@twentyonecreative 5 күн бұрын
If you are save by faith alone, then you do nothing you are save?
@joefranklin1636 5 күн бұрын
We respond to the gospel when we believe the gospel message, which is turning from our sin and sorrow over it and coming to Christ for salvation. That action is an invisible heart action, and it is the only thing that qualifies as a non-work. Everything after that..after we’ve been justified is something that we do during sanctification.. that would include things like baptism and good works. I hope this helps.
@MrJking1962 8 күн бұрын
I was a member of the ICOC for 7 years. I am now a Catholic. Here’s my take. Protestantism is a religion of opinion of men and those opinions are constantly changing. You give 10 men a Bible and you very well might end up with ten different sects. A futile attempt to restoration. The Catholic Church which produced the Bible is the real religion. The Bible that Protestants debate over today isn’t even the original Bible. They cut out stuff they didn’t like. Crazy. I will stick with a Church that has its origins from the beginning not some group in 1979 in Boston or in Germany in 1517.
@tamarromeo 13 күн бұрын
Church of Christ created and founded by men Or church of Christ (found by Christ) Which one is he referring to ?
@joefranklin1636 13 күн бұрын
The former.
@wechesafrancis457 14 күн бұрын
I heard you say that church of Christ is a cult. I heard you say that tell people what Jesus to his apostles in Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38-42). If you say that some one who teaches what Jesus commanded is cult. I see you as a very wrong person and an gent of Satan. Your understanding is controled by the devil. I am hearing this from Uganda a member of Nandwa church of Christ in Eastern Uganda. In Busia Uganda.
@larrysergent5478 15 күн бұрын
You are soon far off and deceived to the point of being a type of the antichrist
@PostHoleDigger 17 күн бұрын
Sir, I find it quite interesting that you would say that a cult is one that teaches "justification by faith alone". There is only one place in the bible from Gen to Rev which uses the term "faith alone" and it is proceeded by the word "not". In that book of James there is an important statement about this idea. James writes about Abraham, an often listed person who was saved before and without lifting a finger. Lets actually read what James says on this matter. Jas 2:21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works (when) he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Jas 2:22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? Jas 2:23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS ACCOUNTED TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS." And he was called the friend of God. Jas 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. The word "when" is an adj. and it's temporal. It tells us "when" at what point Abraham was considered justified by God. Maybe you have never actually read this verse. You also simply don't understand what the word "faith" means. Its the Greek word "pistis" and it's a noun. It NEVER means believe. That would be the word pisteuo in the Greek. That is the word correctly translated believe. NOT faith. Most bible translations are from those who are reformers. Men who believe in the Luther doctrine of faith alone. That is a vile concept Luther picked up from some of his friends like Wycliffe and Huss. The bible NEVER teaches the faith alone doctrine. Heb 11:8 By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. Notice this tells us "when" Abraham did what he did "by faith". It was "when he was called" . What did he DO? He obeyed God's instructions. You must think he should have said to God, "no way Lord, I don't believe in working my way to heaven" you need to read Luther. Abraham "obeyed by faith". Faith is what God told him to do. Another adj, "when". You really need to actually read the words written by the inspiration of God and believe them. Thanks, Post Hole Digger
@joefranklin1636 17 күн бұрын
I’ve never argued that so I’m not sure where you’re coming from. See Paul’s long discussion of justification by faith alone in Romans 4:1 to 5:21. The patristics believed in justification by faith alone, and so that’s good enough for me. The traditional Roman Catholic understanding per Trent is very different from this. They teach that justification is something that changes us internally and makes us holier within, which cannot be the case. I hold to the evangelical teaching on justification as an instantaneous legal act of God in which he thinks of our sins as forgiven, and Christ righteousness is belonging to us and declares us to be righteous in his sight.
