Concord Beta - Finish With Lennox 2
16 сағат бұрын
Concord Beta - Finish With Lennox 1
16 сағат бұрын
Concord Beta - Teo Time
19 сағат бұрын
Concord Beta - Roka Rocks
19 сағат бұрын
Concord Beta - Solo-queue Gameplay 1
19 сағат бұрын
@AllegraG66 14 күн бұрын
Hey, love your playing style. Lots of attention to details makes me feel like i'am watching a movie. Greetings from Mèxico! Keep it going xoxo
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 14 күн бұрын
Hey thanks!! I appreciate it! :) This is a great game, and this is only my second time playing it. First time on Grounded and it's very tough but fun! Makes a really intense game even more intense.
@greasypoo69 18 күн бұрын
Man I just got here but need to find more scooby doo fragments. I've only hit level 18 and 9 on blessed spirit. Good on ya for beating the dlc :)
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 18 күн бұрын
Thanks bro lol the final boss was tough but not impossible. Just had to have faith ;) Took about 6 hours to fully learn and master, so it wasn't too bad. Malenia took me about twice as long. Yeah it'll help to have more fragments for sure. I wound up missing ONE out of 50, and it was in the most obvious spot on the whole map lol. The one in the camp in front of Shadow Keep. It's right at the front of the camp, right on the road, right by a statue. Recorded a short little video to show that too that I need to upload. Not really sure what to play now. Feeling a similar void like I did when I finished the base game originally. Sort of want to continue that dual daggers character, but idk. Sort of feel like playing some other games, but idk about them either. Not sure if I want to play some other From stuff right now, or play something totally different either. But also it's like I just want to play more Elden Ring too so damn. I really don't know what sounds like the most fun to do for games now lmao. The daggers were pretty fun for sure. And I actually just started an Int wizard for the first time too, and that actually seems like it could be really fun in a different way as well.
@greasypoo69 14 күн бұрын
@@DeliciousSunnyDelight that’s cool. A int build would be interesting. Especially with the dlc adding some cool weapons with int scaling. Like the smithscript stuff from the forges. It’s so hard not to end up with a quality build though
@greasypoo69 25 күн бұрын
This castle is a fun place to explore. Plenty of goodies to be found.
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 24 күн бұрын
Yeah Shadow Keep is pretty cool. Haven't finished the whole thing yet clearly lol, but I'd say it's likely the best dungeon in the expansion. There's a bunch of ways in and out, and the way it is like a central hub and can facilitate a lot of different orders of operation is really awesome. Really, all the environmental design in this is pretty good and has me excited for what is next from them. Because they usually use their DLC/expansions as a kind of early test bed for their ideas. And I think the level/environment design in this is a good hint towards the future of an open but even more interconnected, web-like and multi-layered world. When I finished the base game, I wondered if this would be more the tack they'd take when iterating on Elden Ring, and this expansion has really kind of done a lot of what I was imagining they'd might try. Excited to see the next evolution of their level designs for sure. Already thought base Elden Ring did a great job of blending more open environments with more focused, linear ones. And this is just more refinement of that. The next one is surely going to be even crazier. There's lots of Sekiro flavor in this. That might be the one I go to next after I get my fill of ER.
