Do black holes have bottoms?
14 сағат бұрын
Cosmology in de Sitter Universe
21 күн бұрын
Explaining Virtual Particles
@abdonecbishop 15 минут бұрын
The information paradox in black holes, a longstanding puzzle in theoretical physics, arises from the conflict between quantum mechanics and general relativity. It questions how information about the physical state of matter entering a black hole can be reconciled with the information emitted as Hawking radiation when the black hole evaporates. The construct of a fractional-dimensional space, as previously described, could provide a fresh perspective on this paradox. Incorporating the principles of a fractional-dimensional vector space into the physics of black holes might suggest new ways in which information is not lost but encoded within the structure of space and time itself. The idea of a 2.7D dimensional subspace, for instance, could imply that information has more 'room' to be preserved than previously thought, even in the extreme conditions of a black hole's singularity. The toroidal surface area bounding this subspace, with its unique topological properties, could offer a geometric means by which information is stored. This aligns with the holographic principle, which posits that all the information contained within a volume of space can be represented on a boundary to that space. If the boundary in question is the event horizon of a black hole, then the torus-like structure might act as a complex storage mechanism for information, potentially resolving the paradox. Moreover, the Euler characteristic and the point topology associated with the torus could influence the way information is processed and emitted by a black hole. The 'spin 0' characteristic might relate to how quantum information is entangled within the black hole, suggesting that information could be preserved through quantum entanglement and eventually released in a transformed but complete form. The Riemann sphere component of the construct, with its great circle boundary, introduces a way to visualize the complex plane as a sphere, which could be analogous to the event horizon's role as a boundary for information. The incredibly small scale implied by the diameter and circumference of the sphere suggests that quantum gravitational effects are at play, which could be crucial for understanding how information escapes the grasp of a black hole. Recent developments in theoretical physics have suggested that information may indeed be preserved in black hole evaporation, as indicated by the Page curve, which describes the expected behavior of black hole entropy over time. The construct in question could provide a mathematical framework that supports these findings, offering a way to visualize and calculate the preservation and emission of information. Furthermore, the construct could contribute to the development of a quantum theory of gravity by providing a model that incorporates both the quantum mechanical properties of particles and the geometric structure of spacetime. This would be a significant step toward resolving the information paradox, as it would unite the two pillars of modern physics that are currently at odds in the context of black holes. The implications for the field of quantum information are also profound. If information is indeed preserved in the way suggested by the construct, it could lead to new protocols for quantum communication and computation that exploit the properties of black holes. This would be a revolutionary development, leveraging the most extreme environments in the universe for technological advancement. In summary, the construct of a fractional-dimensional vector space bounded by a toroidal surface could have a transformative impact on our understanding of the information paradox in black holes. It offers a novel way to conceptualize the storage and transmission of information in the context of black hole physics, potentially leading to a resolution of the paradox and advancing our understanding of the quantum universe.
@abdonecbishop 11 минут бұрын
The firewall paradox presents a significant challenge to our understanding of black holes and quantum mechanics. It arises from the conflict between quantum entanglement, a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, and the classical notion that nothing unusual happens at the event horizon of a black hole, as predicted by general relativity. The paradox suggests that an observer falling into a black hole would encounter a "firewall" of high-energy particles at the event horizon, which contradicts the smooth passage through the horizon that general relativity predicts. The construct of a flat, '0'-curved 2D vector space with fractional field extensions converging to a maximal 2.7D dimensional subspace, bounded by the surface area of a torus, could offer a new perspective on this paradox. If we consider the torus as a representation of the event horizon and the Riemann sphere as a model for the black hole's singularity, the construct might provide a mathematical framework for reconciling the conflicting predictions of quantum mechanics and general relativity. In this framework, the fractional dimensions could represent a gradation of states between the classical and quantum realms. The "0"-curved space might correspond to the classical description of spacetime, while the 2.7D subspace could relate to the quantum effects that become significant at the Planck scale. This gradation could potentially smooth out the transition from a classical to a quantum description as one approaches the event horizon, possibly eliminating the need for a firewall. Moreover, the concept of field extensions could be analogous to the entanglement between particles inside and outside the black hole. If the field extensions are