are truly saved we find it uncomfortable and miserable when we are not in fellowship with Him.
@diggingforscripturalgems 3 ай бұрын
No matter how God chooses to make us more righteous, we must see it as a blessing. Thank you Bob for your insight again. Sometimes I wonder why you are doing some writing and vlogging. Have a great week. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 3 ай бұрын
You add such life and meaning to Old Testament passages that I used to let go in one ear and out the other. I never bothered conjuring up the picture in my mind of such a massive feast and what it would take to pull it off. Furthermore it is great the way you drill down and analyze the meaning for our worship in this day and age even to the preparation and cleanup after church celebrations. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I greatly enjoy your studies, Ken. Keep it up.
@diggingforscripturalgems 3 ай бұрын
Hey Bob, great to hear from you. You are always so encouraging. Keeps me wanting to do this kind of thing. God bless you. I'll try to keep going. Stay out of the puddles. Ken.
@2Timothy3END 3 ай бұрын
Hated reading this!!!! Its why im here; seeking clarity and understanding which wasnt found. Im forever upset to find this and dont know what to do with it...... Im glad God didnt wash his hands of us all. Gods chosen will continue to fail him as I read on, yet I wonder why I never read this before, seem like for me anyways I learn something new every time I reread the Bible. Im sorry Father, we truly are not worthy
@diggingforscripturalgems 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for commenting. Sorry that this was a tough one to listen to or to read in your Bible. It is also very difficult to understand why we needed to hear -- what exactly was the purpose anyway? I think what we do with it is a) remember the importance of being close to God in a solid relationship; b) protect your spouse and daughters as husbands and fathers have been charged to do; and c) don't always accept the words of clergy if God is telling you they are not right with Him. And yes, each time we read Scripture, we can ask God to show us something new. Have a blessed day. Ken.
@2Timothy3END 3 ай бұрын
@@diggingforscripturalgems Thank you my Christian brother✝
@diggingforscripturalgems 3 ай бұрын
@@2Timothy3END-- God bless you and yours.
@bobnixon8744 4 ай бұрын
I have 2 comments to offer regarding today's lesson. Perhaps I'm a little more soft on Solomon in my observation of his prayer. Each time he talks about Israel repenting for their sins he begins with the word "IF" thus implying that God's forgiveness is conditional on their repentance rather than assumed. My second observation is that I am glad you spoke out against replacement theology which is straight from the pit of hell and is Satan's way of planting antisemitism into the church. Without the need of diving into theology, simple logic tells us that if God's chosen people can't depend on His promises, how can we not expect Him to turn His back on us if we sin. Simple logic tells us that the holy just God cannot lie or go back on His word and so His promises to the Jews will stand forever.
@diggingforscripturalgems 4 ай бұрын
Always appreciate your comments Bob. The "IF" observation is most interesting. Yes, God's forgiveness is dependent on our repentance -- so that "if" is really our "if", not God's. If we do repent with a sincere heart, God's forgiveness is 100% guaranteed. On the matter of 'replacement theology', I can only say that as I read Genesis to Revelation, I find, like you, no support for God have replaced His Chosen People. And there is still time for some or all of them to come to a sincere change of heart and repent and be saved. Blessings. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 4 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree more.
@bobnixon8744 4 ай бұрын
That was a very interesting observation you made about the wars involving the west and the possible war involving China and Taiwan. It seems our politicians don't seem to want to involve God in their decision making. George W. Bush was thought by many to be a solid Christian man, yet like other American presidents he forced Israel's hand in giving up land to the enemy in exchange for peace. This is certainly not in accordance with what God wants. I wonder if his other decisions ever involved any spiritual guidance. On the other hand, Trump, whom everyone viewed as an immoral worldly person didn't start any wars, prevented others from happening and declared some of the territory that the world labelled "occupied" as part of Israel. This just proves once again that man judges by the outside while God sees (and guides) the heart. Just sayin'
@bobnixon8744 4 ай бұрын
Today's lesson reminds me of how I thought about this as a young lad growing up. This true story will add a little humour. My mother used to tell us "Be sure your sin will find you out" (Numbers 32:23). I took this to mean that if I disobeyed my parents behind their backs God would find a way to punish me without their help. Sure enough when I went to the park against their orders while they were away for a few hours I wrecked my bike. Chalk one up for Team God and Mom. Of course as I grew older and matured I saw all this in the proper light but I must admit it did keep me in line for a few years. LOL.