@PostHoleDigger 17 күн бұрын
@@joefranklin1636 Thanks for asking. Paul's letter to the Romans deals with those Christians in Rome who were turning back to the law of Moses. Paul clearly tells them how they became Christians in the first place. Chapter 6 he says they were baptized into Christ. They did not get circumcised or take Bamby to the altar. The law he writes about is the Law of Moses not just any law. Abraham was not saved by the law of Moses nor was he justified by circumcision. He was justified when he "obeyed God". James writes about this; Jas 2:21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? When is an adjective and is temporal. WHEN does it say he was justified? Luther did not have a direct email account to God. What did Abraham do "by faith"? Heb 11:8 By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. When was he justified? When he obeyed God's commands. Not a minute sooner. The word faith Greek pistis, does NOT mean believe. it's a noun. Believe is the Greek pisteio and is a verb. They are NOT the same word and they don't have the same meaning. Rom 2:6 who "WILL RENDER TO EACH ONE ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS": Rom 2:7 eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; Rom 2:8 but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness-indignation and wrath, It's totally corrupt to distort what Paul is teaching in the book of Romans but most do it all the time. 2Co 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Heb 5:8 though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. Heb 5:9 And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, Please read what happens to the disobedient.... Thanks for asking. Post Hole Digger
@PostHoleDigger 17 күн бұрын
@@joefranklin1636 Should listed "when he offered" as an adverb. Long day. Anyway it indicates the time of his action. Tks.
@joefranklin1636 16 күн бұрын
@@PostHoleDigger it’s evident that we don’t agree with each other and that’s fine. Can you point me to some scholarship outside of the things that you’ve mentioned that I could look into? Perhaps there’s a book an article or an author that you have been influenced by that might help me to better understand your point of view.
@PostHoleDigger 16 күн бұрын
@@joefranklin1636 Thanks for your interest. All my sources are connected to the bible itself. I teach people to study the bible using the Greek text. Most of my source materials are Greek grammar and syntax related. I just finished a book I would be happy to send you, no charge. My hero's are mostly scholars other than the one in the bible. I don't hold myself out as some great Greek scholar but I have spent many years honing my craft. I have found over the years that it's not the original text that is the problem. It's that people don't like what the text actually says and teaches. The reformation was the major cause of most of the current bad doctrine. Luther and his friends caused major problems due to Luther's thinking on his own life and how to solve how he thought about sin and it's cure. I am working a documentary dealing with that very issue. Hope to be done by end of summer. If you would like to be included in the progress let me know. What part of the country do you reside? I'm in the town where Wyatt, Virgil, Morgan Earp, Big Nose Kate and Doc Holliday gathered before they headed to Tombstone and infamy. I shot a doc about all that and Wyatt Earp, nephew of the original has become a good friend. Thanks again for your response. PHD.
@Texastimbo 17 күн бұрын
International church of Christ is a totally different denomination than the church of Christ. There is no relation between the two.
@joefranklin1636 17 күн бұрын
The ICOC was birthed by the Church of Christ. Its leader Kip McKean was a church of Christ disciple … he came out of Crossroads with Chuck Lucas …you’ll want to read Bobby Harrington‘s article (The RENEW.org Network). This person leads the Harpeth Christian Church in Franklin Tennessee and he considers as do I and many others that the ICOC is a fourth branch of the stone Campbell movement.christianstandard.com/2023/03/who-are-the-international-churches-of-christ/
@randalljsilva 22 күн бұрын
As a recently departed ICOC member, this is good but needs updating. They have gotten more subtle in their approach, not teaching obedience for salvation and teaching salvation through the indwelling Holy Spirit. There is much less control, little talk about discipling, and most congregations resemble normal orthodox churches adhering to an Arminianist viewpoint. The main points you make about, original sin and conditional security are not as relevant as they used to be as each item is debated by Reformist groups as well. Baptism for salvation can easily be argued as not a work. It is a physical act, but that does not make it a work. A work is, strictly speaking, obedience to a Law. If God wanted to or needed to use water baptism as a conduit for the indwelling Spirit, he could choose to do so. Acts 19:1-7 is probably the best passage on baptism that would need to be countered.
