Should you be a gentleman?
9 ай бұрын
@brianlocal3 3 күн бұрын
5:52 now that’s a knife that has been around! lots of time on the sharpening stone with that
@PepeDeezNutz 6 күн бұрын
@airsoftarmy77 10 күн бұрын
Tacticle. I love it man!
@Drewwku 11 күн бұрын
i got a nine rn w a 32 round mag so i think im good for up close animals had a 22 that i was using for rats and racoons but it broke so only got the nine rn
@MarlinWilliams-ts5ul 15 күн бұрын
Kid, nice presentation. Well done.
@MFAwps 21 күн бұрын
crazy title
@honeylove5605 27 күн бұрын
Thank you for your opinions on this subject. I don’t know of any other 17 year old guys that have even thought about marriage non the less are preparing for it. It’s honestly refreshing to see that there are still some mature young men out there like you who are serious about their walk with God. I will definitely be sending this to my little brother. lol :)
@mkshffr4936 Ай бұрын
Just one? What kind of heresy is this? 😊😇
@user-hk9du6px9x Ай бұрын
No one is questioning anyone about carrying. We don't care that you pack your pockets everyday!
@birds_and_sparrows Ай бұрын
This is great thanks! 😂🎉 you deliver the message with the Spirit and a lot of humor lol
@adventistyoungpeople Ай бұрын
thanks for the video! good point, a changed life is the best testimony of God's existence!
@jasonhoyt8232 Ай бұрын
Nice kit. In terms of multitools and cutting tools: Unless I'm going into a school or a courthouse, I always carry my Leatherman Sidekick and a small locking knife (CRKT Squid). If I know I'm going to have to use a cutting tool in public, I will also carry my Swiss Army Champ because it doest look "scarry" to the average person.
@michaelguerin4618 Ай бұрын
30cal M1 Carbine
@marknieuweboer8099 2 ай бұрын
Pretty good start, but from 4:00 you go off the rails. Believers perfectly can accept evolution theory. Internationally reputable biologists like Francis Collins, Kenneth Miller and Joel Duff are fine with it ánd are practising christians. It's nearly impossible to convince creationists that evolution theory is correct - no matter the amount of evidence. After this falsehood of yours I quit.
@ericf3688 2 ай бұрын
Oh boy, You may need to look into "Russell's teapot" There's a magic purple dragon in my garage and he told me that all famers should be relocated to Mexico so I should propose a bill to accomplish his wishes. You're ok with that?
@scottguitar8168 2 ай бұрын
If we found something in nature that required an intelligence to occur, it seems like we would be debating between Godly Intelligence vs. advanced alien intelligence, so there is certainly evidence that at least places God on the table, we just don't have any yet. Regardless of whether any Gods exist, evolution is happening where one would have to conclude that evolution is God's real method for diversity of life, while abiogenesis was Gods' method to plant that life. Many Christians have a problem with evolution because it disagrees with the Genesis account, but the bible also states that rabbits chew the cud and bats are birds, which is also wrong. We also don't have a dome with gates above us for God to let the snow and rain in. The bible simply gets things wrong. Of course the bible being wrong doesn't necessarily mean the important parts of Christianity are wrong and should Christianity and the bible be wrong, that doesn't mean Gods and Goddesses don't exist. The purpose of good reasoning is to figure things out. Unfortunately some things are simply out of our ability know. For example, the furthest we can look back is a split second after the big bang and we may never be able to look beyond that to know what came before the big bang. We can certainly see thousands of planets that can support life, but may never have the ability to travel there to see if any life is actually there. I can tell you have a very shallow understanding of science, while I can tell you that science doesn't have the answers to the big question of existence, it does offer many possible scenarios yet to be fully explored that may get us closer to those answers. It would certainly be nice if one of those paths lead to God where none of us have to be believers and actually know God exists.
