@NorbertKasko 13 күн бұрын
Some of these arguments were really bad or at least badly explained/interpreted. You didn't mention my favourite: It goes like this: in order for things to exist they must have a creator/cause therefore God. The problem with this statement is that it also says that God must have a creator but then that God also must have a creator, and so on...which means infinitely many Gods each one a lot more powerful than the previous.
@miketrusky476 15 күн бұрын
Tea may have mold, odd it is never mentioned as a problem
@Daniel69ElGamer 17 күн бұрын
Is 8 minutes and ONE second Clickbait😡
@Seraph2101 20 күн бұрын
I’m gonna try to answer the following paradoxes: 1. God does actually know how it feels to not know something… because if he doesn’t know it would actually be false that he is Omniscient. 2. The definition of omnipotence means that there is literally nothing they CAN’T do… which means God can create a heavy rock & then adjust his power to where he can’t lift it… & it wouldn’t be permanent. 3. God allows free will until Judgement day since he’s fair… if there wasn’t even free will to start with… then God would’ve been unfair… but since God is fair, he allows free will… be thankful for that. 4. Another person has actually explained this before: His sense of time is different than ours… it is said that God literally saw the end before he even started the beginning… which means that he witnessed all of human history & judges people according to our actions. 5. God can interact with time… remember… God is omnipotent… & he actually interacted with our world before. 6. Lemme explain… you’re just either with God… or against him. There’s nowhere in between. 7. This is a common question asked by atheists… lemme answer that question… nobody created God… because everything else has a beginning which means they have an end… God never had an beginning so he can have no end… instead he his the Alpha & Omega; the Beginning & the End. This wasn’t a challenge to explain. 8. He actually did by appearing as Jesus Christ… but guess what we did to him… WE KILLED HIM!!! But Jesus Christ came back alive 3 days later… proving his divinity as God… God with us. 9. We’re actually held responsible… as I said before… God saw all of human history. 10. God is omniscient… he knows what’s right & what’s wrong. IT’S SO SIMPLE! 11. Yes 12. Here’s the answer… we can’t… at least not right now &/or we used to. 13. There had to be a cause for everything to have happened… & since God had no beginning so he can have no end, God is the cause for everything to have started. 14. There were literally multiple cases of God communicating with finite beings; with Adam & Eve, Cain, maybe Abel as well, Moses, Jonah, Jesus Christ, etc. 15. We can’t… but God can. 16. Free Will & consequences of terrible actions by us. 17. There’s actually multiple reasons for this… but I have heard that not praying for at least a day is like saying to God that you can survive by yourself which is not true. 18. Probably deception by Satan to cause confusion. 19. Moral reasoning. 20. It’s actually heresy to believe that God can change. 21. God is omnipotent as I said before. 22. God doesn’t force his love onto you. 23. God has actually interacted with us before as I stated before. 24. He actually did. 25. We’re not omniscient… we don’t know exactly everything about God. 26. The description we need of God is in the Holy Bible. 27. Acts 10:34-35 states, “Then Peter began to speak: ‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.’” So why are you worried about other religions that aren’t the original source? 28. God is omniscient so he’s gonna rather use logic like how I’m using logic to try to debunk each paradox shown here. 29. It’s our own faults for that. 30. Now that sounds like you’re blaming God for that. 31. Obviously not. 32. I’ll guess this… we also used to be divine, but the moment we sinned, that divine nature got stripped away from us. 33. God is omnipotent as I said before. 34. Eternal punishment is actually asked for. 35. This actually happened to God before… but it was temporary. 36. We can’t. 37. A purpose. 38. There’s one divine truth actually… false prophets & christs exist. 39. It’s part of his Divine Plan. 40. No. 41. He meant that God has made us in his image. 42. Real prophets, prayers & supernatural revelations exist. 43. I’m trying to do so already. 44. Don’t blame God for that. 45. Here’s one; ♾️ 46. Anything is possible with God. 47. I’m starting to think you’re asking questions only God can answer. 48. Maybe… but not all the way since; Free Will 49. I’m gonna think align 50. Maybe both actually. 51. There’s something called “Theistic Evolution” but I don’t believe in that. 52. At least some people have morals. 53. God created everyone in his image. 54. Through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 55. We don’t even know if there even is a multiverse… but I gotta be honest I thought I was the only one who had that question. Man all this explaining in one comment has made it so LAGGY
@ovld2023 22 күн бұрын
Would suggest you begin by saying Om-ni-see-unhs before going into philosophy.
@ChristianBoragine Ай бұрын
the real question is: does God even lift?