@joefranklin1636 22 күн бұрын
Thank you again. I’m glad there are some changes, but you are wrong on baptism not being a work and it’s much more than being about baptism. Salvation has been and always will be by grace through faith apart from works.
@randalljsilva 22 күн бұрын
You use the term “works” a lot; could you define it? Thanks. I’m thinking something in the range, “an act of obedience to a law” to “anything in addition to faith and grace”.
@joefranklin1636 22 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment Randal and it’s a good one. The Bible says that Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. I have already commented on the definition of works and law in relation to the great controversy worldview of SDA doctrine and investigative judgment heresy that they have embraced. I hope you can learn something from that.
@randalljsilva 22 күн бұрын
I’m looking for some support for the statement, “baptism by immersion as an outward sign of an inward grace is the norm in Bible times”. Thanks.
@joefranklin1636 22 күн бұрын
This will get you started www.sparrowministry.com/
@greatcontroversy9560 23 күн бұрын
Oh ye foolish Galatians, Read The Great Controversy Free online it will sort you out Mr Franklin.
@nsikansampson8975 25 күн бұрын
In all these criticism of the coc, what is your stance in all the grammar you are speaking. Do you believe in God, do you believe in Christ Jesus as the Son of God. Acts 8 :34-37.when He reappear in the cloud, will you follow Him Home. Make sure you don't criticized Christ Body and die in hell. There's no history of Campbell or his brothers claiming any portion of the church to themselves. No any endowment in their names concerning their work in the Church Restoration. Repent.
@nsikansampson8975 25 күн бұрын
I just want to let you know that Christ said in Matthew 28:18-20 " Go ye therefore...... those who believe and is baptized shall be saved. And all those who were Christians baptized, from Pentecost till now Romans 6:3. You say we are saved by grace, but Bible says"should we continue in sin that the grace may abound. Again, Peter said "faith without work is dead. So repent of your sins.
@David-pj3jh 26 күн бұрын
The church of Christ is the ONLY church Jesus shed His blood for!!
@richardporter6686 29 күн бұрын
The only demon is the one talking here and misleading--false teacher
@eddieburton677 Ай бұрын
International Churches of Christ is NOT the Church of Christ... the Church of Christ are NOT Campbelites either. The real Church of Christ was founded in A.D. 33 by Jesus upon Peters confession . We have no Creed, we have no single Leader we are all independent congregations that teach a common Truth of God's word. Nondenominational. We teach the same doctrine that Jesus and the apostles taught. We absolutely do not believe in the tribulation, the apocalypse , the 1000 year reign. There will be only 1 second coming of Christ and and we will meet him in the sky, the earth and the universe will be destroyed . We do believe that Baptism is essential for salvation because the Bible clearly teaches that is. We partake of the Lord's Supper every 1st day of the week as Jesus commanded we do not use musical instruments in the worship service . If you want to know what the real ONE true Church of Christ is about , then simply read the New Testament on how to become a Christian.
@jeffnoble9757 Ай бұрын
Watch the video 35 reasons Christianity is a cult .. it's informative
@ChurchOfKentucky Ай бұрын
Thou shall not steal. Seems simple right, but this fella knows what it really means because he went to Bible school for ten years. You cannot read the verse above and understand it unless you misunderstand Ephesians 2:8-9 and white out the verse that follows it. This poor fellas heart starts to race when he reads Acts 2:38. Faith alone without love is dead. If you dont forgive others, you wont be forgiven. The tongue has the power of life and death. Love of money can shipwreck your faith. Adiltery and fornication can send you to hell. Lukewarm Christians are spit out. If you return to your old life, the life of the world, you will lose your security. The last seven sentences reveal how you will reap what you sow. God will not be mocked. Do not listen to this demonic spirit. He has been deceived by what Peter warned of about Pauls" difficult" teachings. Its through faith, not faith alone, because the devil has faith alone, but not the fruit. I am willing to debate this man online anytime. I attend Church of Christ and respect their interpretation the most. If I want to be entertained with instruments, choirs, and light shows, i go somewhere else.