@scottguitar8168 2 ай бұрын
Logic is like a calculator, as long as you put in the right inputs and do the proper operations, you will end up with a correct answer. Logic is a subset of reasoning, where certain rules of logic are learned so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time. Where the best theists go wrong in their arguments is in not using reasonable premises, thus using perfect logic will give the proper logical conclusion but it will be a false conclusion because those theists began with flawed premises. It is because theists don't have sound evidence or sound reasoning of the evidence we do have that all theistic arguments fail. This doesn't necessarily mean a God doesn't exist, only that we have no good explanation of how we can know of this existence other than personal experience or feelings that we have, both that are highly unreliable considering the history of crazy things people have believed. I would only say that if you are open to the idea that a God might exist, you are going to be looking for clues that hint a God actually exists. Does God exist because you "feel" that He exists or is it just the result of your thoughts of a God existing that causes your feelings that He actually exists. I don't think people want to form a belief or place trust in someone or something until there is some kind of reasonable case to do so. Even if you get to God belief, then it is a matter of which religion/denomination or philosophy you find appealing/reasonable. Again, people are going to want some kind of case made for the religion/denomination, or philosophy they decide to follow as a result of this God belief.
@Censeo 2 ай бұрын
I have a bit of an esoteric view of life, because Yes, life is mysterious. Science usually use the assumption that matter came first and consciousness later, but even without that assumption, reality is shared between humans. This shared reality is proven to have an assumed past where great apes and humans have a common ancestor and we have extinct species of very intelligent humanoids. Are we to believe that God wants to decieve us of our history? Or is Satan so powerful he can decieve us with such evidence used from gods creation? Thinking and investigating the world is the reason you can have your video all over the world to begin with. I think religion and a lot of our perception of what things are comes from our community.
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
I get what your saying, but that isn't what the Bible says. The Bible claims to be the only inspired word of God - making it the ONLY source of truth. So you either have to take God or leave him - there is no middle ground. You have been taught all your life that evolution is true. . . But just because you were taught all your life that the ancient gods off Egypt were the ones who made the earth would that make it true? Now, let's be clear, I'm no asking you to have a blind faith, read the Bible yourself, I have read it through many times and it has never failed any test I have put it through. See, the reason this is so serious is that assuming the Bible is true, it clearly states that all who do not submit themselves to God, having faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, will be subject to eternal torment in a literal hell. Look, I don't know you, but just from this conversation I've come to like you too much not to tell you the truth:) Also, Christianity is more than a religion, it a complete transformation of your life through the power of the holy spirit, and I can personally attest to the fact that there truly is no better way to live. Again, I don't know where you are at in life so I don't know exactly what you need to hear, I simply beg you to never rest until you have answered the question - Is God real?
@stefantrebinjac 2 ай бұрын
Love the arguments, well done mate is all I got to say! 😄❤😎🙏 Have a great time!
@168Diplomat 2 ай бұрын
The wrench is a bicycle wrench. A small adjustable wrench works well or a set of cobra head pliers takes the place of them and pliers and your life cards.
@lLlILILw 2 ай бұрын
So according to you, my belief that it doesnt matter if theres a god or not requires faith? Ok
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
You have faith in the fact that it doesn't matter. . . what if the God of the Bible is real?
@nooby_gxmer3008 2 ай бұрын
Well not really, im running a bleed build right now and i honestly havent levelled up faith at all so far. Ik a lot of pure strength builds also dont level up faith either so idk what this yap is about 🥱
@chazdacquisto3598 2 ай бұрын
Yeah Evolution is proven so it’s believing it isn’t about faith it’s about fact
@ricciardisimone 2 ай бұрын
It's "proven" because there's mountains of evidence for it, including documenting direct observation of similar processes on a shorter time scale and we decide that's enough. That's still having faith in it. Absolute proof is almost (if not) impossible to have for pretty much anything. It's more like bad, good or even better odds. Don't let your heart blind your eyes from the evidence of what your prejudice tells you isn't real. Scientist here btw, glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.
