How AI Imposes Itself | Jonathan Pageau
Religion is Coming Back
2 ай бұрын
@throwthenetdocs Сағат бұрын
Guys saying words.
@guanabacoaguajiraguanabaco3280 3 сағат бұрын
After becoming protestant, I always felt guilty that I did not like most of the contemporary Christian music. Listening to Sarah Brightman or Enya provided me with more religious experiences than anything I would hear in Church. I feel vindicated 🥲
@brendantannam499 3 сағат бұрын
Would kindness be enough or do we need a doctrine behind it?
@plantnovice 3 сағат бұрын
7:40 towers are the manifestation of a pattern
@Clodas13 3 сағат бұрын
I firmly believe God the Father, parenting humanity, has let our physicalist egoism run rampant so we could collectively get it out of our systems…like a father allowing a willful teenager to run wild until everything comes crashing down…unfortunately ⅔’s of humanity won’t make it. So yeah, I think we’re leaving an age of hedonic material nihilism as in a wild-child teenager does and matures into a young adult.
@dornie_donko 5 сағат бұрын
The veil will lift, then the cataclysm will occur
@deusvult9372 5 сағат бұрын
Exactly, we are in the state of shifting the old world order. The orthodox narrative was simplified version of the truth. There is a hidden hand guiding humanity into higher state of consciousness. The church age is over. You have atheist trying to create science dependency and the new age, aliens. All these different ideologies, reflecting the state of the first century, when the new covenant created a new order. Trust in Christ.
@Wondwind 5 сағат бұрын
Unpopular notion. The Old Testament is demonically influenced and the people they are writing about were definitely suspicious.
@Wondwind 5 сағат бұрын
Maybe, but most people are just walking away from what they see.
@badmen1550 6 сағат бұрын
The re-enchantment also seems to be reviving a Promethean, Luciferian type of impulse
@DeMarisM 6 сағат бұрын
Those who believe in their illusions, will die by them. - Frank Herberth
@Saint_nobody 6 сағат бұрын
The Book of Mormon is real and it is good. 🙏🏻
@RunninUpThatHillh 7 сағат бұрын
Comment section has some crazies today I see.
@ridethebeastwithinyou 7 сағат бұрын
Its called "The Reappearance of the Christ" the age of Light is here!! however, it is the darkest hour before Dawn!!
@E1DOLHANZ 8 сағат бұрын
What is the significance of Woman being created from a rib? My joke is that the ribs are a cage, that the heart cannot escape.
@Ephesians_6_12 8 сағат бұрын
@oekmama 9 сағат бұрын
A few people throughout history have “lifted that veil” and look what we got: Marxism, feminism and the sexual revolution, just to name three things churning through society.
@skoog5600 10 сағат бұрын
blah blah blah
@skoog5600 10 сағат бұрын
blah blah blah
@jayjaychadoy9226 10 сағат бұрын
One of my favourite podcasters just took a substsnce and now is beginning to relay his experience. I'm disappointed that he no longer has his virgin, so to speak,mind. Why do I think that? It's not my problem? So why? Well, before my son died by suicide he was smoking lots of weed each day and taking mushrooms, both likely so he could sleep. He did have whiskey two days before dying. He had been living with a woman who stated she admired all religions, but was raised Hindu, kind of Ekart Tolle type thinking. She had 2 pieces of artwork of Godesses on her wall, and they'd, she and my son had done yoga together. She was sending money back to India for her brother's wedding, and she made enough monthly to do so. It was during lockdowns in 2021. My son had to drop a 20 year career as they closed his business down, and I was happy he was checking out his spirituality again. He was baptized at 12 and received Christ at the same time. Maybe the weed and mushrooms helped to bring him back, safely. About a month before he died he sat us, his family, all down, and told us, his dad, sister, and me how he had done some bad stuff. I asked him if he killed someone, and he just guffawed at me, like saying Mawm no. I hadn't made a joke, I wondered what made him confess to all of us at once. Next time we talked he said he was thinking about suicide, that his dad and sister didnt believe him, and that his partner was playing the immigrant card. I said, let's talk on Monday after they finished moving. He died on thatz day. He's never tried before. I got a message that day, alright, in the form of a wall. I think he used a small bit of mushroom daily, plus weed, plus alcohol maybe once every two weeks or, so. I think those items put him over his top. They did help his spiritual life when there were minimal challenges, but with shut down of work, and career, and a betrayal by his partner the mushrooms, weed, and alcohol were not enough on his way back to God, or were they? My belief is that he is in heaven, but we all miss him so much. My son talked to his partner about how he thought he had a concussion, as he played tons of soccer in his life. We don't think he had covid, but may have had. Because he suicided they did not do an autopsy. He also said he let his dad down because he couldnt fix him after his brain anneuryism. His dad loves him so much but was brain injured himself. My son helped him a lot but I guess it didnt translate. All in all it's my sense that the mind altering substances are not a substitute for the real relationship with God. He was a contentious, reliable, focused, and caring man. His clients loved him, and sent money, flowers, and accolades. He was well loved. I miss him so. Thanks for letting me explain.