@greasypoo69 23 күн бұрын
@@DeliciousSunnyDelight sekiro is actually on my list as well. I’m liking how the dlc rewards exploration along with punishing lol. I got lost and ended up fighting bayle the dragon lord. That battle dude is cinematic as fuck. So hectic and the npc summon is epic. Dude is literally trash talking the dragon. “You’lll not haunt me any longer!” It’s great. Absolutely loving the dlc. Only thing I’m not fully enjoying is the spin to win some of these guys do. Just an endless combo that probably causes bleed lol
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 23 күн бұрын
Yeah I've not done Bayle yet. Excited to scale that mountain for sure. Might be the next thing I do as I'm closing in on finishing everything up now. I know a lot of people complain about the dragon fights, but I quite like them. Honestly, most people's complaints aimed at both base ER and this expansion I straight up don't agree with at all lmao. Like the furnace golems, I had fun fighting every single one of those but I've seen a lot of people complain. The only boss I've really had trouble with was Rellana in Castle Ensis. But that was prior to the hotfix patch. Kinda bummed that they buffed the fragments so much because I've kinda felt it's made it too easy for me as someone who is super thorough and methodical in doing everything. Was hoping the bosses would be super ball busting tough but I don't think any of them have taken me more than 12-ish tries after Rellana. Though we'll see about the final run yet. Really think most people were underlevelled and/or undergeared for this expansion and got face rolled as a result (on top of also not exploring the expansion and understanding the fragment mechanic). And so they subsequently had to skew the balance as a result. Pretty frustrating to me as I thought both the base game and now the DLC were meticulously balanced around fully exploring/doing everything. Kind of like how there were a bunch of people bitching at release about everything after Leyndell being "way too hard". They were essentially telling on themselves that they hadn't fully explored the world before moving into the Mountaintops. For me, I didn't have any bad challenge spikes at all and thought the difficulty was at the sweet spot of "just right" all game long. But I'd also fully explored and kept pace with the levelling/scaling. But it can't be those people who are wrong, nooooo, it's the game's fault! Gotta change it! :/ Read all these complaints from people about the challenge and I've just been like "????" mostly tbh lol. I've felt all the bosses so far to be pretty fair with moves that were pretty well telegraphed and not too bad to dodge/tank appropriately. Just beat the most recent one on my first try too, which uh, yay? Sekiro is real good. It's def very tough though. But yeah there's a lot of Sekiro vibes in this. Them adding in the deflect mechanic. The fragments are similar to how you gain power/modify the challenge in Sekiro. The world of Sekrio is very layered and vertical feeling like this too. And the bosses and how flashy and even more cinematic they are in this reminds me of its bosses too. The storytelling and the NPCs are also a bit more straightforward in their presentation as well, another Sekiro thing. Really, this expansion has made me wonder if a Sekiro 2 is their next big game. Or maybe a spiritual successor, kind of like how Bloodborne was to DeS/DS.
@greasypoo69 23 күн бұрын
@@DeliciousSunnyDelight yeah there may be a sekiro successor in the works man. Seems like a lot of the optional bosses and some main ones a really weak to parries/guard counters. Unfortunatly I've gotten used to med load and double handing big swords so guard counters are foreign to me lol. I saw they patched some of the boss encounters today. Theres a commander boss at that castle that will bull rush you as soon as you get through the fog. You had just enough time to roll and hope you're not slammed into the corner and rocked, or pull out torrent and hope for the best. I still haven't beat that guy. Either way man it's great seeing you post regular content on here. You play well
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 23 күн бұрын
Thanks bro lol. Always have been semi-decent at games for sure. Yeah I think something akin to Sekiro, whether its a direct sequel or not, might be next. I honestly didn't find Commander Gaius bad at all. That's actually a fight that's also highly similar to one in Sekiro too lol. But with Gaius in here, there's a few things. He's got those two moves that are pretty tough to dodge that hit hard: the head on charge and the wombo-combo slash and boar bash mauling. With the charge, I'd just roll perpendicular right as he got to me. And with the wombo-combo maul thrashing, I'd pretty much just run away lol. Dodging those moves + he has a spatial weakness like a lot of bosses were the "tricks" I felt. With him, you want to mostly stick right on him, on his left side. If you hug his left side, it kind of limits a lot of his moves since he holds his weapon in his right hand. Just scaled the Jagged Peak and tried Bayle for the first time a little bit ago... This fight seems quite difficult for sure. Got him down to half health a few times, but damn, that next phase has some moves that are pretty tough to read and dodge appropriately. And it seems like it can combo into some really tough to dodge moves one after another too. Def the hardest feeling fight so far. All of the bosses I've done pure solo, but I kind of feel like summoning Igon is appropriate for this fight. But I'm not really sure if that's what I really want to do. Also thought the Ancient Dragon Senessax fight was pretty ridiculous too lmao. Was just saying that I pretty much like all the dragon fights, but that one was pretty obnoxious with the lightning + water. That and it moving around the arena and trying to keep him in the frame of the camera was interesting lmao.