@SmokeyRoe197 2 ай бұрын
Very much not true. I don’t need faith to believe in evolution. I can myself do the research required. Agnostic isn’t a belief. It’s a knowledge statement Nostic=know Agnostic = Don’t Know
@frosted1030 2 ай бұрын
How to destroy a creationist's poor critical thinking skills, demand the following: Describe your methodology for determining the truth and how you apply that methodology without hypocrisy to every situation. Since the person that beLIEves in their imaginary friend can not answer this with anything but running away or insulting, what does that say about the beLIEver? That's right. They are dishonest. Can you be honest? You will not rise to the challenge.
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
So what is your absolute truth? Are you the highest source of authority or do you have something greater to appeal to? What do you offer as an alternative to my view? Let me be clear, I'm not angry and I'm not running away, I'm just not sure where you are coming from.
@frosted1030 2 ай бұрын
@@NebraskaFarmBoy "So what is your absolute truth?" Truth is a path, not a destination. You do not walk in truth when you do not have a good methodology for discerning what is true and can apply it without hypocrisy to all situations. " Are you the highest source of authority or do you have something greater to appeal to?" Another flaw in your system, logical fallacy. " What do you offer as an alternative to my view?" A functional qualitative methodology. "Let me be clear, I'm not angry and I'm not running away, I'm just not sure where you are coming from." When you attack facts with superstition, and you don't know what you are doing while assuming the truth is whatever you beLIEve, it is easily exposed. If it can be destroyed by the truth, it should be.
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
Sir, you are very good at fighting words but if "truth is a path not a destination" (an illogical assumption - you can't prove that that statement is true) I have no reason to listen to you because you are appealing to your own logic. You have done nothing but replace my "beLIEf" with your opinion - I have faith in God, you have faith in yourself. Truth is absolute, logic is the path you use to get there - and whether your logic leads you to the truth depends completely on where you start form. "Another flaw in your system, logical fallacy" - that means nothing, you are only throwing insults now. "If it can be destroyed by the truth, it should be." - inconsistent - if truth is a path it cannot destroy anything. By denying absolute truth, you lose your right to appeal to it. Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't real - let's say you had never seen a cow and you didn't believe cows were real- that doesn't mean cows aren't real.
@frosted1030 2 ай бұрын
@@NebraskaFarmBoy "I have faith in God, you have faith in yourself." You do not measure results, out of fear. Isn't that worth anything to you? Or is being wrong too scary? "Truth is absolute, logic is the path you use to get there" You wouldn't REQUIRE logical fallacy if you actually thought this. More hypocrisy. "Just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't real" Your lack of qualitative definitions that form predictive models shows that you are unwilling or unable to examine your own assertions. This is a measure of honesty. You do not know truth, you know your own opinion and you have no way to validate that outside of an echochamber. "let's say you had never seen a cow and you didn't believe cows were real- that doesn't mean cows aren't real." A cow has a specific definition and we can form a predictive model to demonstrably evidence cows do exist. No one really thinks cows are doing anything impossible and defends the idea with threats, logical fallacy, and cults that demand unthinking and provide no benefit. You are making poor analogy. "if truth is a path it cannot destroy anything" Sure it can. Do you think your beLIEf in gravity will affect it in any way? Would you like to test this? The testing is the path to the truth, and you are unwilling to jump off the ledge to show the truth of your faith VS reality. This is why you still do not understand. Maybe it's a personal limitation, maybe it's your upbringing on assumptions, but you do NOT get to decide these things for other people that are willing to risk beLIEf for truth. Have you bothered to use a basic bullshit test to see if your cult beLIEf passes or fails, or is this one of those things you compartmentalize away from examination, afraid that you would have to change your superstition when shown it to be false? Better yet, if you are content in this irrationalism, why fixate on this single conclusion? Wouldn't you agree that explanations with better definitions, more verbosity and more traceability given the same functionality are better than explanations with less? The way you handle this shows that you are not honest in looking for truth, you are lazy in looking AT answers.
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
@@frosted1030 Apart from the grace of God, you will never believe. You have a basic presupposition that the supernatural does not exist and nothing I can say will ever convince you otherwise. You haven't answered a single question I have asked you - you have just continued calling me illogical . There is only ONE question I want you to answer - if God isn't real, who gave you the power to reason or know anything? because if you can't explain that basic phenomena you can never know the truth. Sir I'm done, there is nothing more I can do for you. I will pray that God will open your eyes to see that you are relying on your own strength - which ironically comes from God himself. I pray nothing I have said has come off as arrogant or rude. Don't bother responding to this unless you can answer my basic question.