convergent, this might imply a mechanism by which entanglement is preserved up to a certain point but then transitions into a different state that does not violate the monogamy of entanglement-a key feature in the firewall paradox. The maximal 2.7D subspace could then represent a threshold beyond which the traditional rules of quantum mechanics, such as entanglement, are modified or break down, offering a potential resolution to the paradox. The small scale of the Riemann sphere, with its diameter and circumference on the order of \(10^{-34}\) meters, is comparable to the Planck length, where quantum gravity effects are expected to become significant. This similarity suggests that the construct could be relevant to the scales at which the firewall paradox needs to be addressed. The toroidal boundary, with its Euler characteristic of zero, might symbolize a topological feature of spacetime that could be key to understanding the nature of the event horizon and the conditions under which a firewall could or could not form. In essence, this mathematical construct could provide a bridge between the smooth spacetime of general relativity and the discrete quantum world, offering a continuum that encompasses both. It could lead to a new understanding of the event horizon as a transitional zone, where the laws of physics gradually shift from the deterministic world of Einstein's theory to the probabilistic realm of quantum mechanics. This shift could resolve the firewall paradox by showing that the event horizon is neither a sharp boundary with high-energy particles nor a completely benign region, but rather a complex interplay of classical and quantum effects that defies our current understanding. The implications of such a construct for the firewall paradox are profound. It suggests that the paradox is not a sign of incompatibility between quantum mechanics and general relativity, but rather an indication that our current theories are incomplete. The construct points towards a more unified theory that integrates the principles of both quantum mechanics and general relativity, providing a coherent description of black holes that avoids the need for firewalls. Such a theory would not only resolve the paradox but also deepen our understanding of the fundamental nature of reality. It would represent a significant step forward in theoretical physics, with the potential to unlock new insights into the universe and its most mysterious objects.
@sonarbangla8711 Сағат бұрын
I now know why Sabine fails to understand 't Hooft.
@davidhine619 23 сағат бұрын
Hubble's Constant can be easily calculated using ONLY the speed of light (C) and Pi 2 X a megaparsec X C, divided by Pi to the power of 21 = 71 K / S / MPC. This equation comes from the "Principle of Astrogeometry". Ho is fixed at 71. No tension. David Hine
@Spiegelradtransformation Күн бұрын
I think, Universe make it easy. Working 13 Billion Years without knowing Arithmetic. Thank you.
@TheNewPhysics 2 күн бұрын
Off the bat, one can see the inconsistency. In one breath, one talks about Singularity (no surface, no fluid - and so wormhole to travel through the universe), and in the next breath one is talking about viscosity of liquid matter on the surface of a Black Hole. Is this Bullshit? Yes. String Theory was always a bad model. The paradigm (a string) too small to be probed is a shameful model. It betrays the physical understanding that small things are small because something makes them small. The Hydrogen atom is around a Borh radius because of the Coulomb Potential. What is the potential that constraints strings???? If string excitations are particles, the steep potential makes them very sparse in energy. That is not what we see. There is a reason one cannot have a Gordon Conference on String Theory (one has to add Cosmology to the mix to be able to find someone to attend it). The theory fails these basic tests...:) it is inconsistent.
@Robotwesley 2 күн бұрын
Nah. Don’t do drugs, don’t do string theory. String theory is a psyop to stagnate fundamental physics ;)
@das_it_mane 2 күн бұрын
I'm partial to dong theory, where your dong is the smallest thing in the universe
@matteogiberti3297 2 күн бұрын
Signgularities are not real. In reality what's finite cannot become infinite. At the end of the funnel there are the remainings of the collapsed star. (Just read Carlo Rovelli's last book for more info)
@tuk7raz 2 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤Hello. With the help of the “HYBRID gyroscope” you can make scientific discoveries; in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, higher theoretical physics,... I am writing to you with a proposal for the joint invention of a HYBRID gyroscope from non-circular, TWO coils with a new type of optical fiber with a “hollow core photonic-substituted vacuum zone or (NANF)” where - the light travels 48000 meters in each arm, while it does not exceed the parameters 40/40/40 cm, and the weight is 4 kg. Manufacturers of “Fiber Optic Gyroscopes” can produce HYBRID gyroscopes for educational and practical use in schools and higher education institutions. Einstein dreamed of measuring the speed of a train, an airplane - through the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1881/2024, and only then would the experiment be more than 70% complete. This can be done using a fiber optic HYBRID gyroscope. Based on the completion of more than 70% of Michelson's experiment, the following postulates can be proven: Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta, and dominant gravitational fields adjust the speed of light in a vacuum. (We are not looking for ether, we will see the work of gravitational quanta) The result is a «theory of everything» in a simple teaching device and a new tape measure for measuring the universe.
