Asteroid City | Hot Take Tuesday #moviereview
@bartplaster1511 10 сағат бұрын
You still haven’t watched Stripes?
Ummmm...well...this is awkward....😬 I'll get to it!! I promise! Lol
@BoltageBros 4 күн бұрын
Beyonce will be playing Nala again, and it looked like Timon and Pumbaa were in the trailer as well... so maybe Simba will be telling his daughter (played by Blue Ivy) a story of his father Mufasa?
That does make a lot of sense...
@1FahadAbdullah 4 күн бұрын
I was so shocked and offended 😂
@lauramac4846 11 күн бұрын
I thought it was going to be an improvement and then the end credit came and I saw Beyoncé 😑
Hahahaha. That's how I was feeling.
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
I like that song 😀
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
What's so funny in a car 🚗
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
I like you too ❤️
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
Nice 👍
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
Cool 😎
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
So pretty 😍
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
I like the video 😁
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
Good 😊
@taylorwaring1116 17 күн бұрын
Nice 🙂
@talkteav 23 күн бұрын
Great film to review. Up there with War Of The Roses and Duplex. Great Episode👍🏽
Loved War of the Roses. I haven't seen Duplex though.
@lauramac4846 27 күн бұрын
I also wonder if at the end of day one will they allude to quiet place 3 in some fashion.
That would be a smart move on their part.
@lauramac4846 27 күн бұрын
Hmmm I’m torn between taste and hearing…
I can't give up taste.
@dbxny2983 27 күн бұрын
If you want to handicap the world, start with the greatest place on earth
Hahahaha. Of course you'd say that.
@69Curtdog 28 күн бұрын
Mr. Brooks.
@sonnym12 29 күн бұрын
Excellent vid
Thank you 😊
@RMartian76 Ай бұрын
Dune 1 was pretty but boring. Haven't bothered to watch part 2.
I think part two has more action and is just as pleasing to the eye.
@RMartian76 Ай бұрын
It wasn’t so much a lack of action but anything interesting in the story that made it boring for me. I just didn’t care about any of the characters or world.
@1FahadAbdullah Ай бұрын
I can see the sandbag in the top right 🙌🙃😆
My bad 😂😂😂😂
@1FahadAbdullah Ай бұрын
@NXGGLOBALPRODUCTIONS loll that was my fault lol didn't notice it till now 🙌
@@1FahadAbdullah It adds character 😆
@RMartian76 Ай бұрын
Movie ticket sales in the US/Canada peaked in 2004. Video games blew past the movie industry a long time ago. It's not "dead," but it's not as strong as it used to be.
@RMartian76 Ай бұрын
I haven't watched the trailer but I can tell you my reaction ... zZzzZZzZZZzzzZzzZzz ... also haven't watched part 2 or 3.
I expected nothing less 😆
@RMartian76 Ай бұрын
@@NXGGLOBALPRODUCTIONS I'm nothing if not consistent.
@@RMartian76 Very true
@lauramac4846 Ай бұрын
My fav reel talk thus far. I like the overall flow. The clips you chose felt needed and well placed. And the safe name constant inserts was funny. I also couldn’t say it even after hearing it several times.
Hahaha, thank you. It's a seriously challenging word!
@RMartian76 Ай бұрын
There are roughly 1 million homeless in the US and 16 million vacant homes. Long live squatters!
16 million vacant homes? Dare I say outlandish home prices and greedy real estate corporations are to blame?
@RMartian76 Ай бұрын
I haven't truly enjoyed the Transformers films. Michael Bay was the start of what I consider the worst nearly 30 years of Hollywood.
Lol. Don't be like that. The first one was pure fun.
@lauramac4846 Ай бұрын
I’m very excited for this one!!!! And yes definitely reminds me of Mr. Brooks.
@JustLouIt Ай бұрын
Can't wait for this movie.
@1FahadAbdullah Ай бұрын
Nice! I'm looking forward to checking it out as well 🤘
@lauramac4846 Ай бұрын
Part 3 disappointed me. Perhaps 4 will make it up.
That's what I'm hoping for too
@peruinmaheart Ай бұрын
My 2nd fav “trilogy” behind LOTR
It's such a fun trilogy! ☺️ What is your 1st favorite trilogy?
@cyrex6519 Ай бұрын
What if he's not the serial killer.
This is quite possible. Especially if they're showing this in the trailer. It could all be a misdirect. That's M. Night's M.O. 😆
@meganlodon Ай бұрын
​@@NXGGLOBALPRODUCTIONS I've heard theories from others that say his daughter might be, or the one I like the most: he's a killer, but not the one they are looking for.
@meganlodon All these theories are making me want to watch it even more!! M. Night is big on twists. The fact that he's allowed this reveal in the trailer.... it could be a misdirect.