@diggingforscripturalgems 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your personal and funny story. The only thing I can say Bob is that I hope you are still be "kept in line". LOL. Blessings. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 4 ай бұрын
Oh yes, God gave me a wife that is up to the task.
@diggingforscripturalgems 4 ай бұрын
@@bobnixon8744Yes, God has a way of taking care of things and us.
@gigi6133 5 ай бұрын
The concubine woman is treated like a sin animal, a sacrifice and takes the sins and is killed. To save the guest; her master She was treated like an animal, placed their sins on her and let her go..not to the wilderness but out of her misery for she was not pleasant in the sight of the Lord(she cheated and didn't follow the commandments : God's Law)..and in the old testament, God had not sent forgiveness (His Son) so men interpret God's wrath (since Adam: separation between man and God)
@diggingforscripturalgems 5 ай бұрын
I agree with the first part of your comment, but how do you figure or where do you get the idea that "she" cheated. Concubines were acceptable in those days, wee they not?
@diggingforscripturalgems 4 ай бұрын
@@gigi6133-- I reread the chapter -- the concubine did not cheat on her own volition, did she? She had an argument with her husband/master. Later on he threw her out to the gang outside and they raped her. This was not her wish in my humble opinion.
@gigi6133 4 ай бұрын
@@diggingforscripturalgems "and his concubine played the whore against him, and went away from him into her father's house to beth-lehem-judah, and was there four whole months" King James version
@gigi6133 4 ай бұрын
She did cheat. It says right in the scripture, I keep sending you the link but you keep deleting my replies...I am not showing I am right...I know nothing. I am just showing you what is indicated in KJV. Think also about this...what else could they quarrel about as her role is to do what he says, why would they argue?
@gigi6133 4 ай бұрын
19 And it came to pass in those days, when there was no king in Israel, that there was a certain Levite sojourning on the side of mount Ephraim, who took to him a concubine out of Bethlehemjudah. 2 And his concubine played the whore against him, and went away from him unto her father's house to Bethlehemjudah, and was there four whole months. 3 And her husband arose, and went after her, to speak friendly unto her, and to bring her again, having his servant with him, and a couple of asses: and she brought him into her father's house: and when the father of the damsel saw him, he rejoiced to meet him.
@bobnixon8744 5 ай бұрын
My take on Solomon's comment to God was that he was saying " As much as I have built this temple for you, Lord, I confess that neither this temple nor anything else that exists could ever contain you. In other words Solomon wanted to vocalize the thought that let there be no misunderstanding by these people witnessing this dedication and my prayer that this temple is meant to be God's home. That was my understanding for what it's worth. I think Solomon's prayer was as much for the people to hear as it was directed to God.
@diggingforscripturalgems 5 ай бұрын
You are very kind to Solomon and you may well be right. Thank you for your insight, Bob. Blessings. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 5 ай бұрын
A question comes to mind here. At the time Solomon had this dedication ceremony for the temple, had he yet begun forming relationships with pagan women ? If he hadn't then this prayer was from a pure and sincere heart. If in fact he had then it would seem a rather hypocritical exercise. I like to think it was the former. What are your thoughts ?
@diggingforscripturalgems 5 ай бұрын
Well Bob, thank you for the chance to do some serious digging here. First of all his love for foreign pagan women is., to my finding, first referred to in 1 Kings 11:1 and ff. This was after this prayer. But he doesn't get off that easy. Previous to this, if I am not mistaken he build up his number of horses, also contrary to what God had ordered for kings of Israel. (Our sins do only involve women.) And in addition, if we want to stick with women, something contrary to God's preferred way occurred in 1 Kings 3 -- he formed an allegiance with a Pharaoh and married his daughter. All before this prayer. So where does this leave us? From personal experience, I'd like to think that we have the capability to be sincere in our prayers and still sin. How God reactds to them, however, may be another issue. What do you (and others) think? Ken.