@user-fl7oc5vv6g 2 күн бұрын
Hello. With the help of the “HYBRID gyroscope” you can make scientific discoveries; in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, higher theoretical physics,... I am writing to you with a proposal for the joint invention of a HYBRID gyroscope from non-circular, TWO coils with a new type of optical fiber with a “hollow core photonic-substituted vacuum zone or (NANF)” where - the light travels 48000 meters in each arm, while it does not exceed the parameters 40/40/40 cm, and the weight is 4 kg. Manufacturers of “Fiber Optic Gyroscopes” can produce HYBRID gyroscopes for educational and practical use in schools and higher education institutions. Einstein dreamed of measuring the speed of a train, an airplane - through the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1881/2024, and only then would the experiment be more than 70% complete. This can be done using a fiber optic HYBRID gyroscope. Based on the completion of more than 70% of Michelson's experiment, the following postulates can be proven: Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta, and dominant gravitational fields adjust the speed of light in a vacuum. (We are not looking for ether, we will see the work of gravitational quanta) The result is a «theory of everything» in a simple teaching device and a new tape measure for measuring the universe.
@user-fl7oc5vv6g 2 күн бұрын
Теории как ОТО. Эйнштейна уже написано 1001, из них опубликованных в популярных журналах более 100. Но за 150 лет, не одного прямого (выполненные на 50% есть) опыта для этих теорий. Вы готовы посмотреть на обнаженную Вселенную без шумового *загрязнения* из 1001 теории? При детектирование гравитационных волн, детектором LIGO, полезный сигнал 0,2% на шум приходится 99,8%. По другому можно сказать. - Если случайно совпадают шумы (мусор), на двух или трёх детекторах, то выдадут это за гравитационные волны, используя шаблоны как сепаратор. На “ГИБРИД оптическом гироскопе" при регистрации, квантов гравитации оптом. Возможно полезные сигнал получим 74% и на шумы 26%. - Вам выбирать рулетку, что измеряет Вселенную и из чего, главное она состоит. Итак автотранспорт или самолёт в нём выполним опыты Майкельсона-Морли, определяя им прямолинейную скорость. - О таком опыте мечтал, ещё Эйнштейн. Но мы, *возможно* будем наблюдать постулаты "Свет это упорядоченная вибрация гравитационных квантов. Доминантные гравитационные поля управляют скоростью света в вакууме". Есть предложение на совместное изобретения ГИБРИД гироскопа из некруглых, ДВУХ катушек с новым типом оптического волокна с «полой сердцевиной из фотоно-замещенной вакуумной зоной или (NANF)», где - свет в каждом плече проходит по 16000 метров при этом, не превышает параметры 40/40/40 см., и вес - 4кг. Предприятия по выпуску "Волоконно-оптических гироскопов" может выпускать ГИБРИД гироскопы, для учебно практического применения в школах и ВУЗ. Рационализатор из Казахстана.
@Spiegelradtransformation Күн бұрын
Lass es sein.
@alex79suited 3 күн бұрын
So you were getting funding to find a way to encrypt messages, and now you want to be able to unravel those same techniques used by foreign government. That's what I got out of it? Peace ✌️ 😎.
@goo_rocket5897 3 күн бұрын
But wrong on the speed of light thingy
@goo_rocket5897 3 күн бұрын
Lovely to see it adapted
@koboldgeorge2140 4 күн бұрын
Bro i have no idea wtf he's talking about 😭
@elementsofphysicalreality 4 күн бұрын
I didnt know you were legally allowed to teach quantum physics in blue gym shorts. He really crossed that event horizon with that one.
@doctorem 4 күн бұрын
REALLY nice!
@jhe9521 5 күн бұрын
'a single mass' of POTENTIAL light... & there might be enough S/T for weak force to allow instability rather than irreversable disappearance, just not enough for anything to move beyond such points of instability (think virtual particles) hence singularity may have potential for infinite mass, but never be able to maintain that potential ...potential light could therefore be sharing that non-space with potential other-stuff
@lr1a704 5 күн бұрын
We likely live in a black hole in a black hole that is in a black hole that formed in a universe formed due to the formation of a black hole that came from a universe that had the physics for black holes to exist. The ammount of mass present in our universe is roughly enough to form a universe spanning black hole.