@greasypoo69 Ай бұрын
The dual daggers are kinda brutal lol. Once you get those leveled up it'll be extra nasty. The wave to the guards after killing the night rider made me lol
@DeliciousSunnyDelight Ай бұрын
The dual daggers are starting to come together quite nicely yeah! I'm enjoying it; it's definitely a very different feeling way to play the game despite still being melee. They are feeling a bit spicy already, and at this point I've pretty much done everything in Limgrave 100% (aside from the Bell Bearing Hunter that spawns in Stormhill + the starting Hero's Grave, these vids will be posted later). Once I start really gaining some levels, upgrading these (and other) daggers, and getting more of the talismans and other gear I'm looking for, it'll really be cooking with gas. Current plan is to maximize buffs/debuffs then get all up in the ass of whatever I'm trying to kill, swinging like mad. Eventually, I want to be carrying multiple daggers in each hand with different status effects/elements, and swapping them as needed. Will be looking to stack bleed, frost, and scarlet rot at the end game, plus laying on any elements as desired. And by the end, I'm looking to stack a ton of Endurance too so I can wear heavy armor to maximize my poise. Should be interesting. Also am thinking about going a mild Faith lean too so I can use some incantations paired with the Dragon Communion Seal. There's just too many incantations that are too useful to not put some points into Faith, especially since I'll be putting a ton of my points into Arcane for bleeds/status. And since I've been thinking this, might try some of the Dragon spells too, which I didn't really mess with much at all in my original run. Are you feeling the hype? The bits I've seen and read about the expansion, it's def sounding pretty exciting. I'm now debating on whether or not I want to play it right away with my first character, or if I want to try and wait until I've got this second run in position.... Decisions... And lol, yeah I've been having fun waving bai-bai in certain goon fights lol. Need to work some more gestures in!
@TheCanadianFrog Ай бұрын
Good gameplay, keep on the great work 💪🔥
@DeliciousSunnyDelight Ай бұрын
Thanks!! Having a lot of fun in this replay. Consider this one of the absolute greatest games ever made, and replaying it now two years later just reaffirms it for me. Think I will be putting this second run on pause to start the expansion with my original character tonight. And I think I'm going to record that also, but hopefully I will continue this second build later.
@greasypoo69 Ай бұрын
Dude are you ready for that expansion?
@DeliciousSunnyDelight Ай бұрын
Yeah I'm getting pretty hyped now. Though I think I'm going to try and get this second character to it instead of hopping in immediately with my original one. So it's looking like it'll be a bit before I'll be in-game ready. My intention for this is to play thoroughly, and as of writing this, I'm just now getting into Weeping Peninsula after doing most of the early stuff in Limgrave West and East. Worked down through Castle Morne and killed the Leonine Misbegotten down there, and now have the rest of that landmass to explore. Roughly 12-ish hours in, so it's going to be awhile yet before this character is in position. Though I think my first character would basically be perfectly equipped and leveled for this DLC tbh. Read an article about the expansion the other night, and some of the things I read in it/the quotes from Miyazaki about it got me pretty excited for sure. Guess there's spoilers out there now, so time to dodge the internet. Going to try and play a lot in the lead up this week, so there'll probably be a lot more vids uploaded soon.
@greasypoo69 Ай бұрын
Good to see you put more vids up man!
@DeliciousSunnyDelight Ай бұрын
Lol yeah I saw the ER DLC previews hit (and have tried to mostly avoid) and that + a couple of really stupid, really bad deaths in that FO4 Survival Mode play I was doing prompted me to say "Time for Elden Ring, and I think I WILL try to record this whole playthrough". We'll see if I can keep it going. My current thought is to just play it as I would naturally, not giving af that I'm recording footage. Though since I'm recording direct from the PS5, I'm going to have to play around the 1 hour per 4K capture limit. So will have to try and find graces/good pausing/stopping points every hour & it'll essentially mean that I'm going to try and "break" the playthrough up into 1 hour chunk "episodes". So I'll probably be exploring a lot, dying a lot and just generally playing pretty slowly/naturally. I'm wanting it all to just feel as natural as possible for a second playthrough, which probably means there's going to be lots of frustrating parts too lmao. Also don't intend to rush items/sequence break/farm runes or anything either.
