06.06.2024 Historic District  / Design Review
06.05.2024 Advisory Parking Committee
06.04.2024 Parks and Recreation Board
06.03.2024 City Commission Meeting
9 сағат бұрын
06.03.2024 City Commission Meeting
9 сағат бұрын
Meet the Staff - June 2024
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05.22.2024 Planning Board Meeting
05.20.2024 City Commission Meeting
05.14.2024 Board of Zoning Appeals
05.09.2024 Planning Board Meeting
05.06.2024 City Commission Meeting
05.02.2024 Multi-Modal Board
04.15.2024 City Commission Meeting
04.15.2024 City Commission Meeting
04.08.2024 City Commission Meeting
04.04.2024 Multi-Modal Board
04.03.2024 Advisory Parking Committee
04.02.2024 Parks and Recreation Board
03.27.2024 Planning Board Meeting
@mclaysen 3 жыл бұрын
Glad to see so many comments on the poor walkability between the east and west side across woodward.
@igorpetrov8680 3 жыл бұрын
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@norbertlau1850 3 жыл бұрын
0:30 crazy-girls.online
@saffordk211 4 жыл бұрын
The crossing on Old Woodward at the park needs some review. Southbound cars have difficulty in seeing pedestrians ready to cross until they are almost at the crossing. Northbound cars are too busy speeding on Old Woodward to be paying attention to those crossing. It's disappointing that the lights activated by pedestrians crossing were eliminated during the last construction round. The crossing is less busy during the "Stay at Home Order," but will get busier when that ends. We need some "speed control" on Old Woodward.
@joeshittheragman3512 4 жыл бұрын
concerning the noise of cars racing on woodward how about ….disturbing the peace ….for writing a ticket I live near Coolidge and the noise was OUTRAGOUS for over an HOUR last fri sat and sun HELP!!
@billsmith1218 4 жыл бұрын
Mr. Mayor, get the City Manager to do these things. You are beginning to sound ridiculous. That's his job.
@bettertry 4 жыл бұрын
In an upcoming video please describe the City of Birmingham plan to replace lead water pipes.
@elisangela5029 4 жыл бұрын
I would like to visit
@dgehringer1076 5 жыл бұрын
Appears the proposed parking structure is taller, naturally. Will this set a precedent for other buildings nearby to build-up to a taller height limit? I would prefer less shadows, wind and closed-in appearance if so.Also, Phase 2 and 3 are for new buildings, hence more parking required. When all Phases are completed will the additional parking spaces in the proposed structure be used up by these employees and customers? Will there be sufficient spaces for other users?I am not fully in support of this yet.
@bhambuzz 5 жыл бұрын
Good to see the city coming out with details on the Bates project. Sorry to see it happen so late in the game, only after the private developer and design were decided upon. (Where has the city's communications director been?) I have a lot of questions on this project, many of which can be seen by searching "Bates" on Nextdoor.com. Ironic that in the same video, both Bates and the upcoming master plan are discussed. Why, I wonder, isn't the Bates property (one of the city's finest) being considered as part of the master plan?
@shutterpug 6 жыл бұрын
hmmm, sure isn't much diversity in the Birmingham PD, and the only female is assigned to Community Resource.
@genewittstock1717 6 жыл бұрын
Finally! Lets make this city the most beautiful in Michigan and Midwest! I am a proud citizen of Birmingham and hope it will look like the city of XXI century one day. One important suggestion: connect the west and the east side of Woodward near Maple with overpass. This will allow the people to walk between the east and west (and visa versa) of Birmingham freely with out stress. I also hope that the east Birmingham triangle will be developed soon. It will look as a cohesive and unified downtown city.