@flyingscotsman6835 10 сағат бұрын
I’m just going to shorten what he says, he means, yes Jesus resurrected but he resurrected through the brining together of all things into the new convenant (bringing humanity back into the possibility of attaining their status that they had in Eden) but the ressurection is physical but there is a difference between a simple raising back from the dead and Jesus kind of resurrection. This stems from the idea that it’s a new body, Jonathan pageau is simply saying yes it’s physical but the kind of physical resurrection given by god that we can’t understand. That’s the summary of it
@10.6.12. 10 сағат бұрын
What is this all about??? What are you pushing ???
@jayjaychadoy9226 11 сағат бұрын
I love the image of this eye, particularly the colors.
@Tom-ye5dn 11 сағат бұрын
I still dont understand the god and Jesus thing, I want to but cant seem to experience it.
@oekmama 9 сағат бұрын
Find a church near you and ask if you can join a Bible study. Read through with people who can answer your questions.
@theomnisthour6400 11 сағат бұрын
Christ is not God unless Christ IS God. The real Messiah can only be a perfected incarnation of God and his son only be the new Melchezidek, the perfected incarnatiin of Archangel Michael
@Hyberlol 14 сағат бұрын
If people could just get over the traditional social memes that cause them to react a specific and particular way.....teach them to despise others in specific situations. Teach them to look the other way in particular instances etc and just STUDY the Bible without preconceived ideas and accept what It Says not reject what they don't want to or cannot accept or believe.....then the avenue to Truth would likely open up for them but that's the funny thing about Truth.....unless your searching for It with your entire heart and Intellect.....and unless you have the courage to accept some things you may not want to will have a very difficult if not impossible time finding It. The Gate is narrow. Most people just will not believe what they don't want to believe no matter how much proof you supply them with. No matter how rational the argument.
@Mercyme57 15 сағат бұрын
In what way should we understand how eating from the tree instigates their/our “death”. Is this the awakening of self-consciousness, a moving away from an original state of God-consciousness..?
@Reiman33 15 сағат бұрын
The veil is indeed lifting. Tribulation follows tho...
@izetteroos6888 15 сағат бұрын
That is why we as Christians have received the Holy Spirit and why we are put under so many many tests so that we might learn to listen to His voice and become spotless through dying to ourselves and going through some fires as training in order to withstand this spiritual onslaught. If we keep our eyes on God we will be more than conquerors. We will inherit the earth
@whitemountainapache3297 10 сағат бұрын
Don't be so bloody foolish. When THEY come back, your allotted role in life is to be perpetual sacrifices. That Is why You are called SHEEP.
@Green.Country.Agroforestry 17 сағат бұрын
There is one lesson on the path to liberation where no one can complete, except for the example of Jesus on HIS cross. There are many excellent and worthy guides, from all cultures and traditions, but in order to break free, HIS lesson is the only one that works. I won't knock the practices of Buddhism, or the way the Sufis address the nafs and remove them .. these are excellent tools, and fortunate for the cultures that have them. Sometimes, if a person mistrusts their own culture due to early trauma and misplaced angst, they may still find a path to freedom in another culture .. but those are very challenging journeys, and fraught with peril - I should know, I undertook such a voyage. Hi, My name is Jason, and you know my story .. well, at least part of it, because I only followed half the legend - instead of losing everything and becoming bitter, I gave everything away, including my hate .. so I could trade the kingdom of my earthly fathers, mine by birth, for a better one: The one offered by my Brother, Jesus, in service to the True King, who is God Almighty. As far as the voyage, the dragon, the mighty men of the age, and the prize? Well, truth is stranger than fiction, but no less amazing, when you live and walk in it. Guys, I cannot WAIT for the party to get started. Clean garments! See you there! 🔥💜
@11-AisexualsforGod-11 17 сағат бұрын
They try to believe in the climate change austerity religion only for you right wing money grubbers to attack them on their lack of critical thinking.. Shame on you pragmatic opportunists
@MACTRUQUE 17 сағат бұрын
We are looking down a dark path because people like Jonathan Pageau refuse to actually decrypt symbology, or are charlatans and do not actually know some of what they are talking about: symbology comes from MEANING not INTERPRETATION, and Ive found most of this work to be philosophical and not very enlightening. This advertises to the adept that you dont have the answers you claim.