@afwalker1921 Ай бұрын
K-A-Kultz? I'm in the wrong theatearrrgh! (sound of chainsaw)
@markrobby7136 Ай бұрын
Another reason to question these cults is that they are all from the US....
@markrobby7136 Ай бұрын
Spot on💯...why are they all Americans? This should tell you that they are false.
@JP-uz3nk Ай бұрын
Grace alone faith alone repent alone confess alone is the biggest cult alone.. There is no book chapter and verse that says anything alone😎😎😎
@joefranklin1636 Ай бұрын
The Bible was written in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic and doesn't translate directly into English. That's why we need scholars and a reliable hermeneutic to gather its meaning. Although God's Word doesn't explicitly use the phrase "faith alone" doesn't mean that it’s not a Bible doctrine. You seem to be Church of Christ. Many of them have been deceived by biblical literalism as a way to understand Scripture. Their motto is that they “call Bible things by Bible names.” The terms Trinity, incarnation, penal substitution, and the deity of Christ, for example, are not found within the pages of the Bible, but they accurately summarize biblical concepts. Also know the history of the Restoration Movement, particularly, Alexander Campbell, who was a stark literalist who held to the faulty CENI hermeneutic. Some call this the “plain reading” method. The Mormons, JW’s, Christadelphians, SDA’s, Oneness Pentecostals, and many other cults employ this as a way to interpret the Bible. He also foolishly adopted the philosophy of John Locke, Francis Bacon, Robert Sandeman, Roman Catholic justification theology (ala Trent) and a number of other errors into his “reform” movement. As a result, the Churches of Christ don’t understand Bible meaning very well. Their myopic view of Scripture is fragmented and unreliable in terms of orthodoxy. The term JBFA usefully summarized Paul's teaching in Romans Ch.'s 3-5. If you have ears to listen to the Holy Spirit (as He enables you to understand the Scripture within the totality of Holy Writ), you will discover that faith saves, absent any works such as baptism or worship rules. Our intellectual pride seeks to find a "workaround" outside of full trust in the gospel of justification by faith alone, which is an essential and non-negotiable doctrine of the Christian faith. I hope that's not what you are seeking to do. To reject the revelation of JBFA (see Ro. 1:17; 3:28; 4:5) -which accompanies grace alone in Christ alone as a descriptor of justification before God, is to reject the perfect, substitutionary, and finished work of Christ's shed blood. This error would mean you are rejecting the free gift of his imputed righteousness and salvation itself. “Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Cor. 15:33). Flee churches that teach salvation by works, sacramentalism, or law-keeping as a means of salvation and the truth will set you free!
@JP-uz3nk Ай бұрын
Cult guy researched and became the biggest cult guy
@patriciacesar6500 Ай бұрын
This taught me nothing. Too much tooting your own horn. Goodbye
@joefranklin1636 Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. I’m sorry that it didn’t give you the information that you needed. I do have a teaching channel that’s dedicated solely to the cults, particularly the Churches of Christ.
"Well do not pull the weeds yet...later on in the last days gather it, bound it and throw it in fire and brimstone".
@larrymcclain8874 2 ай бұрын
I might remind you of Revelation 21:8, with emphasis on liars.
@cdauterive1 2 ай бұрын
How do you justify salvation without Act 2:36-42. Paul was speaking to Roman saved Christian house churches not unsaved so using Roman 10:9 is out of context for those who are unsaved. How do you explain Jesus giving Peter the keys and what he said what Peter held bound or loose.