@bobnixon8744 5 ай бұрын
This will always be a mystery to us. We need to keep in mind the many serious sins that David committed yet God said David was a man after His own heart. This contrasts with the way God took His Holy Spirit away from king Saul after he continued to disobey Him. I may have missed it but I can't recall reading where Saul repented before the Lord. Sure, he was unhappy with the consequences of his own actions but in the end he took his own life. That tells me something about where he was at the end. So God sees the heart while we look at the person's actions and overlay them against a set of rules in order to make a judgment. His ways are higher than our ways. So I guess we can just leave it at that. Thank you for doing all that research for us. Blessings to you, Ken.@@diggingforscripturalgems
@bobnixon8744 5 ай бұрын
As disappointed as David was on not being allowed to build the temple, he did not hold a grudge against God for His choice. But rather he embraced the thought that his son would be the one to do so to the extent that he gathered much material to enable Solomon to do so. We know that the amount of Gold that David stored up for the purpose amounted to billions of dollars at today's value of the precious metal together with the other materials he provided. This shows that David's heart was fully in the project while at the same time accepting God's plan for its building it. So as you have pointed out in today's lesson, it wasn't the thought that counted but where David's heart was borne out by his actions.
@diggingforscripturalgems 5 ай бұрын
It's always about the heart with God, as far as we're concerned.
@jasperlong9342 5 ай бұрын
😌 "PromoSM"
@richardgiven5774 5 ай бұрын
Very well done, as I oft find your work Brother Ken. Concerning the question of arrogance, which is an interesting question (got me thinking at least) ... I wonder, because I do not think that I can conclude, that Solomon was simply "convinced" that God was in that cloud regardless of its dark hue, and so he turned and spoke with a degree of confidence we as modern day believers sadly might lack ... and since Solomon faced the alter, it leads me to at least perceive he did not in arrogance elevate himself address God from right within the temple where only certains "chosen" priests had such a perilous privilege to try to stand "in the presence of pure Holiness and address same ... his not going in showed wisdom? showed fear? not sure but methinks arrogance was not in the mix ... from Alberta Canada with love and blessings to you Ken
@diggingforscripturalgems 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for writing and sharing those thoughts. Well presented. Glad you wrote. Hope others read this and also send in their thoughts. I would tend to agree with you on the "no arrogance" part. Who are we to judge. And again we are dealing with very old ways and manners of speech. Stay wise and warm. Please write again. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 6 ай бұрын
Your lesson on the Shekinah glory reinforces my concept of God. I know His love is infinite and beyond our understanding.I also know He has promised never to leave us. But I cannot forget who He is. Most references, especially in the Old Testament, of saints of old facing the glory of God fell on their faces. This is not something that was taught them but rather a normal reflexive reaction to the unbearable presence of the holiness of God by a mere human. For this reason I am offended by some of the contemporary "praise and worship" tunes that show up in our services where God is treated as a buddy of some sort rather than who He really is. When I meet Him in glory I won't be looking to dance with Jesus as one song suggests but rather I will fall on my face in the presence of the Almighty One that came out of glory and died for me so that I, a fallen creature could spend eternity - something I don't deserve - with him. It blows the mind and is not something to be taken lightly. So when I think of God I do think of Him as Abba Father but one who is all powerful who holds me in His hands not someone who accompanies me to a singalong. Sorry if this seems more of a rant than a comment
@diggingforscripturalgems 6 ай бұрын
Wise words and observations Bob. I love the part about "When I meet Him in glory, I won't be looking to dance with Jesus as one suggests, but rather I will fall on my face in the presence of the Almighty One that came out of glory and died for me." Thank you so much. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 6 ай бұрын
As an aside it boggles my mind how they went about casting these pillars in bronze. As plant engineer at a foundry in Orillia, Ontario, for 5 years, I have a special appreciation for the challenge of making these pillars. First of all you would need the services of a large furnace nearby to melt the bronze to be poured into the mold and a means of transporting it from the furnace then pouring it into the mold. Next, to cast a cylinder you need a two part mold - the top, called the cope and the bottom known as the drag. The bottom could be fashioned in the desert sand which would need to be hardened before having the molten metal poured in. But the big question in my mind is how do you create the cope part. They probably poured the two halves separately then joined them afterwards somehow. No matter how you look at it these were obviously very skilled men that Hiram had in his employ and it is likely that they were unique at that time. It was Solomon's God given wisdom that enabled him to acquire the skilled workmen required to make the items needed for the building of God's temple.