@user-we2qv1cx6x 13 сағат бұрын
@timothyblazer1749 17 сағат бұрын
The veil of corruption is being lifted. The Church is a part of that.
@Tom-ye5dn 11 сағат бұрын
Yeah the wheels are definitely falling off this wacky cart we are riding 🎉
@AttlasAllux 19 сағат бұрын
How can a Christian symbolist speak of the veil being lifted at this time and not mention the Apocalypse (Revelation)? There is a crisis of DISCERNMENT, which is a quality of free consciousness. Love is severity and mercy in balanced measure applied unconditionally with infinite wisdom. Too many people nowadays (thanks mostly to the New Age, but some evangelical Christian sects are also to blame) are attracted to, testify about, and evangelize for the mercy side of the equation (ecstasy, revelation, etc) and too few make mention of a full 50% of the equation of Divine Love... SEVERITY. And, of course, everyone wants to be "red pilled"...they want magic bullets, quick-fixes, not understanding that spiritual awakening and Self-realization of the Being is a lifelong process. So they turn to all manner of faux 'awakenings'...from psychedelics to evangelical service 'ecstasy'...believing their beliefs about themselves as "awakened, enlightened, ascended, saved, chosen, blessed, etc." have been validated because they had an "experience." Christ died on the cross and descended INTO HELL before he resurrected on the third day. SEVERITY and mercy. Too few comprehend that ANY great exaltation MUST be preceded by a great HUMILIATION. People don't want to hear that because it is antithetical to the ego of PRIDE. And as we all know, MYSTIC PRIDE is the #1 affliction infesting the so-called "spiritual aspirants" in this day and age...the notion that this mortal vessel and personality that is on loan to us from mechanical nature can "ascend" into the supernal worlds. That is like saying Mario can leave the Super Nintendo. At the same time, these so-called "spiritual seekers" ignore their Monad, including their Innermost Intimate Christ (the "Player" of the Super Nintendo; the one who can persist in the supernal worlds). The Revelation of Triune Human Beings made in the image and likeness of God is only just beginning.
@SEIGNREUR7 19 сағат бұрын
Introduction (1/2) Every knee will bow before me and every tongue will swear an oath, only in the LORD will they say of me, that are acts of justice and fidelity. I came into this world with a blindfold placed over the eyes of my spirit. I had to experience all the human errors and get rid of them like many others. After a certain time, freed from this blindfold, I was able to recognize my origins and thus recognize myself, just as I was able to clearly discern my mission. I had to confront humanity on earth, in order to tear it away from the path it has followed until now, by revealing the truth to it. Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. Work of God ========== God's Artwork The Work of God is the fulfillment of all the prophecies that have ever been made, under the sun. It's an artwork of such magnitude that you wouldn't have believed it. if we had told you about it. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was turned towards God and the Word was God. Everything that was made was done through him and nothing that was made was done without him and the Word became flesh. Listen to me, my people, I am the First and I am also the Last, before me no God was formed and after me, there will be none. Behold, I make all things new.
@27.vs.Entertainment 20 сағат бұрын
Whos to say that people learned in Scripture cant use psychedelics in strict discipline of prayer and reading, calling upon Christ, cant have a positive interaction with the spirit of Christ while under psychedelics influence? Someone who does have discernment to counter evil spirits? Its ignorant to "assume" psychedelics can have NO positive use in a Christians life!
@erri4433 18 сағат бұрын
Does your church Father say its okay to explore on your own?
@RevJack-bz7ew 15 сағат бұрын
@@erri4433 Mine did and he was right. Of course these things are powerful and can be abused. But there is a long history of positive use in the past, and in modern times as well. Look up the Good Friday Experiment, one of many showing positive spiritual effects, in this case involving divinity students.
@nancybaumgartner6774 11 сағат бұрын
If a child came to you for help and counsel , would you encourage the child to take psychedelics so you can have an enriched interaction?
@sdud1801 20 сағат бұрын
After years of struggling to fully understand the Christian worldview and discover the truth, the Holy Spirit has changed me for. Desires that had enslaved me for decades instantly faded away and continue to lose their grip on me day to day as I walk and trust our lord. This change was miraculous and certainly not my own doing. All I did was cry out for help from the bottom of my heart.