@joefranklin1636 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment. I’m not exactly sure what the question is because there’s a lot there but I’m gonna send you a link here that will explain Peter’s sermon in Acts and you are correct, Romans Road is written to Christians who have already believed and been converted. culteducation.com/group/983-international-church-of-christ/9977-is-baptism-necessary-for-salvation.html
@darrellclark2248 2 ай бұрын
You persecute good Christians often. Your self-righteous attack on Christians, who serve God every day of their lives is sick. You twist and lie about what they believe. You cannot defend your position, biblically. You just lie and slander. You attack people who walk by faith in the Spirit-those who teach their justification is in Christ. You attack those who feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the orphans. You attack those who spread the good news around the world and some have given their lives for the cross. You do lie about confusion over sanctification and justification. You persecute those who taught and provided worship services to men and women in war time, those who welcomed the fallen. You attack those who write and teach about Christ and him crucified. You slander when you infer that these people don’t believe they are saved by faith when they follow the Lord’s direction. You lie constantly, sanctification is a process and justification two stages at baptism and at the judgment- the Lord’s declaration of a new relationship, (“well done my good and faithful servant”). You smear people by your poor experience. You superimpose a Zwinglian paradigm. You reject Christian teachings. Cheap grace rather than discipleship is your mantra.. Salvation is for those who serve God, not for Christ deniers, immoral, perverts, liars. Continue your persecution of the saints, you will face the Lord of those who call on his name daily! Then you need to explain your evil slanders to Christ! Hear the word of the Lord (1 Cor 6:9-11). Hear the word of the Lord (Matt 25:20-30). If you do not put Christ as Lord, you cannot be his disciple. Hear the word of the Lord: Romans 14:10 Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; 11 for it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” 12 So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. With all your cult slander. Hear the word of the Lord! Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43, 47-50; 25:1-13, 31-46. Hear the word of the Lord Rom 2:1-11. You constantly deny the Lord will and teach people to deny his direction. You teach a doctrine of disobedience. Righteousness is only in Christ. We receive it from him because we have been joined to Christ! 1 Cor 1:30 does not say that it is okay to disobey Christ--It is only teaching that salvation is found in him. Salvation is not by disobedience! Period!
@darrellclark2248 2 ай бұрын
Doctrine of Demons is a great name for your KZfaq. Good job! At least people can avoid your ignorance. Repent Diotrephes!
@joefranklin1636 2 ай бұрын
If you have something specific to criticize, that would be more helpful than what you’ve listed in your comments.
@darrellclark2248 2 ай бұрын
Dr. Morey is not the standard of truth. He is a voice but not the authority of truth!
@darrellclark2248 2 ай бұрын
Some of these cruel Calvinist have created a god that chooses some to be saved and some to be lost. Some have suffered greatly thinking they were not part of the "elect". In their make believe world, their god just decided that people are lost and there is no way you could respond. It is just impossible. It is called doubled predestination. That my friend is twisted nonsense!
@darrellclark2248 2 ай бұрын
This guy misrepresents over and over again. He does historical cherry-picking. You can do that with any groups. Restoration is dynamic and many changes have happen based on re-evaluation of earlier positions. This is common. He cannot defend his rejection of God's word against real apologist. He is deceptive in every way. He claim churches of Christ has only one way of looking at scripture. He is ignorant. Disobeying the Lord is NOT justification by faith. This is basically his approach. He doesn't know the Church Fathers. Read through Ferguson! This guy is a sectarian big-time. He builds strawman arguments so he can attempt to knock them down, but even fails at doing that. Honest scholars are more fair in their critical evaluation. It is nowhere shown he has spent any time at any of the major universities in churches of Christ or that he has put his ideas up against a world-class scholar from churches of Christ or Christian Churches. We have our problems and do not claim perfection, but his lies are over-the-top! We do believe the Holy Spirit is essential to justification and sanctification, as well as glorification. But we are not Calvinist, just like many other Christians in this world. No one can speak for every church in this fellowship. That is true about Baptist, Methodist, Assemblies, etc. He thinks he can condemn the whole bunch. We are critical of our own churches and are always reforming/restoring. Sounds Reformation like; right: Reformed, but always reforming!