@tratajueteru177 2 ай бұрын
Fantastic video😂👍
@justanothergunguy7146 2 ай бұрын
This is not really a good reason to be Christian. With this line of reasoning, "Islam is true because you just gotta have a little bit of faith and study the Quran", or "The Quran is true because the Quran says so". If you're going to trust the bible, you should have reasons to do so. Biblically speaking, faith is not believing in God without seeing him. Paul writes in Romans 1:20 that since the beginning God makes His invisible attributes clearly seen in His creation. The apostle John writes in John 20:30-31 that Jesus performed signs and miracles so that others would believe that He was who He claimed to be. No one was expected to blindly accept Jesus as the Messiah. Almost every character in the scripture who was described as being faithful witnessed the power of God firsthand. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as "substance/realization of things hoped for, evidence/confidence of things not seen". Faith is not blind belief in God, or even Christ, but knowing that regardless of our own perspective that God is ultimately in control, that He will deliver on His promises, based on the evidence that He has never failed to do so. With that being said, there is evidence for Christianity that exceeds that of any other religion. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts are some of the most historically reliable documents we have. Furthermore, almost every reputable atheist scholar agrees that Jesus of Nazareth was a real person who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah, died by Roman crucifixion, and that his tomb was found empty three days later. We have reliable Jewish and secular historical records to corroborate these events. We also have historical documentation of hundreds of people sincerely believing to have seen the risen Jesus after death, to the point that they were willing to be tortured to death because they were unwilling to deny what they saw. For more information on this, I recommend resources like "Mere Christianity", "The Case for Christ", "Cold Case Christianity", and Gary Habermas' Minimal Facts Argument. To wrap things up, as Christians, we are called to be *prepared* to defend our faith. "You just gotta have it" is not a good defense of our faith. Keep in mind, "the hope that is in us" *is* faith as defined in Hebrews 11:1. See 1 Peter 3:15: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;" Sorry if this is too much... hope this helps!
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback! I completely agree. . . . One request maybe? Could we watch the whole video to get context before we rush to judgement? I know I should be better but it's hard to include everything in a 13 second short:) Stay strong NFB
@Mewse1203 2 ай бұрын
Accepting by faith is the recipe for self deception. You don't believe something by faith then try to find things to confirm it. That's the exact opposite way of how you get to truth reliably. The only way to be rationally justified in a belief is to believe things once you have sufficient evidence. That is one of the basic principles of logic. Faith is the excuse people give when they don't have evidence or any good reason to believe a thing, but do so anyway. That's the definition of 'irrational." Also, it leaves you in a position where you don't have any basis to reject other religions who make faith claims. Either you accept faith as a mechanism of finding truth or you don't. If you do, then you don't get to say that. Other people's faith claims are wrong. That leaves you in the untenable position of having to believe contradictory positions. You might as well be guessing at that point. Please get some unbiased and honest education and learn about basics of sound logic and epistemology.
@justanothergunguy7146 2 ай бұрын
Faith has never meant believing without seeing, but it makes me a little disappointed to see Christians who can’t justify their faith using it as a scapegoat. Saying “you just gotta have faith” is justifying faith with faith- it’s circular reasoning and doesn’t work. Even within the context of Christianity, the definition of faith presupposes on an existing knowledge (not guesswork) of God. Biblically speaking, faith isn’t believing without seeing, but is trusting in God’s promises. There are plenty of reasons to believe in God, and even more specifically the Christian God even outside of “just believing”. A good analogy for faith is a marriage. Husbands have faith in their wives. This doesn’t mean that he believes his wife exists without seeing her. This means that he trusts his wife and that she will uphold her promises. We have faith in someone because they are faithful. You don’t meet someone and immediately have faith in them. Faithful people demonstrate over time and through actions that they can be trusted, and will do what they say they will.