@amymellor8602 7 сағат бұрын
Me too praise be to God ❤
@peterstocker8864 20 сағат бұрын
Anyone following mainstream media is in a simulation
@Will2Wisdom 21 сағат бұрын
Are you aware of my channel? I shifted our reality back in April, through the sun. KZfaq took down the video.
@arkology_city 13 сағат бұрын
I am censored as well. Anyone who has the potential to change the course of history is. It is bullshit
@RunninUpThatHillh 7 сағат бұрын
@SampsonAndBeasley 21 сағат бұрын
I said this very thing today, “the only difference between an angel and a demon is alignment toward the good.” Do you think that’s accurate or sufficient? Great conversation, Thanks! ❤
@AphraelPilotson 15 сағат бұрын
I hope that it is.
@outoforbit00 21 сағат бұрын
In these times, many come to Christ through chastisement.
@ExecutiveZombie 21 сағат бұрын
@tome2294 23 сағат бұрын
Any opinion on the spiritual experiences of Emanuel Swedenborg? He wrote extensively on his spiritual experiences. I can't make up my mind on him.
@lookupEdwardBernays 21 сағат бұрын
I think he was speaking in allegory
@tome2294 20 сағат бұрын
@lookupEdwardBernays if you mean Swedenborg was speaking via allegory he was not. He spoke of actual spiritual experiences spanning decades.
@lookupEdwardBernays 17 сағат бұрын
@@tome2294 well that's the story, but it could have been disguised that way
@cmaslan Күн бұрын
maybe atheist whould take part while still being atheist by not calling god god but instead calling the logos some sciencetific name and having a pragmatic faith of protection and utility.... while still being strict and understanding.
@Mercyme57 Күн бұрын
The normalisation of the occult…teach you children well.
@Mr0rris0 Күн бұрын
Ya just get a new veil Hows this help the rare red heifers bust out of delphi Seems like rounding up rh negatives to me... All this.... what a favor to the pagan magis billiard baal game... Put this under someones vid about thumbellina.. Other posts eluded to a tangent about eunuchs/enoch/hermes 20% survival rate pushing their price higher than a concubine but a caged ginger neanderthal hybrid thats assimilated and gender bent with too much yang is a magician of hate and pinnacle of antisocial pathology, your red queen.... Look it's Persephone aphrodite... Mario even. Umm.. aphrodite for Rome maybe Persephone for greece but plato was down with the magus artemis dionysus stuff. Friend of the magi So before thus spoke Zarathustra style zoroastrianism there was pagan magi zoroastrianism that held death spirit kidnapped isis the star ishtar asher and took her to hell and stole her power and like shape shifted into her. So they wrote in future beef into the story of their religion being captured It's gotta be strategic. So they can argue new age is the devil. Story behind everyone's story also says death kidnapped and shape shifted Into Allah the moon So they wrote in future beef with the abrahsmics that are all magically trending toward el eloheim was an alien... Metaphor and allegory come to life in some sense Look at the whole dems vs maga thing. Seems to them Goomba is coming for the green party. Has more to do with the business cycle technology demographics and fiscal trends but still... Ma ga in mycanean greek means mother earth. Gaia. Who is also Persephone ishtar isis Now what. More bullshit and more veils Becuase everyone is useless actually. You cant mean shit like this.... Its all just sales......
@2ndSonofGod Күн бұрын
And yet these 2 are also inauthentic in that they would believe that they have free will.
@willolol3353 Күн бұрын
Psychedelics are tools, 🔥
@Mr0rris0 Күн бұрын
You were given what you have This vantage point this consciousness level Omniscience makes you a tool if it's not for you baby boy.
@Mr0rris0 Күн бұрын
Chances are self trashing narcissists further insulate themselves in a wholly self generated solipsism Narcissism is one living in a simulation already Everything you think narcissism is is really a symptom of their made up mind not mapping to the world and they do their thing and folks have to meet them where they are willing to have reality like a dog that won't look for the laser dot anymore. So you got you whole bird brain pulling for you now so just wait for that dot puppy That's how it works ya Your not alone. Right.
@Mr0rris0 Күн бұрын
Let's say psychedelics we're made for 20 people Through all of history they are spread out and some generations have a person that they were meant for. Why is that you? Why is that for Jim Bob or chaz. Oh how lucky for them. But they would be tools if they weren't the 20 people. You see how ate up this is?