@greasypoo69 6 ай бұрын
Loved the max Payne vids man. You’ve inspired me to pick gta 4 up and try it again. Keep it up!
@greasypoo69 6 ай бұрын
good shit man. get those subs boah
@greasypoo69 6 ай бұрын
also ya dummy, when you see a shield, get your horny ass in there and milk those points. They hurt! Your truskill (tm) is higher thank that
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 6 ай бұрын
The airport lobby shootout is one of the top tier sequences in any video game. When Tears kicks in, you know shit's going down. This moment was incredibly potent at release in 2012, but it still holds up. Hell, just like the entire game itself, it's aged like the finest of wines. The droning, thumping drum and bass of this track is the perfect background music to put bullets between the eyes of the game's fascists. HEALTH - Tears: "Love, save us once We're far from where we fall Love, save us once Beware what you want Trust us now It's time to let me go Give up on us Follow what you want Trust us now It's time to let me go Give up Give our soul away Now you will go Save us once You'll never let go Where we fall Your memories are wrong Save us once Don't ever wake up What you thought you want Trust us now It's time to let me go Give up on us Follow what you want Trust us now It's time to let me go Give up Give our soul away You'll never wake up It's time to let me never let go Just follow in your memories alone It's time to let me never wake up We die alone"
@greasypoo69 7 ай бұрын
Good plays man
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 7 ай бұрын
Had a different tourney earlier today that I didn't capture where we were down with the round ending, and I was able to get a cashbox in with like 1 second left on the round clock. That's pretty satisfying, like a buzzer beater in basketball. Especially if you then manage to hold off the horde that might try to deny it. Game's pretty dang good and I wish I'd have played it when it was first available now. Regret writing it off at first blush.
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 7 ай бұрын
Watching this back, there's a ton of this game that can potentially just be standing around just waiting for action to come to you instead of chasing it down. So there can be lots of lulls, yet when the action finally pops off it can be quite satisfying. Had several clutch shootouts in that final round. The one where I was 5 hp in particular was a close call. Also had several real bad deaths throughout too. Still very much a novice at this game so there's tons of stuff to learn, adapt to, and become skilled with and against.
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 7 ай бұрын
This chapter features the first of two English lyric songs in the game. Garland Jeffrey's "Wild In The Streets", which is playing in the bar at the start of the chapter. Lyrics: "Wild in the streets (x4) In the heat of the summer Better call up the plumber And turn on the street pump To cool me off With your newspaper writers And your big crime fighters You still need a drugstore To cure my cough Running wild in the streets Wild in the streets (x6) We got a gang called Shady And a midnight lady And two transvestites To beat the band You better not touch us You best believe us Your teenage Johnny's Gonna be a man Runnin' wild in the streets (x4) Mrs. America Tell me how is your favorite son? Do you really care What he has done? Runnin' wild in the streets..."
@kohancy 7 ай бұрын
@greasypoo69 9 ай бұрын
R* never disappoints with stories
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 9 ай бұрын
This game's narrative is especially potent, considering how the entire world has gone in the immediate years following this game's release. Red Dead Redemption II was also extremely strong in this way, but this game even more so. Honestly, there should be more serious discussion on and examination about this game but it basically doesn't exist. At least, not right now. Maybe way down the line when mankind collectively looks back and examines the works of art from this moment in history. Video games are still in their relative infancy as a medium, and most people still collectively see them as toys rather than art. And there's a fundamental difference between the two.
@greasypoo69 9 ай бұрын
good show man!