@mrfishies6552 Ай бұрын
All are false, Hail Christ the King ✝️
@Beta71- Ай бұрын
nah im not an brainrot my name cannot be one either
@Nitrooooooogen Ай бұрын
> be me > see this video in KZfaq recommendations > click on it expecting to see a billion comments > see none wtf.jpeg
@trevorvarney4900 Ай бұрын
Thank for great information. Do you have a basic workout program for a 60yr old beginner
@David-rh5fq 13 күн бұрын
I ll be glad to help ya. Are you on facebook ?
@kirbyk7370 Ай бұрын
These logical paradoxes have one issue. There are no true belief systems in God's universe. All laws of nature declared by man are silly. God has no limitations. Not one of your paradoxes has any value whatsoever. Earth is a place to play around with belief systems. Once you move into the real domain, there are no rules or belief systems.
@cecilionembraceofnight486 Ай бұрын
@NezukoSatoru Ай бұрын
@josue5567 Ай бұрын
Most comolex up. To. Date we'll morea than a creator
@Stramash. Ай бұрын
One thing I like to avoid is crashing.
@georgeisaak5321 Ай бұрын
That means you are a clever individual
@JeffreyAllanBackowski Ай бұрын
I don't own a car, thanks for reminding me, f*ck you.
@Luciano-IL Ай бұрын
All these things are new to me.......
@revalation199 Ай бұрын
1st: A contradictory in itself, because to say that God doesnt know something logically impossible doesnt limit God 2nd: same with the first one, its self contradictory, because its LOGICALLY impossible these words are meaningless 3rd: God created FREE WILL because he wants people to truly LOVE him, he is a FATHER WHO LOVES HIS CHILDREN and he doesnt want robots who are programmed to Love him so when The Devil didnt want to follow God he himself chose that its not God's fault. 4th: Just Because God knows our actions doesnt mean he is MAKING us make those choices, God is Soverign over all things but he has also given us Free will 5th: God is everywhere in everytime, If you think about it God is watching me write this at the exact same time you are reading this even though its at different times 6th: i dont Quite understand this paradox but what i think it means is "if God is a simple and authentic God how can he explain his complex creation" my personel answer is that just because God is SIMPLE doesnt mean he's not LOGICAL. 7th: In the beginning there was NOTHING no time no space no matter there was only GOD, and God has NO BEGINNING and NO END therefore God is ETERNAL 8th: this Paradox is stupid because first of all a relationship with God isnt only a physical relationship its a spiritual one too and second of all God gave us his book that he wrote called THE BIBLE which has all of his history with humans written by multiple authors and finally God sent his Son Jesus of nazerath who is God to earth and his Life was documented by eye witnesses who were his Best friends and students, and he died on the cross and rose from the dead so we can have a relationship with him and not be bound by sin 9th:this is basically the same as the 3rd one 10th: God is a perfect and Loving being and he is also all knowing so since God is Perfect (no impurity) and all knowing he knows what is good and beneficial 11th: yes 12th: this is badly explained im sorry 13th: God wasnt created 14th: This Paradox is silly as well 15th: here's my understanding, Humans cant fully comprehend eternity until we experience it 16th: But Scripture teaches us in Romans 8:28 that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. God did not plan or cause the accident to happen, but He certainly used it because nothing takes Him by surprise. Think about the time Joseph got sold into slavery he went from a slave to second in command over Egypt. God sometimes allows bad things to happen for a greater good 17th: i dont know the answer to this, but we pray to God because its just like any other relationship 18th: Because the devil will do whatever is possible to stop us from believing in the tru God. 19th: i dont know the answer 20th: isnt explained very good (or just a foolish paradox) Im not going to explain the rest because to be 100% honest some of these are contradicting itself and are foolish, whoever is reading this i love you and God bless Amen.