@Mr0rris0 Күн бұрын
Tool for the German company that put 10 million into the Netherlands to mill some academic papers months after the pandemic to go with your better help. And they even took out the vitamin kingpin Alex jones who would have banked on this cluster fuck
@Mr0rris0 Күн бұрын
@zaicer Күн бұрын
Where was the church when it was time to get ready for this experiences? Too late now fellas, cat is out of the box
@RunninUpThatHillh 7 сағат бұрын
"Jesus is still moving things in the right direction, but it's in spite of our religious grasping of what's going on"
@maxtroy Күн бұрын
I was going to say that the roots of post enlightenment materialism go deep in my (millennial) generation. But I don’t think that metaphor quite captures the magnitude of the problem. My (our) entire framework, in essence our reality IS one of pure post enlightenment nihilistic materialism. It’s all there is to so many of us. It’s the model that kept us alive when we realised our parents, the society and the culture had abandoned us. It works with what’s at hand. This object, that object, just use what’s at hand to get though to tomorrow. A leads to B leads to C. It’s so simple and effective if all you need to do is get through to tomorrow or next week. Why bother if we’re nihilistic? Because we were young at the time, there was still novelty to be experienced with the passion and vigour of youth. But once you reach middle age having lived a life like this, and your youth and sense of novelty for your hedonistic existence has faded, you’re weary, the drugs just don’t work any more. Yes you can suffer to get through to tomorrow or next week, but why bother? It’s so difficult to see the reality of anything outside of that paradigm once you’ve reached that point. Everything outside of it simply seems “immaterial” and not real. I used to smugly believe I was empowering myself and safeguarding my future well being by constantly improving my materialist framework. New structures, new rules, new layers of the infinite onion of reality peeled back. But the truth was, underneath the smug exterior was a person experiencing constant death anxiety. Really it was a frantic exercise in trying to get through to not just to next week, but the next month, and hopefully the next year. It was only when I became so existentially depressed that I was even willing to consider there could be another valid way of looking at the world. I’ve been following JP for years at this point. I decided to follow his example and “live my life as if God exists” (to the best of my childish understanding). Mainly through listening to my conscience and following traditional wisdom. Recently I started going to church. A lot has changed, I’m in the longest relationship I’ve ever been in, I have children now, and it’s amazing. A classic disciple of JP story I’ve heard over and over (which is wonderful btw). But I’m still struggling to truly accept that reality IS patterns, rather than material stuff. I actually agree on an intellectual level that pattern is more real than objects. But at this point in my life the framework that kept me alive is so well entrenched, I still end up seeing everything through it anyway. It’s almost like the lifelong anorexic who knows they’re now healthy and a normal weight, but still in the mirror they see an obese person. Also those at my church, the other Christians have a primarily post enlightenment materialist view of God and Jesus. I wanted to find people who had a more metaphysical higher (patterned / hierarchical) conception and faith in God, but their way of thinking really reminds me of my way of thinking. And I don’t want to really get into what I’m trying to believe, because I don’t want to harm their faith by explaining why I can’t believe in that way. One of my good Christian friends actually said to me when I asked him why Jesus was the son of God and why this person had the power to redeem us was, and I quote, “the cold hard facts of his existence”. He then recommended me a book “proving” this reality by methodically analysing all the eye witness accounts of the life of the man called Jesus. This honestly made me feel quite sad and like I couldn’t find any common ground with him as his metaphysics were the same as mine, it’s just that my standards for evidence of a materialist reality were stricter than his. Is there a church for reformed post enlightenment materialist atheists?
@lookupEdwardBernays 21 сағат бұрын
Have you considered Iain McGilchrist's The Matter with Things?
@davida.taylor8444 20 сағат бұрын
You started going to church as an atheist? You gave a great explanation as to why bc you want to live as if God exists especially to battle the nihilistic view of our age. I'm curious what church/denomination you attend. I can see the value of attending, but myself having grown up in church, I can easily see how your perspective will differ from a regular church-goer bc they likely haven't given reality the philosophical thought that you have. Plus, it sounds like your interest really isn't in Christ per se but rather in empowering yourself to live beyond the vulgar patterns this age provides. While that's a noble goal in my eyes, I'm not sure that too many Christians are equipped or interested in that and may talk to you with apologetics for the faith rather than the deeper meanings it sounds like you want. I partly say that also out my own sense of missing church since I left but also encountering Christians who had no clue about my perspectives and questions, so my apologies if I'm projecting too much.
@RevJack-bz7ew 16 сағат бұрын
I was trained in a Gnostic Christian church. They were very traditional as far as their sacramental practice, but they were not as concerned with correct belief as they were with "Gnosis" which is the kind of knowledge that comes from the experience of God. So I would say, use your church and spiritual practice (like prayer) in a more poetic way. Find the kind of inspiration that opens your heart to God and that peace that passeth understanding, and then if you are still interested, theology can find its proper place.