@rubiesquivel1318 45 минут бұрын
Well, there's a reason why noeul didn't make it as a kpop idol...
@michellewaddleton2583 4 сағат бұрын
You have to admit that Sheesh song was soooo bad and embarrassing for James
@MariaGarcia-vh9np 4 сағат бұрын
First of all, Noeul can sing. He did a great job singing with the guy from The Masked Singer Thailand. Maybe that particular song wasn’t the best fit, but he's bilingual and sings beautifully in both Korean and Chinese. When he and Boss perform acoustic versions, they sound amazing. Noeul can definitely sing, though I'm not sure about the other two.
@stardrummie 5 сағат бұрын
Why do BL actors have to have concerts, why all the concerts? Can't we have a fan meet without the concerts? Is it necessary for the BL actors to dance, act and sing? the series or films do not require dancing and singing but acting, I am sure the flier or advertising did not ask for singing or dancing unless it's a dancing or musical film. It must be tiring and frustrating for the actors to be on stage constantly.
@BoysLoveNerd 4 сағат бұрын
maybe to generate more revenue for the company? I don't know when it all started but when I started to become a bl fan, artist under gmmtv were the one's I saw doing this fanmeets and concert thingy and it's actually quite uncomfortable to watch as you can clearly tell who's good and not from their stage performance
@stardrummie 4 сағат бұрын
@BoysLoveNerd yes, that's what I'm saying. Cut out the concerts! They do not need it. This is causing the actors a lot of embarrassment and self hate for some of them. I hope these agencies, managers, and companies read the hateful comments and protect the actors
@ludoludo80 41 минут бұрын
Money , they want your money… Even some BL actors That I really only models or photo shooting models. They do BL for money, fast money, fast present, fast following on IG and Twitter.
@user-ki6fh1qs6f 6 сағат бұрын
Come on, Bright he is a good actor but not so great singer, i show u one 10 year old boy,he sing 100 time powerful than Bright, Sorry 🎉Asia Industry 🎉anyway ❤Thailand ❤Love from Austria
@ludoludo80 38 минут бұрын
I’m sorry, but he cannot act either… My guy cannot act. Let’s stop being the Lulu and lie to everyone.
@Ogr1239 8 сағат бұрын
Honestly,the only bl actor that is talanted in both dancing and singing and is capable to become an idol is Barcode,go and watch his recent performances,its super amazing,its sad how underrated he is. If you need proof check his performance of Deja vu,Standing next to you and SIREN by Riize, or if you want to see him singing check any performance of his song No more dream,which he wrote himself. Hopefully more to come. Still wishing all of them success!
@lovelyritu6759 8 сағат бұрын
They were hating gun for kissing tay while me shipping them hard.. come on guys, they has good chemistry... I really love how tay treats gun... I too like offgun but, I like taygun more
@mismismism 9 сағат бұрын
Everyone is free to go for whatever career choice they want and attacking them for shifting is not ok. That said, this forced idol things every BL actor is doing now is tired, Kpop already gets the criticism of picking people based on looks that can't sing constantly and there's no nice way to say this, a lot of them cannot sing or dance better than the average person. My thing is, if the actor was just a regular person, you couldn't see what they look like, would anyone actually listen to 99% of these BL idol songs? Absolutely not, and everyone knows it's true, the few of them that actually sing at a level to be a professional singer are as rare as a literal unicorn. So for me I don't like it because I think the person should have the skills to qualify for the job without their looks, like the majority of them are good enough at acting to not get this criticism there but so few of them are trained in singing and dancing and it badly shows. I wish these companies stopped forcing it. Only make them an idol if they actually have the skills to sing and/or dance at that level. Loads of people are passionate about music or acting or whatever and never get the chance even if they have the skills so I don't think it's unfair for people to say "Oof, this sounds bad, are you sure this is a good idea?", sometimes the truth hurts. I don't think they shouldn't get the same criticism any regular upcoming singer would get. I'm sure Bright was embarrassed but that happened because he wasn't qualified to be up there yet, the others are trained. The pretty privilege is hard to feel bad for.