@diggingforscripturalgems 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Bob for the additional information of just how skilled these workers must have been. Amazing when one considers what is still required today -- but way back then -- thgat was another story. Blessings. Ken.
@markfrank0924 6 ай бұрын
It's called editing.
@diggingforscripturalgems 6 ай бұрын
Perhaps. Thanks.
@nicolebutler7612 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for helping me with my Bible Study
@diggingforscripturalgems 6 ай бұрын
It's a pleasure to do so. I enjoy doing these studies for myself and like sharing them. Hope you keep enjoying them too. I've been working my way through the Bible for years now. God bless you and yours and have a happy new year. Ken G.
@TexasScout 6 ай бұрын
I would love to watch this video, but your audio is so low I can’t hear it
@diggingforscripturalgems 6 ай бұрын
Hi there. Sorry about that. I just tested it again and it works fine and loud enough. There are two volume controls you may need to check. One is on the video itself (on KZfaq) -- there's an icon of a speaker at the bottom left below the screen of the video. Click on that and move it to the right. The other one is on your computer itself. Look for the volume control on that and make sure that is up high. Do hope this works. Please let me know and thank you for the encouragement. Ken G.
@TexasScout 6 ай бұрын
@@diggingforscripturalgems i’m not sure what happened yesterday but I can hear the volume just fine today.
@diggingforscripturalgems 6 ай бұрын
@@TexasScout So glad it corrected itself. Hope you can keep enjoying these. Have a happy new year. Love your state of Texas.
@bobnixon8744 6 ай бұрын
Solomon followed through on God's instructions ion building the temple. Too bad that he didn't show the same adherence to God's commands when he allowed foreign wives to lead him astray into the worship of false gods.Given all that he was blessed with: wisdom, immense riches, peace obtained by his father David, imagine how much he could have achieved had he stayed faithful to God
@diggingforscripturalgems 6 ай бұрын
You're bang on again Bob. Just imagine. Happy New Year.
@bobnixon8744 7 ай бұрын
That story about the chief cornerstone really caught my attention. I may be just a Jewish tradition but it gives meaning to the passage in the New Testament that you referenced in this study. That was very interesting. Have a very Merry Christmas , Ken !
@diggingforscripturalgems 7 ай бұрын
Thank you Bob. Yes, rather interesting story. Blessings to you and yours this Christmas. Ken.
@perpetuafavour1207 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for explaining this verses. Im just reading the Judges and came across the Samson story and began to wonder what that honey meant and why he would give his parents of the honey, if it had any meaning to it. Very well explained sir. God bless you 💙
@diggingforscripturalgems 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to respond. Glad to be helpful. We are going through the Bible verse by verse. You can be alerted to our posts by subscribing to our channel on KZfaq called: Digging For Scriptural Gems. God bless you. Ken G.
@perpetuafavour1207 7 ай бұрын
@@diggingforscripturalgems I'll do it right away. God bless you 💙
@diggingforscripturalgems 7 ай бұрын
@@perpetuafavour1207 -- let me know if I can help in any way.
@perpetuafavour1207 7 ай бұрын
@@diggingforscripturalgems Will do 😇
@bobnixon8744 7 ай бұрын
It is both informative and interesting having this passage analyzed by a person who makes a living negotiating contracts. The average Joe like myself would never have dissected and evaluated the components of this contract from the pages of scriptures the way you have. Thank you , Ken.
@diggingforscripturalgems 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Bob. It's interesting to note that we all bring our experiences to how we view Scripture and what we can get out of it. But in spite of all that, the Word of God stands unscathed as to its intent and value. Blessings. Ken.
@daveleke5294 8 ай бұрын
Amazing Teachings, God bless you ❤
@diggingforscripturalgems 8 ай бұрын
Thank you sir. May you be blessed. Trust me I am the one that is learning and being blessed. You may also enjoy my personal bible studies -- currently studying 1 Kings and Solomon's reign. We dig deep. You can find it all on KZfaq, Digging for Scriptural Gems, or Ken Godevenos. By the way, thank you for writing -- always love to hear from folks. God bless you as well.