@meganlodon Ай бұрын
@@NXGGLOBALPRODUCTIONS That's what I was thinking! But I was also thinking that maybe he expects us to think it's a misdirect and it's not. I don't know, but I definitely want to watch it. Also, I actually like Night's daughter's singing; I've never heard of her before this.
@meganlodon Wait, that was his daughter?! WOW. Okay, let's agree to watch this and then come back and compare notes and talk about how right/wrong the theories were.
@mgariepy42 Ай бұрын
I’ve got to clear things up a bit. Young Josh Hartnett did not like how Hollywood studios were creating his persona. He did not want to be a hottie heartthrob or a superhero with a ten year commitment chain tying him down. He wanted to be an actor with versatility. From ages 18-22 his career was being manipulated for him and as a level-headed Midwestern kid, he knew he was going to go nuts if he stayed in town. He wanted to control his own career. Have a life. He was hounded b y paparazzi and fangirls so badly he had to sometimes ride in the trunk of a car to go someplace. He loved doing indie films and when his contract was up that’s where he went. He was not blacklisted. He has a long and richly varied filmography, from horror, comedy, drama, and twisty quirky stuff. An art-house film darling. He’s very picky about what roles he plays. That kind of artistic integrity has impressed directors like Nolan, Ritchie, Logan and the indie greats. He lives on a farm in rural England out of the limelight with his wife and 4 kids. We are massive fans of his in our family, for 3 generations!😊
Thank you for the info! I don't blame him. The further away, the better. I'm going to look up some of these Indie films and see if I can fit a few in my schedule. He was frighteningly good in that "Black Mirror" episode last year.
@mgariepy42 Ай бұрын
@@NXGGLOBALPRODUCTIONS Here are my favs. A really eclectic group of wonderful performances. #1 is an indie he produced and starred in, August (2008). #2 O (2001). #3 Bunraku (2010). #4 The Fear Index series (2023). #5 Lucky Number Slevin (2006). Penny Dreadful series 👌 In no particular order are some other goodies. I Come With the Rain (2010) will blow your mind. Mega violence, stomach turning, double-watch requirement to put the non linear allegory puzzle together. The film is a real mashup from eccentric director Hung, terribly edited, but Hartnett is utterly brilliant. Six Below (2017), produced and stars in tour de force survival role. Also 2017, Oh Lucy! A comic turn with an outstanding Asian cast. (He has a massive Asian fan base.) Bunraku is a must see comic role. He and Harrelson and Ron Perlman and Kevin McKidd have an utter blast in this off the wall gem. “Think Sergio Leone spaghetti Western revenge, Kurosawa samurai quest, Broadway musical choreography in a German Expressionistic setting of origami pop ups and warehouse staging. And it’s a comedy.” Hartnett plays The Drifter, a mysterious avenger who’s trying to quit smoking and is afraid of heights. All these guys give deadpan deliveries of outrageous cliches. The voiceover narrative is hysterical. I believe you can rent it on KZfaq. We have the BluRay dvd. Mozart and the Whale (2005), an autistic couple fall in love. He’s amazing in this sweet role. More recent wild and wonderful: Valley of the Gods (2020) with John Malkovich. Two brilliant dramatic performances Inherit the Viper (2019) and Ida Red (2021). Not all the indies hit the mark, but his performances do. You can definitely see why he picked the roles. Nothing mainstream about any of them. 😁 Btw, Danny Walker from Pearl Harbor still lives rent free in my poor old lady brain. 😉 Enjoy!
@chukwureed9204 Ай бұрын
No body asked you for this epistle
@@chukwureed9204 I appreciated this epistle 🙂
@mgariepy42 Ай бұрын
@@NXGGLOBALPRODUCTIONS 😆 Somebody is pissed off at me. 😂 Always a weirdo in the crowd to try to stir the pot!
@christopherking4932 Ай бұрын
Awesome video.
Thank you 😊
@user-eh8cg4bp3y Ай бұрын
I work for an Entertainment Agency here in London and it's my job to get singers and actors to their concerts, premieres, TV and radio interviews on time and safely. Josh Hartnett is a really nice guy. He kind of fell out of favour in Hollywood for a while and was hotly tipped to play Superman a while back. It's good to see him back, via Oppenheimer and getting the credit he deserves. What if he's not the killer? 🤔 Maybe he captured what he thinks is the butcher ..... Only to discover later that the person he has locked up isn't the killer either. We shall see! Then we can all laugh together at just how wrong I am 😄🇬🇧
Ooooh, a twist within a twist! I'm backing your theory. I like it! Lol. Ah Hollywood, the fickle beast that it is. Smh. I remember Josh's early days of "The Faculty." A fun sci-fi film of its time. And he did a great job in "30 days of night." I'm definitely a fan and look forward to seeing how this character plays out for him. I have yet to see Oppenheimer. My schedule has been so bogged down lately that its been more challenging than usual to see new stuff coming out. Wait...Superman like Man of Steel with Henry Cavill? Or a different iteration? I love Cavill in the role, but would be interested to see how Josh would do if given the chance. Side note: Your job either sounds fun, stressful or both. Lol. Truly hoping it's the first or third option at least. Love hearing from my peoples in the UK!