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 9 ай бұрын
Haha thanks bro! This build is a bit slow to get going, but I'm pretty interested to see where it winds up once I start getting end game gear + legendary aspects and start filling out the paragon boards. You've inspired me to record a game I've been thinking about recording a playthrough of for almost a decade now. I'll be trying to upload the first parts of it on here soon. It's a game I've also been meaning to just replay for 4+ years too, so it's going to be cool. And after I hopefully get through playing and recording it, I've got another game I think I'm going to do a full recorded playthrough of too. So there's going to be more, different game videos soon of some games I feel quite seriously/passionately about.
@greasypoo69 9 ай бұрын
@@DeliciousSunnyDelight hell yeah man. That’s the spirit! Happy to hear you’re gonna put more vids up. Looking forward to the content
@greasypoo69 10 ай бұрын
Great demon slaying
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 10 ай бұрын
I had been feeling pretty good about this Rogue build, as I've been handling on-level and up to +10 level content pretty well. And in public events/world bosses, it feels like my damage output/bursts are noticeably potent compared to other players. This Nightmare Dungeon was +8 levels, and while I would take some damage, my damage output was high enough that my damage taken didn't really matter. I could kill more efficiently than the damage came in. Well yesterday I was running another Tier 40 dungeon, same as this, and ran into the Butcher character and it just obliterated me. It's a boss that can randomly appear in dungeons and is kinda like Jason Voorhees in that it's just a big cleaver wielding brute who just constantly runs you down until you're dead. He can slow you down on hits AND stun lock you, plus has a Scorpion like grapple hook + runs pretty fast too. It'd been a while since I last ran into him and the last time I did he was a total pushover, I melted him like nothing. Yet I guess him being +8 higher than me, I just got steamrolled. Couldn't run fast enough, couldn't deal enough damage fast enough, couldn't tank the damage he was dealing. I chugged down all my potions basically immediately and then was dead, Was a bit disappointing considering I feel like my character is at like ~90-95% power/stats/gear optimization. Still have the last 13+ levels to go to max 100 with the rest of my paragon board config to finish. But while my gear isn't 100% perfectly rolled and optimized, I feel like the stuff I've got is pretty good and getting close to fully optimized. So to get as blasted as I did by just a +8 Butcher was pretty disappointing, when I'm going to be looking to push Tier 100 (+54 enemy level) dungeons once I get to 100 with this Rogue. Though I did just try to face tank him as a Rogue, which is probably not the way to go when seeing him with a level disparity. Overconfidence is a killer lol.
@greasypoo69 10 ай бұрын
Nice gameplay man
@daymenpollet4202 Жыл бұрын
Not even playing on gmgow, pathetic
@Mister_Know_Name Жыл бұрын
It seems you are a better player than the difficulty you are on. Should try gmgow when ng+ comes out. I beat the game on gmgow 100% and have beaten the 2018 game 8 times.
@DeliciousSunnyDelight Жыл бұрын
Hey thanks! I looked so good because I was well practiced by the time I beat this lol. Yeah I could probably play through this on GOW difficulty. Only played through the 2018 game once myself, on Challenge. Avoided God of War in that game because the basic mobs seemed too annoyingly tanky. This game's God of War difficulty does seem better balanced, but not sure if I'll run through it on it. We'll see. I liked both of these games pretty well, but not enough to replay them. At least not yet. Been a fan since the original in 2005, and there's things I really like about both of these games but there's also things I dislike/miss from the original games.
@tylerv9442 2 жыл бұрын
pքɾօʍօʂʍ 😏
@FiXzu621 2 жыл бұрын
Oh man gotta love Godskin OST, one of the best OST in Elden Ring
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 2 жыл бұрын
That's pretty funny because I was just thinking that this is one of the better tracks from the game that I've heard yet.
@FiXzu621 2 жыл бұрын
36 hours in and so far this guy clap my ass the most and 2nd is margit, godrick is piece of cake compared to those boss. the fact that i got his stupid tail instead of his sword is infuriating.