@afrozaakhter3208 9 сағат бұрын
At first when i saw bl series and see their fan service i thought they were real... bcz i wasn't recognised with fan service... but when i knew about fan service than i just enjoy their series bcz i know they're just co actors
@lavoaneri 10 сағат бұрын
I am a huge huge hugeee Jeff fan but I disagree with what he said, that cannot be taken as an excuse for "SINGERS" not being about to SING! The fans paid a lot of money not to hear that kind of singing and instead of criticizing the fans they should work on themselves, Jeff is such a great singer, I understand that he is just trying to support Bright but those mistakes cannot be done in front of fans who spent lots of money to hear you sing! Maybe a little more no I mean a lot more practice is appreciated ☺️
@user-bi4yk3hr8h 12 сағат бұрын
Please remember for all of us and I mean all of us .. everything we do - all our work related experiences and some life experiences are stepping stones for future work roles - these guys are no different - they are young and searching and experimenting .. what do you expect him to at the age of 60 having lead roles in bl drama with his current bl partner .. please!!!!
@ComfortWilson-oc8ze 13 сағат бұрын
With no hate at all at any of them, I'd say, Bright needs better vocal training and so does James and a numberrrr of BL stars that sing. A vocal coach once said everyone can sing if trained, honestly she stated that one might not be as talented as the gifted singers but they would at least sound better. For me though,most BL idols can't sing. Only Nunew, Jeff , Blikin, and Maybe Banky or Fort can sing naturally. Also not every artist is a performer. Jimin BTS had trouble performing and singing,he had to work on that because he kept losing his breath. Those comments are quite harsh but there's truth in all of them. I will support them if they decide to be idols, it is never too late to archive one's dreams but they need a lot of work if they are going to make it.
@Cotton_davika 13 сағат бұрын
I that he’s with Tu
@ayala__2 16 сағат бұрын
באיזה דרמה הם שיחקו?
@killerpanda2086 16 сағат бұрын
honestly Brights biggest mistake was together. us thirsty ass beeches were simping over it and never realised he clearly never wanted to be there.
@OnyxeBlade 17 сағат бұрын
The singing was horrendous but the backlash was undeserved. People can let their unsatisfaction be known without trying to tear a person down
@tinansof 17 сағат бұрын
Sorry, I have to say I agree. All three mentioned in the video could use more training before going out to perform. Get a better team of trainers. Sometimes just because our passion is there doesn't mean the talent is.
@christyjosephcchristyjosep8806 20 сағат бұрын
Fourth is amazing singer
@Swissb6 18 сағат бұрын
Yes .. and he has the amazing stage presence ❤
@SergeDuka 23 сағат бұрын
People, actors are humans too! They are not toys made for your entertainment. Stop with this whole shipping crap. It's abuse!
@kasiagwozdz9767 Күн бұрын
@jamietkh5862 Күн бұрын
In simple prose, we've heard that Art imitates life and vice-versa. KWILLs MV comeback song its 12-yr gap, a continuation frm 2012 PD to the 2024 'infamous' NoSadSongformyBrokenHeart are both double-blow, a cruel twists infamy! MV and beautiful ballad with its deep, meaningful, sad lyrics gotten moi completely breakdwn, sobbing till eyes swollen!😭. Why? Song and its mv evoke a somewhat similar memory of 15 yrs ago. KWills PD and NSSFMBH are in reality in terms of its core story, its gist is not only relatable but in real-life events, it happened. Both MVs and songs narrated own personal queer lovestory of not knowing, naive(?) or too young to know how to handle, to respond to one's bestie's, own version of SeoInguks mv character. When your bestie expressed and show love suddenly, though own feelings unaware, unconscious buried deep, brewing inside only to suddenly be awakened realising he's the one and only except 15 yrs too late, too little and can't be undone to regain that one true lost love! Immatured and scared, confused to handle an unfamiliar first love? But then there's a 3rd party to divert one's attention to the heart's true love feeling. Ahn Jaehhyun admitted he's quite aware of SIGs feelings but probably chose to ignore or not taken seriously or like moi didn't know how to respond, but only 12 yrs later, it became a big emo-regret mistake. That AJHs last tunnel scene depicts a slow but sudden realisation (his eyes reveal the realisation). It's so relatable except will it be too late for him??? Time-loop and multiuniverse/ dimensions might be the solution for Pt3. OJeez, dont have such advantage of time loop jump in real life or else I would scour thru all multiuniverse in search of own lost-love and confessed and apologise for being such a love fool fearing to rush in where angels fear to tread cuz i aint no angel just a mortal! KWills MV haunts and hounds me by evoking painful, hurtful memories of once being in love yet denying the feeling as 'Stupid is as stupid does!' - ForrestGump. A proof, KWills mv it's not its director/producer mere created lovestory fantasy from a lyrical ballady narratives. In real life, it happens whether or perhaps a similar lovestory ending or nuances of it. Let's wait for KWills MV Pt3, though in actual life, quite wishful thoughts lostlove can be love regained, though one can wish upon the star to be reconnected!🌟🌟🌟😞
@omma5094 Күн бұрын
if im not mistaken dont you have to go through training to become an idol with a legit company. and it takes a while, how did they jump a head. did we miss a step. didnt santa try that and had to bring his happy butt right back to acting. it kinda a slap in the face to others who have given up everything to put in the work, an still might not even debut. i dont want to see james anymore, im on the fence with him. he caused problems with bailing out of a movie. wasnt it almost done. i honestly think there was more to it that hes not saying as to why his not with net. and whats wrong with gmmtv's staff. isnt there someone in these rehearsals that notice that the song is not working with the artist. are they tone deaf as well. they should be fired for letting their artist even go out on stage embarrassing themselves like that. seems these companies are that hard up for money.
