@MushBunny Күн бұрын
7:45 *I now understand why my brother is homophobic* /j (I just thought this was a really cringe line, but my brother is homophobic)
@castorvolk Күн бұрын
I love how the background is San jose's
@nanami6007 Күн бұрын
Before I came out Boyfriends was my cute little escape comic. It was cute, pastelly and not too deep so I could catch up to what was happening even if i didn't read for months. I'm actually surprised that there was any hate online lmao.
@hardenedclay8840 Күн бұрын
12:19 as a singaporean, regarding the text, english names are actually the standard in singapore. id say like 30% of my chinese friends actually have chinese names apart from that i refuse to ever accept prep as a singaporean💀
@xxdunce_demonxx Күн бұрын
Personally I mostly don’t like it because of how much it was advertised. I CANNOT get the stupidly annoying voice of the trans guy out of my head whenever I think about it
@mokacoka9321 2 күн бұрын
Blazasian here. I don't care when people say nigga, negro and etc free country say what you want lol
@lynx_lolz 3 күн бұрын
Idk I love the freaking comic, I don’t understand the hate, but thanks for explaining why the hate is there, I just love it. Thanks for keeping it civil & and respectful.
@haruko_fear_9645 3 күн бұрын
I actually like this weep toon I also loved the art
@blu3mask457 3 күн бұрын
Tbh the only thing that drive me away from the comic was Nerd. Yea the animation is cringey but If u ignored that and the creator it isn’t that bad. Nerd just constantly wanted attention and was the main focus of so many chapters so it got annoying reading about a pick me for so long. Other than that I enjoyed it until it became Nerd focused.
@lucaix0927 3 күн бұрын
Its very much not problematic. Its just a classic case of queer people having nothing better to bicker about and chosing one
@nikki607 5 күн бұрын
11:24 now that's just plain wrong. Ace people CAN HAVE A SEX DRIVE FFS. The term just refers to a lack of SEXUAL ATTRACTION. Aka the thing that makes you go "that specific person. I want to fuck them, specifically". Not the thing that makes you go "I want to have sex". They are not the same goddamn thing.
@nikki607 5 күн бұрын
The... the light-hearted tone is THE POINT? At least that's the impression I get?!? It's supposed to be pure fluff, the fucking literary equivalent of cotton candy. If that's not your cup of tea that's perfectly fine, but it doesn't make it a bad piece of media. You're trating this as if it were a love story with a tragic ending marketet as a romance, but it's really not?!?
@smri8177 5 күн бұрын
As a poly person this is unfortunately the biggest piece of media out there representing us due to it being hated for being cringey and not having much depth most people think of this comic when I tell them I’m poly which leads to mostly homophobia not sure about other’s experiences I’m not speaking for the community just myself
@minecraftdarby1905 5 күн бұрын
13:28 😭😭😭
@Gingersnaps_the_pumpkin_kitty 5 күн бұрын
*If straight people can have fetishized straight stories for the sake of straightness, **_we can have this._*
@Loser-Named-Z- 5 күн бұрын
Personally, I like the comic, the only downside to it for me is that it's a bit boring to read. (I fix that by listening to music) And I don't understand why people hate it so much. (I feel like I should mention that I am trans in this as well-) I think Boyfriends is a cute comic that has some moment where it's either not so good or just a bit boring.
@darkcastle85 6 күн бұрын
Lets do it again
@lunamusic4923 7 күн бұрын
Heyo as a poly person. its nice seeing a polycule in a overall normal light. some of the characters are ogalled at but in a polycule that pretty normal. just having a slice of life thing that fits how i love makes me happy. and it really hurts when LGBT people hate on it for no reason. polygamous people are already pretty excluded so it sucks.