@Mewse1203 2 ай бұрын
@@justanothergunguy7146 why would you believe gods promises though? What justification do you have that there's a God and that he is made promises? The whole thing you're trying to prove is that God exists. You're using faith to do it and if it means trusting in god's promises, you've begged the question at the very least. You also don't get to say that your faith means you trust in his existence because Trusting something exists. Does it mean they actually exist. That's like saying I trust you. Therefore you are trustworthy. If that was the case, then con artist wouldn't exist because their entire point is to get you to trust them either. No they are completely untrustworthy. No, marriage is not a good analogy because NO ONE bases their relationship on faith. Trust in a marriage is based on a ton of evidence, both about the world and about the person. Before you get into a relationship, you have evidence of the way the world works. You know that generally people don't think cheating is a good thing. You have evidence that people want to be in committed, Monogamous relationships, unless they tell you otherwise. You have evidence that people are generally good to each other. Then, when you meet somebody, you get to know them a little bit and you extend them a tentative amount of trust based off that evidence you have just generally about the world. Then you spend an unknown amount of time getting to know that specific person and all that time together is building evidence for why you should trust them. Once you have sound sufficient evidence, you feel is enough to trust them and think they would be a good partner, you then marry them. I'm not saying any of that is necessarily a conscious process, but it is still an evidence based process. And I'll leave you with Hebrews 11:1: Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things unseen. So, that's the bible calling faith evidence of things unseen. But evidence for things unseen can be found without faith. Atoms, radio waves, mich of the light spectrum are all unseen and yet we have a ton of evidence for them
@PlaneBoy2520 2 ай бұрын
Yeah there’s 44,000 different religions out there that all claim to be the one true religion and have their own reasoning thy they should be followed. I think I’m going to keep looking at other religions instead 😊
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
You can do that - but what if you're wrong? What if Christianity is the only true religion? What if there is a holy, just ,and righteous God who must punish sin? What if you die in your sin and have to face him on your own terms? What if hell is real? What will you say then? I agree, you shouldn't just believe something to believe something, but the truth is out there . . . and I would advise you never rest until you know what will happen to your eternal soul. Thanks for the feed back! NFB
@Mewse1203 2 ай бұрын
That's just denominations of Christianity....there's thousands more denominations in hundreds of other religions....
@Mewse1203 2 ай бұрын
​@@NebraskaFarmBoyWhat if you're wrong and you should be worshipping Odin or Ra?
@justanothergunguy7146 2 ай бұрын
@@NebraskaFarmBoy While I disagree with the others, (Christian myself) they make a really good point. Based on the reasons you've described for being Christian, you're essentially banking on making a lucky guess. As someone who believes that belief in the wrong god will lead you to hell, doesn't that make it ever so much more important to know your choice is the right one?
@PlaneBoy2520 2 ай бұрын
@@NebraskaFarmBoy what if Christianity is wrong and it’s one of the other 44000 religions?
@ogenevieve 2 ай бұрын
Good to see y'all raising your own hogs bcuz from what I've read the Chinese own the majority of America's pig farms. They've also bought 100% of one kind of silos, I'm not sure if it's corn or not. Plmk what you guys know. Thanks, G
@ogenevieve 2 ай бұрын
💯 Facts. We need to establish values and morals that are agreed upon in order to have a healthy society. Good job, kiddo.
@ogenevieve 2 ай бұрын
You never have to say, "I'm sorry" for a good life or your spirituality, bruv.
@ogenevieve 2 ай бұрын
Serious question: Did you grow up on the farm, what kind of farm, and would you rather live somewhere else? The skills you have are dope af. I would love to have my own land, away from the city, animals, my own food source, and the independence that comes from the knowledge of working with nature.
@quientschaffer9635 2 ай бұрын
Hello from Richland 😊😊😊😊
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
@alenamentink 2 ай бұрын
Wow! After this episode, Eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious is going to take America by storm. Do you realize the trend you've started? (P.S. Thanks for the mention!)
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
It was the least I could do . . . 🤣 Any time! I like to think it was probably the most unique sales pitch you've had yet. . . You will give me credit for your becoming a best selling author after this right?