@BoysLoveNerd Күн бұрын
You are exactly right. Unless you're really born with talent on singing and dancing at a young age, but still you have to practice. It's not something you can do in just a blink of an eye.
@vynguyen6019 Күн бұрын
Bright 💔Win
@blacktothepink5037 Күн бұрын
I feel so sad when i think of yizhan. The way their ship was put to an end is just heartbreaking. I truly hope they are still great friends off cam.
@user-lee00-20 Күн бұрын
😂but come one grown ass man don't kiss eachother on the lips...Or DO THEY?
@ishajac3637 Күн бұрын
Im American, and at no point in our fandom would we presume to dictate who our stars date or not. It's astronomically mind blowing that international "fans" think they have a right to dictate a performers private life! HELLO PEOPLE! *PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT* These men are *ACTORS* !! Hence the definition of the word is to "Pretend to embody the behavior and attitudes of the character that someone else has created"!! Get your heads out of your asses, get lives, and just sit back and enjoy the *entertainment* that has been presented for your viewing pleasure. Also, if you can't differentiate between reality and fiction please seek a mental health professional before you do any real harm.
@Hoshi_Yuki20 Күн бұрын
not my Noeul...😭😭😭 At least he can sing better than the two.. and his rap is not bad..
@ludoludo80 50 минут бұрын
Reality check is needed here! You can still love someone and still be able to see that they don’t have the quality they think they have! My guy needs to humble himself a little!
@heinmg3209 Күн бұрын
NJ break my heart 💔 Until now I still can’t move on from NJ ❤️‍🩹
@ravn_3512 Күн бұрын
People need to stay out of their fucking business you are just a fan you are not a part of the personal lives so stay out of it people being butt hurt about the situation between mew and tay is so disgusting you are not their friend you don't know them let them be and they're not real life couples this is ridiculous and people need to stay out of their fucking business
@connie7128 Күн бұрын
I don't like actors lying to their fans, and fan service is lying. There is no reason any actors should act like they are dating their costars "in real life", and far too many of them do it. Think of TharnType - talk about over the top fan service. Even I was starting to believe it, and I never believe any of these guys are even gay, much less interested in their costars. Most BL actors are heterosexual and many use the BL industry to launch other careers. That's ok up to a point, but I think it also means that there isn't an interest in many of these actors to bring BL characters to life to tell wonderful love stories. It's just getting a foot in the door for other stuff. Actors who over-promote their "love" for their costars get the most attention & money, but are they really the best people to tell these stories? Do they even care about the parts they are playing? This causes a lot of these so-called ships to fall apart, then it's always the fans fault. Sorry but no. It's the actor's fault along with their managers who take advantage of the desire for LGBTQ audiences to see their world represented on screen. I have a big problem with most of it.
@joyoahimijie4399 Күн бұрын
Some of these fans dy craze!!!
@deepikasuroshe3363 Күн бұрын
Waiting for new poohpavel edit❤
@KusumLimbu-hv1gi Күн бұрын
Ohmnanon broke me like no other couple can fix me😢
@PinkyRooms Күн бұрын
When i saw Noeul and James boyband line up, i kinda have some hope with Tung thatkawin for the vocal because he's a good singer when he was under starhunter ent. But for the rest i think most of them are dancer. I saw james and noeul dance and thats not bad. But this is boyband and all of them must be sing 😭 I still confuse why DMD let James left the project and focus in the boyband. But at the same time i understand why dmd only debuting Nunew and Tommy. Both of them are the most talented singer under DMD and didnt give the other any debuting. For Bright, i think most of the actor must be understand like i know he sang 2gether ost and has a lot of view. But not everyone listen to this song because of the singer but i can be someone only has nostalgia with the series or maybe just like the song. Its just my opinion and sorry for bad english 🙏🏻
@DorcasFynman-dr9ov Күн бұрын
Pooh my baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@civivva4501 Күн бұрын
I find it crazy that acting is where Thai BL actors make the least of their money as they are paid so badly. Random BL industry questions: Do BL actors from different production companies every mingle? Which actor has the best management team?