@darrellclark2248 2 ай бұрын
Anyone that wants to reads books on Baptism by real scholarship: Two excellent Baptist scholars G. R. Beasley-Murray, "Baptism in the New Testament" (often cited as best on the subject); Dr. Stanley K. Fowler, "More Than a Symbol" as well as his recent booklet "Rethinking Baptism: Some Baptist Reflections"; Restoration Scholar, Dr. Everett Ferguson, Baptism in the Early Church: History, Theology, and Liturgy in the First Five Centuries, he is a top leader is Patristic Theology; the Baptism entry in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia is great as well, Dr. Anthony R. Cross (Baptist); "Recovering the Evangelical Sacrament: Baptisma Semper Reformandum" (Pickwick Publications, 2013).
@corinabryant4764 2 ай бұрын
I work with church of christ member they do not like strong women. Want silent and or unseen wifes. He sees no value in a woman's opinions.
@Gator-357 3 ай бұрын
You know what's going to be funny? The look on your face on judgement day when you realize how wrong you were and you realize also that you are about to feel GOD's wrath and there's nothing you can do to change what is about to happen to you. Good luck with your judgemental attitude and spreading lies. 'Judge not lest ye be judged", remember that when you get knocked down off of your high horse
@joefranklin1636 3 ай бұрын
The passage you referenced is not about don’t judge each other it’s about judging rightly and righteously based on scriptural truth and that’s what I’ve done… if you’ve got something specific to point out where I am in error, please let me know about that. I know of nowhere in Scripture where it’s funny to stand before God in judgment. God says that he does not take delight in the destruction of the wicked, which apparently is what you think I am so please align your views with God. He is not even thinking it’s funny.
@KatyYoder-cq1kc 3 ай бұрын
Fight Against Global Disgrace and Disdain for Truth. Hate wears many colors and hides in fascism and communism. No malicious use of AI or rape and harassment by lesbians: The WOKE Cultist Bible of Fear, Nationalism and Terrorism is not of God. The Word of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit change lives through Christs sacrifice and death on the cross ➕. It is complete, finished and cannot be re written to accommodate our desires and lists of the flesh. He is Risen and indwells in all who ask Jesus into their hearts.
@user-dr6pq7ml4i 3 ай бұрын
wow, so much of this is distorted, I know the churhes of Christ are divided over things but some of this is totally off base. oh well what's the use
@user-dr6pq7ml4i 3 ай бұрын
Believing is a work
@user-dr6pq7ml4i 3 ай бұрын
Wow, I listened to all of this and being a member of the church of Christ, I was lost on some of his issues of doctrine that is taught by some c of c, unfortunately the c of c is divided on several subjects, name me a group that isn't. I know Joe's study here is to introduce the cults and he doesn't have the time, to explain why the c of c believes this verse other main stream churches, he only has time to say they misinterpret scriptures. I can't speak for all c of C, nor the I C of C, I know nothing about them. I have never read any of Campbells, Stones, or Scotts materials. I took notes of this video and disagree with brother Franklin in several of his accusations of my belief. I notice all denominations throw in the word alone when it comes to graces, works of faith, the word is not there, but you all put it there, why. The bible says we are saved by grace through faith, because of Jesus dying on the cross, shedding his blood to wash away my sins, and he was raised by God the 3rd day. followed by the gift of the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus. Mr. Franklin talks a lot about hermenutics, I thought all Christians believed that. I believe the scriptures harmonize when understood or correctly divided. Is that being a cult if I am taught and believe that? There is so much that could be said about this, I suffer from short term memory loss, also I am not educated for debates. I just know as a member of the church of Christ my sins are only washed away by Jesus, I depend on Gods grace and mercy, I don't get confused on works of faith verse works that Paul talks to the Jewish Christians in Romans. I listen to a lot of different people, I may not agree with their theology but I gain much from them for instance John Macarthur, Voddie Baucham, Leighton Flowers, these men differ on some scriptures too.