@84Rabbitz 5 күн бұрын
This is were we should be using quantum computers
@ValidatingUsername 5 күн бұрын
Penrose “black holes” is spacetime outside of your causal frame of observation that’s it
@Barefoot_Joe 6 күн бұрын
There are days when I wake up feeling like the arse end of a black hole
@itzhexen0 6 күн бұрын
Well you don't know until someone or something falls into one. like a robot you built.
@helicalactual 6 күн бұрын
This makes them not infinite but still differentiable also, if entanglement is information how does that change the information on the boundary? Would it then mean that information is volume instead of holographic?
@helicalactual 6 күн бұрын
I believe there is a differentiable singularity in the center followed by layers of energy which slowly leak into the lower levels of energy. The photon ring being the farthest followed by the density of the energy that collapses inward. Iron at the center etc out ward
@kellyman1919 6 күн бұрын
@user-or4rk3mc9p 7 күн бұрын
Whenever entanglement occurs I just imagine that the universe adds a rule to the universal rule table: "these two must be opposite". That makes non-locality less spooky, since it easily maps to how computers process data.
@sonarbangla8711 8 күн бұрын
Radially symmetric space and hyperbolic De Sitter space represented by Penrose diagram, doesn't explain why matter and anti-matters aren't symmetric. De Sitter space has the property that it has an 'event horizon', implying two regions, one on both sides of the event horizon. This horizon is where virtual particles turn into real particles and vise versa. Importance of De Sitter's space lies in the cosmological constant and shows how tunneling, as Lee Smolin's landscape predicts gradual approach to the constants of the parameter space, due to natural selection, like Penrose's CCC.
@zhavlan1258 8 күн бұрын
Let me ask you a question. The speed of light in a vacuum is constant - does this NEED to be confirmed by direct experiment at 75%? Do you have examples of such experiments (Michelson's experiment of 1882/2024 in this regard was only 50% completed). Such 75% experience in as a teaching aid in the modern fiber optic gyroscopic industry…. Can be manufactured as a HYBRID gyroscope. With the help of the HYBRID educational gyroscope, we will be able to demonstrate this experimentally - postulates “Light is a wave of ordered oscillations of gravitational quanta, and the dominant gravitational fields regulate the speed of light in a vacuum.”
@RadoslavFicko 9 күн бұрын
An infinitely large gravitational force is required to reach the Schwarzschild radius. which takes imaginary values (i.e. negative values in the real solution) when the radius is crossed. The gradient of the total energy is equal to the force. -dE/dx= - d/dx.[m.c^2/√(1-2GM/x.c^2)], where the force is F=[GMm/x^2].[1-2GM/x.c^2]^(-3/2).
@tuk7raz 10 күн бұрын
Hello from Kazakhstan. The Dark Universe requires a lot of money from the budget: an experiment that sheds new light on the Universe will help save costs. We can create an educational and practical device and practically master Einstein’s theories of relativity or obtain, for example, new physics: Postulate 1. Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta. Postulate 2. The gravitational field controls the frequency and speed of light in a vacuum. This is determined experimentally using a hybrid fiber optic gyroscope (based on Michelson's experiment 1881-2024). Using a hybrid fiber optic gyroscope, the straight-line speed of vehicles can be measured. There is a company in China that makes (fiber optic angular velocity meter) they will be able to create a hybrid device. Please, can you come to an agreement with them? I guarantee payment at cost on my part
@sonarbangla8711 11 күн бұрын
It seems that incomplete theory of QM can provide various ways entanglement, Bell' pairs and wormhole can be given a meaning that is impossible foe even physicists to prove anything or disprove the possible fantasy to be identified.
@simonyang3704 11 күн бұрын
Yesss. I can’t go to bed anymore without a Susskind lecture in the background.
