WHY did JESUS FAST for 40 days?
14 күн бұрын
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2 ай бұрын
@leroyd.griffin6857 9 минут бұрын
Because he's not real... And if he is real and hears me and ignores me... He if he were real can kiss my balls
@shirleyaloysius4829 13 минут бұрын
I strongly believe in JESUS CHRIST. But I always learn something new from you . Thank you 🙏🏿. And May The Lord Jesus bless and protect you and your family always and forever 🙏🏿
@lapilulecryptee7518 13 минут бұрын
I believe there are 'many' antichrist as John of Patmos, the prophet indicates in 1 John, i quote : 1 John 2 : 18 "Beware of Antichrists 18Children, it is the last hour; and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. This is how we know it is the last hour." And i've come here since one of these antichrist(s) is not spoken off enough.. It is, of course, obvious that the enemy as it seems, would not allow his identity as the antichrist figure to be easily identifiable therefore 'singular'. Rather Satan will try to pull things and conflate them together in order to make it seems or appear so that there are several antichrists.. My premise is that where there is sophistication and duplication, it is because of Satan and the Antichrist direct influence on the Bible narrative.. We should be careful when reading the Bible and assume de facto that the enemy had interfered directly into its writing and composition. We should not miss the point and avoid getting astray to the left or to the right by the subterfuge of the adversary.. In any case as soon as the antichrist appears, John is clear that there are many, meaning that since the very beginning of the gospel of Christ there were already many antichrists and the clues leading to 'the' one antichrist lead also to 'many' like Rome but in reverse.. And my premice is that these claims are all true in a way... And here is an other one that i propose. I believe this Antichrist can be known by reading the prophecy of Daniel. He is the little horn that will rise up from the earth to the host of heaven, i quote : Daniel 8 : 9-10 "9From one of these horns a little horn emerged and grew extensively toward the south and the east and toward the Beautiful Land. 10It grew as high as the host of heaven, and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars to the earth, and trampled them." And as the little horn that rises up as high as heaven, the term insolent king is used to describe him later, i quote : Daniel 8 : 23 "23In the latter part of their reign, when the rebellion has reached its full measure, an insolent king, skilled in intrigue, will come to the throne" An image reminiscent of Nimrod's will to rise to the heaven using the tower of Babel to do so.. Also notice the king is skilled in intrigue.. The Earth in the book of Revelation is symbolic of the bottomless pit from the standpoint of John who saw all these prophecies unfolding from heaven or the sky.. Thus the Beast that rises from the Earth or the Sea are both the antichrist, the little horn of Daniel. And he is described in Revelation 11 : 7 "7When the two witnesses have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will wage war with them, and will overpower and kill them." Who is the Beast who comes up out from the Abyss (?) The answer is in Revelation 9, i quote : Revelation 9 : 11 "11They were ruled by a king, the angel of the ABYSS. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon." This Beast, Insolent King described in Daniel is the king of the Abyss, Abaddon. The abyss is also an image for the pit from which Satan emerged after being unchained : Revelation 9 : 1 "1Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key TO THE PIT OF THE ABYSS." Revelation 20 : 1-3 "1Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven with the key to the ABYSS, holding in his hand a great chain. 2He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and SATAN, and BOUND him for a thousand years. 3And he threw him INTO THE ABYSS, shut it, and sealed it over him, so that he could not deceive the nations until the thousand years were complete." Notice the topic of the pit which is conflated as the abyss or the bottomless pit here.. Now here is the part i claim has been completely overlooked.. Where else does this word 'pit' is mentioned in the Bible ? Well, here for instance : Genesis 37 : 28 "28So when the Midianite traders passed by, his brothers pulled Joseph OUT OF THE PIT and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt." Remember these Revelation passages (?) Revelation 9 : 1 "1Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key TO THE PIT OF THE ABYSS." Revelation 9 : 11 "11They were ruled by a king, the angel of the ABYSS. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon." Now who comes out of a pit/abyss in Genesis 37 (?) Well you have your answer.. And there is more, we have many prophecies revolving around the topic of the pit. For instance : Jeremiah 48 : 44 "Whoever flees from the terror will fall into a PIT, whoever climbs out of the PIT will be caught in a snare; for I will bring on Moab the year of her punishment,” declares the LORD." Isaiah 24 : 18 "Whoever flees at the sound of terror will fall into a pit; whoever climbs out of the pit will be caught in a snare. The floodgates of the heavens are opened, the foundations of the earth shake." Aren't these passages matching Joseph getting caught up by his brothers(the Israelites)and being sold to the Midianite traders or Ishmaelites (?) By the way, isn't Joseph getting caught in a snare in this instance ? Notice also that the pit is associated to heaven and the earth as well as its nations in both of these passages.. Now, i claim that Abaddon, the father of Dan('Abba'=father in hebrew ; 'Don'=D@n), is Joseph coming out from the pit.. It is verbatim from the Bible.. So why saying that Joseph is the father of Dan(?) It is not what is written in the Bible and it is false, you might say.. First of all, another entry related to the same topic of the 'pit' can still be found even before in Genesis, i quote : Genesis 29 : 1-3 "1Jacob resumed his journey and came to the land of the people of the east. 2He looked and saw a WELL in the field, and near it lay three flocks of sheep, because the sheep were watered from this WELL. And a large stone covered the mouth of the WELL." The word 'well' as opposed in its meaning to the word 'pit' is mentioned in this passage.. I took a little piece of this chapter of Genesis but just note through out all the chapter the word 'well' is mentioned as a key word associated to Jacob.. Jacob who is indeed the father of Dan and whose story involves like Joseph the same kind of element, an empty well or a pit filled with water.. Have you all considered perhaps that the father of Dan as the father also of many had used pseudonyms to shapeshift(?) For instance what if i say to you that Joseph is a pseudonym/alias for Jacob in disguise.. Did you consider that possibility(?) Now if you read the story of Jacob and Joseph with that mind, you will soon understand that their story is intriguing and voluntarily confusing to say the least and that Daniel mentioning the antichrist king to be skilled in intrigue is not innocent and unrelated to their story.. בֶּ֙רַע֙
@shirleyaloysius4829 16 минут бұрын
Yes Jesus is God from his birth . 💯 true
@Shannon-cn8sz 42 минут бұрын
Danieltahatwasgoodamessage 20:58 ameniaccpetjesuslordandsavior
@jameskerrigan2997 45 минут бұрын
Galelean wedding. Only the father knows the day or the hour for the son to retrieve the bride. Groom is busy preparing a home after finished father decides when. Bride and virgins stay ready for wedding feast. Because could be any moment.