@ferntheinkling 7 күн бұрын
I really love this WEBTOON. Like, it legitimately brings me joy. And honestly I just think it’s because of how much of a shipper I am. Ship dynamics are one of my favorite things (I look at them on Pinterest all the time lol). And I know minimizing a romantic relationship to just something like “the overly flirty one and the shy one” is not good writing, but I think it’s cute! Stereotypes are used frequently in a lot of the shipping media I consume haha. I think specifically poly relationships really interest me (and a lot of shippers) because if there’s more than two people there’s a lot more dynamics going on. Like instead of it just being goth and prep’s dynamic, it’s goth’s dynamic with prep, nerd, and jock (and then prep’s dynamic with each, etc.). It’s neat! As for the cringe aspect, I admit here that I’ve not been on the internet for too long (I wasn’t allowed to be on it when I was younger) so I wasn’t around for the “uwu” era. As in, I have no trauma. Not a fan of uwu/owo but it’s not a dealbreaker for me. It just saw it as silly. I think a lot of stuff in here is just supposed to be intentionally cheesy or silly. And what relationship involves no cringe? I keep seeing people cringe over stuff as simple as common pet names. Like, idk man, have you never been in a relationship? Cause from my experience relationships tend to have cringe in them just because you’re in love and stuff. Idk, just my take on that. As for the sexualization, I don’t mind what the do in the webtoon. At the beginning the way it was done threw me off a little but I think as the webtoon has gone on it’s just gotten so much better in general. I’m from the vtuber community so… I’m surrounded by it constantly 😭 to the point where this seems normal to me. I see nothing wrong with the author putting the characters in sexual situations. They’re dating after all? And the author isn’t fetishizing their own sexuality. It would be difficult if it was a straight girl but yk it’s not, so I don’t see an issue. Gay characters can have s*x 😭 WEBTOON needs to chill with the promo. Overall it’s adorable and simple and that’s what I like. I don’t need something big to happen I just like being able to go “awww, look they’re being cute together.” A lot of the webtoons a read are painfully slow burn (I love it but still) so seeing the characters get together so fast was refreshing to me in a sense. The webtoon definitely gets better as it goes on. There’s not much plot still but the characters have a little more substance (not too much ofc but still).
@Fetchitforme 7 күн бұрын
Yo cmon youre not talking about the game that named Garten of banbam which is not scary
@lemurthequailfriend2389 8 күн бұрын
As a bi enby in a poly relationship, I honestly really liked the comic when I read it, I didn't read a lot of it because I much preferred my silly little horror/mystery comics instead, but from what I vaguely remember and what my primary partner (who loved the comic when they read it) said about it, it seemed to do an okayish job at representation and really did not deserve the hate it had. It wasn't the most interesting comic but I've seen a hell of a lot more cringe and problematic comics all over the site from when I was on webtoon, to the point where I just completely deleted the app and just continued reading my favorites on tapas cuz all of them were available over there. I don't think tapas is much better but I prefer the way the site looks a little more lol
@gloomi8195 9 күн бұрын
man i am so glad i went on sunday, didnt see any of this shit XD
@RoninMelatonin 9 күн бұрын
I am so glad Heartstopper didn’t go down this path…
@jazmineszlari414 9 күн бұрын
As a straight gnc girl I honestly don't understand why people hate it Its just a mostly wholesome and regular everyday life typa comic
@Ouliyer 10 күн бұрын
@mcDoYanfei 11 күн бұрын
I fucking love this webtoon tho idk it seems nice to read like it shows a good relationship and well maintained polyamorous relationship and how they grow in life
@exraider8423 11 күн бұрын
Where are you i remember watch most of your videos and you just disappeared i hope you are doing ok
@aiixles 11 күн бұрын
i think what killed the reputation of the boyfriends webcomic in the general public eye was those terribly voice acted ads. the series is a bit cringe (VERY at times.) but its not like, REALLY bad. if those ads werent made, I doubt the comic would be getting as much hate as it does now.
@carolinatavares1843 11 күн бұрын
i'm laughing so much that one of the reasons why it's bad is because they made nerd a proshipper
@purplecat7914 11 күн бұрын
Im polyamorous, with 2 girlfriends, and im gona be honest, the videos I watched talking about boyfriends, most just straight up hated polyamorous couples. Like it was a problem boyfriends having a polyamorous couple
@Chxrryadee 12 күн бұрын
I don’t believe there’s anything necessarily ‘Problematic’ with the show - the characters are just basic and the whole story can be kind of cheesy?? I’ve tried to read through it, and it’s cute, just not something I’d usually read lol
@CJtheentity 7 күн бұрын
I read the whole thing a couple years back, and there was nothing particularly problematic, it just wasn’t anything remarkable. It was tooth-rottingly sweet, but there was just nothing to set it above any other slice of life romcom, aside from the representation. My main problem with the comic itself actually stems exactly from that, because Webtoon and KZfaq kept pushing it, but the comic itself was just thoroughly unremarkable