@bobnixon8744 8 ай бұрын
When our desires line up with God's will He is happy to fulfill them. Our hearts are in the right place and we will be blessed in the granting of the desire of our hearts. At other times the thing we want is driven by a selfish nature and most often He will do us a favour by refusing our request. Once in a while, however, God will let us have what we are requesting to teach us a lesson as illustrated in Psalm 106:1 "And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul." Or we experience His permissive will and the choices ahead can be good or bad. In the case of King Hezekiah, he became puffed up after having his life extended for 15 years after much pleading. It was down hill from there after having lived A Godly life. Bottom line is we want to make sure our thinking is aligned with His plan for our life and guided by the Holy Spirit.
@diggingforscripturalgems 8 ай бұрын
May we all simply be satisfied with "Your Will Be Done".
@bobnixon8744 8 ай бұрын
Excellent practical lessons from the passage! Thanks, Ken
@diggingforscripturalgems 8 ай бұрын
Thanks Bob. It's always good to hear some feedback. Not sure how I could increase the viewershhip -- but I am resolved to leave this to God
@bobnixon8744 8 ай бұрын
It is true as you said that we sin, are forgiven, then we go and do it all over again. Hopefully, when that results in broken fellowship with the Lord (a condition which I find extremely uncomfortable) we seek His forgiveness once again. We serve a God that understands our weakness and our failings and because of His infinite love, wishes to draw us back to Himself. Solomon, being human, has to work within the normal human framework and so he does not have the capacity of infinite forgiveness. In the end, Shimei, in his carelessness or whatever the reason, broke a royal covenant and thus ended his protection. I find it hard to believe that he forgot he was under these "bail conditions". My impression is that he probably thought he could get the task done and return before anyone noticed. Whatever the case there is a lesson for us in this episode.
@diggingforscripturalgems 8 ай бұрын
That is all possible because God has initiated a "covenant" with us, and not a "contract". I'm reading some fascinating stuff on that from the book I am enjoying, Biblical Critical Theory, by Christopher Watkin. It's heavy but well worth it. I'm sharing as much as I can on KZfaq with my Kenny's Karats series. Take care Bob. K/
@danjiles 9 ай бұрын
I live for now with the promise of whats to come.
@diggingforscripturalgems 8 ай бұрын
Great approach.
@bobnixon8744 9 ай бұрын
What a mess David created by killing Bathsheba's husband Uriah. Now I will acknowledge that the players from Absalom on down made their own decisions but I wonder if maybe their hearts may have been different had that original sinful act had not been committed. Solomon needed to kill his cousin in order to stop the hemorrhaging of family blood that had resulted. May we not take selfish actions born out of human emotions and desires that bring evil upon others. We need to daily walk in the Spirit that our words and deeds will not only honour God but be an example to others.
@diggingforscripturalgems 9 ай бұрын
Right on Bob and sage advice. Always appreciate your input. Let's see what else Solomon has in mind.
@bobnixon8744 9 ай бұрын
This is very interesting. Sometimes we are given the responsibility, such as being on the board, of taking action or making a decision regarding a pastor who is definitely preaching or acting contrary to God's word. In such a case we have been appointed stewards for the congregation and our actions or lack thereof can determine the spiritual future of the congregants. While it might be easier to just back off and let things be, we would answer to God for failing to carry out our responsibility. My parents were in this exact situation when I was a small child. The pastor who had a winning personality and was a very persuasive person was popular with about half the congregation while the rest felt that there was something spiritually wrong that they couldn't put their finger on. It was revealed to my dad that the pastor was having an affair with one of the young girls in the choir. When that became known the congregation stood behind those like my dad who had voted to relieve him of his position . As it turned out, he had cut off support for some missionaries so that he could use the funds elsewhere. I learned a lesson from my dad that when God shows you something is wrong, don't question it no matter what the crowd thinks, just do what is right.
@diggingforscripturalgems 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely, Bob, and I totally agree. When God tells you to act because He has shown you the sin continuously going on, you must act. There is not other option. Thanks for reminding us of thst.