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm almost exactly the same amount into the game and this guy was probably the hardest boss for me yet too. Definitely tough. I think parrying would make him a bit "easier", but I haven't bothered with parries at all in this game. Been using bigger shields & guard counters more, but I guess smaller shields are more useful for parrying. There's actually another of these dudes in Stormveil Castle, but I've avoided it so far. Might try and beat it the next time I play as it's basically the only thing I have left to do in there, at least I think anyway.
@FiXzu621 2 жыл бұрын
@RiiightOn yeah he parryable i parry him couple time but not worth risking it since at that time my visceral damage doesnt deal much, but instead i destroy his poise and got free visceral with no risk. and thanks for the info i didn't know there is more of these guy at stormveil
@FiXzu621 2 жыл бұрын
damn, i actually found someone who kill him at first try, Sick dude. i also kill him at my first try today with doll costume while live stream on my discord for my friend, sadly i didn't prepare to record the gameplay. What level are you in this video ?
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, thanks! lol Was surprised I beat him in my first attempt, though this is my second playthrough of the game. I quit right at the final level back when the game released in 2015, but recently found the motivation to try and see through the entire game all the way through. Am glad I did too, but I still need to beat Moon Presence and do The Old Hunters DLC too. Also have to do the last few depth 4 and 5 Chalices too. Regarding my level, I want to say I was something like 95 or close. I didn't do any farming at all in this playthrough. I 100% completed each level before moving on to the next, and I've also completed the default Chalice Dungeons up through Ailing Loran at the point in time I recorded this. I was a "Quality" build, and had also allocated enough points to hit the soft caps for both vitality and stamina.
@FiXzu621 2 жыл бұрын
​@@DeliciousSunnyDelight I also have the same story more or less, i was playing this game back in 2019 until i reach unseen village and got distracted playing other games and never play again until i play Elden Ring CNT and got hooked back to souls games and spent 2 hours understanding the story of bloodborne. IMO hunter or humanoid-like creature are easy to beat cause they are more easy to get riposte. Also "Training" riposte against Kos might help me beat gehrman at first try, even when Kos jump u still able to riposte him mid air but that need a specific timing. i've never tried chalice dungeon tho, might try later. Anyways keep up the good work and hopefully your channel become big one day !!! 👍
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 2 жыл бұрын
Elden Ring looks great, and I can't wait to get immersed in its world. That's actually part of the reason I returned to Bloodborne too. I've still never played the DLC so I don't know much about it other than it has some of the hardest content/bosses out of any of From Softs modern games. Was thinking about trying to go through all the Souls series before its release, as I've never fully completed any of them (though I got about halfway in the original Dark Souls and about 2/3'rds through Sekrio too) but I don't think that's going to happen before Elden Ring releases. Beating base Bloodborne fully now has given me enough confidence to see them all the way through though, so I plan on working my way through all of them at some point. Human-like enemies are definitely the easiest ones to riposte. Thanks for the compliment/well wishes, though my channel is mostly just a personal repository of my own game recordings for myself more than anything. I'd put a lot more effort into actually making serious content if I was seriously trying to get it successful.
@keshundavis7382 4 жыл бұрын
That's not Fear & Respect game
@greasypoo69 5 жыл бұрын
Good win bruddah. Stay righteous
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 5 жыл бұрын
@JbowenDaMan 5 жыл бұрын
great job with this video
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 9 жыл бұрын
Thorn is probably the best gun in the Crucible right now. I enjoy using it, but it's definitely overpowered. I'd like to see all three Exotic hand cannons get a rate of fire reduction. That and re-buff the auto rifles a bit and I think the game would be better balanced for the most part.
@Zhembi 9 жыл бұрын
Thorn is the best
@nowelbobke1506 9 жыл бұрын
GG, Red Death is already amazing, can't wait for the update! It's going to be god mode!!! 2 bursts for days
@DeliciousSunnyDelight 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you sir. Red Death is pretty solid as it is, with the buff it will become devastatingly good. I am a fan of pulse rifles, but right now my personal favorite Exotic primary is MIDA Multi-Tool. It and a max agility Hunter with Radiant Dance Machines are very fun in Crucible!