@ReachByteBurst Ай бұрын
1) Of course, God knows what it feels like to not know something because He's also The Compassionate
@ghostwriter9266 Ай бұрын
Wow, never thought of this
@HeirLionPrince Ай бұрын
Okay, let me debunk your infinity arguments right here. God is literally defined as “that which nothing greater can be conceived.” That means he’s all-knowing, because it’s greater than having limited knowledge, he’s all-powerful, because that’s greater than having limited strength, he’s all-good, because that’s greater than being flawed, and he exists, because that’s greater than not existing. And being all-powerful means he can do anything to everything outside himself, but he can’t do anything to himself or that contradicts his nature. He can’t lie, he can’t change, he can’t make another God. And to reiterate, he can’t change. So he has to be eternal, because if he ever starts or stops existing, that’s change and he can’t do that. Your morality arguments also don’t work. God is the source of all good, not evil. Technically, evil isn’t a thing that exists, it’s just a corruption of stuff. So objective morality comes from God and evil is just corruption or disobedience of God. And finally, there’s your simplicity argument, which only demonstrates that you don’t know what divine simplicity even means. First of all, it’s Western Christianity that believes in divine simplicity. The Eastern Orthodox Church believes in something called “Essence-Energy Distinction”, which if you don’t know what that means, look it up. Divine simplicity really just means that God is what he is. Things like love, wisdom and justice are what he is rather than being created by him. Meaning that God is the same as infinite love, infinite wisdom, infinite justice, and infinite kindness. That’s also the purpose of Theosis, or “union with God” that we could do once Jesus Christ came down and died for man’s sins. God became man so that man might become God. That was some theology in a simplified manner, and you could go and learn more about theology yourself because it’s actually pretty interesting. But I hope one thing is clear, a lot of these questions come from confusion about theology from those who know almost nothing about the subject and don’t do Christian beliefs justice. With all due respect, please try and learn more about theology before you try and debunk it.
@chickenmine778 Ай бұрын
on the infnity paradox, they can establish a relation ship because he is INFINITE and all powerful
@mcboat3467 Ай бұрын
A jew god can't be powerful. Our Indi european gods are better
@twizzy_tt 2 ай бұрын
5:49 Jynxzi has been summoned
@shannon4768 2 ай бұрын
If you truly want philosophical understanding, you definitely won't find it in one, 8-minute video on KZfaq.
@John-hy6qz 2 ай бұрын
This really strengthened my belief in God, thank you 😊
@damiensisco6960 2 ай бұрын
4:36 Why are there turquoise and orange and red and green human head drawings?
@damiensisco6960 2 ай бұрын
0:28 - 0:32 In order to eliminate evil, he would have to violate people’s free will.
@Yxllow 2 ай бұрын
Isn't he all-powerful? Why can't he manipulate the evil if he has the power to do so? Why can't he eliminate it while having the power to keep the free will?
@Vetrical Ай бұрын
​@@Yxllow yeah, exactly, if there is an omnipotent being it could do absolutely anything
@akhil6204 2 ай бұрын
If you prove God is a creation, then only it needs a creator
@akhil6204 2 ай бұрын
If you prove God is a creation, then only it needs a creator
@John-hy6qz 2 ай бұрын
If God was a creation he wouldn’t be god because the God who created him would be God
@Vetrical Ай бұрын
​@@John-hy6qz so there's no god
@multigameswithryan9215 2 ай бұрын
half of these paradox's only exist because whoever made them lacks some knowledge about each topic
@user-en4ek6xt6w 2 ай бұрын
You should learn more about certain religion. No hate but a lot of these paradox aren't really paradox and a lot has answer
@ProphetkingsWarriorpoets 2 ай бұрын
Most of these are not paradoxes, they just don't fit the narrative of people who don't believe in God.
@shannon4768 2 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree!! 🙌🏼 Anyone who truly wants philosophical understanding won't find it in one 8-minute video on KZfaq.
@bradlaonguyen3483 16 күн бұрын
These are not the really serious very scientifical paradoxes, like the paradox of creation of the universe, meaning of life, and the conscience of the hard problem of consciousness in psychology and philosophy of mind.
@bradlaonguyen3483 16 күн бұрын
You can find it that quickly in some, though...
@Henry-mo8ei 2 ай бұрын
*PromoSM* 😊
@5reight579 2 ай бұрын
Good video man keep up the good work
@jamesbenis3734 2 ай бұрын
Bro that is not how you pronounce Versailles 💀
@GotTheBestLigma 2 ай бұрын
You repeated quite a few of them
@crabjoe 3 ай бұрын
There are only 27 amendments that have been ratified.. So this list is incorrect.
@bogitmachin1832 3 ай бұрын
Copied, try better
@siquod 3 ай бұрын
Most of these are just misunderstandings about how language, logic and reality work. Only a few are actual theological questions, and they do have rewarding answers.
@bradlaonguyen3483 16 күн бұрын
So true, so true... it's like, if water is a part of the river, then how can we drink the river? lol. Only the paradox of free will (but independently of god) is a real scientifical paradox, in my opinion, etc.