@Sakuramarina2000 Күн бұрын
Well to be honest they might not sing well but they can act well and Jeff is right they are not singing machines its not that i want bright ,noeul or any other bl actors to sing perfectly i just need to hear the clarity and stable voices and of course on key that's important to singing
@BoysLoveNerd Күн бұрын
I have to agree with you. They don't have to be the best in singing but atleast give us a decent performance that even casual listeners will enjoy
@margaretritaigba9818 Күн бұрын
If Bright's records a single, he should leave it in the trashcan of the studio.
@irmasuarez5931 Күн бұрын
Yo pienso que ellos deben ser consientes y darse cuenta si realmente tienen la voz y talento para cantar , el publico merece respeto . Jef Satur actua y canta hermoso . No solo es cantar por cantar .
@tinapiliouras4103 2 күн бұрын
Time will tell if they can succeed as singers i agree that some cant sing and naybe they stick to what theyre good at
@carolynhill7210 2 күн бұрын
You, are right on the money! They can’t sing .
@eveamuli 2 күн бұрын
But why can't their close friends and family tell them,ISTG,i know them friends feel embarrassed like we do...
@BoysLoveNerd 2 күн бұрын
this is what I'm thinking as well. Like they could have give some advice to them or something.
@finuandrea 2 күн бұрын
Most of them can't even sing.
@rubiesquivel1318 20 минут бұрын
They can't act either. One of the main reasons their series are popular is because it's basically soft p0rn. Many Thai BL series rely on that to become popular.
@gramblingnite 2 күн бұрын
Chile we all know they love a good white wash kpop esk theme plastered on all their talent so its no surprise that they'll throw talemt on a stsge sounding like nails on a chalk board by way of two cats mounting each other 😂
@LunaSylph 2 күн бұрын
Bright comes from an exceptionally wealthy family and is so bland and uninteresting as a human being! Jeff Satur is the only true singer/composer of note!
@blureader1164 2 күн бұрын
I'm not into contemporary music that much, but even I can hear that when NuNew, Satang, Jeff, Billkin, Gawin sing, it hits me differently. These are my just my preferences, but maybe people love Bright and that's okay too.
@user-vs7nv8mo4e 2 күн бұрын
@nainaiandcupcake 2 күн бұрын
Gosh I was there at The Kingdom concert my favourite song was kinda ruin and tbh. I could not get that sentence he sings out of my head it keep hunting me it was the peek part and should be most important part of the song but it was ruined. and cmon Jeff can't talk shit about other in public you know he is too nice to talk shit I mean no one (in industry)did talk about that coz if they did talk shit about singing off key stuff ya all know what will happen next.
@BoysLoveNerd 2 күн бұрын
I was actually thinking why they give that part to Bright. And if they did practice, (or rehearse) didn't they help him reach that note? Or during their practice he was able to do it perfectly but his voice just isn't in the perfect condition on the concert day? Cuz we all don't want that kind of mistake to happen. That's every singer's worst nightmare
@nainaiandcupcake 2 күн бұрын
@@BoysLoveNerd people say it wasn't enough practice but still... the rehearsal the producer should notice this they worked with 3 professional singer should easily see the difference tho.He doesn't have to sing like diva but off key this much and the breathing he didn't even do it right. this is coz of beauty privilege and 10m follower. tbh. he is one of the line up on upcoming famous musicfastival with world famous singer he better keep up with singing skills if not it would be embarrassing and ashamed.
@BoysLoveNerd 2 күн бұрын
@nainaiandcupcake yess they should have made adjustments for him if they really badly want him to be part of that performance. I also read about that beauty privilege where they let him be part of the concert because of his massive following, however they still must have done better.
@user-hn4gp9jg7n 2 күн бұрын
I really love James but I think he doesn’t have a good vocal 😢I think he needs more vocal training before he can be debut. And yes GMMTV,I think that company need to stop forcing their actors to sing 🎤 because most of them really have a bad voice 🥱and let them focused on their acting
@BoysLoveNerd 2 күн бұрын
i think they get more revenue from creating fanmeetings/concerts and also the merch they sell on it? So they prioritize it🤷‍♀️