@benedict_323 2 ай бұрын
I sometimes like listening to Your Story Hour. They have very good true stories of missionaries from the past.
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing! I'll have to check it out!
@adventistyoungpeople 2 ай бұрын
this question is't as important as probably some of the others, but you said you were still looking for more. :) so absolutely no pressure to answer it. Is the country lifestyle encouraged in the bible?
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
Nonsense! That is the first question I'm going to answer in my next video! Actually to be honest, I don't really get that many questions and I appreciate when I get them. . . and that is a good question. Thanks for the feedback, you've been a big encouragement.
@adventistyoungpeople 2 ай бұрын
@@NebraskaFarmBoy ok! Looking forward to it!
@adventistyoungpeople 2 ай бұрын
Really enjoying the longform videos!
@adventistyoungpeople 2 ай бұрын
Oh my… this is hilarious 😂🤣🤣
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
My poor dad. . .😂
@SoulsborneFan1 2 ай бұрын
You NEED more likes for this video. God bless ya!!
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
@SaitamaSolos1214 2 ай бұрын
This is what we need to focus on
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
@torin725 2 ай бұрын
You're angry that your religion is splintered. And then you introduce the no true Scotsman fallacy... Which is quite literally the primary reason why your religion is splintered!😅
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
Context my friend- this was only a cut out of the full video.
@RobertBurgener 2 ай бұрын
What do you call Shia vs. Sunni in Islam, Theravada vs. Mahayana in Buddhism, Brahmins vs. Shaivism vs. Vaishnavism in Hinduism; those are just some of the major schisms in the three largest religions. Please do your homework on the subject you’re discussing before going out and making a general ass out of yourself publicly; it’s embarrassing.
@ryencheb6734 2 ай бұрын
Bro what? Christianity (especially Protestant) is divided more than that. It’s a three way split between Catholic, Orthodox (Counting Eastern, Coptic and other under one ) and Protestants. Protestants are further split albeit minorally. Even then commenting embarrassing or saying they are making an ass of themselves on someone trying to heal divide is just plain rude. I would say it’s embarrassing but that’s rude too.
@ryencheb6734 2 ай бұрын
Even then you caught me fuming because this is about Christianity. Not about Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism.
@philipkrieger5279 2 ай бұрын
Denomination means division it most stop
@FaithandFlowers 2 ай бұрын
Hi Caleb, I'm thinking about buying a pocket knife for my best friend for his 18th birthday, and I was just wondering if you have any suggestions for brands or kinds that you really like and have found work best. I would really appreciate any advice you may have, as I know nothing about knives. 😅 Thank you!
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
Hey @FaithandFlowers! Sorry for the slow response. Personally I've been happy with my knives from Smith and Wesson, Gerber, and Buck. For a more traditional folding knife I would either go with Buck or I've heard that Case knives are pretty good as well. The good news is that, in my experience, every guy is happy if you get him a knife regardless of what kind it is😄! Hope it helps! NFB
@FaithandFlowers 2 ай бұрын
@@NebraskaFarmBoy Thank you so much! This helps me more than you know. I truly appreciate it. I will look into all of these brands and the choose one I think he will like best. May the Lord bless you Caleb.
@rodt9779 2 ай бұрын
How do you know if you belief in God/Jesus is true? How confident do you have to be in your belief?
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
Good question! You can look for my thoughts on it in the next Farm Boy in 30 min!
@MegaMackproductions 2 ай бұрын
It would largely depend upon the Just war doctrine. Is the result of your war going to be a better world devoted to Christ for sure? Or will it simply sink the society further in sin? Have you exhausted all means of recourse? Will the war result unnecessary amounts of casualties? The possible death of innocent lives (remember in the eyes of God there is no "collateral damage"). And if you mean be a "Patriot" as in supporting the current underwriting of American Freemason "liberty" I would say no..
@NebraskaFarmBoy 2 ай бұрын
Well said! I completely agree. However, you would have to watch (or listen to) the whole video to get full context. Thanks for the feedback!