@Emkito 12 күн бұрын
about the "ace people don't have sex drives" i'm PRETTY sure they take edibles in that nsfw comic, and as an asexual, edibles can sometimes definitely increase your sex drive! but there are aces who do have a sex drive (however, it's usually literally like... only for one person in your lifetime? at least that's what i'm going through, i definitely would not have a 'sex drive' if i wasn't with my partner)
@moonariley672 13 күн бұрын
can someone explain the ace and sex drive thing? because with my (limited) knowledge of asexuality it contradicts
@CJtheentity 7 күн бұрын
Basically, people tend to assume that asexuality means you hate sex, however this is incorrect. While sex-repulsed asexuality is common, you can be asexual and still enjoy the action. While I myself am not ace, I’ve seen it explained as being handed some food, and while you’re not really hungry, you still enjoy the food, so you eat it anyway
@randomgoats 13 күн бұрын
"trivialising gay relationships" what.. you mean... normalising? Is it not okay to make gay relationships seem chill and normal now?? I thought that's what we were trying to do lmao
@thegreatchipman 14 күн бұрын
I would hate it less if the characters talked like actual fucking people
@LivasuUsakii 14 күн бұрын
i felt confused by its hatred as aell
@manekineko8940 14 күн бұрын
as a pansexual and polyamerous guy myself, i’m curently on like page 120 or sumn and i’d say the webtoon’s pretty ight
@sage.81 14 күн бұрын
Dead End; Paranormal Park is amazing
@IImTheMayor 14 күн бұрын
i’d find it fine if they got rid of Nerd. he always is put in the baby/childish light but is also sexualized the most. he also feels like a yaoi boy stereotype, so innocent and pure and sooooo little compared to everyone else guys he’s just sooooo little and small, but also always horny. maybe it’s better now, i haven’t read it since like idk the girls got first introduced.
@CJtheentity 7 күн бұрын
It never got better, at least not when I last checked
@Wei_iii 15 күн бұрын
I get that people see it as cringe, I also found some of it cringey but overall it's great art and an okay and normal kind of plot, I get the hate but maybe it's too much? Idk I'm pretty neutral
@Home-for-flowers 15 күн бұрын
@Spookiecherry21 15 күн бұрын
I genuinely enjoy the comic dawg ;-; (The ads are horrific tho)
@soggyeggos5093 15 күн бұрын
Yeah same
@Ryanisthere 16 күн бұрын
isnt trivializing lgbt relationships like the end goal have it be something nobody cares about, just as straight relationships are?
@YaeMikoH8r 17 күн бұрын
I see no problem in it, the creator did some minor questionable things and apologized for them (my opinion), and the webtoon might not be fine literature, but it's not got any problematic elements, it's just not great writing as far as I'm concerned. I've honestly just gotten used to the f*****izing, probably not a good thing but there most likely always have and always will be h***y people who make questionable content of any genre, even the more disgusting kinds (i'd honestly like some of those people gone, but there's nothing i can do)
@StealthheartDraws 17 күн бұрын
NO, I am asexual and have a sex drive. Asexual is the lack of sexual ATTRACTION, not libido. Some asexuals have high libido, and some allosexuals (people who are not asexual) have low libidos. Sex-favorable/sex-positive asexuals exist, and they're not just the demisexuals. Asexuality is a spectrum, and people who are asexual may choose to have sex for many different reasons including enjoying the closeness with their partner, wanting to please their partner, or even just enjoying the experience. The best way that I can describe it is similar to experiencing hunger. You might not be hungry and thinking about getting food, but someone might offer you a bag of chips. You accept the bag of chips because the chips taste good. Same with with being asexual. You might not be thinking about people in a sexual sense and feel attracted to people with the desire of having sex, but you can still enjoy doing it. Yes, many asexuals are sex-repulsed, but again, asexuality is a spectrum. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, and please hear more from asexual people.
@Frost.Emote1.0 17 күн бұрын
I don't think the characters themselves are "shallow" now they aren't extremely 3 dimensional, but Especially goth and Jock have facets of their past and personality that make them more complex than they first appear. I read Boyfriends for awhile, stopping when the Nerd "trans arc" started cause Nerd always was the most over-sexualized and flat character in my mind and making them more gender queer felt a bit pandering and adding depth to a character in a totally unwanted place. I also have some friends who are entirely hate the series, who more closely relate to the identities in the comic, and while I really don't see a massive problem with the series as a whole, just its not for me.
@flare10eon 17 күн бұрын
isn’t one of the characters a proshipper tho?
@Lucie.starlight 18 күн бұрын
I started reading boyfriends to see if it was bad, but now i love it, and it's amazing, and the only thing i hate is the creator . Personally, i think the writing has gotten better
@lrkeribergaard6110 19 күн бұрын
i'm so sorry but that first ad you showed us with the voice acting was hilarious!
@katiebowins8841 19 күн бұрын
I would like to mention the characters do have names but the community opted to continue to use goth,prep, nerd, jock. Since as a group we liked the joke of it as part of our lore