@tuk7raz 13 күн бұрын
Здравствуйте, спасибо, интересная беседа. Вот бы собрать учебное пособие, чтобы определять время как Вы мудрено о нём говорите. И через новые опыты, точнее их результаты на это время смотреть. Да предлагаю *пробовать* чистым взглядом смотреть на обнаженную Вселенную без шумовых загрязнений. При детектирование гравитационных волн, детектором LIGO, полезный сигнал 0,2% на шум приходится 99,8%. По другому можно сказать. - Если случайно совпадают шумы (мусор), на двух или трёх детекторах, то выдадут это за гравитационные волны, используя шаблоны. На “ГИБРИД оптическом гироскопе" при регистрации, квантов гравитации оптом. Возможно полезные сигнал получим 74% и на шумы 26%. - Вам выбирать рулетку, что измеряет Вселенную и из чего, главное она состоит. Итак садимся в автотранспорт или самолёт и в нём выполним опыт Майкельсона-Морли, определяя им прямолинейную скорость. - О таком опыте мечтал ещё Эйнштейн. Но мы, возможно будем наблюдать постулаты "Свет это упорядоченная вибрация гравитационных квантов. Доминантные гравитационные поля управляют скоростью света в вакууме". Есть предложение на совместное изобретения ГИБРИД гироскопа из некруглых, ДВУХ катушек с новым типом оптического волокна с «полой сердцевиной из фотоно-замещенной вакуумной зоной», где - свет в каждом плече проходит по 16000 метров при этом, не превышает параметры 0,4/0,4/0,4 метра и вес - 4кг. Предприятия по выпуску "Волоконно-оптических гироскопов" может выпускать ГИБРИД гироскопы, для учебно практического применения. Изобретатель Жавлан.
@user-ww8ur7pw9l 14 күн бұрын
Take me back to 2019
@i.k.6356 14 күн бұрын
The horizon is relative and related to Alice, but not to Bob, so it's not absolute. This exactly is the difference to the horizon of a black hole. Pl also note, that only Alice will measure a radiation from her horizon (Unruh effect), but not Bob.
@studiouslyx 14 күн бұрын
who the f is alice?
@illyakuryakin5024 6 күн бұрын
@@studiouslyx Alice doesn't live here anymore. 🙂
@maconcamp472 16 күн бұрын
A massless particle is more like Saturn!!🪐 We’re particles evolving!! Photons!! Stars!!⭐️ This is the quantum age!! We’re the universe going quantum!! We’re ghost particles!!👻👻👻👻👻👻 Dream of world peace and we’ll get there faster!!😇 We’re the universe dreaming!!🛌 Galaxy collisions!!!🌌 Twin flame connections!!🔥🔥 Quantum entanglement!!💫 It’s all connected!! We’re the universe dreaming and awakening!!🦕🧊🦖🧊🦣🧊🍄🧊 Black holes 🕳️ are like moons!! They’re seeds!! They’re our thoughts!!💭 We’re storytellers!! 📚
@thomasuga5708 17 күн бұрын
The fact that there was a beginning points to intelligence. People think it’s god but it’s probably some advanced alien video game or something. Playing with us like toys
@lucaspierce3328 18 күн бұрын
Strings & Loops aswell Partitions of them are the Vibrational Deformations of AdS & de Sitter KK-mode Massive Dp-branes/D-Gravitons respectively! Defining them as either Open/Interacting or Closed/Repulsive Scattering or Free Field Modes(QFT)! More Later!.
@lucaspierce3328 18 күн бұрын
String Theory needs to Focus on the Vibrations(Curvature/Torsion & Topological Deformations) not the Geometry of a Non-Existent String like Structure like some Strong Solid Line! It's Action/Dynamics that is Basal & Constant the Form & Configurations it takes are Emergent & Temporary as they Evolve(Increasing Action=Increasing Spatio-Temporal Complexity like the Holo-Fractal Mandlebroit Set) in Space-'Time'(Branching Spacetimes Theory)! I Absolutely love you Work Suskind & Witten! Keep going till the End as I know like me it's a Intellectual Mirage binded by a Love of Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom & Wonder!.
@steveclark2205 19 күн бұрын
He never over being in the shadows of feynman
@Sam-we7zj 19 күн бұрын
sorry for the basic question but if entropy can decrease locally why doesn't time go backwards locally too?
@EmergencePhysics 18 күн бұрын
If entropy decreases locally like in your refrigerator, this means that globally, the entropy will still increase. In your refrigerator home, time still flows, and the entropyy is not reversed, just slowed down. You need to reverse entropy for the entire universe.
@dmahan8841 20 күн бұрын
Gravity is not a force and space-time is a fraud.