@piaryandrew9150 9 ай бұрын
The request was an innocent request . solomon did not forgive him and want to kill his half brother
@diggingforscripturalgems 9 ай бұрын
I hear you and from a human perspective, I would tend to agree. If his request was truly sincere, though, would God have not saved him from the wrath of Solomon? I don't know. But thank you for commenting and let's keep talking and studying. Ken.
@kcfawcett8116 9 ай бұрын
clearly not every wise and gifted genius has an intelligent mother
@diggingforscripturalgems 9 ай бұрын
I hear you. Good point.
@bobnixon8744 9 ай бұрын
It is a complex and difficult mixture of emotions, culture, protocol and tradition at work here all being brought about by a surprise request coming to Solomon without warning. It is a continuation of sexual craving and overwhelming desire that started with David and Bathsheba and that Nathan promised would follow through his family for generations. Yet in spite of it all, God continued to work His plan and David was known as a man after His own heart. This is a thought to be kept in mind.
@diggingforscripturalgems 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for that insight Bob. You are absolutely correct. Sin has its impact for generations. We need pay attention.
@bobnixon8744 10 ай бұрын
I am amazed at how you are able to take something that most of us would pass over without noticing such as references to the Dung Gate and pull out the significance of the humiliation of our Saviour Jesus Christ and how one points to the other. Thank you for the digging and sharing of your findings, Ken. It is greatly appreciated.
@diggingforscripturalgems 10 ай бұрын
It is my pleasure and joy to do that, Bob. Glad you are finding it interesting. Blessing to you my friend.
@bobnixon8744 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting study. I wonder how long David had planned to extract revenge during his lifetime. Obviously It would have unleashed unimaginable chaos within the family if he had done so to Joab during his life time. And of course he wanted to keep his promise to Shimei although his method may seem to be a tad disingenuous. Maybe today they would call that plausible deniability. In any event, it gives us something to think about.
@diggingforscripturalgems Жыл бұрын
The "how long" he had these thoughts is a good question. Lots to think about. What I see here is that man is still man -- and yet God uses him. Thanks Bob. Ken.
@bobnixon8744 Жыл бұрын
After all the lessons we have learned in our study of the life of David, it is sad to have to say goodbye. David started out good and ended well with a lot of bumps and curves in between. I wonder if we will be able to say the same about Solomon after we have done a study on him.
@diggingforscripturalgems Жыл бұрын
Great summary Bob. We'll have to wait and see how Solomon turns out and why. But my memory tells me he falls short of what God wanted for him and through him. Thanks for encouraging us all.
@bobnixon8744 Жыл бұрын
I guess this a kind of "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" moment for Adonijah. Seriously though I can identify with the disappointing moment you spoke of when I was job hunting about 40 years ago after I had been laid off due to the company downsizing. I had been flown to Toronto for an interview with a large (global) high tech company for a management position. The interview had gone extremely well, I had established a rapport with the interviewer. He made me a job offer and said he would send me the papers that needed to be filled out and signed in order to complete the hiring process. He gave me the names of who my supervisor would be as well as others that I would be interfacing with. We confirmed my starting date and he said he looked forward to seeing me again at that time. I went home and celebrated with my wife as it had been a long search and we were happy to see it finally concluded. Then came the call. A couple of days later the interviewer called to inform me in a genuinely regretful tone that the company had been forced into a hold on hiring mode and in fact were laying people off for the first time in 25 years. That bubble having been popped, the Lord opened another door that resulted in my getting a job with the Canadian gov't that lasted 15 years. That is a story for another day. But it was a God thing which we could properly celebrate since He not only knows the future but controls it.
@bobnixon8744 Жыл бұрын
It is interesting to note that earlier in David’s life his sin routed in his carnal passion over Bathsheba created a sequence of tragic events throughout his family yet God was able to use this woman to give birth to a king that would reign over the most successful Israeli kingdom in Jewish history. In one of his last acts David has allowed God to bring good out of bad. The takeaway for me is that we are never beyond God’s ability to use us for good no matter how badly we mess up if we are willing to turn our hearts back to Him and seek forgiveness as David did.
@diggingforscripturalgems Жыл бұрын
Amen. That's it exactly. Let us never under-estimated the power, the wisdom, and the grace of God -- even with us, or should I say, especially with us. Blessings Bob. Ken.