@joefranklin1636 3 ай бұрын
Hey James, thanks for the comment and I think it’s great that you actually study things out take notes and are very diligent. I don’t mean to discourage you. I am criticizing the doctrines of the Church of Christ that are not in line with Scripture and leading people astray. If you have trusted in Jesus Christ absent your works, baptism, or any other thing that you’ve done, then you’re just as saved as anyone else. Now it’s pretty tough to do that in churches that teach that baptism is necessary for salvation because by doing so, they have made works part of the gospel. Such a view is anathema to God. Gal. 1:6-9. I have a teaching channel that will work through basic theology and all of the points that I’ve just discussed in order and it’s really organized. You’re welcome to take notes and lend your thoughts. youtube.com/@sparrowministry9454?si=Nit5bwhV2RAlonJA
@su-mu 3 ай бұрын
@cathywestholt5324 3 ай бұрын
I was in the Church of Christ in high school and then went to a Church of Christ college. Several years later I left the Church of Christ to attend a different church. It was so sad that people who were my college friends would no longer speak to me. There are only two sweet friends will speak with me. I am not out leading some wild reprobate life. I am not in a man centered prosperity gospel megachurch. Just a Bible believing Christian. I have a coworker who is in the Church of Christ. We found out we went to the same college. I don't dare tell her I am not attending a Church of Christ congregation because I know she will think it her obligation to put up that wall between us.
@joefranklin1636 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this. Your words are a testament to just how diabolical and evil this ideology is… and they do practice shunning. That’s what you’ve just described… and that’s right up there with the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons. It’s just a little more sophisticated and respectable but that’s what it is. It sounds like you are still attending a church. It’s just not a church of Christ one true church. They should be happy for you. I know my wife and I were both shunned after leaving the International Church of Christ, which is a Church of Christ offshoot…we found out who our real friends were real quick. On a more positive note, you made the right decision and leaving says a lot about you. God bless you.
@kimpeterson4827 3 ай бұрын
James 2:14-16 Pretty simple
@manueloliveira8062 3 ай бұрын
Narcissistic people flourish in cults... ignorant people believe in religion... where does true religion reside ? Christianity Islam Judaism Buddhism?? When I do good I feel good, when I do bad I feel bad, that should be our religion. Believe in a greater power and that power will adopt you and guide you through a meaningful life. You WILL die but hopefully die in peace, the moment u die everything will make sense !! Bon Voyage guys....
@bookchapterverse6830 3 ай бұрын
You, like most who subscribe to "faith alone" as you state in your video intro, are victims of Calvin's filthy heresy. You have latched onto this phrase, which cannot be found in Scripture and fabricated a doctrine around it that God will judge and a gospel that is anything but salvific. May God open your eyes through actual Scripture and not your perversion of it; may He bring you into the church that is the bride of Christ that is mentioned in Scripture. May He tear down this buckshot work of sin that you have stained your life with, which save for the Grace of God is me.
@joefranklin1636 3 ай бұрын
The Bible was written in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic and doesn't translate directly into English. That's why we need scholars and a reliable hermeneutic to gather its meaning. Although God's Word doesn't explicitly use the phrase "faith alone" doesn't mean that it’s not a Bible doctrine. You seem to be Church of Christ. Many of them have been deceived by biblical literalism as a way to understand Scripture. Their motto is that they “call Bible things by Bible names.” The terms Trinity, incarnation, and the deity of Christ, for example, are not found within the pages of the Bible, but they accurately summarize biblical concepts. The term JBFA usefully summarized Paul's teaching in Romans Ch.'s 3-5. Your screen name is "book, chapter and verse” which can be a good one. If you have ears to listen to the Holy Spirit (as He enables you to understand the Scripture within the totality of Holy Writ), you will discover that faith saves, absent any works such as baptism or worship rules. Our intellectual pride seeks to find a "workaround" outside of full trust in the gospel of justification by faith alone, which is an essential and non-negotiable doctrine of the Christian faith. I hope that's not what you are seeking to do. To reject the revelation of JBFA by grace alone in Christ alone is to reject the perfect, substitutionary, and finished work of Christ's shed blood, and to deny the free gift of his imputed righteousness.