@rizmacadillac 48 минут бұрын
I feel sort of sorry for people who end up drinking in life. Just going outside and throwing a football or shooting baskets or hitting a golf ball can be fun and without any side effects. Seriously, warriors in ancient times got severe cuts and wounds which could become infected and lead to death or amputation and Alcohol might have been able to kill bacteria and infections and such. But do we need this stuff today. I'm not preaching and I don't care if you spend the rest of your life on Skid Row if that's your choice. If I'm going to sin then let me become filthy rich and take trips to all corners of the globe and meet all sort of interesting people. As to whether it is a "sin" or not, the Bible says God is the judge of this. Don't ask me to explain this because I don't know the answer.
@Fulloffur1 51 минут бұрын
If we are to be like Jesus, are we not to be prosperous like the word states. Did Jesus not calm the storm. What about the day of Pentecost. Is judging others of God? I think the enemy is trying to destroy the teachings of God. Some of what is said in this video is correct and sinew of it is not that is why you need to search the word.
@Fulloffur1 58 минут бұрын
We are to be of sober mind at all times
@Fulloffur1 59 минут бұрын
Does the word not say that he does not test you with evil? Sickness is not of God.
@Siami-dw1sm Сағат бұрын
Dear❤😂🎉.. lord good bye.. I can't make a move.. I pray to you in my heart.. I was sorry..
@Siami-dw1sm Сағат бұрын
@Shannon-cn8sz Сағат бұрын
@saadsaucin6619 Сағат бұрын
This isn’t the explanation, respectfully. In the Greek the Greek word for “to know” is called “oiden”. The word oiden is a declarative word which, in short, means that Jesus is saying the hour is not His to DECLARE. He knows the hour, it’s just not his to declare. An example would be 1 Corinthians 2:2 when Paul says he knew nothing except Jesus Christ. That doesn’t mean Paul literally knew nothing. He was there to declare (oiden) the news about Jesus and nothing else.
@evangelineverasammy6884 Сағат бұрын
Jesus is GOD plain and simple ❤❤❤❤
@garithstelly9145 Сағат бұрын
U can be a real earthly man turning from sins,go to a false teaching church,giving money to them,living a good life thinking God is blessing u and still drop into hell.Must get saved 1st,believe what Jesus did for u without boasting yourself in hell🙏
@GenaJohns-kl2ib Сағат бұрын
I always read the bible is
@GenaJohns-kl2ib Сағат бұрын
Both children gratitude's already
@GenaJohns-kl2ib Сағат бұрын
My children is not in school
@GenaJohns-kl2ib Сағат бұрын
@GenaJohns-kl2ib Сағат бұрын
@GenaJohns-kl2ib Сағат бұрын
@GenaJohns-kl2ib Сағат бұрын
Kongmato still living out there
@TnOrchidguy 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you, Pastor, thank you.
@cmcm1908 2 сағат бұрын
i'm so grateful that we have a big God
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Give them freedom of god 🙏
@user-wx5ty1kt2s 2 сағат бұрын
@ashishwaghmare8874 2 сағат бұрын
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Baby 🍼 🐈 in whale 🐳
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
🐕 got head as crocodile 🐊
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Lot kind of sharks
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
He sink
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Dinosaur 🦕 living Africa in the swarm
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Took twenty years dig out
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Flying dragon 🐲 in Utah
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Rejoice not
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Babylon stone
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Alexander the great 330bc
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
People scared wild animals
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
People eat dinosaur 🦖
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Some people do care
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
People became struggle
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Go museum and can see bone 🦴 of a dinosaur 🦕
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Dinosaur 🦕 eggs is big as ostrich egg 🥚
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Dinosaur 🦕 are huge creations
@GenaJohns-kl2ib 2 сағат бұрын
Dinosaur 🦕 live long time ago and dye also
@Cm-cj 2 сағат бұрын
I claim to be christ my dog is the father
@canellamariastefanis7122 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you Please pray for me 🕊️Canella Maria 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️ 19:47
@keithbyrd-MysticRuby0117 2 сағат бұрын
The End Times are fast approaching.. Pray to Jesus ❤❤❤❤
@Siami-dw1sm 3 сағат бұрын
❤😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤😂🎉🎉🎉🎉. Scorpion still loving you
@odeenclarke7793 3 сағат бұрын
Why do I need a tattoo to remind me of God's work and word when i have a working brain??? David said, "Thy word have I hide in my heart" not on my skin.. This is not good teaching. Do I think the apostle would be putting on tattoos if they lived in our time?? I DONT THINK SO. The church should look different from the world.. God bless you.