@user-eh8cg4bp3y Ай бұрын
​@@NXGGLOBALPRODUCTIONS Thank you! From my conversations with him it was supposed to be another version of Superman although I'm not sure if it's the same one Nicholas Cage was attached to. 🤔 Absolutely, the Faculty was a great movie. Actually, listening to you both has sparked another theory. 🙄 What if he IS a killer but not the only one? So he's trying to get away from the concert and eventually does... because there's another killer who the police are after, not him 😂
@user-eh8cg4bp3y If you turn out to be right, I'm coming to you for all my movie theories from now on! Lol
@user-eh8cg4bp3y Ай бұрын
@@NXGGLOBALPRODUCTIONS ... and when I'm wrong, we'll all chuckle at the dipstick in London! Maybe I should tell Josh Hartnett what my theory is if he comes to Europe/UK to promote the movie 🙄😆😆
@@user-eh8cg4bp3y Do it! Lol. Also, you're not a dipstick.
@RMartian76 2 ай бұрын
Netflix Airbender is an atrocity.
It's not on the same level as the cartoon, but I found it light years better than the 2010 film.
@RMartian76 2 ай бұрын
@@NXGGLOBALPRODUCTIONS Few things are worse than the 2010 movie. Lol
@@RMartian76 🤣🤣🤣
@ryleighloughty3307 2 ай бұрын
The last to final scene was shot at the Windemere House, which the film crew accidentally burnt down.
Are you serious 😲😲😲?!?!?!?!?!? Whhhhhhhhhat. Wow.
@ikeliver132-hi 2 ай бұрын
Um saying I'm an if is not a family friendly thing it could cause the children to lose gender identity
If stands for imaginary friend. Have you ever seen the movie, "Drop Dead Fred?" It was all about imaginary characters. I feel like this is a combination of that and Monsters, Inc. I think you might like it. Let me know if you decide to watch it.
@RMartian76 2 ай бұрын
Ryan Reynolds plays Ryan Reynolds in another CGI vomit fest from Hollywood.
Ryan Reynolds is one of a very small list of actors who plays the same role in everything and it doesn't bother me. I love it. Lol. I think the CGI looks better than it's been. We shall see.
@dbxny2983 2 ай бұрын
Omg what an amazing convo. Keep it going. Love the content and can't wait to check out naked angels
Thank you 😊
@lauramac4846 2 ай бұрын
TIRED of Hollywood remaking classics that don’t need to be remade! Make some original body of work! But I’ll probably still watch lol.
Our sentiments exactly. Lol. We complain, but feel obligated to give this a chance. Still haven't seen the new Roadhouse remake though.
@sonatabirdie 2 ай бұрын
Straight up facts!
@melinalopez4119 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for your reaction. I loved the original movie but i'm giving a chance to this one because is Bill Skarsgard in it, and i'm a huge fan (sorry for my english).♥
Thank you for this comment! Your english is 👏🏽 😊 I am a fan of him and hope the movie is good.
@auroragessing9069 2 ай бұрын
Spooky religious movies just send me right over, I can't handle them
I don't blame you. They're hit and miss with me (more miss than hit). But they're definitely not my go-to.
@user-ol9qn4lf6h 2 ай бұрын
Your a idiot for making a joke about Brandon Lee passing. Great job. One of the worst things I've seen in the internet. Like I never thought I'd hear someone make a joke about his passing on a crow related video. I wish I could told you how I really felt but KZfaq won't allow what I'd like to say.
We were not joking about his passing. We were being awkward about it. Death is not an easy subject to talk about. But we were definitely not joking. I understand this topic is upsetting, but there's no need for name calling.
@funkymisfit2902 2 ай бұрын
Read the comics
No! And you can't make me!!! 😫 Just kidding. Do the comics align more with this version or the original one with Brandon Lee?
@chukwureed9204 2 ай бұрын
Worst reaction i have ever seen since January. Keep your mouth shut till you finish watching the trailer. God!
I'll work on it. 😄 I'm also that person that talks during a horror movie. How else are the characters going to know that they're doing something wrong? I'm trying to save their lives!
@1FahadAbdullah 2 ай бұрын
What was the worst one before you saw this one? I'm curious 🙂
@wasitgoodthoughpodcast5456 2 ай бұрын