@bookchapterverse6830 3 ай бұрын
@@joefranklin1636 how interesting that you "seem" to be admonishing me for not acknowledging that translation and hermeneutic must take place...and then use the same thought process to then put words in my mouth and label me. You made a few errors in that regard. When I said that the Bible does not contain the phrase faith alone, I meant it in that the Bible does not say faith alone in concept, either. If that was not clear, consider it so now. Despite Calvin's filthy heresy, Nortier's bumbling fabrication, and Ayala's yes man silliness, you further this idea when you advocate for my "hearing," "understanding," "discover," "trust," as works necessary for salvation. You then warn against other works that I should not do in order to keep me from salvation (as if, according to Calvin's hellbound doctrine someone could do anything to keep them from salvation if God has elected them). You told me many things to do but you should have said one thing: I hope God grants you faith. You cannot tell me how to do it, because you advocate works. You can't tell me how not to do it, because you advocate works. You told me what works to do to get to "faith alone." That is not faith alone. Furthermore, by adding this long list of works into the aloneness of faith seems to nullify and make silly the idea that it is "non-negotiable." You're negotiating the works necessary just to achieve it and trying to alter my actions to get me to do just that. It's self-refuting. You wrote your own intellectual pride into that comment and subsequently into Scripture when attempting to summarize thoughts that I have not expressed. By the way, Nortier could also not answer these challenges, especially when he advocates for "placing, putting, having, trusting, looking," and many other works in his non-works fabrication. He blocked me from being able to reply to his videos. His cowardice is stunning; his apologetic is flaccid and dismantled.
@CN-bg1fy 3 ай бұрын
It's funny. There are many churches that are mainstream that don't even teach the commandments. To love God and to love your neighbor. Show me a body of Christ that teaches from the word of God and allows the Holy Spirit to transform lives, and I'll be there ro worship. The Adventists are a bit off on some doctrines,but they are more accurate than many of these Sunday evangelical places that call themselves churches.
@joefranklin1636 3 ай бұрын
Evangelicalism is so broad and there are some problems but one of them is not the gospel. Yes they may not preach this or that to our satisfaction but that’s an entirely different story than Adventism, which teaches a works based false gospel that is sending tens of millions of people to hell.
@rogermat1 3 ай бұрын
So sorry for your experience in the ICOC, what i do appreciate about this group is their willingness to learn from their mistakes and make the changes that are needed. I would encourage to get in touch and maybe even have an interview with those in the group. It does no good for the cause of Christ to put stuff out that is not itself open to be corrected continuing the conversion.
@joefranklin1636 3 ай бұрын
Hey Roger, thanks for the comment...I’m assuming that you are ICOC? This channel is not about my experience in three Church of Christ inspired cults. We talk Bible facts and Christian theology mostly. I have been interviewing this group for over 20 years, including their top leaders so I’m very familiar with them and I have a six book series out on Amazon if you’d like to read about them and learn about your group. I disagree with you on your last point.. .It is always helpful to expose and oppose heresy in the church.
@geneseward6139 4 ай бұрын
This video changed my life tonight. Growing up, Baptist , Church of Christ came along and since I have been without hope. God doesn't hear me. Etc. Now, I realize and immediately understand what has happened. A different spirit was introduced. Thank you Jesus for this man of God. Joe
@joefranklin1636 4 ай бұрын
I’m glad things are really looking up for you. In terms of a different spirit… I’ve heard that many times by people coming out of cults…that fear, obligation and guilt ruled the day.. I have a whole teaching website on the Church of Christ if you’d like to check it out.
@anarchorepublican5954 3 ай бұрын
...then get some hope... dope
@user-cf4ts7on9b 4 ай бұрын
Your main focus is on the Church of Christ
@user-cf4ts7on9b 4 ай бұрын
You are wrong about Seven Day Adventits
@user-cf4ts7on9b 4 ай бұрын
SDA’s don’t reject the gospel or the bible