@AngryBiscuit09 9 күн бұрын
@yanikq 3 ай бұрын
Theoretical physics hurts my brain. 🤕 Almost as if thinking about it for too long will trigger a seizure
@just_a_frend 3 ай бұрын
43th sub :)
@Mr.Explained1 3 ай бұрын
@illuminaughties 3 ай бұрын
you got some skills, just find more interesting topics and better scenarios/scripts :)
@Mr.Explained1 3 ай бұрын
@ArielManxx 3 ай бұрын
Ummm these kinda start to repeat themselves coming after the incomplatibility paradox, and some of them are really silly. Like, multiplicity paradox (and all the derivatives of it) - people can percieve differently and disagree about literraly anything, even you are percieved differently by different people you know! It's not a paradox, it's the limited/flawed perception of any human. Also, 6:26 maybe you didn't know it, but there's literally a special symbol for infinity, so...
@brainbitsdaily644 3 ай бұрын
Either god exists and he’s a bozo or he doesn’t.
@John-hy6qz 2 ай бұрын
Honestly that what all of the points in this video boil down to😂
@SouhridPalVines 3 ай бұрын
Almost all the answers are present in Lord Krishna's story
@LevyMarCiS 3 ай бұрын
That's God debunked, I guess
@Avicerox 3 ай бұрын
Not really, either of these can be answered.
@Vetrical Ай бұрын
​@@Aviceroxno? If there is a god, could they make a rock they can't do anything with? Either they cant and aren't omnipotent or they can and aren't omnipotent because they can't do anything with it.
@Avicerox Ай бұрын
@@Vetrical Logical impossibility, this question was answered by Averroes all the way in 12th century, come up with something new. You define a mathematical and/or metaphysical entity only to ask for that entity to be negated? God, whether or not you believe in Him or not is defined as an omnipotent being against which nothing is more potent and powerful, this is by very definition of God, a definition that is independent of whether God exists or not. Both of those who argue For and Against God do so based on this definition, asking to negate this definition falls under a Logical impossibility which does not contradict Omnipotence because it is not a question to begin with. What you are asking is for God to create a circle with 4 corners or a square with infinite points. You negate the very definition of the said entity by asking for this. You can attribute miracles to God, but not nonsense. In CS Lewis's words: "Meaningless combinations of words do not suddenly acquire meaning simply because we prefix to them the two other words, 'God can.' It remains true that all things are possible with God: the intrinsic impossibilities are not things but nonentities. It is no more possible for God than for the weakest of His creatures to carry out both of two mutually exclusive alternatives; not because His power meets an obstacle, but because nonsense remains nonsense even when we talk it about God.”
@fuatkurb3680 3 ай бұрын
God gave you life to answer them. Those who seek answer shell find answers, those who seek questions will find questions. 😜
@TheWhatIsChanel 3 ай бұрын
so, can you answer those questions?
@illuminaughties 3 ай бұрын
Congrats, I (personally only) think that deep inside our mind/souls, we wish to be continued after this life. Maybe that's why a famous rapper once said "If you want me to cry -> I cry, but atleast please don't take me away too soon"
@Mr.Explained1 3 ай бұрын
thank you very much for your argument
@azervejzovic8413 3 ай бұрын
Whoever made this shows huge stupidity
@xenvector 3 ай бұрын
Did you actually make this?
@Mr.Explained1 3 ай бұрын
thank you very much for your argument
@Addydice 3 ай бұрын
@@Mr.Explained1thank you so much for answering his question!
@user-jc2lz6jb2e 3 ай бұрын
Watched the first row, and most of these are bad (or at least badly explained). The only one that actually holds (of the first row) is the omnipotence paradox, which essentially boils down to "can a being that can complete every task, make a task that they cannot complete?", which entwines two tasks (the required task, and the creation of it) such that necessarily one of them cannot be done, proving that an omnipotent being cannot exist. You and I CAN create impossible tasks for ourselves (like making big rocks we cannot lift), and there's no contradiction for us because we're not omnipotent. But something like the "simplicity paradox"? What does it even mean for god to be "simple"? And are you making the claim that complexity cannot arise from simplicity? Because that's not true at all. Or the omniscience paradox, which falsely conflates "feeling" and "experiencing". For any living being, feelings are just chemical reactions in their brains. God could replicate that feeling of not knowing in "his brain", without he himself having experienced not knowing something. The creator paradox shouldn't be talked about in a vacuum. It's a rebuttal for when someone says it's unfatomable for them that such complex beings like us could exist without being created, and claim that everything must have a creator. Only then can you say "so who created God"? If they claim that God has no creator, then they contradicted their own premise that "everything must have a creator", and they're trying to make you believe in something that they themselves don't believe. How can we complex beings with all our biological systems with all their flaws must be created, while a "perfect being" like God wasn't? Any way you cut it, the religious must also believe something can come from nothing, vindicating the atheist position of creatorless existence (God for the religious, the universe for the atheists).
@Mr.Explained1 3 ай бұрын
thank you very much for your argument