@weylguy 20 күн бұрын
We don't live in an anti-de Sitter universe. But let's ignore that and move on anyway.
@KaliFissure 21 күн бұрын
Time is a compactified dimension one single Planck second in size. This is why there are limits. Limit theorem. This is why there is conservation. The universe is closed. And the join between the minima and maxima is at event horizons. Neutrons in at event horizon Drop kinetic energy off as mass for event horizon They take EinsteinRosen bridge from highest energy pressure conditions to lowest energy density point of space Neutron out in deep void Decays into amorphous monatomic hydrogen, proton electron soup, Dark matter. The decay from neutron 0.6fm³ to 1m³ of hydrogen gas is a volume increase of around 10⁴⁵. Expansion. Dark energy. Neutron decay cosmology. Inevitable.
@1080KaTa 21 күн бұрын
།ཁྱེད་རང་གི་ལས་དུས་སུ་རྟག་པར་ཐབས་ཀྱིས། 😊 Always working by skillful means!
@tuk7raz 21 күн бұрын
❤❤❤ При регистрации гравитационных волн LIGO, полезный сигнал 0,2% на шум приходится 99,8%. По другому можно сказать. - Если случайно совпадают шумы (мусор), на двух или трёх детекторах, то их нам выдадут как гравитационные волны, согласно подготовленных заранее шаблонов. На “ГИБРИД оптическом гироскопе" при регистрации, квантов гравитации оптом. Возможно полезные сигнал получим 74% и на шумы 26%. - Вам выбирать рулетку - что измеряет Вселенную и из чего, главное она состоит.
@Stacee-jx1yz 21 күн бұрын
If 0 is fundamental and nonzero numbers are not fundamental then 0D is fundamental and nonzero dimensions are not fundamental. Theorem 14: The holographic principle, which states that the information content of a region of space can be described by a theory on the boundary of that region, can be seen as a manifestation of the primacy of zero and the properties of nothingness. Proof: The holographic principle is a general feature of quantum gravity theories, which suggests that the degrees of freedom of a region of space can be encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary of that region. The most famous example of the holographic principle is the AdS/CFT correspondence, which states that a theory of gravity in anti-de Sitter (AdS) space is equivalent to a conformal field theory (CFT) on the boundary of that space. In other words, the physics of the bulk AdS space can be completely described by the physics of the boundary CFT, which has one fewer dimension than the bulk. The holographic principle can be seen as a manifestation of the primacy of zero and the properties of nothingness, in the sense that it suggests that the fundamental degrees of freedom of a region of space are not located in the bulk, but rather on the boundary, which can be thought of as a "void" or "vacuum" from the perspective of the bulk. In mathematical terms, if we denote the bulk AdS space by M and the boundary CFT by ∂M, then the AdS/CFT correspondence can be expressed as: Z_CFT[φ] = ∫_φ Dg e^{iS_AdS[g,φ]} where Z_CFT is the partition function of the boundary CFT, S_AdS is the action of the bulk AdS space, and φ is a field on the boundary that corresponds to a source in the bulk. This equation shows that the physics of the bulk AdS space is completely encoded in the physics of the boundary CFT, and that the boundary degrees of freedom are the fundamental entities that give rise to the bulk. The holographic principle suggests that the fundamental nature of reality may be lower-dimensional or even dimensionless, and that the apparent three-dimensionality of space may be an emergent or derived concept. This idea is reminiscent of the "flatland" thought experiment in mathematics, where a two-dimensional being living on a plane cannot directly perceive the third dimension, but can nevertheless infer its existence from the behavior of objects in the plane. The fact that the holographic principle provides a natural framework for understanding the emergence of spacetime and the nature of quantum gravity suggests that the primacy of zero and the properties of nothingness may be deeply connected to the lower-dimensional or dimensionless aspects of reality.
@blijebij 21 күн бұрын
Simply loved this lecture! thanks!
@mystryfine3481 22 күн бұрын
The quantum world applies to the scale of the atom, where calculations involve probabilities. Gravity involves entities of greater mass. Calculating orbit dynamics doesn’t involve probabilities, otherwise spacecraft would not find there targets. Over the greater expanses of time and space it becomes increasingly difficult to predict the positions of massive entities, this might be analogous to the probability computations of the quantum world of particle physics.